Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The delusion of therapy- please read!!!

 What do people mean by the words “mental health” anyway? Is there some attainable attitude or outlook by which a person might be declared “mentally healthy”? Absolutely not. Not in this world anyway. Who does not wrestle with bad thoughts? Man’s mind has been broken ever since Fall of Adam. In theological terms, this is called the “Noetic effects of sin” – sin’s effect on the mind. And the only “treatment” for a mind which has been perverted and twisted by sin is the Holy Spirit’s application of God’s Word to it. That is the ONLY effective treatment for the mind, but even then, no person on earth perfectly thinks God’s thoughts after Him. Only in Heaven will our minds be perfected.

Therefore, I contend that the concept of mental health is an illusion. And even more than that, a DELUSION and ultimately a satanic scam worth billions of dollars. The booming industry of mental health treatment and psychology has not only saturated our culture, but it has permeated throughout the Church as well – so that many even “Evangelical” pastors do not hesitate for a second to send the sheep under their care to psychologists (most of them – even Christian ones incorporate worldly categories, methods, and diagnosis) to solve their problems. What then is the Church for? What is the preaching of the Gospel for? Do we not believe that the Gospel is sufficient to address our mental and spiritual needs?

I readily confess that I was also seduced for a time by psychology and “cognitive behavioral therapy” which presented itself as some kind of blessing to me and to the Church. But I was so very wrong. At its core, this worldly method attempts to shift blame for bad behaviors to one’s upbringing, or perhaps a lack of “self-love.” Listen! Self-love is how the world originally got in the mess it’s in! Shifting blame was what Adam and Eve did after they fell in the Garden. And from that moment onward, no man but Christ Himself has been “mentally healthy.” Therefore, what I need is not self-love but rather God’s love. Not self-appeasement but rather self-abasement and self-denial. Not being told how my upbringing defines me, but rather, how my sin had separated me from God and necessitated Christ’s substitutionary death on the cross on my behalf.

What I am saying shouldn’t be controversial to Christians, but sadly it is! Whatever happened to Isaac Watt’s words in his hymn “Alas! And did my Savior bleed, and did my Sovereign die? Would he devote that sacred head for such a WORM as I?” Today the churches would say, “Oh Mr. Watts! Don’t call yourself a worm! You need to give yourself a pep talk instead! Boy, I think you need to see a counsellor to raise your self-esteem! It’s mentally unhealthy to talk about oneself that way!”

Is this delusion so widespread that even the Elect embrace it? Jesus tells us that in this world we would have trouble. But everyone now just wants to feel good. 

For this reason the church has replaced sin with “sickness” and repentance with self-acceptance. It has replaced doctors of the soul with doctors of psychology. And as a result, what is produced is not an abundance of health, but an abundance of self. Oh, May the Church return to her first love! May she repent of allowing the world to speak into the Church, rather than the Church speaking into the world!

Lord have mercy on us! May we be transformed by the renewing of our minds, not by witchcraft and chicanery, but through the Word, until that Day when we are finally perfected in your presence. Amen.

Let’s look at some of the things that these ‘experts’ have decided to name ‘disorders’ that psychotropic drugs will be used to ‘treat.’ 

There is the ‘Hoarding Disorder,’ which means the inability to give up possessions. So a person tends to be a ‘pack-rat.’ Never mind why he is a pack-rat or how he became a pack-rat. He is a pack-rat, and the ‘experts’ have a drug for him. Jesus would tell the pack-rat to give to the poor and to be mindful of storing up treasures in heaven instead. But the ‘experts’ must think they are wiser than Jesus. Just think about it. You’re a pack-rat, and the cure, supposedly, is a drug. 

There is the ‘Binge Eating Disorder.’ The Bible calls it gluttony. A person could be a glutton for many reasons. What does the Bible say to a glutton? Does it counsel him to go to a witch-doctor who will whip up an herb for him to eat at a specified time every day? No, the Bible reproves him for his gluttony and warns him that such behavior is not in line with a proper association with God. 

Let’s look at some of the revised diagnoses; that is, diagnoses that are still in force, just revised a little. First, we have the ‘Pedophilic Disorder.’ A pervert likes to molest children, and the best thing the ‘experts’ can come up with is a drug. Jesus warns the pedophile of hell and judgment, which is a pretty good hint that we should deal with perverts by the force of a just law commended to our use in Romans 13. But the ‘experts’ would drug the pervert instead.

Next, we have the ‘Substance Use Disorder.’ A person becomes a drug addict of some sort, and the ‘experts’ decide that the solution to this is a drug to replace what the drug addict is addicted to. The Bible warns the drinker of the negative results of alcohol excess, and it does so in order to make him reconsider and to make him reflect on the God who has ordained these consequences. But today’s ‘experts’ have a better idea, apparently: prescribe a drug. The moral problem of alcohol addiction is being called a disease now. And it is because of the ‘experts’ and their DSM. Drinking to excess is not called a disease in the Bible. The Bible overrules everything and everyone. 

Next, we have the ‘Specific Learning Disorder.’ A ‘specifier’ will determine what area of learning the subject is disordered in: whether reading, writing, or arithmetic. That is almost word for word from the DSM’s own page. So your kid is slow to learn his ABCs and his 123s, and the only thing the ‘experts’ can come up with is drug use for an answer. The Bible says to train and to correct. The ‘experts’ say to give your kid a drug. 

What are some of the disorders currently being considered? There is the ‘Internet Use Gaming Disorder.’ The truth about this one is that the parents either can’t or won’t control their kids’ use of media devices, and the solution is to blame the kids, go to the doctor, and put the kids on drugs.

What are some of the disorders that have been rejected? Well, they’ve been rejected for now. How benevolent the ‘experts’ are. They will probably be rehashed into more acceptable nomenclature for the DSM 6. By that time, the public will be even more naïve and passive than it is now. Then the proposed disorders that are currently rejected will be accepted. So what do we have? We have the ‘Hypersexual Disorder.’ The Bible calls it sin, wickedness, or abomination, each of which requires repentance unto God and faith in Christ. But the ‘experts’ have a drug that will make everything right. Next, we have ‘Parental Alienation Syndrome.’ The background to this one? Parents who got divorced or decided to separate, or maybe a child was made through an adulterous fling. What is the cure for the child who becomes alienated because of the sin of divorce, separation, adultery, or fornication? What is the cure for the sin that the child had nothing to do with? Surprise! Or is it? Give that kid a drug because he or she can’t handle the consequences of the sins of its parents! Why not drug the parents? They deserve to be drugged against their wills more than the child does, don’t they? Well, at least we can be encouraged that often the parents do get the drugs that they deserve because the guilty parents often acquiesce to taking the drugs too. Synthetic drugs are becoming the number one solution to sins as old as Genesis—for the whole family. The chief concern is that these drugs that produce side effects, including suicide, are frequently administered to kids in order to solve ethical issues that immoral parents are the root cause of.   

Most doctors are just following protocol. They are not as guilty as the ‘experts’ who are being manipulated and bought (usually by plane tickets to exotic places) by the drug companies. But even the local GP or the local specialist is sometimes being bought by these drug companies. A relative of mine has a concubine who works for a doctor. She gets free plane tickets from her doctor/employer sometimes. My suspicion is that the tickets come from the overflow of gifts that the drug companies hand out to doctors who prescribe promiscuously. 

Parents need to pay attention to their child’s social, behavioral, or moral failures. More importantly, parents or guardians need to focus on themselves and then sort themselves out. Issues in the child are best resolved by treating the root cause, which, these days, is usually degenerate parenting. Are parents and/or guardians not the underlying cause, usually, of what the child alone gets blamed for? Observe what’s going on, and that is the conclusion you will come to. Children are no longer disciplined, guided, and given stable homes, which neglect leads to their acting out, which, in turn, leads to prescriptions, dependencies, and then side-effects and often fatalities.   

Instead of filling out questionnaires that are contrived to derive answers that will convince you to put your child on drugs, why not read your Bibles and then question yourselves about your permissive, worldly lifestyles that cause ‘alienation’ or ‘specified learning’ deficiencies in your children? Why not deal with the root of the issue (the parents and guardians) before considering a knee-jerk reaction to treat (with brain-altering synthetic substances) the rotten fruit (the behavior of children) that springs from the root? Now that would be hard work. That would be mortifying. That would astonish your friends and family. That would be biblical. That would be the best thing for your child. 

Why not bring the parents and principal guardians together in order to hammer out some agreement in order to give the child a more settled, serene, structured environment? For example, if the child lives in two homes because of irresponsible, immoral parents, how about making those two homes harmonious in what is allowed and disallowed? How about shuffling parents from home to home instead? That is what one wise judge ordered. How about canceling some programs that the child is involved in, in order for that child to gain a sense of stability and routine? Children need to feel lovingly hedged in so they can concentrate and acquire interests. Hustling them off to programs and trips will make their lives more harried than they already are. The chief point, though, is, they have no need of drugs to cure their response to the moral failures of their parents.

What Does the Bible Say About Mental Illness?

The Bible does not speak directly to mental illness apart from Deuteronomy 28:28 which reads, “The Lord will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of heart.” Here, God was warning the Israelites about rebelling and worshipping the Canaanite gods. Mental illness would be one of the results of rebellion.

This sobering verse was played out in the life of King Nebuchadnezzar. “‘O King Nebuchadnezzar, this message is for you! You are no longer ruler of this kingdom. You will be driven from human society. You will live in the fields with the wild animals, and you will eat grass like a cow’” (Daniel 4: 31-32).

While we know mental illness can be the direct result of God humbling a people group or an individual, it can also simply be the result of living this side of heaven. Just as a person’s body can be physically ill, an individual’s chemical composition can be unbalanced.

Mental illness can also result from poor decisions as it did with Jonah. One of God’s prophets, Jonah disobeyed God and endured a terrible storm only to be swallowed by a great fish where he remained for three days. Finally, the fish spat Jonah onto dry land and the prophet proceeded to fulfill his God-given assignment. By this point, Jonah was depressed. If he had obeyed immediately, Jonah would not have suffered such horrific circumstances.

Since the fall of man, people have struggled with mental illness. The Bible is full of examples of those who exhibited symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other types of mental illness. Besides those mentioned above, others include:

Elijah: Queen Jezebel declared a bounty on Elijah for having killed the prophets of Baal. Fearful, Elijah fled and cried out to God, “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors” (1 Kings 19:4). Elijah remained in this distraught condition for 40 days and nights—depressed and unable to meet his basic personal needs.

David: The man after God’s own heart dealt with being treated as the least of his father’s sons, was threatened by the king to whom he’d been loyal, and then betrayed by his own son. David recorded many songs of lament that reflect his pain and depression including Psalm 6:6-7“I am worn out from my groaning. All night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes.”

Martha: Overwhelmed by the demands as hostess, Martha grew angry toward her sister who perched at the feet of Christ instead of helping to prepare a meal for the guests. Frustrated, Martha finally approached Jesus. “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to come and help me.” The Lord answered her: “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and upset about many things, when only one thing is necessary” (Luke 10:40-42 ).

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