Thursday, November 10, 2022



Our God Is... We Are...

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Our God Is...
Love1Jo 4:16
SpiritJhn 4:24
The Holy OnePsa 16:10
The I AmJhn 8:58
YahwehExd 6:3
The Alpha & Omega, The Beginning & EndRev 1:8
God AlmightyExd 6:3
A Miracle Working GodGal 3:5
The Creator of the WorldJhn 1:3
Calling Things That Be Not As Though they WereRom 4:17
Infinite1Ki 8:27
All PowerfulJer 32:1727
All Knowing1Jo 3:20
Ever PresentPsa 139:113
UnchangeableNum 23:19
JehovahPsa 83:18
A Covenant Making GodHbr 10:16
The Everlasting FatherIsa 9:6
A Father of LightsJam 1:17
A Father of Mercies & God of All Comfort2Co 1:3
The Author of SalvationHbr 2:10
Full of PowerRom 13:1
A God Who Raises the Dead2Co 1:9
A Quickening Spirit1Co 15:45
Mighty to SaveIsa 63:1
Our MakerIsa 54:5
Our Heavenly FatherMat 6
The Justifier of the One Who Has Faith in JesusRom 3:26
Meeting Our Needs through JesusPhl 4:19
Giving Us the Peace that Surpasses UnderstandingPhl 4:7
Jesus of NazarethJhn 19:19
The Door of the SheepJhn 10
The Way, Truth & LifeJhn 14:6
The Prince of PeaceIsa 9:6
The King of Kings & Lord of LordsRev 17:14
The Lamb of GodRev 5:6
The Bread of LifeJhn 6:48-58
The Bright & Morning StarRev 22:16
The Light of the WorldJhn 8:12
ImmanuelIsa 7:14
Wonderful CounselorIsa 9:6
The Great Shepherd of the SheepHbr 13:20
The Head of the ChurchEph 1:22
JesusMat 1:21
The Same Yesterday, Today & ForeverHbr 13:8
Our All Sufficiency2Co 3:5
The WordJhn 1:1
Dwelling in Us2Co 6:16
Easily TouchedHbr 4:15
Faithful & TrueRev 19:11
A Sure FoundationIsa 28:16
Upholding All things by the Word of His PowerHbr 1:3
Watching Over His Word to Perform ItJer 1:12
A Rewarder of Those Who Diligently Seek HimHbr 11:6
No Respecter of PersonsAct 10:34
The True LightJhn 1:9
The Author & Finisher of Our FaithHbr 12:2
Mediator of the New CovenantHbr 9:15
The TruthJhn 14:6
Working in UsHbr 13:21
Greater in Us Than He That Is in the World1Jo 4:4
Unto Us Wisdom, Sanctification & Redemption1Co 1:30
For UsRom 8:31
Never Leaving Us or Forsaking UsHbr 13:5
Always Leading Us in Triumph in Christ2Co 2:14
Faithful Over His HouseHbr 3:1-6
Ruler of the Kings of the EarthRev 1:5
Our Lord & Our GodJhn 20:28
Our LifeJhn 11:25-26
Our SaviorLuk 2:11
Our RedeemerIsa 48:17
Our TeacherMat 28:18
Our HealerIsa 53:5
Our DelivererRom 11:20
Our ResurrectionJhn 11:25
Our JustificationRom 3:26
Our StrengthPhl 4:13
Our Righteousness1Co 1:30
Our PeaceEph 2:14
Our Advocate1Jo 2:1
Our Faithful High PriestHbr 9:1110:21
Our BridegroomMat 9:15
Our Hope of GloryCol 1:27
Pleased to Give Us the KingdomLuk 12:32
Equipping UsEph 4:11-16
Giving Us Revelation Knowledge1Co 2:10-13
Giving Us the Keys to the KingdomMat 16:19
Giving Us His NameMar 16:17-18
Giving Us the HOLY SPIRITLuk 11:13Act 2:38-39
Anointing Us for Service1Jo 2:20
Filling Us With Wisdom & Spiritual UnderstandingEph 1:17
Giving Us His ArmourEph 6:10-18
Providing Us AngelsHbr 1:14
Faithful to Complete the Work He Began in UsPhl 1:6
Rich in MercyPsa 136
Teaching Us How to Profit,
Leading Us in the Way We Should Go
Isa 48:17
Giving Us All Things to Enjoy1Ti 6:17
Saying Well Done My Good & Faithful ServantsMat 25:21
Receiving All the Glory1Co 10:31
Worthy of PraisePsa 18:3
Saying to Everyone, "Surely I Am Coming Quickly." AmenRev 22:20
We Are...
Loved by GodJhn 3:16
ForgivenCol 1:14
Confessing the Lordship of Jesus Over Our LivesPhl 2:11
Saved by Grace through FaithEph 2:8
Loving God with All of our Hearts, Souls & MindsMat 22:37
Born Again Children of GodRom 8:16
Delivered from the Powers of DarknessCol 1:13
Redeemed from the Hands of the EnemyPsa 107:2
Called with a Holy Calling2Ti 1:9
Created in His ImageRom 8:29
Not of This WorldJhn 17:16
Of God's Household of FaithGal 6:10
In Love with God1Jo 4:19
Seeking First His Kingdom & RighteousnessMat 6:33
Abiding in His Love1Jo 4:16
Healed by His Stripes1Pe 2:24
Free from Fear1Jo 4:18
Crowned with His Loving Kindness & Tender MerciesPsa 103
Redeemed from the Curse of the LawGal 3:13
Free from the Law of Sin & DeathRom 8:32
Heirs of Eternal Life1Jo 5:11-12
Heirs to the Blessings of AbrahamGal 3:14
Heirs of God & Joint Heirs with JesusRom 8:17
Blessed with All Spiritual BlessingsEph 1:3
His Workmanship Created in Christ JesusEph.2:10
Strong in the Grace That Is in Christ Jesus2Ti 2:1
In Right-standing with God2Co 5:21
Established in RighteousnessIsa 54:14
Living in His KingdomCol 1:13
Humbling Ourselves, Casting All Cares Upon Jesus1Pe 5:6-7
Getting Our Needs Met by JesusPhl 4:19
Able to Be Partakers of the inheritance,
Giving Thanks to the Father
Col 1:12
Studying to Show Ourselves Approved of God2Ti 2:15
Awakening to Righteousness & Sinning Not1Co 15:34
Commended to God & the Word of His Grace
Which Is Able to Build Us Up
Act 20:32
Believing God's WordMar 13:31
Blessed Because We Hear the Word of God And Keep ItLuk 11:28
Abiding in Jesus & His Words Abide in UsJhn 15:7
Always Meditating on God's WordJos 1:8
Living by Every Word That Proceeds from GodMat 4:4
Rooted & Built Up in Him & Established in the FaithCol 2:6-7
Building Our House Upon the RockMat 7:24-25
Being Transformed by the Renewing of Our MindsRom 12:2
Increasing in the Knowledge of GodCol 1:10
Letting His Truth Set Us FreeJhn 8:3236
Covenanted to GodHbr 8:610
Filled with All Joy & Peace in BelievingRom 15:13
Doers of the WordJam 1:22
Sons & Daughters of GodGal 3:26
The Body of ChristEph 1:22-23
Laborers together with God1Co 3:9
Servants of the Most HighAct 16:17
Having the Mind of ChristPhl 2:5
Walking in Newness of LifeRom 6:4
Led by His SpiritRom 8:14
Trusting in the Lord Acknowledging Him in All Our WaysPro 3:5-6
Putting on the Lord Jesus ChristGal 3:27
Partakers of His Divine Nature2Pe 1:4
Walking with Love & Living by Faith1Co 13 & Rom 1:17
Predestined to Be Conformed to His ImageRom 8:29
Pressing on to His High CallingPhl 3:14
Allowing the Greater One to Dwell in Us1Jo 4:4
Letting Our Request Be Known to GodPhl 4:6
Asking in the Name of JesusJhn 15:16
Receiving the Request We've Asked ForMar 11:24
Receiving All the Promises of God2Co 1:20
Fully Convinced That What God Has Promised
He Is Able to Perform
Rom 4:21
BelieversMar 9:23
Abiding in His RestHbr 4:3
Walking & Acting Like the Word Is TrueJam 2:17-18
Holding Fast Our Confidence Which Has Great RewardHbr 10:35
The Elect of GodCol 3:12
Filled with the Holy SpiritAct 2:439
Complete in HimCol 2:10
Going in His NameMar 16:15-18
Strong in the Lord & in the Power of His MightEph 6:10
Filled with the Knowledge of His Will in All Wisdom
& Spiritual Understanding
Col 1:9
Not Moved by What We SeeRom 4:19
Strong in Faith, Giving Glory to God,
Not Wavering with Doubt or Unbelief
Rom 4:20
Imitators of JesusEph 5:1
Walking As He Walked1Jo 2:6
Praying without Ceasing1Th 5:17
Walking by Faith Not by Sight2Co 5:7
Casting Down Vain Imaginations,
Bringing Every Thought into Captivity to God's Word
2Co 10:4-5
Holding Fast Our Confession of FaithHbr 10:23
Fighting the Good Fight of Faith1Ti 6:17
Reigning in LifeRom 5:17
Exercising Our Faith & PatienceHbr 6:12
Considering Jesus, the Apostle & High Priest
of Our Confession
Hbr 3:1
Observing & Doing the Lords CommandmentsJhn 14:21
Putting on LoveCol 3:14
Loving Our Neighbors As OurselvesMat 22:39
Walking in the Wisdom of GodJam 1:5
Kings & PriestRev 1:6
GiversLuk 6:38
Intercessors1Ti 2:1
Wearing God's ArmourEph 6:10-18
Doing All Things through Christ Who Strengthens UsPhl 4:13
Daily Overcoming the Devil1Jo 4:4
More Than ConquerorsRom 8:37
Overcoming by the Blood of the Lamb
& the Word of Our Testimonies
Rev 12:11
Exercising Our Authority Over the EnemyLuk 10:19
Destroying the Works of the Devil1Jo 3:8
Convinced That Nothing Can Separate Us
from the Love of God
Rom 8:35-39
In Everything Giving Thanks1Th 5:18
Establishing God's Word Here on the EarthMat 16:19
Receiving Abundantly, Above All We Ask or ThinkEph 3:20
Walking Worthy of the LordCol 1:10
Telling Everyone about JesusRom 16:25
Thinking on these ThingsPhl 4:8
Giving God All the GloryRom 16:27
Blessing the Lord at All Times.
Continually Praising the Lord with Our Mouths
Psa 34:1
Definitely Looking For His Soon Return1Th 4:15-18

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Gog and Magog- “nations”

  Prophetic Context:  The Battle of Gog and Magog is described in the book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), specifically in c...