It’s better to accept that some people will never, ever truly change. Why? It’s not because God doesn’t love them or anything like that. He literally died for them. They’ve spent so long without God, not knowing Him; that He gives them over already to a debased mind. I wanted to unsee it I didn’t want to have these blessed eyes that see- the bad, the very bad and very unjust and filthy…. I mean; SEX TOYS?!?!? Are you kidding me right now?????? Was I married to a demon?????? Was this literally Satan???? Or the son of perdition because it was alllll toooooooo close to home for me and I have a testimony to PROTECT- this is why; you do NOT have sex before marriage. I should have asked soooooooo many questions… but really only one most important? How is your relationship with Jesus? If you cannot answer that then we have nothing in common and this conversation is over period. That’s how it needs to be, and was in the ancient days. Let us return! Oh, Shulamite! Because I am just going to say it… a godly woman cannot be involved not marry outside of her kind… meaning not an unbeliever. The Bible stands true; and I was deceived but God had great mercy upon me. I had to purge out and remove the wicked one from among me. I didn’t care what happened to me, but I was never going back. I knew God could rescue me from this hell on earth I found myself in, and being hit and beaten down (literally, physically, by my ex husband Reuben) for the LAST TIME, I finally got away. No more. Why would I listen and respect a man who doesn’t listen nor follow God? He follows self, and watched all violent shows and sick shows; was addicted to porn and had sex toys; and oh my goodness I found a doll- a life sized doll YALL……… I called my mom when I did and decided it was a glory to overlook an offense in that moment because “Brittny let’s try this one more time.”
I felt like I was being literally attacked (and I was; I should have put him in jail because that’s where people like him belong- in prison). But he probably is locked in his sad own prison- without God. He is wicked, and evil. And I could NOT UNSEE IT. Y’all- it was so hard. To leave someone I thought I loved, but I saw what Jesus could do with him. I am too soft and that I see people as the blood of Jesus is over them- I pay much closer attention now. I couldn’t have been further from the truth….. but years later I am so glad I recommitted my life to Christ and rely ONLY ON HIM as my Saviour!
I found out who I truly am also- righteous and holy before God, in LOVE. Not with this world, or with another human but with God’s love. When a man hits you enough and tells you how everything is your fault even your autoimmune disorder, it’s hard to listen to anything good at first, let alone correcting… I could NOT fulfill my wifely duties to an unjust man- I continued to buck because he wasn’t doing his part and he knew it and I couldn’t necessarily make him- though I have left much room for God’s vengeance… I have to continue to stand firm on God’s promises, and forsake everything for Jesus’ sake. He rescued me from something and someone I didn’t realize how badly I needed Jesus though I did.
I received the word with and in much affliction; but no matter what I continue to pay my vows to JESUS- daily at His gates! I LOVE the law (of God) and His word!!!! It has changed my soul and my mind and my destiny- everything!!!!
But we, have the mind of Christ. We who belong to Christ, are righteous and holy.
So what is unjust? And these words?
1. absolutely
a. to act unjustly or wickedly, to sin
b. to be a criminal, to have violated the laws in some way
c. to do wrong
d. to do hurt
2. transitively
a. to do some wrong or sin in some respect
b. to wrong some one, act wickedly towards him
c. to hurt, damage, harm
FILTHY- 4510- ῥυπόω
(Almost looks like a bad Spanish word!)
1. to make filthy, defile, soil
2. to be filthy (morally)
RIGHTEOUS- 1342- δίκαιος
1. righteous, observing divine laws
a. in a wide sense, upright, righteous, virtuous, keeping the commands of God
1. of those who seem to themselves to be righteous, who pride themselves to be righteous, who pride themselves in their virtues, whether real or imagined
2. innocent, faultless, guiltless
3. used of him whose way of thinking, feeling, and acting is wholly conformed to the will of God, and who therefore needs no rectification in the heart or life
a. only Christ truly
4. approved of or acceptable of God
b. in a narrower sense, rendering to each his due and that in a judicial sense, passing just judgment on others, whether expressed in words or shown by the manner of dealing with them.
HOLY- 40- ἅγιος
1. most holy thing, a saint
Jesus will come to those not watching, as a thief. For when they say peace and safety (as Israel and Saudi are literally saying now!!! Then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail as a woman during childbirth…and they shall not escape!
“Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”
1 Corinthians 6:1-3, 9-11 KJV
^^^ let’s talk about todays world of dating- fornicators… that’s going to mean people who are fornicating lol. So what’s fornication? Some will only say sex- but I say everything from a kiss to sex is fornication- you’ve already committed it in your heart Jesus says first before you act and we must take His saying literally. To the foolish who commented how “I have taken the parables literally.” Well yeah duh- Jesus took me literally at John 3:16 and so I must also. We must FLEE SEXUAL IMMORALITY - no sexual comments or jokes or nasty things we must shun them and rebuke those who do these things sharply- but never answer the foolish with folly; answer them instead according to their own foolishness. So when those who refuse to believe the truth continue to say “merry Xmas” I keep my mouth silent- if someone says something else; I say “I don’t celebrate pagan days and traditions- I came out of Babylon. I value truth so I observe the holy convocations in Leviticus 23 which are the 7 feasts of the LORD.”
Blessed are they, who hear the word of God and keep it (do it!)
People suffer and perish without the knowledge of God. It is so important to hold yourself to the standard at which God does, because as He is so are we in this world. We need to make every provision to lay off the old weights of sin, and to look up at Jesus for His kingdom and righteousness…and all else shall be added unto thee. The word is something you receive- it will try you, as God says He tries the righteous (Psalm 11:5). We need to daily deny self, pick up cross, and follow Jesus. He doesn’t say follow the world, your church, pastor, husband, dad…. No He says to follow HIM. And that means living a life TOTALLY and fully dependent upon God Who is Jesus Christ our Creator and Master and King and Lord of our lives; that is what He is to us and muchhhhhh more- our strength, our Rock, our banner, our shield, strong tower, husband, Gardner, vinedresser, our salvation, our protector, our redeemer, our very life.
The Bible says when Christ who is our life shall appear, so shall we appear also with Him in glory! Whether we die or awake, we are the LORD’s and are with Him- even to the end of the age. Isn’t that beautiful? God truly hath put eternity in our hearts, but that no man can know everything nor things thereafter. He has given us limited knowledge for our protection. This is very important to understand also, so that you do not be deceived by these virtual reality (VR-metaverse…they NEED A BIBLEVERSE!!!!) ideas when they come, for we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices.
We need to observe the Sabbath, first and foremost. It is still holy and sanctified and a day of rest. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever! I LOVE the Sabbath! I finally have off work Saturday mornings until 4pm which would be the next day Yom rishon in Israel so Sabbath is technically over…
Oh I deleted the Gregorian calendar from my iPhone and only use Jewish/Hebrew Calendar. That’s why I also so it’s closer to the end of the age, would be closer to the 6993 year (trib is 7 years) and the 7000th year is also our 1000 year rest and reign with Christ (at the end of the tribulation… rightly divide the word people!) our judgment is first at the Bema seat (post rapture/ this ONLY makes sense as it is Biblically taught!!!) then the marriage supper of the Lamb (both are 7 years length= Jewish Wedding feasts are also, you guessed it “one week” one week prophetically in the Bible=7 years… I’ll never forget that liar Mariah who said there was not a 7 year trib… I was like I need to go lol)… these events will be going on in heaven, where I will be and I pray you come too!!!! While the trib is also simultaneously going on in the earth… who has ears let him hear!
“Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”
Revelation 3:10 KJV
^^ I have kept the LORD’s word and with much patience. He is going to keep us from this hour of trial (the tribulation- in fact it’s literally called the time of Jacobs trouble-)
Just because people say something or celebrate or do something, doesn’t mean I have to or will or will condone it. We are literally told NOT to be conformed to THIS WORLD (Romans 12:2) but to have God’s word renew our minds and to have free course within us as it doth in the brethren (2 Thessalonians 3:1).
Coming out of Babylon, and only celebrating the feasts of the LORD and God’s holy days also means you get days (and even a week!) off that other’s don’t get; and you can work on the days people celebrate the “unholy days/counterfeit and pagan days” so you are actually more reliable! You lose the weight of the world- no more covetousness or covering and idolizing over things you don’t have that you want (literally that’s what coveting is lol) when you as a parent need to be teaching your child AGAINST these things. So you may thing your Santa list is cute and innocent, but you are doing the devils work by 1.) not bringing your children up in the LORD 2.) teaching your children to covet (evil things) 3.) teaching them to not be happy and content with food and clothing.
You can only plant seeds; God giveth the increase.
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