Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Manasseh… more on Cheshvan!

 Cheshvan Is The Fall Month Associated Manasseh (Joseph’s 1st Son) Cheshvan is the month of judgment and the month of


Cheshvan the 8th month in the year. ‘8’ signifies revelation and new beginnings. This is the only month with no Hebrew holidays.

The Jews believe God is saving this month for Messiah. When Messiah comes and God’s temple is rebuilt, they believe it will be dedicated in Cheshvan.

The Jews Associate Two Very Important Things With This Month

First, it’s associated with the tribe of Manasseh.

Manasseh means ‘forget the pain of the past’ and ‘one who gains back their

inner balance in difficult circumstances in spite of being separated from their past life.’

This is a month to be restored from the past and find a new beginning.

Second, it’s the month of the great flood. The flood began in Cheshvan. So Cheshvan was a month of judgment. But the flood ended the following year in Cheshvan, and God revealed the sign of His covenant faithfulness, the rainbow. So Cheshvan is also a month of God’s grace.


The three months of the fall season – Tishrei Sept/Oct, Cheshvan Oct/Nov, Kislev Nov/Dec – correspond to the three tribes of the camp of Ephraim – Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin– who were situated to the west of the Tabernacle in the wilderness.

• In the Seventh Month, Tishrei The month of the Fall Feasts”—Returning to God and experiencing His Glory. The month to ‘touch’’,” to remember the woman who pressed through to touch Him. To awaken and remove that which would keep you from returning.

• In the Eighth Month, Cheshvan God wants to know that His rainbow reveals the sign of His covenant with the world. A time of eternal revelaton and new beginnings.

• In the Ninth Month, Kislev God then wants to develop your warfare strategies; to have prophetic revelation for war. A month to enter into to a new level of trust and rest and to declare your life experiences to be filled with tranquility and peace.

The Tribe of Manasseh’s Month Is Cheshvan

Joseph was the 11th son of Jacob and had two sons by his Egyptian wife, Asenath, Manasseh his first son down in Egypt. His birth helped Joseph forget the pain and injustice in his life, Joseph named him Manasseh.

The Month Of Manasseh Is A Month To Be Fruitful And Multiply In A Foreign Land

Ephraim and Manasseh are significant – both are picture of the One New Man. For the first time among the patriarchs, an Israelite and a gentile come together to birth something new. Israel has had a long history of loss and rejection, but as the One New Man arises, they will be able to forget the past and become fruitful.

Jacob prophesied over Manasseh and Ephraim but he switched his hands gave the blessing of the firstborn to Ephraim instead of Manasseh. He said Manasseh will be great but Ephraim will be greater. He said they would be a picture of ultimate blessing in Israel.

The Blessings Of Manasseh

Jacob adopted Manasseh and his brother Ephraim and God showered great blessing on them. In fact, their blessing became a standard by which blessings are measured. When Jews today pray a blessing over their sons on Shabbat, they pray that God would make them like Ephraim and Manasseh.

The tribe of Manasseh birthed mighty warriors like Gideon and Jephthah. Manasseh’s tribe was able to stand against their enemies and gain great victories.

When Israel made it to the promised land the best of the land was given to Manasseh. They got the largest section of land east of the Jordan and on the west side of the Jordan.

The territory of Manasseh was the richest and most productive part of the promised land. But for all their blessings, Manasseh was not loyal to God.

The Cursing’s Of Manasseh

Manasseh Demonstrates The Judgment Of God

When the ten Northern tribes rebelled against Judah, Manasseh joined with them. King Jeroboam re-introduced the worship of the golden calf to control the people from reuniting with Judah. So Manasseh turned from the true god and worshipped the golden calves.

God sent prophet after prophet to worn them. Elijah & Elisha worked great signs and wonders. Jonah, Amos & Hosea all gave warnings to the unfaithful nation. But though there were brief periods of partial repentance, Manasseh repeatedly turned away from God.

Eventually because of their continuing idolatry, God’s judgment fell. God let the 10 northern tribes to be conquered by the Assyrians. Their people were carried off as captives.

Manasseh became on the Lost Tribes of Israel. For centuries everyone assumed that Manasseh had been totally destroyed. So Manasseh was a symbol of the terrible judgment of God.

Yet, Manasseh Also Demonstrates The Grace Of God.

But God had not forgotten Manasseh. Israel National New – June 24, 2011. A group of people in northern India who call themselves Bnei Menashe, or the sons of Manasseh. They say they are of the tribe of Manasseh that were carried into captivity by the Assyrians 27 centuries ago. “throughout their exile, and even after their one copy of the written Torah was lost, the Bnei Mesashe have continued to observe Jewish traditions, including the Sabbath, keeping kosher, celebrating the festivals, following purity laws and remembering the Exodus from Egypt.”

Cheshvan Was A Month Of Judgment

God wants us to know that judgment is real. God does not enjoy judgment. He is always patient, giving us time to repent.

During the years the ark was being prepared 120 years, Noah preached to His generation and urged the to repent. But because God is patient, it’s a mistake to think that judgment will not come. But judgment came in Cheshvan.

Cheshvan Is Also A Month Of Grace

But Noah found grace in God’s eyes. If we repent and turn from sin and walk with God, there is always grace.

So the story of Manasseh was all about judgment and grace. That is also the story of the flood. Just as God gave grace to Manasseh, God gave grace to Noah in the midst of the flood. Even when the world is under judgment, God gives His people Grace.

Grace came in Cheshvan. In the month of Cheshvan, Noah and his family left the ark. God made a covenant with him to never again destroy the earth with a flood and gave a covenant sign. The rainbow.

Cheshvan – The Month

It is a month to forget the pain of the past and be restored to God and find a new beginning. It’s a month to receive God’s covenant promise.

Jer. 29:11 I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.

This month even when you see judgment at work in the world, know that God has grace for anyone who will turn to Him.

Cheshvan Is The Month To Know That God Judges Sin

But Also That He Is Full Of Grace For Those Who Return To Him. Cheshvan is a month to see where you messed up in the past and repent. It’s a month to celebrate the goodness and faithfulness of God

It’s a month to know that God always keeps His covenant.

Cheshvan Is Also The Month Of The Great Flood

Genesis 6-8 tells us that the flood began in the month of Cheshvan. The flood ended the following year in Cheshvan.

In Cheshvan, Noah brought his sacrifice to the Lord and God swore never again to destroy the earth with a flood.

In Cheshvan, God revealed the sign of His covenant, the rainbow.

READ Genesis 6:1-14 “I am going to destroy both them and the earth, so make yourself an ark”

The flood began with an account of the sons of God who saw that the daughters of men were fair. There were giants on the earth in those days...mighty men, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every imagination of thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. It repented the Lord. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

Symbol For Manasseh Is The Palm Tree

Ps 92:12 say’s that “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree.” Manasseh is the fruitful bough, the fruitful son by the well. The roots of the tree are as long as the tree’s height. There in the desert he makes his own oasis. His roots go deep and he gets his water from the deep rivers of God that other’s may not know about.

Manasseh’s and Ephraim’s Gemstone: Onyx

Many times we think of onyx a black stone, but there is an Onyx that is a striped agate, a variety of quartz in which white layers alternate with black. It is the color of Joseph’s two sons: Manasseh & Ephraim.

The Romans applied this name originally to a type of marble, now called onyx

marble. Because of the resemblance between its well-defined white and yellow veins and the shades in the finger-nail, it was given the name onyx, which is Greek for "fingernail." It has been used a great deal in making cameos. The tribe of Manasseh and Ephraim do not have separate gemstones. There was only one gemstone in the breastplate of the high priest for both of the sons of Joseph. They were separated in their symbols, but united in their gemstone.

The Hebrew Letter Associated With Cheshvan - Nun

NUN – symbolizes the “Messiah” 14th letter in the alphabet with the numeric value of 50.

Nun represents both faithfulness and the reward of faithfulness.

Notice that the form of the Nun represents a bent Vav (suggesting a humbled man) crowned with glory (the three tagins or crownlets). We see that Yeshua came as a man (Vav), was honored by His absolute humility while on earth and is now exalted as the Righteous One who wears the Golden Crown of God upon His head forever. Rev 14:14.

  Cheshvan Is A Month of Firstfruit’s Harvest

The Israelites would bring a firstfruits offering of EVERY crop! There were firstfruits offerings all through the year. Our Heavenly Father is the tiller of the field and the agriculture it produces shows His great love to prosper us both physically and spiritually.

From the time of the Old Testament, God instituted the firstfruit’s offering. Firstfruits appear in both the Old and New Testaments and are talked about in relation to both spiritual and physical offerings. Offering firstfruits when we receive an increase is a demonstration of our faith in God as the true source of our provision. James said that

unless faith produces action it really isn’t faith at all (James 2:17) The firstfruits offering is one way to activate our faith in God as our provider.

The Olive Harvest took place in Cheshvan.

The Harvesting of Olives Two Methods

1) Olive Oil Used For Food

First method was when the olives were ripened by the heat of the sun and when they had turned dark, they would harvest the olive by shaking the tree branches causing the ripened olives to fall to the ground. These olives are hard and dark. These olives are used to produce oil, oil that is used mostly in cooking & eating. These olives are shaken out of the tree, falling & hitting the ground hard. But remember they are hard and black.


Next, they need to be put into an olive press. This press was called the ‘Bruising.’ It would squeeze the hard olive, bruising it, until it became more and more softened and then when soft, it would begin to product ‘oil’ that would run out.

We are like the olive; we go through times of being pressed, crushed & bruised.

We find ourselves in a hard place. How did I get to such a state where I in such excruciating pain? Our lives have become unmanageable. We no longer have control of what is happening. We are out of control and feel like we are falling and in another’s control. We are miserably unhappy and in deep pain.

2) Olive Oil Used For the Anointing Oil

Second Method: This oil is different that the first. Oh, it comes from the same tree and the same olives, but these olives are hand-picked. They are not shaken down to the ground and they are not put through the ‘bruiser.’ These olives are hand-picked and put into white linen clothes. These olives are hard too, but instead of being bruised they are simply hung out and the weight & pressure of the olive itself against the other olives will cause them to begin to soften and slowly the oil will drip into the clay pitcher that will

hold it. Juices running together to create a unique meld.

This process is God’s way of taking our lives and bringing us into a unity with each other, causing us to feel the pain of one another while we too are in pain. This is not pleasant either. But in this place we are gently being molded together to the true heart of God for one another.

This oil was used for anointing.

God used this precious handpicked oil

only for the anointing of his saints for the ministry of His work.

The Feast of Firstfruits is on Cheshvan 1.

When The Tribes Marched Through The Wilderness

Manasseh the Next Generation Warriors, were the third group to move out. Their responsibility was to defend the Holy Things in wartime. They were between the curtains, poles, floorboards being carried ahead of them and the Holy Furniture that was carried behind them; the laver, table of showbread, lampstand. God set these three tribes to lead

    the nation in physical as well as spiritual warriors, which Benjamin.

When They Camped Around The Tabernacle

Manasseh was on the west side of the tabernacle beside his brothers Benjamin and Benjamin. Manessah means "double fruitful, double fruit, double portion in his inheritance.

Manasseh is known for his granddaughters Zelophehad When it came time for this generation to possess their inheritance, the children of Zelophehad would not receive any in the Promised Land because they were all women and women were not given an inheritance. They said to Moses, Give us our Father’s portion in his name. Moses took their request before the Lord, and God said, “give them a possession among their father's brethren; and you shall cause the inheritance of their father to pass down to them.”

Women of God in this end-time are going to claim back their lost inheritance.

e: The constellations were created by God as seen in Genesis. They were never designed for the Devils use. The Mazzaroth has nothing to do with today’s fortune telling with Horoscopes or your birthday. They are pictures to in God’s creation to see what He is saying to His tribes of Israel.

Mazzaroth: Constellations

8th Constellation: Scorpio (THE SCORPION) – The 8th Month In The Calendar

The scorpion and snake are symbols of this month. Understand that God has given us authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, so this is the key to standing in your authority.

This is the month Scorpio where this tribe will tread on serpents and scorpions to receive the favor and blessings of God in their life.

It is possible that the first six constellations may be prophetically speaking of the 1st Coming of Messiah Jesus and the last 6 constellations are speaking of the 2nd Coming of Messiah Jesus.

Can you bring forth Mazzaroth in his season?

Job 38:31: Can you bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? 32: Can you bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or can you guide Arcturus with his sons?

Strongs 4216 mazzarah maz-zaw-raw' apparently from 5144 in the sense of distinction; some noted constellation (only in the plural), perhaps collectively, the zodiac:-- Mazzoroth.

The word's precise meaning is uncertain but its context is that of astronomical constellations, and it is often interpreted as a term for the zodiac or the constellations thereof.

In Yiddish, the term ‘mazalot’ came to be used in the sense of "astrology" in general, surviving in the expression "mazel tov," meaning "good luck.”

‘Mazzaroth’ is the Hebrew word for ‘constellation.’

Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

God created the seasons into 12 months. He painted twelve signs in the night sky, standing out like jeweled hieroglyphics. Josephus said that the Ancient Persian and Arabian traditions credit the invention of astronomy to Adam, Seth and Enoch.

In Yiddish, the term ‘mazalot’ came to be used in the sense of "astrology" in general, surviving in the expression "mazel tov," meaning "good luck.” 

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