Tuesday, December 27, 2022

2022/2023 rapture?


1. The Fig Tree Generation and the 70 to 80 years (2021/2022 to 2028/2029)

The parable of the fig tree is a very important sign for the Church (the Bride of Christ), because with it Jesus has given a clear time frame of when to date the Rapture, the terrible end-time events, and Jesus' promised return. The parable of the fig tree in Matthew 24 is a very important sign for the Church (the Bride of Christ) to correctly determine the timing of the end-time events. Jesus himself used the word "parable" when He spoke of the wounded fig tree that would sprout (green up) after a long time, i.e. be visible again. In symbolic language, Jesus wanted to reveal something to us that only His followers should understand. Christians all over the world agree that the fig tree, according to Bible prophecy, can only mean the state of Israel (this is even explained in WikipediaWikipedia2; in detail on the German page). So Jesus said that a time would come when Israel would be wiped out, which was indeed the case from 70 AD. But before the beginning of the end times, the state of Israel (the fig tree) was to exist again and awaken to new life. And exactly this last generation should not pass until all end-time events should be fulfilled.

parable 10 virgins, 5 wise 5 foolish virgins, Rapture 2022
The parable of the 5 wise and the 5 foolish virgins, Rapture 2022

Jesus' death was followed by the 2,000-year age of grace, or the age of the Christian church, in which people from all ethnic groups and nations were called to follow the way of Jesus.


In the parable of the 10 virgins, we read, as the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept (Mat 25:5).


A few verses later, Jesus said, now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them (Mt 25:19).

Indeed, 2,000 years is a long time. The misunderstanding of the alleged Rapture at the time of the early church is based on the inaccurate translation of some verses. Thus, Rev. 22:12 also does not say Behold, I [Jesus] am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done, but I am coming suddenly, as the Greek word tachu (Strong n. 5035) states (cf. Matt. 5:25; 28:7-8; Luke 15:22; John 11:29; Rev 2:16; 3:11; 11:14; 22:7,12,20). So it is about a sudden and quick appearance of the Lord, which is in harmony with many Bible passages of the New Testament (NT). So the I come soon really means I come suddenly and unexpectedly.


There was to be an ungodly time like in the days of Noah and there was to be salvation only for the righteous. Jesus not only spoke of two groups of people (the raptured and the Christians left behind) in the parable of the 10 virgins, but also in other contexts. Already some verses before he spoke of those who are accepted by him and of the others who are abandoned, that is left behind:

  • Mt 24:32-44: From the fig tree [=symbol for Israel]  learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near33 So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. 34 Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. 36 “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. 37 For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, 39 and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken and one left [left behind]. 41 Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one left [left behind]. 42 Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. 43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
    Note: Jesus speaks here of a completely unexpected arrival for the world and only of a few whom He will take with Him (Rapture). The others will be left behind to suffer, as the context of the whole chapter proves. The dead cannot "stay awake," but only the Christians who are still alive can be alert and ready. They await Jesus and those on deliverance from this world. The fig tree generation (born from 1948/1949) lives in our time. One of the most important characteristics of the last generation before the Rapture is the unloving and godless change of people on earth. It will be "as in the days of Noah" when God had to remove evil. Only the righteous few (Noah and his family) were spared. The Rapture of Enoch and Noah's Ark are a symbolic reference to our Rapture or salvation of the righteous few.
    If Jesus had meant the time after the 7-year tribulation, not a single Christian would have to be awake now, since a great many prophetic events still have to be fulfilled beforehand. But with regard to the Rapture, nothing at all has to happen prophetically; it can take place at any time. God makes it very clear that some will be taken from the field and others will be left behind. As for the time of day, note that God will rapture His elect from all over the world: When it should be night and full moon in Israel, it will be light in other parts of the globe. Jesus' reference to "getting married" also fits into the present end-time overall picture, since 2022 is the year with the most weddings in recent history (see below). It would therefore also be the year of the wedding for the Bride of Christ (the called out ones from all peoples and nations).
  • Lk 17:34-35: I [Jesus] tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. One will be taken and the other left35 There will be two women grinding together. One will be taken and the other left [left behind].
    Note: Luke also speaks of the followers of Jesus who are still alive. They will be taken (i.e. departed), while the others have to stay behind.“
  • Lk 21:29-36: „And he told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. 30 As soon as they come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near31 So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near. 32 Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all has taken place33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. 34 “But watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap. 35 For it will come upon all who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 But stay awake at all timespraying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.“
    Note: How can it be that there are people who believe that the righteous will be raptured only after the tribulation? Jesus Himself promised that He will give those who watch and pray the possibility to "escape/flee all this". Jesus did not say that He would expose the New Testament church to the same plagues as the ungodly world. But He did promise an escape or the rapture and preservation, which is also clearly mentioned in Rev 3:10:
    „Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.“
    What day is Jesus talking about here? Of course, before the "Day of the Lord," which was already mentioned several times in the Old Testament and describes the last terrible period of judgment on earth that will occur before the visible return of Jesus. And He warned again and again that we should stay awake, because a life with "food and drink and with daily worries" (diseases, financial hardship, wars...) could otherwise keep us from being awake.
  • 2Peter 1:19: And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts“
  • Amos 3:7: „For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.“
    Note: God has promised that He will not leave His children in ignorance, but they will know when the day of their deliverance (rapture) will come, they will be prepared and wait for it like the 5 wise virgins.  

How many years has the fig tree generation and when does it start?

So if you know the year of Israel's birth (the fig tree), you also have the chronology and can know exactly when the Rapture and the Second Coming of Jesus will take place. The Bible even answers the question about the years of a generation:

Psalm 90:10: „The years of our life are 70, or even by reason of strength 80; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.“
Literally: "The days of our life are 70 years, and with strength 80 years. And their pride is only work and toil. Then they are quickly cut off and we fly away."

fig tree generation Israel, rapture 2022
The fig tree, a biblical symbol for Israel

Is this not very clear? So our departure (the Rapture, "we fly away") and Jesus' return must take place when Israel is not older than 81 years. After the people of Israel rejected Jesus (the Messiah, the LIGHT for the world) and had Him killed by the Romans, God withdrew his protection over the Hebrew land. It was destroyed by the Romans 40 years after Jesus' crucifixion, that is in 70 A.D. Even the Temple was destroyed and the Menorah (symbol of the Light of God and Jesus) was stolen. Almost all the Jews were expelled to all parts of the world and the state of Israel (the fig tree) simply ceased to exist. Scattered in all parts of the earth, the Jews literally had to live in the darkness of the world and endure terrible persecutions. In the symbolic language of the Bible, the fig tree was cut down, as the OT prophets foretold. But they also predicted that after about 2,000 years (after 2 prophetic days; 2Peter 3:1) the fig tree (the state of Israel) would come back to life and sprout new leaves. This is exactly what occurred. According to the biblical calendar, a Jubilee year was proclaimed in Israel after all 49 years (7x7), in which all debts were forgiven and the old possessions had to be returned to the people. In the Jubilee year 1917/18 there was the famous Balfour Declaration (dated November 2, 1917; Wikipedia), in which Great Britain agreed to establish in Palestine a "national home" of the Jewish people. After 30 years, the State of Israel was proclaimed ("born") on May 14, 1948, and in the very next Jubilee year, 1967, Jerusalem came back into Jewish possession after the 6-Day War. All this was no coincidence, but here again the word of God was fulfilled in a perfect way:

Palestine Post may 14 1948, israel born, Pentecost
Pentecost May 16, 1948: The birth of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948

"The Palestine Post" announced the founding of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948 (5 Ijjar 5708) under the headline: "State of Israel is born." This was a sensation, that a state suddenly reappeared after 2,000 years. In prophetic terms, it means that the fig tree came back to life and got new leaves. With the return of the Israelites after the 2nd World War and with the foundation of the state in May 1948, the fig tree (=the state of Israel) began to green again, to live. Therefore, those born in this year correspond to the last generation in which the events of Mt 24 mentioned by Jesus have to be fulfilled. 

Fig tree generation 80 years, rapture 2022, return 2029
The 80 years of the fig tree generation end in 2028/2029

The day the Israeli newspaper appeared was May 16, 1948 and that was Pentecost in God's calendar! This means concretely: Just as the New Testament church (Bride of Christ) was founded/born 2,000 years ago at Pentecost, the foundation/birth of Israel (unfaithful bride) also took place on May 14, 1948 at the time of Pentecost. But the birth of Israel did not take place on the day of Pentecost itself, for that day is reserved for the New Testament Church, marked by the wave offering of the two loaves (symbolizing the Rapture of the righteous of the OT and NT). The birth of Israel (the fig tree generation) was thus officially communicated to the Bride of Christ (the Church) precisely on her own founding day of Pentecost, so that the Bride of Christ could accurately identify the signs of the times and the beginning of the last generation before the Second Coming of the Lord. The Jews reject the calendar of God until today, therefore this knowledge and this connection with Pentecost remains hidden to them (they have miscalculated by one month); they will not be raptured, but left behind and have to go through the tribulation. Then they will realize their mistakes.

Since Jesus' return must take place before the 81st year of Israel's birth, this would be possible in 2028/2029 at the latest, since May 13, 2029 would be the last day of the 80th year. In 2021, according to the Gregorian calendar, Israel would be exactly 73 years old on May 14, 2021, which means that the Rapture would have to take place in the same year 2021 or at the latest in 2022 in order not to exceed the 80 years, since the 7 years of the Tribulation have to be added (73+7=80 years):

05/14/1948 to 05/14/2018 = 25,567 days, without the 1st date (70 years)

05/14/1948 to 05/14/2019 = 25,932 days, without the 1st date (71 years)

05/14/1948 to 05/14/2020 = 26,298 days, without the 1st date (72 years)

05/14/1948 to 05/14/2021 = 26,663 days, without the 1st date (73 years)

05/14/1948 to 05/14/2022 = 27,028 days, without the 1st date (74 years)

05/14/1948 to 05/14/2028 = 29,220 days, without the 1st date (80 years)

05/14/1948 to 05/14/2029 = 29,585 days, without the 1st date (81 years)

According to the prophecy about the fig tree generation, the Rapture would have to take place in 2022 at the latest, because the 7 years of the great tribulation have to be added and the year 2029 results as the last possible year for the Second Coming of Jesus in order not to exceed the 80 years. According to the Gregorian calendar, this would be May 14, 2029 (Israel's 81st birthday).

Important: However, we must not overlook the fact that the 70-80 years mentioned in Psalm 90:10 refer to the normal lifetime of a human being (a generation). But the maximum lifetime of a human being mentioned after the Flood is given in the Bible as 3x40=120 years (Gen 6:3). Theoretically, therefore, a later date for the Rapture (2022) and the Second Coming (2029) could be considered; but that this cannot be, is clear from other biblical passages and calculations mentioned in the following text. Psalm 90:10 prophetically refers not only to the lifetime of a human being, but also indirectly to the maximum age of the fig tree generation:

1948/1949 + 73 years = 2021/2022 + 7 years of tribulation = 2028/2029 = 80 years (fig tree generation)

Lk 21:29-31: „And he told them a parable: Look at the fig tree  [Israel, see Fig Tree Generation above], and all the trees [the other states]. 30 As soon as they come out in leaf [1948], you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near31 So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near.“

Mt 24:32-33: „From the fig tree [symbol of the State of Israel] learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near33 So also, when you see all these things, you know that he [the Lord] is near, at the very gates.“


Important: Many Christians were expecting the Rapture to be exactly in Israel's 70th year, which was 2018 or 2019 at the latest. That was one year after the Revelation 12 sign on September 23, 2017. When Jesus did not arrive to meet His bride in the clouds, there was a lot of disappointment (especially among Christians from the USA). But Jesus already hinted in another parable about the fig tree that the Rapture will not be exactly in this 70th year, but about 3.5 years after that (which again speaks for 2021/2022, that is, after the 73rd birthday):

Lk 13:6-9: „And he [Jesus] told this parable: A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. 7 And he said to the vinedresser, ‘Look, for 3 years now I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it down. Why should it use up the ground?’ 8 And he answered him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure. 9 Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down’.“  

Thus it is clear that there must be the Rapture about 3.5 years after Israel's 70th birthday, that is AFTER the 73rd year of birth; this would therefore be at the latest in 2022. This was the last warning and call to repentance (bring forth fruit) for Israel and lukewarm Christendom. The 3rd to 4th year does not have to be completely finished, because of course it is only about the time until the possible visible fruit on the symbolic fig tree. This biblical passage is interesting in two ways, because first, it suggests that Israel had enough time in the years after Jesus' crucifixion to repent of sins and accept Jesus. The religious leaders and the people of Israel were able to see Jesus' ministry even years after Jesus' death through the works of the apostles. Many even saw the resurrected Jesus and His ascension in person, and many more Jews saw the miracles that God did through the disciples. Yet Jesus could not detect any repentance among the people after 3+1=4 years. Symbolically or prophetically it means after 30+10=40 years after Jesus' crucifixion when Jerusalem was completely destroyed in 70 AD and the fig tree (=the state of Israel) ceased to exist because of the expulsion of the Jews. On the other hand, it means that there is still a time of patience and testing and that even if the 70 years of the fig tree generation are over, it means for us to keep watch all the more. Although we know the time span of 10 years until the 80th year of the fig tree generation, we do not know exactly when the last 7 years will begin. Therefore, we must wait, pray and be ready for the final journey. See also chapter 8 (below) with the illustration of the fig tree generation and the 10 Shmita years until the Rapture.


God has given us the exact time frame (2018/2019 to 2028/2029); there is no excuse for the lukewarm Christians of the Laodicean church who say "the Lord is not coming for a long time" (Mt 24:48; 2Pet 3:4; Rev 3:14-22). They are the 5 foolish virgins who neither know the word of the Lord nor are sufficient light in this world. For them, the Rapture will come unexpectedly and then they will be envious of those who have been faithful to Jesus and His Word and whose way of life was clearly different from the world, and who are no longer there. Divine love (Greek: agape) makes the difference and reveals who belongs to which group. The day of the Rapture will show this for all to see.

2. The Biblical Feast Days and the Day of the Rapture in 2022

The Rapture can happen at any time; Christians must always live a pure life, pray and be ready. However, since in the past the most important events were fulfilled on biblical feast days, it is likely that God will also take us to Himself on a biblically relevant date. There is confusion, however, because there are different calendars. The "Jewish calendar" currently used in Israel is inaccurate and is not the astronomical calendar of God described in the Bible (see differences). The Jewish calendar dates back to the 4th century AD and is based on inaccurate statistical averages, but God's calendar is based on exact astronomical data and the first visible crescent moon (the new light) always determines the first day of the month and thus also the respective feast day in the month.  

Jewish calendar feasts 2022 Israel
The biblical feasts 2022 in the Jewish calendar of Israel
calendar of God 2022, feasts bible
The biblical feasts 2022 in the biblical calendar of God

In 2022, the Biblical feast days are celebrated one or two days early in the Jewish calendar; the second data marked in bold correspond to God's calendar. They are correct and independently confirmed by Christians worldwide (e.g. TorahCalendar.com). If the Rapture should take place on one of the biblical feast days (see calendar and fests), the first 4 High Sabbaths of the year come into consideration:

1.) Passover 1 (15th Nisan): Fri/Sat, April 15/16;   Sat/Sun, April 16/17     (this is also the catholic Easter Sunday) 

2.) Passover 7 (21st Nisan): Thu/Fri, April 21/22;   Fri/Sat, April 22/23 

     (Second Passover (Pesach Sheni; 14th Iyar): Sat/Sun, May 14/15;   Sun/Mon, May 15/16 

3.) Pentecost (6th Ijjar): Sat/Sun, 04/05 June;   Sun/Mon, 05/06 June 

4.) Day of Trumpets (1st Tishri): Sun/Mon, 25/26 Sept;   Tue/Wed, 27/28 Sept 

5.) Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur; 10th Tishri): Tue/Wed, Oct 4/5;   Thu/Fri, Oct 6/7

6.) Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot; 15th Tishri): Sun/Mon, Oct. 9/10;   Tue/Wed, Oct. 11/12 

7.) Last Great Day (Shemini Atzeret; 22nd Tishri): Sun/Mon, Oct 16/17;   Tue/Wed, Oct 18/19 

In 2022, the 14th of Nisan fell on Friday, April 15, in the inaccurate Jewish calendar, but that is one day too early, but that was one day too early, because on the first day of the Jewish month, the first crescent moon (the "new light") over Jerusalem could not yet be seen. The 14th of Nisan was in God's calendar on April 15/16, 2022: 

Passover 2022 Rapture calendar bible Jews Israel
That Passover 2022 according to God's calendar (cf. TorahCalendar), the 15th of Nisan falls on Easter Sunday

The ingenious fact is: In 2022, the biblical 15th of Nisan (High Sabbath; April, 16/17) fell on the catholic Easter Sunday. And the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan (April 2 to May 2) was also exactly at this time. Thus, these three great religions celebrated their festivals on the same day. This is rarely the case because in the Islamic lunar calendar, the feast days move through all the seasons. Even the biblical beginning of the year on Nisan 1 (1/2 April according to the Jewish calendar and 2/3 April according to God's calendar) fell on the same day as the beginning of the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan on April 2, 2022. If there were to be a Rapture in 2022, it would shock all the world's religions because, although they keep their respective feast days, they would have to realize that God follows His own calendar and on one of His feast days (in spring or autumn) has protected and taken to Himself a completely different small group, namely those who are not characterized by religious acts but by love. By following Jesus, they are a light in this dark world (cf. parable of the 10 virgins). According to God's calendar, there is a second Passover (one month later) for those who could not attend the first feast. Both Passovers, of course, occur at the time of the full moon; but the second Passover in May 2022 even has a blood moon, which is very rare, especially since there was the well-known blood moon tetrad 7 years earlier, in the Shmittah year of 2014/2015. From the last blood moon on September 27/28, 2015 to this year's Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) on September 27/28, 2022, it will be 7 years to the day. These are the 7 years of warning and preparation for the rapture respectively for the following heavy 7 years of the great tribulation.

Blood moon May 15/16, 2022, Rapture 2022
Blood moon, 14th of Iyar, May 15/16, 2022

The year 2022 offers a special feature, because exactly on the second Passover on the 14th of Iyar (Pesach Sheni, see calendar for explanation), a total lunar eclipse (blood moon) will take place over America, Europe and Africa on the night of Sunday, May 15 to Monday, May 16, 2022 (source). Explanation: For those who could not celebrate the Passover at the appointed time on the 14th of Nisan in the first month, the Scriptures provide for a second Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread beginning a month later on the 14th of Iyar. The time of the greatest eclipse (i.e., the moment when the moon comes closest to the center of the Earth's shadow cone) occurs on Monday, May 16, 2022 at 04:12 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), The equivalent of 5:12 a.m. Central European Time (CET) and 12:24 p.m. in New York (Eastern Daylight Time; minus 4 hours from UTC). According to the inaccurate Jewish calendar, it is already the night of the 15th of Iyar. This blood moon could be an indication of a coming judgment (war?).

Acts 2:19-21: „And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke; 20 the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day. 21 And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.“ 

If the Rapture had occurred at the second full moon of the year (with the blood moon), the first Passover (first full moon) and the first Exodus would have been for Israel (the unfaithful bride) and the second Passover (second full moon) with the second Exodus (Rapture) would have been for the church (bride of Christ). But the two leavened wave offerings were not swung at the second Passover, but at Pentecost, indicating a Rapture of the Church. Pentecost the day the Christian church was officially established and a Rapture at Pentecost or by the end of the Pentecost season at the latest (summer end is September 26/27) would end the age of the church. In between is the feast of Tu B'Av (15th day of the 5th month). It marks the end of the grain harvest (wheat, symbolically the end of the collection of the spiritual first fruits, i.e. the Bride of Christ), but the collection of the summer fruits continues until the end of September.

From  the blood moon of 2022 to the beginning of Tu B'Aw (always on a full moon night) is 88 days:

May 16, 2022 to Augst 12, 2022 = 88 days, excluding 1st date (2 months, 27 days)

From Passover (Nisan 15) to Tu B'Aw is 117 days:

April 17, 2022 to August 12, 2022 = 117 days, excluding 1st date (3 months, 26 days)

From the blood moon to the last full moon ("Harvest Moon") of the Schmitta year it is again 117 days:

May 16, 2022 to Sept. 10, 2022 = 117 days, excluding 1st date (3 months, 25 days)

From the blood moon to the Jewish Day of Trumpets it is 133 days and to the biblical Day of Trumpets 134 days:

May 16, 2022 to Sept 26, 2022 = 133 days, excluding 1st date (4 months, 10 days)

May 16, 2022 to Sept 28, 2022 = 135 days, excluding 1st date (4 months, 12 days)

From the blood moon to Yom Kippur according to God's calendar is 144 days:

May 16, 2022 to Oct 07, 2022 = 144 days, excluding 1st date (4 months, 21 days)


However, the last full moon of the year will be on September 10/11, 2022, which is called the "Harvest Moon" because the brightness allowed farmers to extend their harvest into the night hours (see below). If the Rapture were to take place in September, it would be the last full moon for the Bride of Christ and the end of the spiritual harvest right at the end of the Shmittah year (Sept. 26/27), just before biblical Day of Trumpets (Sept. 27/28, 2022). On Sept. 26, 2022, the planet Jupiter (which is a symbol of Jesus) will be in the constellation of Pisces and will be closer to Earth than it has been for many years before and after (see chapter 8).

The Coming Biblical Feast Days with the Rapture and Return of Jesus

The following figure shows the 7 feast days according to the biblical astronomical calendar of God (e.g. TorahCalendar) and the inaccurate mathematical Jewish calendar (italics)In 2020, both calendars fell on the same days. In some years there are big differences because the leap years (red) with an additional 13th month are often not calculated correctly in the Jewish calendar (2023, 2026, 2029). In God's calendar, the spring and fall feasts are always near the equinox (Equinox, March 19-21 & Sept 22-24), but in the Jewish calendar often a month after. This is a NO GO. God's calendar, described in Leviticus 23, is an astronomical and agricultural calendar in which the ripeness of the early grain (barley) determines the beginning of the first month of the year, so that the firstfruits sheaf (Omer) can always be offered on Passover. But be careful, because the equinox is the astronomical season that refers to the center of the earth in relation to the sun; however, this does not mean that on this date in Jerusalem the day and the night will be exactly 12 hours long. In the latitude of Jerusalem (31.77°), day and night will be of equal length on September 26 and 27, 2022 (see TimeandDate and TimedandDate-2), that is, at the exact time when Israel celebrates the Day of Trumpets, which begins on September 27/28 in God's calendar, and at the time when Jupiter will be closest to Earth in the constellation of Pisces (see Chapter 8). It is 100% certain that the next biblically prophesied events will be fulfilled on these days:

Jewish calendar feast days 202 to 2030 table dates feasts bible
The biblical feast days according to God's astronomical calendar and the mathematical Jewish calendar 2020-2030

In addition to the 7 major Sabbaths, there are some minor feast days in God's calendar (Hanukkah, Purim, Tisha B'Av, Tu B'Av), but they are still of symbolic importance. The great day of mourning and fasting in Israel is the 9th day of the 5th month (Tisha B'Av). It is the day when both Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed and Jews were expelled throughout the centuries (see list in Calendar chapter). 7 days later is the great day of rejoicing Tu B'Av. This festival is significant because it is related to Pentecost and marks the last day of grain harvest. It is the time of summer fruits and the beginning of the time when grapes start to ripen. For 2022 it is:

Tisha B'Av: August 6/7, 2022 (Jewish calendar), August 6/7, 2022 (God's calendar). Actually, this feast day should have been celebrated in Israel on August 5/6, but because it falls on a Sabbath, the fast was postponed to the day after.
Tu B'Av: August 11/12, 2022 (Jewish calendar), Aug 12/13, 2022 (God's calendar).

3. The 27,000 days between Israel's rebirth and the Bride's rebirth in 2022?

For those who know the 7 biblical feast days (see God's calendar), a deeper understanding of the Bible is revealed. Now the interesting point is: from the birthday of Israel to the biblical Passover on April 15/16, 2022, that is, to the day of the celebration of the Exodus from Egypt (night of 14/15 Nisan), there are exactly 27,000 days. This applies to the calculation according to the Jewish calendar (Fri/Sat, April 15/16) as well as according to the biblical calendar of God (Sat/Sun, April 16/17). Thus, we are still in the range of the 73rd year of the fig tree generation:


05/14/1948 plus 27,000 days = 04/15/2022, Friday, including 1st date

05/14/1948 plus 27,000 days = 04/16/2022, Saturday, excluding 1st date

05/14/1948 to 04/15/2022 = 27,000 days,  including 1st date (73 years, 11 months, 1 day)

05/14/1948 to 04/16/2022 = 27,000 daysexcluding 1st date (73 years, 11 months, 2 days)


The 27 is the number of the New Testament Church, because the New Testament was written down on exactly 27 books or scrolls (see Structure of the Bible). If there were to be a Rapture on Nisan 14/15 (April 15-17, 2022), it would be according the symbolic 27,000 days (27 x 1.000 days = 27.000 days) and there would be a connection of the rebirth of Israel [1948) with the rebirth (resurrection) of the Bride of Christ (the Church of God) in 2022. So: the Bible-believing church flies away, exactly 27,000 + x days after the birth of the fig tree (Israel). The dead saints are born again.


According to God's calendar, it would be the Passover full moon night after the Sabbath, that is, from Saturday to Sunday (April 16/17) and also the second Passover (May 16/17) would be possible, which is reminiscent of Mt 24, that is, at the end of winter and after a Sabbath:


Mt 24:20-22: „Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a Sabbath21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. 22 And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.“ 


The State of Israel was established on May 14, 1948, just prior to the Biblical Pentecost on May 15/16, 1948. From the Biblical Pentecost on May 16, 1948 to Passover (Nisan 15) on April 17, 2022, then to the Second Passover (Pesach Sheni) on May 16, 2022 (with the Blood Moon), and then again to Pentecost on June 6, 2022 are:


May 16, 1948 to April 17, 2022 = 27,000 days, including 1st date (it's 73 years, 11 months, 2 days) 

May 16, 1948 to May 16, 2022 = 27,028 days, excluding 1st date (=exactly 74 years

May 16, 1948 to June 6, 2022 = 27,049 days, excluding 1st date (74 years, 21 days) 

May 16, 1948 to June 6, 2022 = 27,050 days, including 1st date (74 years, 22 days) 


Second Passover May 16, 2022 blood moon, Rapture
The Second Passover on May 16 and the Blood Moon over America

A Rapture on the first or second Passover or in the Pentecost season would also have an enormous shock effect on the people of Israel, because they would then have to realize that God is liberating a completely different group of people, but is leaving the Israelites behind instead, and in the worst time ever in the history of mankind. A Rapture of the spiritual Christian Church of God (the Bride of Christ) would dramatically reveal to the people of Israel that they led an innocent man, their Messiah to crucifixion by the Romans. They would realize that they rejected their Messiah for almost 2,000 years and persecuted His followers. Many Jews will realize their mistake and ask Jesus for help, who will not abandon them even during the tribulation and will save Israel from total destruction at the end of the 7 years. But symbolically, the coming Pentecost (June 5/6, 2022) until the Day of Trumpets (Sept 27/28) would be a possible time period for the Rapture. From the birth of Israel to the second Passover there are 27,030 days:

May 14, 1948 to May 16, 2022 = 27,030 days, excluding 1st date (74 years, 2 days)

„Jesus, was about 30 years old when he appeared...“ (Lk 2:23). But until the beginning of Pentecost on June 5/6, 2022, it is exactly 50 days more, the Jubilee number and unttil Feast of Trumpets 27.165 days:

May 14, 1948 to June 5, 2022 = 27,050 days, excluding 1st date (74 years, 22 days)

May 14, 1948 to Sept 28, 2022 = 27.165 days, excluding 1st date (74 years, 4 months, 14 days)

The Messiah must come twice

Jesus entered Jerusalem publicly on Nisan 10 on the Great Sabbath (Shabbat ha-Gadol) and had the prescribed 4 days of preparation until his last Nisan 14. This time corresponds to the separation of the Lamb before the Passover, who lived among the people for 4 days and was visible to all.

Messiah Jesus Lamb Lion in one person
The Messiah Jesus = Lamb and Lion

The Messiah was to come to earth twice according to Bible prophecy. The first time as a pure "lamb" to die for the sins of the world, but the second time as a mighty "lion" with power and glory to save Israel and the whole world from total destruction. Jesus died on the 14th of Nisan at 3pm. At that time the curtain in the temple was torn and there was a resurrection. There has never been anything like this before. The people of Israel were indeed spared from the death of the firstborn and delivered from the power of Egypt by the blood of the Lamb; but the blood of Jesus accomplished much more, namely the forgiveness of sins and the resurrection. This appearance of the saints (term for the righteous people) described in Mt 27 concerned only a small little group who were to live once more on this earth and proclaim Jesus' power. They had not yet ascended to heaven, for Jesus had to be the first of those who had fallen asleep and the firstfruits of all (1 Cor 15:20-28; Acts 26:23). This resurrection was a foreshadowing of the transformation of the saints who will be caught up together with us (the Christians who are still alive). There are several references in the Bible that the Rapture could occur on a full moon night (examples). Since the earth is a sphere, some will be caught up at night, but others during the day.

  • Mt 17:50-54: „And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit. 51 And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split. 52 The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, 53 and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many. 54 When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, “Truly this was the Son of God!“
  • 1Cor 15:50-53: „I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51 Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. 53 For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality.“ 
  • 1Thess 4:13-18: „But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. 14 For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. 15 For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.“ 

Since the curtain in the Temple (signifying direct access to God) was torn at 3 p.m. on Nisan 14 and the righteous came back to life, this could be referring to our Rapture occurring at that time. But at the very least, it would be indicative of the taking away that would take place in a few hours thereafter on the coming night of the full moon on the 15th of Nisan. Consequently, this would be the exact time of the Exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt and we would also disappear at that time. It is possible that there will also be earthquakes at the time of the Rapture, for these are alluded to in several Bible verses. Since we, as the followers of Jesus, cannot know 100% exactly the day and the hour, we must pray and be prepared, because the Messiah said, "Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect" (Mt 24:44). The next interesting dates come after that, namely Second Passover (May 15/16) and Pentecost (June 5/6, 2022). 

4. The Blood Moons as a Warning: The Last 7 Years Before the Rapture 2022

God has announced several times in His Word that major political events on earth will be accompanied by signs in the sky (sun, moon and stars). Lunar eclipses (blood moons) are relatively frequent, but blood moon tetrads (4 lunar eclipses) on the biblical feast days are very rare. In 2014 and 2015, there was the last blood moon tetrad before the Rapture and before the return of Jesus. Some Christians from the USA were already expecting the Rapture at the time of these blood moons, but that was exactly 7 years too early. These last 7 years were the preparation (time of prayer) for the Bride (the church) or a warning and call to repentance for Israel and the world, because the bad 7 years of the great tribulation will follow. Exactly to the day on Passover 2022, the 7 years of warning will end, for on April 15-17, 2022, that is, on the full moon night of Nisan 15, the 7 years of warning will end and the 8th year since the first blood moon will begin. The people of Israel left Egypt on the same night (Exodus), but bad years began for the Egyptians as the land fell fallow and many men died. The number 7 is very important because there are several warning periods of 7 days (a prophetic week) or 7 years in the Bible. Some examples:

  • Noah was to enter the ark and prepare "7 days" before the Flood because God predicted the rain and the Flood "in 7 days" (Gen 7:4). Noah „Noah was 600 years old when the flood of waters came upon the earth" (Gen 7:6). This is reminiscent of the 6,000 years of human history we are currently in.
    „And after 7 days the waters of the flood came upon the earth“ (Gen 7:10). 
  • Joseph was preparing his people Israel in Egypt for the 7 years of terrible hunger (tribulation) that would follow the 7 years of abundance and gathering of supplies (Gen 41).
  • Joshua and the people of Israel besieged Jericho for 7 days. The 7 trumpets of the 7 priests were a warning and preparation for victory. was besieged by the people of God for 7 days.
    Josua 6:15-20: „On the 7th day they rose early, at the dawn of day, and marched around the city in the same manner seven times. It was only on that day that they marched around the city seven times. 16 And at the 7th time, when the priests had blown the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, Shout, for the Lord has given you the city. 17 And the city and all that is within it shall be devoted to the Lord for destruction... 20 So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they captured the city..“
  • Church: there are exactly 7 years of tribulation between the Rapture and the Second Coming. The last blood moon tetrad to the biblical feast days of Passover and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) as a "sign in the sky" would thus give a perfect time frame if the Rapture were to take place in 2022:
Blood moon tetrad bible feast days jewish, rapture 2022
The last blood moon tetrad on the feast days before the Rapture 2022

The Last Blood Moon Tetrad:

1. Passover: April 15, 2014

2nd Sukkot: October 8, 2014

(Solar eclipse, end of year before equinox; 1st of Nisan in Jewish calendar: March 2, 2015).

3rd Passover: April 4, 2015

4th Sukkot: September 28, 2015

According to God's calendar, the solar eclipse (over the North Pole or Northern Europe) occurred at the biblical end of the year (28th Adar; March 19/20, 2015) on March 20, 2015 (9:45 UT). But this was already the 29th of Adar 5775 (March 20/21, 2015) in the Jewish calendar. Also, the night of March 20, 2015 (at 22:45 UT) was the spring equinox. This corresponds to the last day of the biblical year (Adar 29; March 20/21, 2015) and New Year's Day (Nisan 1; March 20/21, 2015) in the Jewish calendar. Regardless of which calendar is used, it is clear to all that a special new beginning follows. It is extremely rare for a solar eclipse and the equinox to occur exactly at the end or beginning of a biblical year. The solar eclipse and the spring equinox point to a special feature in God's calendar, namely a new beginning with the last 7 years before the Rapture in 2022. From the solar eclipse and the equinox to the Biblical New Year 2022 (Nisan 1, April 2/3, 2022) is 7 years and 14 days. But until Passover 2022 (14/15th of Nisan) it is 7 years and 26 days, so the number of the Rapture is 726:

03/20/2015 to 04/02/2022 = 2,570 days, excluding 1st date (7 years, 13 days)

03/20/2015 to 04/03/2022 = 2,571 days, excluding 1st date (7 years, 14 days)

03/20/2015 to 04/03/2022 = 2,572 days, including  1st date (7 years, 14 days)

03/20/2015 to 04/15/2022 = 2,584 days, excluding 1st date (7 years, 26 days)

There will be no more blood moon tetrad between the rapture and Jesus' return. It was the last one and it can be assumed that this sign was given exactly 7 years before the rapture and 14 years before the Second Coming (return):

2014/2015 (blood moon tetrad) 7 years of warning => 2022 (rapture) + 7 years of tribulation => 2028/2029 (Second Coming)

blood moon tetrad, sign revelation 12, Pentecost 2021, Rapture 2022
The last blood moon tetrad, the sign from Revelation 12 and Pentecost 2021

In the last 7 years there have already been some significant number symbols which suggested a Rapture already at Pentecost 2021. There were the important numbers 726 (number of the rapture, see explanation) and the 1,335 days mentioned by Daniel. But that was not the end, because from Pentecost 2021 to the Passover 2022 (14/15th Nisan) there are exactly 333 days:

blood moon tetrad 2015 and 2015, rapture passover 2022, pentecost
The blood moon tetrad 2014/2015, the sign from Revelation 12 and Passover 2022

From the 1st Tetrad Blood Moon on Passover (15th Nisan) on April 15, 2014 to Passover on April 15, 2022 is exactly 8 years:

04/15/2014 to 04/15/2022 = 2,922 days, excluding 1st date (8 years).

From the solar eclipse in March 2015 to Passover on April 15/16, 2022 is 7 years and 26 days (number of the Rapture):

03/20/2015 to 04/15/2022 = 2,583 days, excluding 1st date (7 years, 26 days)

03/20/2015 to 04/15/2022 = 2,584 days, including  1st date (7 years, 27 days)

03/20/2015 to 04/16/2022 = 2,584 days, excluding 1st date (7 years, 27 days)

From the Day of Trumpets (Sept. 21/22, 2017) and the Revelation 12 sign on Sept. 22/23, 2017 to our probably last Pentecost on May 17/18, 2021 is 1,335 days and from Pentecost to Passover (Nisan 14) 2022 is exactly 333 days:

09/21/2017 to 05/18/2021 = 1,335 days, excluding 1st date (3 years, 7 months, 27 days)

09.22.2017 to 05.18.2021 = 1,335 days, including  1st date (3 years, 7 months, 27 days)

05/18/2021 to 04/16/2022 = 333 days, excluding 1st date (10 months, 29 days)

From the Day of Trumpets 2017 and Revelation 12 sign on Sept 22/23, 2017 to Passover on Nisan 14/15 2022 is 1,666 or 1667 days:

09/22/2017 to 04/15/2022 = 1,666 days, excluding 1st date (4 years, 6 months, 24 days)

09/22/2017 to 04/16/2022 = 1,667 days, excluding 1st date (4 years, 6 months, 25 days)

09/23/2017 to 04/16/2022 = 1,666 days, excluding 1st date (4 years, 6 months, 24 days)

09/23/2017 to 04/16/2022 = 1,667 days, including  1st date (4 years, 6 months, 25 days)

The 666 is the number of the Antichrist (see 666) and could indicate his soon appearance. But the 667 could mean the redemption of the Christians, because the 66 (3x22) stands for the 66 books of the Bible (see Structure of the Bible) and the number 7 stands for perfection, completion and for the New Testament church (while the 12 stands for Israel). 


Tu B'Av - The end of the Pentecost season

The Passover of 2022 was special in several ways in terms of biblical symbolism. As in 2021, there are again 120 days between Passover (14th Nisan = April 15/16; 15th Nisan = April 16/17) and the end of the Pentecost season on August 12/13, 2022, which is the feast day of Tu'Av:

April 16, 2022 to August 13, 2022 = 120 days, including 1st date (3 months, 29 days)

Rapture 2022, tu B#Av
From Passover to Tu B'Av (end of the Pentecost season) there are 120 days

Tu B'Av is the festival when the virgins in pure robes went to the vineyards to find a bridegroom. This feast is another symbol of the Rapture. If this were to actually take place in 2022, many biblical verses, symbols and numerical interpretations would be perfectly fulfilled. Tu B'Av marks the end of the grain harvest (barley and wheat) and the beginning in time of the harvest of the first ripe grapes. This is reminiscent of the words in Hosea 2, which have not been translated correctly in many Bibles because the meaning has not been understood. It is about the sinful and unfaithful people of Israel and about the return of the Lord at the end of the grain harvest, when the new wine is already there. This grain (the firstfruits) God will take away (rapture). Then the people of Israel will stand there before all the world completely "naked" (without wool/flax and linen) and recognize that God has accepted another people (the bride of Christ) and taken them to Himself:


Hosea 2:9-11: "Therefore, I will return and take away My grain in its time and My new wine in its season [hebr: moed: appointed time, place, or meeting] and will take back My wool and My linen given to cover her nakedness."


Many have hoped for the Rapture as early as B'Av 2021, but that was too early. For detailed information on the symbolism of Tu B'Av, see the chapter on the 2021 Rapture. The day of mourning Tisha B'Av (9th day of the 5th month; the day both temples were destroyed; August 6/7, 2022, see calendar) and especially the last day of the Pentecostal season Tu B'Av (night of the full moon on August 12/13, 2022) should be noted, as several biblical passages indicate the time of summer fruits (Bride of Christ) and the beginning of the time of the end (Rapture and Tribulation):


Amos 8:1-3: „This is what the Lord God showed me: behold, a basket of summer fruit2 And he said, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A basket of summer fruit.” Then the Lord said to me, “The end has come upon my people Israel; I will never again pass by them. 3 The songs of the temple shall become wailings in that day,” declares the Lord God. “So many dead bodies!” “They are thrown everywhere!” “Silence!”

Micha 7:1-2: „Woe is me! For I have become as when the summer fruit has been gathered, as when the grapes have been gleaned: there is no cluster to eat, no first-ripe fig that my soul desires. 2 The godly has perished from the earth, and there is no one upright among mankind; they all lie in wait for blood, and each hunts the other with a net... 15 As in the days when you came out of the land of Egypt, I will show them[e] marvelous things. 16 The nations shall see and be ashamed of all their might; they shall lay their hands on their mouths; their ears shall be deaf;


Note: Many Bibles have translated inaccurately here, for the Hebrew text does not speak of a "gleaning" of the grapes, which would imply a temporal end to the harvest of the grapes in the fall, but it speaks of the summer fruits and of there being no grapes to harvest at that time. This is the time when there shall be no more righteous. The literal translation is even clearer where it refers to the time of suffering for Israel after the godly have disappeared from the earth:


Micha 7:1-2: „Woe is me! For I am like the gathering summer fruits, Like those who glean vintage [grapes]. There [is no] cluster to eat of the first-ripe fruit [which] desires my soul. 2 Has perished he godly [man] from the earth and upright among men [there is] no one...


If this information is taken literally, it would mean that there would have to be the Rapture on Tisha B'Av (9th day of the 5th month) or even more likely on the night of the full moon on Tu B'Av (15th day), that is, on August 12/13, 2022 (according to the inaccurate Jewish calendar, Tu B'Av is one day earlier, on August 11/12). It is the day when the virgins went into the vineyards under the full moon to find a bridegroom. A perfect image for the Rapture. And between Tisha B'Av and Tu B'Av there are 7 days, which reminds of Noah who was supposed to enter the ark 7 days before the beginning of the Flood.

However, on Tu B'Aw, although the wheat harvest is over, the summer does not end until September. Should God postpone His spiritual harvest of the first fruits until the Day of Trumpets, the Rapture would have to take place between September 26-28, because on the Day of Trumpets the Shmittah year is over and it is the beginning of the autumn festivals.

The Blood Moons, the Rapture Number 726 and Passover 2022

It is interesting that we encounter the prophetically important numbers 726 and 727 when we look at the astronomical numbers mentioned above. The 726 is the numerical value for "harpazo", the word used in the ancient Greek text of the NT for "rapture" (see the detailed explanation in the main text about the rapture). The 27 stands for the New Testament church, therefore the New Testament consists of 27 books:

1.) From the last tetrad blood moon (09/28/2015) to Yom Teruach on September 21/22, 2017 with the sign from Revelation 12 is exactly 726 days:

09/28/2015 to 09/22/2017 = 726 days, including 1st date (1 year, 11 months, 26 days).

2.) From Yom Teruach on Sept 21/22, 2017 (with the Revelation 12 sign on Sept 23) to our hopefully last Pentecost on May 17/18, 2021 (symbolizing the upcoming Rapture of the Church) is 1,335 days with 3 years, 7 months, 27 days (but in between is 3 years, 7 months, 26 days):

09/21/2017 to 05/17/2021 = 1,335 days, including  1st date (3 years, 7 months, 27 days)

09/21/2017 to 05/18/2021 = 1,335 days, excluding 1st date (3 years, 7 months, 27 days)

09/22/2017 to 05/18/2021 = 1,335 days, including  1st date (3 years, 7 months, 27 days)

3.) From the solar eclipse on March 20, 2015 (1st Nisan according to the Jewish calendar), which is between the tetrad blood moons, to the possible day of the Rapture at Passover 2022 is 7 years and 26 days or 7 years and 27 days:

03/20/2015 to 04/15/2022 = 2,583 days, excluding 1st date (7 years, 26 days)

03/20/2015 to 04/15/2022 = 2,584 days, including  1st date (7 years, 27 days)

03/20/2015 to 04/16/2022 = 2,584 days, excluding 1st date (7 years, 27 days)

Strong number 726 harpazo rapture, snatching away
Strong-no. 726: harpazo = rapture, snatching away

The Strong number of harpazo 726 contains the numbers 7 and 26. The number 7 means perfection and completion (cf. last day of the week) and stands for the church. The 26 is the Hebrew numerical value for Yahweh (YHWH, see calculation). Together it means symbolically: it is finished, the church goes up to God. It also shows that only those who belong to God will be involved. The others will be left on earth because they are not interested in the Word of God and following Jesus. Photo: Link 

5. The 70 Prophetic Weeks of Daniel and the Coming of the Messiah 2022

The following year dates are not from the Bible, but from historians' sources. Many of these dates are also confirmed in Wikipedia. A backdating is difficult, because year numbers were often made on the basis of government years (a year count like today did not exist at that time) and because these year numbers were made by humans, errors are possible. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the correctness of these dates. However, this is not a problem at all, because we are supposed to be vigilant and a very small margin of error of only one year is possible and therefore the appearance of the Messiah can be prophetically determined quite accurately. We understand by the "Messiah", of course, our Lord Jesus Christ, while the Jews and the Muslims will each expect a completely different person and will also run after him at first, until they will realize their error at the latest when Jesus returns. 

God commanded the Israelites to keep a Sabbath year ("Shmitta" in Hebrew) every 7th year, during which no work was to be done, as a year of rest for the farmland (Deut 23:10-11). God promised that He would give them such blessings in the preceding years that they would have enough food for this Sabbatical year. However, since the Israelites did not trust God and disobeyed God's command, God imposed a 70-year punishment on them (7x10=70), which they had to spend in captivity. The prophet Daniel refers to this punishment period and describes when the Messiah will appear. Now, prophetically significant, 7 weeks and 62 weeks add up to a total of 69 weeks, which equals 483 years, and 70 prophetic weeks (63+7=70) add up to 490 years: 

7 weeks x 7 days = 49 years

62 weeks x 7 days = 434 years

69 weeks x 7 days = 483 years

70 weeks x 7 days = 490 years

483 years (69 weeks of years) + 7 years of tribulation = 490 years (70 weeks of years)

Daniel 24-27: „70 weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint a most holy place. 25 Know therefore and understand that from the going out of the word to restore and build Jerusalem to the coming of an anointed one, a prince, there shall be 7 weeks. Then for 62 weeks [literally, "until the Messiah, the Prince, are 7 sevens and are 62 sevens"] it shall be built again with squares and moat, but in a troubled time. 26 And after the 62 weeks [lit.: sevens, see definition week], an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing. And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war. Desolations are decreed. 27 And he shall make a strong covenant with many for 1 week, and for half of the week he shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator.“


Here it is important to note that a prophetic day can also correspond to a prophetic year. Thus, there is an amazing multiple number symbolism in the Bible, namely once in the calculation with days (as in the 7-year Tribulation) and also with years, that is, the centuries before the Rapture and the Tribulation:


2Peter 3:1-10: „But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a 1,000 years, and a 1,000 years as one day9 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.“


This is clearly about the calculation of the year in which the Anointed One (Messiah) was to appear publicly. There were several decrees. The decrees of Cyrus (539/538 BC) and Darius (519/518 BC) were mainly about temple building. But Daniel does not speak of building the temple, but of "building the city." Ahasuerus [Greek Xerxes] still forbade the building of the city (Ezra 4:6,21). However, Artahsasta was the one who determined that all Jerusalem should be built, he is therefore mentioned several times in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, which tell about the retreat to Judea and the rebuilding of Jerusalem. His decrees of 458/457 and 445/444 BC are therefore of particular importance. The division into 7 prophetic weeks (7x7=49 years) plus 62 weeks (62x7=434 years) makes sense, because the first 49 years refer to the rebuilding of Jerusalem in difficult times (war and famine). This was to be followed by another 434 years until the Messiah was to appear. The calculation is now exciting, because if we add to the year 458/7 B.C. the 69x7=483 years, we arrive at the year 26/27 A.D. (also the year 28 A.D. would be possible, if the decree was given at the end of each year). So Jesus would have started his ministry in the fall of 26 A.D. and would have celebrated the first Passover in 27/28 A.D. and would die after 3.5 years at Passover 30 or at the latest 31 A.D. (depending on the beginning of the counting) in the middle of the last 70th prophetic week. But it becomes still more interesting, because so far with the actual years one calculated, but many prophetic data are determined with prophetic years with 12x30=360 days each, since each month is counted with 30 days. Therefore 360x483 years=173,880 days result. If now from the second decree 445/444 (the younger date) the 483 prophetic years with 360 prophetic days are added to it (=173,880 days), then the year comes out, in which Jesus entered Jerusalem and died a few days later, thus: 31/32 A.D. (445/444+173,880 days):

458/457 + 483 historical years = 26/27 A.D. (appearance of the Messiah)

445/444 + 483 prophetic years = 31/32 A.D. (crucifixion of the Messiah)


Since some sources indicate the month of Nisan as the month when the second decree was promulgated, so not only the year but also the month (possibly even the exact day) of Jesus' first public appearance can be calculated. So the people at the time of Jesus knew to the exact year and month when the Messiah was to appear, namely, depending on the data source, in the years between 26 to a maximum of 27/28 A.D. Here it was a matter of the first coming (or appearance) of Jesus. But the prophecy of Daniel also has a double meaning. Jerusalem was completely destroyed in 70 AD and lay fallow for several centuries. Before Jesus' return, the city was to be rebuilt again, and again it is about the period between the 69th (after 483 years) to the 70th week of years (after 490 years). This time Jesus does not appear to die again, but first to pick up his spiritual bride (the church) and then to return to earth with her 7 years after that. The church knows when her Lord will come; she awaits him and is ready for the departure, the Rapture. There is an interesting double fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy, because in the 16th century, Jerusalem was rebuilt again, which prophetically takes us to 2021/2022 (Rapture) and after the 7 years of tribulation to 2028/2029 (Return): 

Rapture 2022 Jerusalem Building Suleiman 1538 1539
The appearance of the Messiah on earth (26/27th A.D.) and in the clouds (2022)

After the expulsion of the Jews, Jerusalem lay deserted and fallow for several centuries. This did not change until Jerusalem became part of the Ottoman Empire, when Sultan Suleiman I (the Magnificent; *1494/95; †1566; ruled from 1520 to 1566, Wikipedia), ordered the reconstruction of Jerusalem's ruined city walls in 1532-1535. The present city walls of Jerusalem were carried out in 1537/1539 and 1541 (extension) and later expanded. Unfortunately, the dates of the historical sources are not consistent, so different calculations are possible. As early as 1864, the German Real Encyclopedia for Protestant Theology and Church stated: "In 1536-1539 Sultan Suleiman built the present city walls (not 1542, as usually according to Robinson; 1. Tobler, Topogr. I. p. 79)." Simon Sebag Montefiore has dated the construction and reinforcement of the city walls to the years 1539 to 1542 ("Jerusalem: The Biography," 2013). Israeli sources and Wikipedia (the German page has more details) confirm that the Lion's Gate (one of the eight gates in the walls of the Old City) was built in 1538-1539. The Golden Gate of the eastern city wall was not closed until 1541, according to Wikipedia. Ottoman rule lasted for about 400 years. Under Suleiman, the condition of all of Jerusalem improved significantly, and the waterworks and Dome of the Rock were also renovated. The number of inhabitants increased from 10,000 to 16,000 in 1540 (see Link1Link2). Now it is interesting that from 1538/39 (start of construction) until the year 2021/2022 again exactly 69x7=483 years are counted, what some Christians consider as a double or a dual fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel. And if again from the last date (the younger date) the prophetic years are added to it, the year 2017 comes out, in which there was the sign from Revelation 12 in the night sky:


1541 + 483 prophetic years = 2017 (the sign from Revelation 12)

1538/1539 + 483 historical years = 2021/2022 (is 2022 the year of the rapture?)

483 years (69 weeks of years until 2022) + 7 years of tribulation = 490 years (70 weeks of years until 2029)


Consequently, we can hope for a Rapture in the year 2022 (because the biblical years begin in the spring and do not follow the Gregorian calendar). This would be followed from the year 2021/2022 by the 70th week of years, that is, the 7-year tribulation, at the end of which Jesus will appear for all to see. So that would be from 2022 until 2029 at the latest.


Daniel 9 is interesting in many ways, because if from the decree of the building of Jerusalem (457 B.C.) we reckon not with actual years but with prophetic years (one prophetic year has 30x12=360 days; i.e. 7 years x 360 days = 2,520 days, where one day corresponds to one prophetic year), we come back to the year 2028/2029 as the year in which Jesus visibly returns to earth as the Messiah. And if the 7 years of the Tribulation are subtracted from the visible appearance of the Messiah, only the years 2021/2022 come into question as the year of the Rapture. In fact, the last 7 years of the Tribulation consist of 7 years x 360 days = 2,520 days. That is 2 x 1,260 days = 2,520 days:

Daniel 9 Rapture 2022, coming Messiah 2520 years building Jerusalem
Daniel 9: The coming of the Messiah after 2520 years and the rapture in 2022

6. the Temple and the 1,260, 1290 and 1,335 years until the Rapture in 2022

This prophecy of Daniel refers to events during the 7-year Tribulation, as most commentators think. But there is an important pre-fulfillment that takes us right into the Rapture year of 2022.


Daniel 12:11-12: „And from the time that the regular burnt offering is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be 1,290 days. 12 Blessed is he who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days.“


Here we must go back even further into history, for Daniel foretold a time when the temple of God would be destroyed and thus the daily sacrifice could no longer be offered. When did this happen? In 605 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar II (*640 B.C.; †562 B.C.: Ital. Nabucco in Verdi's opera; Wikipedia) finally became the Great King of Persia. Because of the many sins in Judea (idolatry, fornication, violence...), God allowed Nebuchadnezzar to conquer Jerusalem and the whole kingdom of Judah in 597 BC. The Babylonian king plundered the temple treasury and deported another part of the population of Judea (about 10,000 people), mainly members of the upper class to Babylon. After Zedekiah (*618; †after 586 B.C.), king of the southern kingdom of Judea, broke allegiance to the Babylonian king 10 years later and forged alliances against him, Nebuchadnezzar again conquered Jerusalem on July 23, 587 B.C. (see Wikipedia). This time his rage was so great that he had the entire city destroyed and most of the people carried off. In 587/586 BC, Solomon's temple ("the house of God") was also completely destroyed, making sacrifice impossible. Many have asked, "How could God allow such a thing?" The answer is simple, after the people of Israel abandoned their God and lived godlessly, God temporarily withdrew His protective hand so that the worldly king could destroy the entire land. This was foretold by the prophets, but the Israelites would not be told, so the entire nation was scattered throughout the world. If now prophetic years (a prophetic year has 30x12=360 days) are reckoned, then 1,290 years correspond to 464,400 (1,290x360) days.


587/586 BC + 1,290 prophetic years (464,400 days) = 687/688 AD


From the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple to the construction of the Dome of the Rock is exactly 1,290 prophetic years. This cannot be a coincidence. And from that time of the building of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem to the Rapture in 2022 is 1,335 years. It is amazing how precisely Daniel described this and how biblical prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes.


587/586 BC (destruction) + 1,290 years --> 687/688 AD (construction of the Dome of the Rock) + 1,335 years --> 2021/2022


destruction Jerusalem 586 BC, construction dome of the rock 600, rapture 2022
From the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. to the construction of the Dome of the Rock in 687/688

The construction of the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem took place between the years 687-691 (Wikipedia German) and 688-692 (Wikipedia English). It was completed after 3.5 to 4 years. There is an amazing fact here that no one can deny because from the beginning of the construction of the Dome of the Rock to the founding of the State of Israel is 1,260 years and to the year 2021/2022 (Rapture and possible beginning of the Great Tribulation?) is 1,335 years:


687/688 plus 1,260 years = 1947/1948 (founding of the state, birth of Israel) 

687/688 plus 1,290 years = 1977/1978 (Camp David Accords of Sept. 17, 1978)

687/688 plus 1,335 years = 2021/2022 (Rapture?) 

691/692 plus 1,335 years = 2026/2027 (half-time of the Tribulation)?


688 construction dome of the rock 687, rapture 2022
The construction of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and the last generation until the Rapture in 2022

To avoid misunderstanding: The numbers 1,260 and 1,335 will be significant at the time of the seven-year tribulation described in the books of Daniel and Revelation. But it is obvious that there is a foreshadowing for the Bride of Christ; however, only those who know God's calendar can know this and correctly place the timing of the Rapture. In the Bible, there is often the principle of duality, that is, one great event is preceded by another that serves as preparation. Also, the last blood moons on the biblical feast days reveal information that is hidden from Christians who reject God's calendar. 

7. The American Cows with the Number 7 and the Year 2022

To some it may be a coincidence, but to others it is a sign from God and a warning to the USA that terrible events could be coming in 7 years. The fact is: In the USA, two cows with the number 7 were born 5 days apart. One calf is male, the other female. The first black cow (with the big 7) was born on September 20, 2014 in Loretta (Pennsylvania) and the second red cow (with the small 7) was born on September 25, 2014 in Gatesville (Texas; see source). However, there are also various sources that indicate that both cows were born on the exact same day, September 25, 2014 (i.e., Day of Trumpets and the beginning of the Sabbatical year). These two calves, which were born with the number 7 on their heads, are just one of the many signs of the coming judgment on the USA and the entire world. The end of the 7th year will be at the end of September 2022 and the Day of Trumpets will be September 27/28, 2022.

cow number 7 head 2014, rapture 2022
The 2 cows with the number 7 on their heads. Rapture 2022?

It is important that there are two calves, because this is a symbol of the two witnesses in biblical view and does not show coincidence. The first calf was given the name Ben (abbreviation for Benjamin). Ben is the Hebrew word for "son" and could mean that the Son of God would come after these 7 years. Benjamin means "son of the right hand," "the one on the right side," or "the one especially honored." This could be a reference to the bride of Christ (the church of God) being at the side of Her Lord and faithful to Him.

The choice of name was not a Christian Rapture invention, but the calf was named after Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, who wears the number 7 on his jersey and is nicknamed Big Ben. So it's a warning to the world, because Christians knew that starting in 2014/2015 the last 7 years before the rapture began.

These two cows remind of the dream of Pharaoh in Egypt, who saw 7 fat and 7 lean cows, symbolic of the 7 good and and the 7 bad years. This dream had a man from the world (he did not belong to the people of God) because it was a message for the world, and in the same way these cows were born in the stables of ordinary people from the USA. So it could mean that the first cow (big 7) shows the American people that there will be 7 good years, but after that 7 bad years (small 7) of the red cow, whose color reminds blood (war).


Genesis 41:1-32: „After two whole years, Pharaoh dreamed that he was standing by the Nile, 2 and behold, there came up out of the Nile 7 cows, attractive and plump, and they fed in the reed grass. 3 And behold, 7 other cows, ugly and thin, came up out of the Nile after them, and stood by the other cows on the bank of the Nile. 4 And the ugly, thin cows ate up the 7 attractive, plump cows. And Pharaoh awoke... 

28 It is as I told Pharaoh; God has shown to Pharaoh what he is about to do. 29 There will come 7 years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt, 30 but after them there will arise 7 years of famine, and all the plenty will be forgotten in the land of Egypt. The famine will consume the land, 31 and the plenty will be unknown in the land by reason of the famine that will follow, for it will be very severe. 32 And the doubling of Pharaoh's dream means that the thing is fixed by God, and God will shortly bring it about.“ 
Note: Verse 32 is interesting because the twofold dream is reminiscent of the two calves born on the Day of Trumpets 2014 in the USA. So it "means that the thing is fixed by God, and God will shortly bring it about."


Also, there is one more important fact, because the first cow was born on the last Sabbath before the Sabbatical year began (on September 20, 2014, see source) and second cow was born exactly on a High Sabbath, the Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) on September 25, 2014, exactly on the day the Shmitta year (the Sabbatical year, see below) began, which makes it all even more amazing. Since the 7 bad years are supposed to begin after the 7 good years, that would have to be sometime in 2022. A reckoning is made with the first High Sabbath (feast day) of the biblical year, namely Passover on April 15/16, 2022 (Nisan 14 according to God's calendar):


Sept 20, 2014 to April 15, 2022 = 2,764 days, excluding 1st date (7 years, 6 months, 26 days)

Sept 20, 2014 to April 15, 2022 = 2,765 days, including  1st date (7 years, 6 months, 27 days)

Sept 20, 2014 to April 16, 2022 = 2,765 days, excluding 1st date (7 years, 6 months, 27 days)

Sept 25, 2014 to April 15, 2022 = 2,760 days, including  1st date (7 years, 6 months, 22 days)

Sept 25, 2014 to April 16, 2022 = 2,760 days, excluding 1st date (7 years, 6 months, 22 days)

September 25, 2014 to September 25, 2022 = 2.922 days, excluding 1st date (8 years)


From September 20 to the second Passover in 2022 (May 15/16) it is 7 years, 7 months and 26 days, again the 726, the number of the Rapture:


Sept 20, 2014 to May 16, 2022 = 2,795 days, excluding 1st date (7 years, 7 months, 26 days)

Sept 20, 2014 to May 16, 2022 = 2,796 days, including  1st date (7 years, 7 months, 27 days)


It should be noted that in September 2022, the 7th year has ended and the 8th year does begin on September 25/26, 2022 according to the Jewish calendar, but according to God's calendar, Day of Trumpets is on September 27/28, 2022. At this time at the latest (hopefully earlier) the Rapture would have to take place and be the beginning of the last 7 years of the Tribulation, because it will be the last day of the Shemita year. God has announced the great tribulation therefore not only on the basis of the blood moons (signs mentioned in the Bible in the sky) 7 years before, but also at two born cows, which have both the number 7 on their heads (signs in he nature with symbolic connection to the dream of the Pharao).

The two calves born in the USA remind of the dream of the Pharaoh and the 7 good and the 7 bad years that should follow. A time of judgment will follow. They are also a reference to our "Exodus" (Exodus, Rapture 2022) after the 7 good years and our return occurs after the 7 bad years (2028/2029).


The 7 bad years will also hit the U.S. in full force. In addition to the total lunar eclipse (blood moon) over the Americas, Europe and Africa on the night of Sunday, May 15 to Monday, May 16, 2022 (second Passover, see image above), the two solar eclipses in 2017 and 2024 are prophetically significant. The exact temporal midpoint of both eclipses is the Hanukkah festival in mid-December 2020 with the additional total solar eclipse over South America on December 14, 2020.

USA Solar eclipse 2017, Rapture 2022
USA, Solar eclipse 2017
USA solar eclipse 2024, rapture 2022
USA, solar eclipse 2024
center solar eclipses USA 2017 and 2024
The center of the solar eclipses 2017 and 2024

God created the sun, moon and stars and gave them to us not only to tell time, but also to indicate significant political events. We know from the prophetic books of the OT and from Revelation that the entire USA will be greatly ruined by a devastating military strike (Rev 18). The USA no longer plays a major role in the end-time prophecy. The 7 years of tribulation will hit them in full measure, i.e. as a result of the many sins and the apostasy from God and turning to satanic practices.


Fact is: Since the last blood moon trade with the last blood moon on September 27/28, 2015 to the Day of Trumpets on September 27/28, 2022 it is exactly 7 years to the day. With it the time of the 7-year warning and the preparation time is over. It would have to follow (soon) thereafter the 7 bad years with the tribulation.


Sept 28, 2015 to Sept 28, 2022 = 2,557 days, without the first date (=7 years).


red heifer Israel Jerusalem temple institute 2022
The red heifer for the temple ministry in jerusalem

The Bible reports in 4Mo 19 still of an extremely rare perfectly built and completely red heifer, at which no hair of another color may be. She was offered as a sacrifice outside the camp and burned. Its ashes were mixed with pure spring water and served for purification in order to be allowed to participate in the temple service. According to Jewish tradition, only nine red heifers were slaughtered in the period from Moses until the destruction of the Second Temple (70 CE). The Temple Institute in Israel, an organization dedicated to preparing for the rebuilding of a Third Temple in Jerusalem, announced in 2018 that such a red heifer had been born in Israel since 2,000 years ago. It seemed to be confirmed as if it would be the 10th red heifer of Israel. Thus, the way to build the third temple would be open. It is not certain whether this cow can be used. In addition, five other red heifer were brought to Israel from Texas on September 15, 2022, which are also said to meet the criteria (see video), but are one-year-olds. They came from two farms (ranches) and had to be in quarantine for 10 days, which ended on Jewish Day of Trumpets, September 25/26. On arrival the rabbi said "we are entering into the days of Messiah the arrival of the red heifers is a clear sign... next year: rebuild Jerusalem" (from minute 42 and 57:50). But the animal mentioned in the Bible must be at least in the third year of life (two years plus...) and some Jews making compromises, searching for it worldwide and have even proposed genetic assistance to have such a red cow as soon as possible. By the way, the red color does not have to be pure-red, but is rather a reddish-brown (earthy) color, because the Hebrew word for "red", "adumah" is etymologically connected with the word for "earth", "adamah". Cows of this type often exist, but that they really have no hair of any other color, that is extremely rare. However, the compulsive search for the red heifer again fits perfectly with the two cows mentioned before with the number 7 and the rare red heifer, which according to some rabbis already exists and will soon be used in Israel as a sacrifice for temple construction. But this will take place after the rapture, because the bride of Christ has nothing at all to do with these ceremonies, because Jesus has fulfilled the symbolism of the sacrificial law by his death outside Jerusalem and has declared any further slaughter of animals unnecessary. But the Jews reject Jesus, thus they desire further sacrificial animals and a third temple for their own (false) Messiah. Again the end-time prophecy is fulfilled before our eyes, which again points to the Rapture in 2022.

The Israelites invoke the words of Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon ("Maimonides"; lifetime: 1138 to 1204 AD) wrote in the Mishney Torah (Parah Adumah, chapter 3:4-5):

"Nine red heifers were offered from the time that they were commanded to fulfill this mitzvah [law] until the time when the Temple was destroyed a second time. The first was brought by Moses our teacher. The second was brought by Ezra. Seven others were offered until the destruction of the Second Temple. And the tenth will be brought by the king Mashiach [Messiah]; may he speedily be revealed. Amen, so may it be G‑d's will."

For Christians, this statement is not significant, because they think that the 10th heifer will exist only after the return of Jesus.

8. The Sabbatical Years (Shmita) for the Land and the Rapture 2021/2022

God decreed that the fields in Israel were to lie fallow or "rest" every 7th year. The purpose of this Sabbatical year (Shmita in Hebrew, hence "Shmita year") was for the soil to regenerate (improve) and for the animals to have additional food and resting places where they could live in peace. 

Sabbatical year 2021 2022, rapture 2022 Shmita year
The Sabbatical Year, Rest and Joy for Men and Animals

The remaining agricultural products were allowed to collect the poor. The people thus also had more free time and could spend a lot of time with their children and family or help sick people. It was the year of liberation and joy. God promised that He would provide the Israelites with enough food in the previous years so that they would get through this Sabbath year without any problems. But the Israelites did not keep God's orders, so they were punished by God and led into captivity (70 years of exile), so that the land had to lie fallow and rest for 70 years (for more info see God's calendar and agriculture).

Every 7x7=49 years, the 50th year followed. It was the Jubilee year (always begins and ends on the Day of Atonement Yom Kippur) when all debts were cancelled and all came to their original possessions. Now the important fact in our context is: 2014/2015 (the time of the blood moons) was a Shmita year and 7 years later, that is 2021/2022 is again such a Sabbatical year. There will not be another Shmita year before the Rapture, so 2021/2022 are the best time for a Rapture. The term Shmita also comes from the Hebrew and means in its basic meaning "letting go", so it is related to the Greek "harpazo" (to rapture, to snatch, to tear away) in terms of content. This would be followed by the 7 years of tribulation.

When are Shmita years?

Although a biblical year begins in the first biblical month of Nisan (March/April), a Sabbatical year always begins on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st of Tishri (September/October). Therefore, it always includes portions of two years of the Gregorian and Biblical calendars. It is exactly the same with the following Jubilee years, which also always begin in autumn, more precisely on the Day of Atonement (10th of Tishri). Many Jewish and Christian sources (also Wikipedia) confirm the following data, the dates in brackets correspond to the respective year in the Jewish calendar:

1867/1868 (5628),    1874/1875 (5635),    1881/1882 (5642),    1888/1889 (5649),    1895/1896 (5656),    1909/1910 (5670),

1916/1917 (5677),    1923/1924 (5684),    1930/1931 (5691),    1937/1938 (5698),    1944/1945 (5705),    1951/1952 (5712),

1958/1959 (5719),    1965/1966 (5726),    1972/1973 (5733),    1979/1980 (5740),    1986/1987 (5747),    1993/1994 (5754),

2000/2001 (5761),    2007/2008 (5768),    2014/2015 (5775),    2021/2022 (5782)   2028/2029 (5789),    2035/2036 (5796).

In the Shmita year 2014/2015 (5775) there was the last blood moon tetrad. That is exactly 7 years before the Rapture in the Shmita year 2021/2022 (5782), which begins on Sept. 9, 2021, and ends on Sept. 28, 2022 (2 days earlier in the Jewish calendar). In the last Shmita year 2028/2029 (5789), i.e., the period from Sept. 21, 2028, to Sept. 11, 2029, the return of Jesus will occur and initiate in the Millennial Kingdom (Millennium). This fits exactly with the information the Bible gives us about the fig tree generation, because the 70th year of Israel is 2018 to 2019 and the 80th year of Israel is 2028 to 2029; so it ends in a Shmitta year:

Shmita years, sabbatical years table, Rapture 2022
The Shmita Years from the End of the Second World War to the Rapture and the Beginning of the Millennium


The Second World War began after the Sabbatical Year 1937/1938 (5698) on September 1, 1939. The end of the Second World War occurred in the Shmita Year 1944/1945 (5705) (Germany capitulated on May 8, 1945 and Japan on September 2, 1945). The State of Israel was established (born) on May 14, 1948 and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem was conquered/liberated on June 7, 1967. The first Shmita year in the modern State of Israel was 1951/1952 (5712) and the first Shmita year after the Temple Mount in Jerusalem returned to Jewish hands was 1972/1973 (5733). So until the Rapture in the Shmita year of 2021/2022 (5782) there are 10 or 7 Sabbatical year cycles. This will be followed by the 7 years of tribulation, which will end in the Shmita year 2028/2029 (5789). After that, the millennial kingdom of God (Millennium) would begin.


Note: We did not make up the dates of the Shmita years ourselves, but these are official dates from Israel, which are also confirmed by numerous other sources worldwide (including Wikipedia). We do not presume to set the date for the Rapture and return of Jesus, because we do not know the day and the hour 100% for sure, but we have a clear estimation of when we can be especially watchful and expect the Lord. Jesus is pleased when He sees that we take His word seriously. He Himself has repeatedly told us to be alert, to read the scriptures, to watch for the signs of the times, and to be prepared. He has promised to inform us in time (2Peter 1:19; Amos 3:7) and Daniel has written that the righteous will understand God's timetable (Daniel 12:4,10), while the lukewarm Christians will be very surprised and shocked by events that are totally unexpected for them. The very Shmita years make it very likely that such extremely important events as the Rapture and especially the return of Jesus (the Second Coming) would have to occur in a Sabbatical (Shmita) year. We will not be surprised because we have been preparing for this event for years. 


Of special note are the feast days of Tu B'Av (15th day of the 5th month, the last day of the Pentecost season) and 29th Elul (last day of the 6th month), the day immediately preceding the Day of Trumpets, on which the world economy collapsed several times in history. This would therefore be the end of the Shmita year. But especially the day of mourning Tisha B'Av (August 6/7, 2022, see calendar) and especially the last day of the Pentecost season Tu B'Av (full moon night on August 12/13, 2022) are very interesting, because they indicate the time of summer fruits (Bride of Christ) and the beginning of the time of the end (rapture and tribulation). See the above information (chapter 8) about the harvest moon and the Jupiter opposition on September 26, 2022, thus immediately before the Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah).

Astronomical events before the end of the Schmitta year, before the Yom Teruah 2022

The year 2022 was exceptional not only because the biblical Passover fell together with the Catholic Easter Sunday and the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan, and because there was a blood moon (solar eclipse) during the second Passover, but also because the year 2022 offers spectacular astronomical phenomena. All this mentioned is extremely rare. Especially in September 2022 there are some interesting astronomical events in the night sky. But of course this has nothing to do with astrology and horoscopes, but God has created the stars and he himself has formed certain conspicuous constellations which reveal his temporal plan. The astronomical facts, of course, do not replace the word of the Bible, but they confirm it. The birth of Jesus was announced by a star and the last blood moon tetrads at the biblical feast days (2014/2015) were no coincidence but indications of the 7-year preparation period for the 7 years of the Tribulation. Is the Rapture also announced in the starry sky? There are indeed some indications for this, which fit harmoniously with the above-mentioned biblical prophecies.

Solar System Distance Size Planets Jupiter, Saturn, Earth, Mars, Venus, Mercury
The planets serve as signs to confirm the Bible

True-to-scale representation of the planet sizes of the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. There are 7 planets visible to the eye.  God has also given us these as signs for prophetic events, as is also clear from Revelation 12.
Gen. 1,14: „And God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years...“

In September, there are several nights with a full moon. This full moon, which is closest to the beginning of autumn, is called the harvest moon, because on it the farmers could extend their harvests into the night hours because of the brightness. The full moon is on September 10, 2022, which is 117 days after the last blood moon (May 16). The moon first enters the constellation of Aquarius (Aquarius) at 11:59 p.m. (CET) on September 10 and then moves through other constellations. It is the last full moon before the Day of Trumpets (on September 27/28, 2022). Should the Rapture take place at the end of September, this was indeed our last Harvest Moon, for it is precisely in this month that the spiritual harvest has been brought in. There is a new moon on Sept. 25 (the moon is completely invisible) and the first crescent moon will appear on Sept. 27/28 and the 7th month will begin with Trumpet Day, Yom Teruach, the day of sound blowing. When a Sabbatical year is it is not written in the Bible and if the Israelites calculated correctly, 2021/2022 was such a Sabbatical year which ended on 29/30 Elul (September 25-27). If the Israelites have calculated incorrectly over all these years, the Sabbatical year would begin on Day of Trumpets 2022. Some Christians expect the Rapture to take place on Day of Trumpets; which would also be possible, but we must humbly admit that this day is actually reserved for our Lord, because this day symbolizes the visible return of Jesus Christ to earth, and that is after the 7 years of tribulation. More likely, then, the Rapture would occur on September 26/27, which is the last day of the summer season according to God's calendar, because spring represents the resurrection of the firstfruits of Jesus, but summertime (which begins at Pentecost, when the two loaves are offered as a wave offering) symbolically represents the resurrection of the firstfruits, that is, the Bride of Christ. We had indeed hoped that there could be the Rapture as early as the feast day of Tu B'Av, that is, when the virgins went into the vineyards to find a bridegroom; but that was the time with the end of the wheat harvest, but summer lasts until the end of the 6th biblical month on September 26/27, because from the 7th month (September 27/28) the last 4 feast days (high Sabbaths) of the year begin.


If there is to be the Rapture in September 2022, all our calculations from the Bible prophecies were correct, especially with regard to the fig tree generation. God gave us this information so that we would not walk through life ignorant and in fear, but so that we would be awake and not fall into depression. Although we cannot know the day and hour, the season of the Rapture can be estimated very well. Satan has managed to cut off most Christians (especially pastors) from God's timing; they know nothing of God's feasts and His plans, preferring to orient themselves to the Roman Catholic feasts of the Pope and his calendar. Thus, they keep the church in a spiritual sleep and do not investigate, but didn't the Lord promise that He will inform us in time? The wise virgins rejoice, "for the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7). And isn't the Rapture also a secret or a mystery (1Th 15)? The Jews celebrate day of Trumpets 2022 two days earlier than God's calendar specifies. But they celebrate on two days, knowing that their calendar from the 4th century AD is inaccurate and not astronomically based, in that the first visible crescent moon determines each month's beginning. When they blow the trumpets on September 25 and 26, it is appropriate to be especially vigilant, because the summer harvest has ended. And the symbolism of the wave offering with the two loaves on the day of Pentecost has yet to be fulfilled. Pentecost was the first day of the summer harvest, but the last day is during or shortly after the equinox (September 23), because from the coming visible crescent moon (the new light) on September 27/28 the 7th month and thus the autumn festival days begin. In addition, the planet Jupiter will be extremely close to the Earth exactly on September 26 and the morning star (Venus) will no longer be there from the end of September.

The largest planet Jupiter (which is a symbol of Jesus) will come into opposition on Monday, September 26 and will be visible all night as the brightest "star". That's 3 days after the fall equinox on Friday, September 23. However, be careful, because the autumn equinox is on September 23, 2022, but in the latitude of Jerusalem (31.77°), day and night will not be the same length on this day, but on September 26 and 27, 2022 (12 hours; see TimeandDateTimeandDate2), i.e. exactly at the time when the Day of Trumpets is celebrated in Israel, which in God's calendar begins on September 27/28 and at the time when Jupiter in the constellation of Pisces will be closest to the earth. This recalls Jesus' question in John 11:9 ("Are there not twelve hours in the day?") and the resurrection of Lazarus exactly at this time, when the day is exactly 12 hours long (John 11) and Daylight Saving Time and the Pentecost period have ended. At this exact time, Jupiter is especially close to the Earth. Opposition means that Jupiter is exactly in line with the Sun and Earth. If the sun sets, the planet rises, and vice versa. Jupiter can therefore be seen the entire night. Opposition means that Jupiter is exactly in line with the Sun and Earth. If the Sun sets, the planet rises, and vice versa. Jupiter can therefore be seen all night.

Opposition conjunction Jupiter Earth September 2022
Opposition and conjunction. Jupiter Close to Earth

So Jupiter will be especially close to Earth on this September 26, 2022 (only 591.3 million kilometers), as close as it was last seen nearly according to NASA even 70 years ago: "Jupiter will also make its closest approach to Earth in the last 70 years!" (a fig tree generation) and it won't be seen so conspicuously again for another 107 years (2129). Jupiter isn’t always exactly closest to Earth on the day of its opposition. But in 2022, Jupiter’s opposition to the sun and closest approach to Earth fall on the same day. Jupiter is easy to locate because it is the brightest planet in the firmament in September and is therefor7e called a "superstar." With a simple telescope even the 4 largest moons of Jupiter are visible.
Saturn (symbolic for Satan) was in opposition on August 14, but not in the constellation of Pisces, but in the constellation of Capricorn.

The reddish planet Mars (symbol of war) significantly increases in brightness during the month of September. Is this an indication of the increase of warlike conflicts and Ukraine and in the world?

But it gets even more interesting, because September 2022 has it all: Jupiter is in the constellation of Pisces. But it is not in the middle of the two Pisces, but only at one Pisces and will be closest to the Earth only at this Pisces. The Sun is exactly over the constellation of Virgo and Mercury is at its/her side. Venus (the morning star) is in the constellation of Leo exactly above the head of teh virgin (see image below). Saturn is next to Aquarius, but in the constellation of CapricornMars is right between the horns in the constellation of Taurus.

September 2022: Jupiter Moon Pisces Rapture
September 11, 2022: Jupiter and Moon in the constellation Pisces
September 2022 Jupiter Moon Pisces
September 12, 2022: Jupiter and Moon in the constellation Pisces

Jupiter Pisces September 2022 Rapture Moon
September 13: Jupiter and Moon in the constellation Pisces
Jupiter Constellation Pisces september 2022 rapture
September 14: Jupiter in the constellation Pisces

The two fish in the starry sky are symbolic of the two parts of the church, namely, first, the small group of those raptured ("the Bride of Christ") who follow Jesus in His love and take His word seriously, and second, the many lukewarm Christians who will be left behind. They were not really interested in the Bible and in following Jesus, but instead were religious, self-righteous, and lacked the love of God for their fellow man. The moon does move during the night, but the planets move much slower and stayed with their respective constellations in September. Jupiter is not at the center of the fishes, but it is only at one fish and at this fish it will be closest to the earth on September 26, 2022.

If there is to be the Rapture on September 26/27, it would be on a Day of Trumpets for the Jews, but according to God's calendar it would be immediately before the Day of Trumpets, namely on the last day of the Shmittah year. It would then be the time of our last trumpet, when the trumpet will sound again 100 times in Israel. And at the time (that is, in the temporal context) of this last trumpet, our redemption would take place. The Rapture does not have to take place in time exactly at the sounding of the last trumpet of the Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruach), but very well in the temporal area "at the time of the last trumpet". A brutal war could break out on earth afterwards, which together with food shortages and spiritual confusion would mark the beginning of the 7-year tribulation.

  • 1Cor 15:50-53: „I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51 Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. 53 For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality.“
  • Psalm 81:3: „Blow the trumpet at the new moon, at the full moon, on our feast day.“
    Note: The trumpet had to sound at all beginnings of the month (new moons, first visible crescent moon; especially on Trumpet Day) and on the biblical feast days (full moon at Passover and Sukkot).

Will this "mystery" or "secret" referred to by Paul be revealed to all people on earth on September 26/27, 2022, and will Jupiter symbolically pick up his fish and remove it from the earth, just as he will remove himself from the earth from that day on? Timewise, it would fit right in with the many other prophecies. Other dates before that would also have been theoretically possible for the Rapture, but we are now entering a time range in which there is only a narrow margin prophetically.

Virgo Sun Mercury September 2022
Virgo & Sun & Mercury
Constellation Pisces September 2022 rapture
Pisces & Jupiter
Star Constellation Aquarius Saturn September 2022
Aquarius & Saturn
Constellation Capricorn Saturn September 2022
Capricorn & Saturn

Star Constellation Taurus Mars September 2022
Taurus & Mars between the horns

Explanation: Above Virgo is the Sun and at its side is Mercury. Jupiter is the biggest and brightest of all planets. It is in the constellation of Pisces (fishes), but it stays only with the one fish.

The morning star (Venus) is in the constellation Leo. "As a morning star, Venus appears mainly when it rises well before the Sun. The appearance time of Venus depends on its respective position to the Sun. After Venus has been the morning star for about six to seven months, it remains unseen behind the Sun for about three months and then becomes the evening star for six to seven months. The whole cycle lasts about 19 months" (Wikipedia). The Sun and the Morning Star (Venus, in the constellation Leo) are exactly above the head of the virgin (symbol of the church). It means that our Lord does not leave us alone and comes especially close to us; this is expressed twice in the constellation of Pisces (Jupiter) and Virgo (Morning Star and Sun).

Saturn is near at Aquarius, but it is actually in the constellation Capricornus.

The reddish planet Mars (symbol of war) is exactly between the horns at the head of Taurus and increases significantly in brightness during the month of September. However, it is already noticeably brighter than the main star of Taurus. It can be seen optimally only in December. Is this an indication for the prophesied increase of the warlike conflicts in the world?

Star Constellation Leo Sun Venus September 2022
Sun and Venus in the constellation Leo
Constellation Turus Mars September 2022 war
Mars between the horns in the constellation Taurus

star constellation virgo lion Sun venus september 2022
Morning Star & Sun & Mercury, Sept.14

In terms of spiritual symbolism, it is also important to note that Venus ends its time as the morning star (also a symbol of Jesus), because towards the end of September the morning star will no longer be visible. On October 22, Venus will overtake the Sun and then emerge in the evening sky in December. This completes its change from morning to evening star. Specifically, this means: The morning star (Venus) will no longer be there in the morning, and the evening or night star (Jupiter) will also move further and further away from Earth from September 26, 2022, and will not be this close to Earth again until 107 years later. Does this have a symbolic meaning related to the Rapture? Jupiter rises in the east at sunset, so it comes from the east. Opposition is September 26 at ca 19:30 UTC = Jerusalem 22:30, Paris/Berlin 21:30; New York City 15:30, San Franzisco 12:30.


The Sun is in mid-September between Virgo and Leo, where the morning star Venus is still. But the morning star moves from the constellation of Leo to Virgo and will be with her on September 26/27, 2022, that is, more precisely, by her head. In the immediate vicinity are already the Sun and Mercury, while the Moon is approaching the feet of Virgo. Thus, we have a similar picture to the sign of Revelation 12 on the Day of Trumpets in 2017, but the difference is that the Morning Star has come to Virgo, while Jupiter is with the one Pisces and here comes closest to Earth and thus shines brightest. But the morning star is no longer visible for the people on earth.

It is also important to recognize under which constellations these events occur. The sun stays in the constellation of Pisces from March 12 to April 19 each year. This is the time of the Passover (15th Nisan was on April 17, 2022). But the Moon stays in the constellation Pisces together with Jupiter in September 2022, because Jupiter entered the constellation Pisces already at the end of August and reaches its opposition in the constellation Pisces on September 26. Because of its brightness, it is undoubtedly the highlight of the entire planetary sky. Venus and Jupiter are the two brightest planets in the solar system and a symbol of Jesus. Jupiter’s apparent diameter reaches a stunning 50" (50 arc seconds across) by late September, a jubilee number that reminds us of the time of Pentecost.

This is the time just before the biblical autumn festivals, because the Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruach) starts according to the inaccurate Jewish calendar on September 25/26 (the Jews celebrate 2 days, so until the 26/27th), but according to God's calendar on September 27/28, 2022 (see TorahCalendar). The last two days of the Shmittah year, according to God's calendar, are on 25/26 (29th of Elul) and 26/27 (30th of Elul). These last days of the Sabbatical year were significant in the past decades because there were several times of serious economic collapses (disasters) especially at the end of the Shmittah year. There are some studies that deal only with this issue.

Blood moon terade, sign revelation 12, September 2022 star constellation jupiter
From the last blood moon to Yom Teruah 2022 it is exactly 7 years. On September 26, Jupiter (Pisces) is closest to Earth

The meaning of the 7 good years and the 7 bad years: the last blood moon tetrad was during the 2014/2015 Biblical feast days and the last of these blood moons (lunar eclipses) was on September 27/28, 2015. From that day until Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) on September 27/28, 2022, there will be 7 years to the day according to God's calendar.


September 28, 2015 to September 28, 2022 = 2,557 days, excluding the 1st date (7 years).

That's exactly 2,557 days since the last blood moon, which fell on the Sukkot festival according to the Jewish calendar and was therefore also a warning for Israel. The Hebrew Strong number 2,557 of the word used for this is chamed and means "that which is leavened" and the Greek Strong number 2,557 (kakourgos) stands for criminal or malefactor. It could be a reference to the coming worldwide seduction (leaven) and the appearance of the Antichrist in 2022/2023. From the Day of the Trumpets before the blood moon on Sept 16, 2015 to the Day of the Trumpets on September 28, 2022 it is according to the calendar of God 2.569 days, thus exactly 7 years and 12 days. The symbolism of the counting from the last blood moon with the exactly 7 years has however a still larger significance.


The comparison of the sign from Revelation 12 on Day of Trumpets 2017 and the sign in the sky on Day of Trumpets 2022 shows that we must be in an extraordinary situation.

Jupiter Constellation Pisces Saturn Aquarius September 2022
Aquarius between Jupiter (constellation Pisces) and Saturn (constellation Capricorn)

On September 26, 2022, Jupiter will be closest to Earth in the constellation of Pisces. From that day on, it will move farther and farther away from the Earth, and the morning star Venus will also no longer be visible in the morning from the end of September. Both stars are symbols of Jesus Christ, who was with us by night (Jupiter) and day (morning star). September 26/27 is also the last day of the summer season after Pentecost, when the two loaves baked from the firstfruits of the summer harvest were offered as a wave offering.

Virgo leo star constellation september 2022
The biblical Day of Trumpets 2017 and 2022

The first wave offering (firstfruits sheaf) was swung at Passover, it was an indication of Jesus' soon resurrection. The second wave offering is the two leavened loaves at Pentecost (50 days after the first high Sabbath of the year). They are a symbol of the OT and NT Church and its resurrection and rapture. Unlike the first, the second wave offering has not yet been prophetically fulfilled. The summertime (Pentecost period) ends at the time of the equinox, at the latest before the 7th month begins. On September 26/27 the day is exactly 12 hours long in Israel. Important: The wave offering standing for the church was not swung on the Day of Trumpets, thus it is obvious that the Rapture takes place in the Pentecost season, i.e. at the latest by the Day of Trumpets. However, it may also be that the spiritual harvest is completed by the end of summer, but the Rapture occurs on the Day of Trumpets (new moon), Yom Kippur (10th day of the month, October 7) or Feast of Tabernacles (full moon). 


Jupiter will be closest to the earth at the end of September 26, which is the last day of the Shmittah year. About the number 26: The Hebrew name YHWH (J-10+H-5+W-6+H-5) has the same numerical and ordinal value 26. The Greek strong number 26 is Agape, which means perfect divine love. Yahweh revealed Himself to the Israelites in the 26th generation, so it is not surprising that Jesus revealed Himself in the 3x26=78th generation, as Luke accurately enumerates (Lk 3).


Not only the many biblical (prophetic) references, but also the lunar eclipses (blood moons) and the constellations point to a Rapture in September 2022, when Jesus (Jupiter) will hopefully snatch or rapture His fish (the wise virgins) from this world.


We are not saying that the Rapture will occur on September 26-28, 2022. A Rapture at a later date is also possible, of course, but there is much more evidence pointing to a period at the end of September 2022.

Exactly on September 27/28, 2022 (Day of Trumpets), the 7 years of warning (blood moon tetrad with the last blood moon on September 27/28, 2015) will be over and the summer harvest will have been finished and brought in. The hope of the Christians is that also on this day the spiritual harvest of the first fruits will be finished. These many signs happen exactly on the last day of the summer 2022 and the prophet Jeremiah wrote a message for the Israelites left behind:

Jer 8:20: "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved!"


The illustration above shows the constellation of stars when there was the Revelation 12 sign in the night sky on Sept 22-23, 2017. This was right at the end of the Day of Trumpets (Sept 21/22) according to God's calendar. September 22-23, 2017 was also the day of the Fall Equinox, that is, the end of summer time and the beginning of autumn. The last four images show the situation between Sept 25-28, 2022. On the night of Sept 25/26, the Sun, Moon, Venus (Morning Star) and Mercury gather at the head of Virgo. At the constellation Leo there is no planet anymore, because the morning star (Venus) went to Virgo and Jupiter went to Pisces.


To avoid again nasty comments from lukewarm Christians: We are not saying that the Rapture will take place between September 26 and 28; it may be later, but we are alert and ready because all these signs are simply there that our Eternal Father has placed in Heaven. And again, great signs are happening on the biblical feast days and those who don't want to pay attention to them, they can continue to sleep; but our task is to make Christians awake so that we can be among the wise virgins and be ready. The Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah, Rosh Hashanah) and Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) are arranged in the calendars as follows:

Jewish Calendar Bible Feasts Rosh Hashanah September 2022
The Jewish Yom Teruah according to the Jewish calendar on September 25/26, 2022. The Jews celebrate 2 days
biblical Yom Teruah God's calendar, Feast of Trumpets
The biblical Yom Teruah according to God's calendar on September 27/28, 2022

The two illustrations show the difference between the inaccurate mathematical Jewish calendar from the 4th century AD (above) and the accurate astronomical calendar of God described in the Bible (e.g. TorahCalendar).

The Jewish 6th month (Elul) always has only 29th days. Therefore, the Jewish 7th month (Tishrei) starts too early, namely when no first crescent moon can be sighted over Jerusalem yet. But the biblical month can have either 30 or 29 days. In the Jewish calendar the Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) is the first day of the Jewish year (first month). That is why it is called the "head/start of the year" (=Rosh Hashanah). But in God's calendar it is the first day of the 7th month, from which the four autumn feast days (High Sabbaths) begin. 

Sun Morning Star Venus 26 september 2022
Sun, Morning Star (Venus), Mercury
Jupiter Pisces 26 September 2022
Sept 26, 2022: Jupiter, Pisces
Saturn constellation Capricorn sept 2022
Saturn in the constellation Capricorn

Constellation viro sun moon venus september 2022 rapture
Venus, Sun, Moon, Virgo

These 4 images show the situation on September 26, 2022, when Jupiter is closest to Earth in the constellation Pisces. The morning star (Venus) has left the constellation Leo and is at the head of Virgo together with SunMoon (new moon, black circle in the image, left of the Sun) and Mercury.


The Moon moves to the feet of Virgo and and we reach it exactly at the end of the Day of Trumpets on September 28, 2022 (see the image with the 7 Virgos above).

The red planet Mars is still between the horns of the constellation Taurus (as it was in mid-September), but is now slightly above the head of Taurus.

The last day of summer is September 26/27, 2022, when day and night are exactly 12 hours long in Israel. It is also the last day of the Shmitta year. According to God's biblical calendar, it is 30 Elul. Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruach) on September 27/28, 2022 is the first day of the 7th month (1st Tishri) and the first day of the Fall Festival Season.

The Feast of Tabernacles 2022

October 11-12 is the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles according to God's calendar, and October 18-19 is the "last great day" (Shemini Atzeret). It is the last high Sabbath of the year. See the overview at TorahCalendar. The signs in the sky that began on the Day of Trumpets 2022 are still there and we hope that this will be our last Feast of Tabernacles. The Hanukkah festival that follows 2 months after will be celebrated in December. In between there will be a lunar eclipse (blood moon) on November 7/8 exactly between Russia/China and the USA.


A short summary of the astronomical processes and facts about September 26-28, 2022

  • Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) according to the inaccurate Jewish calendar is on September 25/26 and 26/27 (the Jews celebrate two days). But according to the astronomical calendar God's Yom Teruah is on September 27/28 (e.g. TorahCalendar).
  • From the last blood moon tetrad with the last blood moon on Sept. 28, 2015 to the biblical Day of Trumpets on Sept. 27/28, 2022 is EXACTLY SEVEN years to the day!  
  • On September 26, the planet Jupiter is in the constellation of Pisces and in opposition, which means it will be closest to Earth. It was (according NASA) this close about 70 years ago (a fig tree generation) and will be this close in 107 years, i.e. 2129, which means exactly two Jubilee year periods after the expected end of the Tribulation in 2028/2029.
  • Jupiter is in the constellation of Pisces, but it is not in the middle of the two fishes, but only with the one fish. The two fish are symbolic of the two parts of the church, the raptured and the left behind Christians. Jupiter’s apparent diameter reaches a stunning 50" by late September, a Jubilee number that reminds us of the time of Pentecost.
  • From the end of September, the morning star Venus will no longer be visible. It is in the constellation Leo and moves towards the constellation Virgo, where it will be near the head of Virgo on September 26/27, where the Sun and Mercury are also, while the moon moves to the feet of the virgin. On October 22, Venus will overtake the Sun and then emerge in the evening sky in December. This completes its change from morning to evening star. Specifically, this means: The morning star (Venus) will no longer be there in the morning and also the evening or night star (Jupiter) will move further and further away from Earth from September 26, 2022 and will only be so close to Earth again 107 years later.
  • Specifically, this means for the two symbols of Jesus (the two brightest planets in the solar system): Jupiter (in Pisces) and the Morning Star (in Leo and then in Virgo) will be closest to the Bride of Christ (Virgo) and the one fish (Pisces) on September 26, 2022. This is just before the biblical Day of Trumpets on September 27/28.
  • Saturn (symbol of Satan) has changed its position from Aquarius to Capricornus.
  • The red war planet Mars is exactly between the horns at the head of the constellation Taurus. It increases in light intensity every day, so it becomes brighter and brighter from day to day. Does this mean that the war intensity is increasing?
  • 2021/2022 is a Sabbatical (Shmittah) year, ending on the biblical Day of Trumpets on September 27/28 (according to God's astronomical calendar). If there is a Rapture in a Shmittah year, the last possible day is September 26/27. The last days (29th and 30th of Elul) are exactly on the Day of Trumpets of the Jews (September 26 and 27, two days). That means concretely: If the Jews blow the trumpet 100 times and then "the last trumpet", then Jupiter in the constellation Pisces is closest to the earth and the morning star (Venus) is with Virgo. This cannot be a coincidence.
  • The Sun is near the head of Virgo, as with the sign on Revelation 12 on September 22, 2017, which of course was also a Day of Trumpets according Gods' Calendar.
  • Thus, on the Day of Trumpets 2022, a similar picture emerges as at the time when there was the sign of Revelation 12 in the night sky, that is, on the Day of Trumpets 2017, 5 years ago. And that was exactly 726 days (the number of the Rapture) after the last blood moon tetrad with the last blood moon on September 28, 2015, so exactly 7 years before Trumpet Day on September 28, 2022.
  • If there would be the Rapture on September 26/27, it would be perfectly in line with the Fig Tree Generation and with many other prophecies (Daniel 70's week...).
  • Pentecost is the first day of the summer harvest (wheat), on this day the two loaves (symbold for the church of the OT and NT) were waved as a wave offering. But the last day is on September 26/27, because from 27/28 September the autumn feast days begin (1st day of the 7th month = Yom Teruah). And the last full moon in the 6th month is called the HARVEST MOON. Does it mean that now the spiritual harvest of the first fruits of summer is completed, because Jesus was the first fruits of spring and the first wave offering (barley)?
  • Once again, on September 27/28 the 7 good years after the last blood moon in 2015 will end. From that day, the hell could break loose on earth. It is 7 years to the day.
  • From September 28, 2015 (Bloodmoon) to September 28, 2022 (Yom Teruah) = 2,557 days (=7 years). That is not only exactly 7 years, but also 2,557 days. The Hebrew Strong number 2,557 of the word used for this is chamed and means "that which is leavened" and the Greek Strong number 2,557 (kakourgos) stands for criminal or malefactor. It could be a reference to the coming worldwide seduction (leaven) and the appearance of the Antichrist in 2022/2023.
  • And also in 2022 we had a blood moon over America and when was that? That was exactly on the second Passover on May 16, 2022. That was exactly on the 14th day of the second month. That is the time when Noah was already in the ark and after 3 days (on the 17th of the 2nd month) the ark was lifted up. And the 26th of September is again three days after the equinox. Again, the importance of the third day!
  • Although the autumnal equinox is on September 23, 2022, in the latitude of Jerusalem (31,77°), day and night will be of equal length (12 hours) on September 26 and 27, 2022, that is, exactly at the time when Israel celebrates their Day of Trumpets, which in God's calendar begins on September 27/28, and at the time when Jupiter in the constellation of Pisces will be closest to Earth. This reminds us of Jesus' question in John 11:9 ("Are there not 12 hours in the day?") and the resurrection of Lazarus exactly at this time, when the day is exactly 12 hours long.
  • Without the knowledge of God's calendar (which is not the Jewish calendar from the 4th century A.D.) a Christian is blind.
  • The 70th year of the fig tree generation was 2018 to 2019 and the 80th year is 2029 to 2029, which is 7 years from now. This means that the tribulation should begin shortly. 
  • The day will soon come when God will reveal who belongs to the wise virgins. Hopefully, it will be September 26-28, 2022. Will the "last trumpet" sound in Israel, at the end of the Shmittah year and right before the biblical Day of Trumpets, when Jupiter is closest to the earth and at the same time the morning star (Venus) is at the head of Virgo right next to Sun and Mercury?   
  • However, if God is planning the Rapture on the biblical Day of Trumpets, then we will have to wait until the end of September 28. Then the moon will be under the feet of Virgo again.
  • Many Christians have suspected the Rapture on Day of Trumpets, but we must be humble and admit that this day is symbolic of the visible return of our Lord to earth after the 7 years of tribulation. But the day before (Sept 26/27) would fit perfectly, because it is the last day of the 6th month and the end of summer-time (3 days after the equinox) and the end of the summer harvest. Thus the connection to Pentecost and the wave offering is given.
  • Here no dates for the rapture were fixed, because "we know neither day nor hour", that would be fatal, but the biblical and astronomical facts were given. And these signs are simply extreme for September 26-28. If there should be the Rapture on Yom Kippur or Hanukkah or next Passover, it does not change the astronomical facts in September 2022.
  • Ready for take off?

9. The signs of the times, political events and the Rapture in 2022

Every day, political, economic, and even military events are overflowing. Many lies are spread in the media and ethnic groups, peoples and nations are set against each other, as Jesus predicted (Mt 24:7). 

Ukraine war Russia dog with dead man owner was killed
Genocide disguised as just war. A dog wants to stay with its killed owner

The brutal war in Ukraine has reached a level where the entire world could be drawn into a third world war.

Lies are the beginning of hatred, violence and struggle between peoples.

The use of weapons of mass destruction would usher in the beginning of the Great Tribulation. While it does not have to be that the great tribulation will take place immediately after the rapture, there are many indications in the news that 2022 could be the year that the last 7 years of the great tribulation begin. Jesus' return in 2028/2029 would end the terrible situation. 

Not only is there general talk of a global nuclear threat, but the City of New York is already preparing people specifically how to act if there is a nuclear war (see NYC Emergency Management for more on this).

There is also another danger for Israel: in 2022, the biblical beginning of the year on 1 Nisan (1/2 April according to the Jewish calendar and 2/3 April according to God's calendar) fell on the same day as the beginning of the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan on 2 April in 2022. According to Islamic prophecy (preached in mosques), Israel is to be wiped out in 2022. This will not succeed, of course, but military intervention could be a turning point in connection with the Temple Mount and the construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem. The materials and equipment necessary for this have been available for several years. Even the intact red cow for the Temple dedication has been born, as Israeli sources report and publish photos.


We live in a world full of sexual perversions, adultery, violence, religious confusion and sin, just like in the time of Noah and Lot. But still people don't want to be warned, have big plans for the future and think about their vacations, so the tourism industry is booming. After two years of the pandemic, 2022 will be the year with the most weddings in recent history. All this reminds us of the warning of our Lord Jesus:


Lk 17,26-30: Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27 They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot - they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, 29 but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all - 30 so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed.


So it is also the time for the bride of Christ (the church) to get ready for the upcoming "wedding" and the 7 years of celebration, while here on earth the 7-year tribulation is breaking out.

food shortages hunger rapture 2022
Food shortages and empty shelves

We are in a year when food is becoming scarcer and more expensive, and when everything threatens to escalate and terrible wars may occur.

The Co-rona gene therapy (which is not a classical vaccination) has caused considerable side effects and harmed many, as reported even in the official media.

Energy prices are being driven up and there are efforts to provide all citizens with a digital vaccination card/passport (chip) to control everyone. It is high time to get out of this world and be in the safety of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithfulness to Jesus and waiting have paid off in the end:

Rev 3:10: „Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.“


There are other Indirect Signs that speak of 2022, for the year in which the Fig Tree generation was born (1948) has the checksum 22 (1+9+4+8=22) and the Hebrew year 5782 (2021/2022) of the possible Rapture also has the checksum 22 (5+7+8+2=22). Psalm 21 and 22 also speak of the suffering of the saints and their deliverance. Moreover, the Revelation ends with chapter 22.

10. "At the Time of the Last Trumpet" = 2022?

In 1 Corinthians 15:20-53, God has told us that the Rapture will take place "at the time of the last trumpet." For years, many Christians have wondered what time can be meant by this, because there is not just one, but several possible "last trumpets" (see the listing at the end of the main text about the Rapture). In the Old Testament, the trumpet (the shofar horn) is mentioned in many places. Its sound was heard at special events so that everyone would be accurately informed. This was not only at the 12 new moons (beginnings of the month), but also at the full moon at the time of a feast:


Psalm 81:3-7: „Blow the trumpet at the new moon, at the full moon, on our feast day4 For it is a statute for Israel, a rule of the God of Jacob. 5 He made it a decree in Joseph when he went out over the land of EgyptI hear a language I had not known: 6 “I relieved your shoulder of the burden; your hands were freed from the basket. 7 In distress you called, and I delivered you


When were the feasts of God on a full moon? That was only the case with the Passover (14th/15th day of the first month), Tu B'Av (15th day of the 5th month) and the Feast of Tabernacles (15th day of the 7th month). If the Rapture were to occur on any of these dates, the trumpet sounded on that night of the full moon would indeed be our "last trumpet." It is interesting to note that the shofar horn mentioned in Psalm 81 is directly related to deliverance from suffering and mentions the Exodus from Egypt. If we call upon God, then He will help us escape from this world. This would speak for a Rapture at Passover or Tu B'Av (end of the harvest of summer fruits) and it would literally be our "last trumpet". that we will hear here on earth. It would also be shocking news for all of Israel, because on their great holiday of all days, God delivered only His Christian church, thus showing all of Israel that Jesus is the true Messiah, sparing His followers (also from Israel) but leaving the rest of Israel behind in the worst times ever. But there is still a happy ending, because after 7 years of sorrow for Jacob (Israel) the Messiah will return together with His spiritual bride (the church) and save Israel and the whole world from the total destruction of mankind. If this "last trumpet" were to sound at Tu B'Av, it would be at the end of the Pentecost season and Pentecost is symbolic of the Church of God (the Bride of Christ). According to this, Passover would be for the exodus of the people of Israel and Tu B'Av would be for the exodus of the church. Many Christians have assumed the Rapture to occur on Day of trumpets (Yom Teruah), but then the Rapture would not occur on a full moon but on a new moon night, but Psalm 81 also reports this option. See the information above (chapter 8) about the Harvest Moon and the Jupiter opposition on September 26, 2022, i.e. immediately before Day of Trumpets. If there would be the Rapture on Day of Trumpets according to the Jewish calendar (September 25/26), the "last trumpet" would indeed sound in Israel on that day as well, but that would still be on the last day of the Shmitta year according to God's calendar, because the biblical Day of Trumpets is on September 27/28, 2022.

The Sparing of the Church from the Tribulation

Rev 3:10: „Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep [or protect, guard] you from  [Greek ek or ex, Strong no. 1537, literally: out of] the hour of trial [literally: temptation, trial, probation, suffering] that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.“


This is interesting in the context of Passover, because prophetically it says, "out of Egypt I called my Son" (Mat 2:15), which could mean not only Jesus, but also the children of God who want to escape from spiritual Egypt (this earth). They will hear the last trumpet, "a voice out of heaven said..." (Mt 3:17):


Rev 4:1: „After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice, which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this. 2 At once I was in the Spirit...“


There is a connection here with the 7-day warning at the conquest of Jericho, which points to the 7-year warning period for Israel and the world after the last blood moon tetrad, that is, to 2022:


Jos 6:15-20: „On the 7th day they rose early, at the dawn of day, and marched around the city in the same manner 7 times. It was only on that day that they marched around the city 7 times16 And at the 7th time, when the priests had blown the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, “Shout, for the Lord has given you the city. 17 And the city and all that is within it shall be devoted to the Lord for destruction...  20 So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they captured the city.“


John the Evangelist also speaks of sparing the righteous from the worst time in human history. It is not a matter of accompanying the church "into" or "during" the hour of temptation, but of preserving them "out of" the hour of temptation. It is a matter of bringing them out or away, not bringing them through the difficult time. Example: When a child falls into the water, the father pulls him "out of" the water and saves him from drowning, not keeps him in the water. There are many examples in the Bible where the "ex" or "ek" appears: "out of Egypt I called my son" (Mt 2:15); "a voice out of heaven said" (Mt 3:17); "a voice from [out of] heaven said" (Mt 17:5); "coming out of the tombs" (Mt 8:28); "not taking anything out of the house" (Mt 24:17); "the dust [out] of your city" (Lk 10:11); "the queen from the south... came [out] from the ends of the earth" (Lk 11:31); "out of his mouth" (Lk 11:54); "like men who are waiting for their master to come home from the wedding feast" (Lk 12:36); "If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from [out of] the dead" (Lk 16:31); "when he comes home from [out of] the field" (Lk 17:7); "Jesus drove them out of the temple" (Jn 2:15); "Jesus came out of Judea into Galilee" (Jn 4:47); "but has passed from [out of] death to life" (Jn 5:24).


The church of Philadelphia describes those Christians who are faithful to Jesus. Contrast this with the lukewarm and religious church of Laodicea, but lacking in love and obedience (Rev 3:14-22). If the Rapture were to be only after the 7-year Tribulation, as some theologians claim, preservation would make no sense because almost all Christians (and most of the world's people) would already be dead. What many overlook: Even after the Rapture of the elect, there will be Christian persecution. The righteous will be raptured, but the lukewarm Christians left behind will have to go through the time of temptation, trial and probation. Many will realize and repent of their mistakes and turn to God. All who do NOT accept the mark of the beast will be persecuted and killed. The Antichrist will not tolerate dissent, but demands unconditional obedience in everything. Therefore, he wants to control all people. But all those who turn to Jesus during the tribulation will also receive eternal life, regardless of the way they will die. This is what God wants to save His elect from through the Rapture, He makes a distinction very well:

"For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1Thess 5,9).

And Jesus Himself said,

"But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things

that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21:36).


Jesus never said: "There is no escape and no salvation, all must go through the tribulation", but he has always distinguished between the two groups of people: those He accepts (the Bride of Christ) and the others He abandons to the tribulation and leaves behind.

Summary: The Rapture of the Church 2022

After there was no Rapture in 2021 despite many biblical indications, some Christians have lost their confidence, which is a big mistake, because we are prophetically still fully in the race and in harmony with many biblical passages of the OT and NT. There are many indications that the Rapture will take place in 2022, hopefully at Passover, in April 2022 or at Pentecost at the latest. Several facts speak in favor of this:

  • We are at the end of 6,000 years of human history, and according to the Bible, there need not be any special event that could stop the timing of the Rapture. The extreme political, economic and military events around the world make the Rapture in 2022 seem certain.
  • The 2022 Passover falls on the same days in God's calendar, in the Catholic calendar (Easter Sunday) and in the Islamic calendar (Ramadan), which is rare and thus would generate special attention if the Rapture were to occur at that time, or at the end of the Pentecost season at Tu B'Av.
  • The word "Passover" means "passing by" of "sparing" and if there would be the Rapture on that day 2022, God (thanks to the blood/sacrifice of the Lamb, Jesus) would spare the Bride from the 7 years of suffering. On the first Passover the people of Israel were spared, but the Christian church was established on Pentecost, thus it may be that the church (the Bride of Christ) will be spared or delivered at the end of the Pentecost season (Tu B'Av) or on the Day of Trumpets.
  • The last blood moon tetrad (warning to Israel and the world) was exactly 7 years before the Rapture in 2022. April 15, 2022 begins the 8th year after the first blood moon (April 15, 2014), so it is the end of the 7 year warning and preparation period. 
  • According to Daniel 9, there are 2,520 prophetic years from the decree of the building of Jerusalem (457 B.C.) to the year of the appearance of the Messiah, which is 2028/2029. And if the 7 years of the Tribulation are subtracted from this, only the years 2021/2022 come into question as the year of the Rapture.
  • The number symbolism in the sky: from the first Passover blood moon on April 15, 2014 to the last Passover on April 15/16, 2022 is exactly 8 years. But from the solar eclipse on March 20, 2015 to Passover 2022 is 7 years and 12 days. From the last blood moon of the last tetrad on September 28, 2015 to the Day of Trumpets on Sept. 22, 2017 and the sign from Revelation 12, there are 726 days (number of the Rapture) and from then to our hopefully last Pentecost on May 18, 2021, there are exactly 1,335 days and from then to our hopefully last Passover on April 15/16, 2022, there are exactly 333 days. Also, from the sign of Revelation 12 to Passover 2022, there are exactly 1,666 days.
  • From the birth of Israel (May 14, 1948) to Passover 2022 (rebirth of the Bride?) on April 15/16, 2022, there are exactly 27x1,000=27,000 days. This is very significant, the number 27 represents the New Testament Church and its Bible, which consists of 27 books. So: the Bible-believing church flies away, exactly 27,000 days after the birth of the fig tree (Israel). The dead saints will soon be born again. From the birth of Israel to the second Passover (May 15/16) is exactly 27,030 days (Jesus appeared at 30) and to Pentecost (June 5/6, 2022) is exactly 27,050 days (the Jubilee number 50).
  • From the building of Jerusalem by Sultan Suleiman I to 2022 there are exactly the 69 weeks of years (69x7=483 years) mentioned by Daniel; after that there would be the 70th week of years with the great tribulation (2022 to 2028/2029).
  • From the building of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem (687/688) to the founding of the state (birth) of Israel on May 14, 1948 is exactly 1,260 years and from the building of the Dome of the Rock to the year 2022 is exactly 1,335 years.
  • The 726, the number of the Rapture: from the last Tetrad Blood Moon to the Trumpet Day (Yom Teruach) on September 21/22, 2017 (with the sign from Revelation 12) it is exactly 726 days. And from then until our final Pentecost in 2021 (symbolizing the imminent Rapture of the Church), it is 1,335 days of 3 years, 7 months, 26 days. And from the intervening solar eclipse between the tetrad blood moons on March 20, 2015 (1st Nisan according to the Jewish calendar) to the possible day of the Rapture at Passover 2022 is 7 years and 26 days. And 120 days after that is the feast of Tu B'Av, which represents the end of the Pentecost season, the end of the harvest of summer fruits.
  • The two cows with the number 7 on their head, born in the USA in September 2014 (7 years before 2022) remind us of Pharaoh's dream and the 7 good years and the 7 bad years that were to follow. They are also a reference to our "Exodus" (Exodus, Rapture 2022) after the 7 good years and our return after the 7 bad years (2028/2029). The end of the 7th year is reached at the end of September 2022.
  • According to the Temple Institute (2022), Israel has the red heifer required for the ceremonial dedication of the Third Temple in Jerusalem. The rabbis believe that the age of the Messiah should begin now and that Jerusalem should be rebuilt in 2023.
  • The list of Sabbatical years (Shmita) points to the Rapture in the Sabbatical year 2021/2022 and Jesus' return (Second Coming) in the following Sabbatical year 2028/2029. The blood moon tetrad in the past Shmita year 2014/2015 was the final 7 year warning for Israel and the world and the 7-year preparation period for the Bride of Christ (the Church).
  • The year 2022 was extraordinary not only because the biblical Passover fell together with the Catholic Easter Sunday and the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan, and because there was a blood moon (solar eclipse) during the second Passover, but also because the year 2022 offers spectacular astronomical events. On September 26, 2022 (the end of the Shmittah year), Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Pisces will come closest to Earth, which may be an indication of the Rapture. At the same time, the morning star (Venus) will no longer be visible and Mars will be exactly between the horns in the constellation of Taurus. The Sun and the Morning Star (Venus, which came from the constellation Leo) are exactly at the head of the constellation Virgo and the Moon is at their feet. It means that our Lord does not leave us alone and comes especially close to us, doubly expressed in the constellation of Pisces (Jupiter) and Virgo (Morning Star), the two brightest stars in the planetary system.
  • From the last blood moon tetrad and the last blood moon on September 27/28, 2015 to Trumpet Day on September 27/28, 2022 is 7 years to the day. Thus the time of the 7-year warning and the preparation time is over. After that the 7 bad years with the tribulation would have to follow.
  • According to Psalm 81:4-8, when the trumpet is said to sound "on the new moon and on the full moon, on the day of our feast!" this could be a reference to Passover night, Tu B'Aw, or the Feast of Tabernacles. There is a full moon on these days. But the only feast day on a new moon is the Day of Trumpets (the first day of the 7th month). Vigilance is required especially on the biblical feast days. Thus, it would indeed be our "last trumpet" mentioned in 1Cor 15:52 in connection with the Rapture.
  • Tisha B'Av and Tu B'Av 2022 (the end of the Pentecost season and the night of the full moon) are days when we need to be especially awake. This also applies to the end of the summer on September 26/27 shortly before the beginning of the Day of Trumpets, because then the Shmittah year ends.Will it be the end of the harvest of the spiritual first fruits?
  • After two years of the pandemic, 2022 will be the year with the most weddings in recent history, recalling a sign from Jesus (Matt. 24:32-44). It would therefore also be the year of the wedding for the Bride of Christ (the called out ones from all peoples and nations).
  • We do not flee (fly) in winter (see Mt 24:20).








But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end.

Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.

(Daniel 12:4)






 „Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil“

(1Thessalonians 5:21-22)






„Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them“

(Epheser 5:11)

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