Thursday, January 12, 2023


 Who is the seventh king of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? King Salman bin Abdulaziz is the ruler and the seventh king of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and his son, Prince Muhammad bin Salman, is the crown prince in his beginnings as ruler of the capital, Riyadh, in the mid-1990s, at the age of 19. Then he assumed a series of positions until he reached the position of ruler of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. State and Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and he will give you an answer to the question of the seventh ruler of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and his achievements.

Who are the kings of Saudi Arabia in order

Since its unification, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has assumed the presidency of a number of kings who left an imprint on its history, and among these kings

  • The first king, King Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud.
  • The second king, King Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
  • The third king, King Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
  • The fourth king, King Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
  • The fifth king, King Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
  • The sixth king, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
  • The seventh king, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

Who is the seventh king of Saudi Arabia?

The seventh king of the Kingdom is King Salman bin Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud. King Salman was born on December 31, 1935 AD, corresponding to Shawwal 5, 1354 AH. He is the seventh king and the current king of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Prime Minister and Supreme Commander of all military forces, and he is the twenty-fifth son of the founding king. Abdul Aziz and the twentieth king of the ruling family in the House of Saud, and he grew up in the capital, Riyadh, where he received his education at the Princes’ School in Riyadh, and completed memorizing the entire Qur’an at the age of ten, as he proved, and his closeness to his father, King Abdulaziz, entered the field of political work at an early age, as he took over the leadership of the Emirate of Riyadh at the age of The 19th and quickly proved to be very effective in the field of political and military governance 2015 AD.

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Biography

After getting to know the seventh king of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we present to you the most important information related to him through a brief biography in the following points


His full name is Salman bin Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman bin Faisal bin Turki bin Abdullah bin Muhammad Al Saud.
  • The title Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques is the seventh king of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • The nickname is Abu Fahd.
  • Gregorian date of birth December 31, 1935 AD
  • Hijri date of birth 5 Shawwal 1354 AH.
  • My nationality is Saudi.
  • Place of birth, Riyadh.
  • The residence of the royal court.
  • Muslim religion.
  • The profession is the king of Saudi Arabia.
  • The father’s name is Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud.
  • The mother is Hessa bint Ahmed bin Muhammad Al-Sudairy.
  • Civil status Married.
  • The wife’s name is Fahda bint Falah bin Sultan Al-Hathlin Al-Ajami.
  • The parental school is the school of princes.
  • Arabic mother tongue.
  • The number of children is 12 boys and one girl.

Positions held by King Salman bin Abdulaziz

  • Emir of the Emirate of Riyadh on behalf of his brother Nayef in 1954 AD.
  • He was appointed as an advisor to the kings because his father, King Abdulaziz, had great confidence in him.
  • The Secretary of the Al Saud family is responsible for all sons and daughters of the ruling family.
  • Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2011.
  • Crown Prince after his brother Nayef bin Abdulaziz from 2012 to 2015.
  • King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques since 2015.

Achievements of the seventh king of the kingdom

Since King Salman came to power in 2015 AD, the achievements he made were repeated locally and abroad and increased the level of progress and progress in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Among the most important achievements

  • The Kingdom witnessed the largest structural reform in the history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially in the leadership of the second line.
  • Empowering the second and third generations of the ruling family and placing them in leadership positions in major state institutions.
  • He announced the reconfiguration of the Council of Ministers so that the formation would be administrative.
  • Issuing ownership decisions to merge, transfer and amend a number of administrative bodies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Merging university education and general education in one ministry, which led to a quantum leap in the educational field.
  • During his tenure, the Transport Authority witnessed an unprecedented development, as infrastructure projects and development projects related to transportation were implemented within the framework of Vision 2030 AD.
  • The opening of the new King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah, the opening of NEOM Bay Airport and Prince Muhammad bin Abdulaziz Airport.
  • Integration of women in social development and their empowerment in major social positions, which increased the opportunity for women to obtain their rights.
  • A decision on structural reforms in the environment sector in 2022.
  • Issuing the sixth edition of all coins in paper and metal categories.
  • Saudi Arabia has become the world’s largest oil exporter, with daily exports exceeding seven million barrels.
  • He supervised the expansion of the Two Holy Mosques in the third phase and the washing of the Kaaba wall.
  • Establishing the Royal Commission for the Holy City of Makkah and the Holy Sites, improving the services provided in the Holy City and facilitating the movement of pilgrims.

2023: A year when the Arab world will take centre stage. It is easy to see why the GCC countries like Saudi Arabia will strengthen their economic powerhouse status over the next decade

Revelation; Chapter SIX (6), the ‘start’ of the Tribulation when Christ, the Lamb, opens the first seven (7) SEALS of wrath or judgement against evil man’kind (6).

Revelation 6:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

Commentary; the rider is the ‘beast’ or ‘antichrist’. His being clothed in white suggests ‘3’ false righteousness, false peace and false authority. He has a bow, but no arrows. He rules with lies and threats, but no military or arms. He conquers and subjugates, not with force but with ‘5’ lies, deception, false covenants and false agreements and false promises. He is the world’s greatest ‘political’ leader and deceiver. He is the one who ‘confirms the false covenant of seven years with Jacob’ which starts the tribulation. You should know now of who I speak. His ‘crown’ represents authority, rulership and position. It even literally represents his ‘position’ as Crown Prince, once the tribulation begins. My discernment is that the ‘white horse upon which he sits’ is symbolically a white Arabian stallion.

Revelation 6: 3 And when he had opened the second (2) seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.

4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

Commentary; ‘Rumours and Threats of Wars’ are no longer threats, but reality. War will literally ‘break out’ across the earth as nations wage war against one another. This is NOT Armageddon or WWWIII. They are fighting each other, not a common enemy or common threat. Different countries have differences between each other, and no one in particular … except perhaps for the ‘King of the East.’ This is my discernment. ‘Great Sword’ suggests great military technology, as a sword is a reference to military arms. Humanity has more destructive military power at its fingertips now than at any point in human history.

Revelation 6:5 And when he had opened the third (3) seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

Commentary; balances are symbolic for economic transactions and ‘prices’ for things such as wheat and barley grain, bread, olive oil, wine, various food commodities. These are common throughout the world and are considered by most as the ‘staples of life or living.’

6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

Commentary; The world will have reached a point of ‘climate apartheid’ where only the wealthy can afford basic food resources in the face of fatal droughts, famine, locust swarms and heatwaves, while the rest of the world suffers. Only the extreme rich can afford expensive cooking oil, baked pastries and loaves of multi-grain breads, fancy wines and related luxurious food stuffs. Yet, the ‘average peasant’ has to work for an entire day’s wages just to be able to buy enough wheat to make a loaf of bread. Great and severe income inequality is rampant worldwide. The ‘few’ own a massive disproportion of the earth’s wealth and bounty. Billionaires vs billions of poor. The ‘Crown Prince’ owns 60,000 (6) tonnes of wheat in his store houses or graineries while the few grain silos in the Port of Lebanon were destroyed and its people are threatened with expensive grain shortages that require humanitarian assistance.

Revelation 6:7 And when he had opened the fourth (4) seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Commentary; ‘pale’ suggests disease, death and dying. Disease and death are the normal results for those subjected to endless warring. Cholera, famine, infection, no clean water, no housing, no medicine, no hospitals, etc., all play a part in continuing to kill those who were not killed in direct fighting. These are normally the ‘innocent’ or the civilians, not the military. Hell follows, why? Because the vast majority of peoples in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere have rejected the gospel of salvation by Jesus Christ for just over 2,000 years. They follow Satan’s lies (Islam) and deceptions with other false religions (Hindu deities) and various deceiving doctrines. Even though they appear ‘innocent’ by the world’s standards, they are none-the-less ‘unsaved’ because of their rejection of Christ. Time is up, they unfortunately die because of the effects of war, in an unsaved state … hence ‘hell awaits them’. This is truth.

2023: A year when the Arab world will take centre stage. It is easy to see why the GCC countries like Saudi Arabia will strengthen their economic powerhouse status over the next decade

Sunil John Fri 23 Dec 2022 Arabian Business

It is both a sign of the times and a glimpse into the future when a 166-year-old Western financial institution turns to Saudi Arabia for bail-out funding.

Saudi National Bank’s $1.5 billion investment to acquire a 9.9 percent stake in the global investment bank and financial services company Credit Suisse Group was no ordinary financial rescue.

It was a powerful statement on Saudi Arabia’s strategic ambitions and the enviable position of the Arabian Gulf as one of the few bright spots in a decidedly wintry global economy, worsened by the prolonged conflict in Ukraine.

China signs $50bn investment deals in Saudi Arabia: Minister

And this was despite Ammar A. Alkhudairy, Saudi National Bank’s Chairman, describing the investment – a fraction over 2 percent of its total investment portfolio of $68.7 billion – as “barely worth a press release”.

GCC economies a rare bright spot

Saudi Arabia’s shrewd decision to strengthen its investment banking operations promises further financial firepower to deliver on its domestic economic transformation plans. One must add to this, of course, a share of the $1.4 trillion in extra oil & gas revenues that the IMF estimates will flow into the GCC countries over the next five years. These will further swell the coffers of the region’s sovereign wealth funds, which already account for 40 percent of the $5.5 trillion in assets held by SWFs globally.

While global financial markets witnessed an extended period of volatility, or ‘perma-crisis’ (the word of the year according to the Collins English Dictionary) during 2022, GCC fund managers have been in over-drive.

Stock exchanges in the UAE and Saudi Arabia recorded over $22.6 billion in new listings, equal to more than half the value of all the listings across the bourses of Europe, the Middle East and Africa combined.

In the first 10 months of 2022, Gulf sovereign investors more than doubled their investments in the US and Europe, from $20.9 billion to $48 billion. Six of the world’s top 10 active sovereign investors during this period came from the Arabian Gulf, each participating in deals exceeding $1 billion.

So, it is easy to see why the GCC countries will strengthen their economic powerhouse status over the next decade. This augurs well for their domestic populations, particularly the youth, and for trade and investment with neighbouring countries.

Arab countries taking centre stage

One outcome of all this financial muscle has been the ability to host world-class events. The region has staged two in as many years. The pandemic-delayed Expo 2020 in Dubai, which received no fewer than 25 million visitations despite the unprecedented restrictions on social interaction and travel, and the FIFA World Cup in 2022 in Qatar, universally lauded as one of the best tournaments in the event’s storied history.

While not without controversy, the year’s World Cup saw Qatar confidently step forward onto the world’s biggest stage of all, successfully organizing an event that few thought possible 12 years ago when they won the bid. The presentation of a bisht, the traditional men’s cloak popular throughout the Arab world, to Argentina’s World Cup-winning captain Lionel Messi left an indelible mark on World Cup history. No small matter that Qatar spent a whopping $300 billion in creating world-class infrastructure to stage the event.

A new chapter has been added to the story of the region. While stereotypical opinions in some quarters have not necessarily been overcome, they most certainly have been challenged. A dialogue is now underway.

We saw further evidence of a new narrative emerging at the UN Climate Summit in Sharm El-Sheikh. Yes, GCC economies still rely on oil & gas, however these countries also have a role to play in bringing about a cleaner energy future. And they are willing to invest billions.

As Vijay Vaitheeswaran, the global energy and climate innovation editor of The Economist, recently observed: “We will see a much stronger focus on how the energy industry itself can play a role as a decarboniser. It’s about a grown-up way of understanding the problem that oil and gas is here to stay.”

In 2023, negotiations on stemming climate change will resume in earnest at COP28, the Emirates Climate Conference. Just as Qatar confidently faced up to its critics to stage a brilliant World Cup, so the UAE will defy the doubters to host the next edition of the world’s most important climate gathering committed to positive, inclusive dialogue.

The positive knock-on effects should also not be underestimated, with Saudi Arabia now considering bids for both the FIFA World Cup and the World Expo. This promises further liberalization, and economic diversification, of what was once one of the world’s most conservative countries.

PR will lead from the front

Inspired by its leaders’ bold ambitions and the aspirations of its 200 million plus youth, the MENA region will witness yet more inward investment and further financial forays overseas in 2023. I believe this requires expert communications advice that only consultancies born in the region can provide – a view further reinforced when ASDA’A BCW collected the award for Best Agency – UAE at the 2022 Campaign Agency of the Year Middle East awards.

An innate understanding of the culture, sustained investment in attitudinal research (a case in being point being our annual ASDA’A BCW Arab Youth Survey, now entering in its 15th year in 2023), and the commitment to embrace creative, integrated, and digital-first thinking will continue to secure the industry a seat at the decision maker’s table.

‘7’ Paul Rolland, Night Watchman, Night Watchman Ministries;

Revelation 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and POWER was ‘GIVEN’ him (Prince, Beast, Antichrist) over ALL kindreds, and tongues, and NATIONS.

The Antichrist; ‘A King of Dark Sentences’ (political language, false agreements, deceiving covenants, lies, back-room dealing, deception, intrigue, announcements and deceiving doctrines and programs.)

23 “ And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” (Daniel 8:23-25)

The One World Government Leader Has Power OVER ALL THE NATIONS of the EARTH.

WHO is the Abraham Accords ‘Confirmer,’ the BEAST, the Eighth (8th) King, the ‘ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT LEADER’, the FIRST RIDER OF THE APOCALYPSE who goes to Perdition (Utter Destruction), The LAST CAESAR, PHARAOH or ANTICHRIST?

Revelation 13:2-4

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon [Satan, Allah, Prince of the Power of the Air] which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast [Antichrist, Man-by-Satan ‘MbS’], saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (Emphasis mine. Discernment mine.)

Five (5) references to ‘beast.’ 5 denotes satanic influence over evil men.

Jesus Identified the Sign of the Antichrist: He is NOT Macron, Biden, Obama, Trump, Putin, Jinping, Gates, Pope Francis or Klaus Schwab. The ‘Beast’ has been identified NOW, and his role changes to the Antichrist 3.5 years into the Tribulation.

Revelation 17:8-11 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

‘Seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.’ = NEOM Babylon sits on the seven (7) tallest mountains in the Midian Mountain range in the Tabuk region of Saudi Arabia. Tallest mountain is Mount Sinai. These mountains are scarlet and purple colored due to volcanic origin and related minerals deposited in rock. NEOM is a $500 (5) billion technological/hedonistic paradise. No mention or acceptance of Christ.

The seven and eight kings are in reference to the genetic lineage (bottomless pit of evil) of the House of Saud. These are ALL the modern kings since the foundation of modern Saudi Arabia.

Proof of the ‘line of’ of the 8 kings.

Kings of Saudi Arabia (1932–present)

 1.        King Ibn Saud. 9/22/1932 – 11/9/1953. Kingdom founded by conquest. Had six (6) sons that became Kings of the Kingdom. Six (6) is the number of evil man/men. The ground work for this kingdom was being created at the same time as the ground work for the State of Israel. Satan started establishing his ‘chosen people’ (those who worship the dragon and beast) at the same time God was re-establishing his ‘chosen people’ (the Jews) over the 1930’s to late 1940’s. 1 of the 5 ‘fallen/dead’ kings.

2.         King Saud. 11/9/1953 – 11/2/1964. 2 of the 5 ‘fallen/dead’ kings.

3.         King Faisal. 11/2/1964 – 3/25/1975. 3 of the 5 ‘fallen/dead’ kings.

4.         King Khalid. 3/25/1975 – 6/13/1982. 4 of the 5 ‘fallen/dead’ kings.

5.         King Fahd. 6/13/1982 – 8/1/2005. 5 of the 5 ‘fallen/dead’ kings.

6.         King Abdullah. 8/1/2005 – 1/23/2015. The king ‘that is.’ This is the 6th king revealed by the Holy Spirit to John the Apostle. He is the signpost for the ‘season of the times’ of the latter days, prior to the tribulation. A sign for the evil Gentile nations.

7.         King Salman. (King 2015 – ?). 1/23/2015- (2022) This is the 7th and ‘future’ king revealed to John the Apostle who will reign for a ‘short time or while’. If his reign lasts for 7 years, from 2015 on into 2022, it will truly reflect a short reign and denotes God’s divine completion to his plan or purpose for the seven kings, including the seventh king. King Salman is the LAST of the six (6) sons of Ibn Saud to be King of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Is The De Facto King Amid Concerns Over Father’s Health

8.         Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. He is the 8th and final ‘future’ king revealed to John the Apostle. He is the ‘beast’, comes from seven (7) kings/lineage before him and goes to perdition. His reign is over the seven (7) years of the tribulation. Born 1985, he will be 35 (7×5) years old in 2020. Seven (7) denotes God’s divine completion to His plan or purpose. Five (5) denotes Satanic influence of men and kings. God’s influence over men in greater than Satan’s influence over men 7>5. Notice that MBS will be the FIRST king who is NOT a direct son of founding King Ibn Saud in 1932. Becoming the 8th king, MBS represents a ‘new epoch’ a ‘new future’ for the kingdom that forms an ideological break from the past. Eight (8) denotes a new beginning, new timeline, new season, new plan. God is addressing the evil status quo of the House of Saud (bottomless pit of evil, wealth, influence, power, corruption) and ushering in the time of great wrath, the tribulation for Gentile nations. From a spiritual perspective, MBS not being one of the six (6) sons of the founding King Ibn Saud, now holds claim to being the son of perdition under the power and influence of the dragon (Satan). MBS has no allegiance to his family tree, tradition, other family princes and historical political protocol. Only an extremely evil, pathological soul manipulated by Satan would turn on his own family. In Satan’s plan, he used the ‘bottomless pit’ of evil House of Saud to raise MBS, the beast, the son of perdition to be in the positions he both currently and in future, will hold. Just as Jesus Christ had an earthly family tree and lineage, Satan used the House of Saud as the earthly family tree, lineage for his son of perdition, the beast, the coming Antichrist.

At the time John the Apostle was in the Holy Spirit and given a ‘vision’ of the future, 5 of the Saudi Kings were already dead (fallen). He was shown the sixth king, and told that a future 7th and 8th king were coming. The sixth king was a ‘sign post’ of the beginning of the ‘end times’ prior to the tribulation. The 7th King ‘short while’ in current King Salman, the last son of founder Saud. Mbs, Mohammed bin Salman is ‘Crown Prince’ and will become the 8th king (goes into perdition). MbS is the ‘Beast’ who rules during the seven (7) year tribulation and great tribulation (last 3.5 year period.) MbS (Beast now), becomes the Antichrist midway during the 7 year tribulation, at the occurrence known as the ‘Abomination of Desolation.’

King Salman brought his son, MBS into the kingdom’s political arena in 2015. 2015-2020 is also a 5 year period of Satanic influence on MBS, as he has grown in power and worldwide influence and stature among not only Western countries, but among ‘Kings of the East’, and those who worship the dragon and the beast throughout Middle East / North African countries (MENA – the ‘many’ Arabic and Islamic countries).

Mohammed bin Salman (named Crown Prince, June 2017). He is referred to scripturally as both a Prince and as a King. This is extremely unique and mentioned for a very real reason. He plays a prophetic role as Prince (when he confirms the false peace covenant among many nations throughout MENA regarding Israel and the Palestinians). Please consider that many, if not all, MENA countries are either Arabic and/or Muslim and are financially and politically beholden to Saudi Arabia in one form or another. Religiously, all these countries are beholden to the House of Saud, because it is the ‘custodian’ of Islam’s ‘holiest’ sites in Saudi Arabia. All Muslims must come for Hajj in Saudi Arabia at some point in their life, if capable (those who worship the dragon and the beast). Satanic influence is woven together and throughout ALL of these counties. They will agree to MBS’ confirmation of the covenant, as Crown Prince. They dare not come against the Crown Prince’s wish and confirmation. Thus, they will abide by his confirmation. They have every reason to accept his confirmation, because of their political, financial and religious vested interests with Saudi Arabia. ‘Who can make war or come against the Beast?’

MBS also plays a prophetic role as Saudi Arabia’s 8th King. This will likely occur before he enters the rebuilt Jewish 3rd Temple and causes the Abomination of Desolation (claims to be god and demands to be worshiped as such). Poor man wants to be rich, rich man wants to be prince, prince wants to be king, king wants to be god and rule everything. As such, MBS will likely be the Saudi’s 8th King once he sets foot in the rebuilt Jewish temple half way through the tribulation. After all, he is already the focus of ‘those who worship the dragon and the beast.’ He now wants the Jews to worship him along with the rest of the world (via the destruction of his previous accommodation and approval of the worshipping of the false mystery religions.) It’s not enough that Satan has deceived almost 2 billion Muslims. He now wants to be worshipped by the rest of the earth by Hindus, Buddhists,  Satan destroys the false ‘mystery religion’ being propagated by the False Prophet, so he can be the only focus of mankind’s worship. These false religions served their satanic purpose by deceiving men and leading men away from Christ, now is time to throw these other false religions into the fire so men are forced to worship Satan, through MBS exclusively.

Hence, MBS’ role will have changed from beast/prince to king to Antichrist at this point. He is indwelt by Satan in order for Satan to satisfy his claim that he will rise to be like the true God and to be worshipped as such. As a spiritual entity, Satan can only possess and indwell a flesh and blood human man. Satan has done everything in his power to raise MBS up through the evil bottomless pit of the House of Saud, to become a Crown Prince, to become a King, and now that Satan has possessed him to become the world-wide Antichrist. At this point, MBS is completely under Satan’s authority and power and ensues to blaspheme God and Jesus Christ.

The timing of when MBS became Crown Prince is known (June 2017). When he becomes king is when his father succumbs the throne to MBS (this could be through death or a short political reign for one reason or another – health?). The actual timing is unimportant, all we are told is that the 7th king’s reign is for a ‘short time or while.’ His term could be 5, 6, 7 or 8 years.

Where else is there a family/political dynasty on earth that has had seven (7) consecutive kings that rule a country from the same genetic line? In the Middle East? During the time of Israel’s rebirth from a valley of dry bones to a budding fig tree? Saudi Arabia’s current 7th king and future 8th king fit the Biblical narratives set forth by the Word of God. 7th and 8th kings from the bottomless pit of evil, money, power, influence, corruption (5 Satanic influences). MBS is prince when he confirms the covenant. MBS becomes an Antichrist when he is worshiped as a mujaddid by Muslims, and then becomes the worldwide Antichrist when he is indwelt by Satan.

The timing of John the Apostle’s vision regarding the 8 Kings from the bottomless pit of the House of Saud – 5 ‘fallen’, 1 ‘is current’, 2 ‘are future’.

Why is this even a topic worth mentioning? What is the point? Is there a point? Yes, there is a point. And it is VERY important, from a prophetic viewpoint. In that, it is a ‘viewing point’ of the latter days, leading up to the tribulation. How so?

First, as Christians, we know that the Triune God gave John the Apostle a vision and knowledge of many things pertaining to the days leading up to and into the tribulation and after. The Holy Spirit carried him into the future, from his particular life in time, to witness things that he then explained in his Revelation of Jesus Christ. One of the visions he was given, while in the Holy Spirit, was of the 5 kings that were fallen, a 6th king he was being shown, and that of a 7th king who had not come (but would rule for a short while at some point in the future). Lastly, he was shown a future and last 8th king known and described as the Beast who would be sent to perdition, udder destruction, the lake of fire and brimstone, the second death … alive.

I have attempted to confirm who the 7th and 8th kings are from our point in space and time, relative to the ‘season of the times.’ What about this mysterious sixth king, the king ‘who is’. Why is this king important that John the Apostle was directly being shown? And what possible prophetic importance can he have? Of the 8 kings, why would God single out this particular man?

Consider that God, through the Holy Spirit, could have shown John any or all of the Kings in future ‘real time’. He was not permitted to see the 7th or 8th kings, but only the sixth. What perhaps was God’s reason for this?

The reign of 6th King Abdullah was from 2005 to 2015. This snapshot of time and space is important because it suggests that this time frame is important for us, for Gentiles alive in the final generation. To know that we are indeed in the ‘final season’ prior to our harpazo/rapture and the onset of the tribulation, without any doubt or hesitation. We know that Israel’s prophetic time clock began in 1948. God’s prophetic time clock for the tribulation of Gentile nations suggests that it started during the time of this sixth king. It is beyond the scope of this letter to go into details about what has occurred throughout the entire earth during the time of the sixth king’s reign. Many prophetic things started being revealed over the 5 year period from 2010 to 2015. The time of the sixth king’s reign is a sign post, a flashing light, a notice of when the final season begins and is upon the earth for Gentiles. God has given signs in scripture and the heavens for Jews, and Gentiles alike. The September 23, 2017 occurrence of the ‘great sign in heaven’ is an example of a sign for the Bride of Christ. The 6th Saudi king is a Gentile and a member of the House of Saud and the bottomless pit of evil. His reign (along with all the other past 5 kings and 2 future kings) has been orchestrated by Satan during the growth of this kingdom and the discovery of its bottomless wealth (oil). To a logical mind, clear and sober, this would indicate that God is saying that the age of grace for all Gentiles on earth is coming to a close. It is not important that we don’t know if God considers 2005 or 2015 to be the beginning of the ‘season of the time before the tribulation.’ Just as God spoke generically about the rebirth of Israel, as when you ‘see the fig tree bearing fruit’, he was referring to a time frame or process developing over time. In His divine plan, things develop and take time to grow until their divine timing is ripe to be revealed. Those who can discern can watch this occur, as it happens in ‘real time’ and understand appropriately and accordingly. As God gave a general timeline for Israel, commencing in 1948, he gives a Gentile timeline commencing in 2015. This of course is BEFORE the arrival of the future 7th and 8th kings who would indicate perhaps the middle and end of the ‘Fall Season’ or Season of the Times’ prior to the rapture/harpazo for the Bride and the onset of the tribulation.’

Time is running out before the time begins of God’s great wrath on mankind and Gentile nations. We can know this with certainty by looking at the time frame witnessed by John the Apostle of the 6th king from the House of Saud. Six (6) denotes evil man/men. Seven (7) denotes God’s divine completion to his plan or purpose. Eight (8) denotes new era, new epoch, new season, new time span, new series of events. The 7th Saud King indicates that God is finished with Satan’s status quo in Saudi Arabia and of the evil Gentile world. The 8th Saud King indicates that God is ushering in a new time of tribulation and trial for mankind, Jews and Gentiles. Remember, the seven (7) year tribulation is also referred to as the ‘time or week of Jacob’s trouble.’ A week being seven (7) years and Jacob being a reference to Jews and Israel. God is turning his attention back onto Israel, the redemption of the Jews, wrath towards the Gentile world and arranging the coming Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth.

But how can they call on him (Jesus Christ) to save them unless they believe in him (Jesus Christ)? And how can they believe in him (Jesus Christ) if they have never heard about him (Jesus Christ)? And how can they hear about him (Jesus Christ) unless someone tells them?” —Romans 10:14

On March 26, 2020, it was published that Microsoft had filed for a patent with the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). The patent was for a new type of Crypto Mining System used to generate cryptocurrency and the patent number – brace yourself – is wo/2020/060606. That’s right… Microsoft’s new tech: patent no. 060606 of the World Organization in 2020.

When I first read about this patent, I didn’t understand exactly what it is. I still don’t. But now that I have a much better understanding, I don’t like it. Not one bit (pardon the tech pun).


Bitcoin is the most commonly recognized type of cryptocurrency. However, there are many different types including Ethereum, Ripple, Stellar Lumen, Zcash and more.



Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is meant to be a medium of exchange.[1] Rather than the traditional, national forms of paper and coin currency, cryptocurrency is a digital global currency that transcends borders, eliminates physical exchange, and omits banking systems. This technology uses cryptography (encryption and decryption methods) to secure data transfers. The concept was developed in the 1980s but gained steam with the introduction of Bitcoin in 2008.

Bitcoin is not backed by any item of physical value, such as gold or silver, but rather is “mined” or created. As the currency is mined, it may then be exchanged for other traditional currencies or products. Recently, Lolli developed an online application that allows one to mine Bitcoin by shopping online. It is similar to a cash back or rewards system, but the reward is granted in cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin.

Microsoft’s new patent is for a new type of Crypto Mining System, or a new way to create cryptocurrency. This system is unique in that it allows for cryptocurrency to be mined (created) from biodata generated from human activity. Simply put, Microsoft’s system detects biological changes within a user such as a faster pulse or brainwaves and then converts the biological data into cryptocurrencies.

The system could be used to incentivize users to perform certain tasks. Scanners can detect activity from certain kinds of tasks… that can reward the user with cryptocurrencies.


In other words, a directive can be given to a specific user via a digital device such as a smartphone or perhaps an implanted microchip. When the user performs the required task, biometric data is generated by the body of the user. This biometric data is user specific like a retinal scan or DNA and is used to authenticate the transaction. This biometric authentication allows the user to receive pay in cryptocurrency. The process is almost immediate.

Theological Implications

Now, what could possibly go wrong with that? No “mark of the beast” implications here! Nothing to see Citizen, just move along now. Can you just imagine if this technology develops further and (1) becomes the only accepted currency, (2) is paired with human microchipping, and (3) becomes mandatory for all financial transactions? Imagine the evil directives that could be demanded of users so that they might gain the necessary cryptocurrency to meet one’s basic needs. Absolutely frightening!

Scripture teaches that all authority, political and economic control will be given to a global leader known as The Beast, or Antichrist. This global leader will work in conjunction with a sidekick, known as The False Prophet, who is all too happy to do his evil bidding.

The book of Revelation contains these prophecies and also predictions regarding the economic conditions of the end of days. Scripture declares, “he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six” (Rev. 13:16-18, NASB).

His number is 666. Compare that to Microsoft’s patent number: wo (world organization)/2020 (year)/060606 (patent number). Is this a mere coincidence or a perhaps a shadow of what is to come?

Such vast and total global control was unimaginable until recently with the development of technologies such as the one explored here. A global, digital currency coupled with biometric data requirements for generating necessary currency sets the stage for just the type of control predicted in Scripture. While believers are not to fear, I have to be honest… this technology gives me great pause (Matt 24:6).

If you don’t know the Lord Jesus Christ and are not familiar with all the prophecy given within the Scriptures of the Holy Bible, I would encourage you to at least explore these things. In his mercy, God has warned us of what will surely take place in the end of days. Many biblical prophecies have come to pass such as the restoration of Israel in 1948. Other prophecies that were once unthinkable, are now within reach of reality as technology and globalization increases. If you don’t know Christ, please at least consider listening to what he has said and examine the accuracy of the Word of God.


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