Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Numbers- Greek, Hebrew, Latin

*The last three symbols are finals not letters.

There are 24 Greek letters but to make up for the necessary number equivalents the final "s" or  ς, called "stigma", was designated for the number 6.  For some unexplained reason it was taken as a number symbol for 6 out of the letter sequence.  Two arbitrary symbols were also added called respectively Koppa, for 90, and Sampi, for 900. All these symbols are now obsolete and are no longer included in the Greek alphabet.

Stigma (uppercase Ϛ, lowercase ς) is a ligature of the Greek letters "sigma" and "tau". The lower case stigma is similar in appearance to final sigma (ς), but the top loop tends to be larger, and extends farther to the right.

Qoppa(uppercase Ϙ, lowercase ϙ) is also an obsolete letter of the Greek alphabet and had a numeric value of 90. It has been attested in early Aeolic and Boeotian scripts, but became altogether extinct by pre-Classical times. There are two very different glyphs for qoppa: "archaic Qoppa" (Ϙϙ) used to write words and "Numeric Qoppa" (ϟ, Ϟ) used in modern Greek legal documentation. Qoppa was originally borrowed from the Phoenicians, who had q in their language. It was later imported into the Etruscan alphabet, and was eventually adopted into the Latin alphabet in its current form, "Q". It was also adopted into the early Cyrillic alphabet as koppa.

Sampi (uppercaseϠ, lowercase ϡ) is an obsolete letter of the Greek alphabet that had the numerical value of 900 when used as a mathematical character. The name "sampi" seems to come from [o]sàn pî: "like pi." Another name formerly used for this archaic letter was Disigma because of the phoneme it represented, /ss/ or /ks/.


Greek Alphabet and English Equivalent

αβχδεφγηικλμνοπθρστυ ωξψζ

In Greek majuscule (uppercase) JESUS = ΙΗΣΟΥΣ

5 is the number of "grace" in the symbolism of numbers in Scripture.  The 5 Greek words ΙΗΣΟΥΣ  Χριστοζ,  Θεου  ϒιοζ  Σωτηρ form the acrostic phrase "Jesus Christ, God's Son Savior," taking first letter in Greek from each word makes the word "fish": Iota, Chi, Theta, Upsilon, Sigma = ΙΧΘϒΣ (ichthys), FISH, which became an symbol for Christ and a secret symbol for identifying Christians.

* last 5 symbols are finals not letters.  The Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 letters.  The 5 finals were added to make up three series of 9 or 27 symbols to provide adequate number equivalents.


Hebrew - English Letter Character Equivalents

1. alephאah (')12. lamedלl
2. betבb, v13. memמm
3. gimelגg14. nunנn
4. daletדd15. samekסs
5. heהh16. ayinעah (')
6. vau (waw)וv17. peפp, f
7. zayinזz18. tsaddi      (sadhe)צts
8. chethחch19. qophקk
9. tetטt20. resרr
10. yodיy21. s[h]inשsh
11. kapכk, ch22. tau (taw)תt


In addition to the study of the symbolic significance of different numbers in Scripture is the study of the numbers formed by the letters of words or names which is known by the Greek word gematria.  This is the study of the words formed of letters of the alphabet used as number figures.  The Hebrews, Greeks, Romans, and many other ancient peoples used their alphabets for numbers.  The Hebrews used all 22 letters of their alphabet plus 5 finals.  The Greeks used the 24 letter alphabet and 3 additional finals.  The Romans only used 6 letters of their alphabet and their combinations to form numbers: I= 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500.  The number 1,000 was formed by two D's (combined to form an M like figure).  The Apostle John, writing during the time of the first great Roman persecution of Christians, recorded in the Book of Revelations that the number of the Beast was 666.  Most ancient MSS (hand-written manuscripts) of the book of Revelation record 666 as the number while others have the number 616.  Is it a coincidence that all 6 of the Roman letters which also had numerical value added together total 666 (excluding 1,000 which was not a separate letter/ number)?  Is it also a coincidence that the gematria for Neron Caesar (an alternate Hebrew spelling of the Emperor's name in wide use in the 1st century) totals 666 while the Greek spelling of Nero Caesar totals 616?  In the symbolism of numbers in Scripture, six is the number of the beasts and of man (both created on the 6th day).  Six is also the symbolic number of man's rebellious nature resisting God's sovereignty and authority.  Three is the number of perfect completion for the Jews, and for Christians the number three symbolized the perfection of the Godhead = Trinity.  Eight is the number of salvation.  It is the number of Christ, of rebirth, of the resurrection, and of the Second Coming of Jesus as Righteous judge and Bridegroom.  The gematria of the name Jesus in Greek (the language of the Old Testament) is 888:  a trinity of eights, the fullness of salvation!  As a matter of fact, every name identifying the second person of the Trinity is a multiple of 8 in Greek: Jesus Christ = 1480 (8 x 185); Lord = 800 (8 x 100); Savior = 1,408 (8 cubed x 4); Emmanuel = 25,600 (8 cubed x 50); Messiah = 656 (8x 82);  Son 880 (8 x110).

Significant numbers hidden in Matthew's Toledoth

  1. The Hebrew gematria for Abraham's name is 808
  2. The Hebrew gematria for David's name is 14 (double spiritual perfection)
  3. The Greek gematria for Jesus' name (language of New Testament) is 888 (8= salvation)
  4. Abraham's name is mentioned 7 times the Gospel of Matthew (spiritual perfection) and 3 times in Matthew's chapter 1 toledoth.  3 is fullness and completion and in NT trinity.
  5. David's name is mentioned 5 times in Matthew's toledoth.  5 is the number of grace.

Matthew's manipulation of the list of Jesus' ancestral line

Matthew manipulates the names of Abraham's descendants into 3 sets of 14 individual male descendants or as he tells us in Matthew 1:17 "The sum of generations is therefore: fourteen from Abraham to David; fourteen from David to the Babylonian deportation; and fourteen from the Babylonian deportation to Christ."  He manipulates the list to get 3 sets of 14 generations each to create 42 names of the list of the descendants of Abraham to bring attention to the link between the names and the covenant promise to Abraham and David by Yahweh. David's name is # 14 in the list and the gematria of his name is the number 14.  The number 42 also has significance.  42 divided by 12, the number of Israel, yields 3 ½.  This is a prophetic number in both Daniel chapter 12 and in Revelation.  See Daniel 12:1-13 (focus on verse 7 which adds up to 3 ½ ).  3 ½ is half of 7.  It is an imperfect number. Note: both St. Jerome and Pope St Gregory the Great wrote extensively about gematria and its significance in Scripture.  Sir Isaac Newton wrote more about gematria and numbers in Scripture than he did about the theory of gravity. 


It is now high TIME to awake from sleep! Times and watches

 Gregorian/Roman Calander vs. Biblical time

  • Matthew 27:45, Mark 15:33, Luke 23:44 – “from the sixth hour” refers to noon and “until the ninth hour” refers to 3pm

  • Matthew 20 – In verse 3 “third hour" refers to 9am/ “Sixth and ninth” hours in verse 5 refers to noon and 3 pm/ “eleventh hour” in verse 6 refers to 5pm

  • Acts 2:15 – “third hour of the day” is 9am

  • Acts 3:1 – “ninth hour” is 3pm

  • Acts 10:3 - “ninth hour” is 3pm

  • Acts 10:9 - “sixth hour” is noon

  • Acts 10:30 - “during the ninth hour” is 3-4 pm

  • Acts 23:23 - “third hour of the night” is 9pm

Jewish Night Watches: The Jewish people in the Old Testament divided the 12 hour night into three military watches instead of hours. Each watch was 4 hours long. The first or “beginning of the night watches” was from sunset (or for practical purposes, 6pm) until 10pm and was mentioned in Lamentations 2:19. The "middle watch" is from 10pm until 2am and was mentioned in Judges 7:19. The "morning watch" was from 2am until 6am and was mentioned in Exodus 14:24 and 1 Samuel 11:11. "Night watches" are also mentioned in Psalm 63:6 and Psalm 119:148.

Roman Night Watches: Rome takes over in the time period between the Testaments and rules the Jewish people. The Romans broke their number of military watches into four 3-hour watches. These were called:

  1. First Watch, also called Evening Watch – sundown, 6pm to 9pm

  2. Second Watch, also called Midnight Watch – 9pm to midnight

  3. Third Watch, also called Cock-crow or Cock-crowing Watch – midnight to 3am

  4. Fourth Watch, also called Morning Watch - 3 am to sunrise, 6am

The Jewish daytime hours began with dawn and ended with sundown, which began the next day. The hours are seasonal, so the length of the daylight hours varied with the season of the year. The Romans began their day at midnight and counted 12 hours to high 12 noon and then 12 more hours from noon to the next midnight. We keep Roman time.


After a the priests prepare the altar (Lev 1:76:1-6/8-13; Mishnah: Tamid 1:2), the first male lamb of the Tamid sacrifice is brought out and tied to the altar at dawn (Mishnah: Tamid 3:2-3:3)
The twice daily communal sacrifice of the Tamid is the focus of religious life for the covenant people (Ex 29:38-42Num 28:4-8). It is the only sacrifice other than the Feast of Fristfruits or the Sabbath that requires a single male lamb for the liturgical service. The Sabbath requires a male lamb in addition to the Tamid lamb for each of the two Sabbath services (Num 28:9-10)
The incense is offered in the Sanctuary and the first Tamid lamb is sacrificed as the Temple gates open [Mishnah: Tamid 3:7; Edersheim, The Temple, chapter 7, p. 108]
It is the time for the communal "Shacharit" (morning) prayer service (Acts 2:15) at the start of the 3rd hour. Individual morning prayer may be recited until noon (Mishnah: Berakhot 4:1A; Acts 10:9)
The second lamb is brought out and tied to the altar at high noon. [Mishnah: Tamid 4:1]
The second Tamid lamb is given a drink from a gold cup and remains near the altar until the time of sacrifice (Ex 29:41Mishnah: Tamid 3:4; 4:1G; Josephus, Against Apion, 2.8[105]).
Individual afternoon prayer lasts from the sixth hour (noon) to about the eleventh hour (5 PM), the length of the time from when the second lamb is tied near the altar to the conclusion of the afternoon service (Mishnah: Berakhot, 4:1C; Acts 10:9).
The second Tamid lamb is sacrificed [Antiquities of the Jews 14.4.3 (14:65); Philo Special Laws I, XXXV (169)]
3 PM is the second hour of prayer [Acts 3:110:9] "Minchah" (gift-offering); also called the hour of confession.
The afternoon liturgical service is concluded with the burning of the incense (sacrifices of the two lambs is embraced by the burning of the incense, making it a single sacrifice) and the priestly benediction (Mishnah: Tamid, 6:3-7:2; Num 6:24-26).
Michal Hunt, Copyright © 1991 revised 2012 Agape Bible Study. Permissions All Rights Reserved.

Notice that according to St. Mark, Jesus went to the cross at the third hour, which in Jewish time corresponds to our 9AM [Mark 15:25], and according to the Gospel accounts He gave up His life at the ninth hour, our 3PM.

The Jewish day began at sundown. The daytime was divided into 12 seasonal hours, but the day division of hours was focused on the schedule of the Tamid sacrifice.

Ma'ariv or evening prayer began at sundown [hours of prayer see Mishnah Berakhot]. According to the Jewish Book of Why, volume I the Ma'ariv is a later addition, instituted after the destruction of the Temple in AD 70. The Jewish Talmud records the late addition of the Ma'ariv service which is not connected with the sacrificial system. [Jewish Book of Why, volume I, page 148].

Twelve-hour night time division
(Roman night watch division was adopted after Roman occupation began in 63 BC)

The end of each watch was signaled by a trumpet signal as Jesus noted in Mark 13:35:
So stay awake, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming: evening, midnight, cockcrow or dawn.


Sundown to 9PMFirst watch
9PM to midnightSecond watch
Midnight to 3AMThird watch *
3AM to sun riseFourth watch

*  A trumpet call, known as the cockcrow signaled the end of the 3rd and beginning of the 4th watch.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Jewish/Hebraic roots- We are one with Jesus!

 Do you have a Jewish heart? (hebrew4christians.com)

New Covenant Judaism (Torah-observant Messianism ) is not a Judaizing movement trying to teach or impose the Law upon anyone for salvation. The Torah was never designed to give you salvation. Torah can’t give you salvation, it is only there for correction, protection, and direction! This is why Rabbi Sha’ul said that "Torah is your schoolmaster"16 and "it identifies sin".17 Gentiles who became Believers were considered united with the Commonwealth of Israel (grafted-in).18 Gentile converts were members of a new Judaism, the New Covenant Body and their faith was Torahobservant Messianism. This is where the anti-Semitism becomes virulent and extremely hateful among "Christians". They are opposed to the New Covenant Church being called a Jewish Assembly (Church). They hate the name "Jew" or "Israel" with such animosity; they refuse to accept what Sha’ul wrote in Rom 2:28-29 about Gentiles who were now considered Spiritual Israel.


Saturday, August 27, 2022

The Bride Makes Herself Ready- Revelation 19:7;9- Into the Wilderness I am!


Isaiah 61:10 
I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.

Joel 2:16
Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.

Isaiah 62:5 
For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.

John 3:29
He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.

As born again believers, we are betrothed and espoused to Christ. He is our bridegroom. 

The Bible as a whole compilation, is God's redemptive love story and passionate zeal for us- what love yea, what zeal yea, what everlasting consolation He gives to us. God's love is to be experienced while here on earth, so that we prepare our hearts to receive Him for all eternity. 

I saw something yesterday, that said "our lives here are short, but eternity is forever so we have to prepare for eternity during the time we are given" or something and it's so true!

Saying "yes" to Jesus, is never a one time thing. We go on in our walk, to mature believer's in Christ. Once one has truly tasted the goodness of the LORD, you are to never put your hand back in the plow or look back like Lot's wife... but sometimes we are stubborn and even in our stubbornness, God so loves us! Yes! That should never give us license to sin, we are under grace not any law other than to love- 

In the book of Esther, prior to receiving the kingdom Esther prepared herself for 12 months of beauty treatments. 
Esther had to leave her home to be selected as Queen.
Ruth had to leave Moab 
Revelation 19:7
Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

wife- Greek- gune 
γυνὴ (gynē) — 73 Occurrences

Bride - Greek- numphe
Strong's Concordance
kallah: daughter-in-law, bride
Original Word: כַּלָה
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: kallah
Phonetic Spelling: (kal-law')
Definition: daughter-in-law, bride

Song of Solomon 2:10

“My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.”

The Father has sent the Holy Spirit to invite the compromising church to separate from ungodly environments, yes even people, and any comfort we may have in this world to prepare for our eternal destinies.

Revelation invites us, and reminds us we must overcome these things to prepare ourselves ready for Jesus.
1.) the loss of our first love
2.) Trials and tribulations
3.) Compromise with the world
4.) Influence of Jezebel
5.) Spiritual Slumber/ Apathy
6.) Pride, Self-satisfaction, indifference
Pursuing intimacy with Jesus, maturing as an overcomer, and growing in power and authority are essential dimensions of being made ready as a worthy bride for Jesus.
We put off our old selves, and put on Christ's righteousness and His garments. We must desire and aggressively seek God's grace. We must desire change, pray for change, and aggressively make changes in our lives. 

The Song of Solomon depicts Christ as the Bridegroom and the Shulamite portrays the individual believer as the bride of Christ. The three major seasons that we will look at are 1.) The initial awakening to love
2.) The period of being established in love
3.) The wilderness of preperation

Jesus is filled with joy, delight, and happiness. We have been created by God to pursue pleasure. We have been created to enjoy, to delight, and to be satisfied. But only delighting in the Lord can we find the deep and lasting satisfaction that our hearts crave. 

It is in our wilderness, that Jesus produces in us fire-tested faith, mature love, and complete obedience. 
Narrow is the pathway for the bride of Christ, but we are complete in Him and as we come to Jesus daily, He truly gives us rest for our souls. True rest is found in coming to a restful God. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, and our Prince of Peace. The Holy Spirit reminds us in our wilderness, to "be still and know that I am GOD." (Ps. 46:10) 

Instead of trying to rush through our prayer, our morning, sit down, yea I said it! and get quiet with God to experience and enjoy His presence.

God wants our identity rooted in His love:
-At the banquet hall, the bride declares, "His banner over me is love" (Song 2:4)
-As the bride of Christ, Jesus wants our identity completely rooted in His love. When we are born again, Paul said that we are betrothed as pure virgins to Christ (2 Corinthians 11:2). 
-We can rest, knowing that we are the bride of Christ. Jesus loves us deeply and dearly- enough to die for us. 

For our love to deepen, and our intimacy with Jesus grows, we all must enter into a "wilderness" period. Moses lead the Israelites out of the wilderness, a period of 40 years. Jesus' wilderness of temptation was for 40 days and nights; yet there's many years (roughly 18) that we know less of. 
Jesus says, every tree that He hath planted gets pruned. Praise God! If you have or are dealing with the chastening of the LORD, make no mistake about it, you have a higher calling which is in Christ Jesus! You are loved by Him.

-It is in the wilderness of preparation that we really grow in bridal love for our King
-The wilderness exposes our fear of trust and obedience (Song 2:17)
The Bridegroom withdraws His presence from her, not because He is angry, but because He wants to produce obedience within her (Song 3:1).

The Father's goal for our life is to produce His love for Jesus in our hearts (John 17:26). This kind of all-consuming passion is only expressed by wholehearted obedience. If we truly love Jesus we will fully obey His voice and His word. Jesus tells us that we are to deny ourselves, pick up our crosses, and follow Him (Matt. 10:38) That means that to become a worthy bride for Jesus we must embrace the cross. What does that mean? The cross is the instrument that puts to death everything that stands in the way of our complete obedience to Jesus. Embracing the cross is about self-denial, surrender, brokenness, and humility. 
Embracing the cross is a day-by-day activity where we yield our will, purposes, pleasures, and desires to Jesus and make a fresh commitment to obey Him, no matter what the cost. We are to first submit to God, in order to resist the devil and overcome things of this world. Fully planted and surrendered to whatever the LORD's will for your life is is essential. 

The wilderness may also be a period of chastening, where the LORD is to deal with you as sons and daughters. The enemy plants lies in our minds, saying because of our past or whatever sin we may be entangled with, God doesn't love us, but that could not be further from the truth! In fact, because of God's love for us, He chastens us and disciplines us. We may feel the rod of reproof; we may see certain signs and wonders; there may be a messenger of Satan sent to us; we may heed many warnings... whatever the case is God is waking up His people- the Bible states that the veil is done away with in Christ, and whenever anyone turns or returns to the LORD, the veil is gone (2 Corinthians 3:14).

Song of Solomon 3:11

“Go forth, O ye daughters of Zion, and behold king Solomon with the crown wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals, and in the day of the gladness of his heart.”

The Bridegroom Jesus wants to deposit within His bride a vision of the wedding day so that she will have the courage to follow Him through the valleys and ravines, and away from the dens of lions and mountains of leopards (Song 4:8). 

This new revelation of the Bridegroom King will help the bride fully embrace the cross and fully obey Him because now she realizes why she is in the wilderness in the first place- she is being prepared for her wedding day. Yes, the wedding being prepared right now for us all born again believers, in Heaven. 

Myrrh, which is bitter and used as a burial spice, symbolizes trials and death to self. Frankincense or incense represents prayer (Ps. 141:2; Rev. 5:8). The bride, is making a sacred vow to embrace the cross and be devoted to prayer. 

How do you know Jesus? Just as your LORD and Saviour? Great! Now LET HIM be your Bridegroom! We have a wedding to attend!

As a Bridegroom, Jesus has deep affection, passionate love, and a godly jealous desire for us as His blood-bought bride. We are betrothed to the King of the universe. As the bride of Christ, we have an amazing invitation to marry Jesus and partner with Him forever (Rev. 19:7-8) Just like King David learned to trust God while he was running from Saul, we too must trust deeper in Christ and His full provision for our lives. In our wilderness of preperation, we learn that our LORD is powerful and reliable and just. We learn to "lean" on Him and trust Him fully. Our obedience causes God's affection for us to deepen. Denying ourselves for Jesus' sake overwhelms God with pleasure and joy. 

Amazingly, the Father wants to put His love for Jesus within us that we will be set ablaze with holy passion for Christ. In the wilderness of preparation, we discover that our destiny is to love Jesus like the Father. 

In the wilderness, we are called to be set apart. "That He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless." (Ephesians 5:27) 

To say YES to the wedding invitation and high calling in Christ Jesus, we must take Ruth and Naomi's suggestions:

- Washing- the Holy Spirit wants to cleanse us with the blood of Jesus and wash us with the water of the Word (1 John 1:5-10; Eph. 5:26)

-Anointing- Just as Ruth anointed herself with frangrant anointing oil, the Holy Spirit wants to anoint us with His power and presence.

-Clothing- Ruth put on her best clothes, and we are to put on the wedding garments, which are righteous acts leading to an overcoming lifestyle (Matt. 22:12; Rev. 19:8)

Like Ruth, let's actively make ourselves ready for Jesus by yielding completely to the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to transform us into people of excellent character that captures the heart of our Kinsman-Redeemer. Like Ruth, let's become totally devoted to our Husband, the LORD Jesus Christ!

Revelation 22:17
And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

Tradition(s) of Men

  The word "tradition" comes from two Latin words: "trans,"        (over), and "dare," (to give) and mea...