Monday, November 7, 2022

Numbers and math

The following timeline of the Old Testament has been compiled with the assumption that the genealogies are literal and complete. If so, God created the world about 6000 years ago. All years are approximate.

Creation to the Flood
Creation: 4000 BC (we don't know how long Adam and Eve lived in the Garden before their exile.)
Adam: 4000 BC — 3070 BC (Genesis 2:75:5)
Methuselah: 3350 BC — 2350 BC (Genesis 5:215:27)
Noah: 2950 BC — 2000 BC (Genesis 5:299:29)
Flood: 2350 BC (Genesis 6—9)

Note that Methuselah died a very short time before the Flood. It is possible that his name, literally "death/spear/violence — bring," was the prophecy "his death shall bring." His death certainly did herald a significant event.

The Flood to Abraham
Flood: 2350 BC (Genesis 6—9)
Tower of Babel: 2250 BC (Genesis 11:1–9)
Abraham: 2165 BC — 1990 BC (Genesis 11:2625:8)

The genealogies in the Old Testament show that Noah died while Abraham's father was living. Noah's father, Lamech, was born about eighty years before Adam died. It's very possible that the story of creation could have been passed on through very few steps.

Abraham to the Exile
Abraham: 2165 BC — 1990 BC (Genesis 11:2625:8)
Abraham goes to Canaan: 2090 BC (Genesis 11:31)
Ishmael: 2080 BC — ? (Genesis 16:11)
Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed: 2065 BC (Genesis 19:1–29)
Isaac: 2065 BC — 1885 BC (Genesis 21:125:29)
Jacob: 2005 BC — 1855 BC (Genesis 25:2649:33)
Joseph: 1910 BC — 1800 BC (Genesis 30:23–2450:26)
Joseph sold into slavery: 1895 BC (Genesis 37:18–36)
Jacob and family move to Egypt: 1870 BC (Genesis 46—47)
Exile to Egypt: 1870 BC — 1450 BC (Genesis 46Exodus 12:33-41)

After the Flood, lifespans drastically decreased. Noah lived to be 950 years old. Abraham, who was born shortly after Noah died, lived to be only 175.

The Exile to the Monarchy
Exile to Egypt: 1870 BC — 1450 BC (Genesis 46Exodus 12:33-41)
Moses: 1530 BC - 1410 BC (Exodus 2:2Deuteronomy 34:5)
Moses flees to Midian: 1490 BC(Exodus 2:15–25)
Exodus from Egypt: 1450 BC (Exodus 12:33—14:31)
Forty years in the Wilderness: 1450 BC — 1410 BC (Exodus 16Joshua 1)
Joshua's rule: 1410 BC — 1390 BC (Deuteronomy 34:9Judges 2:8)
Conquest of Canaan Completed: 1400 BC (Judges 1)
Deborah serves as Judge: 1245 BC — 1200 BC (Judges 4—5)
Gideon serves as Judge: 1195 BC — 1155 BC (Judges 6)
Samuel serves as Judge: 1090 BC — 1045 BC (1 Samuel 1:1—25:1)

The Timeline of the Old Testament shows the Israelites were in Egypt for about 400 years and then were ruled by judges for about 400 years. They then demanded a king.

The Unified Monarchy
Saul Reigns: 1095 BC — 1015 BC (1 Samuel 10:17—2:13)
David Reigns: 1015 BC — 970 BC (2 Samuel 1:11 Chronicles 19:1)
Solomon Reigns: 970 BC — 930 BC (1 Chronicles 19:12 Chronicles 9:31)
The Kingdom Splits: 930 BC (2 Chronicles 10)

Israel, the Northern Kingdom: 930 BC — 725 BC
Elijah serves as Prophet: circa 870 BC
Obadiah serves as Prophet: circa 845 BC
Elisha serves as Prophet: circa 840 BC
Jonah serves as Prophet: circa 780 BC
Hosea serves as Prophet: circa 760 BC
Assyria destroys Israel: 725 BC (2 Kings 17)

Judah, the Southern Kingdom: 930 BC — 590 BC
Joel serves as Prophet: circa 825 BC
Amos serves as Prophet: circa 750 BC
Micah serves as Prophet: circa 725 BC
Isaiah serves as Prophet: circa 690 BC
Zephaniah serves as Prophet: circa 640 BC
Nahum serves as Prophet: circa 625 BC
Habakkuk serves as Prophet: circa 620 BC
Ninevah destroyed: 612 BC
Jeremiah serves as Prophet: circa 600 BC
Babylonian exile: 590 BC (2 Kings 25)

After being ruled by judges for 400 years, the nation of Israel only lasted about 165 more years united under one king. The Northern Kingdom of Israel so rebelled against God that it was only another 200 years before the Assyrians destroyed them. The Southern Kingdom of Judah managed to last about 340 years before the Babylonian captivity.

Exile in Babylon
Babylonian Empire: 1984 BC — 539 BC
Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon: 605 BC — 562 BC
Daniel taken to Babylon: 605 BC (Daniel 1)
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego survive the fiery furnace: 595 BC (Daniel 3)
Ezekiel serves as Prophet: circa 593 BC
Daniel's confrontation with Belshazzar: 539 BC (Daniel 5)
Persian Empire: 539 BC — 330 BC
Cyrus King of Great Persian Empire: 576 BC — 530 BC
Jews start returning to Jerusalem: 536 BC
Temple Rebuilt: 530 BC — 515 BC (Ezra)
Haggai serves as Prophet: circa 525 BC
Zechariah serves as Prophet: circa 525 BC
Xerxes (Ahasuerus) King of Persia: 485 BC — 465 BC (Esther)
Esther becomes Queen: 475 BC
Esther saves the Jews: 470 BC
Ezra serves as Priest: 460 BC — 430 BC
Nehemiah Governor of Jerusalem: 460 BC — 430 BC
Malachi serves as Prophet: circa 440 BC

Jeremiah was right—from the fall of Judah to the first refugees returning to Jerusalem was about seventy years (Jeremiah 25:11). But the Old Testament timeline doesn't tell the whole story. Not all the Jews left, and there are still small pockets of Jews in such places as Iran and India.

The Intertestamental Period
Alexander the Great reigns in Greece: 336 BC — 323 BC
Judea ruled by the Greek Empire: 330 BC — 308 BC
Judea ruled by Egypt: 308 BC — 195 BC
Judea ruled by Syria: 195 BC — 130 BC
Maccabean Revolt: 164 BC — 63 BC
Judea ruled by the Roman Empire: 65 BC — AD 70
Julius Caesar rules Roman Empire: 46 BC — 44 BC
Herod the Great reigns as King of the Jews: 37 BC — 4 BC

Jesus born: 5-3 BC 

hat about different dates for creation?

Many people have come up with dates for creation, such as James Ussher (4004 BC), Johannes Kepler (3992 BC), Gerhard Hasel (4178 BC), and Isaac Newton (~4000 BC). Additionally, there are various chronologies competing with each other today (though all with the same ballpark outcome) which would be more precise than this article, but also rely on assumptions that must come from a particular interpretation of the text. It is not the purpose of this article to choose any particular one of these chronologies, but rather to show how the plain interpretation of Scripture gives a straightforward chronology that leads us to believe the world is around 6,000 years old, regardless of which of these other chronological frameworks one uses.

od Historical Timeline for Israel: 6000 years and the 7th 1000 years

More than 6000 years of history have passed since man was created and the time may just be ripe to understand where does Israel stand in terms of God timelines for Mankind. As you go through the unfolding of the history of mankind, I want you to bear two things in mind:

  • This is not an attempt to date-set the Rapture, because that date is known only to God. It is simply an outline of God’s Seven Thousand Year Plan for the earth and to show where we generally are on the timeline of history. This outline has been laid out to give you a more in-depth understanding of the whole plan of the Bible in its chronology, not a specific date for any one event.
  • The calculations of historic events as set forth below are onlyapproximate. Various scholars and experts arrive at different dates for these events, so there is no way to really know exact dates or times in many cases.
  1. Adam to Abram (Abraham). It is easy to figure out by simple mathematical calculation that there is about a two thousand year span of history between these two men. In Genesis Chapters 5-11 is a long list of the genealogies of Adam’s descendants, listing each successive father and son by name and how old each of the fathers were when they begat their sons. So you start with the first man, Adam (created in the year 0) and add 130 (the age he was when he begat Seth), all the way down to Teran who is 29 when he begets Nahor, Abram’s father. The year you come to is 1879 BC. Some scholars believe that Nahor was 70 when he begat Abram (Gen. 11:26), while others date him at 130 years (Gen. 5:32; 10:1; 9:24). In any case, the timeline of this section of history is approximately two thousand years by general consensus. Events like the Flood occurred around 2348 BC, according to one source. The Tower of Babel happened around 2188 BC (Gen. 10-11). The event of Sodom and Gomorrah is reported to have happened about 1868 BC.
  2. Abraham to Jesus. We now have another approximate two thousand year span of time, which covers the history of the Jewish people. It is broken down into many parts, as follows:
    • 2100 BC (4100 years ago) (Gen. 17:4-5)
      God promises Abraham many descendants
      Abraham lived around 2100 BC in what is now Iraq. God told him to move to Canaan, which later became Israel. Unlike many people, Abraham believed in the one true God. God rewarded Abraham’s faith, making him the father of a great nation (Israel).
    • 2000 BC (4000 years ago) (Gen. 25:24)
      Jacob (Israel) is born
      Jacob, the son of Isaac who was the son of Abraham, is born in Canaan, which later becomes Israel. Jacob’s name is changed to Israel. He has 12 sons, for whom the 12 Tribes of Israel are named.
    • 1910 BC (3910 years ago) (Gen. 37:28)
      Joseph sold into slavery
      Joseph’s brothers are jealous of Joseph, so they sell him into slavery. Joseph ends up in Egypt, where he rises to power as a trusted assistant of a pharaoh. His father and his brothers later leave Canaan, because of a famine, and move to Egypt.
    • 1446 BC (3446 years ago) (Ex. 13:1-22)
      Exodus begins
      After being enslaved for 400 years, the Jews, led by Moses, leave Egypt and head toward the land of Canaan, which later becomes Israel. Moses and his fellow Jews wander the desert for 40 years before reaching the border of Canaan.
    • 1406 BC (3406 years ago) (Josh. 1:1-9)
      Israel begins establishing itself as a country
      After Moses dies, Joshua leads the Jews into Canaan and begins conquering the land, establishing the Jewish nation of Israel for the first time in history.
    • 1400 BC (3400 years ago) (Jud. 2:16-18)
      Israel is ruled by judges, not kings
      From about 1400 BC to about 1050 BC, Israel was not ruled by kings. The people think of God as their King. Instead of an earthly king, Israel is lead by judges who settled disputes.
    • 1050 BC (3050 years ago) (1 Sam. 11:15; 1Sam. 15:11)
      Saul becomes Israel’s first king
      After about 350 years of being ruled by judges, the people of Israel demand to have a king, like the neighboring countries. By demanding a king, the people are turning away from their faith in God as their king. Saul become king and reigns about 40 years.
    • 1010 BC (3010 years ago) (1Chron. 10:14)
      David becomes King of Israel
      David becomes king of Israel in about 1010 BC and reigns for 40 years. David, unlike Saul, follows the commands of God. He makes mistakes, but repents for them. He seeks to please God. He expands the size of Israel and rules over surrounding territory.
    • 970 BC (2970 years ago) (1Ki 1:34-37; 1Ki 6:1-10)
      Solomon becomes king, builds Temple
      Solomon, son of David, becomes king in about 970 BC. He too reigns for about 40 years. Solomon builds the Temple in honor of God. The work is completed in about 960 BC. But, Solomon eventually turns away from God and worships false gods.
    • 926 BC (2926 years ago) (1Ki 11:31-36)
      Israel becomes a divided kingdom
      Shortly after the reign of Solomon, Israel becomes a divided kingdom. The southern kingdom, called Judah, included the city of Jerusalem and the Temple. The northern kingdom continued to be called Israel. The two often war with each other.
    • 721 BC (2721 years ago) (2Ki 18:13)
      Assyrians conquer northern kingdom of Israel
      The Assyrian Empire conquers the northern kingdom of Israel in about 721 BC. The Assyrians torture and decapitate many. They force many Jews (10 of the 12 Tribes of Israel) out of Israel and bring in foreigners. History loses track of these 10 tribes.
    • 612 BC (2612 years ago) (Zeph. 2:13)
      Babylon conquers Nineveh (Assyrian Empire)
      The Assyrian Empire’s capital city – Nineveh – is attacked by coalition of Babylonians, Scynthians and Medes. As explained by the prophet Nahum in the Bible, Nineveh was to be destroyed because of the Assyrian Empire’s treatment of Jews and other people.
    • 605 BC (2605 years ago) (Jer. 27:20)
      Babylon exerts influence over Judah
      The neo-Babylonian Empire, under the reign of king Nebuchadnezzar, seeks to expand its size and begins forcing Judah into submission. Nebuchadnezzar takes many Jews as captives to Babylon to ensure Judah’s obedience.
    • 597 BC (2597 years ago) (2Chron. 36:20)
      Babylon attacks Judah
      Babylonian army attacks Judah and takes more Jews as captives to Babylon. Ezekiel, one of the captives, becomes a prophet of God. Ezekiel explains that God is allowing Babylon to punish Judah because the people have been unfaithful to God.
    • 586 BC (2586 years ago) (2Chron. 36:11-21)
      Babylon destroys Jerusalem and Temple
      Babylon attacks Judah again. This time, the Babylonians destroy Jerusalem and the Temple that Solomon had built. More Jews are taken as captives to Babylon.
    • 586 BC to 573 BC (2586 years ago) (Is. 23:15)
      Babylon king Nebuchadnezzar attacks Tyre mainland
      Babylon begins a 13-year siege of the mainland of the Phoenician city of Tyre.
    • 539 BC (2539 years ago) (Ezra 5:12-14)
      Cyrus the Great conquers Babylon
      After the death of Nebuchadnezzar, Neo-Babylonian Empire begins to lose power. It was conquered in about 539 BC by Cyrus the Great. Cyrus was king of the Medo-Persian Empire.
    • 538 BC (2538 years ago) (Ezra 1;1-4)
      Cyrus releases Jews from Babylonian Captivity
      Cyrus offers the Jews their freedom to leave Babylon and return to Judah. Cyrus’ kingdom rules over Judah and many other parts of the Middle East, but Cyrus allows people more cultural and religious freedom than did the Neo-Babylonian Empire.
    • 536 BC (2536 years ago) (Ne. 1-2)
      Work begins to rebuild Temple
      Some of the Jews in Babylon return to Judah and begin work in about 536 BC to rebuild the Temple, which had been destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC.
    • 516 BC (2516 years ago) (Ne. 12:27)
      Second Temple is dedicated
      The Temple is consecrated for worship, 70 years after the Babylonians had destroyed it in 586 BC. For the first time in 70 years, the Jews are able to acknowledge God as their ultimate ruler in a way they had been unable to do.
    • 333 BC (2333 years ago) (Dan. 2:31-40)
      Greeks begin rule over land of Israel
      The Greeks, under the leadership of Alexander the Great, defeat Persian armies in Macedonia in 333 BC. This marks the end of the Persian Empire; the Grecian Empire expands.
    • 331 BC (2331 years ago)
      Alexander conquers Tyre (Phoenician Empire)
      Alexander wars against the island fortress of the Phoenician city of Tyre. He takes rubble from the mainland of Tyre and builds a walkway to the island. Alexander’s forces then conquer the island fortress, bringing an end to the Phoenician Empire.
    • 250 BC (2250 years ago)
      The Old Testament is translated into Greek
      A Greek ruler has the Jews translate the first five books of the Old Testament into the Greek language. (Some scholars say this translation included other books from the Old Testament, not just the first five). The translation is called the Septuagint.
    • 175 BC (2175 years ago)
      Greek ruler Antiochus Epiphanes torments the Jews
      Greek ruler Antiochus Epiphanes rules Syria from about 175 BC to about 164 BC. He reigns over Judah and tries to destroy the Jewish religion and copies the Torah (the first five books of the modern Bible). He also defiles the Temple.
    • 166 BC to 63 BC (2166 years ago)
      Jews have independence during Hasmonean Period
      Maccabean revolt opens way for Jewish independence in Jerusalem and the surrounding area. The revolt is led by Mattathias and his five sons, Judas (Maccabeus), Jonathan, Simon, John and Eleazar. The era of independence runs from about 166-63 BC.
    • 63 BC (2063 years ago) (Dan 2:31-40)
      Romans take over land of Israel
      After the death of Alexander the Great, his empire was divided up among four generals. This weakens the empire. Meanwhile, the Roman Empire is becoming increasingly powerful. The Roman general named Pompey takes control of Jerusalem.
    • about 5 BC (2005 years ago) (Mt. 1:18)
      Jesus is born in Bethlehem
      Jesus is born in the town of Bethlehem. The Apostle Matthew later points out that Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem fulfilled a prophecy delivered by the prophet Micah, about 700 years beforehand. (see Micah 5:2).
    • about 25 AD (1975 years ago) (John 2:11)
      Jesus begins His ministry
      Jesus begins His ministry. He is about 30 years old. He probably began preaching around 25 AD.
  1. Jesus’ crucifixion to present day. A third span of approximately two thousand years:
    • about 28 AD (1972 years ago) (Matt. 27:35)
      Jesus is crucified
      Jesus is falsely accused of being an anti-government rebel. He is sent to Pontius Pilate, the Roman ruler of the land of the Jews, to be crucified.
    • 70 AD (1930 years ago) (Matt. 24:2)
      Romans destroy Jerusalem and Temple
      In 70 AD, the Roman Army, under Titus, destroys Jerusalem and the Temple, to suppress an uprising of the Jews. According to the historian Josephus, about 1.1 million Jews were killed. Others were taken as slaves.
    • 135 AD (1865 years ago) (Matt. 23:37)
      Romans destroy and plow Jerusalem
      In 135 AD, the Romans, under Hadrian, kill an estimated 580,000 Jews to suppress the Bar Kochva uprising. The Romans ran a plow over Jerusalem to completely destroy the Holy City. The Romans ban the Jews from living in Jerusalem.
    • 1291 (Ez. 26:3)
      Tyre attacked and destroyed, again
      Tyre again is attacked and destroyed, this time by the Arabs. The once-great city never recovers its former greatness. This fulfills a prophecy from Ezekiel that Tyre would be attacked by many nations, never to rise again to prominence.
    • late 1800s
      Zionist Movement begins
      The Zionist movement gains momentum in late 1800s among Jews living in Europe. They begin a quest to re-establish an independent Israel.
    • 1878
      Jews begin returning to homeland
      Jews begin returning to their ancient homeland of Israel, which at the time was called Palestine. Many Jews are returning from various Middle East countries.
    • 1896
      “The Jewish State” is published, Zionism grows
      Theodor Herzl, a journalist from Vienna, Austria, writes “The Jewish State.” He calls for the creation of a Jewish nation as a solution to the Diaspora (the scattering of Jews worldwide) and to anti-Semitism.
    • 1897
      Jews unite in effort to regain homeland Israel
      Theodor Herzl organizes the first World Zionist Congress, unifying diverse Zionist groups into one movement. The meeting helped establish Zionist organizations in many countries that had large Jewish populations.
    • 1917
      The British gain control of Palestine (Israel)
      During World War I, British forces defeat the Turks in Palestine and govern the area via a League of Nations mandate from 1923. Until then, the land had been controlled by the Turks (Ottoman Empire) for about 400 years.
    • 1933 – 1944 (La. 3:43)
      6 million Jews murdered by Nazis
      During the 1930s and 1940s, Jews are persecuted by Hitler. Many move to Palestine. The Holocaust – the Nazi’s genocide of 6 million Jews – increases international sympathy for the Zionist quest to re-establish a Jewish homeland.
    • 1948, May 14 (Jer. 29:14)
      Jews declare independence of Israel
      On May 14, 1948, the Jews declare independence for Israel. This is the first time in 2900 years that Israel is both independent and united. (Israel became a divided country about 2900 years ago, and lost its independence about 2600 years ago).
    • 1948, May 15
      Surrounding countries invade Israel
      Within hours of Israel’s declaration of independence, the surrounding Arab countries launch an invasion of Israel.
    • 1949
      Israel prevails in first Arab-Israeli war
      Israel prevails in the Arab-Israeli war of 1948-9. Israeli forces recapture more of the ancient Jewish homeland, expanding the size of Israel by about 50 percent.
    • 1967
      Six-Day War: Jews capture holy city of Jerusalem
      During the Six-Day War of 1967, Israel takes control of Jerusalem and other ancient-Jewish territories.
    • 1982
      Hebrew becomes official language of Israel
      Hebrew was the language of the Jewish people in Biblical times, and most of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew. The language dies out over time but is revived in the 1900s. In 1982, it becomes Israel’s official language.
    • 2009: EU becomes Israel largest trade partner
      There is increasing closeness between the new roman state under the name EU. The bible makes it absolutely clear that the man of roman descent will ink a 7 year agreement with Israel ensuring its security, a covenant which he will break mid way.
    • 2010: Israel and Quarter (EU,US,UN and Russian) engage in solving the PA issue
      Tony Blair heads the world initiative to bring peace to Middle East by asking Israel to back off. The Bible says In that day I will make Jerusalem a stumbling block for all people; all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth gather against it.” (Zechariah 12:3).

Israel and the Palestinians
Israel has a very long history of conflict between them and the Palestinians. These people are descendants of Esau (twin of Jacob/Israel), or the Philistines. Now, because of immense pressure put on Israel by the Quartet of nations (US, EU, Russia, UN) to adhere to a so-called “Roadmap” peace plan, she is currently being forced to give up her lands to allow the Palestinians their own state by encroaching on Israel’s covenant lands. We know this will never work because they want to completely take over Israel in order to annihilate them. God won’t allow Israel to disintegrate as a nation; He has made an everlasting covenant with them even though they have a long history of war with other nations. (Gen. 17:7) In the end, He will not make a full end of the Jews but will bring them back again to be His people. (Jer. 30:11)

We are at the time in history where we are about at the end of the six thousand years. At this juncture we need to be keeping a very watchful eye on the things going on in the world, especially Israel and the Quartet of nations (above), because somewhere in this time frame Jesus will call His Church home in the Rapture, known as an immanent event.

God has a purpose for his creation which was created in 6 days while God entered into “Rest” on the 7th day. Many scholars continue to believe (with ample evidence of logic) that 6000 years has been defined for mankind while the 7th 1000 years will be the reign of God, characterized by “Peace” and “Rest”.

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