Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Revelation Study- Saudi and Italy


This is so important why?

“And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. 

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. 

The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. 

And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭17‬:‭7‬-‭9‬, ‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“and cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭18‬:‭13‬ ‭KJV‬‬

What groups of people still traffic humans… and what nation has highest rate? 

Afghanistan, Algeria, Burma (Myanmar), China, Comoros, Cuba, Eritrea, Iran, Nicaragua, North Korea, Russia, South Sudan, Syria, Turkmenistan and Venezuela remain classified as Tier 3. They are joined by Guinea Bissau and Malaysia in this year’s report.

Pope Francis is the 266th Pope. 

Saudi Leaders:

Italy is now the seventh largest commercial supplier to Saudi Arabia.

Italy is Saudi Arabia's seventh-largest supplier of goods, and the Kingdom ranks 21 in goods supplied to Italy. Saudi Arabia provides approximately 9 percent of Italy's oil imports.

Revelation beast 1 and beast 2 are also found back in Daniel. Daniel first prophesies the beasts through his visions from the LORD. 

This beast who recieves their authority is the antichrist. In Daniel's vision, he is the little horn that is raised up.

The Other Horn

This horn that came up among the ten pulled three of the horns out by the roots. The antichrist will rise to power over all the kings, subduing three of them, and ruling over the rest. He is a man with such power that, in spite of his small beginnings, he appears larger in the vision than the other kings.

Well, he goes down and gets pretty descriptive here. I won’t get too much into this detail. I think we’ll finish with this 13th chapter, then probably break for lunch, but in the 13th chapter he first of all talks about two phases here, the first beast and the second beast. You see this in Chapter 13? He says, “I saw a beast rising out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads.” Go back to the book of Daniel. This refers to the Seleucid Kings, the kings who reigned during that time, and there were a whole bunch of them, one of whom was Antiochus Epiphanes, I mention his name again. He’s called in the book of Daniel “that contemptible person.” He’s not mentioned by name because the book of Daniel is all cryptic too, but there’s a clear cut reference to good old Antiochus if you know your history of that time. These ten horns and seven heads sort of tie in to the book of Daniel, but it also means a reference to the Roman emperors and rulers, and it’s not always clear which one they’re talking about. It’s not important, because they’re talking about the Romans altogether.

The writer makes a reference to ten horns and seven heads, ten diadems and a blasphemous name upon his head, and that sort of thing. It means that the emperors in those days assumed for themselves divine titles. Many of the emperors thought that they were manifestations of God, so they took on divine titles, Lord of Kings and things like that. As a matter of fact, Antiochus, you have to go back to Jewish times, Antiochus was also known as Antiochus Epiphanes, and Epiphanes means a manifestation of God. This means that Antiochus was the one who dared to call himself God. How do you think that came across to the Jewish leaders, you know? They weren’t too keen about that. Some of the Roman emperors did the same thing, and where it says “wearing a blasphemous name upon his head,” it has to do with this assumption of divine authority for themselves. Then it goes on down and talks about the Antichrist giving authority to the beast, and this beast that’s referred to here is really the Roman Empire and the emperors. The beast is the Roman Empire itself and the emperors as well.

In Verses seven through nine, it says that “The power of the beast wins the allegiance of the faithful. Wins the allegiance of the faithful,” but then in Verse ten the faithful are told that you must hang on. You’ve got to hang in there and hold on to your faith and that sort of thing. Okay? All this is really referring, once again, to the Roman Empire as the first beast.

Well, he goes down and gets pretty descriptive here. I won’t get too much into this detail. I think we’ll finish with this 13th chapter, then probably break for lunch, but in the 13th chapter he first of all talks about two phases here, the first beast and the second beast. You see this in Chapter 13? He says, “I saw a beast rising out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads.” Go back to the book of Daniel. This refers to the Seleucid Kings, the kings who reigned during that time, and there were a whole bunch of them, one of whom was Antiochus Epiphanes, I mention his name again. He’s called in the book of Daniel “that contemptible person.” He’s not mentioned by name because the book of Daniel is all cryptic too, but there’s a clear cut reference to good old Antiochus if you know your history of that time. These ten horns and seven heads sort of tie in to the book of Daniel, but it also means a reference to the Roman emperors and rulers, and it’s not always clear which one they’re talking about. It’s not important, because they’re talking about the Romans altogether.

The writer makes a reference to ten horns and seven heads, ten diadems and a blasphemous name upon his head, and that sort of thing. It means that the emperors in those days assumed for themselves divine titles. Many of the emperors thought that they were manifestations of God, so they took on divine titles, Lord of Kings and things like that. As a matter of fact, Antiochus, you have to go back to Jewish times, Antiochus was also known as Antiochus Epiphanes, and Epiphanes means a manifestation of God. This means that Antiochus was the one who dared to call himself God. How do you think that came across to the Jewish leaders, you know? They weren’t too keen about that. Some of the Roman emperors did the same thing, and where it says “wearing a blasphemous name upon his head,” it has to do with this assumption of divine authority for themselves. Then it goes on down and talks about the Antichrist giving authority to the beast, and this beast that’s referred to here is really the Roman Empire and the emperors. The beast is the Roman Empire itself and the emperors as well.

In Verses seven through nine, it says that “The power of the beast wins the allegiance of the faithful. Wins the allegiance of the faithful,” but then in Verse ten the faithful are told that you must hang on. You’ve got to hang in there and hold on to your faith and that sort of thing. Okay? All this is really referring, once again, to the Roman Empire as the first beast.

Well, he goes down and gets pretty descriptive here. I won’t get too much into this detail. I think we’ll finish with this 13th chapter, then probably break for lunch, but in the 13th chapter he first of all talks about two phases here, the first beast and the second beast. You see this in Chapter 13? He says, “I saw a beast rising out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads.” Go back to the book of Daniel. This refers to the Seleucid Kings, the kings who reigned during that time, and there were a whole bunch of them, one of whom was Antiochus Epiphanes, I mention his name again. He’s called in the book of Daniel “that contemptible person.” He’s not mentioned by name because the book of Daniel is all cryptic too, but there’s a clear cut reference to good old Antiochus if you know your history of that time. These ten horns and seven heads sort of tie in to the book of Daniel, but it also means a reference to the Roman emperors and rulers, and it’s not always clear which one they’re talking about. It’s not important, because they’re talking about the Romans altogether.

The writer makes a reference to ten horns and seven heads, ten diadems and a blasphemous name upon his head, and that sort of thing. It means that the emperors in those days assumed for themselves divine titles. Many of the emperors thought that they were manifestations of God, so they took on divine titles, Lord of Kings and things like that. As a matter of fact, Antiochus, you have to go back to Jewish times, Antiochus was also known as Antiochus Epiphanes, and Epiphanes means a manifestation of God. This means that Antiochus was the one who dared to call himself God. How do you think that came across to the Jewish leaders, you know? They weren’t too keen about that. Some of the Roman emperors did the same thing, and where it says “wearing a blasphemous name upon his head,” it has to do with this assumption of divine authority for themselves. Then it goes on down and talks about the Antichrist giving authority to the beast, and this beast that’s referred to here is really the Roman Empire and the emperors. The beast is the Roman Empire itself and the emperors as well.

In Verses seven through nine, it says that “The power of the beast wins the allegiance of the faithful. Wins the allegiance of the faithful,” but then in Verse ten the faithful are told that you must hang on. You’ve got to hang in there and hold on to your faith and that sort of thing. Okay? All this is really referring, once again, to the Roman Empire as the first beast.

The exact location of the original city of Babylon and of the Tower of Babel is not known. However, we know that it was in the middle east. The original city was not completely built because God destroyed it before men could finish building it. However, later, men built a new city of Babylon in a different location near modern Baghdad, Iraq. Then eventually the city fell into disrepair and they built the city of Baghdad as the new city of Babylon. Therefore the location of Babylon has moved more than once. It stands to reason that the end time city of Babylon could also be in a new location. In fact, "NEOM" stands for Neo-Mustaqbal (New Future).

Ancient Edom/Esau is New Babylon

People usually think of Babylon being in Iraq, but Iraq is not a major player in the world economy other than oil alone. The following bible verses leads me to conclude that the ancient land of Edom (not just Jordan, but Saudi Arabia) could be the end time, future Babylon, which mirrors the original concept of Babylon & probably the location of the original Babylon of Genesis 11, before it eventually was built in Iraq.

South of NEOM is Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is the location of both the Mecca Clock & the Black Stone of Mecca, both extremely important to end time prophecy.

Rev 13:15 "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed".

In Islamic tradition authenticated by At-Tirmidi, Al-Abani notes:
"Allah will raise up the black stone on the Day of Judgment and it will have two eyes and a tongue which it talks with, and it will give witness to everyone who touched it in truth". Source:

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: "The Messenger of Allah said concerning the Stone:
'By Allaah, Allaah will bring it forth on the Day of Resurrection, and it will have two eyes with which it will see and a tongue with which it will speak, and it will testify in favour of those who touched it in sincerity.' Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 961; Ibn Maajah, 2944
This hadeeth was classed as hasan by al-Tirmidhi, and as qawiy by al-Haafiz ibn Hajar in Fath al-Baari, 3/462
Source: and

Mecca Clock Tower
Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think (Aramaic word to intend, to hope. Doesn't say he will be successful in doing this, but doesn't say he won't be successful either) to change times (GMT to Mecca time) and laws (Sharia Law & the halal mark): and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

In 2012, Saudi Arabia built the Mecca Clock Tower which they intend to use to change all time zones around the world! Their goal is to make Neom & Mecca, the location of the international UTC, Universal Time, and change all other zones accordingly. This will change time and law as the end time fulfillment of Daniel 7:25. For more information, please click here.

The Tower of Babel

Originally, mankind's first attempt at building the city of Babylon, included the "Tower of Babel" in Genesis 11. Today, the Mecca Clock Tower is the 3rd tallest building in the world. Just north of Mecca, is the city of Jeddah, where they are actively building what will be the tallest building in the world. It is scheduled to be completed in 2018.

List of world's tallest buildings. Mecca Tower is world's 3rd tallest. The new Jeddah Tower will be the world's tallest in 2018.

Land of 7 Mountains

Rev.17:9 "And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth."

It's very possible that the "7 mountains" might be symbolically referring to 7 empires throughout time. But in addition to that, it could also be speaking literally as well. There are many mountains in Saudi Arabia, including in the land area of NEOM. But when I pulled up the map (below) of Saudi Arabia, I was shocked to see that the map shows 7 main mountain peaks in Saudi Arabia. Look near the border of Jordan for "2,580 m". Then go south from there and count how many mountain peaks are high enough to be listed complete with height. Exactly Seven! In addition to this, NEOM will be the 7th modern city they have built in recent years, & it's my belief that NEOM could connect all 7 cities together in its effort to be 33 times larger than NYC and 12x larger than New Jerusalem. Perhaps it's 7 empires and 7 cities and 7 literal mountains! Neom fits all of this!
The original settlement of Rome was developed on seven hills: the Aventine Hill, the Caelian Hill, the Capitoline Hill, the Esquiline Hill, the Palatine Hill, the Quirinal Hill, and the Viminal Hill. However, those are hills & not mountains.

Cooperation of Egypt & Jordan:

The prince said: "One and a half years ago, King Salman signed with the president of Egypt the agreement on the free zone in northern Sinai. The purpose of signing this free zone in northern Sinai is to link it with Neom. So Neom will have a lot of ports. Some of them in Saudi Arabia and some of them in Egypt. So Dubai will benefit, Bahrain will benefit, Kuwait will benefit, Egypt, Jordan and I think the Red Sea countries and a lot of places in the world will benefit some way or the other."

Help of Russia & China

Russia & China To Join In The Building Of NEOM & Seize Land From Israel.

Russia's Investment Fund to Participate in NEOM Project of Building City of Babylon.

Help of Bill Gates, Google & Other Wicked Corporations & Wicked People

Because Babylon is being promoted as being the city of the future, and of the most advanced technology, wicked corporations & individuals such as Google, Bill Gates, Apple, etc will see it as an opportunity to invest and fulfill their dreams of a world of flying cars, robots, and other inventions that are already destroying our society.

Saudi Arabia Partners With Bill Gates to Help Build New City of Babylon

Neom will be controlled by Islamic Sharia Law. The Saudi Arabian prince said: "The sovereign laws will be within framework of the Saudi law, like defense, national security, counter terrorism and similar threats. Foreign policy. These things will be retained at the Saudi government levels."
"A foreigner who desires alcohol can either go to Egypt or Jordan."
Saudi Arabia will probably demand land from Israel to be part of the new city. Saudi Arabia To Build 560 Mosques in Bangladesh. Saudi Arabia Building 200 Mosques in Germany.
In India Alone, From 2011 To 2013, Some 25,000 Saudi Clerics Arrived Bearing More Than $250 Million To Build Mosques And Universities And Hold Seminars.

NEOM means Monster, Which Means Beast

Meaning: monster (beast), evil or wicked person, person without humanity, nonentity, inane person

When we see that John tells us that it is the city of Babylon which will be city which will “reign over the kings of the earth” (Revelation 17:18), why would we look for some other city such as Rome?  Micah mentions the “land of Nimrod,” in connection with this land of Assyria and the Assyrian.  Scripture tells us that Nimrod, the son of Cush (Noah’s grandson), founded both Babel and Assyria and even built Nineveh, the eventual capital of the Assyrian Empire (Genesis 10:8-12).  We know that the Syrian empire of the Seleucids including Antiochus IV Epiphanies, subsumed most of the old Assyrian Empire which was centered in northern Mesopotamia (today northeastern Syria, northern Iraq, and southeast Turkey) and at its peak included Babylon (Iraq), Persia (Iran), Armenia and Egypt.  While this does take some connecting of the dots, the dots are all there spelled out in scripture.  Daniel paints the picture, like a woven tapestry.  Combine that with what John reveals in Revelation, and we see the mystery virtually solved for us.  There will be a future empire, or kingdom, which will involve a coalition of ten nations – like the ten toes of the image of Daniel 2, or the ten horns of the seven headed beast.  They will come from an empire of sorts made up of those Mesopotamian cultures and regions, a kind of revival of the former Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo-Persian, and Greek empires (which don’t have that much in common with the old western Roman empire, which is now Europe).  The countries in that region now are the mid-eastern bloc, including Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and some may include the North African nations of Sudan, Ethiopia and Libya (to name some but probably not all). What this bloc of nations have in common is their religion – they are virtually all Islamic nations.

What most people don’t know is that Islam is descendant from, and shares a lot of elements in common and historically with the early Babylonian religions probably originating with Nimrod and his father Cush.. 

"Mecca" sits right in the middle of Saudi Arabia and Israel (the "beautiful holy mountain") AND on "many waters" and "many seas" as follows:

1. The Caspian Sea;
2. The Black Sea;
3. The Mediterranean Sea;
4. The Red Sea;
5. The Persian Gulf;
6. The Gulf of Oman;
7. The Arabian Sea; and,
8. The Gulf of Aden.

2. Revelation 17:9 tells us: "And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth."

Rome doesn't have any mountains. Yes, it sits on seven "hills", NOT mountains. However, "Mecca" sits on both 7 mountains AND 7 hills! The 7 mountains are:

1. Jabal Quba;
2. Jabal al Qinna;
3. Jabal Li Aali;
4. Jabal Jifan;
5. Jabal Jijad;
6. Jabal Qubais; and,
7. Jabal Hindi.

The 7 hills that Mecca sits on are:

1. Jabal abu Siba;
2. Jabal Safa;
3. Jabal Marwah;
4. Jabal abu Milhah;
5. Jabal abu Ma'aya;
6. Jabal abu Hulayah; and,
7. Jabal abu Ghuztan.

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