Saturday, November 5, 2022

BAAL worship today

Foolish is the one who enters into research with conclusions before they have uncovered the facts. Far more foolish is the one who refuses to research and “prove all things” before doing them. Also, too many today offend GOD in their desire to avoid offending others.

I have written on the subject of the pagan “holy days” (i.e. holidays) as celebrated by many around the world including four of the eight pagan witch sabbaths or holidays known as Yule or Christmas, Ostara or Easter, Litha or Midsummer’s Day, and Samhain or Halloween. These holidays are some of the better known of the eight Baal sabbaths which occur on the quarterly and cross-quarterly milestones of the earth’s rotation around the sun.  A full list of the eight witch sabbaths can be seen here and here.

The Wheel of the Sun or Wheel of the Year from the ancient witchcraft practices of Baal worship

The Wheel of the Sun or Wheel of the Year from the ancient witchcraft practices of Baal worship … many of these holy days are now revered by even Baptist ministers and oftentimes even in the name of GOD.

These sun-worshiping pagans performed hateful, barbaric and murderous acts oftentimes during these major “holy days” positioned evenly around the solar year and the sun’s patterns.  Of course, it is no mystery that those Christians who left the Roman Catholic religion abhorred the holy day known as Christ Mass or Christmas as seen in the article at this link. In fact, one of the reasons that some historians have attempted to paint the Puritans as being “anti-fun” is possibly due to their stance against Christmas as seen in the article at this link. However, before you buy into the lies about the Puritans, be sure that you understand their reasoning.  Their knowledge of history and Biblical practice was far superior to most who call themselves Protestant Christians today.  They had learned of the Catholic Crusades and had seen firsthand the bloody nature of Rome with their Inquisitions still taking place in Europe at that time.  The early American colonists had also seen the similarities between Catholic Rome and pagan Rome.  Both the Puritans of England and the early American colonists fought against the holidays of Catholicism, because they saw that the Roman religion was the same old pagan Rome with a clerical robe added, and their holidays were the same old pagan holidays with “Christian names and meaning” added to them in order to white-wash them.

“When you enter the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations.” – Deuteronomy 18:9


Ancient sun worship included much of what is now called paganism. Most non-Biblical religions today originated from paganism. Catholicism is also a derivative of Baal worship.

Obelisks, pyramids, crosses, and other symbolic edifices were all part of the pre-Christian era of pagan Babylonian religious expression found in the Roman empire.  You can see my articles on such subjects at this linkthis linkthis linkthis linkthis linkthis linkthis linkthis link, and this link. You can also watch the video at this link to see a modern-day version of the demon Krampus.  Krampus was one of the entities from which the American Santa Klaus tradition sprung as seen in one of the previous links. Even with all of those articles I have written, my research outweighs my time to write out all that I have learned.  Therefore, it’s always nice to point you to other individuals’ articles that mirror my own research to save myself the time of writing out further information.

Photo of a Christmas card with holly and ivy - the association of holly with winter celebrations almost certainly pre-dates Christianity - Druids wore holly wreaths on their heads.

Photo of a Christmas card with holly and ivy – the association of holly with winter celebrations almost certainly pre-dates Christianity – Druids wore holly wreaths on their heads.

Such is the case with the Christmas article at this link.  I wanted to feature this excellent historical article written by Lawrence Kelemen, who is an exemplary researcher, a true intellectual, an international lecturer, and an author.

As an avid researcher (and especially having researched the subject of Christmas myself quite thoroughly), I am impressed with the efforts of Lawrence Kelemen to not only build out a thoroughly researched, extremely accurate history of Christmas, but also with his ability to publish his findings in such a concise, comprehensive, yet simple manner.

An 1886 depiction of the long-bearded Germanic god Odin by Georg von Rosen.  This Satanic-looking wizard looks like modern-day Gandalf from Lord of the Rings.  Odin was more like a wizard than a saint.

An 1886 depiction of the long-bearded Germanic god Odin by Georg von Rosen. This Satanic-looking wizard looks like modern-day Gandalf of Lord of the Rings. Odin was a false god, not a saint (i.e. Saint Nicholas).

Although Kelemen is an unbeliever, I do appreciate his love for history and his knowledge of the same.  His article is also significant in keeping history alive and the public informed of the true history of the holiday of Christmas, so that mankind has a cultural context by which to better live with respect toward other human beings.  I also share his passion for exposing these sham “holy days” (i.e. holidays) for what they truly are – pagan, Babylonian, Baal sun worship and practice.

Putting on my critique hat, let me say that I agree wholeheartedly with the very thorough research that Kelemen has done on almost everything, but I would disagree with two of Kelemen’s comments in that article, namely the underlinedbold portion seen in these two statements:

  1. Nicholas was among the most senior bishops who convened the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE and created the New Testament. The text they produced portrayed Jews as “the children of the devil who sentenced Jesus to death.
  2. Christmas celebrates the birth of the Christian god who came to rescue mankind from the “curse of the Torah.” It is a 24-hour declaration that Judaism is no longer valid.
Odin's "The Wild Hunt" (as it was called) is pictured here.  Odin continued to hunt in Swedish folklore as shown in this Illustration by August Malmström (the horse was later replaced by reindeer).

Odin’s “The Wild Hunt” (as it was called) is pictured here. Odin continued to hunt in Swedish folklore as shown in this Illustration by August Malmström (the horse was later replaced by reindeer).

What is wrong with Mr. Kelemen’s remarks in the above two points?  First, the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE didn’t determine what letters and historical accounts of the disciples and apostles of Jesus Christ were or were not inspired of GOD as can be seen in this articlethis articlethis articlethis article, and this article.  The Council especially didn’t “create the New Testament”.

Second, the New Testament says we are all children of the devil until we place our faith in Jesus the Christ.  That’s not directly aimed solely at any ethnicity.  The Old Testament had Gentiles placed into the outer court of the Temple, and only the Jews were allowed into the inner court of the Temple; whereas, the New Testament allows all men to come to Jesus the Messiah for salvation.  The New Testament teaches that GOD has no respect of persons, and that salvation is for the Jew and Gentile equally.  If someone were out to argue, they could say the Old Testament was actually more ethnic; however, even in the Old Testament, you can see the grace of GOD in allowing Gentiles like Rahab the harlot, Bathsheba the Hittite (presumably since her husband was a Hittite), Ruth the Moabite, Zipporah the Midianite, and Asenath the Egyptian to experience GOD’s grace.

Sinterklaas was another variation on the pagan companion of Krampus.

Sinterklaas was another variation on the pagan companion of Krampus.

Furthermore, the New Testament never stated that Jews “sentenced Jesus to death”.  It actually states that Pilate, a pagan Roman, is the one who did this.  No wonder the Roman Catholic leaders love to point their dirty fingers at the Jews in blame.  I say “dirty fingers”, because they are just as wicked as the rest of humanity as seen in their many Inquisitions, Crusades, and barbaric acts.  At the same time, the Jews are not exempt from all blame in the crucifixion of Jesus, because they plotted against Him.  However, the New Testament actually states that Jesus died for all men (and thus because ofall men), so the Bible clearly places the blame for Jesus’ sacrificial death upon all men.  Furthermore, nobody took Jesus’ life, because He willingly gave it for our sins as an act of Love.  Meanwhile, the blame for the sentencing of Jesus is placed squarely upon the Romans. The New Testament never treats any particular ethnic group with hatred.  In fact, it was Jesus who said we should love GOD and love our neighbor as ourselves.  Only the Roman “Church” has ever implied such things about Jews, and they are far more Roman and Baal-centered pagans than they are “Christians”.

Painting of Twelfth Night - this art is a reference to the pagan twelve days of Saturnalia or Christ Mass in which the Lord of Misrule is persecuted and oftentimes killed as part of the Saturnalia or Yule or Christ Mass activities.

Painting of Twelfth Night – this art is a reference to the pagan twelve days of Saturnalia or Christ Mass in which the Lord of Misrule is persecuted and oftentimes killed as part of the Saturnalia or Yule or Christ Mass activities.

Many, many Christian martyrs have been massacred at the hand of Rome who donned a clerical robe.  After donning their religious cloak, they never relinquished their Roman dagger or changed from the bloodthirsty empire that it has always been since the time that their Senate murdered Julius Caesar in cold blood.

If anything, the New Testament shows great love toward the Jews and in Revelation 12, the Beast is said to persecute the Jewish people (implied by the metaphorical picture of the woman with the sun, moon, and 12 stars which resembles Joseph’s dream of Israel’s family).  The Beast is shown to be the Devil in that same chapter, so how could Mr. Kelemen make the remarks he made when the Bible shows that the Devil will persecute “the woman” (which appears to be Israelites and Jews), because “she” gave birth to the Messiah (i.e. Jesus).

The Golden Bough, on page 736, states that "the ancient fire" festival of the winter solstice appears to survive- in the Yule log custom.

The Golden Bough, on page 736, states that “the ancient fire” festival of the winter solstice appears to survive- in the Yule log custom.

The Beast is actually more associated with the Roman empire and its emperor (not the Jews) as can be seen in Daniel chapters 2, 7, and 9 (and especially in Daniel 9:26-27), as well as in Revelation chapters 13 and 17 which speak also of a Beastly Dragon with ten horns (a clear reference to the passages in Daniel). Revelation chapter 19 shows Jesus coming down at the Battle of Armageddon (which is also foretold in the Tanakh or Old Testament by Jewish prophets) to protect His ethnic people (the Jews) from the Gentile armies.

The Norns, who supposedly ruled the fate of gods and men - these Norns named Urðr Verðandi and Skuld beneath the world tree.  This sketch is called  Yggdrasil by Ludwig Burger in 1882

The Norns, who supposedly ruled the fate of gods and men – these Norns named Urðr Verðandi and Skuld beneath the world tree. This sketch is called Yggdrasil by Ludwig Burger in 1882

Third, Mr. Kelemen states how the holiday of Christmas was actually a pagan festival, but then he turns around and says “Christmas celebrates the birth of the Christian god”.  Jesus never claimed to be a “Christian god”.  In fact, the word “Christian” wasn’t even invented until after His ascension to heaven.  Jesus always claimed to be the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – the very GOD that Mr. Kelemen claims to worship. Futhermore, he has thoroughly proven that Christmas is actually a Catholic rendering of a pagan festival AND that Jesus was undoubtedly not born around Christmastime, so why does he confuse the matter by trying to say that it’s also the celebration of a ‘Christian god’? 

Fourth, Mr. Kelemen states that Jesus came to “rescue mankind from the ‘curse of the Torah'”.  Once again, such comments make me wonder if Mr. Kelemen has even read the New Testament.  Jesus clearly stated His feelings about the Torah.

“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.”  – Matthew 5:17-20

Yggdrasil or the world tree is an immense tree that is considered very holy by pagans still today.

Yggdrasil or the world tree is an immense tree that is considered very holy by pagans still today.

If one continues to read that chapter in Matthew, they will find that Jesus’ interpretation of the Law was even stricter than the Pharisees.  He not only found adultery to be offensive against GOD’s Law, but also lusting after women (i.e. porn).  He not only found murder to be a sin, but also hate.  What was Jesus’ point as He preached that famous Sermon on the Mount?  He was advocating that the Law should be upheld, but at an even higher level. He was advocating an even stricter keeping of the Law, but He was also stating that He was going to keep the Law perfectly in order to fulfill it.  Why?  He was offering His services to us.  Even though He lived a perfect life in fulfilling the Law, Jesus was willing to vicariously become “the cursed one” as designated by the Law upon our behalf, instead of having us become curseddue to our failure to keep the Law.

Demon Krampus and Saint Nicholas visit a Viennese home in 1896

Demon Krampus and Saint Nicholas visit a Viennese home in 1896

Jesus knew that not even the Pharisees could truly keep the Law in every point.  He was offering His perfect life that fulfilled the Law in every point as the Ultimate Sacrificial Lamb, because He knew that none of us were capable of keeping the Law perfectly.  The Law was not a “curse” as Kelemen attempted to accuse the New Testament of saying.  Our sins bring the curse, and the New Testament is very clear about the curse of sin and its result in death, and it is adamant about the need for the Law as a way of showing us how sinful we truly are. Mr. Kelermen has evidently read the following verse:

“Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree”  – Galatians 3:13

Father Christmas was associated with a goat in this Folk tale depiction.

Father Christmas was associated with a goat in this Folk tale depiction.

What Mr. Kelermen fails to grasp is that this verse is referencing a verse just prior to this which says:

“For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.”  – Galatians 3:10

Thus, Mr. Kelermen attempts to paint Jesus as saving us from the “cursed Law” rather than the “curse of the Law”.  In other words, those who failed to abide by the Law of GOD were cursed.  The Law was not the “cursed”, but rather those who failed to keep it.

greatestcommandment-300x225Those who advocate replacing GOD’s moral Law with “grace” do not understand the Scriptures.  GOD is advocating that we accept His grace in repentant faith so that 1) His sacrificial life as the Lamb of GOD can appease the Father for us due to our own imperfections, and 2) we can better keep His moral law through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit (of whom even King David spoke). 

golden-ruleJesus didn’t come to save us from the “curse of the Torah”, but instead to fulfill the Torah with His own life and to help us also fulfill the moral laws of the Torah such as loving GOD with all of our heart and loving our neighbor as ourselves.  Jesus also was not pleased with the Jewish leaders, because they were not keeping the spirit of the Law, but only the letter.  They weren’t showing love to GOD and others, but instead they were trying to find ways to look like they were keeping the Law outwardly, while inwardly they were not keeping the Law.  In truth, Jesus was more of an advocate of the Law than these Jewish officials.  Furthermore, He also kept it perfectly.  The Torah was never considered cursed by Jesus or any of the apostles.  Instead, Jesus allowed Himself to become a curse for us by taking our sins upon Himself just like the prophet Isaiah predicted in chapter 53 of the Book of Isaiah.   If Mr. Kelemen does not believe me, then he can see these things in the Bible Himself below.

Lamb of GOD“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. … And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.”  – Isaiah 53:5-6, 9

“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord”   – Hebrews 12:14

tablets2Jesus isn’t saying that living holy by the Law is bad, but rather that He is willing to be our Holiness since He sees that we are but dust who are incapable of fulfilling the Law in every point (which is what GOD requires of all who would enter into heaven).  Jesus wants to pay our debt of sin, since we are incapable of perfectly keeping it as He did.  Instead of condemning us, He comes alongside of us to help us fulfill the Law through His payment.

“For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.”  – James 2:10

Nicholas was known as "Lord of the Sea".  A key ring with the image of Nikolaos of Myra as patron of the sailors is shown in this photo.

Rome’s gods were many. Nicholas was known as “Lord of the Sea”. This key ring displays Nikolaos of Myra as patron of the sailors.

All of this said, and despite these two flaws in Mr. Kelermen’s writing, I highly advocate that you read his very concise and thorough history of Christmas and consider the factual truth that Christmas is pagan and of Baal origin. Consider that the Creator GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would never advocate mixing Baal worship with the worship of Himself.  He abhorred such mixed worship and He killed men for doing it. He warned Israel away from any Baal practices. Therefore, be mindful that the adherents of Judaism and the Jehovah’s witnesses who stand against Christmas, because of its Roman, Baal-like festival of paganism and sun worship, are more historically accurate than most Protestants who continue the traditions they learned from the Romans who they protested during the Protestant Reformation (a protest that seems to be non-existent these days).

calfI am not Protestant or Reformed, because I do not think Rome is Christian at all, and if I do not, then why should I protest a completely pagan religious system and especially why should I attempt to reform it? The Roman bureaucrats are mostly Baal worshipers, not Christians.  They are not in need of revival, reformation, or a protest.  They are in need of the beliefs that Jesus taught in His Holy Word in both Testaments just like any other pagans from Rome would need.  The Roman counterfeit religion is not Christianity but a Baal religion that much mirrors their explanation of the demon Krampus from whom part of the Santa Klaus narrative is taken.  The Roman religious system says Krampus comes with his chains to bind Satan, but as any historian can tell you, Krampus was himself a demon and his chains served a more sinister purpose.  In like manner, the Roman Catholic system promises their adherents that their chains of religious control are for their good and for the binding of Satan, but in reality, they are Satan’s minions serving a far more eternally damning purpose.

This billboard reflects how low American Christians have dropped in their knowledge of history and Biblical purity.  Ironically, the author of this billboard may very well have an "ex" in Texas, since Christian divorce rates are at an all time high.  Christ belongs in our hearts, but he does not belong in the Catholic Mass of Yule known as "Christ Mass".  That is sacrilege.

This billboard reflects how low American Christians have dropped in their knowledge of history and Biblical purity. Ironically, the author of this billboard may very well have an “ex” in Texas, since Christian divorce rates are at an all time high. Christ belongs in our hearts, but he does not belong in the Catholic Mass of Yule known as “Christ Mass”. That is sacrilege.

The Baptists, who are probably the most conservative denomination in faith and practice, have especially emulated Baal worship in these last days before Christ’s return. Their divorce rate exceeds the divorce rate of all other Christian denominations. They are outspoken in their emulation of paganism and its culture and practices.  They drink like a fish, curse like a sailor, rock like the Satanic shaman drummers of old, dress like savages, commit diverse and perverse forms of fornication, twist the Gospel into a damning heresy, adopt pagan holidays just like the Catholics (who they once denounced), embrace ecumenical relations, fill their minds with all forms of witchcraft, sexual perversion, and blasphemy as entertainment, and refuse to fulfill the Mission they so loudly discuss in Sunday School class, while justifying all of their ungodly deeds and even do them in the name of GOD. GOD warned Israel to not emulate the heathen or learn their ways or they would be cursed and destroyed. As I watch American Christians emulate the heathen and practice their ways, I must ask “why do they think they’re exempt from the same curse and destruction?”.

0Those of Judaism and Jehovah’s Witnesses belief systems must realize that while they may hope to work their way into heaven through good works, they will never have enough works to enter heaven as the verse from James chapter 2 states above. Thus, they need to either keep the Law perfectly without exception (not one ‘white lie’ or lustful thought or loss of temper) or they must accept the payment of Jesus Christ for their sins through repentant trust in His ability to save them. They must stop denouncing Jesus as less than GOD and realize that Jesus was not “the Christian god” as Mr. Kelermen states, but rather He was who He said He was when He said the following:

“I and my Father are one.”  – John 10:30

emmanuelThe Creator came to earth to save us almost two thousand years ago.  He did not come down at Christ-Mass time or any other pagan witch Sabbath.  He was born as “the mighty GOD’ just as one of the names given to Him implies. He was called “Emmanuel” which meant “GOD with us“.  He was also the “everlasting Father”.

“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”  – Matthew 1:23

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.” – Isaiah 9:6-7

“And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.”  – Revelation 21:6

“Believe you not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwells in me, he does the works …. At that day you shall know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.”  – John 14:10, 20

“Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.”  – John 8:58

MolechFlameChristians today should stop celebrating the tradition known as Christ-Mass, not only because it is associated with the persecution of Jews as Kelemen points out, but because it most importantly violates GOD’s Law and offends Yahweh, the Most El-Shaddai, the father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob … the Almighty Holy GOD who will not accept our mixed pagan-Biblical hodge-podge Protestant traditions taken from the Roman Catholic religious system which is infested with Baal paganism.

Babylonian sacred magic tree of life charm

Babylonian sacred magic tree charm

As stated in the article at this link, “during the ancient Roman Saturnalia, human-shaped delicacies were consumed and jovial singing was performed in the streets, which makes it a ‘precursor of modern gingerbread man’ and caroling. The ancient Roman Saturnalia was integrated into Christianity in the 4th century, as a means to mass convert the pagan Roman citizens.

And in the article at this link, we read a confirmation of what Lawrence Kelemen stated regarding the Nazi-like nature of Christ Mass or its precursor Saturnalia as it tells of a true Christian (pre-Catholic era) who died for his faith by the hand of the pagan Roman empire.  As the article states:

Here is an image of a fresco from Babylon of the original sacred (Yule Mass) tree, complete with the tree topper.

Here is an image of a fresco from Babylon of the original sacred (Yule Mass) tree, complete with the tree topper.

“In The Golden BoughJ.G. Frazer interpreted an incident from the Acts of Saint Dasius, an early martyrological text, as indicative of human sacrifice in connection with the Saturnalia. Dasius was a Christian soldier who refused to play the part of the King of the Saturnalia when it was allotted to him, and for his refusal was killed. From this anecdote, Frazer surmises that the King of the Saturnalia was originally a scapegoat victim who was killed as a human sacrifice to Saturn at the end of his festival.”

The Druid's Holly King is similar to Odin, Thor, and other gods associated with the Yule season.

The Druid’s Holly King is similar to Odin, Thor, and other gods associated with the Yule season as seen at this link.

I believe most celebrate Christmas due to one of the following reasons:

  1. They don’t know ancient history (this was myself years ago) which precedes any Medieval or Renaissance history. Furthermore, these pagan Baal sabbaths are still celebrated by witches and pagans today.
  2. They think they know history due to inaccurate Christian school textbooks, uninformed pastors, or uneducated Christian authors who create “meaning” for things based upon old wives’ tales or who recycle Vatican-invented or Reformer-invented tales to justify them
  3. They know its history but think Christians can do whatever they want due to “grace”
  4. They know its history but are ignorant that GOD hates the mixing of Baal practices and holidays with Christian practices and holidays
  5. They lack discernment due to being more carnally-minded
  6. They don’t have the Holy Spirit
  7. They know better but love presents and worship the god of materialism
  8. They know better but worship the god of frivolity
  9. They know better but worship the god of tradition
St. Nicholas and Black Peter, the catholicized characters of Christ Mass, taken from the Holly King and Demon Krampus ... and known in America as Santa Claus and his Elf.

St. Nicholas and Black Peter, the catholicized characters of Christ Mass, taken from the god Odin (Holly King) and Demon Krampus … in America, known as Santa Claus and his Elf.

Knowing that we will be judged according to knowledge, which of the above do you think will be more accountable on Judgment Day?  Now that you have read this article, which of the above are you?  Did your accountability just increase right now?  Did you know that the Bible teaches that to whom much is given, much more will be required?  Did you know that if you are the pastor of a congregation or an evangelist or the leader at a Christian camp or university or school that you will be even more accountable for your knowledge and practice on Judgment Day than the “average Christian”?  What if you do the right thing and your “Likes” on social networking decrease from the thousands to just a handful due to your stand (and they probably will) – will you worship the god of popularity?

American Christians are full of idolatry.  Those who claim the name of Jesus Christ must repent of such pagan Gentile practices and holidays, and turn to Jesus Christ who desires that His children live in obedience to the writings of His prophets and apostles and who despises those who seek to mingle with the ways of Baal!

To read Mr. Kelemen’s excellent research on the pagan origin of Christmas, be sure to read the article at this link.


Odin wearing red with a beard looks like Santa. Why? According to Alexander Hislop, author of ‘Two Babylons‘, most of the gods of the ancient world were variations on the relationship between Nimrod (aka Baal), his son Tammuz, and the golden-haired Ishtar or Semi-Aramis (aka Baalti). Due to the scattering at Babylon and the confusion of languages, all these gods were just variations on the Baal theme. A Wikipedia article on ‘Thor” seems to confirm this truth. It states: “In Norse mythology, largely recorded in Iceland from traditional material stemming from Scandinavia, numerous tales and information about Thor are provided. In these sources, Thor bears at least fourteen names, is the husband of the golden-haired goddess Sif, is the lover of the jötunn Járnsaxa, and is generally described as fierce-eyed, red-haired and red-bearded … The same sources list Thor as the son of the god Odin and the personified earth, Fjörgyn, and by way of Odin, Thor has numerous brothers … Tacitus refers to the god Odin as “Mercury”, Thor as “Hercules”, and the god Týr as “Mars”, … In his Annals, Tacitus again refers to the veneration of “Hercules” by the Germanic peoples; he records a wood beyond the river Weser (in what is now northwestern Germany) as dedicated to him. In Germanic areas occupied by the Roman Empire, coins and votive objects dating from the 2nd and 3rd century AD have been found with Latin inscriptions referring to “Hercules”, and so in reality, with varying levels of likelihood, refer to Thor by way of interpretatio romana.” –

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