Friday, November 3, 2023

HOW to be saved… to be born again

 When Jesus saved me out of the world, false religion, unequal yokings… I knew I had been born again and saved; because I turned to the word of God after having exhausted every ounce of effort on my own without Him… in my ignorance He had great mercy on me as He did with Paul. I was on my way to Damascus. This is the most important question 1.) do you know Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior??

It’s not about going to church. It’s not about “believing in God” for even the demons believe in God, and tremble. It is about believing the truth of the gospel.

What is your need??

You need to truly be saved. You need to come OUT of this world. I pray in Jesus name, for your repentance.

“For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.”

‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬ ‭KJV‬‬

^^ this is exactly what happened to me.  Jesus quickened my mortal body. I didn’t have the word of God, and now I do. GAME CHANGER!!! Praise Jesus!!!

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,”

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬ ‭KJV‬‬

so… what IS the truth of the gospel??

1.) Christ died for our sins; was buried and rose again the THIRD day as it is written. 

2.) Roman’s 3:23 tells me that ALL; every single human being is born into sin and born with the Adamic nature - from Adam. So until something happens for you to believe the truth of the gospel…. You are without Christ. Your sins have separated you from God and that’s horrible. HERE IS THE GOOD NEWS!!!

3.) Jesus Christ died for us so we can live for Him and spend eternity in heaven with Him- no more pain no more sorrow no more tears no more evil… hallelujah I cannot wait!!! 

-you hear the word of God (the gospel) and you respond to it

-you believe (and are saved forever!!! Ephesians 1:18;4:30)

-you reject the gospel; and will spend eternity in hell without Christ. 

Never before was there the possibility for US sinners to be reconciled to the Father- and to be made perfect, holy, unreprovable, blameless in His sight. It is truly JUST if I had NEVER sinned! = JUSTIFIED.. but Jesus!

Sanctification is a process. Jesus prunes us so that we may be able to bear MORE fruit. Olives are crushed before pressing; to bear the best oil. 

The decision is easy, but the choice is yours. God has given mankind 6000 years to “sin” and take dominion over the earth and to come back to Him. We are not promised tomorrow and if you die tonight, do you know for a FACT you would go to heaven???

It has nothing to do what you have done, beloved. But rather what you believe in, and trust in.

Paul warns us of another gospel… and it’s the PERFECT time now to witness for Christ about the facts of the matter. 

Since I have added the LLC- I have not been able to blog as much. I started this all, as a means of what God was having me to do in my life. I did not know what Jesus was going to have me do once we shut the spa down- He has taken me all over His beautiful most magnificent creation, to help find the needs of others and in others, and offer the solution.

1.) my overall goal is to win souls, the Bible says that is a wise thing to do. So, LORD teach me! it was getting so hard to continue to witness to people like “regular” and also keep up with trying to be a believer  it does come with a cost because you now belong to Jesus. The Holy Spirit lives in every single believer.

2.) Simply put- there are people who believe another gospel and are not saved but believe they are saved because they “work”? All the while not leaning on what Christ has ACTUALLY done for them they go and try to establish their own righteousness… nimrods. 😮‍💨

If you want to follow Jesus Christ, you must deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow HIM!!

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