Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Demon hit list- and prayers


Names of Demons in the Bible

In rare instances,  the Bible Bible mentions demons by name. These demons had such an impact on the lives of believers that their presence warranted mention by the writers of the scripture.


Although the scriptures never explicitly refer to Molech as a demon, the worship of Molech was a recurring problem for Israel throughout the  Old Testament. The origin of Molech worship is unclear. Scholars believe that Molech worship came to the region of Canaan with the Phoenicians.

You shall not give any of your children to offer them to Molech, and so profane the name of your God: I am the Lord. Leviticus 18:21

Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Molech the abomination of the Ammonites, on the mountain east of Jerusalem. 1 Kings 11:7

One of the most documented practices of Molech worship was that of human sacrifice. Molech worship reached its peak during the reign of Solomon and would not be abolished until the time of captivity in Babylon.


Demons in  the Bible Bible often congregate together and one example is Legion. When Jesus arrived at the country of the Gerasenes, He encountered a possessed man on the outside of the city in a cemetery.

And when Jesus had stepped out of the boat, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit. He lived among the tombs. And no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain, for he had often been bound with shackles and chains, but he wrenched the chains apart, and he broke the shackles in pieces. No one had the strength to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and on the mountains he was always crying out and cutting himself with stones. And when he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and fell down before him. And crying out with a loud voice, he said, “What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me.” For he was saying to him, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!” And Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “My name is Legion, for we are many.” And he begged him earnestly not to send them out of the country. Mark 5:2-10

The man was not only considered a menace, but he had such great strength that he could not be contained. When Jesus spoke to the man, the Demons within him referred to themselves as Legion, for there was not one demon but many.


One of the most frightening examples of demons mentioned in  the Bible Bible is Abaddon. Abaddon is described by John during the ‘Seven Trumpets’ prophecy.

They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon. Revelation 9:11

When the fifth trumpet is blown, the ‘abyss’ will open and demonic locusts will be released to torture those who have not received God’s seal. Their leader will be Abaddon, one of Satan’s underlings and leader of the ‘abyss’. Abaddon will have a simple mission, inflicting pain and suffering on those who have not responded to God and accepted Jesus Christ as their savior.

Types of Occult Satanic Worship in the Bible

There are many ways satan is worshipped through occult means that includes demon worship:


Divination was one of the specific practices named by Moses in his prohibition on occult worship (Deut. 18:10). Often this practice included the killing of a chicken or some small animal, and on occasions to observe its liver to determine the state of affairs and direction of the immediate future (Ezek. 21:21). Divination is an illegitimate means of determining the will of God. The Christian desiring to know the will of God should consult the Scriptures, not the stars (Ps. 119:9).


A second occult practice of today was also banned by God. ‘Necromancy’ is an effort to communicate with and interrogate the dead. As  the Bible Bible teaches the dead are unable to communicate with the living (Luke 15:27-31), it only stands to reason that those who claim to have this ability are lying or are themselves deceived. In either case, the necromancer was considered an abomination unto the Lord (Deut. 18:11, 12).


The use of magic formulas and incantations was also forbidden. Today it is popular to distinguish between white and black magic, but leading  biblical scholars agree that both forms of magic find their source and strength in demonic power. Those who practice magic are under certain limits as to what they can accomplish (Dan. 4:7). Even when it appears that magicians are able to duplicate the power of God, they still fall short of what God is able to accomplish (Exod. 7:11, 12).


Closely related to magic is sorcery. Magic usually relates to accomplishing specific acts-such as rods becoming serpents-whereas sorcery relates more closely with calling upon demons to create situations around people. Thus the enchanter or sorcerer is one who uses incantations or omens. Their practices may have also included the use of mood-changing or mind altering drugs. This has led some  Bible scholars to denounce the use of such drugs because they are used as part of occult worship.


Around the world today, there exists a growing number of those who call themselves witches. Witchcraft is directly opposed to God (Dent. 18:10). When Saul became the first king of Israel, one of his first acts was to ban the practice of witchcraft from the kingdom (1 Sam. 28:9). A witch is one who makes use of magic and sorcery to accomplish the will of demons.


One of the oldest forms of the occult still practiced today is astrology. Contemporary astrology is a combination of what astrological cults practiced in Babylon, Egypt, and Canaan. In Canaan, astrology centered around the bull. The worship of the golden calf, child sacrifices to Molech, and Baal worship were all part of Canaanite astrology. The  Old Testament is very clear to prohibit God’s people from involvement there.

In Egypt, God challenged the astrological gods of Egypt in sending ten plagues which directly attacked the authority of those gods. The highest of the Egyptian gods was Ra, the sun god. Three days of darkness was a direct indictment against the religion of Egypt.

What Are The Works of Demons

Several activities are identified in  the Bible Bible in which demons may be involved. Sometimes they are responsible for physical disease or mental suffering. While not all mental disorders are demonic in origin, some apparently are. Demons are also credited with tempting people to engage in immoral practices. They are the originators and propagators of the false doctrines taught by heretical religious groups.  The Bible Bible also teaches that some people were possessed by demons. Demons are committed to evil, yet God will use them to accomplish his plan during the end of the world.

Demons Unknowingly Do The Will of God

It must be frustrating to demons after they had accomplished some evil scheme to later find out that they were carrying out the will of God. Satan did not realize what God wanted to do in Job’s life when he caused him physical suffering. Also, God used ‘an evil spirit’ to accomplish his will in the life of Saul, Israel’s first king (1 Sam. 16:14).

On another occasion, God used ‘a lying spirit’ to deceive the false prophets of an evil king (1 Kings 22:22, 23). At the end of the Great Tribulation, demons will be used by God to gather the nations of the world to battlefields of Armageddon (Rev. 9:16). God is able to use even demons to accomplish his will.

Physical Disease

There are many reasons why a person may experience physical illness. Sometimes it is the result of God’s judgment for sin ( 1 Cor. 11:30). On other occasions the same sickness may come as a result of breaking some health law and exposing oneself to germs or viruses. It may come from God as his means of ending a person’s life in a natural way. On other occasions, demons may be the reason a person experiences physical suffering.

Several specific physical afflictions are attributed to demons in  the Bible Bible. Jesus cast a demon out of a dumb man who immediately began to speak (Matt. 9:32, 33). On another occasion, a blind man began to see when the demon went out of him (Matt. 12:22). Job was afflicted physically with boils covering his body, the result of satanic activity (Job 2:1-10). Demons may have been the messengers that carried out Satan’s commands to smite job. Of course, afflictions are not always symptoms of demon activity, but demons are capable of and do occasionally cause physical pain and suffering.

Mental Disease

Various forms of mental diseases can also be attributed to demons. In at least two cases of demon possession treated by Jesus during his ministry, the demons had so affected the minds of the victims to cause abnormal behavior. One man lived among tombs, a practice considered unclean during this time, and created a disturbance day and night (Mark 5:4, 5).

A young boy possessed with a demon involuntarily went into an apparent convulsion when he encountered the presence of Jesus (Luke 9:37-42). In both instances, the victims engaged in some form of self-destruction and physical mutilation of the body. After the demon was cast out of the person, the apparent mental problem disappeared.

Moral Impurity

For the Christian, our final moral code of ethics is  the Bible Bible. Those who oppose God would also oppose, the morality of  the Bible Bible. Demons are instrumental in leading both the saved and unsaved into moral compromise. One of the often-used names for demons in the Bible is ‘unclean spirit,’ an appropriate name, as they tarnish everything they influence. When Israel left Egypt, God gave them the land of Canaan. One of the reasons God wanted them in a separate land was that the heathen nations had given themselves over to unclean spirits and had become: corrupted (Lev. 18; Deut. 18).

False Doctrine

Paul discussed one main work of demons when he warned young Timothy of conditions “in the latter times.”

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons. 1 Timothy 4:1

Demons are the source of many organized doctrines of the false cults. Even in the early church, there were false apostles (Rev. 2:2) and false doctrines (Rev. 2:14) that had to be opposed.

So, what are some of the tactics that demons use?

1. Deception

Satan is not called the father of lies for nothing (John 8:44; cf. Revelation 12:9). We see demonic deception in several ways in the world. 1) Very generally, Satan blinds unbelievers to the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). 2) Demons seem to be the power behind other religions, acting as their gods (Deuteronomy 32:16-17; 1 Corinthians 10:20). They also seem to empower idol worship, magic, etc. We shouldn’t be skeptical that people actually experience unexplainable things (even good things) in other religions and the occult; there is spiritual power there. 3) Demons also try to deceive Christians through false teachers. Paul picks up on this in 2 Corinthians 11:

For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough. . . . For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. (vv. 4, 13-15).

Satan and his demons are not ignorant. They know that the closer they can bring teaching that sounds like Christian truth (but is the devil’s lie), the more Christians will be led astray by it. Satan even used Scripture when he was tempting Jesus (Matthew 4:6)! Paul declares that this deception will increase as the end is drawing near (1 Timothy 4:1-2).

Alex’s Speculation Corner #1: In speaking of demonic empowerment of false religion, let’s consider something. We all know that the Western world is very skeptical of anything supernatural, and many of us have heard that the rest of the world claims to experience the supernatural frequently. But demons are set on deception by empowering false worldviews. Do you think that they are going to work in obvious ways in the West? Or do you think that they hide their activity here to deceive people into thinking that the spiritual world does not exist? I think that this is the case. Truthfully, if I saw something clearly demonic happening, that is only going to be a bolster to my faith! What this means for me is that materialism is probably just as much of a demonically empowered worldview as something like Hinduism or sorcery.

2. Temptation

Temptation to sin seems to be grounded in Satan’s role as an “accuser” (Revelation 12:10). If they can get people to sin, Satan and his demons feel that they have the ability to accuse them before God. These accusations can shake the faith of even the most solid believers. Temptation is seen most prominently in Satan’s temptation of Jesus in the wilderness (cf. Matthew 4:1-11). With God’s ultimate plan to unite everything in Christ, God has given the loving unity of the church family and marriage as signs that point to that plan (Ephesians 3:6-11; 5:31-33). Temptations that lead to discord in the church and the destruction of marriage are priorities for the demonic realm (2 Corinthians 2:6-11).[1] In 1 Corinthians 7:5, Paul says that married couples should not deprive themselves of sexual intimacy for too long or else Satan may tempt them because of a lack of self-control.

This has been about what we are tempted to do, but how do the evil forces actually tempt us? That leads me to . . .

Alex’s Speculation Corner #2:Many of us believe that Satan and demons tempt us by putting thoughts into our heads. But I’m skeptical about this (and I could be wrong). From meditating on the Biblical evidence, I can find no convincing evidence to support the conclusion that Satan or demons can put thoughts into someone’s head without possessing them. And, as I’ll discuss in a bit, demons probably cannot possess someone with the Holy Spirit. Some of the verses used in defense that demons can do this are 1) Matthew 16:22-23 where Peter says that Jesus would not suffer, and Jesus responds, “Get behind me, Satan.” But the apostles had yet to receive the Holy Spirit (John 20:22; Acts 2:3-4). Perhaps the strongest Biblical argument is 2) the story of when Ananias and Sapphira sold their property and kept a portion of it for themselves. They lied when Peter asked if it was the full amount. Peter said that Satan had filled Ananias’s heart and that he had lied to the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3). But the Scriptural evidence works against the idea that Ananias had the Spirit at all. In Acts 4:32-35, it says that all of those who believed were selling property and laying the proceeds at the apostles’ feet. Then 5:1 starts with “But a man named Ananias,” which casts doubt on whether he was a true believer in the first place. But then, in 5:4, Peter says that Ananias had lied not to people (the apostles) but to God, which seems to point to the idea that when Peter said Ananias lied to the Spirit, it was the Holy Spirit in the apostles and the church, not in himself.

So, how does Satan tempt believers? I think the answer is found in Ephesians 2:1-3. Satan and his demons orchestrate things in the world so that the things and events around us are tempting to our flesh (and remember they can place thoughts in unbelievers’ minds). And those of us who are saved are now free to choose to walk in the Spirit, but we can also, disobediently, choose to walk in the flesh (Galatians 5:13). And so, when we give in to temptation, we are choosing to follow the desires of our flesh that have been triggered by demonic schemes. This is made clear in James 3:14-15 when James places all of the blame for our sin on our own evil desires. In conclusion, I lean towards thinking that no evil power can put thoughts in your mind unless they possess you, and believers with the Holy Spirit cannot be possessed.

3. Possession

Possession occurs when an evil spirit inhabits a human. Why demons possess people is an interesting question, but it probably has something to do with the faith-crippling effects of fear. Those who live in great fear of the demonic realm are more apt to practice many different religions—any religion that can help them deal with their demonic oppression. And if the spiritual bondage is heavy, it can make them lose faith that freedom is even possible.

Most possession tends to come with some kind of physical/mental disease. “ . . . nakedness, mental anguish, and masochism (Matt. 8:28-33; cf. Mark5:1-10; Luke 8:26-39); inability to speak (Matt. 9:32; 12:22); blindness (Matt. 12:22); lunacy [insanity—the verb often translated seizures may also imply hallucinations] (Matt 4:24; Mark 9:17).”[2] Now, this does not mean that every physical or mental illness is demonic, but that they have the power to do this.

A problem: With as little as is said about demons, there are some passages that throw a wrench into everything. And even now, I’m debating myself on some of what I said above. One of these is Paul’s thorn: “So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me” (2 Corinthians 12:7-8). Many people take this as a physical/mental ailment of Paul’s, in which the question is could a “messenger of Satan” (can also be translated “angel of Satan”) cause ailments in believers? There seems to be some experiential evidence for this as missionaries and church planters have been heard to experience extreme illnesses after they get to the mission field. But the Scripture also says that this thorn in the flesh is a messenger of Satan that harasses him. Some of the most popular early church fathers said that this was not a physical ailment, but people (in the flesh) that Satan was using to persecute him and hinder his ministry. This second option actually fits the context of vv 7-10. In the end, this has been a contested passage for 2000 years, and we can’t form doctrine off a passage that is unclear.

Alex’s Speculation Corner #3:Here are the verses that suggest to me that Christians cannot be possessed by a demon if they have the Holy Spirit—besides the reality that there is no clear biblical instance of a believer being possessed. 1) Matthew 12:28: Jesus says that his casting out demons by the Holy Spirit was evidence that the kingdom of God had come. The Spirit is God’s kingdom presence in believers (Ephesians 2:21-22). 2) Matthew 12:43-45 is Jesus telling the story about an exorcised demon roaming the world and coming back to the person he used to possess and finding the house “empty.” And then he brings seven of his demon buddies with him. Someone with the Holy Spirit does not have an empty house. 3) 1 John 4:4: John says that believers have overcome all false spirits because the one who is in them is stronger than he who is in the world. Despite the possible complications made by the passage on Paul’s thorn, it seems that demons can certainly harass and tempt and deceive believers externally, but they can’t possess them. The question still remains whether they can afflict them physically.

In Conclusion

Another thing that Satan and demons cannot do is perhaps the most important. They cannot do anything that God will not allow them to do. We saw that Paul’s thorn could only stay if God allowed it. But the clearest example of this is Job. Satan had to ask God permission to afflict Job (and not only that, he asked God for God himself to afflict Job. But God allows Satan to do it). He could not do anything without God’s permission. And I think there is also a note for us on demonic physical illness here. You can’t be afflicted with a disease or ailment unless God gives the demonic realm permission. And generally, if we are in Christ, we can rest in this: that if we are under any kind of demonic attack, God has allowed it for our good and sanctification (Romans 8:28-29). And we can throw that right in the enemy’s face; his attacks are working against his own plans.

The first basic rule of any type of warfare, whether it be spiritual warfare or natural warfare, is to know your enemy. And knowing the basic function names of the demons who are out there will give you a good head start, as their function names will tell you how they are “playing” that person, along with providing you with clues as to what their legal rights may be on that person.

In this article, I am going to give you some of the basic groupings which will show you the different areas that demons will like to target once they move in on a person. Here they are in a bolded, numbered format so you can have all of them right at the top of this article:

  1. Murder
  2. The Occult
  3. Lust
  4. Pride
  5. Mental Health
  6. Unforgiveness
  7. Sickness
  8. Different Kinds of Vices
  9. False Religions

These 9 specific areas are some of the major areas that demons will try and target once they move in for an attack on someone. These are the “games” that demons will try and play on us, and these are real life-and-death games, not fun type games. This is why the Bible tells us to always be sober, vigilant, and alert for any kind of demonic activity that could set in on either us, or any of our close loved ones.

Now I will go ahead and discuss each one of these groups under the captions below so you can see how demons will try and operate against you.

Here are some of the main function names of the demons who specialize in this kind of extreme evil activity:

  • Murder
  • Hate
  • Rage
  • Anger
  • Violence
  • Death
  • Revenge
  • Destruction
  • Darkness
  • Suicide
  • Jealousy
  • Sadism
  • Fighting

As we have said before, demons usually travel in groups or clusters, with one demon being the chief demon and the rest of the demons being his underlings under his direct control and direction.

In many of these types of cases, the chief demon will be a spirit of murder and then he will have his underlings having some of the functions names listed above. They will then move in and set up shop on someone if they have the appropriate legal rights to be able to do so, and they will then try and work and play that person over a period of time to either try and get them to kill themselves or other people, or possibly both, as murder-suicides are still very common in this day and age.

Again, in most of these cases, the person is not in a fully possessed state. They still have most, if not all of their senses fully intact, and know basic right from wrong.

The demons will then plant their thoughts, their suggestions, their pictures in their mind’s eye, and their strategies on how to do this – but the person can still resist these types of evil temptations at anytime and choose not to act out on them.

Demons cannot make you do anything against your own free will. All they can do is try and persuade you to do it, along with trying to give you the actual desire and compulsion to want to do it. From there, the choice will be up to that person as to whether or not they will want to go all the way through with it and actually act out on these evil desires being implanted into them by the demons.

It simply amazes me how so many people will blindly follow these kinds of evil demonic suggestions and promptings, and actually carry out acts of pure, cold-blooded murders on either themselves or anyone else the demons have targeted for them. Just because you get an evil thought or an evil desire to kill either yourself or someone else does not mean that you have to actually try and carry it out.

Again, people need to be taught the basics on how demons will try and play mind games with you so they can get you to do their evil bidding. The mind is the battlefield in the area of spiritual warfare, with both demons and God tying to reach you through your mind. God will be trying to transform and renew your mind through His Word, and demons will be trying to reach your mind so they can get you to act out on their evil suggestions.

2. The Occult

This next class of demons are the next worse kind of demons you can ever come across. Many deliverance ministers have found out on the actual battlefields that demons who specialize in any area of the occult are some of the more evil and powerful demons in Satan’s kingdom, and sometimes are the hardest kind to be able to actually cast out. This is why God the Father was so strict back in the OT with the Jewish people in that they were to have absolutely nothing to do with any kind of occult activity whatsoever.

In the Spiritual Warfare section of our site, we have an article titled, “Dangers of the Occult.” In this article are all of the main verses on God warning us to stay completely away from any kind of occult activity.

I believe there are demons who literally specialize in every single kind of occult activity that is out there. For the purposes of this article, I am going to go ahead and list all of the different kinds of occult activities that we are to stay completely away from in this life. All of these were listed in our “Dangers of the Occult” article. Here they are once again so you can have all of these at a quick glance with this specific article:

Fortunetelling – of any kind such as palm reading , crystal ball gazing, numerology, or seeing psychics.

  1. Tarot Cards
  2. Ouija Boards and Automatic Writing
  3. Seances and any involvement with mediums or spiritists.
  4. Astrology and any form of horoscopes
  5. I Ching
  6. Hypnotism
  7. Transcendental Meditation or any type of Far Eastern Meditation.
  8. Crystals
  9. Witchcraft
  10. Satanism
  11. Voodoo
  12. Channeling
  13. Reincarnation
  14. Astral Projection
  15. ESP
  16. Dungeons and Dragons – role-playing games.
  17. New Age Movement techniques and activities.
  18. Necromancy

Again, we cannot emphasize strongly enough that both believers and nonbelievers alike stay completely away from this kind of demonic activity. Every single one of the above activities have specific demons assigned to them, and they will come directly after you if you attempt to try any of these kinds of activities out.

Abaddon – (Hebrew) Destroyer, Advisor. Said to be chief of demons. Sometimes regarded as the destroying angel.

Abdiel – (Arabic) from “Abd” meaning slave. Lord of slaves/slavery.

Abatu – An earth bound form of destructive/negative energy in the Order of the Nine Angels. Associated with rites of sacrifice.

Abduxuel – (Enochian) One of the demonic rulers of the lunar mansions.

Abigar – Can fortell future and give military advice.

Abigor – (Unk) allegedly a warrior demon who commands sixty legions. Weyer names him as a god of Grand Duke of Hell. Appears in a pleasant form.

Aclahayr – (Unk) Of the fourth hour of the Nuctemeron, the genius spirit.

Adad, Addu – (Babylonian, Hittite) god of the storm.

Adramalech – (Samarian) devil. Commander of Hell. Wierius’ chancellor of infernal regions. In Assyria where he was worshipped, children were supposedly burned at his alters.

Adriel – Mansions of the moon among the Enochian demons.

Aeshma, Aesma – (Persian) One of seven archangels of the Persians. Adopted later into Hebrew mythology as Asmodeus. Has been recorded in history for at least three thousand years. Said to be a small hairy demon able to make men perform cruel acts.

Ahazu-demon – the siezer demon of the night.

Agaliarept – (Hebrew) commander of armies. Aussi General of hell – Grimoire of Pope Honorius..

Agares or Aguares – (Unk) devil. Wierius’ hierarchy states Agares is the demon of courage.

Agathodemon – (Egyptian) a good demon worshipped by the egyptians.

Agramon – (Unk) Demon of fear

Agrat-bat-mahlaht – One of Satan’s wives and demoness of whores.

Ahpuch – (Mayan) devil.

Ahriman – (Mazdean) devil. Ahremanes was the name given to fallen angels by the Persians.

Alastor – (Unk) Wierius’ cruel demon called “the executioner.”

Aldinach – (Egyptian) A demon who causes natural disasters (i.e. floods, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes).

Allocen – One of the 72 spirits of Solomon.

Alocer, Allocer – (Unk) Grand duke of hell. One of Solomon’s 72 spirits.

Alu-Demon – (Semitic) Night demon.

Amaimon – One of the 72 spirits of Solomon.

Amaymon – Evil Spirit, king of South.

Amducious – (Hebrew) The destroyer.

Amducias – Grand Duke of Hades. According to Wierius a demon of music.

Amon, Ammon – (Egyption) Sun God. Much like Lucifer except controls reproduction and life. See also Amaimon, Amoymon, Amaymon, and Aamon.

Amy – One of the 72 spirits of Solomon. Said to be supreme president of hell. He will trade knowledge for the human soul.

Anamelech, Anomylech – (Assyrian) bearer of bad news. An obscure demon. His name means “good king”. Some sources claim Anamelech is the moon goddess while Andramalech is the sun god.

Andras – (Unk) god of quarrels. Grand marquis of hell.

Andrealphus – One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon.

Andromalius – One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon.

Anini – One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon.

Anneberg – (German) demon of mines.

Ansitif – (unk) Possessed Sister Barbara of St. Michael in 1643 during the possessions of the nuns at Louviers.

Apollyn – (Greek) Another name for Satan.

Ardat-Lile – (Semitic) a female spirit/demon who weds human beings and wreaks havoc in the dwellings of men.

Arioch – (unk) Demon of vengence. He delivers vengence only when called on.

Arphaxat – (Unk) The demon who possessed Loise de Pinterville during the possession of the nuns at Loudun.

Ashtaroth, Astaroth – (Phonician)- goddess of lust, seduction. Same as Ishtar. Turned male in christian mythology – Lord Treasurer of Hell. Prince of accusers and inquisitors. Demon of vanity and sloth. One of the 72 spirits of Solomon.

Asmodeus, Asmoday – (Hebrew) god of lust. A demon most commonly involved in possession cases, particularily noted in the possession of the Louviers nuns. Evolved from the Persian Aeshma. See Aeshma.

Aosoth – Dark female force in the pantheon of the Order of the Nine Angels. Works of passion and death. The name should be vibrated.

Asmodeus – (Heb) devil of sensuality and luxury, originally ‘creature of judgment’. He was the overseer of all the gambling houses in the court of Hell, and the general spreader of dissipation. In addition, Asmodeus was the demon of lust, responsible for stirring up matrimonial trouble.

Asmoday – A king of hell according to the Key of Solomon. He can grant invincibility.

Astarte – Queen of spirits of the dead.

Atazoth – The most powerful of the Dark Gods in the pantheon of the Order of the Nine Angels. The name itself signifies in one sense the purpose of the cosmic cycles and the opening of the Gates since ‘Atazoth’ as a word means ‘an increasing of azoth.

Awar – Son of Iblis. Arab demon of laziness.

Aym – (Unk) Grand duke of hell. Also Haborym.

Ayperos – (Unk) Prince of hell. Subordinate in Grimoire of Pope Honorius.

Azanigin – Mother of all demons who lie waiting in Earth in the pantheon of the Order of the Nine Angels.

Azathoth – Rules all time and space from a black throne at the center of Chaos.

Azazel – (Hebrew) god/demon of war. See also Azael.

Baal, Bael – (Hebrew) devil. Means “the lord.” The Canaanites worshipped Baal and held rituals at which children were burned for sacrifice. According to Wierius, this demon is the first monarch of hell and appears as a three headed beast. Bael is cited in the Grand Grimiore as commanding general of infernal armies.

Baalberith, Balberith – (Canaanite) Lord of covenant later made god of death. According to Wierius – a demon master of the infernal alliance. In some hierarchies he is the secretary of the archives of hell. Demon of blasphemy and murder.

Baalzephon – (Canaanite) Captain of guard and sentinels of Hell according to Wierius.

Babael – (Unk) Keeper of graves.

Balaam – (Hebrew) avarice and greed.

Balan – (Unk) A demon in Wierius’ hierarchy said to be high in the monarchy. The demon of finesse and ruses. Also a prince of hell.

Balban – (Unk) a demon of delusion.

Baltazo – (Unk)The Demon who possessed Nicole Aubry of Laon in 1566.

Baphomet – God of the Templars. Worshiped as Satan. The Templar’s are thought, by some, to be one of the earliest sects of Demonolatry.

Barbas – (Unk) a demon of mechanics according to some hierarchies.

Barbetos – (Unk) Duke of Hades.

Bar-Lgura – (Semitic) A gargoyle type demon who is said to sit atop houses and pounce on the inhabitants.

Barqu – (Unk) The demon who keeps the secrets of the philosophers stone.

Barzabel – Associated with Machidael and Barchiel.

Bast – (Egyption) goddess of pleasure. Represented by a cat.

Bathym, Bathim, Bathin – (Unk) See also Marthim. Demon of herbs and precious stones according to Wierius. One of the 72 spirits of Solomon.

Bayemon – (Unk) According to the Grimoire of Pope Honorius a reigning monarch demon presiding over the western infernal region.

Bechard, Bechaud – (Unk) A demon mentioned in Key Of Solomon as demon of tempests. Demon of the natural forces.

Beelzebub, Beelzebuth, Belzebath – (Hebrew) Lord of Flies. Among the demons blamed for the demonic possessions of the nuns at Loudun. Chief of false gods.

Behemoth – (Hebrew) Another name for Satan.

Beherit – (Syriac) Another name for Satan.

Belial, Beliar – (Hebrew) The earth elemental. Speculation has suggested the name Belial comes from the Hebrew phrase beli ya ‘al meaning “without worth.” Prince of trickery. One of the 72 princes of Solomon.

Belphegor, Belphegore, Baalphegor – (Moabites?) Demon of discovery, invention, and riches.

Beng – A Romany name for the devil.

Berith – One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon.

Biffant – (Unk) The demon who allegedly possessed Denise de la Caille.

Bifrons – (Unk) Wierius’ demon of astronomy, geometry, and other such sciences. A demon who lights strange lights above tombs of the dead.

Bile – (Celtic) god of Hell.

Bileth – One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon.

Blisargon – (Unk) Grand enticer of thieves until he brings his followers to destruction.

Botis – One of the 72 spirits of Solomon.

Budsturga – A blue, aetherial entity related to Order of the Nine Angels’ l3th path. Tradition relates it as a Dark God, of female aspect, trapped in the vortex between the causal and acausal spaces, In one sense represents hidden wisdom – but generally dangerous to sanity.

Buer – (Unk) a demon of the second order who commands fifty legions. One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon.

Bune – (Unk) One of Wierius’ demons of death.

Caacrinolaas – (Unk) Wierius’ demon of knowledge of liberal arts. Appears as a Griffon. Also Grand President of Hell. Also Caasimolar or Glasya.

Cambions – (Unk) Offspring of Incubi and Succubi.

Carreau – Mercilessness.

Cassiel, Caspiel – (Unk) Ruler of Saturn.

Caym, Caim – (Unk) Grand President of Hell. One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon.

Chamos – no description.

Charon – Boatman of hell. Ferries souls across styx and/or archeron.

Chax – (Unk) Grand duke of hell. Also Scox.

Chemosh – (Moabite) devil.

Chomie – (Enochian) no description.

Choronzon – demon of dispersion, guardian of the Abyss.

Cimeries – (African) devil.

Clauneck – Demon over treasures and riches.

Clisthert – (Unk) a demon who can change day to night and night to day.

Colopatiron – Of the 9th hour of the Nuctemeron, genius. Sets prisons open.

Cresil – (Unk) Demon of impurity and slovenliness. Also Gressil.

Cunali – One of the demons of the 8th hour of the Nuctemeron.

Cusion – no description.

Dagon – (Philistine) another serpent god and god of the ocean.

Dameal, Deamiel – no description

Dantalian – One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon.

Decarabia – One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon.

Delepitorae, Delepitore – (Unk) demoness of sorcery enlightenment.

Demogorgon, Gorgo – (Greek) devil.

Demoriel – no description

Diriel – no description

Dracula – (Romanian) devil.

Eblis – (Mohammedan) Also called the “Satan” of the Mohammedans. It is claimed that once he was an inhabitant of Azazil, the heaven nearest God; and when the angels were commanded to bow down to the first man, Eblis was the leader of those who rebelled. Also Haris.

Emma-O – (Japanese) ruler of Hell.

Euronymous, Eurynomous – (Greek) god of death. Prince of hell who feeds upon corpses.

Flereous, Feurety – (Unk) god of fire. Fire Elemental used in place of Satan. Lieutenant of hell.

Furfur – (Unk) Holds rank as a count of hell.

Geryon – (literary- Dante) Centaur/Dragon who guards hell.

Guecubu – (Chili) Evil spirits.

Haborym – (Hebrew) Another name for Satan.

Hecate – (Greek) goddess of underworld and sorcery. Queen of Witches.

Hela – (Teutonic) goddess of death, daughter of Loki.

Ifrits – (Arabic) Evil, hideous spectres. Became Genies in Persian and Indian mythology. Also associated with Jinns and Divs of Persia.

Incubus – male demon of seduction said to invade a woman’s dreams. Note various spellings: Incubus, Inccubus. Plural = Incubi

Ishtar – (Babylonian) goddess of fertility.

Jezebeth – (Unk) the demon of falsehoods.

Kali – (Hindu) daughter of Shiva, the destroyer. Kali (“the black one”) is the Hindu mother goddess, the symbol of dissolution and destruction.

Kasdeya – The Book Of Enoch refers to this demon as the “fifth satan”

Kobal – (Unk) Hell’s entertainment liaison.

Kostchtchie – (Russian) a goblin of death.

Leonard – (see also Urian german) Demon of sorcery. Appears as a giant black goat.

Leviathan – (Hebrew) the serpent, the raging sea. Snake worship. Water Elemental. Grand Admiral of hell. Seen as androgynous.

Lilith – (Hebrew) in Hebrew myth – Adam’s first wife. Later wife to Satan. According to many demonologists, Lilith presides over Succubi. Lilith is said to attempt to destroy newborn infants. For this reason, the practice of writing a formula to drive Lilith away on all four corners of the birth chamber was adopted by the Jews. Lilith is the princess of hell.

Loki – (Teutonic) devil.

Lucifer – (Roman) The Light Bringer. Air Elemental. Often misconstrued as being Satan. They are two separate demons.

Lucifuge, Lucifuge Rofocale – (Roman) devil.

Malphas – (Unk) Grand president of the infernal regions. Appears as a crow.

Mammon – (Aramaic) god of wealth & profit.

Mandragoras – (Unk) Familiar demons. They are attributed to the mandrake root and considered gifts from Satan to the sorcerer who conjures them.

Mania – (Etruscan) goddess of Hell.

Mantus – (Etruscan) god of hell.

Mara – (Buddhist) a demon who attempts to damn the soul.

Mastema – (Unk) leader of human/demon offspring.

Melchom – (Unk) the treasurer of the palace of hell.

Mephistopholes, Mesphito – (Greek) the light shunner. Counterpart of Lucifer.

Merihim – (unk) the prince of pestilence.

Metztli – (Aztec) goddess of night

Mictain – (Aztec) god of death

Moloch – (Phoenician) devil

Mormo – (Greek) God of Spirits. Hecate’s Consort.

Mullin – (Unk) Leonard’s right-hand man.

Murmur – (Unk) Demon of music. A count of hell.

Naamah – (Hebrew) seduction

Naburus, Naberios – (Unk) protector of the gates of hell. Associated with Cerberos. A marquis of hell.

Nebiros – (Unk) Mar De Camp of hell.

Nergal – (Babylonian) god of the underworld. A second order demon.

Nihasa – (American Indian) devil.

Nija – (Polish) god of the underworld.

Nina – (Babylonian) Serpent Goddess.

Nybras – (Unk) an inferior demon who publicizes the pleasures of hell.

Nysrogh – (Unk) another second order demon – who- is chief of staff in the palace of hell.

Orias – (Unk) Demon of divination. Marquis of hell.

Oroan – (Guyana) Demon of the eclipse.

Orthon – (Unk) a demon of unknown origin who is said to have ties with possessions in France and with the Satanic-Masonic cult of Palladinism in 19th century Italy.

O’Yama – (Japanese) Another name for Satan.

Pan – (Greek) god of lust.

Paymon – (Unk) master of infernal ceremonies.

Philotanus – (Unk) a second order demon in service to Belial.

Pluto – (Greek) god of the underworld.

Proserpine – (Greek) queen of underworld.

Pwcca – (Welsh) Pooka in Celtic Mythos derived from this name for Satan.

Pyro – (Unk) A demon prince of falsehood.

Pytho – (Unk) a demon of lies. A serpent demon.

Rahu – (Hindu) devil.

Rakshasa – (India) demon whose appearance in the least, horrifying.

Raum – (Unk) a count of hell.

Rimmon – (Syrian) devil.

Ronwe – (Unk) the demon of knowledge. In some accounts – a lesser demon.

Sabazios – (Phrygian) the snake. Serpent worship.

Samael – (Unk) it is thought this angel of death was the demon who tempted Eve. Also the prince of the air. This is merely another name for Satan.

Samnu – (Asian) devil.

Satan, Shaitan (Satan/Hebrew Shaitan/Arabic) The Adversary. Lord of fire. Fire Elemental.

Satanchia (Hebrew/Greek) devil. Same as Satan.

Sargatanas – brigadier of hell.

Sedit – (American Indian) devil.

Sekhmet – (Egyptian) goddess of vengeance.

Semiazas – (Unk) said to be the chief of all fallen angels.

Set – (Egyptian) devil.

Shabriri – (Jewish Myth) a demon who strikes people blind.

Shiva – (Hindu) the destroyer.

Sonnilion, Sonnillon – (Armenian) goddess of hate.

Succorbenoth – (Unk) demon of jealousy and said to protect gates and bridgeways.

Succumbus, Succubus – female demon of seduction. Said to seduce males while sleeping. Note various spellings. Plural – Succubi.

Supay – (Inca) god of the underworld.

T’an-mo – (Chinese) devil of desire.

Tchort – (Russion) The Black God. Another name for Satan.

Tezcatlipoca – (Aztec) god of Hell.

Tezrian – (Armenian) goddess of war

Thamuz – (Sumerian) devil. An ambassador of hell. Said to have started the inquisition and to have invented artillery.

Thoth – (Egyptian) god of magick.

Troian – (Russian) night demon.

Tunrida – (Scandanavian) devil.

Typhon – (Greek) Another name for Satan.

Ukobach or Urobach – (Unk) a fire demon.

Unsere – (Unk) goddess of sorcery and fertility.

Uphir – (Unk) the head demon physician in the palace of hell.

Valafar – (unk) another grand duke of hell.

Veltis – (Babylonian) Evil spirit who assaulted St. Margaret.

Verdelet – (Unk) Master of ceremonies of infernal court. Demon of the second order.

Verin – (Unk) the demon of impatience.

Vetis – (Unk) the temptor of the holy.

Xaphan – (Unk) another fire demon. Keeper of the furnaces of hell.

Yaotzin – (Aztec) god of Hell.

Yen-lo-Wang – (Chinese) ruler of Hell.

Zabulon – (Unk) Demon who possessed one of the nuns at Loudun.

Zaebos – (Sumerian) Grand Count of hell said to have a gentile disposition.

Zagam – (Unk) Grand king and president of infernal regions. Said to change things into its opposite. Demon of counterfeit.

Zapan – (Unk) One of the kings of hell according to Wierius.

Zeernebooch – (German) monarch of the empire of the dead.

Zepar – (Unk) Grand duke of hell – god of war. Also Vepar and Separ.

Father, I pray that You will deliver us from self-centeredness. Grant us a servant’s heart (Ephesians 2:3; 2 Timothy 3:2; Matthew 20:28; Philippians 2:5-11). I choose to forgive my spouse and bless them. Forgive us from hardness of heart. We repent in the name of Jesus!

Father, in the name of Jesus, I bind the work of Satan from my marriage. The enemy would love nothing more than to destroy our marriage. I ask You to stop His work in our lives and destroy his attacks against my marriage (John 8:44; Genesis 3:11-13). I cancel ALL satans assignments over my marriage. Lord, dissolve and render to nought every evil counsel fashioned against my home and marriage. I bind every spirit of Ahab, Jezebel, strife, and home wreckers, in the name of Jesus.

Father, please open his/my eyes so that he may be established as my head so he will put Jesus as our covering.

Lord, I ask You to convict and deal with any unconfessed sin our life. Enable us to deal with any sin that is hindering our marriage (1 John 1:9).

Father, I plead that we will speak the truth to one another in love. Help us to honestly share our feelings without being arrogant or spiteful. Through love and honesty, enable us to work through our differences (Ephesians 4:25; 1 John 4:7, 11).

We loose the spirits of forgiveness, love, patience, tenderhearted, sound mind into us, In the name of Jesus. Father, we ask for a spirit of agape love to manifest itself in this marriage, in Jesus name!

We take authority over and bind all spirits of bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and slander, pointing the finger, blame, along with every form of malice. Let every evil spiritual marriage with spirit husband / wife be divorced, stolen love, he doesn’t care/she doesn’t care, in the name of Jesus. We break all curses of divorce and separation off of ourselves, and this marriage.

Father, I plead that You would bring us into a more intimate relationship with You. Grant us a hunger in our soul for You.

We cancel all assignments of being defensive and self-righteous about the problems in our marriage and Your conviction concerning these things. Grant that we would humbly accept Your conviction and will change as You deal with us (John 16:7)

Father, I ask that You would deal with any past problems in our life that is causing trouble now. Your Word declares that You heal the brokenhearted and that You bind up their wounds. In the name of Jesus, I ask You to be true to Your Word and heal the emotional wounds and baggage that we have in our lives. (Psalm 147:3).

Father, I pray that You would rekindle passion and desire between us. I ask You to bless our relationship and help us to rejoice in it. I pray that we would be satisfied and exhilarated with each other’s love (Proverbs 5:15-23).

Lord Jesus, you have declared that what therefore God has joined together, let no man separate. You have declared the will of the Father. It is the Father’s will for marriages to be for a lifetime. You desire one man to be with one woman for life. This is Your heart’s desire. Because this is Your heart’s desire, I plead with you to save and strengthen my marriage, in Jesus name.

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