Saturday, January 14, 2023

Abraham Accords


Exactly 666 Days Between The Signing Of The Abraham Accords To The Signing Of The Jerusalem Declaration

Exactly 666 Days Between The Signing Of The Abraham Accords To The Signing Of The Jerusalem Declaration by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins

There are exactly 666 days from the signing of the Abraham Accords to the arrival of Joe Biden in Israel to sign the ‘Jerusalem Declaration’ paving the way for the Two State Solution, so get ready to fly!

For those of you obsessed with ballgame statistics, the latest binge-watching series on Netflix, and why Amber Heard was denied a new trial, today’s news may not grab your attention. But if you’re a student of the word of God, and a follower of rapidly-unfolding Bible prophecy, today’s your day because our cup is truly running over with the end times news coming out of Israel this week.

Now therefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong: for I have heard from the Lord GOD of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth. Give ye ear, and hear my voice; hearken, and hear my speech.” Isaiah 28:22,23 (KJB)

2024-2025 comes at the end of seven cycles of 490-years, that is, 7 x 70 x 7 years from 1406 BC when Israel entered the Promised Land and the jubilees commenced. The peace treaty is prophesied to occur at the end of the final seven years. In this case, if signed, half-of-seven-years spans from September 2020 unto March/April 2024. (Succinctly, the Muslim and Jewish civil New Year occurs August/September this year and the 360, Jewish, and Iranian New Year occurs in March/September 2024.

The “Abraham Accord”

Kushner’s peace plan seems to be working. What was once unthinkable is now a reality. (The National Interest)

This treaty occurs about 3.5 years into Trump’s presidency, (1300 full days in office). In another 1335 days (about 3.5 years) begins the 70th jubilee (of 49 years each) since Israel entered the Promised Land in 1406 BC. This amounts to 3430 years since 1406 BC.

The 3430th year ends the spring of 2024 to 2025. “3430 years” is seven  490-year cyclesDaniel 9.

In the year of jubilee, the earth is made to rest. Already the earth rests due to the coronavirus (2 Chro 36:21).

Daniel’s 70th week

The prophet Daniel refers to a covenant/accord that will be signed at the end of the age concerning a seven-year period between Israel and her enemies. This covenant will be broken in the “middle” of these seven years. (Daniel 9:24-27.) The middle of these seven years amounts to 3.5 years. The “seven years” of the covenant is prophesied to occur at the end of a 490-year cycle, (70 x 7). (Past articles already explained this in detail.)

2024-2025 comes at the end of seven cycles of 490-years, that is, 7 x 70 x 7 years from 1406 BC when Israel entered the Promised Land and the jubilees commenced. The peace treaty is prophesied to occur at the end of the final seven years. In this case, if signed, half-of-seven-years spans from September 2020 unto March/April 2024. (Succinctly, the Muslim and Jewish civil New Year occurs August/September this year and the 360, Jewish, and Iranian New Year occurs in March/September 2024.)

The Solar Eclipse Connection

The last half of Daniel’s “week” of seven years lasts 1335 days, (Dan. 12:11,12)

None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand. “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days… You shall rest… Daniel 12:10-12.

Image by Luc Viatour /

Concerning His Second Coming, Jesus said that there would be “signs in the heavens”, (Luke 21:4,5).

There happen to be “1335 days” to the North American solar eclipse in 2024 from the Abraham Accord, (Dan. 12:12). Moreover, the total solar eclipse occurs Nisan 1st, the religious Jewish New Year (April 8-9th, 2024, Jerusalem time).

Abraham Accord to be signed September 2020

Trump says the treaty should be officially signed this September at the White House. The exact day, when signed, will be significant.

Note: What is said briefly in the following does not mean that this is the very covenant prophesied in Daniel 9However, at the very least it is a foreshadowing of it.

It is a warning, if not more.

While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. (1Thess 5:3)

“1335 days” until the dark mark across the United States

The importance of the upcoming solar eclipses was already explained in earlier articles. Observe the dates and locations of the two marks (“X“).

Click to enlarge. A string of seven Total Solar eclipses, each 3.5 eclipse years apart (346*3.5). Two crisscross North America and two the Red Sea. While this is not rare (earth sees about six such strings per century), what is rare is where and how this series land. Notice that the next solar eclipse to cross North America is on April 8, 2024, the eve of religious Jewish New Year and 3.5 years after signing of “Abraham Accord” (if signed)! Jerusalem time, the total solar eclipse occurs Nisan 1st, the New Year (April 8-9th, 2024). This is exactly 1335 days from August 13th, 2020 when the Abraham Accord was announced. (See Daniel 12.)
(Click to enlarge.) God marks an “X” over the southern boundary promised to Abraham that reaches along the Nile River to the Euphrates. This image as seen here was created several years ago. Notice the mention here of “the Land promised to Abraham”, that is, the “Abraham Covenant”. (Recall Trumps “Abraham Accord”). Coincidence? Also notice that in seven years the first total solar eclipse crosses Mecca — the equivalent of Jerusalem to the Muslim world! The second pass over Medina, the birthplace of Muhamid, equivalent to Bethlehem to Christians. Also, note that the second eclipse crosses Iran. God has marked the future across the face of the whole earth. Soon I will demonstrate how that all the covenants of God in the Bible are separated by multiples of 23 years.

Meek and mild Jared Kushner and 666

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Rev. 13:18)

Kushner’s office tower is located at 666 Fifth Avenue.

2012 coin minted in the land of “Gog and Magog” bearing Kushner’s ancestral name, minted 1260 + 1290 years after fall of Babylon. Kushner/Kushnir were Furriers, skinners of beasts, (Rev. 13:1). A coin is a fitting symbol of commerce in that “No one may buy or sell except the one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Rev 13:17)

As I drove home one winter’s night (7 PM) on Jan. 14th, 2017, a week before Trump became President, the Lord whispered this in my ear: “You forgot to add up the number of his name, “Kusher”‘”.

As I drove, I counted the values of the Hebrew letters:

Kushnir   ק-ו-ש-נ-י-ר

The six letters added up to 666 in standard Hebrew gematria!


Then I recalled this verse:

Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matt. 10:26,27.

Then I told those with me in the car what the Lord had revealed.

Like father like son

I told the world and my friends about 666, but few believed. In a video I said that God had given ‘a king in His wrath’, but most were blinded, drunk on politics.

At first, I revealed the number of Kushner’s name secretly in a riddle, but soon openly. I said that these are things that will happen ‘unless the Lord holds it back’.

Click here for how Kushner adds up to 666 in Hebrew and why spelled ‘Kushnir’ and ‘Kushner’.

The Victory of Jared Kushner

This is a landmark agreement that deserves a closer look.

First, no one believed that Jared Kushner’s innovative peace plans would bear any fruit. Now, Kushner’s peace plan seems to be working. What was once unthinkable is now a reality.

Second, it shows the power of the new rising generation, both in America and in the Middle East. (National Interest)

Kusher said…

I have been working on this very closely with President Trump over the last three-and-a-half years.

Like Christ, Donald Trump also has an interesting heritage on his mother’s side. Curiously his grandmother was the “matriarch” of the family, born in Germany. Her name was Elizabeth Christ Trump, the daughter of Philipp Christ by his wife Anna Maria Christ. Elizebeth Christ died 6/6/66. (Aside note: Trump’s close brother, born the year Israel became a nation, died two days later at 72.)

Jesus said:

Take heed that any man deceives you… For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold I have told you beforehand.”(Matt 24:4,24,25.)

It bears repeating that these things are a foreshadow.

A few facts related to the Trump treaty

  1. The Trump treaty is with the United Arab Emirates. Trump says that this ends “49 years” of hostility between the two nations. (49 years is a jubilee of 7 x 7 years.)
  2. Trump expects other nations to follow.
  3. It is called the “Abraham Accord”, a name rich in symbolism in the Bible. (Example, ‘The Abrahamic Covenant” of the Book of Genesis.)
  4. It was announced Thursday, August 13th, 2020, but which on the 360-calendar of Bible prophecy, the Jewish calendar, the Arab/Muslim calendar, and the Persian (Iran) calendar — all four calendars land on the “23rd of the month”.
    • Recall my study the past few months about “the number 23“.  (This number may seem unimportant now, but not in years to come. See sign of “knowledge shall be increased”, Dan. 12:4.) “23” symbolizes “covenant/agreement” just as “seven” symbolizes “perfection” in the Bible. As far as I know, my study about the number 23 was also completed that very same hour; it ended with a final revelation about the Noahic covenant and the delay of judgment, 1Peter 3:20.
    •  It is unusual for all four calendar systems to overlap this way on the “23rd of the month”. For example, progressing forward using the “month” button on the “Calendar Converter“, the Muslim and Iranian calendars do not align again for another 66 months, let alone in alignment with all four!
  5. Click to enlarge. Location of Comet Neowise the day of the announcement of the treaty. A comet is can symbolize a scepter. Ironically, it is located at the base of the outstretched olive-branch of peace of Virgo, her scepter! See Rev. 12. Also, see prophetic map

    The revealing of the “23” was also timed to Comet Neowise, heralded by NASA as ‘the brightest in 23 years‘.

  6. Analysts of the treaty say that because their mutual enemy is Iran, this greatly encouraged the formation of the treaty. (Recall that the date of the accord was on the 23rd on the Iranian calendar, as well as the Jewish, Muslim, and 360.)
  7. Back in December of 2017 — a few weeks after Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, I put out the below video concerning Iran, the 70 jubilees, and the 666 of Jarod Kushner and his peace treaty. If you skip to the end of the video you can see that I heavily use the imagery of an atomic bomb. The Beruit bomb exploded in images reminiscent of an atomic bomb, and almost on the 75th anniversary of Hiroshima.
    • The Beruit blast is likely another reason why Trump moved on the treaty now. The port was a door through which Iran sent armaments in its war with Israel. The leaders/shepherds of Lebanon resigned because of it. (See Zech. 11:1,3.) The Beruit blast is considered to be one of the most powerful non-nuclear explosions in history.
  8. The news networks and Trump accredit Jarod, son-in-law of Trump, as a major player in this treaty. (See the latter part of the video. The first part of the video is admittedly dull — so please bear with it or skip to the end section about Jarod and “666”.)

It’s a geopolitical earthquake… It was Trump’s peace plan drawn up by Jared Kushner, and their willingness to stick with it, that actually created the raw material for this breakthrough. New York Times


The Trump announcement of the Abraham Accord at noon, August 13th, 2020.

49 thoughts on “Trump Peace Treaty, Iran, 666, & ’70 x 7′”

  1. I am not a scholar..but would like your input on where in the Bible a time frame of Christ’s return would be. I was always told Christians would NOT go through the Tribulation at all…but others say no, we will go be here the first 3 1/2 years and then be raptured.

    My own personal understanding is this…the Antichrist cannot be known or come into power until the Holy Spirit us removed from the Earth completely..for that is what holds such evil back. It is at that time..when the Holy Spirit is removed that Christ appears and calls us home.

    So that would mean believers would NOT go through the Tribulation right?? At least not the 2nd half??

    I am just wondering others thoughts on this??

    Please feel free to email me as I am not usually on here..I found this forum by accident.

    • You are hanging a lot on what the Scripture means, “When He is taken out of the way”. This could mean different things. For example, see Zechariah’s vision of the four horses alluded to again in the Book of Revelation. Note verse seven. The horses were straining to run as if restrained until the command by God said, “Go!” The book of Revelation says the same concerning the four horses except, intriguingly, the command is, “Come!” Perhaps God “holds back” events and this is the simple meaning of the verse in Thessalonians?

      Four Chariots

      Ch.6:1 I looked up again, and there before me were four chariots coming out from between two mountains—mountains of bronze. 2The first chariot had red horses, the second black, 3the third white, and the fourth dappled—all of them powerful. 4I asked the angel who was speaking to me, “What are these, my lord?”

      5The angel answered me, “These are the four spirits a of heaven, going out from standing in the presence of the Lord of the whole world. 6The one with the black horses is going toward the north country, the one with the white horses toward the west, b and the one with the dappled horses toward the south.”

      7When the powerful horses went out, they were straining to go throughout the earth. And he said, “Go throughout the earth!” So they went throughout the earth.

      8Then he called to me, “Look, those going toward the north country have given my Spirit rest in the land of the north.”

  2. Monday April 24th, 1967 (Passover) 
    Wednesday October 18th, 1967 (Tabernacles) 
    Saturday April 13th, 1968 (Passover)
    Sunday October 6th, 1968 (Tabernacles)

    This era is significant in Jewish history. 1967 is well known for the 6-Day War, and the Jews obtaining the city of Jerusalem.

    Wednesday April 13th, 1949 (Passover)
    Friday October 7th, 1949 (Tabernacles)
    Sunday April 2nd, 1950 (Passover)
    Tuesday September 26th, 1950 (Tabernacles)

    This era is significant in Jewish history. 1948 is the year Israel became an official country, followed by these tetrad total lunar eclipses, when Israel was at war.

    The connection is this: 2014-2015 will be very significant geo-politically for Israel. They are the last tetrads to occur on Jewish feast days this century. Especially 2015, because of the coincidence that two solar eclipses are timed to usher in the Jewish Religious and Civil years. Although a fulfillment is found in the days of Peter in Acts 2:16-21, there may be another latter day application of this verse:

    Joel 2:31 - The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.

    These signs in the sun and moon occur in 2015, 12 years before the Day of the LORD in 2027.

    2016 - It is possible that God is waiting for Jerusalem to be divided before he sends Jesus Christ to the earth, although he does not have to wait for that to occur. If this is the case, when war breaks out in 2014-2015 and Jerusalem is divided to create "peace" in 2015 (Kislev 16?), it is entirely possible that on the first Feast of Trumpets following the division in the year 2016, the "last trump" is blown and the dead are raised. Consider the following chronological order of the prophecies.
    The three unclean spirits (teachings) of liberty, fraternity, and equality, the cry of the French Revolution, originating from the French people whose nation was symbolized by three frogs, come out of the dragon (Moscow), the beast (EU led by Germany), and the false prophet (Vatican). Their cry will be to "liberate" the Palestinian people and give them all (or part) of Israel, and particularly, to divide Jerusalem. These are unclean teachings and desires because God promised the land of Israel, especially Jerusalem, exclusively to the Jews (Genesis 13:14-15, Galatians 3:27). Either during or shortly after these frogs have accomplished their mission, Christ tells us explicitly that he will come as a thief! Once Jerusalem is divided, if Christ has not already returned, you can well expect him immediately after this occurs!

    2017 - This is a jubilee period after the capture of Jerusalem in 1967. A jubilee period from 2017 will be 2067, 7 years after the demise of the Papacy in 2060. Paralleling the jubilee period from the 18th year of King Josiah to the 25th year of Jehoiachin's captivity when Ezekiel was shown the house of prayer (Ezekiel 40:1), scholars such as Henry Sulley, author of Temple of Ezekiel's Prophecy, have suggested there would be a jubilee period of 50 years from the time of the resurrection to the final establishment of the Kingdom, with all Jews from all 12 tribes finally gathered back to their land. In this scenario, the marriage supper of the Lamb will last 7 years. It parallels the Jewish custom of a man and his bride to "fulfill her week" (Genesis 29:27, Jacob taking Leah in marriage), which is 7 days, each day for a year. In 2067, Jerusalem will be the capital of the entire earth, with Jesus Christ as King on the ancient throne of David (Isaiah 9:7, Luke 1:32) having made his enemies his footstool (Psalm 110:1), and the saints shining forth in the kingdom of their Father (Daniel 12:3, Matthew 13:43). 50 years prior to 2067 is 2017, a potential candidate for the year of resurrection.

    2018 - This year is exactly 1,260 years after Pepin king of France conquered 3 Barbarian states, the Vandals, the Lombards, and the Huns, and gave them to the Pope in 758 A.D. The Pope must be in charge over Europe in the final days, the harlot woman riding the European beast. The Pope will also have significant political influence and jurisdiction in the land of Israel. The Eurozone will ultimately consist of 10 nations, not including Britain (a Tarshish nation against the European beast), and be led by the Papacy. In response, or in anticipation of the growing Papal power, the resurrection could occur.

    2019 - This year is exactly 1,335 years after the building of foundation of the Mosque of Omar in 684 A.D. Exactly 1290 years prior to the building of the Mosque of Omar, in 607 B.C., King Nebuchadnezzar caused the daily sacrifices to be taken away (Daniel 1:1-2) by removing part of the vessels of the house of God. Commonly known as the Dome of the Rock, it is the Muslim oblation that stands where Solomon's Temple used to be in Jerusalem. The Dome of the Rock has been nominated as a potential candidate by Bible scholars describing the "abomination of desolation". 

    Daniel 12:12-13 - Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.

    The prophet Daniel is promised eternal life in this statement, in which he is to "stand". This not only implies resurrection, the anastasis, or standing up of dead ones, but glorification: standing in the lot. At this time, Daniel and all the faithful saints will be made immortal. Glorification is to occur at the end of the 1,335 days, each day for a year. Resurrection must occur prior to this, since the judgment seat is to take place, most likely at Mt. Sinai. We do not know for sure exactly how long the process will take, but from the looks of this time-table, the likelihood is that it cannot be for more than 6 years. The next 7 years to follow, 2013-2019, will likely contain the thief-like advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. The whole world round about will be distracted by the cares and pleasures of this life, and be caught unprepared. They will look to make themselves ready for Jesus Christ in the years to follow, 2020-2027, as God gathers the nations into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. By then, it will be way too late.
Thus far, we have established the following:
1. The 1335 days are appended to the end of the 1290 days.
2. The scattering of the power of the holy people, or the termination of the 1260 days, occurs 1260 days after the abomination that causes desolation.
3. August 2 2027 is the termination of the 1260 days, when the power of the holy people is scattered.

Therefore, the conclusion is that the "time, times, and a half" or 1260 days is a subset of the 1335 days, and that they both start at the same time.
1335 minus 1260 = 75. 75 days after August 2 2027 is Saturday, October 16 2027, or Tishrei 15, the 1st day of the Feast of Tabernacles on the Hebrew calendar. What is supposed to happen on this day? The prophecy is clear that Daniel would stand in his lot and is considered "blessed". But furthermore, the Jews recognize Jesus as their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10), and their feasts are turned into mourning. Consider the below prophecies:​
​Revelation 10 is a glimpse of the end of the seventh trumpet, when the events of the seventh vial are being poured out. It parallels many of the events of Daniel 12, and finds its fulfillment on the Day of the LORD. Have a look at the parallels between Revelation 10 and other prophecies.
If we have determined the end of the 1260 days and 1335 days, it follows that we should be able to ascertain the beginning and end of the 1290 days.
Saturday 10/16/2027 minus 1335 = Monday 2/19/2024, or Adar I 10 on the Hebrew calendar. The same date is found with Monday 8/2/2027 minus 1260. Jews are commanded to flee when they see the abomination that causes desolation standing in the holy place (nuclear detonation).
Monday 2/19/2024 minus 1290 = Saturday 8/8/2020, or Av 18 on the Hebrew calendar. This would be the date the daily sacrifices are taken away.

There is one small problem. We don't currently see daily sacrifices in the holy land. How then can the daily sacrifices be taken away? If we are to accept the literal days principle interpretation, then daily sacrifices must be re-instated in Jerusalem Israel. And soon!

We know of a surety that a division of the land of Israel will take place (Daniel 11:39, Joel 3:2). Could it be possible as part of a peace agreement, or covenant with many (Daniel 9:27) that the Jews are allowed to sacrifice to Yahweh using the prescribed method in the Torah? A catalyst will be required to ratify such a treaty, such as the Psalm 83 war between Israel and its immediate neighbors. From Isaiah 17, we learn that Damascus will no longer be a city and that Israel is greatly weakened. "Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean" (Isaiah 17:4). Because they are weakened, they will have an incentive to agree to such a treaty. When do the daily sacrifices begin? They will begin when the covenant with many for "one week" is ratified. How long does this one prophetic week last? Does it last 7 years of a Jewish reckoning of 360 days per year (7 x 360 = 2520), or does it last 7 years of a Gentile reckoning of 365 days per year (7 x 365 = 2555)? Because there are 1290 days between the taking away of daily sacrifices and setting up the abomination of desolation, daily sacrifices continue for 1230 days (2520 minus 1290) from a Jewish reckoning of the prophetic week, and 1265 days (2555 minus 1290) from a Gentile reckoning. Either could be significant from a prophetic point of view. Consider the following.

Saturday 8/8/2020 minus 1230 = Monday 3/27/2017, or Adar I 29 on the Hebrew calendar. This occurs just one day prior to Nisan 1, the first day of the Jewish religious year. This would be very significant for Jews to practice daily sacrifice under a newly ratified covenant on this day.

Saturday 8/8/2020 minus 1265 = Monday 2/20/2017, or Shevat 24 on the Hebrew calendar. This date is particularly mentioned in Zechariah's prophecy (Zechariah 1:7), and the prophecy has a latter day context. A generation of 70 years has passed, and God promises to choose Jerusalem and be its defender.

The below timeline is a summary of what has been discussed above:

1 Week = 7 years

1/2 Week = 3.5 years = 1260 days = 42 months = time, times, and half a time

prophetic day counts

I believe that the earth will be restored to 360-day years at the time of the rapture, for the 7 years of tribulation.  I have written more about God’s prophetic time clock in these posts:

  1. God’s Prophetic Timeline – 7000 Years of Humanity
  2. What Year Is It Really?  (Is It 5991?)
  3. Daniel’s 70 Weeks
  4. Ezekiel’s 430 Days of Laying

With this understanding, let’s examine the day counts given in Revelation and Daniel.

One Week of Years

And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for half of the week he shall put an end to sacrifice and offering.  Daniel 9:27 ESV

The counting of days in the latter times begins with Daniel chapter 9.  When a covenant is confirmed with Israel, this will begin Daniel’s 70th Week, which is a 7 year period (2520 days).  Will this covenant be confirmed with Israel by men, or by God?  I personally believe it is the latter, discussed here: The Covenant With Israel – Who Confirms It?

At some point before or during the first half of the “week”, sacrifice and offering will begin.  We know this, because it will be caused to cease for the last half of the “week”.


The 70th Week of Daniel, commonly called “The Tribulation”, is divided into two halves of 1260 days each.  Within this time frame, God grants authority first to His two witnesses, then to the beast (antichrist).  The two witnesses will preach to Israel and many will choose to follow Jesus.  These will flee to the wilderness to be supernaturally protected during the time of beast-rule.

First 1260 days:

Then I was given a measuring rod like a staff, and I was told, “Rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and those who worship there, but do not measure the court outside the temple; leave that out, for it is given over to the nations, and they will trample the holy city for forty-two months.  And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth. Revelation 11:1-3 ESV

Second 1260 days:

…and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which she is to be nourished for 1,260 days.  Revelation 12:6 ESV

But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle so that she might fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to the place where she is to be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time.   Revelation 12:14 ESV

“How long shall it be till the end of these wonders?” And I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the stream; he raised his right hand and his left hand toward heaven and swore by him who lives forever that it would be for a time, times, and half a time, and that when the shattering of the power of the holy people comes to an end all these things would be finished.  Daniel 12:6-7 ESV

The first 1260 days involves the antichrist’s rise to power; the second 1260 days involves the antichrist’s worldwide rule (the time of “greatest tribulation, as spoken of by the prophet Daniel”).

tribulation timeline.JPG


The Dividing of Days


The 1290 days (Daniel 12:11) and the 1335 days (Daniel 12:12) are combinations of "a time, times, and half a time" (Daniel 12:7).

Let us take each number of days as composed of two elements

First element: 1260 days (convert to three-and-a-half symbolic years —360 symbolic days to a year).

Second element: A remainder of days (convert to symbolic months —30 symbolic days to a month).

Consider the second element in each case. From the number 1290, we have a remainder of 30 days (1290-1260=30). This is one symbolic month. From the number 1335 we have a remainder of 75 days (1335-1260=75). This is two months and half a month (75 is 2 times 30 plus a half of 30, ie 60+15=75).

2 The Burden of Months

So the remainder of 1290 is one month, the remainder of 1335 is two months and half a month. This is a time, times, and half a time in symbolic months, just as the original element in the numbers was a time, times, and half a time in symbolic years.

I don't regard the two numbers of days as separate periods but as one period of 1260 days with a burden added. In the first instance (1290) there is a burden of one month added, whilst in the second instance (1335) there is added a greater burden of of two months, then a lesser burden of half a month.

3 The Symbol of Self

We can think of the symbolic years as representing the world, whilst the symbolic months represent our individual lives. Daniel is seeking knowledge of the world, but the angel turns Daniel’s attention to himself and his own lifetime: "As for you, go your way to the end, then you will enter into rest and rise again for your alotted portion at the end of the days" (Daniel 12:13).

Each of us, like Daniel, has an interest and a place in world history and in the world future. But we don't live in history nor in the future but in the present. World history and the world future are symbolically represented as 1260 days or a time, times and half a time in symbolic years. Our own personal lifetime is symbolically represented as 30 days or a "time" in symbolic months.

Essentially this means a time of tribulation. In our lifetime, as a child of God, we will suffer. It may even be that we suffer double trouble (two months or two "times") but God helps us along the way and he makes the seem like "half a time" (half a symbolic month).

These symbolic times are an encouragement to us. In times of tribulation God will not forsake us. He will effectively halve our troubles even though the world may double them.

1,260 days = “middle of the week” = 3 ½ years ends sacrifices and offerings to anything called God on earth (2 Thess. 2:3-4). These global sacrifice (02077 זֶבַח zebach) and offering (04503 מִנְחָה minchah) are different than the “Continual/Daily”(08548 תָּמִיד tamiyd ) given to God by Christendom taking up Christ’s cross daily. Their sacrifices end starting the End Time Clock (Dan. 12:11) when apostate Christendom receives the man of sin as the Christ.

Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice (02077 זֶבַח zebach) and offering (04503 מִנְחָה minchah). And on the wing (03671 כָּנָף kanaph) of abominations (08251 שִׁקּוּץ shiqquwts) shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.” (Dan. 9:27 NKJ)

1,260 days = “a time, times and half a time” = 3 ½ years

Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever, that it shall be for a time, times, and half a time; and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished. (Dan. 12:7 NKJ)

1290 days counting from the start of the end time “week”, which begins when Christian apostates receive the man of sin as the Christ, their apostasy “taking away” (05493 סוּר cuwr) the Daily (08548 תָּמִיד tamiyd ) taking up the cross of Christ.

30 days more are required “to set up” the abomination of Desolation’s AI Network 666 membership only economy, 1,290 days.

“And from the time that the daily (08548 תָּמִיד tamiyd ) sacrifice is taken away (05493 סוּר cuwr), and the abomination (08251 שִׁקּוּץ shiqquwts) of desolation (08074 שָׁמֵם shamem) is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. (Dan. 12:11 NKJ)

Both the Beast and his image that will be set up are abominations causing desolation:

Part. שׁוֹמֵם the desolator (i.e. Antiochus Epiphanes [?]), Dan. 9:27. הַפֶּשַׁע שׁוֹמֵם (for פֶּשַׁע הַשּׁ׳), ibid. Dan. 8:13, the sin of the desolator, and שִׁקּוּץ שֹׁמֵם abomination of the desolator, Dan. 12:11.-Gesenius’ Hebrew And Chaldee Lexicon To The Old Testament Scriptures (p. 835). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.

And from the time when the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination of the destroyer set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. (Dan. 12:11 NOY)

1,335 days

“Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred an

The church is the Temple of God.

The Third Temple: Does scripture anticipate a future Jewish Temple?

The End Time Clock begins when it receives the “man of sin” false Christ as the Christ, that apostasy taking their daily sacrifice to Christ away.

At 1,260 days the “man of Sin” morphs into the Antichrist Beast Son of Perdition. And he breaks the covenant he made with “the many” earth’s religious people, that they could still worship anything called God. He now exalts himself above them all (Dan. 9:272 Thess. 2:3-4).

At 1,290 days another aspect of the abomination of desolation appears, it is the Artificial Intelligence made in the Beast’s Image, Networked to him giving him god like “real time” control over the economy (Dan. 12:11Rev. 13:11-18)

At 1,335 Days the Church is Raptured (Dan. 12:12Rev. 14:14-16).

Then Michael and his angels gather all who repented and believed after the rapture and destruction of Gog and Magog (Ezek. 39:1-7Dan. 12:1Mat. 24:31).

At 2300 days the faith of the Church the Sanctuary of God is Vindicated, victorious, declared right:

And he said unto me, Until two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings: then shall the sanctuary be vindicated. (Dan. 8:14 DBY)

And he said unto me: ‘Unto two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings; then shall the sanctuary be victorious.’ (Dan. 8:14 JPS)

And he saith unto me, Till evening — morning two thousand and three hundred, then is the holy place declared right. (Dan. 8:14 YLT)

Why do most translations refuse to translate this text literally? Translator bias, “this can hardly be said of the sanctuary”.

The Hebrew verb, weniṣdaq (the only occurrence of the niphal of ṣdq in the MT!) should mean “will be justified.” But this can hardly be said of the sanctuary.- Hartman, L. F., & Di Lella, A. A. (2008). The Book of Daniel: a new translation with notes and commentary on chapters 1-9 (Vol. 23, p. 227). New Haven; London: Yale University Press.

But it can be said of the Church the Sanctuary of God.

At 2,300 days (counting from the beginning of the seven year week), just before the Bowls of God’s wrath are poured out, the Israel of God will be celebrating in heaven. Their faith in God justified by God’s judgments being made manifest:

Then I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous: seven angels having the seven last plagues, for in them the wrath of God is complete.
2 And I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God.
3 They sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying: “Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints!
4 Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy. For all nations shall come and worship before You, For Your judgments have been manifested.” (Rev. 15:1-4 NKJ)

Other Dates:

The Holy city is tread underfoot for forty-two months, while God’s two witnesses prophesy (Rev. 11:2-3). Then the Seed of Satan (Gen. 3:15) Beast ascends to slay them and continues ruling for forty-two months (Rev. 13:5). Adding the two equals a seven year “week”, alluding to Daniel 9:27 where the covenant is kept till mid-week, then desolations begin.

The two witnesses prophesy and Lady Zion is in “the wilderness” protected and nourished for “one thousand two hundred and sixty days” (Rev. 11:312:6). As 1,260 days doesn’t appear elsewhere, this might link the two. The “nourishment” is the preaching of God’s two witnesses. Therefore the “wilderness” is where God’s Sanctuary now is because Jerusalem has become like that “great city Babylon” spiritually called Sodom and Egypt (Rev. 11:8). The TARES cast out from the wheat are trampling the outer court.

That makes the true church one of the “sects” within the Religious Harlot Babylon the Great, but being nourished by God and kept spiritually clean. Location within Babylon the Great affords the church political protection against the face of the Dragon (Rev. 12:14-1718:4). Unbelievers who dwell on “the earth” (including the TARES in the courtyard) greedily drank up the river of spiritism spewed at Lady Zion meant to carry her away into idolatry (1 Cor. 12:22 Th. 2:7-12Rev. 12:15-16).

A Recap:

Both halves of the End Time seven year “week” are described as “a time and times and half a time”. Lady Zion is nourished in the wilderness, at the altar of God for “a time and times and half a time” (Rev. 12:14) until the Beast ascends, slays the prophets, and destroys Babylon the Harlot (Rev. 17:16-1818:1-3). Although the church escapes Babylon’s destruction (Rev. 18:4) the Great Tribulation “wears out the saints of the most High” during the last “time and times and half a time” (Dan. 7:2512:7Rev. 14:8-13).

We don’t know the day or hour our LORD returns (Mat. 24:36), but that is because God may cut the days short (Mat. 24:22Mark 13:20).

1335 years:

"Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1335 days," (Daniel 12:12). 

The vision of the 1335 came to Daniel in April of 536 BC, which was 1335 years to the very month from the end of Joseph's 7-year famine, (10:1, 4; 12:12). {Just one month after this vision came to Daniel, the rebuilding of Solomon’s temple began (Ezra 3:8), which was 430 years to the very month after Solomon himself had first begun to build the original temple! (May 966 BC to May 536 BC; 1Kg. 6:1, cf. Exodus 12:41.)}

Babylon fell exactly  years (also to the very month) prior to this vision of Daniel. (Autumn of 539 to spr. 536 BC, and plus one month more to the temple rebuilding in May). {This "2½ years" repeats the timeframe of the Jerusalem siege that also lasted 2½ years, with yet another month till the fall of the temple! Thus, God reverses the harm Babylon inflicted upon Jerusalem, here illustrated in the recurrence of same time sequences. The decree to return home to Judah occurred in 538 BC,{22} [2Chr. 36:20-23; Ezra 1:1].}

 And so ended the "70 years" of captivity as prophesied by Jeremiah the prophet, (i.e., 606 to 536 BC).

    "In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem," (Daniel 9:2).


Table 13 "Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1335 days.

"Famine" |________+_1335_years_______| "Blessing"

1878–1871 BC (7-year famine that includes entering Egypt) + 1335 years = 543–536 BC

(Fall of Babylon, Israel's return from exile,
  and the rebuilding of the temple were from aut. 539 to spr. 536)



Thus fulfilled the word to Jeremiah:

"Therefore, behold, the days come, saith Jehovah, that it shall no more be said, As Jehovah liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; but, As Jehovah liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, (i.e., from Babylonia), and from all the countries whither he had driven them," (Jeremiah 16:14–15; and 23:7–8 too).

And thus there are three numeric witnesses: 

  1. The exact "430" years that elapsed from Solomon’s temple ( as prophesied in Ezekiel 4); 
  2. the prophesied "70" years from the first exile, (606/5 BC); 
  3. and the "1335" years from Joseph’s famine.

And these three numeric witnesses agree and intertwine as one! (I.e., the 430 less the 70 equals 360 [the 360 being the shortened form of Ezekiel's 390, i.e., without a leap month], and the 1335 less the 70 approximates the 1260). Together, these three timeframes bore witness to God's great faithfulness--- that God’s set time of deliverance had come. God kept His promise to Judah concerning "how long?" the captivity would be, and God will keep His promise to you too!


Hence, the bible-prophecy numbers of 7, 40, 70, 360, 390, 430, 1150, 1260, 1270, 1278, 1290, "3½ times," and 1335 years are all in alignment and agree together both in theme and number as starting from the seven-year famine of Joseph! Later, we examine how these bible-prophecy numbers interweave within timeframes of equal value, though on different ratios. This is nothing short of astounding! Nevertheless, in the next chapter we explore something still more astounding! ---The mirror!

To Chapter Three: "The Mirror"

Next to continue (to endnotes)







Ezekiel-seige-jerusalem.gif (29607 bytes)The temple was captured and burned 30 actual days (31 Bible-Prophecy) after Jerusalem itself was taken.{23} Thus it took a total 930 Bible-Prophecy days till the temple was captured, (i.e., 899 till the fall of the city, + 31 more = 930 days); but, 945 actual days, (i.e., 915 days till the fall of the city, + 30 = 945). 

Therefore consider this amazing fact, that, just as the 1290 days of Daniel 12:11 is made up of the 900 (Bible-Prophecy) days of the siege of Jerusalem (i.e., 899 exact) plus the 390 of Ezekiel’s siege, even so the 1335 days of Daniel 12:12 is likewise made up of the 945 (actual) days till the fall of the temple plus the same 390 of Ezekiel, (i.e., 390 + 945 = 1335 days total.)




The Sign of the Abraham Accords Leading to The Great Tribulation

On August 13, 2020, the Abraham Accords peace treaty was reached between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and the United States. Later, the nation of Bahrain also entered into the agreement. But the treaty was not signed until Sept. 15, 2020 at the White House in Washington, D.C.
The western news media has promoted the Abraham Accords as being the beginning of "peace and safety", "peace and security" and "peace and stability" for the Middle East. However, this article will prove that the treaty is a sign of impending destruction, invasion and the Great Tribulation. Connected with all of this is also the Abraham Accord collector's coin issued by the Temple Education Center. This coin has many prophetic signs on it as well. But let's first read what the bible says.

1 Thes. 5:3 "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."

"Safety" in this verse can be translated as security, stability or safety. In fact, some bible translations use the word "security" instead of "safety". All of these words are often used in the news when speaking about the Abraham Accords peace agreement between Israel and the Islamic nations. However, this is not true peace, as 1 Thes. 5:3 reveals. Sudden destruction is coming soon, even as a woman in labor with child, preparing to give birth.
But there is something else that you should notice in your copy of the bible. Notice that 2 Thes. 2 comes very soon after this verse. 2 Thessalonians 2 speaks of the "Strong Delusion" of the antichrist appearing to the world, proclaiming himself as being god. That event will help to usher in the Great Tribulation. Let's now examine another bible verse passage also.

:1 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Did you read the above scriptures in your personal paperback/hardback bible today or just only on this website?
If only online, I encourage you to please open your bible and read these verses both on our website and in your bible. There is power in reading the real bible. Also, did you pray before beginning to read about this specific subject today? If not, I encourage you to take the time now to pray for understanding of truth.

When asked about the end of this age, Jesus first responded with the fact that the temple would be destroyed. He never said that it will be rebuilt. The next thing that he said was that there shall come deception. That is the first seal of Revelation 6, the white horse, which includes the Nobel Peace Prize and the delusion of world peace connected with the Olympics.
He also mentioned war, which is connected with revolution and the formation of Communism, the red horse of the 2nd seal of Rev.6.
He also spoke of famine, which is connected with Nazism, the black horse of the 3rd seal.
Then he also spoke about pestilences or viruses/bacterias or epidemics connected with the pale green horse of Islam, which is the 4th seal.
You can examine the proof of the true identity of those horses and seals by clicking here.

Then finally in verse 8, there shall be beginning of sorrows. "Sorrows" is Strong's Concordance Greek word #5604 odin or oden. The reference that you can click shows that the definition is: the pain of childbirth, travail pain, birth pangs. You can also see on the same page that the same Greek word is found in 1 Thes. 5:3 which I shared first. Notice that the birth in 1 Thes. 5:3 is connected with false claims of peace, and then sudden destruction. Let's look to see what comes after Matt.24:8.

Matthew 24:9 "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake."

So we see that after the birth pains comes the martyrdom of Christians. That would be the Great Tribulation. The same is found in Revelation 6 in the 5th seal, immediately after the pestilence or plagues such as the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Revelation 6:8-11
:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

Verse 8: "Pale" should be better translated as green. See the Alpha and Omega Bible.
"Death" can also be translated as pestilence, as in virus and bacteria epidemics and pandemics.
What we see in these verses is that the "Strong Delusion" event of 2 Thes. 2, also called the "Abomination of Desolation" in Matt.24 and Daniel 12, is so blasphemousness and powerful, that it wakes up the dead out of their sleep! They ask for revenge for their deaths. Jesus tells them to go back to sleep, "rest", until the martyrdom of the Christians occurs. This is opposite of the fairy tale of the pre-tribulation rapture false doctrine!

There's another place in the bible that we must look at for the prophetic theme of birth related to the Great Tribulation and religious persecution. And that would be Revelation 12. But before we read that, let's look about the Abraham Accords some more. Then we will go to Revelation 12 after that.

Symbolism and Warning Signs in the Abraham Accords Collector's Coin

An organization called "Temple Coins" has made a collector's coin in celebration of the accords. The back of the medallion/coin includes a quote from the Koran/Qur'an, "And if one inclines towards peace, it inclines towards you."
And there is also a verse from Jeremiah: "For I will give you lasting peace in this place."
Notice how their website gives specific bible references for some of the words on the coin, but does not give the specific location of the bible verse for Jeremiah. It only says that it's from Jeremiah. They know that people won't look up the verse. But look at what the verse says in Jer. 14:11-16!

:11 Then said the Lord unto me, Pray not for this people for their good.
12 When they fast, I will not hear their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and an oblation, I will not accept them: but I will consume them by the sword (war, 2nd seal), and by the famine (3rd seal), and by the pestilence (4th seal).
13 Then said I, Ah, Lord God! behold, the prophets say unto them, Ye shall not see the sword, neither shall ye have famine; but I will give you assured peace in this place.
14 Then the Lord said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name (1st seal = deception and false peace): I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.
15 Therefore thus saith the Lord concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name, and I sent them not, yet they say, Sword and famine shall not be in this land; By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed.

The quote on the coin is from a false prophet! It is what people falsely said just before the invasion of Jerusalem! God condemned the people that said "I will give you lasting peace in this place". God didn't say it. The false prophets did; and God punished them for it! Also, remember that the white horse of Rev. 6 is false peace and false religion and false peace makers, Nobel Peace Prize winners, etc.

Also on the back of the medal (shown below), is a sword that wrings into symbols of peace, prosperity, agricultural and technological advancement, alluding to the words of the prophet Isaiah: "And they shall beat their swords into ploughshares". However, notice the symbols of a needle (Coronavirus vaccine genocide), circuit boards, computer code, demonic satellites and very dangerous 5-G WiFi internet signals! Then also notice the planet Saturn. Some people have claimed that it's actually Jupiter, which does actually have rings as well but are not as visible. But Saturn worship was extremely popular in ancient Israel, so we can't rule out Saturn, especially since it is usually the planet represented as having visible rings. But there's a large dot on the planet on the coin, so people say it's Jupiter. It's possible that it's both combined. In fact, the coin is combining many things such as 3 languages and verses from both the Koran and the holy bible.
Around the planet on the coin, there are 10 stars. Those might represent the 10 kings under the antichrist.

The coin design also includes pagan prayer beads which are used by both Catholics and Muslims.

In addition to all of this, in the handle of the sword is some mysterious writing which is not spoken of on the official coin website. That's rather odd that they don't declare what is written on the handle!

back of the Abraham Accords coin
Click above to enlarge picture.

Denver International Airport

Abraham Accords coin comparision to Denver Airport Mural
Barack Hussein Obama gave his acceptance speech for the Democratic presidential nomination at the Denver International Airport. The reason that he did this is because his demons recognize the importance of the statue of the white horse of deception (and Nobel Peace Prize), of which horse is located at the airport. Inside the airport was a mural on the wall, of which shows a lot of very satanic imaginary. Compare it with the back of the Abraham Accords coin, shown above. Notice the sword in both pictures. The green ghost is the Islamic green horseman of the 4th seal of death by pestilence and death by vaccines. Notice that in both pictures, the sword is pointed toward the peace dove! Notice also that there are 2 children on the mural. One of them appears to be small enough to perhaps be an infant, which is important to consider when we talk about the birth of the Great Tribulation, at the conclusion of the birth pains. The 10 stars on the coin might represent the 10 horns (also known as the 10 toes), which are the leaders that Assad will appoint to rule the different regions of the world.

 of Israel, September 11, 2020

Bahrain establishing full diplomatic relations with Israel

US President Donald Trump announced Friday that Bahrain has agreed to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel, making it the second Gulf country to do so in less than a month.

“Another HISTORIC breakthrough today! Our two GREAT friends Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain agree to a Peace Deal – the second Arab country to make peace with Israel in 30 days!” Trump tweeted.

A joint statement released by the White House said Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Salman al-Khalifa spoke earlier in the day with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “and agreed to the establishment of full diplomatic relations between Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain.”

bahrain joint statement

Israel-UAE accord set for Sept 15 signing at White House / Al-Monitor, September 8, 2020

Abraham Accords signing WH

Israel and the United Arab Emirates will sign a US-brokered agreement normalizing their relations at the White House on September 15, a US official said Tuesday.

It is Israel’s first such agreement with a Gulf nation and only its third with an Arab state, after Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994.

The establishment of diplomatic relations between the Jewish state and US allies in the Middle East, including the oil-rich Gulf monarchies, is central to US President Donald Trump’s regional strategy to contain Iran, also an arch-foe of Israel.

United States Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, explained why the peace agreement is called the “Abraham Accord”


“Abraham, as many of you know, was the father of all three great faiths. He is referred to as ‘Abraham’ in the Christian faith, ‘Ibrahim’ in the Muslim faith, and ‘Avraham’ in the Jewish faith. And no person better symbolizes the potential for unity among all these three great faiths than Abraham, and that’s why this accord has been given that name“.

The ‘Abraham Accord’ is the culmination of all the work done by Pope Francis and the Vatican in creating the One World Religion of Chrislam. With this agreement, Chrislam took a giant step forward in realizing the signing of what will culminate in the 7-year covenant foretold in Daniel 9:27.

chrislam ani

In fact, the ‘Abraham Accord’ is the missing link the Vatican needed to complete its launch of Chrislam, otherwise known as the Abrahamic Faiths Initiative.

Abrahamic Faiths Initiative

The Abrahamic Faiths Initiative which convened 25 senior global religious leaders representing a range of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim communities for a two-day working dialogue at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, was inspired by Pope Francis and Al-Azhar Grand Imam Al-Tayyeb’s 2019 Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together.

Israel is being pushed into a regional peace agreement, in order to form an alliance against Iran. All the major players are picking sides right now, for the upcoming Shia vs. Sunni war, as outlined in the Book of Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39.

Shia - Sunni war

How the Gulf States Got in Bed With Israel and Forgot About the Palestinian Cause / FP, March 28, 2019

Benjamin Netanyahu is building ties with anti-Iran Arab leaders from Riyadh to Doha and betting that a peace deal is no longer a necessary prerequisite for normalizing diplomatic ties.

The new relationship between the Gulf and Israel is part of a larger shift that the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump is trying to spearhead, whereby regional Sunni Arab states openly align themselves with Israel in opposition to Iran. The White House sees a watered-down Israeli-Palestinian peace deal as part of this process.

Before leaving for Chad on Jan. 20, Netanyahu called his visit, which marked the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries after they were severed in 1972, “part of the revolution that we are doing in the Arab and Islamic worlds; I promised you that this would happen. … There will be more countries,” he vowed. He has similarly been forthcoming in disclosing Israel’s not-so-secret ties with the “sons of Ishmael” all the while continuing to declare that not a single West Bank settler would be forced to leave on his watch.

Israel, UAE to sign deal at White House ceremony next Tuesday / The Times of Israel, September 8, 2020

historic peace agreement ani

Numerous Arab diplomats, including from countries that don’t have formal ties with Israel, are expected to attend the ceremony, in a bid to show that the agreement enjoys widespread support, the Walla news site reported.

The ceremony will come just a month after the agreement to establish full diplomatic relations was announced on August 13. The deal delivered a key foreign policy victory to US President Donald Trump as he seeks reelection, and reflected a changing Middle East in which shared concerns about archenemy Iran have largely overtaken traditional Arab support for the Palestinians.

How close are we to the Ezekiel war?

Trump warns Iran of severe retaliation if US attacked / Twitter, September 15, 2020

Trump warns Iran of severe retaliation if US attacked

US President Donald Trump threatened late Monday to deliver a devastating response to any attack by Iran against the United States. Tehran may be plotting an attack or assassination in response to January’s US killing of top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, he said. “Any attack by Iran, in any form, against the United States will be met with an attack on Iran that will be 1,000 times greater in magnitude!” the President tweeted. In April, Trump threatened to “shoot down and destroy” any Iranian gunboats in the Strait of Hormuz that harass US ships in the waters. The White House withdrew from the Iranian nuclear deal in 2018 and the maximum pressure campaign against the regime has escalated tensions between the countries.

Large number of Russian warships deployed between Syria and Cyprus / News Desk, September 12, 2020

15 Russian ships off the coast of Syria and Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean

BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:40 A.M.) – A large number of Russian warships were recently tracked off the coasts of Syria and Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean region, the Russian publication Avia.Pro reported.

According to the online publication, “experts are seriously concerned about the presence of at least 15 Russian warships and submarines off the coast of Syria. This is the first time such a large military formation has been seen here, which raises suspicions about whether Russia plans to engage in a military special operation against jihadists using the navy.

China says it will join Russian military exercises this month along with Iran, Belarus and others / CBS News, September 10, 2020

Caucus 2020 - 3

The “Caucus 2020” drills will deploy wheeled vehicles and light weaponry to be flown to the drill location by China’s latest version transport aircraft, the ministry said in a news release.

The exercises running September 21-26 will focus on defensive tactics, encirclement and battlefield control and command, the ministry said.

Turkey: Russia to hold live-fire exercises in Mediterranean / Arab News, September 4, 2020

putin erdogan

ANKARA: Turkey has announced that Russia will hold live-fire naval exercises in the eastern Mediterranean, amid escalating tensions between Turkey and its coastal neighbors Greece and Cyprus over rights to search for energy resources in the region.

The navigational notice issued late on Wednesday said the Russian exercises will take place Sept. 8-22 and Sept. 17-25 in areas of the Mediterranean where Turkish seismic research vessels are operating.
There was no immediate comment from Russia on the exercises, which Turkey announced after the US said it was partially lifting a 33-year-old arms embargo against ethnically divided Cyprus.

It is unclear why NATO-member Turkey would announce such drills on Moscow’s behalf, but the two countries have in recent years significantly strengthened their military, political and economic ties. They are coordinating closely on their military presence in Syria, while Turkey has purchased Russia’s advanced S-400 missiles and has broken ground on a Russian-built nuclear power plant on its southern coast.

Turkey and Iran seek ‘strong foundation’ for partnership – analysis / The Jerusalem Post, September 8, 2020

Rouhani erdogan

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday. Iran’s Tasnim News Agency described the discussions, via video, as working to form the “strong foundation” for future work. Turkish pro-government media characterized the discussions as trending towards high level “cooperation.”

Turkey has been increasing its aggressive threats against fellow NATO-member Greece, and also threatening Egypt, Cyprus, the UAE and other states in the region. It has invaded and occupied part of northern Syria and often bombs northern Iraq, claiming to be fighting militants. In recent years Ankara tried to get Tehran to work with it against far-left Kurdish insurgents.

At the same time Turkey works with Russia to buy air defense systems from Moscow, much to Washington’s dismay. Erdogan’s hosting of senior Hamas leaders in Istanbul also received complaints from the US State Department.

It now appears that Turkey and Iran, which have sought to boost trade, are continuing to become closer politically. The overall substance of the Tuesday discussions were not yet available to the press. Anadolu, which is a pro-government channel in Turkey, described the talks as the 6th high level discussions.

They aim toward cooperation. While Turkey often attacks Greece, France and other countries with threats and insults, it tends to praise Iran, Russia, Hamas and other extremists. Anadolu says Turkey and Iran will discuss regional and international matters as well as COVID-19.

Is Iran really plotting to have all the Jews eliminated?


Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you out, with all your army, horses, and horsemen, all splendidly clothed, a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords. Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are with them, all of them with shield and helmet; Gomer and all its troops; the house of Togarmah from the far north and all its troops—many people are with you. (Ezekiel 38:1-6)

Hezbollah video threatens precision guided missiles on Tel Aviv / The Times of Israel, June 21, 2020

In the video clip released via social media, coordinates of Israeli targets across the country are displayed on the screen as audio clips of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threaten to rain down missiles on them.

The Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group on Saturday released a video threatening to strike major Israeli cities with precision guided missiles and claiming that it has the capability to hit “very precise targets” anywhere in Israel.

“Today, we can not only hit the city of Tel Aviv but also, if God wants and with his help, can hit very precise targets within Tel Aviv,” Nasrallah can be heard saying.

Hezbollah is believed to have over 150,000 missiles, but only a small number of them can be guided to specific sites. Israel fears in a future war, the terror group could use a barrage of precision missiles to attack sensitive facilities and overwhelm its air defense array.

Hezbollah was formed in the early 1980s with assistance from Iran to counter and harass Israel, which occupied southern Lebanon following the 1982 First Lebanon War. Israel withdrew from that self-declared “security zone” to the international border in 2000.

Foreign-policy experts predict that an Iranian attack on Israel is just a matter of time / Jewish News Syndicate, November 4, 2019

Hezbollah missiles

Iran has the capability to attack Israel from multiple locations, including Lebanon and Syria—and now Iraq and possibly Yemen—as Netanyahu mentioned recently.

If Iran does indeed attack, there will have to be a massive retaliation against Iranian interests.

Confrontation between Iran and Israel is unavoidable,” said Gilboa. “There is great probability for some Iranian military action; this is something Israel is preparing for.”

“Our assumption,” said Amidror, “is not a question of if, but when.”

One of the critical signs are pointing to the imminent Rapture of the Church is the invasion of Israel. This invasion was foretold in Ezekiel 38 – 39, and in Psalm 83:


God, do not keep silent.
Do not be deaf, God; do not be idle.
See how Your enemies make an uproar;
those who hate You have acted arrogantly.
They devise clever schemes against Your people;
they conspire against Your treasured ones.
They say, “Come, let us wipe them out as a nation
so that Israel’s name will no longer be remembered.
For they have conspired with one mind;
they form an alliance against You—
the tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites,
Moab and the Hagrites,
Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek,
Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre.
Even Assyria has joined them;
they lend support to the sons of Lot. (Psalm 83:1-8)

What is amazing is that the Book of Ezekiel was written between 593 and 571 BC, and Psalm 38 was written around 1,000 BC. What other religious book has specific prophecies with specific nations, from thousands of years ago, that are manifesting now?

The historically miraculous rebirth of the Jewish state in 1948, after 2,000 years of nonexistence, and the conquering of East Jerusalem during the Six-Day War in 1967 and other factors seems to have set the stage for a time clock for the “last days” of Israel and the fulfillment of many remaining prophecies relevant to that period.

Who is the power behind Iran?

Russia, a great power to Israel’s far north and the Shia Muslim nations, particularly Iran, are growing increasingly intertwined and hostile toward Israel. Bible scholars have long identified Gog as the leader of Russia, and the land of Magog as Russia.

The invasion of Israel will be primarily motivated by greed for their great wealth. The recent annexation of Crimea will be their strategy. The Crimean Peninsula was invaded and annexed by the Russian Federation in 2014. They used the excuse of the Ukrainian revolution, and Russian masked troops occupied key Crimean locations, including airports and military bases, following Putin’s orders.

Russian masked troops occupied key Crimean locations

The “hook in the jaw” will be an escalation between Iran and Israel, that will reach the point of no return. As the experts conclude, that ultimate confrontation is inevitable. In fact, it is likely to happen at any moment. Russian will then step in to defend her ally. Putin is inclined to make calculated geopolitical moves, with an impressive sense of timing and optimum use of Russia’s strategic cards.

russian influence

He is trying to prevent an escalation involving Iran, but when the real war begins, he will use it as an excuse to invade Israel and try to take it over, just like he did with Crimea. This is Gog’s plan – to make Russia great again.


What is the “Abraham Accord” really about?

About the times and the seasons: Brothers, you do not need anything to be written to you. For you yourselves know very well that the Day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.

peace middle east

When they say, “Peace and security,” then sudden destruction comes on them, like labor pains come on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.


But you, brothers, are not in the dark, for this day to overtake you like a thief. For you are all sons of light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or the darkness. So then, we must not sleep, like the rest, but we must stay awake and be serious. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, we must be serious and put the armor of faith and love on our chests, and put on a helmet of the hope of salvation. For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11)

What will happen next? The Bible gives us the answer:

You nations, come here and listen;
you peoples, pay attention!
Let the earth hear, and all that fills it,
the world and all that comes from it.
The Lord is angry with all the nations—
furious with all their armies.
He will set them apart for destruction,
giving them over to slaughter.
Their slain will be thrown out,
and the stench of their corpses will rise;
the mountains will flow with their blood. (Isaiah 34:1-3)

The Lord is angry with all the nations

If you are not sure that you are saved, you can accept Christ into your life right now, by praying:

“Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins.  Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life.  I ask you in to my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior.”





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