Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Another gospel?

 I'm going to connect the breadcrumbs for you all. Telling children, that Jesus was born on December 25th and that December 25th is all about Jesus, is DEFINITELY another gospel and is absolutely NOT biblical!!! Lying is still a sin. Manipulating kids into acting a certain way in order for them to get a gift is not loving. We are to be generous and giving at ALL times when it is in our power to do so. 

Jesus Christ was superficially at the center of this different gospel. But there were additional requirements for those who professed to believe in Him, which were presented simply as logical and reasonable ways of demonstrating true faith. By submitting to these regulations, as part of their faith in Jesus, believers could be assured of being in the line of Abraham's children, heirs of the covenant, and true beneficiaries of the promises of grace.

Concerning this "different gospel" Paul said "not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the Gospel of Christ" (Gal. 1:7). This "different gospel", it seems, was distorting the true Gospel of the Kingdom by compromising the work of grace, minimizing the exclusive place of Christ, leading believers to trust in false works, and encouraging them to pursue priorities and practices more in line with "worthless elementary principles of the world" than the true teaching of Scripture (Gal. 4:9).

The Galatians had begun to seek a glory associated more with the worldly happiness of men than the liberty and love of the Gospel of the Kingdom (Gal. 4:13-15).  Concerning those who came to the Galatians preaching this "different gospel", Paul wrote, "If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed." And just in case they didn't hear him correctly, he declared that same solemn admonition twice (Gal. 1:8, 9).

Evidently it is a very serious matter to compromise the Gospel by obscuring the grace of God, minimizing the work of Christ, imposing false obligations, and muddying the hope of the Gospel.

Obscuring the grace of God: Another gospel is being proclaimed when human works, in any form, are somehow included as part of the means of salvation.

Minimizing the work of Christ: Any gospel that makes human happiness, rather than the honor of Jesus Christ, the primary end of salvation, and, to that end, selectively appeals to the redemptive work of Christ, emphasizing some aspects while almost wholly ignoring others, is not the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Imposing false obligations: They who insist on obligations or practices said to be indispensable for securing the blessings of God, but which create a kind of spiritual smugness and lead believers away from the truth path of Kingdom righteousness, are preaching another gospel and not the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Muddying the hope of the Gospel: The Gospel of the Kingdom is compromised when people are led to hope, long for, and seek anything other than the glory of God and the righteousness, peace, and joy that come from knowing and loving Him.

In every age, our own include the Gospel of the Kingdom has come under assault from false preachers who, in the guise of proclaiming the Truth that is in Jesus, preach a "different gospel." In one way or another, the telltale signs of a "different gospel" can be observed; meanwhile, multitudes are happily following the teaching of false preachers in the belief that the gospel they have embraced is the very Gospel preached by Jesus and the Apostles.

We have raised an entire generation that is totally devoid of the fear of God. They have never known anything about judgement. They've always had everything they've wanted. They say, "We want rock-and-roll," and their parents say, "don't upset them. Bring rock-and-roll into the church and give it Christian lyrics." Or, "they're going to have sex anyway, so let's give them protection."

These youth have never known God's fear, because pastors and parents have made God out to be the great appeaser in the sky. Only a handful of Christian youth today walk in holiness. Why? Because pastors are too weak to preach the gospel in the pulpit — and because parents are living double lives, and their kids know it!

God's Word says, "By the fear of the Lord men depart from evil" (Proverbs 16:6). Here is what I believe a true gospel message must produce in us:

  1. A hatred for sin that allows no excuses or alibis.
  2. A conviction for all spiritual laziness and compromise.
  3. An inner knowledge that God does not wink at our sins.
  4. A conviction that we will reap what we sow.
  5. A righteous, holy fear of God.
  6. A confidence that He will deliver us from every sin we hate and resist.

Are you uncertain or unconvinced about the need to walk in the fear of God? To end that once and for all, see Isaiah 11:1-3. This passage prophesied about One on whom the Spirit of the Lord would rest — One who would be given "quick understanding in the fear of the Lord." This passage is talking about Jesus! And if Jesus walked in the fear of the Father and delighted in it, so much more should we!

Beware of any message that breaks conviction for sin, that produces a spirit of non-vigilance, that eases you back softly and whispers, "All is well." All such tranquilizers are false gospels!

The seriousness of the times we live in yall... If Rome is the mother harlot, and Rome also "decided" that December 25th is Jesus' birthday; then we will see how Rome will have the power to give unto the False Prophet to require the mark of the beast. I'm telling you, the Holy Spirit has helped me to understand the spiritual things; discernment is another wonderful gift the Holy Spirit give us. 

This is another thing I have wrong with what's going on in today's world: the giving in December is definitely from the spirit of Nimrod and Tammuz worship. Otherwise, you would have zero problem with telling your kids the truth, and repenting as a whole family, and following Jesus. The first church began in houses; searching and studying the scriptures, allowing the word to have free course within us. It is definitely a sin to withhold good when it is in your power to do so. People have another spirit, another gospel. There is greed and every kind of evil work. Telling your children to act a certain way or they "won't get presents" is just wrong and definitely not godly. A godly parent will give to their children whenever in need, and also when they want to be generous and give them gifts just because. For nothing in return. We should never give to get in return. That is evil and wrongful giving. Charity out of a PURE HEART means to give because God says it is more blessed to give than receive. Give because we have been freely given to. Give because Jesus says give the coat on your back when your enemy asks for something. We overcome evil with good, always. 

We are to expose, rebuke, exhort, and abstain from all appearances of evil. If you cannot give to those in need any day of the year at any time, your reasons for giving are selfish and self seeking. You give only to get something back. We need to be zealous for good works for His purposes. 

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