Thursday, November 24, 2022


I decided to post all of my studies along with the truths on what I have learned and found, changing my mind completely and forgetting what I had learned in the past, my repentance turned into the calling of God.

There's so much confusion within the body of Christ, on the internet I see, because of wrong or incorrect doctrine. When I tell people I don't celebrate holidays or American customs, rather I celebrate the feasts of the LORD Leviticus 23, they always ask me what religion or denomination.

Let me be very clear- I am a born again, Bible believing Jesus follower and Bible doer- that is how I can best identify myself. So why did I do it, when literally everyone around me either doesn't care, they think I am crazy or lost it, and people don't take it seriously. Let's start with a few Bible verses to show you:

There are 3 things that these unholy days actually promote, lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life; which these three things are very well supposed to be crucified amongst us. So tell me, how can you be living in the Father's will and also be doing these things?

You cannot. The Bible says, the love of the Father is NOT within those who do and love these things!

And let's get another thing clear- Christ-Mass was NEVER about Jesus; so you can't put Him in something He never was in... that also makes zero sense.

Colossians 3:6
For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:

^OBEY- #8085- SHAMA- שָׁמַע- 

to hear, listen to, obey

  1. (Qal)

    1. to hear (perceive by ear)

    2. to hear of or concerning

    3. to hear (have power to hear)

    4. to hear with attention or interest, listen to

    5. to understand (language)

    6. to hear (of judicial cases)

    7. to listen, give heed

      1. to consent, agree

      2. to grant request

    8. to listen to, yield to

Matthew 19:29
And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.

Galatians 2:15
We who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles,

Proverbs 22:25
Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul.

Jeremiah 10:2
Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

Revelation 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

If you teach your children about SANTA=SATAN HELLO-, and not about Jesus Christ, or you are ashamed or embarrassed or whatever else, you are not fit to be a parent, because the Bible says it is better to hang a millstone around your neck and throw yourself into the sea, than to cause ANY ONE OF THESE LITTLE ONES to not come to Jesus or not believe. Maybe, reader, you are the problem? 

Think about it; why do you continue vain traditions, and not hold nor value the truth? What would happen if you just stopped celebrating stupid days and actually started worshipping the TRUE GOD WHO IS JESUS? Well, let me tell you!

First, these fake holi-days promote gluttony (how many women do you hear complain how much weight they gain? over what a lack of self-control? So what, no Holy Spirit? Hmmm.. probably they don't believe and are not saved.)

What about lust of the flesh and eyes? You ask your children "what do you want for Christmas" and it teaches them that love is equated to gifts and monetary value, which could not be further from the truth. You are teaching them covetousness and idolatry; are you training them to be happy and content with just food and raiment? No, probably not... so anyone can simply answer these questions and see these fake holi-days are not from God. 

I will tell you from my experience. Coming out from among them, has not been easy. I lost everyone around me I knew. It was and is a road only God and I are on it seems like.. because the truth of the gospel will continue with me, it is written!

Last year was the year I learned Jesus' real birthday once I went down the rabbit hole... because 2 years prior I wasn't ready. I didn't celebrate last year, nor will I this year. But this year is different, because I am actually talking and sharing about it. Because I will NOT BE HERE FOR THE TRIBULATION! i AM BOLDLY WARNING OTHERS because this is the church's time to shine! Amongst a perverse and crooked generation. 

Our lives need to be a witness against unbelievers; not to harm or cause fear in a bad way; conviction is the greatest blessing we have on earth, so that we do not become condemned with the world! 

I was so tired of keeping up with people- and I was literally broke poor so I had nothing to really give. Surely those around me would understand or know that I love them without having to "buy" them anything! The FEASTS OF THE LORD actually promote peace, righteousness, patience, holiness... I don't believe any of the fake holidays do that, nor can you say that they do because IT IS ALL FAKE! YOU ARE buying into the lie of the world. 

 I did end up making a lot of homeless baggies with the gospel and hand warmers and snacks and passed them out. I also donated whatever gifts and money I was given because the Bible says it is more blessed to give than receive. So that's what I will be doing again this year, and serving to the absolute fullest. Unbeliever's do not realize that being a server is actually the greatest fulfillment a person can have because the Bible says that a servant among you shall be greatest in Heaven :). 

This doesn't make me better or worse than anyone; it makes me a soldier in the spiritual warfare I have been fighting since I was a teenager. There's things I didn't want to believe, but the truth always prevails, and there's only ONE truth Jesus Christ! 

So, this does make it very hard for me to find a literal church building following the truth. I'm not sorry, because it should be unsettling when I go into a church and the next week they are bobbing for apples and partaking in Halloween-

There's a problem, when the pastor doesn't realize nor recognize that Jesus' actual birthday isn't Christmas, but would have been Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles (some argue Yom Teruah...) which is also why it is important to study and follow the feasts in Leviticus 23 (WE STILL USE THE OT PEOPLE!!!)... BUT they want to follow the world because they have this big fancy church.... 

The truth is in us as believers. But the Bible is very clear. Ye must be born again. Only a child of God, and one who is truly born again, can see these things as a problem, or recognize a lie/fake over the truth. Our lives need to convict unbelievers, and there should be NO QUESTION on who we worship- THE LIVING GOD!

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