Saturday, September 16, 2023


 The word Kingdom is divided into two- King-dom

It is about a King executing his will, plans and intentions within a territory. A king is an administrator. He is a royal executive.

We need to understand the Kingdom concept.

God is the first King. The Bible calls him the king of Kings( 1 Tim 6:15). 

God is the ancient of days, so he is the oldest one living. God was the first person who produced the idea of kingdom when he created the first invisible country called heaven. God created the physical earth so he can expand his kingdom. All kingdoms want to expand. God is the first King but he produced children whom He created to be kings over the earth.

We are the king over the visible physical earth while God is our king. Every kingdom must have customs, code of conduct, ethics that people live by. Every kingdom has symbols, constitution 

Concepts of the Kingdom

1. Kingship is a birthright, not by voting

Jesus is the King of God's kingdom, you cannot vote Him in or vote Him out. He doesn't need your election to be King. That's why His kingship is eternal. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. He cannot be impeached. 

2. A King's word is a law in His kingdom .

Anything the King says is final. His word is a law in His community. His word cannot be refuted, objected or revoked. 

3. A King personally owns everything in his kingdom 

In a democracy, the president doesn't own the country. But in a kingdom, the king is the lord of all. The king is the owner of his kingdom and everything in it. 


In the world today, there are many ways to become a citizen of a country like the United States, but in the bible there's only one way to become a citizen of the kingdom God. Citizenship in the kingdom of God is only through the new birth (John 3:3-5). Except a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Redemption is what makes you a qualified citizen of the kingdom of God. Citizenship into the kingdom of God is not by marriage, or how many years you have been in the church. You must be saved to become a citizen of the kingdom of God. Jesus Christ is the way to the kingdom of God (John 14:6). Only those who accepted Christ as lord and savior are given the right to become Citizens of the kingdom of God.

There are two things required to enter into the kingdom of God on the earth, a human body and the Holy Spirit. John 3:3-5

And to be born again, you need two things, the water of the word of God and the Holy Spirit. In the physical, for a child to be born, two things must meet together (the sperm and the egg). In the same way, for the new birth or regeneration to take place, two things must come together in the heart of a man- the word of God and the Spirit of God. Any time there's an intercourse between the word of God and the spirit of God in a human heart, a new birth experience is guaranteed. The word of God and the spirit of God are the spiritual parents of the believer. What I just explained to you now is the dynamics of the new birth. 

19 Kingdom Lifestyle required in every Believer

People need to look at us and see what heaven looks like by our attitude, our lifestyle and disposition. Religion produces a system, a kingdom produces a culture, a lifestyle that is natural.

The culture of the Kingdom

1. A lifestyle of Righteousness- Romans 14:17

Righteousness is a kingdom lifestyle required in every Believer. When you become a citizen of the kingdom of God, you are not permitted to live in sin anymore. You are expected to live your life to do the will of God. This is one way to prove that you have become a citizen of the kingdom of God. You can't live in immorality, drunkenness or wild parties. A kingdom citizen does what is right before God and man not because the law says so, but because it is the lifestyle of the kingdom.

2. A lifestyle of Peace- Rom 14:17, Matt 5:9

Understanding the kingdom lifestyle is crucial. Another Kingdom Lifestyle required in every Believer is peace. The kingdom of God is a kingdom of peace. The proof that you have become a citizen of the kingdom of God is when you become a lover of peace and a seeker of peace. If you are a troublesome fellow, you are not living the kingdom lifestyle. If you can't live in peace with your spouse and neighbors, it means you are not manifesting the culture of the kingdom. Every kingdom citizen is a peace maker. We are not violent people. We are peace loving and peace keeping people in the kingdom.

3. A kingdom lifestyle of Joy- Rom 14:17, Phil 4:4

Another significant kingdom lifestyle is joy. In the kingdom of God we are not just happy people, we are joyful people. Our joy is not based on any material thing or physical situation. Our joy comes from within and the lord Jesus Christ is the source. We are not perturbed by the numerous circumstances of this life. We are joyful people because we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, who are called according to His good purpose. Depression and sorrow are not a kingdom lifestyle. If you are really manifesting the culture of heaven, wherever you are should be an atmosphere of joy. It is a joy that flows like a river, coming from the inside. Hallelujah!

4. A lifestyle of Power- 1 Cor 4:20

One of the kingdom lifestyle required in every Believer is power. We are expected to walk in power. The proof of power is signs and wonders and mighty works. Every kingdom citizen is expected to manifest the power of the kingdom. It is the heritage of every kingdom citizen. Power is not goosebumps. Power is not a feeling or emotion. Power is the dynamic ability to cause changes. It is from the Greek word Dunamis. A lifestyle of power is the kingdom lifestyle Jesus brought to us. We shouldn't live like beggars who are helpless. In the face of challenges, we should demonstrate the supernatural power of God to turn things around in our favor. Power should result in divine healing, deliverance, financial breakthrough and other supernatural interventions. As kingdom citizens, we have power with God and we should demonstrate it anywhere we go. 

5. Love- Matt 5:44

In the kingdom of God, we don't love because the law said we should love one another, we love because it is our culture to love others, including our enemies. Love is the lifestyle of the kingdom of God. God is love. God's love is not partial. God loves all people, both God and bad. God by His love gives His rain to both the good and bad people. In the same way, we shouldn't love only our friends and hate our enemies. The kingdom lifestyle of love compels us to be kind, merciful and generous even to those who hate us and persecute us. That's the true culture of the kingdom. Religion brings division and hatred but the kingdom of God brought love to mankind.

6. Forgiveness- Matt 6:12, 14-15

Another kingdom lifestyle is forgiveness. All through the scriptures we are told that God is a merciful God who forgives iniquity and trespasses of His people. We His children are expected to manifest the same character. Grudges and malice are not the lifestyle of the kingdom. If anyone offends you, the kingdom culture demands that you should forgive. Why? Because if you don't forgive others, your heavenly father will not forgive you your own sins. Forgiveness is reciprocal. We forgive others, no matter the offense committed against us. In the kingdom of God, no sin is too big to be forgiven. We forgive others just the same way God forgave us our sins. If you can't forgive, you are not living the kingdom lifestyle. If there's no mercy in your dictionary, you are still far from the kingdom life.

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7. Giving - Luke 6:38

Another significant kingdom lifestyle required in every Believer is giving. God is the greatest giver. He gave His only son to die for our sins. Therefore, we are expected as kingdom citizens to replicate that culture and nature of giving. For us, we don't give to show off. We don't give to receive back, we give because it is our natural lifestyle to give.

8. Humility- James 4:6, Matt 18:3-4

One of the kingdom lifestyle required in every Believer is humility. A kingdom citizen is usually humble and gentle. Arrogance and pride are not a culture of the kingdom of God. Regardless of your financial capacity or academic qualifications, once you become a citizen of the kingdom, humility will become your lifestyle. It takes the humility of a child to operate on the earth as a citizen of the kingdom of God. The world is full of proud and arrogant people. We are to teach others how to become humble through our attitude and character of humility. 

9. A Lifestyle of Truth and Honesty- Rom 13:13

In a world full of lies and dishonest people, we are called to manifest the culture of truth and honesty in all our dealing with God and man. Consequently, this kingdom lifestyle forbids you to engage in any illegal business. We shouldn't involve in drug trafficking, selling of sub-standard goods, or any dishonest means of getting money. A true kingdom citizen does not do internet fraud to get money. He works hard with his hands and skills to make legit money. Sincerity and honesty are kingdom lifestyle every believer should cultivate and manifest on the earth.

10.  The lifestyle of Patience- James 5:7, 2 Tim 2:24, Rom 12:12

Another significant kingdom lifestyle is Patience. And this simply means endurance. It's the ability to stay calm in time of trouble. We all know God as a patient God. That's why He doesn't immediately punish the wicked for his sins. God is patient with sinners, because He doesn't want anyone to perish, but for all to come to the knowledge of the truth. That's the same way we should be patient in times of trouble and temptations. One way to prove that you have become a citizen of the kingdom is when you are not easily offended, when you don't give up under slightest provocation, when you have the attitude to keep pursuing your goal and target regardless of obstacles on your path. 

11. A lifestyle of Prayer- Luke 18:1

The kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom. Prayer is a daily ritual that goes on in it. This is because the kings rulling on the earth must stay connected with their King of kings who is in heaven. A prayerless Christian is not a kingdom citizen. In the kingdom, prayer is not about getting our material needs from God. For us as kingdom citizens, our focus in prayer is the kingdom of God and its expansion on the earth (Matt 6:9-10).

12. A lifestyle of faith- Heb 10:38, Heb 11:6

The kingdom lifestyle of the believer is a life of faith. God is a God of faith. He lives and operates by faith. There's no doubt or unbelief in God. When Jesus cursed the fig tree, He didn't stop to check if the tree was going to wither or not. As long as He was concerned, it was already done the moment He said it. A Christian is called a believer because of his faith in God and His word. 

13. A lifestyle of Obedience- Heb 5:8, 2 Cor 10:5-6

The kingdom of God has no room for disobedience. One of its codes of conduct is obedience. As a matter of fact, in the kingdom of God, obedience is better than sacrifice. The whole duty of man is to obey God and keep His commandments. One sign that you have become a citizen of the kingdom is when your greatest passion is to obey God and do His will in every situation of your life. To a kingdom citizen, doing the will of God is paramount above every other thing. 

14. A lifestyle of gratitude and thanksgiving- 1 Thess 5:18

Another significant kingdom lifestyle of the believer is gratitude and thanksgiving. We are not ungrateful people. It is a culture in the kingdom to be thankful and grateful to God in everything. 

15. A lifestyle of Soul winning- Matt 24:14

Another lifestyle of the kingdom is soul winning. God wants all men to be saved. Therefore He has commanded us to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God to all people in all nations. Soul winning is not only the pastor's job, it is the duty of every citizen of the kingdom of God. One sign that you have become a citizen of the kingdom of God is when you have passion to win souls for Jesus Christ. If you don't preach the gospel of the kingdom, the reality of the kingdom is not yet established in your heart.

16. A lifestyle of Positive Impact and Influence- Matt 5: 13-14

The kingdom of God is a kingdom of impact and positive influence. Therefore, the believer is deployed as a salt and light of this decaying and dark world. We are on the earth to preserve this world from decadence. We are here to light up the world. A believer is not born again just to go to heaven. He is born again to live on the earth to make this world a better place. The main constituency of the kingdom minded believer is the earth, not heaven. We are to replicate the glory and beauty of heaven here on the earth wherever we find ourselves. So in your business, career, office, neighborhood, shine the light, be a good example. That's the kingdom lifestyle. At school, don't engage in exam malpractice, be an example of a true light that others can follow. 

17. A lifestyle of the word- Matt 4:4

The main food humans need to eat to stay alive spiritually in the kingdom of God is the word of God. The word of God is the food of the spirit. So a kingdom life is a life that is focused and lived according to the word of God. 

18. A lifestyle of dominion- Rev 5:10

Religion keeps you in bondage. The kingdom of God empowers you to reign and rule on the earth. You don't need to wait until you die and go to heaven to reign with Christ. The kingdom of God has come to the earth to dwell. God has made us to be Kings and Priests for Him so we can reign on the earth, not in heaven. Dominion is the natural lifestyle of the kingdom. To dominate means to take the lead, to be incharge and to take control or govern your environment and circumstances. You can rule your world. 

19. A lifestyle of Service-Matt 23:11

The kingdom lifestyle of Jesus Christ is service. When Jesus Christ came here on the earth, He laid aside His glory and chose to become a servant of all. He did that to show us an example of how the kingdom of God operates. A leader in the kingdom is not the boss or master, he is a servant. That's a direct opposite of the world's perspective of leadership. In the world today, a leader is the director, supervisor and commander, that's why there are many tyrants occupying the corridors of power in our governments. But in the bible, a leader is a servant of all. 

  • The experience of the unlimited forgiveness of Jesus Christ. Jesus liberates us from the burden of our deep woundedness, which occurs simply by living in this fallen world. Christ in us then empowers us to forgive others who harm us either intentionally or accidentally. By grace alone, we are able to keep “short lists”.
  • The experience of divine soundness of mind, welling up from the Trinity’s love and forgiveness. Our very minds are healed from all types of ill-health, and are filled with clarity and confidence. Wholeness is in our bones, allowing us to persevere in overcoming evil with good.
  • The experience of the community of those loved by God, the beloved. Here we taste growing relationships with healthy boundaries that inspire and sustain a lifestyle of worship. Our worship necessarily includes intentional, spontaneous and humble service towards others. We are stirred to develop authentic friendships with people across society’s many dividing lines. Desiring our communion to be with people who are struggling with poverty, we understand the beloved community to be inclusive.
  • The experience of the grace of God which gives us the ability to live through our own suffering and pain with a thankful heart. The overflow of God’s grace in our lives enables us to take on or bear the burdens of other people. God changes the bitterness of suffering into grace-fullness.
  • The experience of the counsel of the Holy Spirit which gives us the daily guidance we need to navigate our own lives together with others. Through God’s wisdom, we can comfort, encourage and admonish others, guiding them to be their absolute best.
  • The experience of deep meaning in life; the discovery of a fountain of living water. The Trinity’s presence with us quenches our thirst, and we no longer must dig in the dryness of unfulfilling tasks, reputations, relationships, and possessions.
  • The experience of being free from people and systems who have treated us unjustly thus distorting the image of God in us. Such freedom allows us to see our past with gratitude and understanding and look ahead with hope and expectation. With our energy, we are urged to create new relationships and structures that embody justice.

By Kingdom (or reign) of God, we mean…

  • The kingdom of God is now and among us today, and equally so, not yet. Our glimpses of the kingdom here on earth are symbols of the kingdom in its eternal fullness. Thus, our kingdom experiences often appear small and insignificant, like a mustard seed. But, mustard grows like crazy (Mark 4:30-32)! Sometimes, we cannot see the kingdom, and then, it lives in us quietly and fervently through hope. We yearn for its consumation.
  • The kingdom of God happens when we go and learn what this means: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” Jesus came to call not the righteous but sinners, so to experience the kingdom, we need to realize our brokenness (Matt 9:12-13). The kingdom of God is where we continually repent from our sins, receive God’s mercy and begin again to live as servants of the Lord of Mercy by extending steadfast love into others’ lives (Matt 4:17).
  • The reign of God is where the people who are lowly and poor in our societies are favored, blessed, shown mercy, lifted up, filled with good things, and remembered (Luke 1:46-55). We experience the kingdom of God when our community embodies these values and welcomes the outsider. The kingdom of God is where God scatters the proud in the thoughts of their hearts, the powerful are brought down from their thrones, and the rich are sent away empty (Luke 1:46-55). We experience the kingdom when our community continues to renounce injustice for the sake of economic gain, excessive wealth, and pride.
  • The reign of God is freedom from greed and bondage to material wealth (Matt 19:16-30). It is living a simple and generous lifestyle, sharing our resources in community and with people struggling with poverty. It is trusting God to sustain us with daily bread (or rice, as the case may be!) (Matt 6:25-34).
  • The kingdom of God is willingness to sacrifice comfort, wealth, security, family, relationships and life itself in the footsteps of Jesus (Matt 19:27-30). These costly actions are offered humbly and joyfully.
  • The reign of God is where God’s power is active: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have good news brought to them (Luke 7:18-23). These miraculous things happen when our community is surrendered to the movement of God’s healing, freeing Spirit among us.

The kingdom of God is where God’s overarching peace or shalom, is flowing. It is where the nations will “beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nations shall not lift up swords against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (Isaiah 2:4). It is where the cycle of violence loses its grip and a circle of forgiveness begins. The reign of God is where people are reconciled to God, to others and to creation. It is where people and creation flourish under God’s reign of love.

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