Saturday, July 29, 2023

Renounce and ANNOUNCE!

 Renounce & Announce

My heavenly Father I come to you in the name of Jesus. Lord I want to be free from all and every bondage I gave myself in choosing to believe lie from the father of lies, my enemy.My God, today I choose to believe and obey all your commandments and the Word of Truth I read in the Holy Bible. Lord I know Jesus set me free through His sacrificial death on the cross.I am complete in Christ. I am a new creation in Jesus. Lord I pray you rebuke every spirit of (name your area of bondage).

Please say the Apostles’ Creed first, this reaffirms our standing in God’s presence.

A short list of common bondages:

Alcoholism, sexual sin, criticism,fear, lying, being judgmental,greed, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, gluttony,smoking, gambling, workholicism.

I renounce, cancel and refute every signing or having my name signed over to Satan.I announce and confirm that my name has been written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.(Rev 3:5 / Rev 21:27)
I renounce, cancel and refuteany ritual, ceremony where I was wed to Satan.I announce and confirm that I am the bride of Christ.(2Cor 11:2 / Rev 19:7)
I renounce, cancel and refute all agreements, covenants, blood pacts that I have made with Satan.I announce and confirm my covenant with Jesus Christ and that I have been purchased and sealed through His shed Blood on the cross. (Rev 5:9)
I renounce, cancel and refute all authority that Satan and his kingdom claims over me, my family, my possessions, my job, my children and the generations because of my participation in any ritual, sacrifice or ceremony to Satan and his kingdom.I announce and confirm that I have been ransomed by the Blood of the Lamb and that only Jesus Christ has authority over me, my family, my possessions, my job,my children and the generations. (Rev 1:5-6)
I renounce, cancel and refute all and every claim that Satan has over me because of my eating of any food offered to idols, false gods, satanic rituals and ceremonies.I announce and confirm that by faith I am part of the table of Christ. I eat and drink the Body and Blood of Christ. (1Cor 11:24-26)
I renounce, cancel and refute any and all baptism in blood etc., whereby I am identified with Satan.I announce and confirm that I have been baptized in Holy Spirit to Jesus Christ and that my identity is in Jesus alone. (Col 2:12)
I renounce, cancel and refute any and all authority of spirit guides & guardians assigned to me.I announce and confirm that I accept only the leading of the Holy Spirit and that God is my heavenly Father. (Gal 4:6)
I renounce, cancel and refute all authority that Satan claims over me through any sacrifices, covenants, promises made on my behalf with satanic kingdom.I announce and confirm that I have been purchased my the sacrifice of Christ Jesus through his shed Blood on the cross. It is only He who has authority over me and I belong only to Him. (1Cor 12:12-13)
I renounce and cancel ever practicing any kind of idol worship, rituals and occult practices. I commit myself to get rid of all objectsassociated with the occult and false religion.I announce and confirm that I worship only the God of heaven and all creation. I worship only Jesus in whom God the Father has vested all authority in heaven and on earth. (Mk 12:30 / Mat 28:18)
I renounce, cancel and refute the teachings that claim human beings can ultimately become gods, including new age movement.I announce, affirm and believe only in God the Father, the creator of all heaven and earth, and in His Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit. I announce and affirm that salvation can be achieved only through Jesus Christ. (Mat 28:19-20)
I renounce, cancel and refute, the teachings that say people can achieve righteousness by their own efforts.I announce and affirm that righteousness can be achieved only through faith in Jesus Christ and a life of holy living. (Eph 2:8 / Heb 12:14)
I renounce, cancel and refute the spirits of sexual sin – adultery, perversion,lesbianism,homosexuality, fornication,bestiality,masturbation,oral sex, incest,pornography.I announce and confirm that my body is the temple of the living God. I have been purchased by the blood of Jesus and a member in the body of Christ. I belong to the kingdom of God.I am totally free now in Jesus Christ my only Lord and Saviour. (1Cor 6:18-20/ 1Cor 3:16 / Jn 8:36)
I renounce, cancel and refute the spirit of anger, unforgiveness,gossip, judgment, rebellion,bitterness, vengeance.I announce and confirm that I freely forgive all who have ever wronged me. I lay down all bitterness, hatred, envy and all emotions of mine that do not confirm to the attitude of Christ. (Mk 11:25 / 1Cor 2:16)
I renounce, cancel and refute the spirit of violence, murder, abortion, envy, ill will, hatred, resentment,intolerance.I announce and confirm that I have been set free by Jesus Christ and that I have the peace of God and bear the fruits of the Spirit for the glory of God. (Gal 5:22)
I renounce, cancel and refute the spirit of self-pity,fear, rejection, loneliness, disappointment, sadismI announce and confirm that I am a child of the most high God. I affirm that I do not have a spirit of fear but of courage that comes from the Holy Spirit.I am eligible through Christ to inherit all the blessings my heavenly Father has prepared for me. (Rom 8:14-17)
I renounce, cancel and refute the spirit of pride – spiritual and worldly, self-righteousness.I announce and confirm that I am filled with the spirit of humility and the righteousness achieved freely through Jesus. (2Cor 5:21)
I renounce, cancel and refute the cravings that are anchored in my mind and body for the desires of the flesh and the pleasure of the world.I announce and affirm that I will pursue the holiness of God and have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. The world has been crucified to me through Jesus and I to the world and its corrupted wisdom. (Gal 5:24 / Gal 6:14)
I renounce, cancel and refute all evil spirits claming authority over me through ancestral sins and curses,all spoken curses and self-imposed curses. I cancel all demonic working that has been passed on to me through my ancestors.I announce and confirm that I have been redeemed from all ancestral and other curses through the cross. It is no longer I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me. I announce that I have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of Light.I announce and release heavenly blessings into my life.(Gal 3:13-14 / 2Cor 5:17/ Col 1:13)
I renounce, cancel and refute…(mention the bondages you need to be set free from).I announce and confirm that I am totally free in Christ by the grace of my Heavenly Father through the working of the holy spirit by virtue of the shed Blood of Jesus,resurrection and His unceasing intercession. I share in the glory of our Lord Jesus.(Jn 14:23 / 2Thes 2:13-14/ Rom 8:234)

I take my stand in Jesus agains all satanic strongholds. I submit to you Lord Jesus and I resist the devil. I command you Satan to go from me in Jesus nam

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