EN WE DON'T REALIZE what is not being said because of what is being said. In other words, hidden or unspoken assumptions are always at work in communication, though we rarely take the time to seriously examine these assumptions for ourselves. Advertisers, politicians, and others who wish to control your thinking implicitly understand this and therefore regularly employ various techniques to distract you from examining their assumptions. They understand that the louder (or more frequently or more threateningly) something is said, the less likely you will question its truth status or engage in reasonable thinking of your own.... In other words, "truth" for such pragmatists is little more than persuasion. Get the crowd to believe you and you've got the "truth."
Take, for example, the idea that we should all rush about purchasing Christmas presents to give on December 25th, and that shortly thereafter we should celebrate a transitional day that marks the end of one year and the beginning of the next. In most countries of the world, New Year's Day is usually celebrated on January 1st, though this date comes from the arbitrary decree of the consuls of ancient (and pagan) Rome -- not from anything taught in the Hebrew Scriptures. Some Christian churches plan their own New Year's celebrations, offering a service to make resolutions and to offer up special prayers. (Because it falls eight days after December 25th, some Roman-influenced churches observe this date as the "Feast of Christ's Circumcision.") Many mainline churches plan "midnight" communion services so that the sacraments could be taken just before the start of the "new year." Now while all this might be encouraging and helpful on some level, it needs to be stressed that the civil New Year that the world celebrates is not a Biblical holiday at all, and in fact is opposed to the Biblical Calendar that was revealed in the Torah and Scriptures.
The study of the various calendar systems used in the world is highly convoluted and intricate. Consider, for example, the ancient calendars of the Egyptians, the Sumerians (i.e., Babylonians), and the Aztecs. Or consider the Druid legends and Stonehenge.... Indeed, there are numerous calendar systems that have been developed throughout human history -- some based on the appearance of the moon (lunar calendars), some based on the sun (solar calendars), and still others based on various astrological signs and omens (the Aztecs followed the movements of the planet Venus, and the Romans counted backwards from fixed points of the moon's cycle and considered months of 29 days to be unlucky).
The Torah designates the month of Nisan (Scripturally called aviv, or "Spring") as the first month of the year (Exod. 12:2). Originally, then, the Hebrew calendar was lunar and observational. When the new moon was sighted, a new month begun. Since the Torah also identified Sukkot as "the end of the (harvest) year" (Exod. 23:16), the sages of the Mishnah later identified the fall month of Tishri (i.e., the "seventh month") as the start of a new year.... During the Babylonian exile (6th century BC), Babylonian names for the months (i.e., Tammuz) were adopted. This might harken back to the earlier Sumerian Calendar of Abraham's day...
By the time the Mishnah was compiled (200 AD), the sages had identified no less than four new-year dates for every lunar-solar year (the modern Jewish calendar was apparently ratified by Hillel the Elder in the 3rd century AD):
- Nisan 1 (i.e., Rosh Chodashim) marks the start of the month of the Exodus from Egypt and the beginning of Jewish national history. As such, it represents the start of the Biblical year for counting the festivals (Exod. 12:2). Note that the month of Nisan is also called Aviv since it marks the official start of spring.
- Elul 1 marks the start of the year from the point of view of tithing cattle for Temple sacrifices. Since the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 AD, the rabbis decreed that this date should mark the time of selichot, or preparation for repentance before Rosh Hashanah. Elul 1 marks the start of the last month of summer.
- Tishri 1 was originally associated with the agricultural "Feast of Ingathering" at the "end of the year" (Exod. 23:16, 34:22), though after the destruction of the Second Temple, the sages decided it would mark the start of the civil year in the fall.Tishri 1 was therefore called Rosh Hashanah ("the head of the year") which begins a ten-day "trial" of humanity climaxing on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur).
- Shevat 15 (i.e., Tu B'Shevat) originally marked the date for calculating the tithes of the harvest (ma'aserot) that farmers would pledge to the priests of Israel. This was the start of the year from the point of view of tithing of fruit trees. Today Tu B'Shevat represents a national Arbor Day in Israel, with tree planting ceremonies in Israel. Unlike the other three "new years," Tu B'Shevat begins in the middle of the month, during a full moon in winter.
In practical terms, however, there are two "New Years" in Jewish tradition. The first occurs two weeks before Passover (Nisan 1) and the second occurs ten days before Yom Kippur (the other two "new years" are not regularly observed, except by the ultra-orthodox). The first New Year is Biblical and is called Rosh Chodashim(see Exod. 12:2). This is the month of the redemption of the Jewish people -- and it is also the month Yeshua was sacrificed upon the cross at Moriah for our sins. Oddly enough for most Christians, "New Years Day" should be really celebrated in the spring....
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All of this is in striking contrast, however, with the most widely used calendar in the world today -- the "Gregorian Calendar" -- named after Pope Gregory XIII who reigned over the Catholic Church in the 1500's.
The Gregorian calendar, considered to be a revision to the Julian calendar (which was itself a revision of the pagan Roman/Greek calendars) retains most of the names of the days of the week and months of the year from pagan Rome (and therefore, ancient Greece). The ancient Greeks named the days of the week after the sun, the moon and the five known planets (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn) which themselves were associated with the gods Ares, Hermes, Zeus, Aphrodite, and Cronus, respectively:
- Sunday. Latin: dies solis - "Sun Day." Sunday celebrates the sun god, Ra, Helios, Apollo, Ogmios, Mithrias, or the sun goddess, Phoebe. In the year 321 AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine ruled that the first day of the week, 'the venerable day of the sun', should be a day of rest. The name was later changed to dies Dominica, "Lord's Day" in ecclesiastical tradition.
- Monday. Latin: lunae dies - "Moon Day." Monday was named in honor of the Assyrian goddess, Selene, Luna and Mani. In old English, mon(an)daeg meant "day of the moon."
- Tuesday. Latin: dies Martis - "Day of Mars." In Greek mythology Ares was the god of war (renamed "Mars" by the Romans). In English, "Tuesday" comes from Tiu (Twia), the English/Germanic god of war and the sky (identified with the Nordic god called Tyr).
- Wednesday. Latin: dies Mercurii - "Day of Mercury." In Greek mythology Hermes was the god of trade and commerce (renamed "Mercury" by the Romans). In English, the name "Wednesday" derives from the Scandinavian god Odin, the chief god of Norse mythology. Woden is the chief Anglo-Saxon/Teutonic god, the leader of the Wild Hunt.
- Thursday. Latin: dies Iovis - "Day of Jupiter." In Greek mythology Zeus was the god of the sky (renamed "Jupiter" by the Romans). The English word "Thursday" comes from the Middle English Thorsday, refering to "Thor" (the Nordic counterpart to Jupiter).
- Friday. Latin: dies Veneris - "Day of Venus." In Greek mythology Aphrodite was the goddess of love/fertility (renamed "Venus" by the Romans). The name "Friday" comes from Freya (Fria), the name of the Norse god Odin's wife and Teutonic goddess of love, beauty, and fertility.
- Saturday. Latin: dies Saturni - "Day of Saturn." In Greek mythology Cronus was the god of the harvest (renamed "Saturn" by the Romans) who ruled until dethroned by his son Zeus.
Likewise the names of the months ("moons") have pagan-Roman connections. The month of "January," for instance, is named on behalf of Janus, the two-faced Roman "god of doorways" who had one face looking forward and one backward ("Janus faced"). March is named after Mars, the god of war; April for the fertility goddess Aphrodite, July is named on behalf of Julius Caesar, August for Augustus Caesar, and so on.... Of course, the Gregorian calendar of the Roman church tradition assimilated the pagan pantheon into its own liturgical calendar, as the Latin names of the days and months reveal.
אֶל־דֶּרֶךְ הַגּוֹיִם אַל־תִּלְמָדוּ
וּמֵאתוֹת הַשָּׁמַיִם אַל־תֵּחָתּוּ
כִּי־יֵחַתּוּ הַגּוֹיִם מֵהֵמָּה
כִּי־חֻקּוֹת הָעַמִּים הֶבֶל הוּא
el · de·rekh · hag·go·yim · al · til·ma·du
ume·o·tot · ha·sha·ma·yim · al · te·cha·tu
ki · ye·cha·tu · hag·go·yim · me·hem·ah
ki · chuk·kot · ha·a·mim · he·vel · hu
"Learn not the way of the Gentiles,
nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens
because the Gentiles are dismayed at them,
for the customs of the nations are vanity."
(Jer. 10:2-3)
It frankly baffles me that certain Christian theologians and preachers can be so meticulous about certain doctrines (such as justification by faith alone, the definition of the "church," the "inerrancy" of Scripture, the exact formula for baptism, etc.) and yet be seemingly oblivious to the fact that the modern, institutionalized Church inherits much of its substance and practice from pagan Rome... True, the Jews themselves adopted pagan names of the months from ancient Babylonia, but the Torah (as opposed to Jewish tradition) calls months (and days) by their ordinal number (the "first" month, the "second" month, etc.), and explicitly mentions that the New Year begins in spring (aviv). So, while I'd like to wish you all a "Happy New Year," I'd like to wait until Nisan 1! Meanwhile, I hope and pray that you draw close to our Lord Yeshua, regardless of the time or day! Shalom Chaverim...
Μὴ ἀγαπᾶτε τὸν κόσμον μηδὲ τὰ ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ. ἐάν τις ἀγαπᾷ τὸν κόσμον,
οὐκ ἔστιν ἡ ἀγάπη τοῦ πατρὸς ἐν αὐτῷ - 1 Jn 2:15
ADDENDUM: I am not suggesting that we should reject the secular calendar in preference to the Biblical calendar, at least for everyday, practical matters in this world. Conventionally we all use the words "Monday," "Tuesday," "January," "February," and so on without regard for the pagan associations of these names, and since we live in a secular culture, we are constrained to use the same terms as the culture around us, especially regarding times, dates, etc. Nevertheless I think it's worthwhile contrasting the Biblical view of the calendar with that of the pagan world around us, especially since this reveals the disparity between the "Greek" and "Hebrew" mindsets so clearly. Our Jewish Lord and Messiah told us that we were "in but not of" the world, after all (John 17:5).
Moreover I am concerned that the predominantly Gentile Church has unthinkingly adopted many assumptions of the pagan world and has thereby become gravely out of touch with the divine calendar and the prophetic purpose of the festivals of the LORD. Perhaps this is a result of the almost intractable problem of "Covenant Theology" or its ideological twin, "Dispensationalism," two interpretative methods that are used by various church theologians as they read the Scriptures. Churches that teach "Covenant Theology" advocate a form of "Replacement Theology," claiming that Israel should really be identified with the Gentile "church." On the other hand, churches that teach "Dispensationalism" consider the "Old Testament" to be worthy of instruction but really applicable only to the Jewish people (the Pauline epistles and perhaps the Gospel of John, on the other hand, are intended for the predominantly Gentile church). I believe that both approaches misread the Scriptures. (For more on this subject, see this article).
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Note about "Hyperreality"
"Hyperreality" is a term used to refer to the impairment of mind, conditioned by postmodern culture, to sometimes fail to distinguish between what is real and what is "virtually real." This has led to various techniques of "mass media" that invent a sort of "Disney world" effect in which people "enter into" illusory social constructs and passively regard them as realities. Such "fake depictions" create illusions that cater to people's fears, desires, and imaginations. It is the "technological mediation" of experience, and it is commonplace today, so commonplace, in fact, that it is the manufactured interpretation of what is "real."
Some examples of hyperrealities include: mass media "news"; the Internet; "reality TV"; TikTok; advertising of all kinds; fake "science," Facebook "friends," sexual "identity," HDR photography; faux antiques; pornography; Disney World; the music industry; fast "food," professional sports; fiat currency; and "Neo's noodles" (from the Matrix), among others..
The Babylonian calendar was a lunisolar calendar with years consisting of 12 lunar months, each beginning when a new crescent moon was first sighted low on the western horizon at sunset, plus an intercalary month inserted as needed by decree.
The year begins in spring, and is divided into reš šatti “beginning”, mišil šatti “middle”, and qīt šatti “end of the year”. The word for “month” was arḫu. The chief deity of the Assyrians is assigned the surplus intercalary month, showing that the calendar originates in Babylonian, and not later Assyrian times.
During the 6th century BC Babylonian captivity of the Hebrews, the Babylonian month names were adopted into the Hebrew calendar. In Iraq and the Levant, the Gregorian solar calendar is used with Arabic names of the Roman months replacing the Latin names.
The Days of the Month
Counting from the new moon, the Babylonians celebrated every seventh day as a “holy-day”, also called an “evil-day” (meaning “unsuitable” for prohibited activities). On these days officials were prohibited from various activities and common men were forbidden to “make a wish”, and the 28th was known as a “rest-day”.
On these days, offerings were made to a different god and goddess at nightfall to avoid the prohibitions:
Tablets from the sixth-century BC reigns of Cyrus the Great and Cambyses II indicate these dates were sometimes approximate. The lunation of 29 or 30 days basically contained three seven-day weeks, and a final week of eight or nine days inclusive, breaking the continuous seven-day cycle.
The Monthly Calendar
Until the 5th century BC, the calendar was fully observational, but beginning about 499 BC the months began to be regulated by a lunisolar cycle of 19 years equaling 235 months. After no more than three isolated exceptions, by 380 BC the months of the calendar were regulated by the cycle without exception. In the cycle of 19 years, the month Adaru 2 was intercalated, except in the year that was number 17 in the cycle, when the month Ulūlu 2 was inserted.
Season – Reš Šatti – Spring – The Beginning – 𒊕𒈬
During this period, the first day of each month (beginning at sunset) is the day when a new crescent moon was first sighted—the calendar never used a specified number of days in any month.
1st Month –Araḫ Nisānu
2nd Month – Araḫ Āru
3rd Month – Araḫ Simanu
4th Month – Araḫ Dumuzu
Season – Mišil Šatti – Summer/Fall – The Middle – 𒁇𒈬
During this period, the first day of each month (beginning at sunset) is the day when a new crescent moon was first sighted—the calendar never used a specified number of days in any month.
5th Month – Araḫ Abu
6th Month – Araḫ Ulūlu
7th Month – Araḫ Tišritum
8th Month – Araḫ Samnu
Season – Winter – Qīt Šatti – The End – 𒌀𒈬
During this period, the first day of each month (beginning at sunset) is the day when a new crescent moon was first sighted—the calendar never used a specified number of days in any month.
9th Month – Araḫ Kislimu
10th Month – Araḫ Ṭebētum
11th Month – Araḫ Šabaṭu
12th Month – Araḫ Addaru / Adār
Intercalary or 13th Month
In year 17 of the 19-year cycle, the intercalary month was named Araḫ Ulūlu – 𒌚𒆥 – Adar II
The Egyptian calendar was developed in the Egypt of the pharaos, so long ago that we don't know when exactly, but probably 4000 or more years ago. The Egyptian calendar was a solar calendar.
Already around the year −2150, the Egyptians divided the night (from sundown till sunup) into twelve equal parts, which were therefore shorter in the summer than in the winter: so-called
There is an ancient document that claims that the Egyptian calendar year contained 365 days from the end of the 17th dynasty of pharaos (around −1500), but had only 360 days before then [Verbrugghe, pp. 156, 179]. With a 360-day calendar year, the start of the year would have moved through all seasons in only about 70 years, and with a year of always 365 days it takes about 1460 years. That latter period is now referred to as a Sothis period, but it was apparently of no importance in ancient Egypt itself.
When the Romans conquered Egypt around AD 30, they enforced the use of a leap year every four years, which made the Egyptian calendar stay in step (as far as the length of the calendar year goes) with the Juliancalendar then in use in Rome itself. The Egyptian calendar after the adoption of the leap year rule is called the Alexandrian calendar. The first day of the Alexandrian calendar is always around 29 August on the Julian calendar.
Every Egyptian calendar year contained 12 months. Those months and their lengths are mentioned in the following table.
Table 1: Months of the Egyptian Calendar
month | days | |
1 | Thoth | 30 |
2 | Phaophi | 30 |
3 | Athyr | 30 |
4 | Choiak | 30 |
5 | Tybi | 30 |
6 | Mecheir | 30 |
7 | Phamenoth | 30 |
8 | Pharmuthi | 30 |
9 | Pachon | 30 |
10 | Payni | 30 |
11 | Epiphi | 30 |
12 | Mesore | 30 |
(epagomenai) | 5 | |
The names in the table are those mentioned by Claudius Ptolemaeus in his Almagest (from around AD 150) [Toomer]. Every Egyptian calendaryear has the same number of days (365), and so does every month (30 days), with 5 extra days at the end of the year (called epagomenai by the ancient Greeks) to complete the year. With these rules, the Egyptian calendar was very easy to use, and was used also outside of Egypt, by astronomers, from the ancient Greeks (such as Claudius Ptolemaeus around AD 150) through the end of the Middle Ages, around 400 yearsago. Copernicus still used the Egyptian calendar!
2. The Babylonian calendar
The Babylonian calendar was used in ancient Mesopotamia (nowadays Iraq and its surroundings). The origin of this calendar is hidden in great age, probably around 3000 years ago. The Babylonian calendar was a lunisolar calendar with 12 or 13 months a year that each had 29 or 30 days. The months of the Babylonian calendar are listed in the following table.
Table 2: Months of the Babylonian Calendar
month | |
1 | Nisannu |
2 | Ajjaru |
3 | Simanu |
4 | Du`uzu |
5 | Abu |
6 | Ululu |
Ululu Ⅱ (embolismic month) | |
7 | Tashritu |
8 | Arahsamnu |
9 | Kislimu |
10 | Tebetu |
11 | Shabatu |
12 | Adaru |
Adaru Ⅱ (embolismic month) | |
Embolismic months were inserted after Ululu or Adaru. A new day started at sunset, and a new month at the first appearance of the yound crescent Moon after New Moon. The beginning of the year was always around the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere.
At the latest around the year −750 (in the Julian proleptic calendar) the Babylonians divided a full day into twelve equal parts ("double hours"), which were each divided into 30 equal parts. Babylonian arithmetic was based on the number 60, and that's where our division of an hour into 60 minutes and a minute into 60 seconds comes from [Stephenson, p. 2].
At first, the beginning of months and years was determined by observations, but after a while periods and rules were discovered with which the lunar phases, and so the beginning of months, could be reasonably accurately predicted. From about the year −400 the calendarwas based on fixed rules, themselves based on the close connection between 235 synodical months and 19 tropical years. The city of Babylon was deserted and forgotten after about AD 100, and eventually the Babylonian calendar also got out of use. When Islam spread across the area around AD 650, the associated Islamic calendar gained prominence, which is of a quite different type. The Babylonian calendar still lives on to some degree in the Jewish calendar, which follows almost the same rules and has very similar names for the months.
3. The Greek calendars
The Greeks in ancient times used both equal and unequal hours[Stephenson, p. 3]. Each Greek city-state had its own calendar, with its own names for the months, and inserting embolistic months into the local calendar had more to do with local politics than with the desire for a regular predictable calendar. Because of this, our knowledge of the exact correspondence between dates on ancient Greek calendars and dates on other calendars is very limited.
4. The Julian calendar
The oldest Roman calendar (used from perhaps as early as the year−700 on the Julian proleptic calendar) was a lunar calendar, with in the beginning perhaps only 10 months in each calendar year, though that isn't very clear. The year then started with the month of March, and September through December were then the 7th through 10th months, as their names suggest (septem = 7, octo = 8, novem = 9, decem = 10). July was then still called Quintilis (quint = 5), and August was called Sextilis (sext = 6). Eventually (or perhaps soon) January and February appeared at the end of the calendar year.
Around −450, the calendar changed to become a lunisolar one, by occasional insertion of an embolistic month of 22 or 23 days just after the feast of the Terminalia on 23 February. The remaining days of February followed after the embolistic month. The insertion of the embolistic month happened so haphazardously that the calendar year came to be very much out of step with the seasons. In that time, March, May, Quintilis and October each had 31 days, February had 28, and the remaining months had 29, which yields a total of 355 days.
To get the calendar back into line with the seasons, Julius Caesar, the leader of the Roman Empire at the time, inserted several extra months into the year −44, which made that year 445 days long. Caesar changed the calendar, starting with the year we now refer to as −44, to a solar calendar of 365 days a year, by adding a couple of days to certain months: January, Sextilis, and December got 2 days extra to end up with 31, and April, June, September, and November gained 1 day to end up with 30. Caesar had the year officially start with January, which apparently had been the case already unofficially for a while. He also decreed that each fourth year should get an extra day inserted where the embolistic months used to be inserted, between 23 and 24 February [Censorinus], [van Wijk, p. 51]. With the Roman way of inclusive counting, the extra day was the sixth one before the end of February, and was called the bissextile day (the "second sixth" day). It is possible that Caesar learned the advantages of a regular predictable calendar during a lengthy visit to Egypt in −45.
Historians have determined that the year −44 was not a leap year. In honor of Caesar, the Senate of Rome decided to rename the month of Quintilis to Julius (July), but Caesar did not live to see the first month of July, because he was assassinated on the 15th day (the Ides) of the preceding March (of the year −43). After the death of Caesar, the Romans mistakenly counted every third year a leap year instead of the intended every fourth year, so that the calendar quickly got out of step with the seasons again. Caesar's successor, Emperor August, fixed this mistake by not having any leap years for a decade or so, so that from the year AD 8 at the latest the Julian calendar was once again on the track laid out by Caesar. In honor of Emperor August, the month of Sextilis was renamed to Augustus (August). The history of the lengths, names, and places of the months is illustrated by the following table (based on a description by the late Roman author Censorinus [Censorinus] [van Wijk, p. 51]).
Table 3: Months of the Julian Calendar
around −450 | >−44 | later | English | |||
11 | ianuarius | 29 | 1 | 31 | January | |
12 | februarius | 28 | 2 | February | ||
1 | mars | 31 | 3 | March | ||
2 | aprilis | 29 | 4 | 30 | April | |
3 | maius | 31 | 5 | May | ||
4 | iunius | 29 | 6 | 30 | June | |
5 | quintilis | 31 | 7 | iulius | July | |
6 | sextilis | 29 | 8 | 31 | augustus | August |
7 | september | 29 | 9 | 30 | September | |
8 | october | 31 | 10 | October | ||
9 | november | 29 | 11 | 30 | November | |
10 | december | 29 | 12 | 31 | December | |
355 | 365 | |||||
The Romans used a very different way from us for naming days of the month. For an example of the Roman way of dating, see the Roman Calendar Example Page.
The Julian calendar was used without interruption until 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII made some changes that modified the calendar (at first only in the Catholic areas, later also elsewhere) into the Gregoriancalendar.
On 17 August 2010 it was 750,000 days since the death of Julius Caesar.
5. The French revolutionary calendar
The French revolutionary calendar was used in France after the French Revolution, from 24 November 1793 until 1 January 1806 (when Napoléon Bonaparte had become the leader of the French people), and again from 6 until 23 May 1871 (on the Gregorian calendar). Each yearbegan at the autumnal equinox (the one in what we call September) and contained 12 months of 30 days each, followed by 5 (or 6) days that were not part of any month. The names of the months were: Vendémiaire, Brumaire, Frimaire, Nivôse, Pluviôse, Ventôse, Germinal, Floréal, Prairial, Messidor, Thermidor, and Fructidor, and the 5 or 6 month-less days that followed were together called the jours sansculottides. Each month was divided into three periods of 10 days (called décades), of which the last day was a day of rest. The workers weren't happy about this, because on the Gregorian calendar they had had a day of rest every 7th day.
The epoch of the calendar (1 Vendémiaire of year 1) coincided with the autumnal equinox of 1793 on the Gregorian calendar. At first, leap yearswere determined by the rule that the autumnal equinox must fall on 1 Vendémiaire, but this led to problems to predict when exactly future years would begin, so it was suggested to use a set of Gregorian-like leap year rules, but the calendar was abolished before those rules came into effect [Dershowitz].
6. The Central American calendars
The peoples of Anahuac (Central America) used many different calendarsbefore they were conquered by the Spaniards in the 16th century, but those calendars were all based on the same pattern, which we'll explain here based on the Tikan calendars of the Maya.
The calendars of Anahuac had a period of 20 days (called venteina by the Spaniards; the local name is not known anymore) with a name for each day. The names of the days of the venteina used in the Tikal calendar were: Imix, Ik, Akbal, Kan, Chicchan, Cimi, Manik, Lamat, Muluc, Oc, Chuen, Eb, Ben, Ix, Men, Cib, Caban, Etz'nab, Cauac and Ahau. The calendars also had a period of 13 days (called trecena by the Spaniards) in which each day had a number. These two cycles were run at the same time, such that after a day 6 Ik followed a day 7 Akbal, and then 8 Kan. A particular designation for a day in this system returned after 260 days, which period was called tzolkin in the language of Yucatan.
At the same time, there was also a year of 365 days, divided into 18 months of 20 days each, plus a 19th month of only 5 days. Each day in each month got a number (starting in the Tikal calendar with number 0, not 1), such that after day 0 Pop followed 1 Pop, and then 2 Pop. The names of the months in the Tikal calendar were: Pop, Uo, Zip, Zot'z, Tzec, Xul, Yaxkin, Mol, Ch'en, Yax, Zac, Ceh, Mac, Kankin, Muan, Pax, Kayab, Cumku and Uayeb. This system is now sometimes called the haab. With this year of 365 days, the calendar was a solar calendar.
A particular year was not identified by a number, but (usually) by the identification of the first day of the year in the tzolkin. If, for example, a particular year started with day 6 Ik, then the year was also called 6 Ik. The next year would then be 7 Manik, with the number one greater because 365 days equals 28 trecenas plus one day, and the month five positions further beause of the five extra days at the end of the year. The following year would then be 8 Eb, and the years after that 9 Caban and 10 Ik, and so on.
The calendars of Anahuac did not have leap years, so the calendar year ran out of step with the seasons by about 1 day each 4 years, just like the Egyptian calendar. A given day was usually identified by its positions in both the tzolkin and the haab cycles, for example 6 Ik 2 Pop, which was followed by 7 Akbal 3 Pop. After 52 calendar years of each 365 days a particular tzolkin-haab combination would come again. This period was called the hunab and is now called the calendar round, or even the Mayan century.
Besides these two cycles, the peoples of Anahuac also used the so-called Long Count, with several cycles that each consisted of a number of smaller cycles. The cycles and their lengths were:
1 kin | = | 1 day | |||
1 tun | = | 18 uinal | = | 360 days | |
1 katun | = | 20 tun | = | 7'200 days | (about 20 years) |
1 baktun | = | 20 katun | = | 144'000 days | (about 394 years) |
1 may | = | 13 katun | = | 1'872'000 days | (about 5125 years) |
1 pictun | = | 20 baktun | = | 2'880'000 days | (about 7885 years) |
1 calabtun | = | 20 pictun | = | 57'600'000 days | (about 157'700 years) |
1 kinchiltun | = | 20 calabtun | = | 1'152'000'000 days | (about 3'154'004 years) |
1 alautun | = | 20 kinchiltun | = | 23'040'000'000 days | (about 63'080'082 years) |
Only the first five of these units of time were usually used in the Long Count. After 13 baktun = 20 may, the main cycle of the Long Count was complete and a new one would start. Each date was indicated by its (numbered) position in all cycles, starting with the baktun and then down to the kin. The numbers started at 0. A complete date specification consisted of the positions of the day in the Long Count, the tzolkin, and the haab.
The first day of the Long Coun, the epoch, was 4 Ahau 8 Cumku. With which day on the Julian proleptic calendar does that correspond? After the conquest of Central America by the Spaniards, many of the documents of the indigenous peoples were destroyed by the conquerors, and many local customs (such as the local calendars) were suppressed if the new masters felt they were not suitable. Because of this, the exact correspondence between the calendars of Anahuac (and especially the Long Count) and the calendars of the Spaniards (Julian/Gregorian) has been lost. Investigators of this question have proposed dates between the years of −3632 and −2593 of the Julian proleptic calendar. Nowadays most experts agree that 6 September −3113 (Julian proleptic; Julian day 584,283) is the correct one, as proposed in 1950 by Thompson.
A date, for example chiseled into a building or statue, was usually given in the tzolkin and haab. Sometimes the Long Count was also included, but sometimes it was not. If there's no Long Count, then the date is ambiguous even in its own calendar, because then the same combination recurs every 52 calendar years. For example, there's a Maya inscription (in the "Leyden Plaque" [Edmonson, p. 32]) that lists the date (after translation into the Tikal calendar) 1 Eb 0 Yaxkin. This date occurred most recently on 8 August 1983, and every 18,980 days before that. Which one is the correct one? Fortunately, the Long Count is also given, as, and that corresponds (assuming the Thompson correlation) with 14 September, AD 320.
1 January 2000 corresponded to 11 Ik 10 Kankin. The Long Count of recurs on 21 December 2012, but that date can still be distinguished from the epoch because the tzolkin-haab designation of the coming is 4 Ahau 3 Kankin, and the epoch was 4 Ahau 8 Cumku. The first time that 4 Ahau 8 Cumku comes again is in the year 34,302.
7. The Gaulish Calendar
Our knowledge of the Gaulish calendar is almost entirely based on the "Calendar of Coligny" that describes five years, probably dates to the 1st century AD, and was found in 1897 near Coligny in France. This Gaulish calendar was a lunisolar calendar with 12 or 13 months per year. The names and lengths of the months are displayed in the following table. (It is of course possible that the names or even the whole calendar was different in other regions or times.)
day | ||
Ciallos | 0/30 | |
1 | Samon | 30 |
2 | Dumann | 29 |
3 | Riuros | 30 |
4 | Anagantios | 29 |
5 | Ogron | 30 |
6 | Cutios | 30 |
Ciallos | 0/30 | |
7 | Giamon | 29 |
8 | Simiuisonn | 30 |
9 | Equos | 29 |
10 | Elembiu | 29 |
11 | Edrin | 30 |
12 | Cantios | 29 |
The month Ciallos was an embolistic month that was inserted before Samon once every five years, and between Cutios and Giamon 2.5 yearslater. This Gaulish calendar therefor had an embolistic month every 2.5 years. This gave the calendar year a length of 354 or 384 days, with an average length of 366 days. To keep in step with the seasons in the long run, an embolistic month needed to be dropped once in a while, but how and when this happened is not known.
It is not clear at what phase of the Moon each month began. Some people think it was at Full Moon, others at New Moon, and yet others at First Quarter. The Celts counted a full day as a night and the following day. Modern Western calendars count days, but the Celts counted nights (as in "fortnight" for a period of 14 days).
It is not entirely clear in which time of year each month of the Gaulish calendar fell. Many people think that the Gaulish month of Samon roughly corresponds with the modern Irish month of Samhainn (November), but John Bonsing gives convincing arguments [Bonsing] that there is no reasonable proof for the Samon - Samhainn connection, that modern Samhainn in fact corresponds to the Gaulish month of Giamon, and that the beginning of the Gaulish year (with the month Samon or the preceding embolistic month of Ciallos) corresponds to about the middle of the modern month of May.
The Gregorian calendar has become the standard for measuring the progression of time since Pope Gregory XIII first introduced it in the year 1582. His papal influence let it spread to Italy, Spain, France, and other Catholic countries before becoming the most widely used calendar standard. Now years later, it is an official standard and civil calendar, acting as the basis for date and time guidelines in ISO 8601:2004 – Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange – Representation of dates and times. The standard structures and names for months and other labels used in the Gregorian calendar are reflective of the past calendars from which it derived, and it even has similarities with the calendars that it shares no direct connection.
Humanity has long been interested in measuring and understanding the dimension of time, and has used the different celestial, or “heavenly”, bodies to track the changes in the rotation of the Earth and alteration of seasons. However, assessing the calendar systems of the past is not always reliable, since records were either poorly taken or have been long lost over time. Archaeological evidence in the past several years has indicated that Stone Age Britons from 10,000 years ago might have used a complex of pits to indicate the months of the year and the lunar stages in those months. Additionally, while the purpose of Stonehenge is not exactly known, some believe that the massive rocks might indicate some kind of calendar or representation of the movement in the solar system.
Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England |
The Sumerian calendaris the earliest known confirmed calendar. The Sumerians were interested in astronomy, and their months began during the visibility of the first moon. This gave them twelve lunar months. The Mesopotamian solar year was divided into two seasons, which were essentially an extended summer and regular winter. Basing the 12 months off the visibility of the moon turned out to be problematic, since a lunar year is only 354 days. To accommodate this into the 365-day solar year, which they depended on for their agriculture, the Sumerians installed what is basically a leap month every several years, which was to be determined by the king at the time.
Much of the success of the Sumerian calendar is due to the economic benefits that came with being able to track barley loans, which later led to the implementation of silver as a standard form of currency. The successive Babylonians adapted the Sumerian calendar into their use, and strove to solve the issue of adding random months during the Eighth Century BCE. During this time, astronomers realized that 235 lunar months are almost identical to 19 solar years. This led them to conclude that 7 out of every 19 years ought to be leap years with an additional month. This solidified the standardized Babylonian calendarin Mesopotamia.
During this time, in a completely different part of the world, the Maya had developed their calendar system as the standard in a significant portion of Mesoamerica, specifically, the Guatemalan highlands, Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico. The Mayan calendarconsists of different cycles, or counts of different lengths, including the Tzolkin 260-day count and the Haab 365-day cycle, the latter of which consisted of 20-day weeks plus additional 5-day period. These calendars were combined into a calendar that was used to track a period of time that spanned generations, the Long Count, which begins in the Gregorian calendar on August 11, 3114 BCE and initially ended on December 21, 2012. Centuries after the fall of the Maya Civilization, misinterpretation of the Long Count calendar and the assumption that it would be ending, and not just simply recycling, sparked the belief that it would mark the apocalypse.
In the last millennium of BCE, the Roman calendarbecame the Old World standard, but it did not last long due to its bizarre structure. It consisted of 10 months that were either 30 or 31 days long, beginning in March (Martius) and ending in December. Initially, the winter season was not accounted for in the 304-day year, but the eventual addition of January and February extended the total year to closely match the actual solar year.
Statue of Julius Caesar in Piazza Tre Martiri in Rimini, Italy |
Despite this change, the Roman calendar was incredibly complicated and frequently required the decision to remove or add days to keep the calendar in track with the seasons, leading to Emperor Julius Caesar’s motive for an update in 45 BCE. Working with the Alexandrian astronomer Sosigenes, he created the Julian calendar. Key changes to this calendar included a 365-day year and the addition of a Leap Year once every 4 years. The Leap Day was initially February 24, since February marked the end of the year in the Roman calendar. However, the months were later adjusted into the order that they are today, giving some of them names that do not match their chronological placement. For example, October moved from the eight to the tenth month of the year. The name of the seventh month was also changed to July, in honor of Caesar.
Following this time, the Julian calendar became the standard as it spread in usage all across the vast Roman Empire, but there really was not a standard form of epochs. Different people devised the majority of these as a way to determine the time in which the Earth was created according to their respective cosmologies. One notable system was the Diocletian system, named after the 51st emperor of Rome, which began during his reign. In 525 CE, once Christianity had become the predominant religion of Rome, a Monk named Dionysius Exiguus decided to do away with the Anno Diocletiani era and its memory of an emperor who had been mercilessly ruthless to Christians.
Dionysius was determined to make his era coordinate with the birth of Jesus Christ, making the starting date of Anno Domini (AD) 1. This was incredibly important to him, since he wanted to be able to accurately date Easter. Even though he was a skilled mathematician, today we do not exactly know how Dionysius determined the date of Christ’s birth. Today, historians actually place the birth of Jesus Christ around the year 4 BCE, so his calculation ended up being slightly off, possibly from placing the first day of the year in September rather than January. He also established the time before AD 1 to be BC, or “Before Christ”. Interestingly, there is no year 0 in the modern era system, not for any particular deliberate reason on Dionysus’s part, but because Romans had no symbol for the number 0, which had not yet been passed on by Indian mathematicians. Due to his change, Anno Domini 532 followed Anno Diocletiani 247.
Anno Domini became accepted all throughout Europe in the next several centuries, but there was still one major issue with the standard Julian calendar: it miscalculated the length of the solar year by 11 minutes, causing it to fall out of the seasons as time progressed. This is what encouraged Pope Gregory XIII to alter the error in the calendar in an attempt to place the date of Easter closer to the spring equinox. He and Italian scientist Aloysus Lilius realized the addition of a Leap Day every four years made the calendar slightly too long, devising the idea of leap years divisible by 4, unless that year is divisible by 100. However, if the year is also divisible by 400, a leap year is added regardless. This concept gave us the Gregorian calendar that we use today.
Statue of Pope Gregory XIII |
Change from the Julian to Gregorian calendar did not happen instantly. In 1752, a vote of Parliament in Great Britain determined that England and all of its territories would switch to the adjusted calendar standard, advancing the calendar overnight from September 2 to September 14. It is rumored that British citizens woke up in outrage to this change, while Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying “It is pleasant for an old man to be able to go to bed on September 2, and not have to get up until September 14.” Some countries didn’t make this switch until the 20th Century, including Russia, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Lithuania, and Estonia.
The most recent change is one that has likely gone unnoticed by many people. In the year 1615, after over 1000 years of utilizing the AD label in the Gregorian calendar, Johannes Kepler, German mathematician and astronomer who discovered the elliptical orbit of the planets, referred to Anno Domini as the “Vulgar Era”. Over the next several centuries, as the majority of society moved closer to an ideology more closely associated with Modernity, with a greater emphasis on secularization and scientific thought, the term Vulgar Era was given more traction, and was often interchangeable with Common Era. Since the mid-Twentieth Century until today, the designation of CE (Common Era) and BCE (Before Common Era) has been used to respectively replace AD and BC in the academic community.
According to the Encyclopedia International, article "Week," the days were names for the sun, the moon, and the five visible planets, all of which were associated with pagan deities. The names of the days of the week and their meanings are as follows:
But how did this planetary week come to be so commonly used in the professing Christian world?
Hutton Webster, in his book Rest Days, provides the answer: "The early Christians had at first adopted the Jewish seven-day week with its numberedweekdays, but by the close of the third century AD this began to give way to the planetary week. . . . The use of planetary names by Christians attests the growing influence of astrological speculations introduced by converts from paganism. . . . Thus, gradually a pagan institution was engrafted on Christianity" (emphasis added; see pages 220-221).
This planetary week with its days named after pagan deities is not of God. God Almighty did create the week with seven days, but He merely numbered the days one through seven (Genesis 1:3—2:3). The only day He named was the seventh day, calling it the "
The names of the months and their meanings are as follows:
The rest of the months—September, October, November, December—are derived from the Latin words for the numerals 7, 8, 9, and 10. They were the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th months of the old Roman calendar before July and August were inserted ahead of them.
The Hebrew months were originally numbered, but over time names were given to them. For instance, Abib, the first month of spring, means "green [ears of barley]" (this month is also called Nisan, meaning "their flight [out of Egypt]"). Later, the Jews borrowed Babylonian names for many of their months, some of which (e.g., Tammuz) refer to pagan deities.
In 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII introduced his Gregorian calendar, Europe adhered to the Julian calendar, first implemented by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C. Since the Roman emperor's system miscalculated the length of the solar year by 11 minutes, the calendar had since fallen out of sync with the seasons.
Which calendar should society follow, Pope Gregory XIII Gregorian calendar or God’s Calendar? Everything we do should start with God! Our conscious tells us that we should follow God’s truth and not man’s truth. The amazing thing about the human conscious is this...even if you don't believe what I am saying, you believe what I am saying. Even if you reject the truth of what I am saying, there is rooted deep inside you a conviction which you can suppress with the years that is which is nonetheless telling you these things are so. And this truth is the truth that the scripture won't let you forget. - Stuart Loy.
First, we must seek to understand God’s truth and apply His truth in our daily lives. God’s calendar has “appointed festivals or holidays” that He commands we follow and worship. God’s calendar, nor the Bible identify the Pagan festivals or holidays (Gregorian calendar) that has been passed down from century to century as biblical holidays. Pagan’s have mixed truth with what is false, and changed God’s appointed festivals in His Luni-Solar calendar to fit their Gregorian calendar.
Therefore, we all must understand that just because holidays and traditions have been passed down from one generation to the next doesn’t make them biblical or truth. Just the opposite, many of us have been deceived most of our lives. For example, nowhere in the Bible does God have appointed holidays such as Christmas with Santa Claus, or Easter with the Easter bunny or Halloween with witches, ghosts and goblins. These Pagan holidays are nowhere to be found in God’s appointed festivals or holidays in the Bible.
What we have found though is, for centuries, man has been confused and made modifications to God’s appointed festivals. It is God’s appointed times that He has commanded we celebrate. We, meaning all of mankind, not just Jews. God’s commands, instructions and warnings are not just for the Jews, but for all the ways of the world.
The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: “These are my appointed festivals, the appointed festivals of the Lord, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies.” – Leviticus 23: 1 (NIV).
In the beginning (Genesis 1:14-16), God created all things from nothing. In the beginning there was no light. And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. – Genesis 1:14-16 (NIV).
God also gave man the Sabbath: a blessed and holy time where we are to give back love and worship to our Creator. All of mankind must worship. God’s appointed times or festivals were not just for the Jews, but for all mankind. But after many generations, many became confused and lost track of days, weeks and months. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. – Ecclesiastics 1:9 (NIV).
At the time of creation, God provided patterns and actions for the sun, the moon and the stars, an ever present, accurate calendar to measure time and clearly designate our work days from our worship days. Nothing new under the sun means that the sun, moon and stars were created to repeat themselves. The sun, moon and stars, simply put are God’s time pieces to help us calculate our days (sun), months (moon), and years (stars) and their annual cycles. The sun and the moon follow the same pattern. But the stars determine the year and are dependent on the sun and the moon.
In order to worship God on the days He appointed, people must be able to understand how God’s calendar works to know which day is the first day, the starting point for counting the six days of work to the seventh day of worship.
God’s Celebrated Festivals:
1. Passover (1 day) – Leviticus 23:5 (NIV)
2. Unleavened Bread (7 days) – Leviticus 23:5-6 (NIV)
3. Firstfruits (1 day) – Leviticus 23:9-14 (NIV)
4. Pentecost (weeks/one day) – Leviticus 23:15-19 (NIV)
5. Trumpets (one 48-hour day) – Leviticus 23:23-25 (NIV)
6. Day of Atonement (one day) – Leviticus 23:26-32 (NIV)
7. Tabernacles (7 days) – Leviticus 23:33-43 (NIV)
Seasons and Festivals from Leviticus, Chapter 23 (NIV):
1. The Sabbath (Saturday on Gregorian calendar) - There are six days when you may work, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, a day of sacred assembly. You are not to do any work; wherever you live, it is a sabbath to the LORD. – Leviticus 23:3
2. The Passover and Unleavened Bread (Jesus died and was buried) - These are the LORD’s appointed festivals, the sacred assemblies you are to proclaim at their appointed times: The LORD’s Passover begins at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month. On the fifteenth day of that month the LORD’s Festival of Unleavened Bread begins; for seven days you must eat bread made without yeast. On the first day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work. For seven days present a food offering to the LORD. And on the seventh day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work. – Leviticus 23:4-8
3. Offering the Firstfruits (Jesus Ascended into Heaven) - The LORD said to Moses, Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter the land I am going to give you and you reap its harvest, bring to the priest a sheaf of the first grain you harvest. He is to wave the sheaf before the LORD so it will be accepted on your behalf; the priest is to wave it on the day after the Sabbath. On the day you wave the sheaf, you must sacrifice as a burnt offering to the LORD a lamb a year old without defect, together with its grain offering of two-tenths of an ephah of the finest flour mixed with olive oil—a food offering presented to the LORD, a pleasing aroma—and its drink offering of a quarter of a hin of wine. You must not eat any bread, or roasted or new grain, until the very day you bring this offering to your God. This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live. – Leviticus 23:9-14
4. The Festival of Weeks (50 days/Holy Spirit comes and Disciples) - From the day after the Sabbath, the day you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, count off seven full weeks. Count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh Sabbath, and then present an offering of new grain to the LORD. From wherever you live, bring two loaves made of two-tenths of an ephah of the finest flour, baked with yeast, as a wave offering of firstfruits to the LORD. Present with this bread seven male lambs, each a year old and without defect, one young bull and two rams. They will be a burnt offering to the LORD, together with their grain offerings and drink offerings—a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the LORD. Then sacrifice one male goat for a sin offering and two lambs, each a year old, for a fellowship offering. The priest is to wave the two lambs before the LORD as a wave offering, together with the bread of the firstfruits. They are a sacred offering to the LORD for the priest. On that same day you are to proclaim a sacred assembly and do no regular work. This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live. When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the foreigner residing among you. I am the LORD your God. – Leviticus 23:15-22
5. The Festival of Trumpets (2nd Coming of Christ) - The LORD said to Moses, Say to the Israelites: On the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of sabbath rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts. Do no regular work, but present a food offering to the LORD. – Leviticus 23:23-25
6. The Day of Atonement (Churches Repent) - The LORD said to Moses, The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. Hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves, and present a food offering to the LORD. Do not do any work on that day, because it is the Day of Atonement, when atonement is made for you before the LORD your God. Those who do not deny themselves on that day must be cut off from their people. I will destroy from among their people anyone who does any work on that day. You shall do no work at all. This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live. It is a day of sabbath rest for you, and you must deny yourselves. From the evening of the ninth day of the month until the following evening you are to observe your sabbath. – Leviticus 23:26-32
7. The Festival of Tabernacles (Birth of Jesus) - The LORD said to Moses, Say to the Israelites: On the fifteenth day of the seventh month the LORD’s Festival of Tabernacles begins, and it lasts for seven days. The first day is a sacred assembly; do no regular work. For seven days present food offerings to the LORD, and on the eighth day hold a sacred assembly and present a food offering to the LORD. It is the closing special assembly; do no regular work. (These are the LORD’s appointed festivals, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies for bringing food offerings to the LORD—the burnt offerings and grain offerings, sacrifices and drink offerings required for each day. These offerings are in addition to those for the LORD’s Sabbaths and in addition to your gifts and whatever you have vowed and all the freewill offerings you give to the LORD.) So beginning with the fifteenth day of the seventh month, after you have gathered the crops of the land, celebrate the festival to the LORD for seven days; the first day is a day of sabbath rest, and the eighth day also is a day of sabbath rest. On the first day you are to take branches from luxuriant trees—from palms, willows and other leafy trees—and rejoice before the LORD your God for seven days. Celebrate this as a festival to the LORD for seven days each year. This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come; celebrate it in the seventh month. Live in temporary shelters for seven days: All native-born Israelites are to live in such shelters so your descendants will know that I had the Israelites live in temporary shelters when I brought them out of Egypt. I am the LORD your God. So Moses announced to the Israelites the appointed festivals of the LORD. – Leviticus 23:33-44
God’s Appointed Times:
The 1st day of the first month (Nisan) is the first day of the God’s calendar year. It would begin at the new moon of our March/April, and coincides with the latter rains (Joel 2:23). Each month begins with a new moon. (Numbers 10:10, 28:11, 1 Samuel 20:5, Psalm 81:3, Isaiah 66:23, Ezekiel 46:3, Amos 8:5, Colossians. 2:16.) The 1st day of Tishri, in the Fall, customarily begins the new civil year, God’s New Year.
God established several national holidays each year for celebration, fellowship, and worship. Much can be learned about people observing the holidays they celebrate and the way they celebrate them. Take note of your holiday traditions. What do they say about your values? In what ways do your celebrations and holidays reflect your relationship with God, your Creator. The Creator of Heaven and Earth!
Yeshua, our Savior, even under any other name or assigned Christian made up title such as the Catholic title of “Christ” or the KJV “Jesus” was never in Christmas or Easter, so why worry about it or try to shove him and his Holy Fall Feast of Tabernacles birth [not December 25th] into a sungod, heathen holiday or tie him and His Spring Resurrection to a bare breasted sungoddess spring festival? It makes no sense at all and it is nonsense for Christians to mix the Holy things of YHWH God with pagan things dedicated to Satan’s kingdom and then to celebrate the mixture as ‘harmless’ or Christianized. Celebrate the secular midwinter solstice holiday and Easter if you wish, but do not tie them to Almighty God or to Yeshua/Jesus. That is wrong and it denigrates the Bible, God’s Word. Do not say, “That is not what it means to me”. It does not matter to Yeshua or YHWH God what it means to you if you use that tired excuse for disobedience to the Word of God. Your worldview must line up with scripture if you are to follow the Savior at all. “This is the Way, walk ye in it”, says the Almighty. See my article on Yeshua/Jesus real birthday at the Feast of Tabernacles on my WordPress website.
Deuteronomy 12:28-32 says:
“Shomer [Obey] and hear all these words which I command you, that it may go well with you, and with your children after you le-olam-va-ed [forever], when you do that which is tov [good] and right in the sight of Yahweh your Elohim. When Yahweh your Elohim shall cut off the nations from before you, that you are going to possess, and you dispossess them, and dwell in their land; Guard yourself that you are not ensnared by following them, after they are destroyed from before you; and that you inquire not after their elohim, saying, how did these nations serve their elohim? Even so will I do too. You shall not do so to Yahweh your Elohim: for every abomination to Yahweh, that He hates, have they done to their elohim; for even their sons and their daughters they have burned in the fire to their [prosperity] elohim. Whatever I am commanding you, shomer [take care] to do it: you shall not add to it, nor take away from it [the Word].”
First of all, this examination of the Biblical Hebraic Roots of Christianityand its applicability to today’s Church systems is not an attack on either true Christianity or Christians in this 21stCentury of the “Christian era”, but it is a course correction out of the shipwrecking rocks and shoals of error and illusions. Those who would take offense without consideration of the teachings given here should not fall into the same snare that Judah fell into when confronted with Jeremiahs proclaiming what YHWH told him to say to the people chosen by Yahweh to bear His Name. That snare which is called by Yahweh, “Lashan Hara” or the evil tongue; speaking slander and vilification against the messenger rather than considering the message that YHWH wanted the Prophet to convey to them.
This is an examination of the Pagan, Roman Catholic Gregorian Calendar used universally by Protestant Christianity today in place of Yahweh’s Calendar from the Bible. Some may consider that I am being cruel to fellow believers in Jesus/Yeshua, but I am really not writing this from any animosity whatsoever. I, exhorting as a Bar-Naba, hate lies and deception. I desire above all else to free my brothers and sisters from the “traditions of men, which put the things of the Almighty God to naught” in the minds of his children. The Scripture is true in its entirety and provides our only light. The lies of the clerics provide only darkness and have always done so.
2 Kefa (Peter), chapter 3:
“And consider the long patience of our Master as salvation; even as our beloved brother Sha’ul (Paul) also according to the chochmah (wisdom) given to him has written to you; As also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things; in which some things are hard to understand, which they that are unlearned and unstable twist, as they do also the other Keetvay HaKodesh (Holy Scriptures), to their own destruction (and their students confusion). You then, beloved ones, seeing you know these things beforehand (from your youth), beware lest you also, being led away with the delusion of Torah-less-ness (lawlessness), fall from your ownsteadfastness. But grow in favor and in the da’at (grace) of our Master and Savior Yeshua ha Moshiach. To Him be tifereth (glory) both now and le-olam-va-ed (forever). Omein.”
In my reading and studying of the Hebrew Scriptures, I have yet to find one place that requires us to submit to any authority of those that:
1) Add to, delete from or change the teachings of Yahweh’s written Torahand:
2) Refer to the Law given to Moshe (Moses), not as an authoritative code of instruction and teaching of believers; but as a mere “source of law” for the purpose of deriving and enacting new laws such as Ecclesiastical orRabbinical Oral Enactments, Takanot and Ma’asim.
Furthermore, I have yet to find one written Scriptural source (written Torah/Tanach and the written Gospels/Renewed Covenant) that says that we can only receive the Spirit of Elohim (Holy Spirit) on condition that we live according to the exacting standards of Pharisaic or Denominational Takanot and Geserot(decrees, regulations, doctrines and prohibitions added to Moses written words) and Ma’asim (Precedents of the Rabbis and Church Denominations).
The Pagan Calendar in use on the Roman Catholic continent of Europe and the Mediterranean Sea lands during the “Dark Ages” was called the Julian calendar and was created by that famous pagan, sun worshiping Roman dictator, Julius Caesar; a devotee of Sol Invicta Mithras and also Jupiter, the Roman Solar deities. This calendar received the blessings of all the Roman Catholic Popes and their pagan church until it was mathematically “corrected” during the reign of Pope Gregory in 1585. The changes were mathematical and minimal in scope and encompassed the additional “changing of days and seasons” in defiance of scripture. The Pagan prosperity sungod names that Julius Caesar gave to days, weeks and months remained intact by Pope Gregory and will be discussed later in this article. These calendars worked well for the Anti-Israel and Anti-nomian, sun worshiping Babylonian Papal system, which had successfully divorced the Christian church from its Hebrew roots and created a new man made religion called Catholicism [Universal, they hoped]. This religion followed Babylon and is correctly named, “The Second Babylon”. Read Alexander Hyslop’s book of the same name, published in the 1850’s. It is excellent and correctly describes Christianity’s descent into Entropy and semi-paganism.
Yahweh God gave Moses in the Torah books, a perfect, Heavenly based calendar spelled out in detail in the Holy Torah as the eternal pattern written with the finger of Yahweh Elohim on Mount Horev; the true mountain of the Testimony. The New Year began at the new moon of the month of Aviv and the spring “Aviv Barley” in Israel before the spring equinox and was delineated in minute detail with many examples throughout Scripture. You, if you do not understand the Calendar of YHWH God, you will also never understand the Bible, and will never understand Bible Prophecy or the Gospel correctly. The Almighty does not like, nor does he comply with Pagan Calendars; but only his own Holy Calendar that began at Creation in Genesis 1:1!
Exodus 12: 2: “This month [Aviv] shall be for you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year for you.”
For 3500 plus years or so after the Holy Mountain of YHWH God experience, the true descendants of Avraham, called Israel and not “Jews”, began their scriptural year at the new moon in accordance with scripture, starting at the spring Month of Aviv that is ordained by Yahweh God and then followed it by the great feast of Pesach [Passover] on the 14th of Aviv as indicated in Leviticus chapter 23, which is the listing of Yahweh’s annual, Memorial times and seasons. It is worth noting here that these are Yahweh’s eternal feasts; and not “Jewish” feasts from Judaism’s modern calculated Calendar of the 2nd Century CE. They are not even the “times and seasons of Moses law”, but they are Yahweh God’s Holy, everlasting Commandments ordained within the scope of HIS Eternal CALENDAR!
The true descendants of the two houses of Israel still obey these Holy Commands and the Holy types and patterns leading unto Yeshua, our Messiah, that they represent.
Papal, Catholic, pagan Rome adopted the pagan sungod calendar of her predecessor and mentor, Caesar’s Imperial Rome. Julius Caesar got his calendar from the pagan religions of both the Eastern and Western sun worshiping religions of his ancestors. Roman Catholicism viciously attacked all who kept the Scriptural calendar and slaughtered millions of Jews and true Christians who followed Yahweh’s ancient ways. She insisted on controlling the calendar and ordered all to adopt her corrupt computations. The results were predictable. By the year 1582 the Julian calendar was off by 11 days and began to be embarrassing to the “fisherman, lord god, the pope”. Pope Gregory XIII then called on his own church version of the “Gestapo”, the Jesuits for a fix. They then provided a Jesuit, Christopher Clavius, S.J, who became the architect of the Gregorian calendar! This heathen was a German Jesuit mathematician and “pseudo astronomer” and became the main engine of the modern Gregorian calendar used by Christianity today. With this Jesuit calendar, came also the Jesuit astronomy or, as is known today, the “heliocentric universe”. With his introduction of the new Catholic calendar, Pope Gregory XIII demonstrated to the world that the changing of “times and seasons” is centered in Rome, and not on Scripture and certainly not centered on the Holy One of Israel. This was an interesting “trick” and was probably related to countering the Protestant reformation, which was going on in Europe at the time. The protestors failed to protest or counter this change and the Christian Church remains ignorant of it to this present day! As most of the other calendars in the world attest, the Popes usually adjust the calendar to the particular god of each nation/religion. Pope Gregory has clearly demonstrated that his god was and is the Catholic sungod in the sky, and it is not centered on Yeshua, the Son of Yahweh, and Savior of mankind.
The idea that Christians chose to celebrate the birth of Jesus on 25 December because this was the date of an already existing festival of Sol Invictus Mithra was expressed in an annotation to a manuscript of a work by 12th-century Syrian bishop Jacob Bar-Salibi. The scribe who added it wrote: “It was a custom of the Pagans to celebrate on the same 25 December the birthday of the Sun, at which they kindled lights in token of festivity. In these solemnities and revelries the Christians also took part. Accordingly when the doctors of the Church perceived that the Christians had a leaning to this festival, they took counsel and resolved that the true Nativity should be solemnized on that day.”
The Gregorian calendar was accepted in England and her colonies by an act of Parliament in 1752! Russia would not accept this Roman calendar until the Communist revolution in the early 20th century.
Protestants in early America used to recognize that Solar phenomena have no particular bearing on standard Christian practice, but now have fallen to the point that, on Easter morning [a pagan goddess, Ishtar/Semiramis, festival]; they go to the cemetery and face the rising sun in worship, not recognizing that they are following the ancient heathen worship of Semiramis/Mary, the “queen of heaven”! It is easy to deceive the unlearned or mistaught as Yahweh showed Ezekiel and Jeremiah.
The Gregorian calendar is named for an infamous persecutor and killer of Protestant Christians and Jews, most notably, the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in 1572; Pope Gregory XIII.
The Holy One of Israel gave a name ONLY to the 7th day of the week, which He called Shabbat [Sabbath];the only day of the seven-day week that He designated as a Holy day of rest. The other 6 days, He numbered 1 through 6, [Exodus 20:11, Deuteronomy 5:12-14; etc]. He also designated as His Appointed Times, the seven Annual Feasts of YHWH and no other feast, to be observed in perpetuity by all of his people, Israel and including those grafted into Israel. Read Romans 9, 10 and 11 to get a glimmer of how you are seen by Yeshua.
Rebellious pagan Men gave names to all 7 days of the week and the months of the year, which they named after PAGAN deities. The deities of the week are symbols equivalent to the sun, moon and 5 major planets. The months of the year are named after the PAGAN Sungods of Rome, Greece, Ireland, Scandinavia and other European Nations, including Germany. Roman numbers designates some months for the months 7,8,9 and 10, September, October, November and December.
The word PAGAN [a Gentile] means a heathen; one who is not a Hebrew, Nazarene or even a true Christian. One cannot be “A Gentile saved by faith” This is FALSE and ignorant at best! You can only be one or the other, and you cannot be both, that is; you are a FORMER Gentile.
The terms Pagan, Gentile and heathen specifically refer to one or all of the ancient polytheistic peoples, especially the Greeks, Romans and the Muslim descendants of Edom in particular. Heathen is applicable to all idolaters and worshipers of false, twisted gods.
The Biblical day always begins at sunset as defined at creation in Genesis, while the Gregorian Catholic day begins at midnight, which figures because that hour is called in history as the “witching hour”. Go figure!
The following descriptives contain some mind-blowing facts that you never knew before and that may be damaging to your former complacency on these matters!
Now we will define each day of the week:
1] Day 1 is called as such by Yahweh. It is called by pagans as SUN-DAY; so named for the “day of the venerable sun”. The sungod, “Sol Invicta” is called Nimrod, Tammuz, Ra, Osiris, Helios, Apollo, Ogmios, Mithra, Zeus, Jupiter, St. Elias and many more, but you get the idea. Christians worship on this sun-day, thus obeying the edict of the first Pope, Emperor Constantine Ist,given in 321 C.E., which changed the scriptural Sabbath from the 7th day to the 1st day of the week, SUBDAY. No Scripture exists requiring this change, but Scripture is twisted unmercifully to try to justify this pagan practice. The Sunday symbol is the solar disc or the solar disc in the center of the cross of Mithra, which is the symbol of the Roman Legions sungod, Mithras. Rome murdered millions of true, Messianic believers and Jews on this Roman sungod cross. The Medieval horizontal “Rack” of the Catholic Inquisition was a variation on the Cross of Crucifixion adopted by Rome to kill freedom lovers and Jews. Roman Catholicism, along with Islam, together, is the longest-lived murder cults on planet Earth!
2] Day2 is called as such by Yahweh. Pagans call it MON-DAY in honor of the Moon goddess, personified as Selene, Semiramis, Luna and Mani among others. The symbol is the crescent Moon. Islam worships this god as Allah, the Moongod of Islam and the Curse [Strongs H#421-423] of everyone else.
3] Day 3 is called as such by Yahweh. Pagans call it TUES-DAY in honor of the demonic force [the Force] of power, energy and endurance personified as Ares, Tiwas, Tiw, Tuisco and Tyr among others. The symbol of this wargod is the red planet Mars.
4] Day 4 is called as such by Yahweh. Pagans call it WEDNES-DAY in honor of the demonic spirit of Gnostic knowledge and wisdom, personified as Woden, Odin and Hermes. The symbol of this false oracle is the planet Mercury.
5] Day 5 is called as such by Yahweh. Pagans call it THURS-DAY in honor of the idol of Thunder, personified as Thunor [Thor]. Other names for him are Zeus, Taranis, Perun, Perkunis and St. Olaf among others. The symbol of this sungod is the planet Jupiter.
6] Day 6 is called as such by Yahweh. Pagans call it FRI-DAY worshiping the goddess of sexual love, Frigga. The symbol is Venus. Muslims worship this day as their sabbath but do not exhibit love as westerners know it, but only love death which is dedicated to their idol, Allah; which means “the CURSE” in Hebrew, [Strongs concordance #H421-423].
7] THE Holy and Eternal 7th Day SABBATH is called by YHWH God the SHABBAT, and it is called by men as Saturday, the day of Saturnalia after the worship of the sungod Saturn and it is designated by pig/pork eating as worship, pagan feasting on forbidden garbage eating animal foods and the committing of sexual sins, including Homosexuality, bisexuality, animal sex, pedophilia, rape and the worship of Nimrods penis in all of its pagan forms. Obelisques are towers representing Nimrods erect, uncircumcised penis, including the one centered in Washington, DC. It is dedicated to George Washington, a 33rd Degree Mason and worshiper of the Masonic Temple’s many sungod’s. Groves, Wiccan Circles, prostitute temples worldwide, pornography, Homosexual baths, massage parlors, gentlemen’s clubs, drinking and drugs are but a few of the rotten fruits of this pagan and rebellious substitute day. Christians shop, work, drink, eat Biblically forbidden foods and watch pagan games and Hollywood “R” rated entertainments on YHWH God’s Holy Day. They condemn themselves to the lake of fire for doing such defiant abominations.
The months of the pagan year in the Gregorian calendar; when they are set against the Scriptural months, in this list beginning roughly with the Bibles first month of AVIV in the spring; read as follows with their deities defined:
4] April = Aphrodite. A pagan Greek sexual fertility spring goddess, who is also called the Roman goddess, Venus. The Anglo-Saxon name for this month is Eastermonath, the month of the goddess EOSTRE/Ishtar whose name is the origin of the word EASTER. April is named in honor of her. Even Christians celebrate Easter instead of Passover and they are ignorantly worshiping Semiramis or Ishtar, a satanic goddess idol!
5] May = Maia, the Greek goddess of spring, identified with the goddess of fertility, Bona-Dea. She is included with April as a spring goddess of fertility to cover all Passover eventualities with pagan festivities. Mayday is the day of little schoolgirls worshiping Nimrods penis by dancing around the “Maypole” of Nimrod and garlanding it with flowers as a preparation for later demonically led sexual activity. I saw this display of American schoolteacher ignorance as an ignorant young gradeschool boy on school playground equipment poles. IT IS SICK!
6] June = Juno; another goddess and wife of Jupiter; this time it is a Roman demon who is also known as the Greek goddess, Hera. Her chief claim to fame is as another “queen of heaven” and as a divine “watcher” over the female sex. This ties in with the month of June as being the most auspicious time for marriage in America.
7] July = Julius. Julius Caesar; the Emperor of Rome and self-proclaimed sungod; the creator of the Julian calendar who proclaimed his own deity prior to being ventilated by many knives by some disgruntled senators. So much for proclaiming, “man is god”.
8] August = Augustus. Named after the [guess who], the Roman Emperor, Augustus Caesar; another ultimate politician and Obamanation.
9] September, the 7th month of the Biblical year [Sept] = Pomona;Named after the Roman goddess of fruit and fruit bearing trees. Wine, anyone?
10] October, the 8th month of the Biblical year [Oct] = Astraea, a Greek goddess. The Latin word Octber means eighth, so how did eighth become tenth? The Middle English word is Octobre, meaning a time to brew English/German Ale, called “Oktoberfest”.
11] November, the 9th month of the Biblical year [Nov] = Samhain. The name comes from the Catholic “All Saints day”, but the festival is really a Samhain [Satan] festival; known as Halloween, a celebration of devils.
12] December, the 10th month of the Biblical year [Dec] = Decima/Vesta. This is the middle goddess of the three fates and the Middle English spelling is Decembre. The Latin word is from decem meaning 10th. So why is the Catholic Calendar calling it the 12thmonth? Well, my confused American Christian friend, it is to sneak in “Christmas” with its lies so you will celebrate the Winter Solstice with the Wiccans and other pagans, who laugh at your naivete.
1] January = Janus, the two faced demonic god of endings, doors, theater and beginnings. The pagan new year is celebrated in January. The only “door” [dalet] that I recognize is the Holy One of Israel, Yeshua Ha Moshiach!
2] February = Februa, the Roman goddess of passion, death, purification and sex. Her orgiastic rites are celebrated on the 14th of February, St. Valentine’s Day. Send someone a valentine and participate in this feast of Wiccan, pagan lust. In the middle ages, one sent a Valentine such that a demon of lust would inhabit the recipient person you wished to have sex with. The demon is still present, but Americans are mostly ignorant of this evil intentioned root. Or are they?
3] March = Mars, the Roman god of war, known in Greece as Ares and by the Nordic Vikings as Odin. This month in early spring was considered a good time to start a war. Check your history on this one. For instance, when a squad leader wishes his troops to move out, what word does he use to get them going? Yes, you guessed it. MARCH!
The modern Protestant Christian Churches; in their zeal to accept and incorporate these pagan deities into their doctrines, holy days, holidays and ecclesiastical dogma, throw out and dispense with entire books of the Bible, notably the first 5 books of the Torah {Pentateuch] of YHWH God, to their eternal shame. It is little wonder that the new Babylonian system of Roman Catholicism calls the Protestant Denominations “wayward daughters, soon to return to the fold”. I am still waiting for the Protestants to complete the Reformation and cast aside their pagan doctrines. I do not think it will happen soon without church persecution and mass repentance on the part of the many Denominations naming the 400 year old name of “Jesus”, an English title which means nothing in the languages of Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek. His Grace is sufficient, however, to cover that little bit of ignorance, so Yeshua allows His Western children to call him by that name anyway. His mercy endures forever and he allows a multitude of errors in Christians as a good Savior does. He does not expect a believing toddler to do everything that a teenager or a mature grownup would be expected to do.
Sha’ul (Paul) told the Thessalonians that before the Messiah returned, there would be a “falling away” (apostasy, a “departure from truth”). This departure from the truth would then open the door for something evil called “the man of lawlessness” to come forth. This “coming of the lawless one” would be accompanied by “all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders” which would “deceive those who are perishing.”
“They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved,” Paul writes. “For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.” In preparation for the return of the Messiah, God is also sending powerful revelation to graciously expose the ancient lie, so that those who love the truth can depart from error and be freed from the bewitching influence of the spirit of lawlessness.
The Roman Pope has taken upon himself the role of a type of Ante [in place of] -“Christ” and as it is documented in encyclicals and edicts, his supposed right to “change times and seasons” in direct defiance of scripture. The many denominational Christian Churches have not only kept silent, but have slavishly followed the Roman Catholic calendars pathwayto destruction and divine judgment. Take note of the many goddesses named in the calendar, which universally represent the concept of a “queen of heaven”. Roman Popes have also placed Miriam [Mary] in this same category with the “Queen of heaven’s” named witchcraft pagan attributes, again, in defiance of Scriptural truth. After all, the Popes are all called “Lord God, the Pope” by the followers of this form of the Babylonian religion.
There is an excellent article outlining the “ABCs of the Biblical Calendar” on the website http://www/yrm.org/abccalendar.htmthat describes the Scriptural remedy to this sad state of affairs. Many will read this article and others of similar warning, but I think that few Christians will ACT upon what they read. The Bible is very clear on Yahweh’s position and instructions on His appointed times and seasons and His Calendar is very easy to understand, but, sadly, the majority will place the “traditions of men/ elders/ leaders/ pastors and Rabbis” foremost in their minds above the clear, Holy, Torah instructions and teachings of Yahweh God in His written word.
Much has been written and posted on the Internet on this subject and I add my humble observations to the lot and hope that someone’s mind and heart may be stirred to study to show themselves approved to YHWH God and then apply these teachings to their lives.
A Y S O F T H E W E E K -
1-Sunday Sun (Sol) God, under names such as Helios, Apollo, Star = SUN
Ogmios, Mithras, and St. Elias.
2-Monday Moon Goddess, under names such as Selene, Planet = MOON
Luna, and Mani.
3-Tuesday Norse God of War, under names Planet = MARS
Tiwas, and Tyr. The Latin translation is Mars.
4-Wednesday God of knowledge & wisdom, under names Planet = MERCURY
such as Woden, Odin, and Hermes.
5-Thursday God of Thunder, under the name of Thunor (Thor), Planet = JUPITER
Taranis, Perun, Perkunas, and St. Olaf.
6-Friday Goddess of love, under the name of Frigg. Planet = VENUS
7-Saturday God of Saturn, under the name of Seatere, or Seater. Planet = SATURN
M O NT H S O F T H E Y E A R -
January Janus Roman two-faced God of endings & beginnings
February Februa Roman Goddess of Passion and Love
March Mars Roman God of War Planet = Mars
April Afrodite Greek Goddess (& Roman Venus) Planet = Venus
May Maia Greek Goddess of Spring
June Juno Roman Goddess (Queen of Heaven)
July Julius Named after Emperor Julius Caesar
August Augustus Named after Emperor Augustus Caesar
September From Latin word "septem" meaning seven
October From Latin word "octo" meaning eight
November Front Latin word "Novem" meaning nine
December From Latin word "Decemi" meaning ten
The names of the last four months of the Gregorian Calendar are numerical titles which used to show their position in the older Julian Calendar. These four numerical months got out of order when the new months of January and February were added to the beginning of the 10-month Julian Calendar, to create the 12-month Gregorian Calendar. This forced the four months with numerical names further to the back of the calendar so that their names no longer matched their position in the calendar.
The Creator, Yahweh our Elohim (God) has his own calendar which is quite different from our calendar and he is still running the world by it. It is our loss if we are ignorant of his time keeping system. If we want to flow along with him, we need to coordinate with his calendar so that we are not out of step with him. We don’t want to find ourselves zigging in one direction when he is zagging in an opposite direction. We will never be able to come close to understanding future prophetic events correctly without adopting his method of keeping time in our religious practices.
Not to confuse you, but sadly I have to report that there are at least four different versions of the Hebrew Calendar which is very frustrating because how can we celebrate them together as a Convocation (assembly) as we are commanded to do in Leviticus Chapter 23 if everyone is using different calendars from each other which often have a separate date set for each feast? Though these competing dates for the same holidays often fall within one to three days of each other, it still does not help us all celebrate these appointed times together as a unified people. Here are the four main versions of Hebrew or Biblical Calendars:
I. Hillel II fixed mathematical Calendar: This is the most used, and was made by
Hillel II who was the last head of the Sanhedrin Council just before the 2nd Temple
in Jerusalem was destroyed. This was probably the right thing to do since the Jews
were getting kicked out of Israel and would no longer be able to check the moon
and barley from there. Plus, since the Jews were being scattered throughout the
Roman Empire, they needed some way to celebrate the feasts simultaneously as a
group. Almost all Orthodox Jews, as well as a probably 70% of Messianic Believers
in Yeshua also keep this calendar. We used to do the Aviv Moon Calendar but have
since retreated to the use of this one created by Hillel because it is easier to plan
ahead with this one.
II. Aviv Moon Calendar: This is the most biblical one and seeks to match the barley
harvest on the temple mount in Israel, with the first sliver of the moon, and allows
for a 13-month year when needed if the barley hasn't yet progressed to the state of
Aviv in time. Karaite Jews and probably 20% of Messianic believers use this method.
Michael Rood and Nehemiah Gordon are strong advocates of this method. It appears
that the “Sighted Moon Calendar” is the same calendar or is at least calculated the
same way. The barley harvest only applies to establishing the first month of the
year. After the first month has been declared, all that is needed to declare a new
month is sighting of the first sliver of the moon.
III. The Sited Moon Calendar: This calendar sets the first day of the year by the sighting
of the first sliver of the moon in Jerusalem. Then after counting off 10 days, people
can go out and pick out a Passover lamb, and on the 14th day of the new year
Passover commences to get the feasts going for the year. This method seems to skip or overlook the need to incorporate the barely harvest in the calculations. After the first month has been declared, all that is needed to declare a new month for the remaining months of the year, is sighting of the first sliver of the moon.
IV. The Lunar Calendar: Although all Hebraic Calendars are based in part upon the
moon, this is the one that got coined with the name "Lunar" and is probably followed by about 12% of Messianic believers. This is a confusing concept that would encourage a lot of confusion and frustration in your life. Supposedly the 7th day Sabbath is set for the month by whatever day the first sliver of the moon falls on. Then that same day is the Sabbath day for the remainder of the month. Each succeeding month will name its own weekly Sabbath day in the same manner so that very rarely will it fall on Saturday. This method of calculating the calendar has been soundly renounced in most congregations of both Messianic Judaism, Messianic Ephriamites, and/or Messianic Believers.
V. The Conjunction of the Moon Calendar: This method seeks to declare the period from
1-3 years of non-lighted dark moon between old and new moon cycles as the official new moon. This occurs at the end of the month just before light begins to shine on the moon again. This method is probably followed by about 3% of all Messianic believers. They have their reasons but it is just too confusing for me. I struggled through watching a video clip of it that lasted 2 hours and 48 minutes, two and a half times, and I still didn’t understand it. Aside from many scriptures and definitions to the contrary, I can't believe that our Heavenly Father would require us to follow something that is this hard to learn and understand. So I vote no!
VI. The Enochian Calendar: An ancient calendar described in the pseudepigraphical
(i.e.-falsely authored) book Enoch. It divided the year into four seasons of exactly
13 weeks each. Each such season consisted of two 30-day months followed by one
31-day month, and the 31st day ended the season, so that Enoch's Year consisted
of exactly 364 days. Since the Bible already advises that the first month of the year
is in the month of Aviv/Abib/Nissan, and biblical dates like Passover and such
are already figured on a counting basis off of the first day of the year, this method
runs afoul of the Bible. Plus, Pagan holidays like Christmas and Easter are built upon
the four seasons being cut in quarters by the Winter and Summer Solstices, and the
Spring and Fall Equinoxes. This method is definitely not Yahweh's method.
A Biblical or Hebrew day starts in the evening when the sun first goes down. Each new day starts in the nighttime as soon as it first gets dark, but the daylight occurs in the second or last part of the day. It can be kind of hard to adjust our minds to this method of calculation when considering Biblical hours and days, because in our Western culture our new days technically begin at midnight, but we don't really call it the next day until daybreak arrives when the sun starts shining on the earth again. In contrast, the calculation of Biblical days is somewhat reversed because they start as soon as darkness appears wherever we currently happen to be located on earth. A well-known Rabbi once declared that it is not officially a new day marked by sundown, until there are at least three stars visible in the sky. To make it easy, a good rule of thumb is to say that "Hebraic days last from sunset to sunset". This definition of what a day consists of, to include when it starts, how it is calculated, and when it ends, is derived from the book of Genesis, Chapter 1, verses 1-5 [KJV] where we find that darkness existed on earth before there was light and specifically in verse 5 where it reads that "... the evening and the morning were the first day." [KJV]
Our Creator's New Year’s Day falls on the first day of the Hebrew Month of Abib or Aviv (also known as Nisan) which falls somewhere in our month of March or April. It varies between these two Gregorian months from year to year because the Gregorian Calendar of our Western Civilization is figured differently than the Hebraic one, and these two calendars almost never line up with each other the same way each year. (The King James Bible spells this month as "Abib" with "b"s but the letters "v" and "b" seem to be interchangeable when these words are transliterated into English.) The country of Israel and modern Jews have wrongfully renamed the month of Abib with the Babylonian name of Nisan during their days as captives under King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, and have also renamed Yom Teruah (i.e.-The Feast of Trumpets) which falls on the first day of the 7th month as Rosh Hashanah (i.e-Head of the Year). They had no authority to make this change since the scriptures already said that the head of the year was called Abib and that it was to occur seven months earlier. No one is allowed to alter YHWH's commandments because it is written that we should not add to or diminish from YHWH's commandments as declared in Deuteronomy 4:2 and 12:32 [KJV].
+ Exodus 12:2 - "This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be thefirst month of the year to you." 3 Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying,
In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according
to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house: [KJV]
+ Exodus 13: 4 - " This day came ye out in the month Abib." [KJV]
+ Exodus 13: 4 - " This day came ye out in the month Abib." [KJV]
+ Exodus 23:15 - " Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread: (thou shalt eat
unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded thee, in the time appointed of the
month Abib; for in it thou camest out from Egypt: and none shall appear before
me empty:)" [KJV]
+ Exodus 34:18 - "The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep. Seven days thou
shalt eat unleavened bread, as I commanded thee, in the time of the month Abib: for
in the month Abib thou camest out from Egypt." [KJV]Deuteronomy 16:1 - "Observe
the month of Abib, and keep the passover unto the LORD thy God: for in the month
of Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night." [KJV]
Their new year begins on the 1st day of the Month of Abib because it's the exact same month they left Egypt. Abib is a word used to describe the condition of the barley standing in the field which is almost ready to harvest because it's brittle enough to be damaged by a hail storm even though it still looks green (like what happened in one of the plagues).
Hebraic months start at the sighting of the first sliver of sunlight reflecting off of the moon after it has been totally dark and out of direct sunlight. Thus, it is a lunar calendar. As soon as the first sliver of white appears from the moon's reflection of the sun, a new (or renewed) moon can be declared. On the other hand, the Gregorian Calendar is a solar calendar, and is only slightly coordinated with the changes of the moon.
These are called the Feasts, Festivals, Appointments, or Appointed Times of the Lord.The Hebrew word used here is "Moed" for singular use, and "Moedim" (Moe-ed- eem) for plural use, meaning appointment, appointed time, feast or festival. The Feasts of the Lord are eternal and are to be celebrated forever by Israel and her descendants throughout all generations. We are also Israel if we have been grafted into the tree of Israel according to Romans Chapter 11 [KJV] and are a part of the commonwealth of Israel according to Ephesians Chapter 2 [KJV]. These are not the Feasts of “The Jews.” Though Jews usually do keep these feasts, they represent only one of the twelve tribes of Israel and part of the original Kingdom of Israel who were commanded to keep them. We are not trying to replace the Jews; we are simply accepting our invitation to be included with them and be annexed into Israel as a graft into their tree according to Romans Chapter 11 [KJV] and as a part of the commonwealth of Israel according to Ephesians Chapter 2 [KJV]. SO, WHOSE FEASTS ARE THESE ANYWAY? YAHWEH DECLARES OWNERSHIP in .... by declaring, "These are MY feasts" in Leviticus 23:2 [KJV].
People usually say there are only 7 Feasts of the Lord commanded for us to keep in the Bible. However, the weekly 7th day Sabbath is also described as an Appointed Time or Feast Day in Leviticus Chapter 23 [KJV]. So, in reality YHWH has eight commanded feast days as follows: One is weekly, and the other seven are annual. All these feasts of the Lord are listed in Chapter 23 of the book of Leviticus [KJV].
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S P R I N G F E A S T S -
1) Pesach (Passover). The Greek rendering is Paska.
2) Chag Hamatzah (Feast of Unleavened Bread) - An Annual High Sabbath Day.
(Week of Unleavened Bread)—continues on for 6 more days totaling 7 in all.
3) Bikkurim (First Fruits of Barley) & begin the omer counting.
4) Shavuot a/k/a Feast of weeks (Pentecost a/k/a First Fruits of Wheat)
NOTE: When dealing with the Spring Feasts it is important to realize that feasts #1, #3, & #4 overlap or coordinate with #2. So, there is no real situation where there is a break where one feast completely stops before another feast starts except for the case of “Passover” which depicts the act of killing the Lamb for sacrifice on its own appointed day. That slaughtered lamb is later eaten the next day on the first day of the week of unleavened bread, but Jewish tradition often labels that meal as the “Passover” meal instead of “the first unleavened bread meal”. Technically the Lamb is slaughtered on a different day that it is eaten, but the slaughtering and eating both usually happen within 6 to 12 hours because of the way that biblical days are calculated. Biblical days do not start in the dawn of daylight, nor during the darkness at midnight. 24-hour days in the bible run from Sunset to Sunset so if you slaughter a lamb in the afternoon just before the sun goes down, and then cook it, it will be ready to eat the next day which will occur as soon as it is dark after sundown. Since our western time system and calendar is so different from the biblical one, we would consider the whole affair of slaughtering, cooking, and eating the lamb to have happened within the last 6 hours of the same 24-hour day.
F A L L F E A S T S -
5) Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpets) & wrongfully known as Rosh Hashanah (Head of the
6) Yom Kippurim (Day of Atonements), not spelled “Yom Kippur” or “Day of Atonement”
because it is plural
7) Sukkot (Tabernacles)
The last Great Day - an added 8th day to the Feast of Sukkot.
There are three travelling feasts each year where all males are supposed to travel to a place Yahweh has placed his name (Jerusalem is preferred) to celebrate them there, but there are some verses which indicate that we should also bring other people to these events such as our relatives, and strangers who also believe. So really it should be attended by all believers who worship Yahweh, but only the males would be sinning if they ignored them. These three feasts are the Chag Hamatzah (Feast of Unleavened Bread), Shavuot (Pentecost), and Sukkot (Tabernacles—which is 8 days in a row when “the last great day” is added to at the end as it always is). In the list above we have written “MANDATORY TO CONGREGATE” in green ink after each of the three feasts that all of the males may not be absent from according to Deuteronomy 16:16. They can be called “Mandatory Travelling Feasts” because all males are required to leave their house to travel to a place that Yahweh has selected for people to congregate at to celebrate these feasts. Usually that place would be Israel but since most of us are living outside of the land of Israel in exile, and cannot afford to travel to there for these feasts 3 times in each and every year, most of us search for a local congregation of people where we can attend so that we can celebrate these feasts with them. It is quite fine for us all to stay home alone or with our families to keep the rest of the feasts so long as we keep them on the appointed calendar dates, and try to be true to what the scriptures require of us. However, if you can find a congregation to assemble with on these other less mandatory travelling dates, then why not fellowship with them and enjoy their company?
Among Feast Keepers who are both Torah observant and also submit to Yahshua of Nazareth as Master, Savior, and Messiah, it is commonly taught and believed that Yahshua has already fulfilled the Spring Feasts during his first coming to the earth and has yet to fulfill the Fall Feasts which will take place in the future at his second coming. The idea is as follows — He fulfilled each Spring Feast during his life on the date of each feast, and will fulfill each Fall Feast on each of those dates as well:
Y E S H U A F U L F I L L E D :
PASSOVER, when he gave his life as the required lamb for our sins;
WEEK OF UNLEAVENED BREAD, by cleaning sin out of our life which is represented by
leaven-free bread;
FIRST FRUITS OF BARLEY, when he rose from the dead and was presented to the Father as the firstborn of many others. (1st Colossians 1:18, and Romans 8:29);
PENTECOST, where the Holy Spirit was poured out on all flesh who are following him, to help write the Torah on our hearts.
Y E S H U A W I L L F U L F I L L :
TRUMPETS, when he returns to catch us away into the air at the sound of a trumpet when he is to be crowned as King of Kings;
ATONEMENTS, when his followers repent and his blood is applied to forgive us in the group we belong to, and other groups;
At this point between the Feast of Atonements and the Feast of Tabernacles, is a 5-day period and is probably when he pours out his vials or bowels of destructive judgment on the world which appears in the book of Revelation, after he is sure that his body of covenant partners have been fully cleansed, forgiven, and protected.
TABERNACLES, when he and all of his saints who have been raptured return to the land of Israel to tabernacle together in one huge 8-day party in tents or temporary booths. It is here on earth where we will marry the Lamb of God at the “Marriage Supper of the Lamb” (Revelations 19:9).
I want to clarify that even though Messiah did fulfill the Spring Feasts to a certain degree, and at least partially fulfilled the Fall Feast of Atonements by shedding his blood for it to be applied at the Annual Atonements which will occur just before the vials of Judgments are poured out in the book of Revelations, when he fulfilled some the first time, and will still fulfill others even more in other ways, in the future. We know that all of the Annual Feasts or Appointments point to more future fulfillment since the Apostle Shaul (Paul) said that they are shadows of things to come as recorded in Colossians 2:16 & 17 & Hebrews 10:1 [KJV]. Even the prophet Jeremiah revealed in Jeremiah 16:14-16, & 23:3-8 that YHWH has a sort of Second Exodus planned for all of this people where he will bring them all back home to Israel from the North and all the other places on earth where they have been scattered to. He will reclaim such a great multitude of people back to himself and the land of Israel that people will no longer be talking about the first exodus where Israel was delivered from Pharaoh because that will seem like small potatoes to everyone. The first exodus happened at Passover when the death angel came through, and afterwards they lived together with YHWH in a camp full of tents or booths far from the persecution of Pharaoh. According to God, it will all happen again but on a much greater scale. This sort of “Second Exodus” will probably begin at Passover and end at Tabernacles. Also, it will be MANDATORY for all of the entire world to come to the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) after YHWH returns to earth and lands his feet on the Mount of Olives at the start of the Millennial Reign as recorded in Zechariah Chapter 14:14-16, & 23:3-8. This feast was required for all of God’s children in the Tanach (Old Testament), and like all of the feasts they were practiced in the Brit Chadasha (New Testament), and this feast will be practiced again in the Millennium. Why, then, have we quit in this current church age, and by whose authority?
These two extra feasts fall in the winter after the fall feasts and are not commanded in the scriptures. They seem to only apply to the Southern Kingdom of Israel, known as Judah, because they commemorate significant past historical events which happened to the kingdom of Judah after the ten tribes of the Northern House of Israel had already been conquered and scattered among the Gentile nations of the world. In my opinion they are optional. The extra feasts are:
1. HANUKKAH or CHANUKKAH known as THE FEAST OF DEDICATION (of the temple).
Yahshua attended one of these celebrations according to John 10:22 & 23 [KJV], and because he did, many people are choosing to celebrate this feast also. Hanukkah celebrates the cleansing and rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem back to Yahweh, after it had been taken over by the Greeks, and polluted by the worship of a false God whose statue as an Idol had been erected on its grounds
2. PURIM known as THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS (Esther’s triumph over Haman).
If you go to a conservative Jewish website for calendar dates, they usually omit the Feast of Bikkurim for some reason, and add in Chanukah, Purim and a whole bunch of extra feasts most Westerner's have never heard of, including but not limited to, National holidays in the state of Israel. A Karaite (scripturalist) Jewish website will not even list Chanukah or Purim since you can't find them written in the Tanach (our Old Testament). I have resorted to getting my Hillel II fixed calendar in pdf format from Monte Judah’s website at www.lionlamb.net . So far his calendars are free and include all the important dates for Messianic worshippers without adding in dates that we would not be interested in. Other good sources for a Messianic calendar might be www.elshaddaiministries.us , or www.messianiccovenant.com
A) Each feast is called MOED in Hebrew meaning: A feast, appointed time, or appointment. Plural
of moed is MOEDIM moe-ed-deem.
B) Each feast is also called a MIQRA or MIKRA mik-raw meaning: A convocation, assembly, public
meeting, or rehearsal. The idea of an Assembly lets us know that people should not stay home and celebrate all alone on any of these feasts but should seek out a congregation. Surely Passover and Unleavened bread will happen again as our Messiah Yeshua returns for us during the rapture, so these are rehearsals or practices to get ready and stay ready for his return.
C) Just as the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) will "show us things to come" as recorded in John 16:13
[KJV], The Law, Holy Feast Days, New Moons and the Sabbath are "shadows" which also "Show us things to come" as revealed in Colossians 2:16 & 17 [KJV]. Hebrews 10:1 [KJV] has a better description calling them "Goodthings to come". You can't learn anything from these Feasts if you are ignorant about them, think they have passed away, don't practice them, or don't know the dates they fall on. While considering these appointed times of YHWH we should avoid making faulty conclusions about them when we focus on some of Shaul’s writings such as Chapter 2 of the book of Colossians, in verse 14 which seems to advise us NOT to keep “holydays, the new moon, or the Sabbath” of YHWH, and in verse 18 goes on to include “worshipping of angels” in this list of things NOT to do. However, as the chapter continues, it begins to describe these evil things as “rudiments of the world, “ordinances” of the world “as though living in the world”, which are after the commandments and doctrines of men?” in verses 20-22. Solving this dilemma is easy after we ask ourselves, when were YHWH’s holy days, new moon, or Sabbath which are listed in Leviticus Chapter 23, ever considered to be RUDIMENTS OF THE WORLD, or COMMANDMENTS AND DOCTRINES OF MEN? The truth is that the commandments of God which came from YHWH’s own mouth to Moses and to the Hebrews after they left Egypt and before the returned to the land of Caanan were not originally invented, designed, or derived from the world or the men in it, nor from men’s commandments or doctrines. At this juncture let me point out that the world and pagan religions also have their own holidays or holy days. Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Pagan witches still have their own annual holidays, and the Roman Empire at the time that this book of Colossians was written was an empire steeped in Paganism with many Pagan gods whose chief Deity was Mithras, the Sun God. Have you ever heard Black Sabbath? This is another name for dates on a witchcraft calendar when witches meet together. Yes, they do have their own calendar which is partly calculated by the moon. Verse 23 of Colossians Chapter 2 goes on to list “neglecting the body” and not “satisfying” the flesh as another thing NOT to do which we all know happens in mainline churches in the 40-day season of Lent, just like the 40 days that worshippers of a false god named Tammuz practices. YHWH calls Sunrise Services to worship Tammuz one of many “Abominations” in Ezekiel 8:13-17. The king James version of Colossians 2:16 reads “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:” 17 “Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.”. The word “is” in verse 17 appears in italicized font to indicate that it was not in the original text but was added by the translators to give it more clarity. But if you remove the word “is” which does not belong there, it reads BUT THE BODY OF CHRIST. Therefore the proper understanding of this part of the book of Colossians is that WE SHOULD NOT LET ANY PAGAN OR WORLDLY PERSON, JUDGE US ABOUT EATING OR DRINKING THE WAY THAT GOD WANTS US TO, OR ABOUT THE WAY WE KEEP ONE OF HIS HOLYDAYS, NEW MOONS, OR SABBATHS, BUT WE SHOULD LET PEOPLE IN THE BODY OF CHRIST JUDGE US ABOUT IT IF WE ARE FAILING TO DO IT ACCORDING TO YHWH’S COMMANDMENTS. Never let outsiders who keep a different set of holidays in honor to Pagan gods dictate policy to us, and don’t let them make you feel obligated to worship angels, or to deprive your body for some Pagan holiday or ritual that are outside of scriptural guidelines.
D) These yearly feasts are to be kept throughout all the generations of anyone wishing to become or
remain a part of Israel. We have already shown that the feasts are commanded to be kept and observed by every one of his people forever in Leviticus Chapter 23 [KJV]. For those of you who need proof that these feasts are for today's modern Christians because you think the Law is passed away, I would ask you to get a concordance and look up the word "Iniquity" and the word "Commandments" and you will find them listed quite a few times within the pages of the New Testament. There the word INIQUITY is often defined as lawlessness in the Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon and is presented as a bad thing. You will also find that the word COMMANDMENTS is also found several times in the New Testament and that it is a good thing to "Keep the commandments of God". You will notice that I did not say "the commandments of Yeshua (Jesus)" since some of you may not think God and Yeshua are in fact the same person. Commandments are the part of the law which have teeth in them and present direct requirements for all of us to comply with, and they make up the main part of the Law. I find it odd that we often call ourselves "Spiritual Israel", but we do it in a lop-sided fashion because we only accept their share of love, grace, and promises, from their covenant with YHWH, but reject most of their rules and instructions. However, when you get saved or born again after making Yeshua the Lord of your life, and he washes your sins away with his blood, you are no longer classified as a Gentile but have been merged together with Israel into "one new man" and are no longer separated as a stranger from "the commonwealth of Israel" and "the Covenants of Promise" according to Ephesians Chapter 2. You are grafted into the tree of Israel as a new branch according to Romans Chapter 11. This is important because the New (i.e.-Renewed Covenant) Covenant as foretold in Jeremiah 31:31-33, and was brought to us by Yeshua, does not apply to the House of Gentiles, but only applies to the House of Israel and the House of Judah. In order to get in on this covenant you have to allow yourself to be annexed to or grafted into Israel which can be described as YHWH's assembly of believers he has been collecting and adding to throughout several centuries. This annexation or grafting-in is what happens now in our engagement period and will be finalized when we, as the bride of Messiah, actually marry him at the marriage supper of the lamb - Revelations 19:7 [KJV]. The marriage makes us a part of his household, his nation, his covenants, his promises and his laws. This makes us Jewish in every possible way because he is also a Jew, especially in a legal sense. Since Judah is tribe of Israel, then we are part of Israel as well. No wonder Shaul calls us "joint-heirs with Messiah" in Romans 8:16 & 17 [KJV]. Anyone who has been baptized into Messiah or put on Messiah, are also one together in Messiah, and are therefore Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise - Galatians 3:27-29 [KJV].
E) These Annual Appointments with our creator are determined and managed by his calendar which he gave to Moses in Leviticus Chapter KJV] and are not connected to or related to the pagan holidays listed on the Gregorian Calendar, such as Easter, Christmas, Valentine's Day, or Halloween. Not only is every name of the week and some of the months of the man-made Gregorian Calendar filled with the names of pagan gods, but it also causes us to say their names in defiance of Exodus 23:13 [KJV]. The pagan holidays crowd out and steal time and energy from YHWH's Feast Days.
F) Apostle Shaul (Paul) expected us to know and keep the feasts as we can deduct from reading 1st
Thessalonians 5:1-7 [KJV] which would protect us from danger during "The Day of The Lord" which is coming upon the whole world. Notice here that Shaul reminded them that the travail of the destructive day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, but that his readers in Thessaloníki should not have to be overtaken with it because they are not in darkness since they are children of the light. Herein Elohim (God) lets them know that they are part of a privileged group that has been informed ahead of time so that they can be prepared when it arrives. It is my opinion that Shaul said this because he knew that they were feast keepers just as he himself was, and just as all followers of Yeshua were in his day. Please observe the scripture reference verses below:
“1st Thessalonians 5:1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no needthat I write unto you. 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and theyshall not escape. 4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 7 For they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.” [KJV]
One has to wonder why we have to "watch and be sober" like Shaul demands in verse 6. If we are totally saved in every single way, shape and form from the very moment after accepting Yeshua as Master and Savior, how is watching and being sober even relevant to us?
Notice the two words "TIMES" and "SEASONS" above in verse 1 [KJV]. These refer to the "SIGNS" and "SEASONS" listed in Genesis 1:14 which reads "And God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years" [KJV]:
● That word SIGN is Strong's # H226 representing the Hebrew word אות “oth”
meaning: A Signal, Mark, or Sign.
● That word SEASONS is Strong's # H4150 representing the Hebrew word מועד “moed”
meaning: An annual Congregational Appointment. Adding the letters "im" at the end
would extend the word to read "Moedim" making it plural as in "Appointments".
Ever since the time of Moses, practicing Jews along with all Feast Keepers, the Signs and Seasons or Times and Seasons are the way that certain things are always calculated such as the Yearly Calendar, days, nights, Annual Feasts, and the Sabbath Day. Likewise, these Times and Seasons are referred to in 1st Thessalonians 5:1-7 [KJV] and they are one and the same thing as the Signs and Seasons recorded in Genesis 1:14 [KJV]. They are to be used as signals to calculate Seasonal Appointments, Days and Years like the 7 Feasts of YHWH which we have been commanded to keep forever. If we are doing what we were commanded to do in Leviticus 23 [KJV], then we will not be caught like a thief in the night when The Day of The Lord finally comes. Anyone wondering how we can prove that the disciples of Yahshua and his followers in the New Testament Scriptures were in fact still keeping the Torah, weekly Sabbath and the Annual Feast Dates, I refer you to a CD series by Brad Scott of Wildbranch Ministries which he recorded in about 1983 entitled "The Church in the Book of Acts. He makes a pretty good case for it in this CD series.
There are lots of trumpets sounding off each year during each local celebration of the Feast of Trumpets. The Rapture and 2nd coming of our Messiah Yahshua are paired together with various trumpet blasts in the pages of the New Testament. Mark Biltz has a lengthy DVD series on "The Feast of The Lord" in which he claims that there are traditionally 100 trumpet blasts during this feast and the last one is known as "The Last Trump". However, a certain number like "100 trumpet blasts" cannot be verified by scriptures and I suppose it is found in the Talmud which is usually reliable for things like this, but not reliable when it comes to anything about Yeshua whom it usually refers to in a despicable manner as "Yeshu" (i.e.-let his name be blotted out). Because most of us believe that the rapture will occur on The Feast of Trumpets in some future year, we always try to stay ready to meet him in the air every year during the duration of this feast.
In 1752, Great Britain finally changed over to the Gregorian Calendar, and April Fool’s Day began to be celebrated in England and in the American colonies.
“Pranks and jokes are of course still popular on this day—not to mention the rest of the year.
“Pope Gregory XIII issued a papal bull, ‘Inter Gravissimus’ on February 24, 1582 that established the Gregorian calendar as the new and official calendar of the Catholic world. Since the Julian calendar had fallen ten days behind over the centuries, Pope Gregory XIII designated that October 4, 1582 would be officially followed by October 15, 1582. The news of the calendar change was disseminated across Europe. Not only would the new calendar be utilized but ten days would be ‘lost’ forever, the new year would now begin on January 1 instead of March 25, and there would be a new method of determining the date of Easter…
“In the era after the change, dates were written with O.S. (Old Style) or N.S. (New Style) following the day so people examining records could understand whether they were looking at a Julian date or a Gregorian date. While George Washington was born on February 11, 1731 (O.S.), his birthday became February 22, 1732 (N.S.) under the Gregorian calendar. The change in the year of his birth was due to the change of when the [start] of the new year was acknowledged. Recall that prior to the Gregorian calendar, March 25 was the new year but once the new calendar was implemented, it became January 1. Therefore, since Washington was born between January 1 and March 25, the year of his birth became one year later upon the switch to the Gregorian calendar. (Prior to the 14th century, the new year change took place on December 25.)” (geography.about.com).
God is not the author of confusion(I Cor. 14:33). The above statements alone demonstrate the confusion surrounding this holiday, through conflicting historical accounts involving the year the Gregorian Calendar was implemented.
"The first day of the Feast shifted during the lifetime of Rome ... it began around the middle of December ... and continued until January first. In its midst was December twenty-fifth, the day, as the Romans calculated, when the sun was at its lowest ebb ...." (E. W. Count's "4000 Years of Christmas", page 28.)
It was Julius Caesar, Emperor of pagan Rome, who instituted the New Year's festival on January first. In 46 B. C., Caesar adopted the Julian calendar. He transferred to the first January ALL of the customs surrounding the Roman Saturn god! (Sun God)
Finally Pope Gregory re-institutedthe ancient pagan Roman date of January first. He imposed it on the whole Western world in 1582 when his Gregorian calendar "reforms" were accepted. All Roman Catholic countries accepted this change AT ONCE! The beginning was with the Druid customs.
Rather than resist the influence of pagan customs, the Catholic Churchfathers compromised!
God Almighty does not compromise! Notice the warning to Israel as they conquered the pagan nations of the Promised Land:
Duet 12:30 -31 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyedfrom before thee; and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fireto their gods.
How many people are sacrificing their children today through pagan Holidays?
Dionysus or Dionysos is the Greek god of wine and he represents not only the intoxicating power of wine, but also its social and beneficial influences. He was also known as Bacchus. He is the patron deity of agriculture and the theater.
Cronus was Father Time because of his association with the destructive power of time. There’s even an interpretation saying that his eating his kids symbolizes time devouring everything, in the end.
Another symbol of New Year's celebrations are equally pagan! It is the familiar figure of a white-haired man carrying a scythe. What does he represent? The ancient Greek god Cronos. It is from the name "Cronos" we derive our "chronograph" which measures time.
Among the Greek gods, Cronos originally cut a swath of HUMAN SACRIFICE with his sharpened scythe! The "silent reaper" anciently "reaped" little children in CANNIBALISM! This Greek rite of human sacrifice was adopted by ancient Rome, where human sacrifice was practiced at least until 300 A. D.
When Does God Begin the New Year?
Remember! The Lord Jesus, who created the Universe, He set the heavenly bodies in their places at Creation. It is by His "clock" that time is determined.
The earth's rotation regulates the length of a day -- the lunar phasesindicate the length of a *month. (New Moon) And the orbit of the earth around the sun dictates the length of a year!
Only the Father and Jesus has the AUTHORITY to set the date of the beginning of the New Year!
God's calendar year begins in the spring -- NOT in the middle of winter! Notice what the Lord told Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt."
Ex 12:1-2 And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, 2 This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.
Ex 34:18 The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep. Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread, as I commanded thee, in the time of the month Abib: for in the month Abib thou camest out from Egypt.
The Hebrew month Abib overlaps the months of March-April on the Roman calendar in use today.
The first month of God's calendar is called, in the Bible, "Abib". It means the month of "green ears." Later, the Jews called it "Nisan" -- a Babylonian word having the same meaning.
God placed the beginning of the year in the early spring to mark the beginning of the seasonal harvests. The two annual harvests in Palestine foreshadowed God's Plan for the twofold SPIRITUAL harvest of souls to be born into His Kingdom.
Your Bible speaks of a great false religious system which will "think to change times and laws”. This system has deliberately thought to change the beginning of God's calendar year in an attempt to hide God's Plan for the salvation of mankind! But man has no authority to change God's "clock."
Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. (1260Years)
Rev 13:3 -4 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 4 And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Rome itself, the head of the empire, and which was built on seven mountains, designed by the seven heads of this beast: and this head was
And his deadly wound was healed; by the setting up of ten kingdoms in it, the kings of which gave them to the beast, to Antichrist, the pope of Rome, and so the empire came to have an head again, a governor, though of another kind: some choose to understand this of the wound which Antichrist received at the Reformation, by Luther, Calvin, and others, which has since been healing, Pope/Church recovering itself again in some countries where it was driven out, and which, it is thought, will be entirely healed before his destruction: all the world wondered after the beastwhich expresses the large extent of Antichrist's dominion, which reached to all the Roman empire, yea, to all kindred's, tongues, and nations,
Rev 13:7 -9 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindred's, and tongues, and nations. 8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
The Pope boasts of, the true church, is actually the mark of the beast, or of Antichrist; and is his followed, by those who admire his power and authority, his grandeur, pomp, and riches, his signs and lying wonders, his pretended *infallibility(Never being Wrong) and holiness, his stock of merits and unwritten traditions, his skill to interpret Scripture, and his power to forgive sins, and the like: they went after him, obeyed him, embraced his doctrines, attended his religion and worship with wonder and amazement.
Satan, has deceived the world into believing the New Year begins on January first!
Do you think God has changed His mind about compromising with paganism?
Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
Mali 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore, ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
The same punishment is for anyone or any nation that forsakes God's laws which are in the Bible, and turns to the customs of paganism.
Does it make any difference if YOU continue observing pagan customs -- like New Year's? IT could be harmful.
New Year's celebration began in Babylon 4,000 years ago. It is practiced today by almost all.
Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
But God Almighty has sent His ministers to warn this world
Isa 58:1 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.
I pray that people will Listen to God’s word now.
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