Thursday, June 8, 2023



The spiritual meaning of Bozrah is found in the concept of a city that is “built on a rock”. The earth beneath the city is solid and unshakable, so it can withstand any attack. A good example would be Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:24-27:

Bozrah is a city that was once inhabited by the Amorites. It is considered one of the oldest locations in the Middle East and is mentioned in the Bible several times. In Genesis 19:14, the location is described as being “on a hill” and having a “high wall.” In Genesis 10:19, Bozrah’s name appears in conjunction with other cities that belonged to Esau’s line. Further, Psalm 60:6 mentions that God will “break down” Bozrah’s walls.

Bozrah is also mentioned in Isaiah 34:5-15. In this passage, an angel instructs Isaiah to “uncover” his eyes and look upon Bozrah so that he may see what God will do to it. The location was destroyed by invaders at some point after this prophecy was made; however, it does not appear to have been rebuilt.

According to tradition, Bozrah was located on the border between Israel and Edom (which bordered it from the south).

he End-Time Flight to Bozrah during the final 3.5 years of this age and the ensuing Bozrah Exile during the Great Tribulation, is a subject that is almost never spoken about by Bible teachers. But this is laid out in the Holy Scriptures quite clearly in Micah 2:12-13 and Revelation 12. And now the subject of the magnificent Bozrah Deliverance by our returning Messiah is no longer cloaked and under wraps. It is in fact going viral as we see in this video below. There will be a great parting of the ways and an epic division of people during the 666 economic system of the Antichrist. Those who reject the 666 system of marking will be on the outer.
What about the women and the children? Is all lost? No. Apparently no.

The Exile
12. I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee;
I will surely gather the remnant of Israel;
I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah,
As the flock in the midst of their fold:
they shall make great noise
by reason of the multitude of men.

The Deliverance
13. The Breaker is come up before them:
they have broken up,
and have passed through the gate,
and are gone out by it:
and their king shall pass before them,
and the LORD on the head of them.

Mic. 2:12-13 KJV
-(The word ‘Breaker’ is capitalized by GWF
since there are no capitals in the original Hebrew
and we are surely looking here at the coming Messiah.)


The Bible paints a picture of a magnificent deliverance at the end of the age. It involves the returning Messiah and the covenant people of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The scriptures point to Bozrah as a place where the Elect, God’s covenant people, are in exile. It is the time of “Jacob’s trouble”. From the Bozrah connection to Edom it appears that they are held under the jurisdiction of the wild, untamed, and Godless children of Esau. The Edomites are still with us today. An epic future time, the 70th Week of Daniel, will see them rise up just as Jacob prophesied. (Gen.27:39-40) They will be given dominion over God’s covenant people. Micah sees the second coming of Messiah and the conclusion to the drama. He sees the Shepherd of Israel entering His sheepfold in the hours before dawn. Out there at Bozrah He becomes “the Breaker”.

This wonderful prophecy of the Bozrah Deliverance is there in our Bibles. But it remains hidden. It is “cloaked” by the powers that be. The Bozrah deliverance would be quite problematical for the western church to address since it presupposes a preceding Bozrah exile. It also leaves us to wonder about an earlier ‘flight to Bozrah’ by God’s covenant people in what must be a future exodus involving an epic airlift of hundreds of millions of people. This latter day mega-event would be a great and awesome migration of Biblical proportions.

John the Apostle tells us in Revelation 12 that this gathering or sheltering of God’s covenant people is for their nurturing and their feeding. Surely a spiritual feeding is in view here as well as physical care and the sustaining of human life.. Micah in Micah 2:12-13 refers to the ‘sheepfold of Bozrah”. But only the KJV and Young’s Literal Translation have allowed this information to pass through to us. Unfortunately this reference to the “Bozrah sheepfold” is not to be found in the modern translations. It seems to have been “lost in translation”. Search the passages presented to us in the modern versions of the Bible and you will not find the word “Bozrah”. Guardians of the religious status-quo in those translation committees apparently saw fit to leave it out. Why? We shall look into this matter further.

In Revelation 12:6 and 12:14 we see quite clearly that this end-time exile will be going on during the last 3.5 years or 1260 days of this age. So the Micah 2:12-13 passage concerning the gathering of Jacob, (God’s covenant people before they are refined to become Israel, – Prince with God ), cross references with John’s account of the flight and exile of the woman in Revelation 12. John saw the woman in travail being delivered of the man-child. This is precisely what we would expect in the end-time drama. This is clearly an apocalyptic event since the 1260 day/3.5 year time period coincides exactly with the Great Tribulation. Jesus tells us that this Great Tribulation will come after the midweek abomination of desolation which is half way through the 70th Week of Daniel, the final seven years of this age.

So we have two perspectives on this magnificent story, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. The dramas involving Bozrah in Micah 2:12-13 may be cross-referenced in the message John the Beloved brings to us in Revelation 12:13-17. Here in this passage we see the end-time flight of the woman.

The suggestion of an exile of Christian believers in the final seven years of this age would be very disturbing for most. And so the fact of the matter is that most Christians are being deliberately misinformed about these important matters. This information is being blocked or censored out. Christians know that some group of saints will finish the race at the end of the age. (Heb.12:1) But they are being told that these future saints will not and cannot be them. They are not being told the real story about the late Resurrection-Rapture. They are not being spiritually prepared by the church for the end-time witness of the saints.

This is understandable. These hidden pearls of Biblical truth should not be handed out to the profane religious crowds. Most Christians in the west are only nominal in their faith. And we, as evangelicals, are for the most part living on the carnal side of our nature right now. The Bozrah Deliverance is truly a magnificent future event. But such knowledge is too wonderful for us it seems. The thought of an exile cannot be received by most Christians today without them responding in fear and hiding. Many Biblical Christians will be offended by this call to witness and inclined to follow some pied piper espousing some sort of militant violent nationalism. Some may shake their fist at God, declare a “raw deal”, throwing down their Bibles go off into apostasy. Many will rage off onto the low road of personal survivalism and down a pathway that leads to tragedy.

Here is the truth of the matter. Many Christians in America are armed. If their constitutional freedoms are threatened they become very fearful and may be inclined to act out politically and also perhaps in unpredictable ways. And so if the true and Biblically correct end-time truth was to be taught openly from the pulpits it could prove to be socially disruptive. Disgruntled unprepared uninformed Christians could become violent in their actions, particularly as the climax of the age drew near. So if this sensitive Biblical information must be kept under wraps right now perhaps it is for the best. The true saints like the noble Bereans in past times will not be dissuaded by disinformation. They will seek out and find the truth. When the trials come the wise will not be caught unawares. Nor will they be surprised like the wicked when that Day sneaks up on them like a thief in the night. They will search the scriptures for themselves. Those who are wise will know what they are called to do and do it. Then, under the power and the guidance of the holy Spirit they will respond to these hard sayings honorably and faithfully. These are the committed saints, the sold-out ones. These people, Christian believers from all nations, are special. They do what they do out of love and devotion. They are in a blood covenant relationship as a Bride to her Bridegroom. They sign on the dotted line, right there on the same document with their Messiah. They are on the spiritual battlefield campaigning with the Word of God and intercession under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They are out there in the field and their lives are on the line. So they deserve to be “in the know”.

The secular and ecclesiastical rulers are well aware of the dangers of Bible Prophecy. Messages on the Second Coming of Christ are strictly banned from the government regulated “Three Self” Church in China. There are not any Bible readings on the Second Coming of Christ in the liturgy of the Church of England. The Church in the west seems to have deliberately set out to either exclude or distort Bible Prophecy. Faithful Bible teachers have been pushed aside in favor of motivational speakers geared towards pleasing the “me-first” generation.

There are reasons for this, some good, and some bad. First of all soporific religion is what the crowds and deacon boards want. It is popular and revenue positive. The powers are also committed to maintaining peace and order. So they think that this is best achieved by downplaying any new Christian movements and upholding the status quo. The second reason is Church leaders do not like change. They remember the stormy periods of past Church history. The bloody mayhem in central Europe during the Reformation was a sad chapter in our past. The Amish and Mennonites remember it as well. If you ask them about what happened back then to the Anabaptists they will tell you. The rulers are concerned that end-time truth, including this Bozrah Deliverance story, (should it get out), may trigger a repeat of the awful civil and societal disruptions seen in times past.

Their fears are probably well founded. Carnal Christians have caused considerable trouble, even bloody mayhem, in days gone by. And firebrand Christians could certainly rise up again in the turbulent times of trial that lie up ahead. And so at this point in time the entire Bozrah drama, wonderful and inspiring as it is, remains an untold story. It is “cloaked” and under a religious smokescreen.

It is easy to see how this state of affairs goes on. The sheep of God’s pasture are being fleeced but all too often are not being fed. Most Christians have no idea that they are a part of ‘the woman’ we see showcased in Holy Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Nor do born again Christians realize that they are no longer heathen gentiles. As “new creatures” they have a “new citizenship” and through the blood of Christ they have entered into the Commonwealth of Israel. See this passage in Ephesians 2:11-13. The Seed of Abraham, the indwelling Christ, has come inside “born again” Christians to make them new creatures. Our Apostle Paul has also spoken on this matter of the Seed of Abraham in Galatians 3:29. And in Romans 11 we see the final salvation and regathering of the whole family of Greater Israel. As Paul says, “And so All Israelshall be saved”.

This is a magnificent element to the story of the end-time restoration of Israel. But the flight of ‘the woman’ to a place of refuge in Bozrah is virtually unknown in Christendom. It has been hidden. The true and genuine ‘flight to Bozrah’ story has been crafted, re-engineered, and downsized into a much lesser story. In the place of Bozrah we have have been given a cover story. It involves to rock city of Petra in Jordan. We hear a story of a supposed ‘flight of the Jews in Jerusalem to Petra’ at the end of the age. But this is just a religious fable and it is “small potatoes” compared to the massive Bozrah prophecy we see in Micah 2.

The prophet Micah speaks about this huge end time gathering and exile of the saints at Bozrah.
The prophecy is laid out for us here in Micah 2:12-13.

But unfortunately this Bible passage is ignored by our Bible prophecy teachers. They do not dare touch it because of the hope and encouragement it gives for Christians who are just now beginning to understand their vital bllod covenant role of witness in the 70th Week of Daniel.

And so this splendid salvation and deliverance story remains unknown. The prophet Isaiah also spoke about Bozrah in Apocalyptic tones and language. He spoke about the return of Messiah in wrath on His enemies and in deliverance of His saints.

And where will this epic deliverance take place?
At Bozrah. (See Isaiah 63).
But to this day it remains an untold story.


The Bozrah deliverance is a story of great wonder. And yet it has not been spoken about. Christian Bible teachers are not expounding on this good news of the end time. And we are not hearing about it from the pulpit or Christian television.

The Bozrah deliverance is truly extraordinary. It is the climax of a series of events that some Christian and Messianic Bible students believe will occur at the end of this age. Bozrah is the scene of a spectacular break-out. The deliverance of God’s single undivided Elect is performed by none other than our own Messiah.

This is amazing. How will this deliverance happen? Let us back up and take in the earlier events that led up to this. At the end of the age God’s covenant people are off in some place of exile or incarceration. This epic ‘break out’ at Bozrah is cross referenced in Isaiah 62. So the climax of the Bozrah story is prophesied to occur at Christ’s second coming. See Micah 2:12-13and Isaiah 63 Day of the Lord will open up and the heavens will be unrolled as a scroll. This epic day of wrath and deliverance follows immediately after the final wrap-up Day of Reckoning or Day of Atonement which is the seventh of the Seven Feasts of Israel.

After the judgment of the wicked and the deliverance of the Elect Messiah will judge the nations at the Sheep-Goat Judgment. (Mat.25) Then He will establish up His Millennial Kingdom. So as we can see, the details of these Apocalyptic events at Bozrah can be pieced together from key passages in the Old Testament prophecies of Isaiah 63, Micah 2:12-13, as well as the prophecy of the flight of the the woman, God’s covenant people, in Revelation chapter 12.

To understand the Bozrah deliverance some background information from the Bible is necessary. An understanding of the meaning of the word ‘Bozrah’ and its implications is absolutely crucial here. ‘Bozrah’ means ‘sheepfold’. Bozrah was a pastoral city of Edom east of the Dead Sea. But there is more. The Edomite sovereignty over the city of Bozrah is an exceedingly important issue here as well. Because from what we see in the prophecy of Isaac over Esau the children of Esau, the godless Edomites, are prominent players in the end time drama. This is another vital truth about the end-time that virtually no-one, not even in evangelical circles, is speaking about.

And so here is a main lesson to be understood. The name and character of Bozrah belongs to Edom, the children of godless Esau. And that is how it will be in the end time drama. Bozrah is apparently a place geographically far removed from the Middle East and the international action we see there when the Dragon sends his armies west towards Jerusalem. We know for a certainty that Bozrah will be far “away from the face of the dragon”. So Mystery Bozrah will probably be a place, (or places), out at the ends of the earth.

The Edomite name and character of Bozrah in the latter days is critical information. This cannot be over-emphasized. Esau was the wild hunting hustling brother of the nurturing family man, the patriarch Jacob. Jacob’s concern was always for the tents of his fathers and a nurturing of the flocks. Even if Jacob was somewhat of a “heel” and a grasper and a trickster his heart was for the family of the promise. The other brother, Esau was untamed and ungodly. He was a hunter and a hustler, a “take you down” sort of a guy. The Bozrah deliverance completes the story of these two wrestling brothers. The Bozrah Deliverance brings it all right through to its epic climax in the Apocalypse.


Jacob and Esau have been wrestling with each other for approximately 4,000 years. Apparently this wrestling will come to an epic climax at some point in holy history. And here in the Bozrah story we find out when and where this will all come down. The wrestling will end with the return of Messiah, …… – at Bozrah.

Jacob and Esau grew up together, sons of Isaac and Rebekah. The two were quite different in character. Jacob was a nurturing, person, a man of the flocks. There was a dark side to his early character development. This is embodied in the name, ‘Jacob’, which means ‘heel grasper’, ‘trickster’, or ‘supplanter’. Nevertheless Jacob’s place was as a caregiver, shepherd, and husbandman. And there at home with family at the homestead he immersed himself in the faith of his fathers. Eventually, after going through many trials his pilgrimage will take him to a threshold and through a strait gate. As the patriarchal and prophetic story unfolds Jacob does indeed undergo a character change. And so he gets an appropriate name change. After the death of Rachel and the birth of his last son Benjamin, which means “son of my right hand” Jacob becomes Israel, which means “prince with God”.

Esau was quite different. He was a hunter and a wild man. He was a free-ranging spirit of the open field, open minded, open to anything and everything. Esau had little time for the narrow way, the life at home and for the God of his fathers Abraham and Isaac. Esau was a rover. He eventually took a foreign Canaanite wife and worshiped foreign gods bringing his parents and his family much grief.

Jacob began his heel grasping ways by stealing Esau’s birthright. He also deceived his father. He tricked his brother Esau out of the blessing that was due him as the firstborn. When Esau realized the full implication of what had happened he went to his father weeping. Esau asked if there was any blessing left over for him.

Well there was. And this is the big story that has been all but forgotten by Bible teachers today. Isaac gave his eldest son Esau a leftover blessing. Yes, Esau would become restless and break loose of the bonds of civility and law and order to be given dominion over Jacob in the latter days. This must be a reference to the Bozrah exile in the latter days.

Jacob’s blessing over Esau has hugeimplications for the Judeo-Christian peoples as they come into the arena of the end-time drama. Let us look at the details here. Isaac pronounced a prophecy over his eldest son. He said that Esau would eventually become restless. Eventually the time would come when Esau’s children would rise up against the peaceful rule of the nurturing children of Jacob. Esau would break the yoke from around his neck and cast loose all civilized constraints. Jacob’s yoke (of peaceful submission) would be broken from off his neck.

Dear saints, this is an extremely significant prophecy. God is telling us what will happen in the latter days. As we look all around us in our society and in the popular culture today we realize that this is already starting to happen. There is a wild and angry culture of godlessness abroad. Just step into the bookstore or video store and look at the images and titles. This culture of godlessness is now expanding and beginning to gain the upper hand. Is this resurgent fleshly nature the spirit of Esau at work? Isn’t this declension of godliness and civility something we are seeing on a major scale now as we approach the end of this age?

The resurgence of the Edomites in the end-time is an untold story. We should not be surprised or unduly alarmed about all this. It provides some explanation for the present day moral meltdown in the west. It also provides the background information for the Bozrah exile and the Bozrah deliverance. God said that Esau would rise up. And so we must face up to it. Here is the scripture passage showing us Isaac’s blessing over his eldest son Esau. GENESIS 27
39 Then Isaac his father answered and said to him:
“Behold, your dwelling shall be of the fatness of the earth,
And of the dew of heaven from above.
40 By your sword you shall live,
And you shall serve your brother;
And it shall come to pass, when you become restless,
That you shall break his yoke from your neck.”


The implication of this prophecy is that Esau will be greatly blessed in riches and blessings. But that eventually he will run wild. The wild and brutish sons of Esau, the Edomites, have not disappeared into history. They must still be here with us and alongside us if God is going to deal with them decisively at Bozrah. The children of Esau will emerge into history in a big way. So much so that Messiah has to come to a place the Bible calls Bozrah and deal with the Edomites decisively as history comes to its climax. This was clearly prophesied by the prophet Isaiah in that awesome passage of scripture, Isaiah 63.

The Edomites were always an untamed, predatory, and godless race of people. The prophecy in Esau’s blessing suggests that the children of Esau will erupt into history. They will break free of constraint as this age comes to its tumultuous and climactic conclusion. King David also alluded to this casting loose of the bonds of submission to God’s righteous law. He tells us about it in the song he wrote in Psalm 2. The prophet Daniel, in Daniel 11:41 confirms this as well. He indicates that Edom, the children of Esau, will become restless and run wild. They will even escape the control of the coming Antichrist.


But the Bozrah scriptures tell more than just a story of divine wrath on God’s enemies. Out at Bozrah there will also be a dramatic prison breakout. The returning Messiah will deliver His covenant people from incarceration by Esau. Apparently they will be penned up at a place or places identified prophetically as Bozrah. The prophet in Micah 2:12-13 identifies the coming Messiah as “the Breaker”. This means that the returning Messiah will be breaking something. What might that be?

We are not left to guess here. The pastoral scene is well known. When Messiah returns He acts in mercy and deliverance. The Shepherd of Israel breaks His people out.

Breaks His people out?
Breaks them out from what?

The answer is quite clear.
Our returning Messiah breaks them out of Esau’s sheepfold.

Bozrah is apparently a place of exile. Bible students are not constrained to believe that Bozrah at the end of days has to necessarily be located in the same geographical area of the ruins of ancient city of Bozrah southeast of the Dead Sea. From the apocalyptic nature of the Bozrah passages in Isaiah 63 and Micah 2 it seems clear that the place will appear on some map in the latter days. But just where is a subject for speculation. The Bozrah Isaiah and Micah saw will certainly be controlled by the Edomites of the latter day. The same wild hustling children of Esau will be on the scene. They will be giving the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob grief and correction just as they did in former times.

Isaiah sees the returning Messiah dealing with His enemies. He will crush them in a military sort of way just as described in Isaiah 63. The prophet Micah picks up the dramatic rescue element to the Bozrah story. He shows Messiah in His deliverance role. He has allowed His remnant covenant people to be penned up in Esau’s sheepfold. He has done this for their protection and their nurturing. (See the article on ‘The Woman and the Dragon of Revelation 12.

Micah 2
King James Version

12. I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee;
I will surely gather the remnant of Israel;
I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah,
As the flock in the midst of their fold:
they shall make great noise
by reason of the multitude of men.

13. The breaker is come up before them:
they have broken up,
and have passed through the gate,
and are gone out by it:
and their king shall pass before them,
and the LORD on the head of them.
Mic. 2:12-13 KJV

The image above shows a stone sheepfold of the type seen in biblical times. Here the sheep would be confined by their shepherd during the hours of darkness in a place of protection. As the dawn approached the shepherd would come into the sheepfold among His sheep. They would gather around the shepherd as he prepared to open a way for them to be delivered from the stone enclosure. As he opened a way out for them they would crowd up alongside him pushing against the gateway with a lot of force. This is the same picture spoken of by Matthew in that difficult and problematic verse in Matthew 11:12. “The Kingdom of God suffers (allows) violence
and the violent (are pressing in to) take it by force.”

(Mat.11:12) When the breakthrough came the whole flock would pour out of the sheepfold through the breach together with the Messiah as “the Breaker” going before them. They would follow on the heels of the Shepherd as he led them out to find pasture. This is the magnificent pastoral picture of the “man child company” breaking forth into holy history at the end of the age. This will change the destiny of heaven and earth. The stars and angelic dominions will fall. And here on earth Messiah brings in His Millennial Kingdom. He will minister and rule for a literal one thousand years.

This detailed picture of the deliverance of the Elect by Messiah (and not by the Dominionist church) comes at the second advent. This message of hope is given to us in Micah chapter 2. The drama begins with the gathering of Jacob, (which includes the both houses of Unrefined Israel). The true and genuine Church will eventually come to realize their identity in the Commonwealth of Israel. This gathering leads to the Bozrah exile and then culminates with the Bozrah deliverance. This sequence of events is laid out for us quite clearly and in detail in Micah 2:12-13.

Note well that the Second Coming of Christ is what brings the breakthrough here and not a Dominionist Church. Our Messiah is the Deliverer here. He and He alone is “the Breaker”. No churchman will get Messiah’s glory here even if he claims some super-anointed status in the charismatic “five-fold ministry” and pretends to be up to the task of bringing in the Kingdom Now. Neither today’s “apostolic/prophetic”, or the Papal/Jesuit Catholic leaderships cannot fit the bill here. Nor can today’s political Puritan leaders or political Ecumenical leaders bring in the final breakthrough. Such actions in the flesh lead only to the Ecclesiastic harlotry John saw in Revelation 17. No crusading religious champions can lay claim to this end time glory. Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamashiach is our Saviour and our Redeemer. He is also our future Deliverer. Man cannot do this. The scriptures declare unequivocally that there is one and only one intermediary between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. 1 TIMOTHY 2
5 “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus;
6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, ….” He and He alone is “the man”. No one else is capable of filling His shoes.

The Bozrah deliverance is a thrilling element of the Second Coming of Christ. He is the Anointed One and our coming Messiah. The Micah 2 scripture shows the connection of the Second Coming of Christ to Bozrah, (an Edomite domain), very well. We also see The Bozrah deliverance laid out for us in spectacular fashion in Isaiah 63. This is the judgment side to the Second Coming of Christ. God is obviously telling us something here in these Bozrah scriptures. Each of them clearly relate to the return of Messiah.

Why has this crucial information regarding the deliverance of God’s elect from Edomite incarceration at the end of the age been omitted from teachings on end-time themes? Is this not some exceedingly good and encouraging news?
Why haven’t we heard this before?

The Old Testament is absolutely full of inspiring Millennial poetry. God’s holy Word is in concert together bringing us different elements of the same message of the Second Coming of Christ. There will be a great turnaround at the end of the age. This is exceedingly good news. It is dramatic and inspiring beyond measure. Yet many Christians have not heard this before. Why might this be?

Well it seems that Christian leaders today prefer to keep the emphasis on “The Church”. They are the “New Testament people”. These dark dramas of the end-time are “for the Jews”. This is “Jacob’s trouble”. It will be trouble for the Jews and the Jews only we have been told. But is this entirely true?

Here are the facts of holy scripture. God will surely deliver His hard pressed people from out of captivity at the end of this age. He will come in the clouds and this is well known by evangelicals today in the rapture context. They also know that He will also deliver our Jewish brethren when He comes at the Mount of Olives. When Jesus returns He will deliver the Jewish nation from the end-time siege by the surrounding nations at Jerusalem. – Zech.12:7-13:1Christians know about Armageddon. Is this all there is to the Second Coming of Christ? Is there more?

What Christians do not know is that at His Second Coming Christ will also come in vengeance upon His enemies and He will deliver His saints at a place, (or places), known as Bozrah. All of this is part and parcel of the Resurrection-Rapture seen at the end of the age.

The glorious Millennium of Messiah will follow this end-time deliverance precisely as the scriptures have laid out for us. 1 “Even the wilderness will rejoice in those days.
The desert will blossom with flowers.
2 Yes, there will be an abundance of flowers and singing and joy!
The deserts will become as green as the mountains of Lebanon,
as lovely as Mount Carmel’s pastures and the plain of Sharon.
There the LORD will display his glory, the splendor of our God.
3 With this news, strengthen those who have tired hands,
and encourage those who have weak knees.
4 Say to those who are afraid,
“Be strong, and do not fear,
for your God is coming to destroy your enemies.
He is coming to save you.”
 –Isa 35:1-4 At this point, here is the question we need to ask ourselves. Are the Edomites, those godless children of Esau still with us today? Were they scattered into the nations as the Jewish nation was in the Diaspora? And if they are going to coalesce and regroup into some sort of a power force in the rich nations of the earth and dominate the nurturing people of Jacob just what role are they going to play in the endtime drama?

Here is what the scriptures are telling us. The Edomites, it seems, are still with us. They are all around us; fellow citizens in our nations. Indeed they are very prominent players at the end of the age. Even the Antichrist will not conquer them or rule over them during the regime of the 666 system. (Dan. 11:41) Apparently he will not even bother to mess with them during the Great Tribulation, those final 3.5 years of this age. He will allow them to do what Edomites do. Create chaos in society that calls for a crackdown, even martial law. End-Time Esau will rise up in the end time and achieve mastery over his brother Jacob just as Isaac prophesied. This is the hidden information and extremely important for us to know about and prepare our hearts for. But it is being kept from the saints.

The “cloaking” of this information about End-Time Bozrah is probably done with good intentions. It has been hidden from the Church at large and it has been kept from them for their own good. The western Church is still immature and shielded from Biblical truth. Christians in the West for the most part are still a carnal and potentially violent people. According to Micah 2 God will allow this exile and incarceration of His covenant people to proceed. And in Revelation 12:6 and 12:14 we see that this will go on for the limited time of 3.5 years. Here in this scripture passage in Micah 2 regarding End-Time Jacob, (God’s covenant people), they are in their unfinished unrefined state. This is why the Holy Spirit refers to them here as Jacoband not Israel.

So here we come to an interesting question. Is this Bozrah Exile all just so much bad news? Or might it be “good grief”? Just what will be happening during the Tribulation period? And why might it be a good thing for the saints to fly off to this place of mystery out at the sheepfolds of Bozrah? Is it possible that the Bozrah exile will be more than just be an incarceration or exile story? Might the Bozrah enclosure also provide some degree of shelter and even nurturing or spiritual nourishmentfor the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the end-time? Is Bozrah in fact a place of relative safety, “away from 666, away from the face of the dragon”?

Well as a matter of fact we do have some good solid evidence of this. The latter day exile of God’s people will indeed be for their spiritual feeding and nurturing. Our other Scripture passage come from the book of Revelation chapter 12.. And so to pick up the “rest of the story” our journey of inquiry takes us on into the New Testament and to the Apocalypse of the Apostle John. In the saga of ‘the woman of Revelation 12’ we see the story of an astounding massive exodus of people. Judging from Revelation 7 this company of Tribulation Saints probably numbers in the hundreds of millions. Here in this pivotal passage in Revelation 12 we see the flight of the woman, (a picture of God’s covenant people), during the 666 period, the final 3.5 years of this age. She is given the wings of a great eagle. (What great country associated with the eagle might be involved here?) And her flight is “away from the face of the dragon”. She flies off to “her place”, her place of exile. And according to John’s prophecy in Revelation 12:6 and repeated again in Rev. 12:14 the woman, ( another handle on God’s covenant people in the end-time), flies off to exile in Bozrah for two specific purposes.

1. She is there to be protected. And
2. She is there to be fed, or nurtured.

This Bozrah Exile must first and foremost involve a spiritual nurturing or nourishment. John sees this vision of the woman, (and in scripture this represents God’s covenant people). She is given the wings of an eagle. And on her own volition she flies off to a place of nurturing for the said 1260 days or 3.5 Biblical (360 day) years. Johns vision is clearly telling us a story of the end-time gathering Micah saw and his vision we see in Revelation 12 actually parallels the story of the gathering of Jacob in Micah 2:12-13. This gathering of Jacob involves the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Joseph in end-time. Bozrah is the place, (or places), where this exile takes place. This is where Jacob will be nurtured in the things of God for 1260 days – (Rev. 12:14), or 3.5 Biblical years – (Rev. 12:6). This is happening during the last half of the 70th week. This is precisely the time period of the Great Tribulation, the final 3.5 years of this age.

The Bozrah story apparently involves a end time gathering of God’s single remnant Elect. During the Apocalypse the covenant people of God are being gathered from out of the Judeo-Christian people and the nations. This is all happening during the latter half of the 70th Week of DanialJacob is wrestling with God once again, just as he did back in the times of the patriarchs.


pastoral city in Edom southeast of the Dead Sea. According to the biblical narrative it was the capital city of Edom and the homeland of Jacob’s twin brother, Esau:

And these were the kings who reigned in the land of Edom before the reigning of a king over the sons of Israel … And Bela died, and Jobab the son of Zerah, from Bozrah, reigned in his place. (Genesis 36:31–33)

The prophets Amos, Isaiah, and Jeremiah predicted Bozrah’s destruction:

But I will send a fire against Teman, and it shall devour the palaces of Bozrah. (Amos 1:12)

The Lord has a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Edom. (Isaiah 34:6)

“I swear by myself”, declares the Lord, “that Bozrah will become a ruin and a curse, an object of horror and reproach; and all its towns will be in ruin forever”. (Jeremiah 49:13)

According to Isaiah 63:1–6, the Lord will come from Edom (modern-day Jordan) and Bozrah in blood-stained clothing on “the day of vengeance” and “the year of My redeemed” (cf. Revelation 19:13: He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood).[2]

According to one Christian interpretation of Micah 2:12–13, Bozrah, (or a place the Bible cryptically refers to as Bozrah), will also be the scene of a magnificent “break-out” of God’s covenant people. According to this interpretation, the deliverance will come at an Edomite controlled place of exile and incarceration in the End times. This epic event referred to in Micah 2:12–13 has been referred to by Dr Gavin Finley as “the Bozrah deliverance”.[3] Bozrah is in Hebrew, but most translators render it as “fold”—sheep in the fold. This “break-out” could be tied to Zechariah 14:1–5, when Yahweh fights against the nations, stands on the Mount of Olives (east of Jerusalem), and splits the Mount in two as a valley, so that the remnant of Israel trapped in Jerusalem can escape those who would kill them. If so, Micah 2:12–13 would not relate to the locale of Bozrah.

The notion of a remnant in Jerusalem fleeing through a split Mount of Olives derives from the Masoretic reading of Zechariah 14:5. The Septuagint translation states in Zechariah 14:5 that a valley will be blocked up as it was blocked up during the earthquake during King Uzziah’s reign. Jewish historian Flavius Josephus mentions in Antiquities of the Jews that the valley in the area of the King’s Gardens was blocked up by landslide rubble during Uzziah’s earthquake.[4] Israeli geologists Wachs and Levitte identified the remnant of a large landslide on the Mount of Olives directly adjacent to this area.[5] Based on geographic and linguistic evidence, Charles Clermont-Ganneau, a 19th-century linguist and archeologist in Palestine, postulated that the valley directly adjacent to this landslide is Azal,[6] the location mentioned in Zechariah 14:5 to which the remnant in Jerusalem is to flee supposedly. This location accords with the LXX reading of Zechariah 14:5 which states that the valley will be blocked up as far as Azal. If Clermont-Ganneau is correct, the notion of people fleeing east through the Mount of Olives to Azal is impossible because the valley he identified (which is now known as Wady Yasul in Arabic, and Nahal Etzel in Hebrew) lies south of both Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives.

Excavations and finds

Excavation of the site began in the 1970s, the finds were dated first to the 8th century BCE.[7] However, later studies indicated that the main excavated sites there, including Umm el-Biyara, Tawilan and Buseirah, do not pre-date the seventh century B.C. (Iron II).[8] A round of excavations was conducted in 2009 and resulted in uncovering a church, possibly Byzantine, dwellings, and some water wells.[9]

An old tomb is popular among tourists as it is said to belong to Al-Harith Bin Umair Al-Azadi [10], whose murder led to the 639 CE Battle of Mu’tah.


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  1. “The General Census – 2015” (PDF). Department of Population Statistics.
  2. Revelation 19:13
  3. “The Bozrah Deliverance”. Finley, Gavin. End Times Pilgrim. August 2006. Retrieved October 29, 2017.
  4. Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, book 9, chapter 10, paragraph 4, verse 225, William Whiston
  5. Daniel Wachs and Dov Levitte, Earthquake Risk and Slope Stability in Jerusalem, Environmental Geology and Water Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 183–186, 1984
  6. Charles Clermont-Ganneau, Archaeological Researches in Palestine, Vol. 1. pg. 420, 1899; Charles Clermont-Ganneau, Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement, April 1874, pg. 102
  7. Bennett, C. M. (1974). Excavations at Buseirah, Southern Jordan 1972: Preliminary Report. Levant, 6(1), 1–24.
  8. Bienkowski, P. (1992). The beginning of the Iron Age in Edom: A reply to Finkelstein. Levant, 24(1), 167–169
  9. Addustour Daily Newspaper. 4.November, 2009. Amman, Jordan
  10. Jordan Times, Al Harith Bin Omair Al Azdi shrine receives 50,000 annual visitors, 11 July 2015

The Indignation” is a term used by the Prophets to describe a short period of time of about 75 days (2½ months) at the end of the seven-year Tribulation, but before the kingdom reign of Christ begins. At that time, the Lord’s indignation will be poured out against Israel—on account of His controversy with them for their departure from Him (Isaiah 10:5, 25; 26:20Dan. 8:19; 11:36, etc.)—by the hand of the Gentile armies who will align themselves against them. This period of time is computed from Daniel 12:7and Daniel 12:11-12—from “a time, times, and an half” (1260 days—Rev. 12:6, 14; 13:5) to “the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days”(1335 days). As mentioned, to accomplish His “indignation” against Israel, the Lord will employ the instrument of the surrounding Gentile nations who have a deep hatred for Israel (Psa. 83:4-5). After the armies of those nations have been used by the Lord to accomplish His work of humbling the Jews, He will have “indignation” on them as well, and will judge them (Isa. 13:5; 30:27-33; 34:2; 66:14Jer. 10:10Nah. 1:6Hab. 3:12Zeph. 3:8).
•  Daniel 11:36 indicates the start of “the Indignation.” It begins after the Antichrist’s (the willful king) reign in the land—he prospers “till” God orders the Indignation to be accomplished. Revelation 13:5 indicates that the Beast and the Antichrist will continue in their roles for 42 months (3½ years), which is the period of the Great Tribulation (Rev. 11:2). Hence, the Indignation begins at the close of the Great Tribulation. Isaiah 10:25, indicates when the Indignation will cease. It ends when the Lord judges Gog and the armies of his confederacy—presented in Isaiah as the Assyrian’s second attack (Isa. 33-34). After this, the millennial kingdom of Christ will begin (Isa. 11-12; Isa. 35; Ezek. 40-48).
•  As political pressure mounts in the Middle East, hatred against the Jews (from the Arab nations particularly) will be augmented (Psa. 74:8Psa. 83:2-5).

Six Confederate Armies

•  As the various nations struggle for world supremacy and survival, they will align themselves into large coalitions because there is strength in numbers. There will be six different groups of armies that will be engaged in the various battles of the Indignation. They are:

1) The King of the South and His Confederacy (Dan. 11:40Ezek. 30:1-8*)

This confederacy will be comprised of Egypt (the King of the South) and the allied countries of North East Africa (Ethiopia, Libya, perhaps Sudan, and others).

2) The King of the North and His Arab Confederacy (Dan. 11:40)
This is a ten-nation confederacy of nations to the north and east of Israel (Psa. 83:3-8). It will be comprised of Turkey, which is the nation that might produce the leader of this confederacy,1 and the Arab nations surrounding Israel (Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Arabia, and others). They will be Muslim peoples who have a deep-seated hatred of the Jews (Psa. 83:3-4).

3) The Western Confederacy Led by the Beast

This is the revived Roman Empire (Dan. 2:40-45; 7:7-27Rev. 13:1-3). It is a ten-nation confederacy from Western Europe (Italy, Britain, France, Spain and others, and perhaps even some of North America). These countries are nominally Christian. They have outwardly embraced Christianity and have partaken, in a measure, of its light and privileges, but are without faith in the Saviour, Jesus Christ. This group of nations could also be referred to as (political) Babylon.
4) The King of Kings and the Armies of Heaven (Rev. 19:11-16

This is the army of the Lord Jesus Christ. It will consist of Christians who will have been taken to heaven at the Rapture, and all who have partaken in the first resurrection from New and Old Testament times.

5) Gog and His Confederacy (Ezekiel 38:1-7)
This confederacy will be comprised of Russia and many other nations in the far north and east of Israel (Germany and other eastern European nations). They will be mostly atheistic people.2

This army will be comprised of the redeemed men from all twelve tribes of Israel.


•  Armageddon is not a single battle, as is commonly thought, but is a series of battles that will be fought during “the indignation,” beginning with the King of the South coming into the land of Israel.3

The King of the North

•  During the Tribulation period, “a king of fierce countenance” will rise up in the Moslem nations to the north and east of Israel (Dan. 8:23-24). He will be an expert in occult science and other Satanic devices. His origin will probably be Turkish, or perhaps Syrian.4  He will unite the Arab nations with the singular purpose of destroying Israel (Psa. 83:3-4). He will have an enormous army of two hundred million persons (Rev. 9:16).5 Antiochus Epiphanes (called “a little horn,” in Daniel 8:9) is a type of this man.

The Invasion of the King of the South

•  The battles will begin with the King of the South (Egypt) and his allied armies invading Israel’s land from the south (Dan. 11:40a; Isa. 7:18“the fly that is in the uttermost part of the rivers of Egypt;” (Jer. 46:3-9*)

The Believing Jewish Remnant Spared

•  The believing remnant of Jews who will flee for their lives into the mountains, the caves, and the dens of the earth for safety, will be providentially preserved from the destroying armies (Zeph. 2:3Matt. 24:16-21Psa. 83:3Jer. 36:26;* 39:10-12;* Rev. 12:13-16).
•  This devastating invasion by the King of the North will bring “the great tribulation” in the land of Israel to a close at 1260 days (measured from the middle of the week).6 This will be 18 days7 short of the last 3½ years (1278 days). For the elect’s sake, those days shall be shortened (Rev. 12:6Matt. 24:22).
•  The King of the North will take the spoil of gold and silver, and the treasures that the Jews have gathered to themselves through their commercial labours when they were dispersed throughout the earth (Isa. 2:7-8; 10:6, 13-14Psa. 73:7, 12; Ob. 11; Zeph. 1:13, 18).

The Invasion of the King of the North—The First Attack of the Assyrian (the Consumption)

•  The Euphrates River formed the eastern boundary of the old Roman Empire. Historically, it helped to hold the nations in the east from advancing westward. Prophetically, it represents the West’s power (politically and militarily) to hold the Arab nations from advancing into Israeli territory. Revelation 16:12, states that near the end of the Great Tribulation it will be “dried up.” We do not take this to be literal, but rather, to mean that the empire of the Beast will no longer be able to control that front.
•  The collapse of the eastern front of the prophetic earth will result in enormous numbers of Muslims (under the King of the North) invading the land of Israel from the north. (This can also be referred to as the first attack of the Assyrian, and is so used in Isaiah and Micah.) They will come in like a “whirlwind” (Dan. 11:40b-42). This mighty invasion will desolate the land of Israel ruthlessly. The land will look like the garden of Eden (comparatively speaking) before the armies move through, but behind them it will be a desolate wilderness (Joel 2:1:11). This “overflowing scourge” will be raised up by God to destroy the godless apostate mass of Jews who will have received Antichrist and have worshipped the image of the Beast (Isa. 5:26-30; 7:17-20“the bee that is in the land of Assyria;” 8:7-8; 10:5-7; 17:9-12; 18:5-6; 28:15, 18-19; Rev. 9:13-21—6th Trumpet, 16:12—6th vial;8 John 10:12*–the “wolf” comes and catches the sheep; Psa. 80:8-16–the “wild boar”out of the woods wastes the vineyard).
•  This devastating invasion is also referred to as “the consumption,” which is a technical term for the consuming judgments executed by the King of the North and his Arab confederacy as they sweep through the land of Israel (Isa. 10:22-23; J. N. Darby Translation footnote on Isaiah 28:22Dan. 9:27).
•  The King of the North will also have a navy which will engage in this conflict (Dan. 11:40).
•  The Jews’ false Messiah (the Antichrist) will “flee” at the moment of the nation’s great calamity. Being in league with the Beast, he will likely run to Rome for protection. He is seen later with the Beast when the Lord returns in judgment (Rev. 19:19-20Zech. 11:17Isa. 22:19John 10:13;* Jer. 39:4*).
•  The Jews who will have put their trust in their false Messiah, will “fret themselves” and “curse their king” for leaving them in such a peril (Isa. 8:20-21).

The Destruction of the Apostate Jews

•  Two thirds of the Jews who will have been gathered back into the land of Israel will be killed! (Zech. 13:8) This will be approximately 12-13 million Jews slaughtered in a period of a few days! There are about 18 million Jews worldwide today. They are increasing at about 1% per year, which means that there could be approximately 19-20 million back in their land by the end of the Great Tribulation.

The Destruction of Jerusalem

•  As the allied armies of the King of the North (his Arab confederates) approach Jerusalem, terror will strike the city. The Jews in the city will look out with horror when they see the vast armies surrounding them on every side (Isa. 22:1-14). The armies of “Elam”(Iran today), “Kir” (perhaps Moab, Isa. 15:1, Jordan, or maybe Media, which is north Iran), and “Edom”(perhaps part of Arabia), the confederates of the King of the North, are those who will execute this judgment. The King of the North will probably be occupied with expelling the King of the South from the land (Isa. 22:6; Ob. 11-14; Psa. 137:7).
•  These allied armies under the King of the North (his Arab confederates) will proceed to take Jerusalem. They will lay it in heaps and shed blood like water around the city! The women will be ravished and the dead will lie in the streets (Psa. 79:1-3Isa. 64:10Mic. 3:12Zeph. 1:10-18Zech. 14:1-2; Ob. 11-14).
•  One half of the city of Jerusalem will be taken captive (Zech. 14:2).
•  The temple that the Jews will have will be destroyed (Psa. 74:1-8Isa. 63:18; 64:11).
•  The godly remnant of Jews will be perplexed and in despair as they see their country being desolated by this northern invader. They will cry to God for help (Joel. 2:12-17; Psa. 73-89—third book of the Psalms; Zech. 13:9Isa. 63:15-64:12).
•  There will be a general mayhem as the armies pass through the land. While Jerusalem and the land of Israel are being desolated, the confederated armies under the King of the North will betray some of their own confederates (Ob. 7). They will enter into some of the countries that immediately surround the land of Israel in an attempt to overthrow and loot them. The “consumption” will be upon the whole land (Isa. 10:22-23; 28:22Psa. 75:3). Those countries situated on Israel’s promised territory who have been confederate with the King of the North will come under judgment at this time9(Dan. 11:41Isa. 10:7; 14:29 to Isa. 23:17—the “burdens;” Jer. 46-49;* Ezek. 25-30;* Amos. 1-2:8; 2 Kings 24:7;* Jer. 25:9-11*).
•  Edom (perhaps part of Arabia) will help in the destruction of Jerusalem and will be deceived at this time by their own confederacy and will suffer loss. They will be ransacked and looted and be left small in numbers 10 (Ob. 1-9).
•  The confederacy will also turn on “Moab” (Isa. 15-16; Jer. 48; Ezek. 25:8-11Amos 2:1-3—perhaps part of Jordan), “Ammon” (Jer. 49:1-6Ezek. 25:1-7Amos 1:13-15—perhaps part of Jordan also), the “Philistines”(Isa. 14:28-32; 20:1; Jer. 47; Ezek. 25:15-17Amos 1:6-10—perhaps the Gaza Strip Arabs), “Damascus”(Isa. 17; Ob. 1-14; Isa. 21:11-12Jer. 49:7-22Ezek. 25:12-14Amos 1:11-12Jer. 49:23-27Amos 1:3-5—southern Syria), and “Tyre” and “Sidon” (Isa. 23; Ezek. 26-28; Amos. 1:9-11—Lebanon). Those in these countries will flee for their lives while their lands are plundered.
•  Although attacked, a remnant of Edom, Moab, and Ammon will escape. God will allow this to give Israel the opportunity of giving them their final blow later (Dan. 11:41–the “chief”escape; Jer. 48:6, 9, 12; 49:5, 8, 11).
•  The King of the North will continue his conquest down into North East Africa, destroying the King of the South (Egypt) and his allies—Libya, Ethiopia, and others (Dan. 11:42-43; Isa. 19-20; Jer. 46:13-26Ezek. 29:1-12; 30:1-26).
•  The Egyptians will flee for their lives and will be scattered throughout the nations around them. Their land will be given over to “a cruel lord; and fierce king.” Historically, this may have been the Egyptian king, Psamatik I (663-609 BC), or one of the Assyrian kings—such as Esarhaddon or Ashurbanipal, but prophetically, it is the King of the North (Ezek. 29:12; 30:23, 26Isa. 19:4Jer. 46:5-6, 15, 21).
•  After the King of the North has destroyed and scattered the Egyptians and their armies, he will lay hold of the treasures of that land (Dan. 11:43Jer. 29:19).

The Western Confederacy (the Beast) Comes Into the Land of Israel

•  The Beast and his armies (the Western confederacy), hearing of the invasion of the King of the North into Israel, will come in from the west to defend the land. Their intention will be to use their massive navy to stop the armies of the King of the North. But it will be too late—the armies of the King of the North will already have advanced into Egypt by the time that the Western armies arrive (Rev. 16:13-14Num. 24:24 (“the ships of Chittim”—Chittim is Cyprus).

The Appearing of Christ

•  As the Beast’s armies (the Western confederacy) enter the land of Israel, the Lord will come out of heaven in judgment (as “a thief in the night”).11He will destroy the armies of the Beast with “the brightness of His coming.”This is the Appearing of Christ (2 Thess. 2:8Rev. 11:15-18—7th trumpet; Rev. 16:15-21—political Babylon is judged—7th vial; Rev. 19:11-192 Thess. 1:7-10Jude 14-15Col. 3:4Titus 2:132 Tim. 4:1, 81 John 2:28; 3:21 Tim. 6:14Isa. 13-14; 66:5Mal. 3:21 Peter 1:7; 5:4Rev. 14:9-12; Jer. 50-51; Dan. 2:34-35, 44-45—the Stone cut out without hands breaks the ten toes of the image—the revived Roman Empire).
•  No man knows the day nor the hour of the Lord’s coming—His Appearing (Matt. 24:36-41).
•  The heavenly saints who were caught up with Christ previously at the Rapture will come out of heaven with Him. They are referred to as the armies of heaven (1 Thess. 3:13; 4:142 Thess. 1:7Zech. 14:5Rev. 1:7; 17:14; 19:14).
•  The Lord will cast the Roman leader (the personal Beast) and the Jews’ false Messiah (the Antichrist—the false prophet) alive into the lake of fire (Rev. 19:20-21).

The Day of the Lord

•  The Appearing of Christ to judge the Western confederacy commences “the Day of the Lord.” This is the time when the Lord will publicly assert His universal power and authority over the earth. From this point forward, He will begin to subdue and expel every adverse power in the creation. The Day of the Lord will extend throughout the entire 1000-year reign of Christ—the Millennium.12 (2 Peter 3:8-102 Thess. 2:2Isa. 2:10-22Joel 1:151 Thess. 5:2Jer. 46:10Zeph. 2:2-3Mal. 4:5).

The Harvest Judgment

•  Christ’s Appearing will also begin “the harvest,”13 which is a discriminating judgment by the angels that cleanses the Western prophetic earth of all that offend.14 The offenders will be taken out of the earth and cast alive into the lake of fire. Those who have not resisted the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom will be left on earth to enjoy the earthly blessings of the kingdom. As a farmer in harvest time separates the wheat from the chaff, the angels will separate the good from the bad. At this time, “one shall be taken” out of the earth in judgment, and “the other left” on earth to enter the Millennium (Rev. 14:14-16Matt. 13:37-42; 24:40-41Dan. 2:35Jer. 51:1-2).
•  After the angels have gone throughout the western (prophetic) earth, severing the wicked from among the just, the population in the west will be greatly decreased. People in those once enlightened lands will be as scarce as gold (Isa. 13:12; 14:23; 24:1, 6Jer. 50:3, 39; 51:2).
•  The “times of the Gentiles”—the period of Gentile supremacy over Israel—will be over. This will close Daniel’s 70th week, being 1278 days from the middle of the week. (Luke 21:24Dan. 2:34-35, 44-45; 7:9-14, 22-27).

The Destruction of the Armies Of the King of the North

•  While the King of the North is in Egypt, he will be troubled by the tidings that he will hear out of the “east” and out of the “north.” From his perspective, down in the land of Egypt, news out of the north will likely be about the Western armies under the Beast entering the land of Israel. The tidings he will hear out of the east may be the rumblings of Gog gathering his forces or, perhaps, the results of the Lord’s Appearing and His judgment on the western armies (Matt. 24:27). This will lead the King of the North to return from Egypt with his armies into the land of Israel to battle (Dan. 11:44-45).
•  The Lord will defend Jerusalem from the armies of the King of the North as they come back into the land of Israel from the south (Isa. 31:4-9Zech. 9:8; 12:8; 14:3).
•  The King of the North will meet the Lord in the land of Israel, and will stand up against Him in battle! (Dan. 8:25).
•  The power of the Lord’s voice will beat down the King of the North and his armies (Isa. 14:25; 17:13-14; 30:30-32Dan. 11:45; Joel. 2:20; Zech. 14:3).
•  When the King of the North falls in the land of Israel, Gog (Russia) who had supported him with munitions (Dan. 8:24), will not come to his aid (Dan. 11:45“none shall help him”).
•  The Lord will cast the King of the North alive into the lake of fire (“Tophet”), where the Beast and the false prophet (the Antichrist) will already be (Isa. 30:33).
•  There is a further extension of Daniel’s 70th week that measures to 1290 days from the middle of the week. This is 12 days past the end of the week. This period of time may be used of the Lord to remove the northern army out of the land (Dan. 12:11Joel 2:20Isa. 17:13-14)

The Restoration of Israel

•  The Lord’s coming (the Appearing) will not only be for the destruction of the Gentile powers, but also for the deliverance of the believing Jewish remnant and for the restoration of the ten scattered tribes of Israel15(Luke 18:1-8; Psa. 90-106–4th book of the Psalms).
•  The restoration of Israel will take place in two phases. First, the Jews (the two tribes—Judah and Benjamin) who will have passed through the Great Tribulation in the land of Israel will be restored to the Lord. Then, secondly, the ten tribes, who are scattered and in the four corners of the earth (Deut. 28:25; 32:26), will return and be restored to Him (Dan. 12:1-2Ezek. 37:15-17Jer. 33:72 Sam. 2:1-4* & 5:1-3;*16 2 Sam. 19:9-15.*17 In each reference Judah—the Jews—are mentioned first.)
•  Although those in the West will see Christ in all of His brightness (2 Thess. 1:7-9; 2:8), evidently, the Jews will not see Him immediately.18While the Lord is judging the western armies and the King of the North, He will, apparently, hide Himself from their view. (His Appearing, from the West’s perspective, is referred to as being “in a cloud,” suggesting a partial veiling of Himself in respect to the Jews. This is done, apparently, in order to reserve a time when He can reveal Himself to them privately (Luke 21:27Isa. 8:17Psa. 88:14Gen. 45:1-5*). When His coming (the Appearing) is in reference to the restoration of the Jews, it is spoken of as being “on a cloud.” This implies a full display to His brethren (Matt. 24:27, 30; 26:64Acts 1:9-11).
•  The Lord will be seen on the Mount of Olives. As His feet touch the Mount, it will cleave in two, forming a very great valley running east and west (Zech. 14:4).
•  The Lord will reveal Himself to the Jews at this time in a quiet and intimate manifestation. This private manifestation will be between the Lord and the Jews alone (Zech. 14:4Acts 1:9-11Zech. 12:10-14Gen. 45:1-5*).
•  Those who see Christ will act as messengers to the rest of the remnant of the Jews, and will go into the mountains where many will be hiding, bringing tidings of the Lord’s return to Jerusalem. The remnant will come out of their hiding places into the valley that the Lord’s feet will have made (Isa. 52:7Zech. 14:5).
•  The Jewish remnant will look upon Him whom they have pierced and mourn in repentance. They will own their national blood-guiltiness in crucifying the Lord of glory and will be restored to Him at this time (Psa. 51:14Acts 2:23Gen. 44:14-34;* Isa. 53; 2 Sam. 19:15*–“Gilgal,” the place of self-judgment; Zech. 12:10-14John 20:24-28*).
•  The remnant of Judah and Benjamin (the Jews) will weep for their brethren, the scattered tribes of Israel. The Lord will comfort them with the promise that they will be recovered (Jer. 31:15-17; Compare Song of {s 22221}Solomon 8:8).
•  The Lord will gather the ten tribes of Israel back into their land at that time (Deut. 30:1-5Isa. 10:20-22; 11:11-13; 26:19; 27:12-13; 35:10; 49:8-26; 66:19-20Jer. 30-33; 46:27-28Ezek. 20:34; 34:11-16; 36:16-38; 37:1-28Dan. 12:2Hos. 6:1-3; 14:1-9Mic. 4:6-7; 5:3Zech. 8:7-8Amos 9:14-15Psa. 68:22; Psa. 107-150–5th book of Psalms—particularly Psa. 120-134, i.e. Psa. 122:4Gen. 46:1-29;* Lev. 23:24-25*–“the Feast of Trumpets”).
•  The Lord will use His angels to gather His elect of the tribes of Israel. A very great company of Israelites will come up from every country on earth from as far away as China (“Sinim”Isa. 49:12), and parts of Russia (“Mesech”Psa. 120:5) (Matt. 24:31Jer. 31:8; 15:4Deut. 28:25Ezek. 36:24).
•  Some of the restored remnant of the Jews will be used as messengers, or instructors, to the ten tribes of Israel (Isa. 6:8-13Gen. 45:9-13;* 46:28;* John 1:43-49;* Dan. 12:3).
•  Those who have real faith among the tribes will come weeping and broken in spirit after their long exile of nearly 2750 years (Jer. 31:6-9Psa. 84:5-8).

•  The tribes of Israel will also praise the Lord as they return to their homeland (Psa. 138).

•  The “tongue” of the Red Sea (the east and west arms of the sea which form the Sinai Peninsula), the seven streams of the Nile River, and the river of Egypt (a small stream approximately 75 miles east of Suez) will be dried. This will open up a clear and easy passage for the tribes returning from the south (Isa. 11:15-16; 19:5-10; 27:12-13).
•  The needs of the returning tribes of Israel will be met by some of the Gentile nations who will cringe before the power and glory of the Lord then manifest in the earth (Psa. 18:44-45; 66:3–J.N. Darby Trans.). The tribes of Israel will come up to the land by every conceivable mode—horses, mules, camels, wagons, and in ships (Isa. 11:12; 14:1-2; 49:9-23; 60:8-9).
•  The return of the ten tribes to the land of Israel will be quite rapid—between the 1290 days and the 1335 days measured from the middle of the prophetic week (Isa. 60:8-9; 66:8Dan. 12:11-12).
•  As the angels gather the elect of Israel (Matt. 24:31), a mixed multitude of Israelites will come up with them. The Lord will bring them into the wilderness19 at the borders of the land to sift them. The “rebels” (those without faith) will be purged out from among them, and those with faith will be brought into the land to join their brethren—the Jews (Ezek. 11:9-10; 20:35-38Hos. 2:14-15Amos 9:9-10Zeph. 3:10-12Jer. 31:17Psa. 135:14-18).
•  When the returned tribes see the Lord, they will ask, “What are these wounds in thy hands?” The Lord will answer, “Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends”—the Jews (Zech. 13:6). They were not in the land at the time of the crucifixion of Christ, as were the Jews, and consequently, the guilt of crucifying Christ will not be on their conscience. They will, however, own their guilt of being under the curse of breaking Jehovah’s law and will be restored to the Lord at that time.20 (Lev. 23:26-32“the Day of Atonement,”Lev. 26:40-42Hosea 5:15).
•  The restored nation of Israel (a remnant of the whole twelve tribes) will be, so to speak, “born at once”(Isa. 60:22; 66:8).
•  The Lord will make “a new covenant”with Israel (a remnant from the whole twelve tribes) that will be everlasting. (Jer. 31:31-34Heb. 8:8-12Matt. 26:28).
•  A remnant of all twelve tribes of Israel will be given “a new heart,” which refers to being born again. Consequently, they will have a desire to be obedient to the law of God (Ezek. 36:25-27). All who have faith in Israel will be “saved”in that day (Rom. 11:26).
•  All enmity will be removed between the tribes of Israel. They will dwell peaceably together. The ten tribes (called Ephraim) will not envy the Jews (Judah), and the Jews will no longer vex the ten tribes (Isa. 11:13Ezek. 37:15-28; 38:11Psa. 133:1-3Hos. 11:1).

•  Israel’s mouth will be filled with laughter and their tongue will be turned to singing as they rejoice together (Psa. 126).

•  The returned tribes of Israel will fill the land to the point that there will not be enough room for them. They will be as the sand of the sea in number, and will ask the Lord for enlarged borders. (Isa. 9:3–J.N. Darby Translation footnote; 49:19-20; 54:1-3; Ezek. 36:37-38Zech. 10:10Hos. 1:10Psa. 115:14).

The Invasion of Gog—The Second Attack of the Assyrian

•  As the Indignation continues, Gog (Russia) and his enormous hordes (the great Assyrian in its last form), will see the twelve tribes of Israel at rest in their land, and will come down from the uttermost parts of the north in an attempt to overthrow the kingdom of Christ in Israel. This can be referred to as the second attack of the Assyrian (Ezek. 38-39; Isa. 10:28-32; 29:1-3; 33:1; Isa. 36-37;* 2 Chron. 32;* Psa. 46:3Psa. 86:14Psa. 140:1-4, 9Mic. 4:11-12; 5:5).
•  The Lord will use this occasion to cause the armies of many other nations of the earth to come up with them. Gog (Russia) will lead this final attack (Isa. 34:1-2Joel 3:1-2, 9-15Zeph. 3:8Mic. 4:11-12Ezek. 38:4-6).
•  Tidings of the hordes led by Gog (Russia) approaching the land will reach the ears of newly gathered Israel, and they will call upon the Lord to save them (Isa. 10:28-32; 29:4; 37:1-4;* Psa. 86:14-17; Psa. 140-143).
•  The approaching innumerable host will come up like a cloud (Ezek. 38:16).
•  The Lord, now in Zion (Jerusalem), will not allow the city to be taken again (Psa. 46:4-6Nah. 1:1-15Zeph. 3:5).
•  The Lord will encourage Israel to trust in Him as their shelter (Isa. 10:24-27; 26:20-21; 37:33-35Zeph. 3:8Mic. 5:5Psa. 46:1-3, 5Psa. 140:7Psa. 143:9Nah. 1:7).
•  The Lord will suddenly cause a massive earthquake to disrupt the invading armies’ battle plan. Fear and confusion will spread through their ranks. Pandemonium will break out among the approaching hordes, and the armies will begin to beat one another down in their panic (Ezek. 38:18-21Zech. 14:12-13Isa. 29:6).
•  At the same time, the Lord will cause certain other natural catastrophes to accompany the earthquake—such as; pestilence, hailstones, driving rain, and fire (Ezek. 38:22Isa. 29:6).

The Winepress Judgment (The Vintage)

•  The Lord will then roar out of Zion (Jerusalem) to tread the Winepress of the wrath of God. This is the Vintage, or “Winepress” judgment. Gog (Russia), who will lead the attack, will fall on the mountains of Israel (Rev. 14:17-20Isa. 26:21Ezek. 38:13-23; 39:1-5Isa. 10:33-34; 27:1; 33:10-12; 37:36; 63:1-6; Joel. 3:16).
•  The “rebels” among the ten tribes of Israel who have been sifted out from among the Israelites who have faith, and left at the border of the land, will be judged by the Lord in the Winepress judgment. The “vine of the earth” will be cast into press and trampled by the Lord (Rev. 14:17-20).
•  In fierce indignation, the Lord will tread down the train of the nations that follow Gog as He marches through the land from Jerusalem out to the land of Edom—where the armies under Gog have gathered. This will be approximately two hundred miles in length (Hab. 3:12Rev. 14:20Joel 3:12).
•  Edom (probably part of Arabia) will be the Lord’s threshing floor of the nations that follow Gog. He will thresh the heathen in His anger, and trample them in His fury. The slaughter of the armies will be so great that the bloodshed will come up to the horses’ bridles! This will be the day of the Lord’s vengeance (Isa. 34:1-10; 63:1-6; 66:15-18Joel 3:12-16; Ob. 15, 16; Rev. 14:20Mic. 4:11-12).
•  The stench of their carcasses will come up from the earth and the fowls of the air will eat their flesh (Isa. 34:3Ezek. 39:4).
•  The Lord will also send a devouring fire and a great whirlwind into the land of Russia and to many distant parts of the earth. It will consume many unbelieving people in those parts. “The slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth” (Ezek. 39:6-7Zeph. 3:8Jer. 25:32-33; 30:23Isa. 66:16).

•  The Gentiles that are spared from the desolating judgments of the Lord will go back to their lands and to the distant parts of the earth to declare tidings of the glory of the Lord. The nations will hear and fear will help any remaining Israelites return to their land (Isa. 11:11-12, 66:19-20).

•  The judgments of the Lord in Edom on the assembled nations (the confederates with Russia), will be so severe that the land of Edom itself will be left in a perpetual state of desolation. It will remain barren and desolate from generation to generation; and will serve as a reminder for all who may think of rebelling during the Millennium (Isa. 34:5-15Joel 3:19Mal. 1:3).
•  The Lord will return to Israel from Edom after having trodden the Winepress alone (Isa. 63:1-6).

The Conquest of the Armies of Israel

•  Having returned to Jerusalem, the Lord will then lead out the armies of restored Israel to fight and to subdue any of the remaining enemies who are still situated on their rightful territory—just as in the days when Joshua led the children of Israel in conquest. The battle will extend as far out as the land of Assyria (Mic. 5:5-6). At this time Israel will take the full extent of their promised inheritance from the river of Egypt to the Euphrates river (Gen. 15:15-18Ex. 23:31Josh. 1:4Psa. 47:3Psa. 108:7-13Psa. 144:1Isa. 11:14Jer. 51:20-23Ezek. 25:14; Ob. 17-21; Mic. 4:13; 5:5-6, 8Ezek. 39:10Zech. 10:3-5; 12:6; 14:14Num. 24:17-192 Sam. 8:1-13;* Est. 9:1-19;* Psa. 118:10-12Psa. 18:34-48Mal. 4:3).
•  Edom will receive its final blow from the armies of Israel. Not one person will remain! They will be totally removed as a nation from the face of the earth (Ezek. 25:14; Ob. 18; Isa. 11:14Num. 24:18-19).
•  The Philistines will also receive their final blow from the armies of Israel. Like Edom, they will no longer remain as a nation on earth (Isa. 11:14Zeph. 2:5; Am. 1:8; 2 Sam. 8:1*).
•  Moab and Ammon will be subdued and put to tribute by Israel. A remnant of them will be allowed to remain on earth during the coming millennial reign of Christ. (Isa. 16:14Jer. 48:47; 49:62 Sam. 8:2*).
•  The Lord will make an end to all war and violence (Psa. 46:9Psa. 147:14Isa. 2:4Hos. 2:18Mic. 4:3Zech. 9:101 Kings 5:4*).
•  No oppressor from this time forward will be allowed to trouble Israel again (Joel 3:17Nah. 1:15Isa. 60:18).

Satan Bound

•  Satan and his angels will be bound and confined to the bottomless pit for one thousand years—the duration of the Millennium (Rev. 20:1-3Isa. 24:21-22“many days”).

The Sessional Judgment

•  The Lord will then establish “the throne of His glory” on earth, and all remaining nations will be assembled before Him. These will be nations outside the prophetic earth; the nations in the prophetic earth will have already been judged by this time in the Harvest judgment.21 This is the Lord’s Sessional judgment. (It appears that representatives from the various nations will be brought before the throne, not every last person on earth. The nations will be judged as nations, but the results will be individual.) The criterion on which they will be judged is connected with how they have treated the messengers (“My brethren”) of the Gospel of the Kingdom (Matt. 24:14). The Lord will divide “the righteous”from the wicked, as a shepherd divides “his sheep from the goats.” The nations that have shown themselves to be righteous will enter into the material blessings of the Millennial kingdom of Christ on earth. The nations that have shown themselves to be unrighteous will be sent away into “everlasting punishment”—the lake of fire (Matt. 25:31-46).
•  1335 days from “the midst of the week” will now be expired. Every adversary and evil-doer will have been put down. (Dan. 9:27; 12:121 Kings 5:4*).

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