Wednesday, July 12, 2023


 I have been in sales my whole life, and pray you find this topic enlightening.

I write when prompted by the Holy Spirit- this AM, I was typing an IG post and wrote out “the whole objection is to be reconciled to God by the blood of Jesus; because of His sacrifice, He took on what I deserved 😭- you and I both- a day doesn’t go by I don’t thank God for His unspeakable gift.

So, what is the point of being a believer? Because it’s not this false lie, of living a perfect care free life never having any problems… the literal whole life of a believer is actually promised suffering, I hate to break it to you. But it’s really a dumb decision to not believe and that is my point.

It’s more than just “not going to hell”… you need direction and guidance in this world, and there is only one way through and that is by Jesus Christ. There’s a lot that Christ saved me from, number one being Babylon and this worldly system- I don’t find it pertinent or of importance we celebrate the things the world celebrates; and if that is someone’s declaration of why they won’t speak to me, because I won’t participate in their nonsense now. It is different when you are on the other side. 

Either you are going to commit yourself to a faithful Creator, or not. I don’t have time to make excuses for people who do not believe and do not follow Christ- it’s not a perfect linear walk, and I’ve been giving myself more grace lately to make mistakes and allow room for growth. 

The point: is to be reconciled to God, and have a right standing relationship with Christ by His blood and His sacrifice. The goal is to allow Jesus to fix you and mold you into whom He has created you to be in Him. It is to love the people He sends you no matter what; if they hurt you forgive them; if they ask for your money give them double and if they ask for your coat give them your shirt too. 

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