Revelation knowledge is a Kingdom key that unveils God’s will, perspectives and possibilities. It can impact every area of your life.
- It builds faith and an expectation of God. Romans 10:17
- It broadens our understanding of God's grace towards us through Jesus. 1st Peter 1:13
- It unveils our inheritance and God's sufficiency for our lives. 1st Peter 1:3-4 / 2nd Peter 1:1-4
- It unveils the things that God has prepared for us. 1st Corinthians 2:9-12
- It provides wisdom and a light to guide us. Psalm 119:105
- It unveils who we are, freeing us of the need for people affirmation. 1st Peter 2:9-10 / 1st John 3:2
Revelation knowledge is a key that opens the door to God's will, intent and possibilities for our lives.
However, you've got to put yourself in the right position to receive it. That's what make studying God's word and prayer so imperative.
They position you to receive revelation knowledge from God's Spirit. The more we read, study and pray, the more we learn and develop a listening ear to be led and to receive revelation knowledge. Revelation Knowledge allows us to receive and experience God's kingdom influence in our lives right here on earth. This is the power and the influence of revelation knowledge in our lives.
God has given us His Spirit to enable us to receive revelation knowledge. John 16:13-14
He will take the things of God's kingdom and reveal them to us. Enabling God's kingdom to impact and flow in our lives.
However, we have to try the spirits because there’s a lot of error out there professing to be revelations from God. 1st John 4:1-6.
As we look at the subject of revelation knowledge, we want to be mindful not to be in error. Some are blatant; others are may have good intentions but simply miss the mark of truth. And then there is the more diabolical deceptions hidden under the banner of religion or denominationalism. Their premise is that that they are operating according to the word of God as well. Although they may have good intentions, they could be misguided. More importantly, it is our responsibility to do our own due diligence to study and compare line upon line, precept upon precept, try the spirits and be led by God's Spirit to determine truth. So we’re not the blind following the blind. They both will end up in a bad place.
~ An example of leaders being in error is found in the book of Galatians. Galatians 2:14
~ Jesus corrected the leaders of His day about misunderstanding God's word. Matthew 22:23-33
Errors can mislead, cripple growth and put people in bondage. When scriptures are taken out of context in the name of revelation knowledge, or manipulated for selfish use, the faith and growth of those exposed to it will be hindered. And they will not experience God's influence in its fullness in their our lives. Therefore, it becomes imperative and essential to study and rightly divide the word yourself and try the spirits to determine its truth. Thankfully, we are not left to ourselves to qualify this. God gives us qualifiers in His word to determine truth or error. Even God's word has built in accountability.
Here are a few biblical principles that will enable you to qualify and distinguish God's truth.
~ God's revelations will have two or three witness in His word. 2ndCorinthians 13:1
God's word will undergird itself. The scriptures will support one another by one another. You should be able to find two or three scriptures supporting what you believe to be revelation knowledge from God. If you can't, there may be more studying needed.
~ Your Spirit will bear witness to the truth of God's revelation knowledge. 1st John 2:20
~ God's revelation causes you to have an inner peace in your heart. Psalm 85:8
~ Revelation knowledge will bring liberty. John 8:32
God's revelation will not put you in bondage in regards to who you are and what you are capable or called to do. Remember, Jesus said the truth will make you free, not put you in bondage. There are so many manmade doctrines that sound biblical that impose religious conditions and behaviors that minimize growth, stifles, deceive and put people in bondage. God's revelation does not do that. God's revelation liberates us to become our best and to fulfill our purpose. If it’s locking you down, most likely, it's not from God.
~ Revelation knowledge exalts and glorifies God and not man. Isaiah 42:8
When you believe that God is conveying something to you or you're hearing something; ask the question; who is being glorified?
He placed in us for His purpose. Yes, God created us kings, queens and victors, but not to exalt ourselves above measure, but to glorify Him. Avoid being high minded, And be mindful who is getting the glory. If it's man, it may not be from God.
Studying God’s word opens the door to illumination and the power of revelation knowledge.
When God gives revelation knowledge, it liberates, builds faith and give you assurance. It causes us to have an expectation of God.
In addition, as we come into God's revelations, we discover who He is, who we are and our position in Him and His kingdom as His children. This is a point of humility and thanksgiving. As we learn to study God's word effectively, we position ourselves to receive revelation knowledge from the Spirit of God. It will illuminate, inspire and lead us into experiencing God's influence in our lives.
However, we all must try the spirit and qualify what we believe to be revelation from God.
That your life would be impacted and God gets the glory.
The word “wisdom” in this verse is from the Greek word sophias. It is an old Greek word that was used to describe insight or wisdom not naturally attained. In other words, this is not natural human wisdom — this is special insight.
The word “revelation” is from the word apokalupsis. It refers to something that has been veiled or hidden for a long time and then suddenly, almost instantaneously, becomes clear and visible to the mind or eye. It is like pulling the curtains out of the way so you can see what has always been just outside your window. The scene was always there for you to enjoy, but the curtains blocked your ability to see the real picture. But when the curtains are drawn apart, you can suddenly see what has been hidden from your view. The moment you see beyond the curtain for the first time and observe what has been there all along but not evident to you — that is what the Bible calls a “revelation.”
Now apply the meaning of this word to the realm of spiritual truths. The truths we now grasp and enjoy were always there in the realm of the Spirit, but they were veiled — hidden to us. It wasn’t the time for these truths to be revealed yet, so they remained obscured from our sight, even though they were always there. But once the right time came and the Holy Spirit removed the veil that obstructed our view, our minds instantly saw and understood. When this occurred, you and I had a revelation!
Can you remember times in your past when you suddenly saw something in the Bible you had never seen before? That truth had been there all along, but it had been hidden to your eyes. Then suddenly one day, it was as if someone pulled the covers off that verse, and it literally jumped off the pages in front of you. You saw it! You understood it! You had a revelation!
It is a fact that truths remain hidden until God chooses to reveal them to us. This is why Paul prayed for God “to give” the Ephesian church a spirit of wisdom and revelation. The phrase “to give” is the Greek word didomi, which means to hand something over completely to someone else. It could also be translated to impart.
Because the Ephesian church needed wisdom beyond their own human understanding, Paul asked God to give them what they needed: special insight that is not naturally attained. Then Paul clarified what he meant by adding the word “revelation.” One expositor has said the verse could be better translated to “give unto you a spirit of wisdom, even revelation!”
Taking all this into consideration, Ephesians 1:17 could be translated:
“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you special insight — I’m talking about wisdom that is not naturally attained. This is the divine moment when the curtains are drawn back, and you are supernaturally enabled to see what you could never see by yourself.”
God had all the answers the Ephesian believers needed. By themselves, they would never have been smart enough to figure it all out. So Paul besought God to impart to them the wisdom they needed. Then Paul clarified that this kind of wisdom would only come to them by revelation — which only God can give.
If you need direction and guidance today, stop right now and pray Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1:17 for your own life. Ask God to give you “a spirit of wisdom and revelation.” God has all the answers you need, and they’re not as far from you as you may think. In one moment, He can remove the veil of ignorance and help you see clearly the things you need to understand. All you have to do is ASK!
My Prayer for Today
Lord, I ask You to give me the insight and wisdom I need for this moment in my life. There is so much I need to know, but I am unable to figure it all out by myself. Today I ask that the Holy Spirit would take away the veil that has obscured my view. I ask that my eyes be opened to see exactly what I need to know. I ask You to give me a real revelation about my life, my situation, and the truth I need to know right now.
I pray this in Jesus’ name!
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