Monday, July 25, 2022

We overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of our testimony... here is mine!

 We overcome by the blood of the lamb (Jesus) and the word of our testimony; and love our lives not unto death. God has kept me alive for very specific reasons during the last 10 years of my life, and for the end times we are in. Since Paul taught in Corinth, Galatia, and all over Rome he stressed the immediate need to get saved and trust in Christ alone and His blood because Jesus was and IS coming back for us the church who are born again believers in Christ. Imminent return. I live the gospel and do the word daily to tell and shout like Noah that Jesus is coming and the need to repent and believe and turn to God now. Today is the day of salvation.. Here is my testimony. 

You are invited to the most exciting the most extravagant wedding in history,whether you know and realize or not, I’ve had many hours and time to thoroughly study and search what the Bible is all about and I am fully convinced, fully persuaded just like Paul was. The Bible is our love letter and marriage contract- we enter into a covenant with Jesus the moment we believe- because we are given the Holy Spirit as our mohar which is Hebrew for “bride price”. The marriage contract we have with Jesus is found by studying also the Hebrew and Jewish wedding customs. Our roots in the Christian faith are Hebrew, Jewish, and some Aramaic and Greek. I studied Latin for 4 years, Greek and Hebrew 4 years now. It’s simple- I believe because it is written. The Bible changed my absolute life and the way I look at things. I’m waiting for the sound of the trumpet to take me home, and you should be too! 


We overcome by the blood of the lamb (Jesus) and the word of our testimony; and love our lives not unto death. God has kept me alive for very specific reasons during the last 10 years of my life, and for the end times we are in. Since Paul taught in Corinth, Galatia, and all over Rome he stressed the immediate need to get saved and trust in Christ alone and His blood because Jesus was and IS coming back for us the church who are born again believers in Christ. Imminent return. I live the gospel and do the word daily to tell and shout like Noah that Jesus is coming and the need to repent and believe and turn to God now. Today is the day of salvation.. Here is my testimony. 


… You don’t know me. My name is Brittny, but we get new names lol so I am used to mine always being spelled wrong. I have lived in Williamson County my whole life, and I have a strong prophetic gift since being saved. 9/27/2020 is when the LORD quickened my dead body and through my sufferings and persecutions, it has built the faith in Christ that I have today.


I have been to jail many times, persecuted greatly and where you are- the Bible tells us to remember those in prison as we once were.


I remember praying early on and having so many questions, doubts, disbelief, wandering about heaven, being scared to death of hell and of God too. I was baptized at 12 by my dad, received a purity ring…well bad company always ruins good morals and I was a dumb teenager in rebellion and witchcraft and idolatry. Demonic influence oppressed me. My brain couldn’t understand unconditional love and so it was something the Spirit revealed to me I hadn’t received; for perfect love casts out all fear. Fear involves torment- and so I had spirits of fear (of saying no specifically) and of rejection attached to me. A lot of hard truths. 


Jesus Crist broke through the prison of my heart and mind; I died on 9/27/2020 and my life is hidden with Christ in God. He shined light in darkness and transferred me into His kingdom (translated- Colossians 1:13). I realize now how I enjoy the rest Christ offers instead of the hamster wheel of trying to establish my own righteousness and rely on my works. They are no good!


First thing, I had a fever of 106-107 at 6 months old which attributed to my sensitive immune system..I finally got my autoimmune disorder diagnosed in 2020 after we found the bacteria in our DOG!!!! My business partner Elizabeth and I wrote a book about it, America is Infected. 


My half brother molested me at 5; once in a bed and once in a pool (important info for my specific all makes sense!) and I started masterbation at maybe 7-8 years old? Went through sugar lust also .. I broke my promise and purity ring and lost my virginity at 15..and felt so guilty and awful- but then I realized my parents hadn't really raised my according to the word of God, in the word, in the nurturing of the LORD. 



There was a time in my life where all I did was chase wind- well money; monthly sales goals, make more money and spend more money; I lived under the curse of the law since I was raised SDA and didn’t realize; I cherry picked scripture and was a very carnal Christian aka modern day Pharisee; I couldn’t recite the gospel, I was hopeless, broken-hearted, ashamed, and veiled- I had no peace in my life and my worth was based on works; so of course throughout my life I’ve sought therapies and help outside of the Bible- and it wasn’t until I recommitted my life fully to Christ and began reading and studying the word for myself was when I became born again (1 Peter 1:23). I will testify that by the blood of Jesus I have personally overcome perverse spirits from forced incest, mental and physical infirmities and the fears I had associated, lust of the flesh and eyes have been difficult but praying to empty myself and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit it is the Holy Spirit whom produces the fruits of self control I’ve lost everything I’ve ever owned 5 times in my life (grace upon grace), starting the week of 6 (June) 06, 2006 in foresaw house fire, or something bad that week. I stayed in torment after 16 years of age and after receiving my drivers license- which has the middle numbers of 666. I could not get past Revelation; the SDA False religion had scared me!


 JUNE 2015- The day I had enough and I called on the name of Jesus Christ, and He saved me here too.. so the AA/NA cult will tell you that “religion” does not save you, which is true. Only believing the truth of the gospel, that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day, is how a person is to be saved.  


Two weeks prior 9/27/2020-I realized the money I kept chasing wasn’t enough, everything I’ve done and tried to achieve has made me more unhappy and I have no confidence in man anymore; I was tired and heavy burdenend. I came into work at med spa and immediately hit my knees lifted my hands high and surrendered to Jesus Christ. He broke through the prison walls of strongholds I’ve sought help for my whole life.. 9/27/2020 is my born again date and really the only one that matters to me now. That’s when after I read the word, the gospel, received it (literally in much affliction 1 Thessalonians 1:6) I looked at the worlds events and repented truly changed my mind- and it scared me absolutely half to death and I had no idea who to tell what to and so I just had to trust in the Lord with all of my heart…everything I had known was a lie, the Bible is truth and anything not in that is a lie. I came to the repentance of the Bible is real, Jesus Christ is fully God manifested in the flesh and He’s coming back for us born again in Christ believers sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption. 


What I didn’t realize at the time either, was how the LORD hardened my ex-husbands heart in order for me to get away- God sometimes breaks our hearts in order to save our souls. We must realize the old self is disobedient- the flesh is weak. We are to crucify and mortify the members of our bodies, and live in righteousness. So I learned about unequal yoking, in marriage and in business and that has been the most difficult lesson in this life to realize. Believers cannot be yoked with unbelievers of the gospel.


I have been an entrepreneur since 19- started my own med spa @ 19 my dad gave me 50k instead of going to college bc it was a better investment, and college is very indoctrinating in case you have not researched that… not even our LORD went to college and He is OMNIPOTENT! Ran La Bella CS and Green Hills then Elizabeth and I closed those- I tried the wicked corporate world and found tons of incongruencies within the medical field (CVS/pharmacy) then to Dollar General with issues of upper management and I being unequally yoked.. I had to file unemployment back in September and am STILL WAITING LOL… but since then started my second LLC from the ground up- ALL ONLINE! Ecommerce is totally the way to go! I am so excited about it… so if you get the chance to check it out I will attach my website and store at the bottom! I bought WWJD LLC!.. and wwjd company llc 😊 The LORD also lead me or lead my husband (now, in the LORD) to me- it was a literal miracle how it happened! We had literally been praying for one another the WHOLE time! Praise Jesus!! I’m starting to steward GNC as well, so I am very excited and grateful about that!


Security and safety are probably the two biggest needs I have and always have had- spirit of adoption whereby we cry, “Abba, Father”- Jesus gave me more than I ever asked for! ETERNAL SECURITY, a new name (in heaven), He promises the faith we have in Him and of Christ overcomes the world, He has been building many mansions, a place prepared for us who believe for almost 2000 years. Jesus saved me from burning in Hell for eternity. The Word sanctifies and purifies us when we study and I haven’t been able to put it down. 


I’ve overcome in Christ domestic violence, masterbation /lust demonic possession, intense fears, condemnation thoughts, OCD, gluttony/excessive sugar consumption, physical mental verbal abuse in marriage, I’ve left jobs, family, pharmekeia, false religions, cults-parents, family members… best friends…


I put on the full armor of God daily now, every morning. I noticed old things in my life weren’t the same things I wanted; I needed to put those things to death. Repentance is a change of mind; metanoia. I recognized how horrible my sin condition was and how utterly eternally lost without Christ and can do nothing without Him- I never want to be without Him now. I would never want to hear Him say “depart from me!” What godly fear the Lord hath produced in me also; my conviction timing is fast, now :). I was surrounded by lies and false teachers, so I turned myself to the Bible and my whole life has changed. Of course, I still struggle with life and issues because we will never be without sin until we are in Heaven with Jesus.


I needed to believe, receive, and accept His finished works, His grace, mercy and forgiveness; and that I did abundantly. I will never forget what the cross has done for me, for I could absolutely never pay the price for my sin debt. 


I realized I was born blind, deaf, and dumb. So now, I seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; I ask for wisdom and call out for insight and understanding like silver; also eye salve so I can see spiritually, white raiment, and gold like faith refined by fire.


The gospel is in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 “Jesus Christ died for our sins according to scripture, was buried and rose again on the third day according to the scriptures.” We are saved by grace through faith in Christ alone and not of any works lest any man should boast! That blew my mind. It’s so hard to understand unconditional love when Satan sows seeds of doubt and unbelief.. I receive that daily because our apostle Paul tells us Romans 1:16 “for I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth-”and it is the best news I have EVER received! Colossians 1:5 “the hope which is laid up for you in heaven.” 


I study and read the word daily because Jesus tells us we must live by every word of God. I stand firm on the KJV Bible- God has given me time to study and truly find Him. I trust in the LORD with all of my heart…I believed that God had a husband for me, in the LORD. I prayed for so long for this man of God whom He sent – right to my door! I LITERALLY prayed for this man and had been praying for him and even his dog, for a very long time. When your heart’s desires are of God, He will bless you with those desires. God wants to give us good gifts, and I had to learn to trust Him in those areas. My high calling in Christ is being a biblical wife and a mother.


Jesus Christ is my rock and my salvation- He is the only reason I am here. Revelation is the only book that offers a special blessing; and we overcome Satan with our testimony and by the blood of the Lamb. To know, trust, and believe Jesus’ blood paid the price for all of my sins (past, present, future) yours, the worlds, once for all- is literally everything to me. My gratitude and thankfulness for what the Lord has done- Oh how wrong I was about Him! His mercy endures forever. I can rest and am abiding in Him. I am forever grateful that there is no condemnation for those in Christ, and when He forgives us He isn’t an abusive person who continually charges your past- Jesus removes our transgressions as far as the east to west. I’ve also learned there is literally nothing that can ever separate us from His love for us-- I will wait for Jesus to harpazo us out of this evil and wicked world the rest of my life until I either die first or the rapture comes first. 




Thanks for reading! I bless you and your family in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. I pray for your repentance and acknowledgment of the truth of the gospel. I pray that Christ will reconcile you back unto Him, in the name of Jesus and according to His will.


Salvation is SIMPLE:

1.)   You hear the word/see the word and respond in repentance and belief of the truth- Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again the THIRD day according to the scriptures. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. There is NO other name on earth by which we can be saved. Jesus is God, manifested in the flesh, born of the Holy Spirit, and took in sin for us so that we can be made righteousness through Him and IN Him! Praise the LORD.

2.)   You then are sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise (Ephesians 1:18;4:30) TIL the day of redemption! It is eternal salvation. Eternal security in Christ.

3.)   You become reconciled by the blood of Jesus Christ and are made righteousness in Him; He cleans you up. We don’t come to Christ clean, we come with our filthy rags!! It is a restored relationship with Him.  


There’s no PRAYER of salvation you “have to pray”… it is believing the truth of the gospel- simplicity in Christ.

Remember... all my BFFS went to prison :-D Jesus, and all the apostles, literally. John the Baptist spent most of his time in jail.. as did Paul. Paul wrote MOST of the New Testament IN JAIL!!!! Isn’t that amazing.





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