Monday, January 9, 2023

Berisheet Prophecy

bereshit in hebrew

In Genesis 1:1 the verse reads in Hebrew as this:
בראשׁית ברא אלהים את השׁמים ואת הארץ׃
Bereshit bara Elohim ‘et hashamayim v’et ha’aretz

Upon meditating on the hidden words within the first hebrew word recorded in Scriptures, “Bereshit”, (‘in the beginning’) many truths are discovered and we see God’s whole plan of Salvation is laid out in this one word.

The Word Bereshit (בראשׁית) in Hebrew letters is: Tav, Yud, Shin, Alef, Resh, Beit (Hebrew is read right to left.)

The very first letter beit – ב is a picture of a house in the Hebrew picture language. Notice how in the Torah the first letter is enlarged, showing the foundation of the world is focused on God’s house… and first two letters spell “bar” בר meaning “son” shows the focus is on the kingdom of the Son!
We know that Messiah Yeshua is the “lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world” – Rev. 13:8 and we see this in the other words that make up the first foundational word in the Bible as shown below:

בר Bar means “son” as seen in Strong’s H1247, H1248 (primarily in Aramaic, but also in Hebrew, see Mishlei 31:2 saying, “What, my son? and what, the son (bar) of my womb? and what, the son (bar) of my vows?”) This is the language of the time in which the “son” would be born and also means “grain” and “pure” and “possessor of” as “bar-samkha” means “possessor of authority”.
א Aleph, is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and represents Elohim as seen in Strong’s H430 starting with the aleph אֱלהִים.  The word Elohim is the plural of El (or possibly of Eloah) and is the first name for God given in the Torah.
שׁית Shayit has many meanings.  Shayit can mean “thorns” as seen in Strong’s H7898; meaning a wild growth of briers (as if put on the field): — “thorns” as used also in Isaiah 5:6.  Shayit is also used to mean “appointed” as the Son is “appointed” for this purpose (see Gen. 41:33).  As well as “to lay down” as used in Ruth 4:16 (And Naomi took the child, and laid H7896 it in her bosom, and became nurse unto it.)
ראשׁ Rosh means “head” as seen in Strong’s H7218 and used in Genesis 40:16
ברש Brosh בְּרוֹשׁ means “tree” or “timber” as seen in Strong’s H1265 and refrenced as big timber (either fir or cyress) as mentioned in 1Ki 5:10  (5:24 in the Jewish Tanakh) “So Hiram gave Solomon timber of cedar and timber of cypress according to all his desire.”

So here in one word, we see multiple words saying,

“ The son of God, crowned with thorns upon His head, on a tree” …


שי Shay means a “gift” (offered as homage) as seen in Strong’s H7862 and used in Isaiah 18:7
ת The letter “Tav” represents covenant and originally looked like a small “t” or a cross
So here in sequence we see in the first word “bereshit” that,

The son of God, crowned with thorns upon His head, on a tree, a gift of the covenant”

This is a very apt description of the “lamb that was slain from the foundation of the word” indeed!

  • Beit- House or tent
  • Resh- the head person or prince
  • Aleph- (ox) strength or strong leader
  • Shen- (teeth) devouring/destruction
  • Yod- hand
  • Tau- cross

As noted above, each of the letters has its own meaning and numerical significance. What is compelling about what Rock Island Books has done was to draw out in painstaking detail their hypothesis of God’s millennial perspective. The millennial perspective is the theory of the divine modeling for all of creation, meaning the seven days of creation (6 work- 1 rest) will equal the seven millennia of human history. Six millennia (or 6,000 years) have thus transpired. We await one final millennium (The Kingdom led by Christ Jesus).

[We use the word theory, not because it may not happen, but because it has not happened yet.]

This Berisheet Prophecy centers around the idea that God used Creation to show how our past, present, and future history will turn out in advance (Isaiah 46:9-10). Their timeline does not begin at Creation itself (4004BC) but with Adam’s fall (3970BC). They demonstrate that the death of Jesus on Mt. Calvary is the fulcrum for which all of history rests. Therefore, if Jesus’s sacrifice is the fulcrum upon which our reality hinges, then they must start with Adam’s fall because before Adam sinned, he did not need a savior. Thus, using Adam’s fall and the millennial perspective, the 70th Week of Daniel must begin by 2023. They do not, however, give a proposed date of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture because, as Scripture states, no man knows the day or hour.

Now, my two personal concerns regarding all of this are with using the year 4004BC as a start point. I know there is some debate over this, and I am not educated enough in it to make a definitive argument either way. I know this was James Ussher’s timeline, and I tend to agree with it, but if we are wrong on this exact start point, then it throws their entire hypothesis into question.

My only other concern was regarding man’s recollection of time. We know that there have been at least three major calendars used in the West, and even these have changed over time. There is the Hebrew lunar calendar, the Julian calendar, and the Gregorian calendar. Again, I am not versed enough in this subject to make a definitive claim either way. However, if this Berisheet Prophecy is correct, then we are very close to the Rapture indeed. Again, watch the video and come to your own conclusions, but I think you will find it as compelling as I did.

Now, I mention all of this to say how I (and others) fully believe that we are in the decade of our Lord’s return. I believed this before ever watching the video or even knowing anything about the Berisheet Passover Prophecy. However, if they are right, then perhaps Trump’s loss (or reelection) figures into the formation of the coming final world government.

Let me add some of my own thoughts to this idea that this Berisheet Prophecy is, in fact, correct. First, Daniel 12:4 says, “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” Now, not only did national Israel cease to be a nation in 70AD due to Roman violence but also their language eventually died out during the Jewish Diaspora. Hebrew was a dead language until about the turn of the 20th-century. How is it now that we are coming to discover all these fascinating truths about the Bible after nearly two millennia? Well, it commenced when God began stirring the Jewish people in Europe to return to their native tongue, thus uniting them in purpose, decades before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the rebirth of Israel.

hebrew, numeric, pictograms,
Hebrew Letters, Symbols

“Remember the former things of old: for I [am] God, and [there is] none else; [I am] God, and [there is] none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times [the things] that are not [yet] done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure…”

[Isaiah 46:9-10]

Join author C.J. Lovik Rock Island Books as he explores one of the most ancient of prophecies. A prophecy that, if unfolded, may help us to see just where we are on God’s biblical timeline. Explore the very first prophecy found in the Bible, just waiting to be discovered, right in the very first word of the Bible. Is this a prophecy which has been sealed up, just waiting to be unfolded at the end of the age? Has God revealed the end in the beginning?

‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” [Genesis 1:1 KJV]

*Video Content claims the date of Christ Jesus crucifixion on 30AD…This date is debated…but must be very close. Do your own study and come to your own conclusions.

To even a casual Bible student, it’s pretty obvious that God puts a lot of emphasis on His written Word—Scripture—equating it directly with Himself.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

[ John 1:1]

From Adam to the Tower of Babel

From Adam to the Tower of Babel, the entire world had one language. Immediately after mixing the world’s languages at Babel, God raised up Israel with the unique Hebrew vocabulary. It’s special because it not only communicates with words, it also communicated with numbers and pictures.

Ninety-nine percent of the Old Testament was recorded in this Hebrew language. In the New Testament, Paul said God spoke to him in Hebrew on the road to Damascus (Acts 26:14). And the Jews still speak Hebrew today.

We also know that every word of Scripture, Hebrew in the Old Testament and Greek in the New Testament, is inspired by God.

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

2Timothy. 3:16

In Greek, “inspired” is from two Greek words, “divinely breathed.” Therefore, the Bible was not written by men, but rather, by God.

But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.

2Peter. 1:20,21

Jesus proclaimed that even the smallest letter in Scripture could be trusted.

“For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.”

Matthew 5:18

(FYI- We did an interesting article a while back about the hidden meaning of Yahweh) (1)

So if every letter in the Bible is trustworthy to study and learn, what was the first thing out of God’s mouth when He spoke the universe into existence? What was the first thing God wanted recorded in His written communication to us?

Berisheet in Hebrew

modern, hebrew, berisheet, beyt, reysh, aleph, sheen, yood, tav,
Berisheet in Modern Block Hebrew
Berisheet in Ancient Hebrew Pictograms

ancient, hebrew, berisheet,
The very first word spoken by the Lord that is recorded in scripture is the single word Berisheet. It means “In beginning” (“the” is added in English). Berisheet is composed of six Hebrew letters. Read from right to left, “Berisheet” looks like this when written today:

Each Hebrew letter has a number, a picture, and a word attached to it. So Jews could read the words or understand the pictures to read God’s Word. Numbers are specific and added even more depth of understanding, but we’ll leave them for another day!

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Beyt in Modern Hebrew (Berisheet)

The first letter in Berisheet (beginning on the right) is the word “Bet.” Its picture is that of a house or tent. (NOTE: The Hebrew alphabet doesn’t use vowels so you’ll see variations of spelling depending on what vowels are added in English.)

hebrew, reysh, berisheet,

The second letter in Berisheet is the word “Resh.” Its picture is that of a person’s head, meaning the head person or prince.

hebrew, berisheet, aleph,

The third letter in Berisheet is “Aleph.” Its picture is the head of an ox representing strength or a strong leader. The ultimate strength is, of course, God.

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Hebrew Shin

The fourth letter in Berisheet is “Shin.” Its picture is of teeth, meaning devouring/destruction.

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Hebrew Yod

The fifth letter in Berisheet is “Yod” and its picture is that of a hand.

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Hebrew Tau

The last letter in Berisheet is “Tau.” Its picture is a “T” or a “cross.” You can see where this is going!

Hebrew for Bar = SON (Beyt Reysh)

hebrew for son, bar, beyt, reysh,
Genesis 1:1 Beyt Reysh = Bar (Son)

If you take the first two letters of Berisheet, Bet, and Resh, they spell the word Hebrew word “bar,” which means “Son.” So God is hiding the word “SON” inside the first word, using Berisheet’s first two letters. Amazing!

First 3 Hebrew Letters in Berisheet is Bara CREATOR

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The First 3 Letters in Hebrew in the Bible

The first three letters in Berisheet spell out Bara, or “Created” / “Creator.” So the second word hidden in Berisheet is the word “Creator.”

And if you sound out all the letters in Berisheet, it says “The head of the house (and we just learned, buried within Berisheet’s first three letters, are two words, “Son” and “Creator”) is destroyed (willingly) by His own hand on a cross.”

All this is in the first sound out of God’s mouth when He created the universe. The first thing He says is that His Son, Who is the Creator, will go to the cross and have His hands pierced in order to shed innocent blood to pay for our sins. Again, just amazing!!

Here are the dates for Rosh Hashanah in the coming years.

2023 - September 15-17

2024 - October 2-4

2025 - October 2-4


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