Sunday, November 27, 2022

Christ-Masse (Nimrod)- and Jesus’ birthday is NOT Dec. 25th!


We can know God and truth by reading His Word, yet even among those claiming belief, a surprising number of people continue to follow worldly rituals instead of the Word of God. Let's take a look at the origin of Christmas and what it has to do with Nimrod and Satan. 

The Ritual of Christmas 

The word "Christmas" comes from the middle-English word "Cristemasse", which comes from the old-English word, "Cristes-messe", and literally means "Christ's Mass". It doesn't take much digging to discover that this human-made holiday was created by the Roman Catholic Church as a Catholic ritual. This has nothing to do with Jesus or His birth, and it has everything to do with Nimrod and Satan. Even Jesus himself, doesn't create a holiday for his birthday, instead, he warns us repeatedly against the dangers of religion and their rituals. But let's dig a little deeper. 

"Under these circumstances, after so many thousands of people had gathered together that they were stepping on one another, He began saying to His disciples first of all, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy." - Jesus (Luke 12:1)

Pagan Sun gods 

Two thousand of years before the birth of Jesus, pagans worshipped numerous gods, including several sun gods. The Winter Solstice, on December 21st (the darkest day of the year) was the most sacred time of year for these dark pagan rituals. Rome, one of the most powerful and influential cities during that time, was particularly active in these pagan practices. We'll get back to Rome (and the Catholic Church) in a moment. But first we need to know, who was Nimrod and how does he play a role in any of this?

Who Is Nimrod? 

Before the flood, Noah had three sons and one of them was named Ham. Ham had a son named Cush, and Cush's son was Nimrod. So Nimrod was Noah's great grandson. 

"Now Cush became the father of Nimrod; he became a mighty one on the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; therefore it is said, "Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the LORD." - Genesis 10:8-9

Upon first reading this one might assume that Nimrod was a wonderful guy, but only to those who haven't read the rest of the Bible. The word "before" used here, is the Hebrew word pānîm (פָּנִים), which means to face, battle, or stand against. Even without a Hebrew translation, as we read further, it becomes obvious that Nimrod was in direct conflict against God. 

The first use of the word "became" here, is the Hebrew word yālaḏ which means to bear, bring forth, or help to be born, and it refers to Cush becoming the father of Nimrod, as we would expect. 

Interestingly, the second word "became" used here to describe Nimrod, is a different Hebrew word, ḥālal (חָלַל) which means to pollute, profane, defiledesecrate, violate, dishonor, to wound, pierce through, as if by opening a wedge. These words describe Nimrod's life but also describe the actions of the Fallen Angels, when they chose to create half-human half-fallen-angel hybrids against God's will. We know, that once the bloodline is tainted with things that are no longer fully human, they're no longer God's creation, and it opens the door to the destruction of Satan. 

The name Nimrod means rebellion, and is often referred to as "Rebel against the Lord". Interestingly, Satan is best known for his rebellion against God, that began with pride, and some of those who followed hm (known as the Fallen Angels) are part of what's known as The Great Rebellion. Rebellion against God only leads to darkness, and thus it begins with Nimrod - before his birth, placed in his name, and followed through in his heart and actions. An entity after Satan's own heart. 

Nimrod's Mother and Wife 

Nimrod married his own mother. Yep. (What could go wrong?!) Her name was Semiramis, and she was known by many names in other cultures including the names of Sammu-Ramat, Shammuramat, Ishtar, Astarte, Isis, Inanna, Diana, Aphrodite, Venus, and Easter

Nimrod's Empire 

Nimrod was powerful and became the founder and ruler of the first worldwide empire, known as Babylon. He was famously known across the world, and in other cultures he went by many names, including Saturn, Osiris, Apollo, Nirari, and Ninus. He declared himself as god and became the sun-god of Babylon, known as Baal

"The beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. From that land he went forth into Assyria, and built Nineveh and Rehoboth-Ir and Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah, that is the great city." - Genesis 10:10-11

It's interesting to note that after the flood, the bloodline of Ham are the descendants who carry the tainted, Fallen Angel bloodlines, and it's also in this bloodline where we see the return of the Satanic-created half-human hybrid giants, known as the Nephilim.

"Miriam (Nimrod's uncle) became the father of Ludim and Anamim and Lehabim and Napthtuhim and Pathrusism and Casluhim (from which came the Philistines and Caphtorim. Canaan became the father of Sidon, his firstborn, and Heth and the Jebusite and the Amorite and the Girgashite and the Hivite and the Arkite and the Sinite, and the Arvadite and the Zemarite and the Hamathite; and afterward the families of the Canaanite were spread abroad. " - Genesis 10:13-18

Notice that these same cities are where the hybrid giants, known as Nephilum, lived. 

"Amalek is living in the land of the Negev and the Hittites and the Jebusites and the Amorites are living in the hillcountry, and the Canaanites are living by the sea and by the side of the Jordan. There also we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight." - Numbers 13:29 & 33

Nimrod was certainly of the Nephilim bloodline, and perhaps even more than just another hybrid (but more on that later). 

Nimrod's Legacy Continues 

When Nimrod died in 2167 BC, his mom/wife promoted the idea that Nimrod had been a god. She also claimed that full grown evergreen trees were springing up from the dead tree stumps. 

A few years later Semiramis (Nimrod's mom/wife), claimed that she was visited by the spirit of Nimrod, who made her pregnant through immaculate conception. Obviously the immaculate conception isn't true, but we have seen spirits (Fallen Angels) impregnating women (in Genesis 6 - In The Days Of Noah) and this never leads to anything good. And we know there's still one Fallen Angel, know as Satan, roaming the earth.

Semiramis bore a son named Tammuz (also known as Thammuz, Gilgamesh, Dumuzid, Dumid the Shepherd, Dumuzi, Dumu-zid, or Horus), who she claimed to be the reincarnation of her deceased son and husband, Nimrod. This is the beginning of the belief in reincarnation in all pagan religions. This also makes Nimrod, and then Tammuz the first Christ-imposters, or the first type of antichrist. And the date of birth for the reincarnated Nimrod (now called Tammuz)... is December 25th

In order to secure her continued reign, Semiramis, devised a way of keeping the spirit of Nimrod alive. She already deified Nimrod as Baal (the sun-god) but needed Nimrod to return to the people. After consulting her astrologers, Semiramis was told that the sun dies on December 21st (the darkest day of the year), but begins to return to life again on the eve of December 25th as the days grow longer. 

Semiramis claimed that on the anniversary of Nimrod/Tammuz's birthday (December 25th) Nimrod's spirit would visit these trees (the evergreen trees that returned from the dead) and leave gifts under them. Hmm, does this sound familiar to the current Christmas ritual today? 

Mother & Child 

The pagan image of a god-like-mother with her god-child was already in place thousands of years before Jesus Christ. Nowhere in the Bible does God tell us that Mary was a god, god-like or had any traits other than fully human. God clearly warns us NOT to worship her (or any other human), angel, or any other entity besides God. 

It's easy to see that all of these stem from the same root, the roots of Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz. None of this is Christian, it's paganism infiltrating the religions of the world. The Bible is clear that the universe and all of creation is God-centricnot human-centric, and certainly not Mary-centric, with no reason for mariology, assumption, or dogma. 

Tammuz Death & Resurrection 

When it came time for Semiramis to die she supposedly negotiated a deal, that if she gave the life of someone else, she could live. So she offered Tammuz in place of herself, and Tammuz was killed by a wild boar. Distraught by this that she cried for days. Afterwards, she claimed that Tammuz was resurrected through the power of her tears. This began the annual ritual of weeping for Tammuz. Wailing women would tear their hair and lacerate their breasts during this multi-day ritual. It would supposedly resurrect Tammuz from the dead each year, before he returned again to the depths of the earth. 

Followers of this pagan ritual believed that Tammuz died each winter, visited in spirit on December 25th, and was resurrected each spring as a sun-god and the god of corn and vegetation. Semiramis declared this springtime ritual be initiated as a time to remember Nimrod/Tammuz's reincarnated resurrection, and she named this holiday after herself, one of the names she was known as, Easter. Being one of the sun-gods, they also worshipped on Sunday (instead of Saturday - which was the Sabbath Day of the Lord). 

Though hundreds of years after this wailing ritual of tears began, it was still practiced as an annual pagan ritual during the time of Jesus. It was even performed at the gate of the Lord's Temple - which Jesus, himself, declares as an abomination to God. 

"And He said to me, “Son of man, do you see what they are doing, the great abominations which the house of Israel are committing here... " And He said to me, “Yet you will see still greater abominations which they are committing." 
Then He brought me to the entrance of the gate of the LORD’S house which was toward the north; and behold, women were sitting there weeping for Tammuz." He said to me, “Do you see this, son of man? Yet you will see still greater abominations than these. Then He brought me into the inner court of the LORD’S house. And behold, at the entrance to the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, wereabout twenty-five men with their backs to the temple of the LORD and their faces toward the east; and they were prostrating themselves eastward toward the sun
He said to me, “Do you seethis, son of man? Is it too light a thing for the house of Judah to commit the abominations which they have committed here, that they have filled the land with violence and provoked Me repeatedly? For behold, they are putting the twig to their nose. Therefore, I indeed will deal in wrath. My eye will have no pity nor will I spare; and though they cry in My ears with a loud voice, yet I will not listen to them." - Ezekiel 8:6, 13-18

Notice that this ritual of weeping for Tammuz also includes the worship of the sun-god, which is the same entity - Nimrod the sun-god, also known as Baal. God will not have pity on those actively performing such abominations and satanic rituals, especially those done in the house of the Lord or under His name - which are actions aligned with Satan to provoke God. 

The Tammuz Tree 

Nimrod died relatively young and was considered by his followers to have been "cut down" like a tree. Jasher is a Biblically endorsed, extra-Biblical book that's referenced in the Bible, with the assumption that the reader has read it as well. 

"So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jasher? And the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.." Joshua 10:13

According to the book of Jasher, Shem (another of the three sons of Noah) placed a bounty on Nimrod's life, and a mighty hunter named Esau (the son of Jacob) killed Nimrod. Interestingly, Shem's bloodline is the same bloodline that Esau, Jacob, Abraham, and Jesus come through. It's also this same bloodline of Moses, Joshua, and David - who removed nearly all of the satanic hybrids/giants/Nephilim from the face of the earth. There is importance and power in the blood than most people realize. 

Enoch was a man of God, and the great-grandfather of Noah, while Nimrod was a man of Satan, and the great-grandchild of Noah. Enoch's writings provide the most detailed account of the fall of the “Watchers,” the Fallen Angels who fathered the Nephilim. While the book of Enoch is no longer included in most versions of the Bible, Enoch’s writings are quoted and mentioned by name in both the Old and New Testaments.

With this "cut down" like a tree idea, it was fitting that the pagans were ordered by Nimrod's mother and wife, Semiramis, to celebrate Nimrod's resurrection by cutting down an evergreen tree, take in into their homes and decorate it with silver and gold balls to symbolize Nimrod's testicles (remember, Semiramis was known as the goddess of fertility). 

The evergreen tree that revived from the dead was the location where, on the anniversary of Nimrod's birthday, his spirit would visit these trees and leave gifts under them. The Tammuz Tree was the idolatry and representation of the slain god (Nimrod) to come to life again, and the hope that he'll give us gifts. These pagan practices were once known as the Tammuz Tree, but after the Catholic Church's inclusion of pagan beliefs into their church these became known as the Christmas Tree

God, himself, warns us about the Tammuz Tree - which many now call the Christmas Tree - but the same ritual by another name maintains its Satanic energetic roots

"Thus says the LORD, Do not learn the way of the nations, And do not be terrified by the signs of the heavens (sun-gods) although the nations are terrified by them. For the customs of the peoples are delusion; because it is wood cut from the forest, the work of the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool. They decorate it with silver and with gold (Nimrod's testicles); they fasten it with nails and with hammers so that it will not totter." - Jeremiah 10:2-4
"There is none like You, O LORD; You are great, and great is Your name in might... But they are altogether stupid and foolish in their discipline of delusion—their idol is wood! Beaten silver is brought from Tarshish (Nimrod's cousin), and gold from Uphaz, the work of a craftsman... But the LORD is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King. At His wrath the earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure His indignation." - Jeremiah 10:6, 8-10
"Thus you shall say to them, “The gods that did not make the heavens and the earth will perish from the earth and from under the heavens. They are worthless, a work of mockery; in the time of their punishment they will perish.” - Jeremiah 10:11, 15
"I know, O LORD, that a man’s way is not in himself, nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps. Correct me, O LORD, but with justice; not with Your anger, or You will bring me to nothing." - Jeremiah 10:23-24

God tells us these things for a reason and with very strong warnings. We might want to heed God's warnings, humble ourselves and let God's word and truth direct our lives more than the continuing traditions of Nimrod and his followers. 

Nimrod's Unholy Trinity 

All the sun-gods that were formed around the pagan world after Nimrod, were all fashioned after his likeness. They used different names but were still recognized as copies of the son-god of Babylon, known as Nimrod. 

Nimrod's mom/wife declared herself to be the "moon-goddess" and gave herself titles such as "queen of heaven", "ever-virgin", and the "mother of god" (like Mary in the Roman Catholic religion), and "fertility goddess" as she had to be extremely fertile to give birth to all the pagan incarnate gods that represent Nimrod. Just as happened with Nimrod, all future female goddesses were copies of or molded after Semiramis. 

Nimrod's family, in the heart of Babylon, became the first pagan trinity rebellion against God. Nimrod became known as "god-the-father", Tammuz was known as "god-the-son", and Semiramis became the "dove" or "spirit" that held the holy union together. 

Tammuz was claimed to be the offspring of two pagan gods, the sun-god, Nimrod, and (Nimrod's mother and wife), the moon-goddess of ancient Babylon through, supposedly, immaculate conception, and was born on December 25th. The tree used in this ritual represents the slain god (Nimrod) to be reborn, and invites him to enter (as all demonic activity requires invitation), in exchange for gifts.This pagan holiday, along with its rituals, and satanic meaning, are in direct opposition to God and Jesus Christ. 

Nimrod's Tower of Babel - The Root Of Pagan Religions 

Babylon was Nimrod's main city and the Tower of Babel sat well within the range of his vast territory. Nimrod was furious with God and he set out to kill the being (God) who caused the flood, because it killed his ancestors (the Satanic hybrid giants/Nephilim). So Nimrod attempted to build a structure in opposition to God. There's too much here to include in this blog post, so I'll summarize to say that this was Satanic and God put a stop to it. 

Once Babylon (and the Tower of Babel) ware dispersed, the Babylonians were scattered abroad and spread their pagan beliefs throughout the world. Nimrod and his family's pagan beliefs and rituals are seen in almost every pagan religion around the world today. Their gods and goddesses have different names, but the principals remain the same. 

Obviously, most pagan religions are either created or influenced by Nimrod, but as we've seen with the Roman Catholic Church, even religions that claim some form of Christ, have invited, welcomed, and changed their rituals, practices, and doctrine based on the Satanic lies of Nimrod. This is exactly what Paul warned us about in his many letters to the churches, warning against false doctrines, watered-down doctrine, or inviting in Satanic influences into the churches. 

"Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them. For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting." - Romans 16:17-18
"But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep." 1 Peter 2:1

Nimrod was a rebel who allowed himself to be worshipped as a god. In the post-flood era, his rebellion became the foundation of mankind’s largest religions. Throughout history this system of false worship became known as the “Babylonian Mystery Religion.” 

Nimrod's Legacy Continues 

Nimrod wielded so much power over the pagan world that hundreds of years later, long after after Nimrod's death, Assyria was still regarded as the land of Nimrod

"They will shepherd the land of Assyria with the sword, the land of Nimrod at its entrances; and He will deliver us from the Assyrian when he attacks our land and when he tramples our territory." - Micah 5:6

Nimrod, as the first worldwide ruler, was known to everyone on the planet, and his birthday (the one of his reincarnation) on December 25th was celebrated for centuries before Jesus was born on the earth. December 25th marks the birthday of Nimrod's reincarnation, not the birth of Jesus. To confuse or merge these two is nothing short of blaspheme.

When In Rome 

To know the origins of Christmas, we once again return to Rome. In 312AD the Roman emperor, Constantine, converted from paganism to what's known today as Catholicism (which comes from the word katholikos, and means Universalism - so it's no surprise that they're a hybrid of other religions). After converting, Constantine tried to influence his empire toward Roman Catholic rituals and beliefs. But in an empire full of pagans, it was difficult for people to change their pagan beliefs. So Constantine and several of his followers merged several of the pagan holidays in order to create a single, one-world-holiday. 

The person who chose December 25th as the day for this newly created holiday, was Pope Julius the 1st. By inviting Satanic, pagan, and Nimrod-based (sun-god/Baal) worship rituals, they enticed pagans to join their so-called religious following. 

We can see the Roman Catholic Church and the current Pope perpetuating this man-created, hybrid based Christ-Mass ritual today. These rituals actively continue for pagans and sadly, extend into other religions around the world, including many Christian churches today. 

But many Christians might be wondering, but wasn't Jesus born on December 25th also? Maybe it's a celebration of both? Nope. 

Jesus Wasn't Born In December 

God goes into tremendous detail about days, times, hours and specific events, yet there's no mention of the exact day of Jesus' birth or a commandment to celebrate it annually (unlike the annual celebrations of the Seven Biblical Feasts). Obviously this is done intentionally. If it were critical for us to know and to celebrate on a specific day, in a certain way, God would tell us. I believe the Bible as a whole instructs us to celebrate the birth of Jesus every day, as a celebration of life and with the gratitude of salvation. 

The Biblical information we have points to the fact that Jesus was not born in December, nor in winter at all. An obvious clue is the shepherds.

"In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night." - Luke 2:8

In the northern hemisphere, December is the coldest month of the year. Even in Israel, the temperatures are often in the mid forties, and occasionally can drop to 30 degrees. That time of year, shepherds don't typically stay outside in the fields overnight, as it's customary to move the flocks to more protected shelter whenever possible. Of course Israel is a relatively mild climate so this can't be used as absolute proof or evidence that Jesus wasn't born in December. 

Jesus' Actual Birthday 

To calculate the birthday of Jesus, we must first know about the birth of John the Baptist. 

"In the days of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zacharias, of the division of Abijah; and he had a wife from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth." (Luke 1:5)
"Now it happened that while he was performing his priestly service before God in the appointed order of his division, according to the custom of the priestly office, (Luke 1:6)
an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of incense. (Luke 1:11)
the angel said to him, "Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your petition has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will give him the name John." (Luke 1:13) 

John's dad, Zacharias, was a priest of the division of Abijah. And Gabriel appeared to Zacharias while he was serving as a priest in the Temple. We know from multiple sources that the division of Abijah served as priests during the second half of the fourth month of the Jewish religious calendar — which puts this event in late June. (The Jewish religious calendar begins in March with Passover).

We know that Mary conceived Jesus in the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy with John the Baptist. Which makes the miraculous conception (not the birth) of Jesus in December. 

"After these days Elizabeth his wife became pregnant and she kept herself in seclusion for five months, (Luke 1:24)
Now in the sixth month (of Elizabeth's pregnancy) the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, (Luke 1:26-27)
The angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus." (Luke 1:30-31)
And behold, even your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age; and she who was called barren is now in her sixth month." (Luke 1:36) 

Being six months apart, Jesus was born fifteen months after the angel Gabriel appeared to Elizabeth’s husband, Zacharias. Fifteen months later would place the birth of Jesus in the seventh month of the Jewish calendar - which is in the autumn, either late September or early October

God's Perfect Timing 

Interestingly, and certainly not by coincidence, the seventh month of the Jewish calendar (late September/early October) is the month of the Feast of Tabernacles

And the Word (Jesus) became flesh, and dwelt among us, we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14) 

The word translated as “dwelt” is the Greek word skēnoō which literally means “to tabernacle”. When Jesus came to earth to tabernacle among men, He, of course, could have perfectly timed His arrival in that Bethlehem manger to coincide with the Feast of Tabernacles. Fittingly so, because the Feast of Tabernacles is the holiest day and the most joyous of all the seven Jewish feasts. It's the feast of thanksgiving. 

The complete meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles won't be fulfilled until the Lord returns again to tabernacle among men for a thousand years, during the Millennium. 

Interestingly, the Feast of Tabernacles is the seventh and final feast. It represents the Kingdom of the Lord, and is known as the "Face To Face". In both uses, man is honored to see God face to face - perhaps first in the flesh as Jesus, and again when He returns as King. How fitting that perhaps God's timing includes this specific festival as a way to begin things, yet it's also the lastfestival to be fulfilled as well. 

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." - Revelation 22:13 

God's timing is always intentional and perfect

This, of course, fits perfectly into His preset timeline, We know that Jesus was 33 and a half years old before his crucifixion. But if He was born in late December, this couldn't be true. We know He was crucified on Passover - fulfilling the prophecy to become the passover lamb. And if He's born in late September or early October that would be six months before Passover (which occurs in the beginning of spring) making Him exactly 33 and a half years old

The Antichrist, False Prophet & The Tribulation 

During the upcoming seven-year tribulation, there will be an entity called the Antichrist who rules the world with a one-world-governmentSounds similar to Nimrod? This Antichrist has a sidekick known as the False Prophet, who rules the world with a one-world-religion. The False Prophet is described in the Bible with descriptions that make it difficult not to see his role is clearly to invite all religions, and Satanic worship into one katholikos or universal religion. 

I imagine this universal religion forms from an already established enormous following across the planet. This one-world religion will be to distract from God's truth and point in the direction of Satan - through the use of deception meant to fool even strong believers. 

Nimrod's Return?

In June of 2000, archeologists claim to have found the tomb of Nimrod. Today, scientists are working on technology to resurrect extinct beings. One such project is a groups of genetic scientists (using CRISPR Gene Editing Technology) who are working to bring back the Wooly Mammoth, by the year 2027. There are plans to eventually have thousands of genetically modified Wooly Mammoths roaming northern Canada, Alaska, Siberia, and Antartica. This may sound like a fictional movie, but this project is backed by numerous investors and more than 15 million dollars already. Interestingly, the business plan here, appears to have no financial ability to pay back investors, so there seems to be a very different reason to invest in genetic work that can create de-extinction. This is only the beginning. Perhaps the Nephilim (re-animated from the DNA of buried giants) are next. 

People not familiar with biblical eschatology may find the idea of bringing Nimrod back to life to rule the world is difficult to believe. But the Bible tells us this (about the coming Antichrist), 

"The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction. And those who dwell on the earth, whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will wonder when they see the beast, that he was and is not and will come." - Revelation 17:8

An entity who was in existence, but isn't right now, yet they will come back, leaves a few questions. Is he raised from the dead? Well, I don't see any Biblical evidence that anyone except God has the ability to actually raise the dead (especially after several days, years or centuries). Perhaps that leaves the possibility of a genetically-engineered de-extinction process. It's also possible that the Antichrist could be the return of a deceased Nimrod who arrives through biotech or through demonic seed.

Repeating History

As interbreeding between genetically modified humans increases, altered DNA will migrate into the natural environment. When that happens (as is already occurring among genetically modified plants and animals), man-altered or Fallen Angel gene characteristics will once again be spread through the human gene pool, altering the human genetic code until it eliminates humanity as we know it (although God comes to stop us before this kills off all true humans). Thanks to the Fallen Angels, this is what happened before the Flood, and perhaps that's part of Satan's plan for the end-times as well - to create a generation of genetically altered ‘Nimrods’ to serve Satan and fight against God.

Antichrist As The Son of Satan 

The phallic symbol of Nimrod's testicles as silver and gold balls decorating the Tammuz Tree, and Semiramis being the "goddess of fertility" are two of the many sexual references. Satan fell from grace because of pride (desiring in his heart to be like God), along with those who followed him. They witnessed God create the universe, the earth, and all of creation, including Adam, Eve, and all humans as God's children. With the desire in their hearts to become like God, the Fallen Angels wanted to create their own offspring, but this time through hybrid sexual perversion that God warned them against. They saw that human women were beautiful and they lusted after them, taking them for themselves. 

"Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose." - Genesis 6:1-2

But reproduction runs deep in this story. All the way back to Satan in the Garden of Eden.

"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel.” - Genesis 3:15

The seed here refers to offspring, and perhaps specifically, a son; meaning Jesus. But if God has a son, and there is enmity between the two seeds (sons), then does Satan have a son? 

If the Fallen Angels were able to reproduce their seed in the womb of a human woman, and we know that Satan was originally an angel as well, the it makes sense that Satan could do the same thing. 

Perhaps this means that Satan has a hybrid son (like the Nephilim). But instead, unlike the Nephilim, perhaps his stature isn't the size of a giant, but meant to fit in, to go unseen and welcomed into the world, people's lives, hearts, and even within the rituals of churches. Could the upcoming Antichrist, who becomes the worldwide dictator, be a hybrid-son of Satan himself? It seems possible. If so, could Satan have done this before? Of course. There is speculation that Nimrod was exactly that, the hybrid offspring of the Fallen Angel named Satan. 

Perhaps a verse in the book of Daniel hint at this. Speaking of the last days of human government, Daniel says, 

"And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another in the seed of menbut they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery.” - Daniel 2:43

Perhaps this indicates that the same phenomenon that occurred in Genesis chapter six would happen again in the end times; where Fallen Angels' seed combined with human seed to produce some new kind of Nephilim. And perhaps the return of biological hybridization of demonic entities with humans. 

It's more than a little disturbing that man continues to intentionally set course to repeat what ancient records say the Fallen Angels did. The accelerated pace by scientific exploration against God’s Divine Order, and the subsequent revival of Fallen Angel technology leading to transhuman or revived forms of Nephilim, has without doubt pushed the end-times clock closer to midnight than most comprehend.

In The End

Personally, as a born-again Christian, I chose not to partake in the rituals of Christmas. I encourage you to look at the balls on your Christmas Tree a little differently, do your own in-depth Bible study, let the Holy Spirit convict you to what's right. Celebrations aren't a salvation issue, but continuing in our growth as Christians will forever deepen our walk, our relationship with God, and the clarity through which we see the world. The more we see it thought God's eyes, the better off our lives become. Growth and new information are always difficult at first, but the deeper you dig into God's Word, the more exciting things become! The truth will set you free!

From Nimrod, Christmas, and the Antichrist, we gain a bigger picture of Satan's plan and how his strategic deception is so convincing that it's invited and welcomed sometimes even by believers and into many churches. We must do our part to seek out and read God's word daily and deeply, so we're not deceived by Satan's very well-thought out and intricately laid plans. 

Ultimately, we know that Nimrod’s kingdoms fell—Assyria to Babylon, Babylon to Persia, Persia to the Greeks, and that God’s kingdom endures forever. Prayerfully be sure your actions follow God. Knowing God better, diving deeper into His Word, helps us know His desire for our lives. 

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