Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Morning prayers-

I have been trying to make a live video for ya'll... but this ancient laptop is just being a little ridiculous this morning. Are you rested in Christ? Resting in Him? He is the safest, best place to be Psalm 91:1. 

How do you start your mornings? Do you immediately pray? Or, does it take you until about 10 after you have done everything YOU wanted to do? Some people need an immediate heart surgeon that ONLY GOD Himself can procure- thank You Jesus for hidden wisdom and righteousness and sanctification in Thee. 

See how easy that was, to transfer that sentence into a prayer? The bowls of the prayers of saints are continuous because we pray continuously without ceasing. 

Right now, is the best time to witness for Christ. People are stuck in unbelief, they believe a FALSE gospel, another gospel, and Paul even warned us of this 2000 years ago. 

December 25th is nowhere in the Bible; it is not a Christian date. It has nothing to do with Jesus Christ- and only permist evil- covetousness, adultrey, idolatry, witchcraft, debts, mismanagement of home and familial needs... this is just to say the least.. 

The Bible, and Jesus, teaches us to deny ourselves daily, to pick up our crosses and to follow Him. If you cannot stop celebrating these things, they are your idol. Repentance is necessary and only the operation of the Holy Spirit can bring you back. I pray for each and everyone's repentance in Jesus' name amen. 

I am so passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ and about doing the will of God that I will expose all the evil there is, until there is none. I don't want to be involved. It's not cute, lying to your children about OUR SAVIOR- Do you know that Julius Caesar was the first one to instigate the December 25th lie? Do you understand why, and how the devil will and basically has already deceived the whole world? 

It is not just "halloween" that is satanic- the calendar is pagan in and of itself- we are to count our days the way God has us to count them according to the word of God- and it is best to come out of Babylon as He says and to keep the feasts with sincerity and truth 1 Corinthians 5:8- 

I am working on the business "disciple-box"- I am so excited to be able to share this with you guys!! I have not added the section to the website yet, but it is all written on plan! I found the boxes I will get.. I reached out to the Sword of the LORD Publishers yesterday and am waiting to hear back from them .. some days I can only make and take small steps toward building ... and a WHOLE lot of surrender and trusting in the LORD as Proverbs 3:5-6 says. 

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