Wednesday, May 3, 2023

COVID, Revelation, and a bow without arrows?

 -τόξον- toxin

Rev 6:2 - And I saw, andbehold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; G5115 and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer

Understanding the fourth of the “seven seals” in the book of Revelation (Rev. 6:1–8) provides us with the interpretive lens to evaluate the current “plague” and the other historical “plagues” noted above. To give the context, the first four seals will be listed here, but our focus in this article will be on the fourth seal and its significance.

Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.
When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine.”
When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth. (Rev. 6:1–8 NASB 1995)

Understanding the Rule of Christ

But, before understanding the application of Revelation 6 today, and especially the fourth seal, we need to put it into its context in the entire book of Revelation.

Revelation establishes that Christ has received all authority from the Father and taken up his rule over the kingdoms of the earth (Rev. 1:5; 2:26–27; 3:21; 5:1–14). Presently, Christ is “the ruler of the kings of the earth” (Rev. 1:5), the one who has “conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne” (Rev. 3:21 ESV). He is the Lamb who takes a book and then sits beside God who is on his throne to rule (Rev. 5:1–14). As a result of his death and resurrection, Christ receives authority in the first century to begin to rule over his kingdom (see Rev. 5:5). Indeed, he has made believers to be part of this kingdom, which has also occurred in the recent past: “You … purchased for God with your blood some from every … people … and you have made them to be a kingdom … and they are reigning upon the earth” (5:9–10, my translation). So, the rule of Christ with his people (the church) has begun to take place directly after Christ’s resurrection and ascension.

Opening the Book

What is the book that the Lamb received from God? Revelation 5:4 says “no one was found worthy to open the book, or to look into it.” God promised Adam that he would reign over the earth. Although Adam forfeited this promise, Christ, the last Adam, was to inherit it. A man had to open the book, since the promise was made to humanity. Yet all are sinners and stand under the judgment contained in the book. Nevertheless, Christ is found worthy because he suffered the final judgment as an innocent sacrificial victim on behalf of his people, whom he represented and consequently redeemed (5:9) through not only his death but also resurrection.

In this light, the Lamb’s “conquering” through death and resurrection meant that he was able “to open the book” by removing “its seven seals” (Rev. 5:5). Roman wills often had to be witnessed by seven witnesses and sealed with seven seals by the seven witnesses. Thus, the book is like a will indicating a covenantal promise of an inheritance, which the Lamb receives, yet he is, at the same time, the executor, putting the plan of the inheritance into effect.

The seals that John sees in Revelation 5 originally come mainly from the book of Daniel. The prophet Daniel was to “seal up the book” until the “end of time” (Dan. 12:4, 9; see also Dan. 8:26–27). Daniel could not understand the meaning of the visions, since they were not yet fulfilled. But the unsealing of the book by Christ symbolically means that Daniel’s visions about judgment and God’s kingdom have begun fulfillment, though they are not yet consummated as they will be at the final coming of Christ. The unsealing also means that with fulfillment comes a much greater understanding of the Old Testament prophecies than was possessed by prophets like Daniel.

Revelation 5:9–10 interprets Christ’s worthiness to receive the book as indicating his authority to redeem his people and establish them as kings and priests. The hymn of Revelation 5:12 interprets the Lamb’s reception of the “book” mentioned in vv. 9–10 more generally as his reception of “power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing,” thus showing that his receiving the book has given him sovereign, divine power.

Understanding the “Already But Not Yet” Judgments in Revelation

When Christ successively “breaks” the first four “seals,” he is showing that the prophetic contents of the book are beginning fulfillment, especially its judgments. The first four seals show how Christ’s authority extends even over situations of suffering sent from the hand of God (as we will see) to purify the saints and punish unbelievers. Examples of such suffering have been alluded to in the letters of Revelation 2–3. Some Christians may have wondered if Christ really was sovereign over disastrous circumstances, such as Nero’s mass persecution on so cruel a scale following the fire of Rome in AD 64. Revelation 6:1–8 is intended to show that Christ rules over such an apparently chaotic world and that suffering does not occur indiscriminately or by chance. We ourselves wonder whether or not God is in control of such events as COVID-19. This section of Revelation reveals, in fact, that destructive events are brought about by Christ for both redemptive and judicial purposes. It is Christ sitting on his throne who controls all the trials and persecutions of the church from the time of his first coming until his return on the last day. God is in control of such events as COVID-19.

The opening of the seals coincides with Christ’s taking up his position at the right hand of God, which occurred in the first century AD, so that the events depicted in the seals will begin to take place immediately and continue until the Lord’s return. The opening of the seals begins the actual revelation and execution of the contents of the scroll of Revelation 5. This makes sense of the exhortations in the seven letters to persevere in the face of suffering, for the suffering unleashed by the seals had already begun to take place even in the life of the seven churches to which John was writing. Christ opens each seal in the heavenly throne room and issues the command for the contents of each to be executed on the earth.

The disasters that unfold are the same foreseen in the four judgments prophesied by Ezekiel in Ezekiel 14:12–21 (sword, famine, wild beasts, and plague) and the judgments prophesied by Jesus in Matt. 24:6–28 (war, famine, and persecution). In those cases, the calamities occur side by side, thus suggesting that the various disasters contained in the four seals also can occur at the same time rather than in any particular order. In addition, the glorified saints in Revelation 6:9–11 (who have died throughout the church age) appear to have suffered under all four trials portrayed in the seals, which points to their having taken place during the same general time period of the church age (see vv. 9–11). Therefore, following on from chapter 5, Revelation 6:1–8 describes the operation of the destructive forces which were unleashed immediately upon the world as a result of Christ’s victorious suffering at the cross, his resurrection, and his ascent to a position of rule at his Father’s right hand.

The Fourth Horseman

In particular, the deception of the first seal, the wars of the second seal, the famine of the third seal, and death and plague of the fourth seal have begun to be unleashed throughout the church age. The last rider to be released has the name “Death,” with “Hades … following with him” (6:8). Death and Hades are satanic forces under the ultimate governance of the throne room of God (note also Rev. 1:18, where Christ has control over “death and of Hades”). The fourth horseman probably is a summary of the previous three seal judgments but also himself unleashes the new trial of “plague.” He uses the preceding three woes to bring death. But it is clear that they do not always result in death (see, for instance, the third horseman who brings famine). Uppermost in mind are the antagonistic actions of Satan’s forces. The Greek word is literally “death,” which probably underscores that “plague” brings “death,” since in the Greek Old Testament “death” (thanatos) translates the Hebrew word for “plague” thirty times, including twice in Ezekiel 14:19–21, which is quoted in the second half of Revelation 6:8. Indeed, Ezekiel 14:12–23 provides part of the model not only for the fourth seal but for all of Revelation 6:1–8. Ezekiel 14:21, “I will send my four evil judgments against Jerusalem: sword, famine, wild beasts, and plague to cut off man” (my translation) is quoted in the second part of Revelation 6:8, as a part of the fourth seal: “Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.”

The disaster wrought by the fourth horseman is explicitly limited to a “fourth of the earth.” This means that the four woes do not harm every person without exception. Nevertheless, their destructive force is felt by people throughout the world. The four horsemen in Zechariah 1 and especially 6 form the model for the four horsemen portrayed in the first four seals of Revelation 6. The horsemen in Zechariah 6 have a worldwide effect, which is why the horsemen of Revelation 6 likewise should be understood to have a worldwide effect, though they do not affect every single person on the earth. The cosmic extent of the tribulations is emphasized by the fact that there are four horsemen, a figurative number for universality (as with the four living creatures in Rev. 4:6–8 and “the four winds of the earth” in 7:1–3). Therefore, just as the four living creatures represent the praise of the redeemed throughout the entire creation, so the plagues of the four horsemen are symbolic of the suffering of many throughout the earth, which will continue until the final return of Christ. That the horsemen’s plagues are representative of all kinds of woes is clear from observing that the fourfold Old Testament covenant curse formula cited in the second half of Revelation 6:8 (“to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth”) is used in the same figurative manner in the Old Testament. In addition to the fact that the figurative meaning of “four” stands for completeness, Israel was threatened with many more curses than four in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. This is why no single historical background can exhaust the meaning of these judgments in Revelation 6.

Understanding the Unfaithfulness of Nations That Elicits God’s Judgment

The fourth seal must be understood in light of Ezekiel 14:21, since it is one of the few Old Testament quotations in Revelation (most references to the Old Testament in Revelation are allusions). The context of Ezekiel 14:13–23 is crucial in understanding v. 21. In Ezekiel 14:13–14, God says that if any “country sins against me by committing unfaithfulness … I [will] stretch out my hand against it … [and] send famine … even though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job were in its midst, by their own righteousness they could only deliver themselves.” This same scenario is repeated three more times but “wild beasts,” “sword,” and “plague” is substituted respectively for “famine” (14:15–20). Thus, in God’s common grace realm or realm of general revelation, he punished “unfaithfulness” with these four plagues, sometimes simultaneously and perhaps sometimes not. Then, God says with respect to Israel, the community of his special revelation, “how much more when I send My four evil judgments against Jerusalem: sword, famine, wild beasts, and plague to cut off man and beast from it!” (Ezek. 14:21, my translation).

In other words, when Israel commits “sins” of “unfaithfulness,” they will undergo even more intense judgment than the nations experience for such sins. Probably, the principle is that those who reject special revelation will experience a greater degree of judgment than those outside the covenant community who have no exposure to such revelation.

One major takeaway from Ezekiel 14 is that these punishments on unbelieving “countries” in the common grace realm were apparently a reality in Old Testament times. Does God’s punishment of countries for unfaithfulness carry over to today? There is no reason to think that such punishments would cease in the era following Christ’s coming. Three things do cease: Israel as a theocratic nation, the laws pertaining to the temple, and Israel’s land. Instead,  Jesus and the church become the continuation of true Israel, the temple, and land (the latter in the sense that the promises about inheritance in the land become tied in to Jesus as the beginning of the new creation and to those identified with Jesus).

So, even without considering how John uses Ezekiel 14:21 in Revelation 6:8, the reality that God punishes nations for excessive “unfaithfulness” continues. This “unfaithfulness” can be any excessive sin. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word translated above as “unfaithfulness” was especially associated with the sin of idolatry.[1]Romans 1 says that God punishes people because of the sin of excessive idol worship, both in the Old Testament epoch and in the New Testament epoch. This punishment was expressed in God giving people “over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper” (e.g., unnatural sexual relations, “wickedness, greed … envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice … insolent, arrogant” [Rom. 1:28–32]).

Ezekiel 14 highlights the punishments of “sword, famine, wild beasts, and plague.” These four punishments can happen simultaneously or separately. The “plague” of COVID-19, I believe, is a manifestation of God’s punishment on many nations of the earth. It comes because the leaders of nations and many of the people in those nations have turned their back on God and substituted him with some other object of trust (economic, political, etc.), that is, they have committed acts of “unfaithfulness.” It comes also because nations have perverted God’s moral standards. God does not always punish nations in this way because of his mysterious grace, but even then they deserve to be so treated. We can also say, ultimately, such disaster is a judgmental ramification of a fallen world, stemming from the first Adam’s sin.

Understanding How God Uses the Plagues as Judgments to Harden or Trials to Refine

But is the “plague” of COVID-19 only a divine punishment? John’s quotation of Ezekiel 14:21 in Revelation 6:8 further indicates that the “plague” has another and entirely different purpose.

Ezekiel 14:22–23 expresses this different purpose:

“Yet, behold, survivors will be left in it who will be brought out, both sons and daughters. Behold, they are going to come forth to you and you will see their conduct and actions; then you will be comforted for the calamity which I have brought against Jerusalem for everything which I have brought upon it. Then they will comfort you when you see their conduct and actions, for you will know that I have not done in vain whatever I did to it,” declares the Lord GOD.

While God uses the four judgments to judge unbelievers both among the nations and, especially, in Israel, he uses the same trial to refine the faith of a remnant of true believers.[2]

Recall that Ezekiel 14:21, “I [will] send my four evil judgments against Jerusalem: sword, famine, wild beasts, and plague to cut off man” (my translation), equals the second part of Revelation 6:8, “Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.”

Civil wars (the second horseman) and famines (the third horseman) affect people throughout the nations suffering from them, both unbelievers and believers. Likewise, “plagues” (pandemics) strike a multitude of people in the nations affected. For unbelievers, the “plague” is punishment, further hardening them against God. For believers, the “plague” is a trial refining the faith of God’s true, remnant people by causing them to turn to him for help to endure the trial. Yes, COVID-19 is a judgment on nations, but it is also an instrument to refine the faith of God’s people living in those nations.

There is a third group of people. They are unbelievers who are moved to ask to be delivered from the hardening effect of the virus and turn to God and become those whose true faith begins to be refined by the trial.

While it is true that the trials of the four horsemen affect both unbelievers and believers among nations, John’s focus is more on the covenant community, as was Ezekiel’s (recall Ezekiel 14:21, “how much more when I send my four evil judgments against Jerusalem” [my translation] where vv. 21–23 is the main point of vv. 13–23). This means that John views the covenant community to be a visible one composed of confessing believers, some of whom are truly Christians and some of whom are only “confessors” and not true believers. While all suffer the same “plague” physically, the latter suffer the hardening aspect of the judgment, while the former have their faith refined and strengthened by the trial.

So far I have discussed Revelation’s first four “seals” as large-scale trials that affect many people on earth, such as COVID-19. But how are we to think of smaller-scale, though significant trials, such as the suffering and death caused by airplane crashes, tornados, hurricanes, volcanos, 9/11, and so on? Scripture elsewhere teaches that “all things,” global pandemics, smaller-scale disasters, and even individual suffering, “work together for good, for those who are called according to his [God’s] purpose” (Rom. 8:28 ESV). This would include trials refining the faith of believers, as the “seal” trials were seen to do.

The life of Joseph is a good Old Testament example of an individual’s personal trial. He was sold into slavery by his brothers and then wrongly imprisoned by his Egyptian master. After God blesses and exalts him, he says to his brothers, “you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Gen. 50:20). Furthermore, Psalm 105:18–19 says about Joseph, “they afflicted him with fetters; he himself was laid in irons, until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord refined him” (my translation). And, on the other hand, such smaller catastrophes serve to harden unbelievers and pseudo-believers in the covenant community.

The opening of the 1st seal brings on a rider on a “White Horse.”  The guy sitting on the White Horse has a BOW with no mention of any arrows!  The 1st seal is DECEPTION (a phony virus?).  Did the entire planet just get deceived by a bow with no arrows; a gun with no bullets?  COVID-19 has caused the world to SHUT DOWN.  Churches closed, businesses shut down, schools stopped, and people hunkered and bunkered for six months.  Why?  What is really going on?  Could it “possibly” be that we’ve been scared about nothing?  This rider on this White Horse was given a CROWN.  Did you know that the definition of “CORONA” is CROWN?  “Seriously, CROWN?”  Yes; in fact, in Science Coronaviruses derive their name from the fact that under electron microscopic examination, each virion is surrounded by a “corona,” or halo (crown).  Covid-19 has definitely been given a CROWN.  It “appears” that the FIRST SEAL in Revelation may have just been opened up right before our very eyes.       


Recently, the CDC (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention) “quietly” updated the Covid number to admit that only 6% of all the 190,000 deaths recorded in the United States actually died from Covid-19.  That’s a little over 10,000 deaths; not a little under 200,000.  Unbelievable!  The other 94% that died had 2 to 3 other serious illnesses, and the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age; 90% in nursing homes.  Pastor John MacArthur, of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California recently said, 


Pastor MacArthur has been in ministry for over 50 years.  He is now taking a stand over church closures.  Last Sunday, he told his congregation that there is no COVID-19 pandemic and that his claim was not made off the cuff.  He said that by the CDC definition of a pandemic there is no pandemic.  MacArthur also said that the number of people who have COVID in California is “one hundredth of one percent out of 40 million.  That’s not a death statistic, that’s a COVID statistic.”  Remember, the rider on the White Horse has a bow with no arrows!  




Another well-known pastor, Rodney Howard Browne, was arrested earlier this year for defying government orders to close his church.  He just released a book entitled, “The Phantom Virus” with a subtitle “How An Unseen Enemy Shut Down The Planet!”  Howard-Browne is the pastor of the River of Tampa Bay Church in Florida.  He has conducted 97 consecutive services since being released from jail (with no charges); his daily services (“The Stand”) average over 4 hours in length; most of his congregation do not wear masks and have limited restrictions; he ministers to thousands of people daily; seeing people set free by the power of God; he lays hands on the sick; and has seen thousands saved for Jesus through his ministry.  It’s evident to many in the body of Christ (now) that this virus is only harmful and deadly to a certain few; but please, do not misunderstand me; a Covid-19 death (or any death) isn’t something to joke about; human lives are precious.  However, why is the media, politicians and the world only concerned about the Corona virus?  When was the last time you heard the news media talking about “other” deaths (cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc.)?  No, most of those deaths were added to the Covid-19 deaths; so, all we hear about is this “phantom virus.”     

Could the real science of this Corona be that “we have been deceived” by false information?  The 1st seal in the book of Revelation may have very well been opened.  It is time for the body of Christ to dig into the WORD of GOD.  Only the DOERS of the WORD will not be deceived!  We don’t want to run in fear and torment over a “bow with no arrows.”  


Deception is everywhere right now.  It’s one thing to be deceived but it’s really bad when we deceive our own selves (which means we don’t even know we are deceived).  Just being a Christian isn’t good enough today; just going to church isn’t good enough; just reading your Bible isn’t good enough.  We need to be DOING THE WORD if we don’t want to be deceived.


“Thad, that’s happening now!”  Yes, it is, and it will only get worse.  We are watching the deception turn into anger and hate.  People are becoming violent; peace has left the building; chaos, crime and killing is all over.  The End Times are here my friends.  “You’re scaring us!  Please stop!  We don’t want to hear this stuff!”  I’m sorry, I guess I could give you one of those “warm and fuzzy” newsletters to “tickle your ears?”  But I will choose to obey God and….  


We are absolutely seeing many “END TIME” prophecies being fulfilled right before our eyes.  You have to be blind to the Word to not see and know what is going on in these END TIMES. The city of San Francisco was lit up in “orange” yesterday due to the fires in California; picture after picture bombarded my phone from church members showing me an eerie City by the Bay.  The state of California is on fire; smoke is thick; air quality is unhealthy; now is the time when we should “really” consider wearing a mask! 


Jesus said, “Take heed that no man deceive you.”  It’s time to buckle up (for safety) with the Word of God (The Truth).  It’s a guarantee that we’re not going to get peace from the lies and deception from the news; FOX, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS.   Yes, they all have deception.  Jesus said that “only those that continue in His Word will get to know the truth.”  We must stop the deception in the church.  Could it be that the corona (crown) has been released to deceive the whole world; and that’s definitely not a joke!  


The 1st “seal” rider is on a White Horse; going around conquering with a bow with no arrows!  Was he given the “Corona Crown” and is riding his deceptiveness throughout the whole world?  The 2nd “seal” rider is on a Red Horse; taking peace from the earth with a great sword; people in fear, anger and killing one another.  For the Believers that love the Scriptures, these first two “seal” horse riders in the book of Revelation must be considered as candidates for “this is that” when we examine these verses and look at what is going on in our fear-filled world.   

Deception?  Fear?  Anger?  Take a look at a few of these “mixed-up” recommendations that were given by our “expert officials” in government in regards to this (deadly?) Covid-19 virus.

1.     U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams made comments as late as March 31, 2020 recommending people NOT WEAR MASKS to help protect against the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus disease.  Adams stated “the data doesn’t show that wearing masks in public will help people.” What the World Health Organization (WHO) and the CDC (Centers for Disease and Prevention) have reaffirmed in the last few days is that they do not recommend the general public wear masks.  On an individual level, there was a study in 2015 looking at medical students and medical students wearing surgical masks; they touch their face on average 23 times….we know a major way that you can get respiratory diseases like coronavirus is by touching a surface and then touching your face, so wearing a mask improperly can actually increase your risk of getting a disease. 

2.     On April 3, 2020 Adams changed his recommendation after he said he had received new guidance from the CDC (so do we, the people, assume that the 2015 study means nothing now when we’re all wearing these filthy, nasty masks?)  

3.     The CDC has NOW changed the actual COVID-19 deaths from 100% to 6% (Why were all of these elderly sick people with 2-3 severe health problems not included in the original COVID-19 death statistics?)

Did the White Horse rider dupe the world with his bow of “social distancing” “stay at home” and “face covering” regulations and mandates?  Did his bow cause the church to shut?  Did his bow cause the schools to shut?  Did his bow cause businesses to shut?  Time will tell, but it’s quite interesting that many of our politicians are DEMANDING us to do one thing as they conveniently do another.  The rules DO NOT SEEM TO APPLY to DEMANDING POLITICIANS.  WHO are they?  And, WHO is WHO?  W.H.O.?  Why are doctors being ousted for telling the truth on social media?  Why are simple, inexpensive medications (to help the sick) banned from doctors and pharmacies?  Why are “cases” important?  Why aren’t we quarantining those with the flu?  Why can people destroy buildings, set fire to them, vandalize the city and get away with it?  Why are pastors fined and put in jail for having a peaceful church service?  Why are people so willing to do whatever the government tells them to do even when it violates our constitution?  Why are the majority afraid to resist?  Why are most afraid to stand up for Jesus and gather as He commanded us to do in His Word? 

Is Covid the conquering White Horse Rider of Revelation?
Is Covid the conquering White Horse Rider of Revelation?
Is Covid the conquering White Horse Rider of Revelation?

There is no denying that Covid-19, the disease caused by the Corona Virus (SARSCov2), has ravaged the world. It has wreaked havoc and continues to do so (new variants), yet no one is sure if it will soon be over. 

This plague subdued nations, world leaders, military powers, and the global populace. No weapon can stop it – battle tanks, automatic guns, advanced aircraft nor ballistic missiles remain powerless against it.

As was written in the Bible in the Book of Revelation 6:2, “And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.
Could the Corona Virus or Covid-19 be the white horse rider mentioned in Revelation 6:2? Let us examine the Greek translation of this verse.
  • καὶ εἶδον, καὶ ἰδοὺ ἵππος λευκός, καὶ ὁ καθήμενος ἐπ’ αὐτὸν ἔχων τόξον, καὶ ἐδόθη αὐτῷ στέφανος, καὶ ἐξῆλθεν νικῶν καὶ ἵνα νικήσῃ.
  • kaí eídon, kaí idoú íppos lefkós, kaí o kathímenos ep’ aftón échon tóxon, kaí edóthi aftó stéfanos, kaí exílthen nikón kaí ína nikísi.
    • Let’s concentrate on keywords in this verse:
  • hippos leukos toxon edothi stefanos exilthen nikon nikisi
  • white horse, (translated from “leukos” or white and hippos from horse). In Merriam-Webster, it says “leukos” can also mean “white garments”.
  • Poisoned arrows(bow translated from “toxon”) It comes from the Greek word “toxicon” or a “poison in which arrows are dipped”. It was borrowed in Latin into “Intoxicum” which gave rise to the verb “Intoxicare” or to “to poison”. Also related to Toxic and Toxin.
  • Given (translated directly from Greek “edothi”)
  • Corona (Greek translation of “stefanos” means crown). The Latin of “stefanos” is Corona
  • Came fourth(translated directly from Greek “Exilthen”). It is also translated into “came out”
  • To conquer and conquering 
    • conquering(translated from the word “nikon” and “Nikisi”). Merriam-Webster also defines the word Conquer as “to gain control”

    The only Corona (given name) in world history which got out or came forth (from a lab), and came conquering and to conquer (the human race) was brought by one riding a white horse (one wearing a white garment?) and brought (no weapons of war) but only poisoned darts (arrows with toxins), and which submitted nations, kings, and all men.

    If you are trusting all of your doctors, physicians, hospitals to do what is right and best for you, you are deceived already. If you are trusting everyone in the government to do what is best for you, you are extremely deceived. If you are trusting even your church ministers, teachers and pastors to tell you everything you should be doing to help make the world a united safe place, you are a very deceived individual. The Word of God is the ONLY SOURCE of TRUTH that can be trusted fully, and completely! If you do not read and study your Bible every day, you are becoming an easy target to receive the serpent’s “mark”.


    Hebrews 4:12  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 

    It is essential for every Christian to understand this basic fundamental of the Bible. If you read this opening verse, you find that the Bible is “quick”, and “powerful”. The word “quick” in modern translation is “alive” or “living”. In one translation it says “living” and “active”. In another it says “living” and “working”. In another translation it says “alive” and “full of power”.

    This is an awesome claim of divine participation in every human life that desires to partake in the Word of God. This teaches us that these Words that were written thousands of years before, have valid life meanings, and applications to what is happening to each of us now. Many times, people are not looking for how these things can apply to contemporary circumstances, and they miss out on what God wanted to say to help them get through life. This is why God says in Hosea 4:6, my people are destroyed for not knowing my Word. Now notice what this next verse teaches us:

    Ecclesiastes 1:9 – The thing that has been–it is what will be again, and that which has been done is that which will be done again; and there is nothing new under the sun. (AMP)

    This is another essential reason why this Bible lesson about Revelation is important, even if you don’t see what is written here to be happening now. God establishes a concept of law in this verse. God reveals everything occurring in the dimension of human time, repeats. What happened before, will be what happens again, today or in the future and vice versa. This means what will happen in the prophecy of the future, could be what is happening right now. God is just saying very clearly, events reoccur, like today’s fashions of clothing probably has already happened at some time in some form. Maybe not exactly, but the pattern is so similar that it is identifiable to the trained eye. Wow! We pray this truth is coming alive in your spirit.

    What is amazing about the Word of God, is that if we have a situation that we need God’s help with, we can stop and pray, and ask God to show us a verse that will help us. He can then direct you to a place in the Bible that was written “for” someone else, “to” someone else, “about” someone else, and it can be just the message that causes us understanding and hope for NOW! This is what God is doing through these lessons. He is providing us verses, that apply to our current situations, using verses that were intended for a soon coming timed event.

    We are about to learn a pattern of a “serpent” rider on a white horse. What we are doing in this Bible series, is examining clues given to us in the book of Revelation. Not one clue is sufficient to understand what is said is a “right now” truth. This is the law of 2 or 3 witnesses that must be used to understand ALL truth (Deuteronomy 17:6, Hebrews 10:28).  What we will find after going through all of the clues, should be a pattern of connected signs that at the very least, should help to guide us in the direction, that God wants us to go to learn the fullest form of truth.

    Remember what Jesus said in John 8:32, “You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. This is why Satan silences the truth. As long as you are ignorant of what God has done for you, and given to you, you are an easy serpent captive prisoner. But don’t forget the verse before this one in John 8:31. Here Jesus said “If you continue in my Word, then are you my disciples indeed”.  Please notice, there is “NO” assurance of being a disciple of Jesus, if you are not IN THE WORD.


    In this Bible lesson, we will be focused upon a key verse in the sixth chapter of Revelation. God provides us a significant description of many of the events that will occur during the tribulation in the book of Revelation. This chapter 6, begins with a description of the Lamb of God in heaven, opening the first seal of a book, in verse 1. This heavenly action of the Lamb of God, causes a specific satanic serpent response on the earth. It is this exact scheduled response that appears to be prematurely thrown against us today. The serpent appears to be playing his cards before he is foretold to do so. This is actually a smart military move. It is like a surprise attack. Many military victories have occurred when the enemy was not expecting it. It would be like the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor and almost wiping out the entire naval force of the U.S. in WWII. But the serpent, like Japan has underestimated the knowledge, and power of God.

    The book of Revelation is dominated with patterns, of sequences of sevens. First the tribulation lasts for 7 years, which is described to be the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy concerning God’s dealings with the natural nation of Israel (Daniel 9:27). This time begins with the opening of a book sealed with 7 seals. Then comes the 7 trumpets. Then comes the terrible 7 bowl judgments. There is so much more that is mentioned that just cannot be studied here. All of this is not a part of this specific study on the subject of “Serpent Witchcraft”. No one should believe that any of this is happening as it is revealed for a future soon coming time.

    But we are about to encounter a list of some of the most amazing “coincidences” possible with what is really happening in our world today. These are what some like to call, “Just so Happens” events. Seeing only one of these happening should not be sufficient evidence, to convince anyone that what is written in the Bible, could be the exact same as what we are experiencing. But combining all of these together, should begin to raise some significant concern, and awe with how God’s Word is so amazingly accurate and applicable for a right “NOW” warning to us all.

    In Chapter 6 of Revelation, there are 4 horses listed with riders. These horses are primarily differentiated by the assigned color, and the rider’s qualities and descriptions. The order of mention of horse colors are 1) white, 2) red, 3) black, and 4) Pale (Green). It just so happens, that these 4 colors appear upon almost every Islamic nation flag. It is very interesting to learn how the events of the four horses, precisely correspond to the mention of events, described by Jesus in Matthew 24. Here is a list of references:

    Matthew 24Revelation 6
    A false Christ (v: 4-5)White Horse (v: 1-2)
    Wars (v: 6)Red Horse – War (v: 3-4)
    Famine (v: 7a)Black Horse – Famine (v: 5-6)
    Death (v: 7b, 8)Pale Green Horse – (v: 7-8)

    This is an amazing set of parallels from two writers. But it confirms how the white horse rider must represent an antichrist figure.

    It is important to understand that a horse was an animal mostly for war. We can learn this from a lot of verses, but we will only mention Revelation 19:11-19. In this passage, Jesus is described coming back to the earth riding a white horse, to make war against the beast we were learning about in the last Bible lesson. This return, is a very sharply contrasted entrance to Jerusalem, to when Jesus rode a donkey in John 12:15.

    It is VERY IMPORTANT to know here in Revelation 6:2, this rider of the white horse, is NOT JESUS CHRIST. Most Bible scholars agree the rider we will be focused upon is antichrist. He is the serpent pretending to be Christ to trick people into believing a lie, to worship him. Let us begin by reading our key Bible verse:

    Revelation 6:2 – And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. 

    There are 32 English translation words found in this verse. But there are only 22 Greek words that make up these 32 English words. That does not sound like a lot, but it is amazing how much God can say in just a few words. God’s prophetical word selections are infinitely well thought out to bring His designed plan to pass, and demonstrate His great ability of foreknowledge. We will focus upon the rider first. We also view his intentions and motivations. Then we will look at his descriptive items. Finally, we will focus upon the horse symbol and the color white.


    Revelation 6:2 – And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

    We are being introduced to a rider, described as sitting upon a white horse. As mentioned before this rider’s description appears to be imitating the return of Jesus Christ, as coming to the earth. In fact, the exact same Greek words (G3022 = white, & G2462 = horse), are written only in these two verses in the N.T. (Revelation 6:2, & Revelation 19:11). This appears to say, that this rider has a role of Christ in mind, as conquering LORD and Savior of humanity, and the warring judge of evil.

    From this information we can only conclude one of two possible interpretations. Either both verses refer to the same rider, or they reflect the reality that they are two different riders, with one trying to take the appearance of the other. Since we know the rider in Revelation 19:11, can describe only Jesus Christ, this other rider in Revelation 6:2, must be a false-Christ actor or imitator. That would agree with 2 Thessalonians 2:4, where Paul wrote about the antichrist setting himself up to be God.

    It is interesting to see from the descriptions of Revelation 6:2 and 19:4, that both horse rider’s intentions are to conquer the entire world. Which one do you believe succeeds? If you are having trouble figuring this out, the serpent is going to be thrown out of our world in Revelation 20:2. This would teach us that any of the serpent’s victories during the tribulation, will only be temporary.

    Therefore, we should understand our described conquering rider in Revelation 6:2, “WILL” achieve significant world conquests, but only for less than 7 years. He will be doing this using his subtle tricks of deception. But this will be terminated when the LORD returns. OK, if this rider is the antichrist, we know this is the “serpent” that we were introduced to in the previous lessons.

    We can learn the most in the Bible from what is directly written. But we can also learn from what is NOT mentioned in a verse. There is no mention of a name, or even a symbolic description of who this rider might be. This would appear to teach us, that this person or system of power, could be anyone we could meet in the world today. In other words, the rider will not be wearing a red suit, with horns, and a long-pointed tail, like people envision the devil to look.

    This missing information can confirm to us, that this rider is not obviously evil to the casual uneducated observer. Therefore, this person could look exactly like a normal human. It could also be a group of eloquently speaking political figures. In Daniel chapter 7, God gives us another prophecy about this system consisting of 10 kings (called horns) and stating another little horn (the antichrist) would rise above them. We can see this repeated in Revelation 13, but we did not discuss it previously.

    God could be warning us that no one will be able to tell who this person or system of individual rulers are, by their physical descriptions or photographs. They may all look, and sound very good to many, while being very evil minded inside to all. Notice that our rider, is not called a dragon, a serpent, a beast, or by any other distinguishing physical characteristic. Therefore, this is a God clue to teach us, that humans must NOT blindly trust anyone.


    Revelation 6:2 – And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on himhad a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

    Now notice what we have learned so far. There is someone taking the appearance to be like Jesus, who is riding a white horse of war. This person has their eyes upon conquering the entire world. But there is absolutely no mention of any weapons in hand to achieve this goal. Or is there? Let us confirm the rider system’s design is to conquer next.

    We can confirm this with the Greek word G3528, that was translated as “conquering” and “conquer” in Revelation 6:2. This word literally means to “subdue” someone. It can also be translated as to “prevail” over someone, or “to get the victory” over someone. It occurs in the N.T. in 24 verses and the majority of the time it is translated in the form of the word to “overcome”, past or present tense.

    Strategy is a key part of conquering. Therefore, let us look at this briefly in this section. Past world conquests have been attempted by many “want-to-be” rulers. Their conquering strategy has typically been to take the world piece by piece, over a drawn-out duration of significant time. There has been none that have conquered the entire planet, until possibly now. Uh oh!

    Think of this modern fact about war. Things have certainly changed since Biblical warfare days, and God knew this. For example, if any obvious attack to conquer the world occurred, there could be some possible nations that would not willingly allow this to occur. With global nuclear proliferation of weapons, someone could possibly push the buttons, to destroy the attacking enemy, and in retaliation with them certainly being destroyed the same. This type of warfare leaves nothing to possess or control. This does not match this verse of Revelation 6:2. Clearly this would make a global nuclear conquest very unlikely. 

    Even if there was a conventional warfare that took place for global conquest, this could be a very long and drawn-out affair, and this certainly does not correspond with what Revelation 6:2 describes. If you read later in Revelation 6:4 you will find a “red horse” rider that does take peace from the earth. These wars cause significant deaths. What we learn from these facts, is the conquests taking place in verse 2, are not based upon nuclear or conventional warfare violence. We will speak more about this unconventional work of conquest, when we analyze the “bow”.

    Let us analyze the Greek word translated as “went forth” that comes before the word “conquering”. It is important to note that this same Greek word G1831, is used in Matthew 2:6, to describe Jesus “coming into” the world, to be born in Bethlehem, to eventually become the Governor of Israel in Revelation 19-20. This was a quotation from Micah 5:2. It seems to indicate another paralleled comparison of plans, between God and the serpent.  God brought forth the Christ to come to save and conquer and the serpent is counterfeiting this plan with his own. We need to actually look at all of the Strong’s definition of G1831, because this is very important to understand:

    G1831- From G1537 and G2064; to issue (literally or figuratively): – come-(forth, out)depart (out of)escapeget outgo (abroad, away, forth, out, thence), proceed (forth)spread abroad.

    This word definition teaches us that this world conquering system, was “sent-forth”, “departed-out”, “escaped”, and “spread-abroad”. This would at the least, imply this was an intentional planned world conquest, of whoever, or whatever it was that was being spread around the world. Uh oh?

    Now see this information in the light of what we have learned about the current world pathogen, that suddenly, and unexpectantly “came forth” and was “spread-abroad” on our planet.  A popular false prophet narrative, claimed it had just accidently “escaped” to spread from a wet market in the Great Red Dragon nation, to “go abroad”. But other more reliable sources of potential truth, have claimed there was a deliberate release where it was intentionally designed to be spread abroad to every nation of the world, for a potential purpose of globalization conquest.

    Whatever happened (and God knows), this pathogen has crisscrossed the entire globe, over and over, going forth rapidly conquering the entire planet, exploiting human “fear”. This appears to be just one more “just so happen” accurate implied descriptions found in Revelation 6:2.

    Ok, we are not done with our verse word analysis. Let us look at the word “to”, that precedes the word “conquer”.  This is describing the horse, the rider and their intent. The Greek word G2443 that was translated as “to”, is defined as “intent”, “purpose”, or “planned result” for the rider and the horse. This simply confirms to us that this was, is, and will be, an intentional release for an intentional planned purpose and result. Right now, it appears that the serpent is winning, but fear not, because God is not done yet. What we have confirmed so far, is that when the rider of a white horse has gone forth into all of the world, their plan was only to conquer. Let us now move to the subject of the bow.


    Revelation 6:2 – And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

    Here, is the problem with the rider of the white horse in Revelation 6:2. We can read clearly; his motivation is to conquer the world. Then we can only find a “bow”, that represents a part of an ancient projectile delivery system. This type of weapon is not likely to be used in modern times. Therefore, it must be symbolic or have a hidden meaning.

    Let us briefly discuss how a “bow” works. This device is used for hunting, target practice, or ancient war. This would make it useful for at least three, or four purposes. One purpose would be for obtaining food. The next would be for just pleasure for increasing skill. The final would be for potential defense against an enemy, or for the evil intent of murder.

    A bow works by creating, and releasing kinetic energy through the application of human strength, being combined with the designed device’s power and tension. Usually, a bow consists of a strong piece of line that is connected to the ends of a flexible object, like a piece of wood, or modern type of strong plastic material. By bending the bow portion and connecting the line to each end, it creates tension, that can be increased by pulling back upon the line. A projectile device called an arrow has a groove at the end that is inserted into the line, and then the line is pulled back to create the greater tension, until it is released by the holder of the bow. This “release” causes the kinetic flow of the arrow at a high speed away from the “bowman”, going through the “air” to cause the sharp tip of the arrow to enter into the desired target, either, animal, target, human being aimed at.

    This is an amazing description of what we have been experiencing with the pathogen. We have had a ruling system, that released a pathogen that is transmitted by predominantly air, thus the demand for masks to stop the transmissions, etc. Now the plan has progressed (flowed forward), to include a dart injection solution of who knows what. This weapon choice of Revelation 6:2, has some vast symbolic implications being associated with it. But notice our white horse rider is not described to have any arrows directly. Therefore, these arrows could be implied.

    The rider has NO “full” visible weapons for conquest. This teaches us at least two very important things we must know. First, this means this rider, is not conquering the globe with airplanes, submarines, armies, intercontinental ballistic missiles, etc. Second this teaches us, that his conquests methods are not normal and visible. Uh oh!

    We can only find a “bow” in his hand, which is totally useless without arrows. What does the omission of sharp pointed projectiles tell us? This description makes this rider either the most stupid world conqueror on the planet, or one of the shrewdest, and most crafty unconventional and unexpected, evil beings we have ever encountered. We should probably vote for the second choice.

    The “bow” is one of the most fascinating words found in this verse. What we should understand is that a bow represents only a “delivery” system for whatever will be “shot” from this device. Stop and think about what the Holy Spirit just said. Is it just another coincidence, that people get “shot” (pierced) with a sharp dart or arrow from a bow?  If the “bow” is a figurative symbol, and not a literal item, then this could possibly change a lot of our views upon what could be figuratively “shot” into a human to control them. Let us take a look at this Greek word next translated as “bow”.

    This Greek word G5115 translated as “bow”, only occurs here in this verse of the New Testament. There are no other verses to compare its application of usage, or its defined meanings. According to Thayer and Strong, this word means a bow. There is no other help that is given to us to understand it to be anything else. I read through nearly 30 different English translations of the Bible, and they were ALL translated as a “bow”. That consistency should almost scare us. It is very rare to see anything with 100% agreement, translated from the Word of God.

    Perhaps the disagreement will come in only what the “bow” symbolically represents. Searching the internet for opinions, you can find a lot of people who do not have a clue what it is, and they guess. Therefore, let us only focus upon the transliterated Greek word to see what can be learned from this. The Greek letter sounds that can be transliterated into English represents the word “toxon”. This was God’s word choice for writing this verse and He knows everything about every word. This word choice will next become very amazing.

    It just so happens, that from this Greek word, we get our English words “toxin” and “toxic”. Both of these describe and represent “poisonous” materials.  According to the Online Etymology this word toxon, can also be associated to be the equivalent with the Latin words toxicus, meaning poisonous, and toxicum, meaning poison. It is also noteworthy, that this online resource speaks of a “toxon” (bow) being associated with the ancient practice of dipping the tips of arrows into poison, before shooting them into an enemy from a bow. Wow!

    Here again is the problem with the rider of the white horse in Revelation 6:2. We can read clearly; his driving motivation is to conquer the world. And now we can see the possible implied usage of peaceful hidden “poisonous” substances, to accomplish this. And this is coming from a symbolic device that will produce a “shot” pierce mark to potentially kill people (maybe some slowly or others instantly). Notice, no one is making this up, this is what we can potentially see from this verse. Then remember this verse is alive and potentially trying to help us all see what we might need to know now.

    Hopefully, you are seeing something potentially very useful to know about how this seated, “want to be world conqueror”, could be intending to spread his power, to conquer the world. The serpent could very well be using a modern bio-weapon of poison to cause death. This would again appear agreeable with how it was spread and swept the globe as an invisible peaceful conqueror. Has anyone ever seen the devil? So similar is this, with the pathogen named as a crown.

    No one here is claiming this is what is happening, but each of us will have to judge the facts given to us by God, and let the peace of God rule our choices, or the lack of peace overrule what we do, and believe.

    But, if this rider is a disguised conquering warrior, we must at least admit he is capable of doing anything very evil to achieve his peaceful goal. This logic would include an unseen type of bio-weapon that could bring him, or them power and control of the planet’s large population without causing massive destruction of physical assets. This would also imply a very large motivation of “greed” to own everything. We will see this possibility more confirmed, later in the Bible series, when we move to a different chapter of Revelation, the Lord be willing. Let us now move to the “crown” gift next.


    Revelation 6:2 – And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

    We can read in Revelation 6:2, where a crown gift is given to a potential one world, false Christ want to be ruler, for a possible coming system of global government. It is essential to notice, this crown was a “gift” given to the rider. It is at least, implied that this gift is given after he was seated and riding to conquer. Therefore, the crown source came from somewhere else. We can learn from reading in Revelation 13:2 that it was the “dragon” that gave the beast its power and authority. This appears to connect these two chapters together.

    If you have been alive, and awake upon our planet for the last couple years, you have been introduced to a new word of fear by Satan’s design. Perhaps you have heard the word “corona” almost every day, being spoken constantly by the global false prophets. What does the word “corona” mean? This word has one definition of “being the area located at the top of the human head”. The coronal area extends from the front of the forehead moving around in a level circle to the back of the head. This would normally be where a hat, or a “crown” would sit upon the human head. For example, a “coronation” occurs when a prince is exalted to be king.

    It is also very interesting to know that the word “corona”, is Latin and Spanish for a “crown”. Is this just another “amazing coincidence”? Are you keeping track of the number of coincidences we are observing? Did you know the Hebrew language does not have a word for “coincidences”? This would tend to teach us that God does not view things to be a coincidence. But you will have to judge for yourself, if you want to agree with the LORD, or not?

    Now pay attention to where the governments of the world have focused upon to control their people. We have been forced fed a narrative for the need to wear a mask or face shield on our head, and constantly to wash her hands with sanitizer. Both of these requirements are in no way normal, or healthy. Nor do they stop the spread of what they claim is a severe priority. Now they are currently demanding a forced arrow “shot” participation from a type of bow.

    Do you remember and understand the size of the crown pathogen? It is only 120 nm in size. The holes in a mask are over 100 times the size of that size. This would make it like stopping a mosquito with a chain link fence. Please say you do understand that comparison?

    As we know a crown is one typical symbol for royalty, power, and authority. It is possible that this is the only thing that this word “crown” is referring to. But we should consider some other additional possible meanings, based upon what we read in Hebrews 4:12. Remember that it was this verse that describes the Word of God, to be a living active document, that is applicable to come alive to help us at every place, and time in our life. Why did the Lord direct us to this verse? This would also help to teach us to ask, how is what is written in Revelation 6:2 applicable, and useful for what is happening to us NOW!

Perhaps we can see the potential for a “toxin” being spread globally for world conquest? This “toxin” could be a combination of a man-made crown micro-weapon, that causes the alleged need for a new man-made serpent fang solution. Since no creator of this substance, clearly has fully tested it upon humans sufficiently, or will name all of the items that they contain, it should be more than a little concerning. We should all pay close attention to the fact that God chose these two words and put them together to describe a world conquest. Do you believe all of this is just a coincidence? How many coincidences does it take to make it real?

This system has been around for a long time, but it has risen to become one of the most dominant modern influences in the last 100 years, for every human regardless of age. This industry was hopefully established as a good influence to our world to help hurting people, and many Christians worked in it. This industry worked together with governments to help get this beneficial help out. This industry was founded with a basic moral standard, and set of ethics and oaths, that profess they “will do their patient no harm”. They call this the Hippocratic oath. They normally swear this covenant before beginning to work in this field. However, greed has changed some powerful people in the upper management area, and even in the lower professional area of this good intended group, into another willing participating tool for deception. The Bible actually speaks about how this will be used to control people and we will hopefully, see this in the next lesson, the LORD be willing.

Governments have cooperated, and partnered with this industry extensively. This is done because this industry, is one of the largest political campaign contributors, and lobbyists that exists. It is also interesting that it is this industry that buys most of the advertisements to fund the false prophet voice platforms. Money is a clear factor for their intertwined, workings, power, and influence. The communicated narrative for these cooperative workings, has always been, for the perceived, “betterment of public safety, health, and for the prolonging of life expectancy”. Helping people to live longer and healthier lives, sounds really great, until it is turned into something else that is not for the narrative purpose still being claimed. This would appear to be what is happening in our world.

This is how deception works best. Create a history of good works, with respectable intentions of good, to ensure public safety, success, and to raise general public confidence to be high. Then create an intentional fear-based crisis, and then prepare a very similar sounding solution, that is totally new and different, but give it the exact same name of previous successes.  Then mandate that the new untested solution must be taken, for all of the good of yourself, and your family, and your friends, and your co-workers, and the world.

Let’s analyze this industry a little deeper. Many of the current highest levels of professional workers in our subject industry, predominately wear professional white lab coats, like God’s first Revelation 6:2 white coated horse. Please understand the similarities. The horse being chosen by the rider, and described by the LORD, is clothed with a coat of white. The human professionals in this industry have been clothed in a coat of white as their own personal choice. Could this be foreknowledge?

This trend of wearing white lab coats only began in the late 1800’s. That is interesting since that is clearly in the category of the last of the last days. The main reasons given for wearing this white coat, 1) is their clean appearance, and 2) how this white coat causes their patients to feel positive about seeing them. In other words, it is for external perception, and not for the fact that they are actually pure and clean. It would seem to give people a greater confidence, and level of security, that these were the good guys that were taking care of them. Uh oh! This is still true for some of this industry, thank God!

Now for an emphasis upon some well-known disturbing information. Take note that the primary symbol for this industry, just so happens to be one or two venomous serpents on a pole. Wow, did God know all of this when He wrote the Bible?  Of course, He did! He knew exactly who would wear white lab coats, and use the “serpent” idol as their symbol, after all they copied it from the Bible, and Moses in the book of Numbers.

Notice what God appears to teach us in Revelation 6:2. Here we can find an implied meaning, that it is the horse being ridden, that is increasing the power, and ability of the rider to conquer the world. In other words, if there were no white horse to ride, there would be a much different type of conquest. So there appears to be a direct cooperative partnership between whatever this horse represents (maybe this potential health industry), and the world government leader(s). Pay close attention to every horse being a different color, and every rider producing different results of evil. Also take note, no other rider is ever given a “crown”. Finally, notice that it is only this rider that conquers without the mention of evil things occurring. In other words, this makes it sound like a “peaceful” takeover. Doesn’t this sound like what we have been through recently?

Could it be the white coat animal that hands the “crown” (Latin corona) to the ruler to help with his conquests? Could it be the ruler using the toxin orders that help with this conquest? That is something very significant to begin to think about, and to see if that is really possible. There has been evidence revealed that it was the government (white horse rider) that funded the creation of the crown weapon, and white coated workers in the Great Red Dragon nation that developed, and released it. This implies that it was this cooperation between parts of the government (the rider) and the medical white horse under the influence of the “serpent”, that released it, that caused a global toxic evil to be spreading. It appears to have happened to eliminate an opposing President that was in office, who was not a part of their plan. There appears to be more of the Bible that is potentially happening now, then many currently fully comprehend.

We currently have a leadership of many, working and cooperating with a potential white-coat industry to produce acceptance of a “fang-mark”. The result of taking this, is an unproven, unknown and untested end. It has NOT been fully tested or fully authorized as safe by anyone other than the false prophets. No one but God and the manufacturers, knows all of the ingredients that are literally in these demanded arrow venoms. But if you are wise, you might go and search the patents and you may just find one ingredient just so happens to be a substance called “Luciferase”. Uh oh. What is that? This type of information is available if you search.  You just can’t make this stuff up.

It is also more than just a coincidence that the majority of the fang mark solutions are two shots. How many fangs are in a serpent’s mouth? It just so happens that there are two injections in every natural serpent poison bite. 

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