Saturday, November 25, 2023

Tactics and wiles of the devil: control and mani

 Hi 👋 to anyone new.. my name is Brittny.. I took on a prophetic mantle years ago after being saved, I was called and I responded.

God saved me out of an unequally yoked marriage.. and the glory of God is what I am to testify to. I am to witness to the truth of the gospel, and to 🗣️ for those headed to destruction Proverbs 31:8-9… so if you are struggling with anything this is for you. Trying to find #whosoever, and feed 1 million the gospel by my 33rd bday. I give glory to the Living God and no idols. 

The demonic spirit of CONTROL is kindred to the demonic spirit of MANIPULATION. The controlling spirit’s job is to seek POWER, AUTHORITY and DOMINANCE over the situation at hand, so that it can have the maximum advantage in carrying out its own agenda. But sometimes, the spirit of control isn’t strong enough to be able to have its way directly, so it has to summon the spirit of manipulation to help it out. Once summoned, the manipulating spirit’s job is to SKILLFULLY INFLUENCE all parties that are involved by using DECEITFUL TACTICS. Once the unsuspecting victim(s) falls for the trick and LEGALLY gives up their rights/authority to the spirit of manipulation, then that person will ultimately come under the spirit of control. These two spirits will work together to bind their victim up and take everything from them.

Also, when a person is operating under a spirit of manipulation (esp false teachers/prophets/pastors), that spirit will tend to use Scriptures that back up its own agenda. The manipulating spirit knows that Christians love God and want to obey the word of God, so it will use the Bible as a tool to manipulate the people. It will twist the Scriptures around and use them out of context. And for those believers who are babes, or unlearned in Biblical exegesis, they will submit to the manipulating spirit just because it quoted a bible verse. Saints, we need discernment. Just because someone uses Scriptures doesn’t mean they are using them in context.

The Devil tried to use scripture on Jesus to make Jesus submit to him, but Jesus combated the enemy by using other authoritative scriptures that showed contradiction in the passages that the devil were trying to use. 

When someone is under a manipulating spirit and is trying to use the Bible out of context to bring us under bondage to the spirit of control, we have to know how to use our authority, (which is found in that same Bible), to bring that spirit under subjection. Cast that demon down by letting it know that “IT IS WRITTEN!”

This was for those who are dealing with someone else who is operating under the influence of a control or manipulating spirit. You have to be bold and uncompromising to withstand that spirit. 

But if you are the one who is being influenced/possessed by the spirit of control/manipulation, this is how you can be set free: REPENT. Ask God to forgive you for being so controlling and manipulating. Your reason for being controlling may be innocent to you. You may be a very organized person who just likes it when things are in order or you may be a perfectionist. But to want to have things go your way all the time is selfish, inconsiderate and prideful. These are characteristics of the flesh. When you have these wicked habits in your heart, demonic spirits feed off of that. They use your sins as an open door to gain legal access to your life, to influence you and to magnify your sinful nature. 

To overcome the controlling and manipulating spirit, you have to humble yourself. You have to realize it’s not all about you. You can’t always have your way. The world doesn’t revolve around you. You have to learn to deny yourself of your agenda. No longer your will, but God’s will be done. Consider others more higher than yourself. You have to learn to exalt others and their needs above your own. When you practice a consistent lifestyle of humility and sacrifice, the spirit of control and manipulation will flee from you.

Manipulative people may do things like:

  • quickly draw people in to a deeper interpersonal level than accurately and appropriately reflects the existing depth of relationship
  • compliment/flatter the one being drawn in
  • refer to the one being manipulated with phrases like “dear friend” or “the only one I can be totally honest with”
  • begin the relationship by some great gift or act of service, creating a debt of gratitude and good impression
  • pretend to depend on the one who is being manipulated

The person being drawn in feels appreciated, useful, liked, or noticed.

  • What “red flags” or concerning behaviors did I overlook? Am I more attentive to these now?
  • What motives fueled my approval/trust of the manipulative individuals? How can I turn away from letting that motive rule me? 
  • Are there things I am accepting or “approving of” (or, even “just” giving a pass to) that are actually detestable?
  • Given that I failed to see things then, are there “plain” things I am not seeing properly in my current life?
  • Am I honestly evaluating the character of leaders in my life? 
  • Am I listening and submitting to the warnings of the Holy Spirit?
  • and
  • Are there people I need to warn, or seek forgiveness from, because I contributed to them trusting untrustworthy people?

Fruit of Manipulation Intimidation and Control

The MIC spirit produces bad fruit. King Ahab and Queen Jezebel used manipulation and intimidation to keep control over their people, so we can learn about the MIC Spirit from their behaviour.

1. Kills the Prophets

The MIC spirit attacks people who resist its control and intimidation. It seeks to kill the prophets and other people who oppose it.

  • When Elijah embarrassed the prophets of Baal, the MIC spirit took offence and threatened to kill him (1 Kings 19:2).

  • Jezebel took offence at Naboth when he refused to given in to Ahab's demand for his land and had him killed (1 Kings 21:1-16).

2. Breathless

The Holy Spirit and the MIC spirit cannot work together. People in an organisation or church that is influenced by the MIC spirit will find themselves spiritually breathless, because the Holy Spirit is quenched. When Elijah stopped running from Jezebel and Ahab, he was exhausted (1 Kings 19:3-9). God hid him in cave until his strength was restored. People with strong giftings will find themselves shut up in caves and unable to function.

3 Blocks Healing

The MIC spirit inflicts sickness on those who come under its power. Jehoram King of Judah married a daughter of Ahab (and possibly Jezebel). After Elijah wrote a letter challenging his immoral behaviour, he was struck with an incurable disease of the bowel and died (2 Chron 21:18-19).

Sickness is the favourite weapon of the MIC Spirit (Rev 2:22). It seems to be able to resist the name of Jesus and block prayers for healing.

It refuses to surrender to the name of Jesus,
because it was given a place in the name of Jesus.

If Christian leaders have given the evil spirit permission to be there, it can claim that they have surrendered their authority to it on behalf of Jesus. It can refuse to surrender to the name of Jesus, because it claims authority given “in the name of Jesus”.

This stronghold seems to have the power to resist the gift of healing. This is why many prayers for healing have not been answered. People have blamed God, but the real cause is the MIC spirit.

4. Weak Pastoral Care

Ahab sent Obadiah out to find hay for their horses (1 Kings 18:5). Ahab and Jezebel cared more for their horses than they cared about their people who were starving to death. They should have been killing their horses to feed their people. In an organisation where the MIC spirit is strong, pastoral care will be poor. The leaders will be so focussed on their ministry and the tools needed to support it that people who are suffering and hurting will often be neglected.

5. Fear and Dread

The MIC spirit has the ability to feed fear and dread into people who oppose it. After his victory on Mount Carmel, Elijah was attacked by fear and dread, so he fled for his life (1 Kings 18:3). People who are afraid are easier to manipulate and control. Fear allows ruthless leaders to gain greater political power. 

6. Money Manipulation

Leaders influenced by the MIC spirit will be tempted to use money (or people with money) to get what they want. Ahab took gold and silver from the Lord’s temple and used it to bribe the King of Aram to withdraw his attack against Israel. Using the Lord’s wealth in this way is a serious sin.

7. Compromise to Survive.

When they come under attack, the leaders influenced by the MIC spirit will compromise to survive. When Jezebel and Ahab were attacked by Aram, they offered their silver and gold and the best of their children to the invader to appease him. This appeasement led to further demands, which they eventually had to resist (1 Kings 20:1-12). Compromise is always tested. Leaders who compromise to get things done will eventually be tested and required to compromise again. Even when he won a victory, Ahab could not avoid compromising with his enemies (1 Kings 20:30-34) The MIC spirit makes leaders vulnerable to compromise with evil.

8. False Accusations

Leaders under pressure of the MIC spirit tend to make false accusations. Ahab accused Elijah of being a trouble maker.

When he saw Elijah, he said to him, "Is that you, you troubler of Israel?"
Prophetic people are often accused of being trouble-makers when the real problem is MIC spirit harassing an insecure leader.

9. Political and Religious Collusion

The MIC spirit loves political alliances. Ahab and Jezebel formed an alliance with the King of Israel to attack Damascus (1 Kings 22:4, 2 Chron 18:1; 22:5). Our only alliance should be with the Lord. Christian leaders should be careful about collusion with political authorities to advance their cause because it can lead to compromise. Ahab colluded with religious power. Jezebel had 400 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah sitting at her table every day. Their religious power strengthened Ahab’s ability to intimidate people.

When religious and civic leaders collude together, they strengthen each other’s power. Instead, the church should be acting prophetically and challenging civic and business leaders.

10. Decline

The consequence of the MIC influence in Israel was that God began to reduce its size.

In those days the Lord began to reduce the size of Israel (2 Kings 10:32).
An institution that is controlled by the MIC spirit will shrink in size, even though good things seem to be happening. The leaders may appear to be effective, but the fruit will not follow.

Power Messages

Jezebel often worked in the background by sending messages to get Ahab’s work done. These messages were mostly lies intended to intimidate. Sometimes they were flattery to entice.

When Elijah killed the prophets of Baal, she sent a message to him, warning that he would be dead in a day. That was a lie, because his life was in God's hands, but it still had the desired effect (1 Kings 19:2).

She dealt with Naboth by sending a letter to the nobles and elders of his city. The letter lied about his character, but told the city leaders what to do. They carried out her instructions (1 Kings 21:9).

When Jehu came to kill Jezebel, she called out her message. This time she used flattery, but Jehu was too ruthless to be taken in (2 Kings 9:31).

The MIC spirit has stifled the gift of healing by delivering a negative message to Christians living in the city. When a person who has been prayed for by the church dies, it prompts people to say,

God does not heal everyone.
God could have healed them, but he chose not to.
It was God’s will that they died. 
These words are not true, but grieving Christians often believe the negative message and blame God for the death of the person that they loved. By doing this, they unwittingly take offence at God. In a city where the leaders have taken offence at God, the Holy Spirit cannot do many miracles. Nazareth took offence at Jesus, and he could not do any great work there (see Rock of Offence).

Negative Power

Mark 6:5 is an amazing verse. “Dunamis” the Greek word for explosive power is used twice, with a negative. 

And he had no power (dunamo) in that place to do any mighty work (dunamis).

Jesus was the Son of God, who had come down from heaven. The Holy Spirit had come upon him when he was baptised. Yet in Nazareth, he had no power (dunamo) and he could do no mighty work (dunamis).

Why was Jesus powerless? The cause was the declarations made by the people for Nazareth in the previous two verses, denying that Jesus was the son of God, and denying his wisdom.

Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are the remarkable miracles he is performing? Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son (Mark 6:2-3)?
Negative declarations by people with authority in a place can shut down the power of God. The MIC spirit cannot shut down the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God is much too strong for that. What this spirit can do is speak messages to people with authority in a town or city. If they accept and declare this negative message, they have authority to shut down the power of the Holy Spirit. This is how Jezebel killed Naboth (1 Kings 21:9).

The MIC spirit gives a false message to the leaders of the church when people they had prayed for died. 

God can decide not to heal a person.
God does not heal everyone.
When the leaders declared these words, the power of the Holy Spirit was shut down. He has no power in the place, nor can he do any mighty works there.

Church leaders have authority in the city. When they are praying for people to be healed in Jesus name, their words from the past seep down and stifle the Holy Spirit. When they get defeated by MIC Spirit and a person they were praying for dies, the leaders of the church build a Rock of Offence, which quenches the Spirit’s power even more.

Mode of Operation

The MIC spirit operates in several different directions.

1. Leaders

The leader of the organisation or church can be deceived into using manipulation and control to get their vision fulfilled. When they face opposition, they slip into intimidation to overcome it. A leader can use their spiritual authority to intimidate people into following their guidance. For example, they might warn the person that they will lose their “covering” if they reject their leader’s advice. Usually, it will be more subtle.

The leader’s vision is good, so they believe that the end justifies the means. They get to build something for God, but they do not realise that they have unwittingly allowed the MIC spirit into the foundation of their work. It will keep popping out to harm it.

Leaders will often get their way by sending subtle messages to the people opposing their vision. These messages will often be delivered by loyal supporters. For example, when a person is troublesome, the leader might say the right words to the right people, to ensure they are side-lined. Or they can make sure that they do not know what is going on.

All church leaders should look at themselves and ask if their control of people is opening the doors for the MIC spirit. If it has been part of their life for a long time, they might not be able to see it and will need to ask a wise person who can see more clearly. That person will not be a wise friend who only sees good in them. It will more likely be that pesky wise person on the fringe who is often a nuisance because they always ask annoying questions.

2. Loyal Supporters

The leader will have loyal supporters who back him. They may see the manipulation and control, but will turn a blind eye to support the cause. They will sometimes be able to dampen down the worst effects of the spirit of control and tone down the intimidation.

Obadiah was in charge of Ahab and Jezebel’s palace. He managed to hide a hundred prophets in two caves. Yet he still had to do Ahab and Jezebel’s dirty work, and hunt down Elijah when he had prophesied the drought (1 Kings 18:3-5).

This is the dilemma faced by a close supporter of a leader under the influence of the MIC spirit. They will often have to choose between loyalty to their leader and doing the right thing.

3. Members

The members of the organisation or church are expected to submit to their leader. They must support the leader’s vision, or move out. However, they do not get to flourish in their ministry.

There were a hundred prophets in the land of Israel in Ahab and Jezebel’s time, but they had to hide in caves. Israel was in tumult, so it needed prophets, but they were not effective, because they were shut away in caves. 

In an organisation or church where the MIC spirit has control, the gifts and ministries of many members will be stifled. If they are used, they will be distorted to support the leader’s vision. Many will be frustrated and feel like they are shut up in a cave.

4. Opposition

People who oppose the MIC spirit will be attacked. These attacks can often be quite ruthless. Elijah had to cross the Jordan and go into the desert and hide, because Ahab and Jezebel were trying to kill him. People who oppose the MIC spirit will often find themselves shunted into the wilderness.

Jezebel stirred up scoundrels to speak lies against Naboth when he refused to hand his vineyard over to Ahab. They accused him of hating God and the King. The MIC spirit will often use gossip and lies against those who oppose the leader it controls.

5. Prophets

Wise prophets can expose the MIC spirit, but they should expect intense opposition. When Jehoshaphat and Ahab got together to war against the king of Aram, the court prophets urged them on. When Jehoshaphat asked for a real prophet, Ahab said there was one called Micaiah, but he always prophesied bad things.

Miciah said that he saw a spirit of deception agreeing to manipulate Ahab into war. Micaiah’s words were fulfilled and recorded permanently when Ahab died. An arrow shot at random hit his back where he had no protection and killed him. He was actually slain by the manipulation and control of the MIC spirit that led him into the wrong battle. 

Micaiah opposed the MIC spirit, but ended up in prison for his troubles.


People who belong to an organisation in which the leaders (usually one leader) rely on manipulation, control and intimidation are vulnerable to the MIC spirit. This is true regardless of whether the organisation is a business, a government agency, a church, the city council, or a club or society.

Any church where control and manipulation are at work is not safe, because the MIC spirit has authority to resist the name of Jesus and shut down the gift of healing. We need to be alert,

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith (1 Pet 5:8-9).
When the principalities and power have such a stronghold over a city, attacking them directly is unwise. We need to be careful about confronting the MIC spirit, because we may not have authority to deal with it if civic and religious leaders have put it there.

In his book, “The Needless Casualties of War”, John Paul Jackson gives a number of examples of sincere Christians taking on spiritual power that they did not have authority to deal with. Each one received a severe spiritual beating.

Jackson says that these spirits are hard to deal with because they operate in the second heaven, but that is wrong. They are hard to defeat because they have been given a place by people with political authority. One young girl had seen a demonic principality sitting on the dome of the college administration building at the place where she had begun studying. Within a week of engaging in warfare against the spirit, she was struck with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, and eventually had to leave her studies behind.

The management of the college had authority over it. They had far more authority than the young girl. They had given the spirit permission to be there, perhaps unwittingly. To attend the college, the girl had to submit to the college management. This put her under the authority of the spirit that controlled the college, so she was beaten up.

The city fathers and spiritual leaders in a city have far more authority than ordinary Christians, no matter how strong their faith. When Christians stand against the MIC spirit, the greater authority of the leaders who have given this spirit a stronghold in the city nullifies their limited authority. Civic and religious authority trumps the limited authority of ordinary Christians.

Defeating a Corporate Stronghold

A corporate spiritual stronghold is put in place when civic leaders submitted to a powerful evil spirit in the past. Because it was given a place by corporate leaders, its power has to be broken by current corporate leaders. The people with the authority in the city or nations have authority to break its power. The people of the city or nation are under the authority of their corporate leaders, so they cannot remove the spirit, if the leaders with authority give it permission to remain.

Jezebel and Ahab represent collusion between religious and political leaders. If Christian leaders are in agreement with political authorities when a corporate stronghold is being established, it becomes very strong and difficult to break. It can resist prayers "in the name of Jesus" because it claims to have been given its place of authority "in the name of Jesus".

If the religious and civic leaders of the city agreed to renounce the stronghold that is controlling their city, it would lose its power. However, this is unlikely to happen. They will find this difficult as they would have to give up the use of manipulation, intimidation and control. Some leaders who have relied on these for a long time would find it hard to function without them.

Fortunately, God had another way that he can defeat the MIC stronghold. He can do it by bringing enmity between the political and religious leaders and breaking their agreement with each other. That is what happened in Israel.

Prophetic Failure

The spirit of Manipulation and Intimidation for Control (MIC) is hard to beat. 

  • Elijah was a powerful prophet, but Jezebel outlasted him. He challenged Ahab and Jezebel head-on but was forced to flee in fear (1 Kings 19:1-3). Jezebel remained in power and was still alive and influential when Elijah was taken up to heaven. Prophets must be careful about attacking a MIC spirit head-on, unless God has directed them.

  • Elijah used a democratic process to overthrow the power of Baal. He stirred up a crowd to kill some of the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:40), but Jezebel remained in power because she had the backing of King Ahab and his sons. Democracy cannot defeat a corporate spiritual stronghold like the MIC spirit if it was established by political and religious leaders.

Slower but Better

When Elijah recovered, God gave him a strategy that would undermine and destroy the MIC Spirit without the need for head-on confrontation by prophets or people.

God used Miciah, a prophet in Judah, to release events that resulted in Ahab being killed (1 Kings 22). When Elijah recovered in the cave, God told him to anoint three people, who would bring down Jezebel (1 Kings 19:15-16).

  • God told Elijah to anoint Elisha as his successor. This ensured that God's word would continue to be spoken to Israel and the surrounding kings.

  • God told Elijah to anoint Hazael to be King of Aram. He would attack Israel and weaken Ahab's family line.

  • God told Elijah to anoint Jehu son of Nimshi to be king over Israel. He as a ruthless man without loyalty to Ahab. When he became king he would destroy Jezebel, and Ahab's sons.

God’s strategy took a long time to be fulfilled. About fifteen years went by before Jehu became King of Israel and killed Jezebel, Ahab’s children and the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 9-10).

Political Defeat

Ahab represents political power Jezebel represents religious power. Her power was safe as long as she had the support of King Ahab and his sons. Elijah's prophetic activity broke that support by anointing a new generation of leaders in Israel. The young men surrounding Jehu were ruthless and arrogant. They trusted their own strength, so they did not care about the power of witchcraft. These haughty young men had lost respect for Jezebel, so they were glad to support Jehu in defeating Jezebel (2 Kings 9:12-13).

When Jehu approached Jezebel's palace, some eunuchs threw her over the wall and she died when she hit the ground. Her body was crushed by Jehu's chariots rushing past. The dogs licked some of her blood from the walls, as Elijah had prophesied (2 Kings 9:32-33). The eunuchs were political organisers within Israel. They switched their allegiance to Jehu because they could see that Jezebel was finished.

Jezebel had gained authority when King Ahab and the other leaders of the nation gave her authority. She lost her authority when the people with political power changed their allegiance. Jezebel's corporate stronghold in Israel was destroyed because her authority was gone. A staunch prophet people had confronted her head on, but had been unable to remove her. A small group of ruthless political leaders who refused to collude with her did it easily.

The power of the MIC spirit will often be broken when God brings division between the political and religious leaders that have colluded together in the city. Fracturing their agreement will undermine and weaken the authority of the MIC spirit. This enmity might be prompted by Christian leaders speaking prophetically to the political powers in the city. However, it will not be effective until the political powers turn and attack the religious leaders in the way that Jehu and his friends attacked Jezebel. Division between political and religious leaders will significantly weaken the authority of the MIC spirit in a city. The weakened corporate stronghold can then be defeated by bold and faithful prayer.

If this is what God is doing, we can expect to see secular political leaders making further attacks on key Christian leaders. They should be prepared because the attacks could get quite nasty. The most serious attacks will come from the eunuchs, the bureaucrats who have no authority in their own right, except for their place in the bureaucracy and their skills in working it.

Ruthless Political Power

Jehu was ruthless in attacking the religious powers that dominated Israel. He tricked the prophets of Baal into believing that he was on their side. He announced.

Ahab served Baal a little; Jehu will serve him much. Now summon all the prophets of Baal, all his servants and all his priests. See that no one is missing, because I am going to hold a great sacrifice for Baal. Anyone who fails to come will no longer live (2 Kings 10:18-19).
Jehu was "acting deceptively in order to destroy the servants of Baal". When all the prophets of Baal had gathered in their temple, he got someone to check that none of the servants of the Lord were there (2 Kings 10:23). Then when an offering was made to Baal, Jehu ordered soldiers that he had stationed at the entrance to go in and kill them all. When the prophets were all dead, the soldiers burned the temple to the ground (2 Kings 10:24-27).
So Jehu destroyed Baal worship in Israel (2 Kings 10:28).
This is a warning that when secular political powers turn against the religious organisations controlled by a MIC spirit, they will be deceptive. They will pretend to be on the same side as the Christians to entrap them into speaking bluntly or acting unwisely, but will then use their words and actions against them. Once they have been entrapped, the political leaders will be ferocious in the attacks on them. The leaders of God's people will need wisdom during this season when dealing with political powers.

Key to Protection

The key to protection is for two or three people in the organisation or church to stand together and resist the MIC spirit in unity.

  • Two or three can see.
    They will see what the spirits are doing. They will continue to submit to their leader, but in a different way. They will do what their leader is asking them to do, but they will see the spirit behind his request and silently resist it. They will submit to his requests, but not to the spirit behind them. They will pray for their leader’s eyes to be opened, so he can see how the enemy is using him.

  • Two or three will agree.
    Where two or three people are gathered in Jesus name, he is there in their midst.

    Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them (Mat 18:19-20).
    Two or three people who are united by love should commit to supporting each other. They will agree to watch over each other, and if one is being attacked, they will resist it together. They will agree that the MIC spirit has no right in their lives. They will agree in commanding the spirit to stop harassing the one being attacked.

By submitting to each other, two or three people can create an island of safety within a dangerous organisation.

1. Assaulting our Identity

Studies on concentration camp prisoners who had been brainwashed during the Korean war uncovered a chilling reality: brainwashing begins by assaulting a victim’s identity. Message after message, lie after lie, the victim’s sense of self becomes eroded with the accuser’s whispers:

Who do you think you are? You’re a horrible excuse for a soldier. You were never fighting for a worthy cause. Everything you’ve believed is a lie.

Controlling partners in abusive relationships leverage this same technique, repeatedly telling the victim she’s not lovable, not pretty enough, too stupid to handle life on her own…the list continues. Should it be any surprise that Satan does the same to us? How many of his lies, from Your worth is in your physical appeal to No one will love you with your kind of past, attack our value and identity in Christ? Fight back by listening to what your Heavenly Father says about you instead.

2. Guilt

After assaulting their victims’ identity, brainwashers’ next step is to smother those victims in guilt, shame and humiliation. Isn’t that how Satan works, too? Scripture exposes Satan as “the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night” (Revelation 10:22). But Hebrews 10:19-22reveals the secret to fighting this accuser back:

“Since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus…let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.”

3. Isolation

Truths like these are harder to remember when we’re separated from godly family, friends and mentors who can remind us of reality, encourage us, and pray with us. That’s why Satan will do everything in his power to disconnect us from Christlike influences (especially Christ Himself) and to ally us with ungodly ones. He’ll sow seeds of division, nurture roots of bitterness, cultivate resentment, and reap unforgiveness to disengage us from the body of Christ. He loves nothing more than to drive wedges into churches, marriages, ministries, mentorships, families and godly friendships.

Human scammers, brainwashers and even cult leaders do this too, isolating their victims away from those who could support them. Fight back by surrounding yourself with the body of Christ, making “every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace,” (Ephesians 4:3)--especially when you don’t want to, don’t feel like it, or are ‘too busy.’

4. Foot-in-the-door

Whether isolating us from others, destroying godly relationships, or leading us into ever more destructive sins, Satan probably won’t accomplish his goals overnight. Rather, he’s likely going to try what manipulators call the “foot-in-the-door” technique. The idea is to start small, asking minor requests of the victim, and then progressively build up to something more significant.

Like the romance scammer who gradually swindled $250,000 from one woman, Satan often asks us for a series of little compromises rather than one colossal leap into sin. Fight back by setting clear boundaries for yourself based on God’s word, before the temptations even start coming.

5. Gaslighting

Beware, now: Satan will try to make you second-guess those boundaries. One way he’ll do this is by making you second-guess God’s word. This is exactly how he conned Eve in Eden, asking, “Did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden?” (Genesis 3:1)

Planting doubt in a victim’s mind this way, leading her to question her perceptions of reality—what she heard, what she believes, and whether she’s even sane—is the psychological manipulation tactic of gaslighting. Satan tries gaslighting whenever he whispers questions like, Did God really say He forgave you for your past? Does He really expect you to watch your words? Did He really say you must not move in with your boyfriend, even though you’re both committed to a loving relationship? Fight back by walking close to God, consistently feeding your spirit on His word, and staying sensitive to His voice.

6. Striking When We Feel Weak

Resisting spiritual attack—or any manipulation—is harder when we’re personally compromised, and Satan knows it. Human manipulators know it too, which is why brainwashing regimes often involve bright lights, repetitive music, physical violence, verbal abuse, deprivation of food, medication or sleep—anything to lower victims’ physical, mental or emotional defenses.

Satan is not above knocking us when we’re down. In fact, he even waited until 40 days of fasting had weakened Jesus’s defenses before tempting Him. To fight back, we need to be extra alert to Satan’s attacks when we’re tired, hungry or sick; when we’ve just received bad news, fought a battle, lost a job or experienced a major transition; or when we’ve otherwise taken a physical, mental or emotional blow.

These are the times when we must stay especially aware of our dependence on God. We also need to guard against any lies—for instance, "You’re not valuable unless you’re exhaustingly overscheduled"—which could lead us into a weakened state in the first place.

7. Striking When We Feel Strong

Sometimes, however, Satan plays the opposite game—attacking us when we feel strong. Both pagan and righteous kings have learned this the hard way, as you can read about in Daniel 4 and 2 Chronicles 26. Even Solomon, who excelled in God-given wisdom above every other ruler and wrote entire Bible chapters on the perils of seductresses, ultimately let his weakness for women entice him into idolatry (1 Kings 11:1-4).

Often, human scammers target the seemingly strong too—the wealthy, the educated, and those who, like Solomon, might never suspect themselves to be vulnerable. Fight back by recognizing that everything you have comes from God, that you need Him in your strongest hour at least as much as in your weakest hour, and that you’re never too faithful to fail.

8. Sowing Discontentment

The seemingly strong are also prime targets for another manipulation tactic—one which drives consumer advertising. Advertisements sow discontentment in our minds by suggesting that no matter how blessed we already are, there is something missing from our lives, a gap which only the advertised product will fill. Satan loves nabbing us with this ploy too, telling us that we need wealth, status, looks, relationships, extrabiblical religious teaching, or anything else besides Jesus to be secure, saved and satisfied.

Beyond making us miserable, this consumeristic discontentment also advances Satan’s ambitions for us to keep our eyes on ourselves rather than on God or others. Fight back with thankfulness, and by remembering that our greatest purpose is not to please ourselves, but to love our neighbours and our Lord, who alone gives life to the full (John 10:10).

Another ploy of Satan, the thrust of countless manipulative persuasion methods including most propaganda, is to take advantage of our deepest human instincts. Satan exploits our drive for social conformity, offering us sin as a means of gaining others’ acceptance. He hijacks our Divinely-designed wiring for connection, luring us into relationships that sidestep God’s guidelines. And above all, he feeds off our fears. Fight back by obediently, ongoingly committing yourself, emotions and all, into the hands of your loving Father.

Countering the Con:

Praiseworthily, our Father has already equipped us with the truth, strength and spiritual weaponry we need to counter the ultimate con artist, that suave serpent of old (1 Corinthians 10:13). Like other manipulators, he leverages techniques including identity assaults, guilt, isolation, foot-in-the door, gaslighting, striking when we’re at our weakest or strongest, sowing discontentment, and exploiting our emotions. Playing with the highest stakes imaginable, this romance scammer wields all his charms to con us out of the peace, hope and life that we have in our true love, Christ. But by staying ever alert to Satan’s tactics, we’ll be well prepared to identify his scams—and to fight back with Christ’s truth.

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil,”(Eph. 6:11).

Our English word “wiles” is generally used to express deception through trickery and includes all the methods that would be part of that. It has to do with cunning or skill applied to no good purpose. The word ruse is a synonym with stress on the creation of a false impression.

But when definitions seem inadequate, what helps is personification; a living example of the thing under consideration. The Bible teaches, the devil – as he works his craft against us – personifies wiles. He is the master of wiles.

He lies to us, wants to trap us, discourage us and snare us. He will do anything he can do with cunning satanic variety to weaken us and destroy us. He goes to work daily to produce discouragement, confusion, indifference and imbalance. He is our chief enemy, but deals in wiles and stratagems. So here is a “briefing” (to borrow military intelligence terminology). Four things to watch for:

1. The devil exaggerates the pleasures of sin while minimizing the true nature and outcome of sin. Of Moses the Holy Spirit said: He “refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin,” (Heb. 11:24,25). Observe that phrase: “enjoy the passing pleasures of sin.” The devil approaches us with exaggerated emphasis on the pleasure we can enjoy if we will sin. He is asking us to invest in something with promise of immediate return – but without telling us about the risk, the outcome, the ugly side! The devil is counting on the fact we will see the fun, the pleasure – the joy of satisfied appetite – and jump at that, acting impulsively. If you stop and think; if you inquire; if you look deeply and consider consequences – you frustrate the wiles of the devil. The devil wants us to act on the immediate pleasure of the tempted behavior.

Therefore, Satan is annoyed when we stop to think; when we inquire about some tempted behavior; when we think in terms of long-term consequences - - when we study and pray and consider if something is right or not! Satan exaggerates the immediate gratification, while minimizing the true nature of the sin. The bait looks good, but when you take that bite you have taken in the ugly poison of sin.

2. The devil sees an opening into our lives through emotions or mood (Eph. 4:26). People have said to me: I knew I shouldn’t be drinking, but I was depressed. I know I’m married, but this other woman made me feel so good. Sure it’s wrong to lie, but I was under such pressure! It was a sin to treat my brethren the way I did, but I was so mad!

What’s happening? The devil is watching. When we fall into certain moods or we are overcome by various kinds of emotions, the enemy steps in to defeat us; to lead us into sin. The wiles of the devil include this cunning ability to find openings through our moods and emotions. Paul said, “ ‘Be angry, and do not sin:’ do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil (Eph. 4:26).” When I’m angry and I take that anger with me into the next day, and carry it along with me for weeks and months and years … I might as well wear a bull’s eye target. The devil will find me and seek and entrance into my heart for his evil purpose and to my downfall. Use the Word of God and prayer – to take a careful inventory of your moods; your emotions; the grudges you carry. Expel the hurt feelings you can’t seem to turn loose of; the habitual, destructive thoughts you entertain. The devil can use those things to slowly erode your character; to lead you into sin to gradually turn you away from God. 

3. The devil will use people to lead us astray. Not long into His public work our Lord warned men of men. He told people to be careful about people! He knew the devil can use people to lead us astray. So Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves,” (Matt. 7:15). When He sent His disciples out He said, “Beware of men,” (Matt. 10:17). Jesus wanted us to know this: the devil can use people to lead us astray. Through words of invitation into sin; through false teaching, or through subtle influence he can defeat us. One of the wiles of the devil is to use people to corrupt us.

Read 1 Tim. 6:1-5. In a situation where there are teachers not consenting to wholesome words, the devil discovers his advantage. When men who preach and teach do not maintain loyalty to “the doctrine which is according to godliness,” the devil can step in through that entrance and seduce many. When we accept, endorse, consort with false teachers, that indifference plays right into the hands of error and the devil’s purpose. Let’s observe: Paul describes the risk to Timothy then he tells Timothy: “From such withdraw yourself.” Too much is at risk to play around with men like this. It is one thing to be patient and kind and do what we can to work with people. But when corruption is evident; when men are at work who are destitute of the truth, we cannot just let error have its’ way. “From such withdraw yourself.” Paul warned the Colossians – “I say this so that no one will delude you with persuasive argument,” (Col. 2:4).

4. The devil is the master marketing agent; he packages sin in neat, attractive bundles (Heb. 3:12,13). What if someone came to you with a garbage bag; trying to hand to you a garbage bag. As soon as they hold it out you can smell the contents. You can hear the buzz of maggots. You can see the leaking liquid. Are you going to take the hand-off? 

But what if someone comes to you, neatly dressed with a pleasant smile. And they hand to you a beautiful package, like it was professionally wrapped at Dillards. It has matching bow and ribbon; perfectly wrapped and absolutely beautiful. Your reaction would not be the same – as with the garbage bag!!

The devil is the master market executive. He knows how to package sin so that it doesn’t look like anything bad. This is part of his deceptive essence. For instance – in the lust of the eyes – the devil seeks to present sin to us IN A NEAT PRETTY PACKAGE so that our first reaction is to look; to admire; to want; to take. 

How can we stand against such a wily enemy?

10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.14Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints,” (Eph. 6:10-18)

Evil is self-absorption; obsession with pleasure; fascination with the surfaces of things.

Evil is narcissistic abuse. It is Planet Ego.

The nature of evil is to create a world full of anger, violence, and destruction.

Superficiality is evil

Triviality is evil. The emptiness and pettiness of American pop culture and politics accelerates the destruction of critical thinking. It is unconscionable mindlessness.

Superficiality acts as a kind of psychic armor. It’s a kind of ketman, a performance for all including, sometimes, the protagonist.

Superficial traits:

  • focus on the apparent rather than the real
  • focus outward
  • lacks emotional depth
  • perceptually shallow
  • concerned with or comprehending only what is on the surface or obvious
  • lack of “inner compass”; not grounded in anything or any framework
  • low self-awareness
  • overly materialistic
  • overly judgmental
  • sense of entitlement

Evil never looked so good

Bad folks don’t generally announce themselves to the world. Ergo, the devil in disguise phenomenon. Many are quite charming and persuasive.

Many people are taken in by the wiles of evil. It can be magnetic, and very entertaining — downright addictive.

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