Saturday, October 5, 2024


 "This book is the Quran; and the Quran is '666.'"

"They say, '666 is the sign of the Anti Christ, the sign of the Anti Church.' Obviously the Church has recognized the importance of the 666, they believe that the number represents a force that shall rise against them."

Since the false prophet Muhammad denied the whole subject of the Gospel.....

Surah 4:157 That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-

.....and his followers are commanded to conquer all kingdoms and subjugate all people to denying the Son of God and rejecting the blood He shed for us all, is it really a stretch to consider that Muhammad could be THE false prophet of the book of Revelation, and his Islamic kingdom "beast" the final foe of God's people?

Bukhari, V1 B2 #24 Narrated Ibn 'Umar: Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a that, then they save their lives an property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah."

Surah 9.29 Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. 30 The Jews call 'Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth!

Links to sections on this page include The 666 BeastThe Tragedy of the Mark and Saved By the Grace of God.
Here's a link to a 9 minute video regarding that site.
Here's a video of a Muslim that has 666 written on the page edges of his Quran.

"The sum of sura numbers from Sura 1 to Sura 36 is 666 (Table 7)."

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.

Not such a surprise for a Christian to find an association when we learn that the single most egregious and only unforgivable sin in Muhammadanism, is committed if a Muslim were to confess that Jesus is the Son of God or even pray in Jesus' name. As compared to child rape or cold-blooded mass murder, for example, which may be forgiven. (more on Islam's sin of "shirk")
"Allah" = 666 (link to this spot)

On the Zola Levitt program, Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist now Christian evangelist, said that when he saw the Greek symbol that is translated in the Bible as 666, he immediately read it as the Arabic character “Bismillah” (some spell Bismilla) which means "in the name of Allah." (Though it looks more like the character for "Allah").

Here's a seven minute video of Walid Shoebat on 666 at a different venue:

Below (left) are photos of Greek symbols translated in the Bible as 666, from Free The gold symbol (bottom and right) is Arabic for "Allah" when turned and mirrored.  Additionally, crossed swords are a symbol for Islam.  So in 666 we may find symbols for both "Islam" and "Allah".

If Shoebat's account seems a stretch, even though Arabic was his first language and Islam the religion he was indoctrinated into, consider how this Arabic character is stylized into many different artistic forms.  Consider also how some look for this character in trees, clouds and virtually everywhere, as this search link attests - even in a fish!

Can you make out the word in the picture below?

"This Quran is the 666" (link to this spot)

There is at least one sect of Islam, the Submission sect (Bahattin Uzunkaya), that considers the number 666 as well as the number 19, to demonstrate the perfection of the Koran and the proof that Muhammad is the prophet of Allah.

"The number 666 is highly publicized all over the world and it is associated with evil and danger.
However, it is not what it seems. It was a Satanic trick.
The trick was to prevent the people approaching the 666.
Satan knew that the 666 is the book of GOD and the people should be kept away from it.
According to his plan, he placed a bad image to the number 666."

"The truth is that This Quran is the 666 , The Book from The Lord of the Universe."

"The First Sura in the Quran, 666, is Praise. This sura is the gift of GOD to us to establish Contact with Him through our daily Contact Prayers. "

"GOD made His Messenger a witness with the letter Qaf and the number 666."

You can search - quran 666 - or try - sura 1 to sura 36 is 666
The 666 Beast (link to this spot)

This 666 connection is, however, just one anecdotal component of Bible prophecy pointing to the Middle Eastern Islamic empire as the leopard-bear-lion beast of Revelation 13.

This 666 "miracle" is found on a Turkish website that seems to have embellished Rashad Khalifa's prime number gematria, who began his research in 1968, or the year after the "times of the Gentiles" were fulfilled in Jerusalem. When first brought forward, Rashad Khalifa's mathematical "miracle" was widely embraced by Muslims throughout the Islamic world, including the Middle East. Khalifa eventually determined that according to his gematria, a few verses did not belong in the Quran, and as a result lost favor to the extent that he was eventually "stabbed 29 times and his body was drenched in xylol but not set alight". Submitters still believe Khalifa was a messenger of God. It is interesting to note, that out of the entire universe of numbers that Rashad's computer "miracle" could have arrived at as holy, that the number 666 would be one of the few.

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six. {666}

Hermeneutics support that the Islamic empire is the "beast" kingdom of the above verse.

"...for it is the number of a man..."  
"GOD made His Messenger a witness with the letter Qaf and the number 666."

Exposing Muhammad as the "man" referenced.

Since most Muslims do not ascribe to this group that labels the Quran and Muhammad with the number 666, could this Islamic 666 "miracle" be a warning from God to Christians, Jews, and Muslims, as yet another fulfillment of the related prophecy in the Book of Revelation, now that we find ourselves in this "time of the end"?

The book of Daniel defines the term "beast": Daniel 7:23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,…. Thus we learn that the term beast = kingdom when used in the figurative language of a dream or vision in prophecy, and particularly in the context of Daniel's lion, bear, leopard and fourth "dreadful", beasts. Bible scholars - Christian and Jew - almost universally understand these four "beasts" to be the successive kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and the Roman Empire. The leopard-bear-lion beast of Revelation then, is the Islamic empire, since it's occupies the same seat as those successive empires, today in Iraq (Babylon - lion), Iran (Medo-Persia - bear) and Syria/Lebanon (ancient Greece - leopard). These beasts are explored in more detail on their own page here, and in "The False Prophet" in this chapter.

Revelation 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as [the feet] of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

The Tragedy of the Mark (link to this spot)

Revelation 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Revelation 19:20 And the beast was taken,..." As explained in the prior section the "beast" is the false prophet Muhammad's Islamic empire - his followers. More on the beast here.

"... and with him..." Daniel's beasts were assigned the masculine gender: "...and his nails [of] brass ..... and stamped the residue with his feet:"

"...the false prophet..." The false prophet Muhammad who founded his antichrist Islamic kingdom "beast".

"...that wrought miracles..." Some reject Muhammad as the false prophet because he did not perform a single miracle, however the Koine Greek word "semeion" translated as "miracles" and "signs", is defined in Strong's as "that by which a person is distinguished from others and is known". That makes Muhammad a perfect fit for the false prophet, since he is his known for his Quran, and has without question been distinguished from others by it for 1400 years. Muhammad's Quran is the "semeion" that he wrought before his people - Muslims - the "beast".

"...before him,..." From Strong's "before" meaning "in the presence of" - the beast.

"...with which he deceived them..." Muhammad's followers deceived by the Quran.

"...that had received the mark..." The number 666 according to some of Muhammad's own followers.
Also consider the physical prayer marks and bumps in Muhammad's followers foreheads.

"...of the beast, and them..." Islamic kingdom, Muhammad's followers

"...that worshipped his image." Today's Islam and second Jihad, are the image of the first Islamic Jihad, and the beast's ambition to conquer all the kingdoms of the world, and subjugate all people to Muhammad's followers.  Jihad is the pinnacle of worship in Islam.

"These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone." Does the wrath of God get any more serious than that?

Revelation 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet [are], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.


Revelation 20:10 And the devil that deceived them..." "them" the followers of Muhammad's Islamic kingdom "beast"

"...was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast..." Muhammad's Islamic empire

"...and the false prophet..." Muhammad

"...[are], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." Serious business indeed. Tormented forever and ever without rest, in a lake of fire and brimstone.

If we consider an ethnographic hermeneutic of John's whole "world" - that is looking through John's eyes at the time he penned the book of Revelation, which is required because his assignment was to:
Revelation 1:19 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;
Those things John saw, sees and shall be - after John. Thus John's world would have been limited to the whole known world, or the Middle East area, and perhaps extending into the lands of the Roman Empire at that time.  The Bible was written about the Holy Land and God's people, not about Peoria Illinois.  

Eze 5:5 Thus saith the Lord GOD; This is Jerusalem: I have set it in the midst of the nations and countries that are round about her.

Through this view we find Iraq, Iran and Syria/Lebanon (geographically the seat of the leopard-bear-lion beast of Revelation, and successive kingdom beasts of Daniel) to be from 90 to 99% Muslim. Other countries in the area are similarly Islamic - like Saudi Arabia at 100% and Turkey at 99% Muslim.  

In other words most everyone in the whole "world" that John knew, is today Muslim, and thus already have the mark.  In Saudi Arabia if a national announces they have converted to Christianity they are beheaded.  The penalty for "apostasy" or turning away from Islam, is death.  This is the prescribed punishment for Christian converts, from Islam to Christianity. The true hallmark of a dangerous cult.

Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast {Islam - Muslim}, or the number {666} of his name.

And thus it is in much of the Middle East - or John's whole world - TODAY.  When we exercise the discipline of hermeneutic rules in our Bible study we find that prophecy is nearly fulfilled, and our Lord and Savior's return is truly imminent.

When I visited YouTube in about December of 2007 I did a search of - mark beast microchip - and found around 150 videos. When I did the same search on July 27, 2009 I found 645. On October 24, 2011 I found 2,220.

2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Some Muslims suggest that the Bible was corrupted or mistranslated to demonize Islam, and their above number of perfection 666, but Muhammad wasn't even born until over 500 years after the Bible was complete. By Muhammad's day scripture had already been copied thousands of times and in many languages. Changing the Bible 500 years after the fact would have been an obvious impossibility.  See Bible manuscript page.

Their absurd claims of corruption are even refuted by verses in their own book

Sura 80.13 (It is) in Books held (greatly) in honour, 14 Exalted (in dignity), KEPT PURE AND HOLY,15 (Written) by the hands of scribes- 16 Honourable and Pious and Just.

Sura 5:68 Say: "O People of the Book! ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye STAND FAST BY the Law, THE GOSPEL, and ALL THE REVELATION that has come to you from YOUR Lord."
Saved By the Grace of God - The Good News (link to this spot)

God invites all those that today follow a false prophet, as well as those that are simply lost or unrepentant, to come to know the love of the one true God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:

1 John 1:3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship [is] with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
1 John 2:23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: [(but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also].
1 John 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son [to be] the Saviour of the world.
2 John 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
John 5:22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:

Micah 6:8  He hath shewed thee, O man, what [is] good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

The Antimessiah (Antichrist) and the False Prophet (final Catholic Pope) will rule from Rome. The Roman numerals are: MDCLXVI. When you calculate (add up) all the different Roman numerals excluding M= 1,000, the total equals 666.

D (500) + C (100) + L (50) + X (10) + V (5) + I (1) = 666

The Catholic Pope’s crown has an inscription, a blasphemous name written on it, VICARIVS FILII DEI (Revelation 13:1), which translated means Vicar of the Son of God. When you calculate (add up) the Roman numerals contained within the inscription in the Catholic Pope’s crown, VICARIVSFILII DEI, the total equals 666.

V (5) + I (1) + C (100) + I (1) + V (5) + I (1) + L (50) + I (1) + I (1) + D (500) + I (1) = 666

The roulette wheel is numbered 0 to 36. When you calculate (add up) the numbers of the roulette wheel, the total equals 666 0+00+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+32+33+34+35+36 = 666

Barcodes used in the retail buying and selling of merchandise are marked by 666. All barcodes are numbered with the first bar, middle bar, and last barcode line with a numerical value of six, and the three barcode lines together represent 666.

In late 2019, a Coronavirus outbreak originated in China and then spread throughout the world. Although the virus was not notably more lethal than the common flu, the global elites, with the assistance of their political and media allies,devised a narrative that the Coronavirus was a deadly plague that needed to be addressed using the most draconian measures, which included stay at home orders and the closure of “non-essential” businesses.

The stay at home and business closing measures have been proven to be ineffective in slowing down the spread of Coronavirus, as countries without imposing such lockdowns as Sweden, and eight states in the United States (ND, SD, NE, UT, AR, IA, OK, WY) have not seen a notable increase in reported Coronavirus cases or deaths.

Coronavirus interestingly has Satan’s signature in its “Corona” name, which is indicative that the disease is being used by the ruling elites to impose their globalist agenda. Corona has six letters in its name and the numerical value of each letter in Corona equals 66, which when put together make 666.

1 TIMOTHY 6:10 (NKJV):
For the love of money is aroot of all kinds of evil.

Chloroquine and the more potent hydroxychloroquine, when used together with azithromycin, are cheap drug treatments that have been shown to be effective in treating Coronavirus, but their effectiveness has been called into question by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). High dose vitamin C intravenous treatments have been administered to successfully treat Coronavirus patients in China, but in the United States vitamin C remedial treatments have not been approved by the FDA and clinics administering high dose vitamin C infusions have faced FBI raids. The CDC and the WHO have not approved these treatments, as they actively seek vaccines to treat Coronavirus. After the United States halted funding to the WHO over its inadequate response to the Coronavirus outbreak, Bill Gates has become the organization’s largest donor.

The schemes of the schemer are evil; He devises wicked plans to destroy the poor with lying words.

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s richest men, has positioned himself to become the world’s largest distributor of vaccines. Under the guise of being an altruistic philanthropist, Gates is poised to become many times wealthier than he already is,
if he can carry out his plan to vaccinate the world using his vaccines.

Bill Gates is not a doctor or an epidemiologist, yet many people of the world will willingly line up for his vaccine shots. Gates has gone on record saying, “Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services [ABORTIONS], we could lower that [WORLD POPULATION] by perhaps 10% or 15%.”

The global elites, whether they are agnostics, atheists, or have some quasi-faith in God, all share a belief that the world needs to be managed by them. The consensus belief is that humans are heating the earth via carbon emissions and the world population needs to be reduced to save the planet from global warming. Bill Gates has openly stated that he would like the world population reduced by 10% or 15%. The global elites, who have rejected the commandments of God, which were written on stone tablets, have erected their own granite monument known as the Georgia Guidestones. The first message atop the guidestones states, “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” In the year 2020, the world population stands at about 7.8 billion people. In order to bring the world population to 500 million, over 7 billion people would need to die. Apparently Bill Gates not only wishes to reduce the world’s population through his vaccines, he also wants to make money and get much wealthier than he already is by doing it.

1 JOHN 2:18 (NKJV):
Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antimessiah (Antichrist) is coming, even now many antimessiahs (antichrists) have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.

Just as John the Baptist prepared the way for Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ), so too are the antimessiahs (antichrists) of the world preparing the way for the Antimessiah (Antichrist).


Why does Satan, through the Antimessiah (Antichrist),want to impose his mark on the world? To play God and control humanity. Satan does not possess the powers of God, who is all knowing, all powerful, and omnipresent, so he needs to use technology to mimic the powers of God.

While the world was distracted with Coronavirus, the mark of the beast was silently introduced to the world. World patent #060606, issued in 2020, is owned by Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft.

WO = WIPO = World Intellectual Property Organization
2020 = The Year Patent was Issued
060606 = The World Patent Number

One of the world’s richest men, a computer software developer and founder of Microsoft Corporation, a man who has openly stated that he wants to reduce the world’s population, is the man with patent number 666. Bill Gates is not the Antimessiah (Antichrist), but he is a man and his patent number is 666. The Antimessiah (Antichrist) will one day use the cryptocurrency body activity technology being developed by Bill Gates to subjugate the world under his authority, so that whoever does not receive the mark of the beast will not be able to buy and sell. Those who refuse to receive the mark of the beast will be executed via guillotine (Revelation 20:4).

He [THE ANTIMESSIAH (ANTICHRIST)] causes all[PEOPLE], both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark [IMPLANTED MICROCHIP] on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark [IMPLANTED MICROCHIP] or the name of the beast [THE ANTIMESSIAH (ANTICHRIST)], or the number [666] of his name.

Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the [ANTIMESSIAH (ANTICHRIST)] beast, for it is the [PATENT] number of a man [BILL GATES]: His [PATENT] number is [0]6[0]6[0]6.

Another verse directly related to gold is found in the book of Daniel. This verse describes an idol that represents a succession of worldly powers, the first of which is described as a head of gold. The last kingdom, represented by the idol's feet, will rise in the last days to be ultimately destroyed by Jesus Christ Daniel's Statue, head of gold(the stone that was cut without hands.)

Daniel 2:
  1. Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible.
  2. This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,
  3. His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay.
  4. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.

The chapter goes on to explain that the head of gold belongs to the then current king, Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2:37-38). Nebuchadnezzar was later transformed into something of a beast to graze in the field (Daniel 4:15-16). Not only do we have a link to gold but also to a kingdom and a beast. (For more info on Nebuchadnezzar and idolatry see Lucifer Has Fallen.)

There's also another "image" in Daniel that's made of gold and shares similar characteristics with the Mark of the Beast and 666. These characteristics include the numbers six and sixty as well as idolatry and punishment for those that refuse to worship the image (Revelation 13:15).

Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon. Daniel 3:1

Nebuchadnezzar spake and said unto them, Is it true, O Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, do not ye serve my gods, nor worship the golden image which I have set up? Daniel 3:14

But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. Daniel 3:18

And he commanded the most mighty men that were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace. Daniel 3:20

The New Testament also contains a verse that hints at the Mark of the Beast's close relationship to gold. Acts is the only other book that uses the word charagma, the same Greek word translated as mark in Revelation. It's only used once, translated as "graven," and like 1 Kings is used in the same context as gold. Also alluded to is the Mark of the Beast's connection to idolotry. Note that graven implies a sharp pointed tool, very close to the syringe used to implant the Verichip.

Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. Acts 17:29

Gold as a Modern Currency

gold barsGold is looked at as the de-facto standard for money. It's been used for millenia in trade and is what many currencies have been weighed against to hold their value. When a currency is backed by gold its called a gold standard [2]. The economy of the United States was based on a gold standard from 1944 until 1971.

During the last few decades an interesting phenomenon has taken root in Digital Gold [3]. e-Gold and e-Bullion, among others, had gained ground as popular currencies before being shut down by the US Treasury due to their criminal adoption [4]. The touted benefits of such a currency include security, stability, anonymity, and low fees. Altogether Digital Gold is an attractive form of payment and a logical alternative for paper money, but it will never succeed widely until it can overcome the same problems of cash - accountability and traceability. It needs to be tied to identity. Bitcoin shares the same problems.

Started in 1996, e-Gold was the first provider of Digital Gold, a full four years prior to any of its competitors [5]. e-Dinar was later founded in 2000 and is unique in its support of an Islamic gold standard.

Islamic gold DinarIslamic law strictly forbids the use of paper money like the American dollar to pay zakat [6], which is similar to the Christian tithe. This has caused some Muslim leaders to encourage the exclusive use of Islamic currency to pay zakat. An Islamic gold standard calls Muslims to use an Islamic based currency such as the gold Dinar not just for zakat but whenever and wherever possible.

When the US gave up it's gold standard it needed to ensure that the dollar would continue to hold value. They did this by striking a deal with Saudi Arabia to trade oil (black gold) exclusively for American dollars. In exchange the US would provide weapons and military backing. Other oil producers soon followed. To this day most countries must first buy dollars in order to purchase oil. This system is collectively known as the petrodollar.

It has been theorized that a switch from the petrodollar to the gold Dinar would cause the US economy to collapse. Whether or not that theory actually holds weight is anyone's guess, but it's been suggested that Gaddafi was killed for pushing that exact agenda [7]. Saddam Hussein had also started accepting the Euro for oil before being captured, tried, and hanged for crimes against humanity. Iran and Russia have recently abandoned the petrodollar and the US is no position to attack either by conventional means.

A Euro w/ 666 on back and a Greek 2 Euro coin w/ a woman on a bull (a beast)The Euro could completely replace the exclusive use of the dollar to purchase oil. If you take a look at any Euro coin there's a distinct 666 on the back, blazened right across Europe. It's also very interesting that the Greek two Euro coin depicts a woman riding a beast (Revelation 17:3). The Euro will continue to grow stronger and could very well play a supporting role for the Mark of the Beast.

If there was ever a stable world-wide currency, gold is it. If digital currencies continue growing in popularity they could easily become the backing for microchip payment formats like the Verichip. The number 666 and the Mark of the Beast do hold spiritual significance, but held alone such interpretations do not support a requirement to buy and sell. The physical associations with gold, money, and 666 are very clear.

To close, the book of James contains a verse that sums up the hoarding of gold (and silver) in the last days.

Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. James 5:3

Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Rev 2:12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; :13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
:14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.
:15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.
:16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

Did you read the above scriptures in your personal paperback/hardback bible today or just only on this website?
If only online, I encourage you to please open your bible and read these verses both on our website and in your bible. There is power in reading the real bible. Also, did you pray before beginning to read about this specific subject today? If not, I encourage you to take the time now to pray for understanding of truth.

Very important! Please start by watching the below video!
If the video does not load, you may have to click on a bar at the top of your browser window and click on "run addon" or something similar to that.

Alternative link to above video

As you can see from the above video, the 3 symbols that John drew in Revelation 13, known today as "666", (the mark of the beast) was the 3 symbols of:
-The Nazi Swastika,
-The name of Allah,
-And the symbol of Communism.
These are the 3 main groups/multitudes of people that follow The Son of Perdition (the antichrist). This is also directly related to the 4 horsemen (first 4 seals of the 7 seals) of Rev.6. The first seal (white Pergamos horse) is related to the Nobel Prizes, especially the Nobel Peace Prize and the false impression of peace and holiness but has an evil heart of war & conquest. The second seal, the red horse, is communism, which is also the 3rd 6 of 666 that John drew. The third seal, the black horse is Nazism and its fruit of famine. This is directly related to the swastika which is the primary focus of this specific article. The fourth seal, the pale green horse, is Islam, which is directly related to the Name of Allah (al-Yah, YHWH) which is the second 6 of 666 that John drew. This page that you are viewing now will focus on the swastika. For detailed information about the 4 horsemen please read our article The Four Horsemen Revealed, click here. For detailed information about what John drew as 666, please read The 666 Beast Revealed, click here. Many people have discovered the truth about the middle symbol of 666. But it's extremely important to also understand the other two symbols, which are the two main allies (groups of people) of the antichrist Son of Perdition. The rest of this page below will focus on the first symbol of 666, the Nazi Swastika and its connection to the other horses and its connection to other elements of 666 and evil in the world.

Islamic Palestinian "National" Movement / German Nazi Hitler Connections:
Watch the below video:

The 4 Horsemen of Rev.6 are in cooperation with each other.

More videos:

Nazi Roots of Palestinian Nationalism. The Nazi, Islam, Communist Connection! Please read this article full of facts!

The Swastika's connection to Buddhism, Hindu, Thor, Russia, Palestine, Freemasons, etc.
(the Crooked Cross, the sun cross):
In the 19th century the swastika was one of the Russian empire's symbols; it was even placed in coins as a background to the Russian eagle.
Freemasons also gave the swastika symbol importance. In medieval Northern European Runic Script, a counter-clockwise swastika denotes the letter 'G,' and could stand for the Freemason terms "Great Architect of the Universe" and Geometry.
A swastika shape is a symbol in the culture of the Kuna people of Kuna Yala, Panama. In Kuna tradition, it symbolizes the octopus that created the world; its tentacles, pointing to the four cardinal points. Both German Nazis and modern day Islamic Palestinians use the octopus/swastika combination to persecute the tribe of Judah.

Swastika Connection to Yin-Yang and Coexist bumper stickers

Read more about the yin-yang and peace sign occult meaning.

Please click on the coexist bumper sticker above to learn about the sticker and its intent.

Swastika connection to Kabbalism:
Please notice the Aramaic Jewish letter "Aleph" in the middle. Notice also the rotation around it and the other Jewish Aramaic writing. Please click here to read why Jews do not speak Hebrew, but rather Babylonian Chaldean.
kaballah swastika

The Black Horseman Swastika Connection to The White Horseman Pergamus
At Pergamus it adorns the balustrade of the portico which surrounded the temple of Athene, and at Orchomenus the sculptured roof of the so-called nuptial chamber in the palace of the treasury.

Swastika and Aphrodite, the daughter of Allah?
Allat or Al-Lat, a pre-Islamic Arabian goddess, identified with Aphrodite and considered by the pagan Arabs as the daughter of Allah.

Obama's Healthcare Plan Connection to Swastika
obamacare logo nazi logo

Obama's Nomination Acceptance Speech and his Connection to Pergamus and Hitler:
(We know that Obama is not the Son of Perdition, the main antichrist of Rev.13. But he does operate in the spirits of the 4 demons, fallen angels, of the 4 horsemen that are released upon the Earth.)

In the picture below, notice the white horse, known as "Thunder", Also known in Islam as "Buraq" or "Barack", also known in Greek mythology as "Pegasus". Pegasus appears on coins of Corinth from 500 to 430 B.C., and from 350 to 338 B.C., and 200 years thereafter, on the decadrachma, complete and with wings; as well as on coins of Lampsacus, Scepsis, and Carthage, — on these last with the asterisk of the sun, or with the winged disc, and the hooded snakes over its back. It is also shown on a coin of Narbonne as a sectional winged figure, and as a winged horse on a Euphratean gem, with a bull's head, a crescent moon, and three stars in the field. Of course the crescent is an Islamic symbol. Notice the three stars in Obama's logos.

Other ancient coins of Ancient Greece, Pergamon, Mysia, 88-50 BC. show the Head of Athena in crested Athenian helmet ornamented with Pegasus and the serpent of Aesklepius. Some of the other ancient coins show the connection of Islam, ancient Greece, Pergamos and Pegasus.

Please see the 4 Horsemen article to better understand the horse connection.
Obama white horse Obama Pergamon altar altar of Zeus Hitler's altar

Read more about Obama's Pergamon Altar


Pergamon Altar

Obama signed Stimulus Bill in Denver, Colorado. Museum of Nature and Science

Testimony of person who says God told them that the swastika is related to the mark of the beast.

Swastika connection to Mecca Clock
The Swastika is rotating. It also represents the hands of the Mecca Clock in Saudi Arabia.
The people at the base of the Mecca clock rotate around the black stone of Mecca. Round and round they go around the black stone of Mecca and the black temple.
Get you a good book about Hitler and look closely at all the swastika photos. It is clear that the swastika is turning.

Notice in the images below of the original Volkswagen symbol of the swastika inside a cogwheel! This picture was taken on May 26, 1938 when 70,000 people celebrated the opening of Volkswagen City with Hitler. ‎Location: 10,000 acres that belonged to Count Werner von der Schulenberg. The Reich simply took over the Count's property, including his Castle Wolfsburg. Notice also that the cogwheel was hung high up in the trees thus giving the cogwheel a green face. The mecca clock has a green face at night. Cogwheels are a part of cars but they are more commonly thought of as being a part of clocks and watches. The cogwheels inside the mecca clock are huge and are high in the sky. I believe there is a spiritual connection. Notice the mecca clock face even has a picture of a tree! Although cogwheels were originally invented by Archimedes, Greek mathematician (Syracuse 287 to 212 B.C.), it was 11th century Arab engineer, Ibn Khalaf al-Muradi, from Islamic Spain that invented complex gears used to transmit high torque.

swastika cogwheel Mecca clock face Nazi cogwheel in stone
Nazi cogwheel closeup Mecca clock tower from below black temple clock tower view

Please click here to learn about the mecca clock and the antichrist plans to change time.

More research on the swastika:

Roman Catholic Church Connections to Swastika

Hitler could not have become a dictator without the help of the Roman Catholic Church. In the 1930's, the Catholic Church and its political party, the Catholic Centre Party, were major social and political forces in Germany. On March 24, 1933, Hitler was granted dictatorial powers by German parliament through the Enabling Act, with the Catholic Center Party headed by Prelate Ludwig Kaas casting the deciding votes in favor. Source.
Adolf Hitler was raised by a Catholic dad and a devout Catholic mother. On March 23, 1933, he addressed the Reichstag: "The National Government regards the two Christian confessions [i.e. Catholicism and Protestantism] as factors essential to the soul of the German people. ... We hold the spiritual forces of Christianity to be indispensable elements in the moral uplift of most of the German people." Source.
According to Hitler's chief architect Albert Speer, Hitler remained a formal member of the Catholic Church until his death, and even ordered his chief associates to remain members:

Around 1937, when Hitler heard that at the instigation of the party and the SS vast numbers of his followers had left the church because it was obstinately opposing his plans, he nevertheless ordered his chief associates, above all Goering and Goebbels, to remain members of the church. He too would remain a member of the Catholic Church, he said, although he had no real attachment to it. And in fact he remained in the church until his suicide.
Albert Speer, 1970: Inside The Third Reich, p.95-96

According to biographer John Toland, Hitler was still "a member in good standing of the Church of Rome despite his detestation of its hierarchy, he carried within himself its teaching that the Jew was the killer of God. Nazi General Gerhard Engel reported in his diary that in 1941 Hitler stated, "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so." (Source = John Toland, Adolf Hitler. New York: Anchor Publishing, 1992, p. 507).
According to Mein Kampf, Hitler adopted the swastika from a catholic church in Austria.
Yes, Hitler got his Swastika idea from the Roman Catholic Church!

"Hitler's Faith" article written by ex-catholic.
The Scandal of Catholic Church's Role in the Nazi Holocaust, Section 1.

Hitler was Catholic! Click here!
Click here to learn about Pope Ratzinger and his Nazi roots!

The following is from

"Vlad III Dracula (a.k.a. Vlad the Impaler 1431-1476) was Catholic and is remembered as a Christian knight and for his crusades. Vlad I. Lenin was baptized into the Russian Orthodox Church. The Russian Orthodox Church traces its roots to the Baptism of Kiev in 988, when Prince Vladimir I officially adopted the religion of the Byzantine Empire as the state religion of the Rus' state. It traces its apostolic succession through the Patriarch of Constantinople (named after Constantine). The city of St. Petersburg (on the Gulf of Finland) was renamed Leningrad. Vladimir Putin can be seen in photographs with Alexius I of the Roman Orthodox Church. Joseph Stalin attended Tiflis Theological Seminary, a Russian Orthodox institution via a scholarship that he was awarded (he was also paid for singing in the choir). His mother wanted him to be a priest even after he had become leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. When Vlad I. Lenin died (January 1924), he left behind a document known as "Lenin's Testament." Stalin organized Lenin's funeral and made a speech professing undying loyalty to Lenin, in almost religious terms. Marx's father converted to Christianity and Karl Marx joined the official denomination of the Prussian state, Lutheranism, and he was thus in a small minority of Lutherans in a predominantly Roman Catholic region. The head of the NSGWP was raised as a Roman Catholic by his parents, as was customary where he lived. His mother wanted him to become a priest. He saw the swastika symbol while he was a young student with the Benedictins at the Abbey of Lambach-am-Traum, in upper Austria. The symbol was engraved on the four corners of the monastery. It was not called a swastika. German National Socialists called the symbol that they worshippd a Hakenkreuz. It was a type of cross. It translates as "hooked cross." In some ways, the head of the NSGWP did become a priest."

End of quote from

  • Step 1: Pray,
  • Step 2: Read entire article, including all videos & links to view all proof/documentation,
  • Step 3: Pray again and fast.

Rev. 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

First it's important to understand that numbers as we see them today, 0123456789, did not exist 2,000 years ago when John wrote the Book of Revelation. The numbers we use today are called "Hindu Arabic Numbers". They were first invented by the Hindu's in India. Then they were adopted by the Muslim Arabs, and then the Catholic Church and Europe. All of this is well documented history. Each time that they moved to another group of people and over time, the numbers changed in appearance. In John's lifetime, the Hindu numbers were used only in India (and perhaps China) and looked much different than they do today. During John's lifetime, in Israel and the Roman Empire, they would write numbers four possible ways.

  1. Write them out with complete words. All of the numbers in the scriptures were originally written with complete words, such as when John wrote "hexakosioi" for six hundred in Rev.14:20. He wrote "hexekonta" for sixty in Rev.11:3 and 12:6. He wrote "hex" for six in Rev.4. Yet in Rev.13:18, he did not write "hexakosioi hexekonta hex" which is what he would have written for 666 following the pattern of his writing style of always writing out the complete word for all numbers.

  2. They used Roman Numerals. The Roman Numerals for 666 would be DCLXVI. This is not what John wrote in Rev.13:18.

  3. They would use "Hebrew Numerals" which were ancient Assyrian Aramaic letters and each letter represented a number, similar to the Roman system, but using a different language. This is not what John wrote in the scriptures.

  4. Greek numerals. Similar to the Hebrew Numerals except using the Greek letters. This is what most people claim that John wrote. However, that's impossible and this is why: In his lifetime, the Hindu numbers, used only in India at that time, for 666 would look something similar to three fours Source, Look at first century AD picture. If he saw the modern Hindu Arabic "666" or the ancient Hindu numbers "444", he would not recognize it as numbers. He would not know what he was seeing or how to translate it into his Greek, Aramaic or Roman. If he had seen "666", the only way that he could write it would be to just copy it down the way that he saw it, thus he would have written the modern number "666". Yet he did not do that. He did not write "666" with Hindu-Arabic numbers, the way they look today, nor how they were written in India in his lifetime.

John was having a vision of the end times, our time. Why would John write 666 with three ancient Greek letters?, when in these end times, the time he was seeing in the vision, we are using a modern European form of the Hindu-Arabic numbers.

Most people claim that we should add up the letters of a man's name, the person that we will know as "the antichrist", & that name will add up to 666. That's called "Gematria", a sort of "Bible Code", the practice of using letters for numbers & adding them. It is a false theory & decoy/trap. Gematria is ancient Assyrian, Babylonian witchcraft. There is absolutely no proof that Jesus, the disciples, apostles or prophets used Gematria or any other form of Bible Code. It is my personal experience that every instance of bible code revelations & Gematria are deceptions.

Let's look at what John wrote, according to Strong's Concordance.

Let's start with the word "count" in Rev.13:18: Strong's G5585 - psephizo. From G5586 1) to count with pebbles, to compute, calculate, reckon, to determine 2) to give one's vote by casting a pebble into the urn 3) to decide by voting

Now let's look at Strong's for the word "number": Strong's G706 - arithmos. From G142 1) a fixed and definite number, 2) an indefinite number, a multitude. KJV (18) - number, 18; NAS (18) - group, 1; number, 17; Acts 5:36 Translated as "group" in the New American Standard Bible.

G706 in the bible always refers to a group of people. Never does G706 refer to an actual number in the bible.

Since this Greek word never refers to an actual number in scripture, we must not assume that it is referring to an actual number.

Now let's look at the Strong's word for "man": Strong's G444 - anthrōpos From G435 and G3700; man-faced, i.e. a human being (a group of human beings) 1) a human being, (even females or males either one) a) generically, to include all human individuals, the human race. This is a different Greek word from what is used in scripture for a male!

Since this Greek word is not referring to a male, but rather mankind, the human race, we must embrace that this is not referring directly to one man, "the antichrist", as taught by traditional doctrines of man. Therefore, it's impossible for this to be telling us to add up the letters of one man's name. It's impossible for this to be telling us to add letters and/or numbers to determine the name of the Son of Perdition (the antichrist).

So basically we have so far:

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding determine the multitude of the beast: for it is a multitude of mankind; and his multitude is...

So now let's look at "666" in Strong's Concordance: Strong's G5516 - "chi-xi-stigma χξϚ Transliteration chi-xi-stigma Root Word (Etymology) The ἄγαμος 22nd, ἀγαθοεργέω 14th and an obsolete letter (4742 as a cross) of the Greek alphabet (intermediate between the ἀββα 5th and Ἄβελ 6th), used as numbers."

Notice it says the x looking symbol is the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet. This is the number of double judgment. Then it says the middle character is the 14th letter. The number 14 is what God showed me concerning March 14th, 2008 which was one of the first prophecies God gave me. So both these numbers are relevant to the opening of understanding of prophecy. Strong's says that the 3rd letter is the "stigma". "Stigma" means "mark" or badge of servitude! So instead of the 3rd character being a number, it's actually saying that the other 2 characters represent the mark!

In all other places in the bible, numbers are spelled with words, not symbols. For example, the number 600 in Rev. 14:20 is ἑξακόσιοι, the number 60 in Rev. 12:6 is ἑξήκοντα, the number 6 in Rev. 4:8 is ἕξ. Rev. 13:18 is the only place in the bible where these symbols are used! Even though the numbers 600, 60 and 6 are found in the bible in many places!

Now let's look at 666 in the Codex Vaticanus:

The picture below is of 666 in the Codex Vaticanus, which is the oldest most complete bible manuscript on Earth. The Dead Sea Scrolls are older, but they are unreliable due to their corrupt Assyrian Aramaic origins and association with wicked magic books. The Dead Sea Scrolls are unreliable also due to the fact that they are in so many tiny fragments and we cannot trust whether humans have correctly pieced the fragments back together accurately. The most reliable ancient bible manuscripts are in Greek and much more complete rather than tiny fragments. The Codex Vaticanus is the most accurate and most trust worthy ancient bible manuscript available to us. The Codex Vaticanus is an important manuscript from 350 A.D. It contains a copy of the Greek Septuagint Old Testament which is the version of the bible that Jesus and the Apostles actually used, plus the New Testament. The Codex Vaticanus is the oldest complete bible in existence. In 2013, God revealed to me the fact about it being a copy of the Greek Septuagint which is actually a restoration of the original Hebrew scriptures. From Hebrews 9:13 to the end of the Book of Revelation the document had to be restored due to damage. This is very common among ancient manuscripts. These books were in the original Codex Vaticanus. Because that Hebrews 9:13 to Revelation was so heavily damaged, they had to make replica's using all of the possible fragments plus all of the other available oldest fragments of other manuscripts and all other possible resources to complete the most accurate replica possible of Hebrews 9:13 to Revelation. Then replaced that section which was damaged. They did an excellent job doing so! Jesus showed me that it's extremely accurate to the original. He will tell you the same thing if you truly seek with a real heart for truth. You can view the page that includes 666 in Rev. 13:18 by clicking here. The image can also be verified by going to the Vaticanus website at (page 1530, right column, fifth line from top). This bible was not written by the Vatican, nor by Catholics. It is called "Vaticanus" only because of its present location. The Vatican is holding many ancient manuscripts hostage. This codex was not written in Latin. We have no reason to not trust this manuscript. The evidence is overwhelming that the Roman Catholic church added to and took away from scripture mostly after this codex was already written. Jesus has confirmed this bible to me many times.

Now let's look at 666 in Rev.13:18, of the Codex Vaticanus and compare it to to some very common symbols!

What John drew for 666 swastika

The first symbol of 666 (the x character) is the Nazi swastika. This has been Powerfully confirmed to me by God. The Nazi swastika is rotating arms, like on the Mecca clock. "Turn around, Turn around". The swastika is also called a "rotating cross" or "sun cross". You will notice below that all 3 symbols of 666 are rotating, because they are a reflection of an image.
The spirit of Nazism is still alive today in every group (such as the UN and the Democrats) and every person that hates Israel or the Jews. The spirit of Nazism is the spirit of anti-Zionism and hate and racism against the Jews, and it is a very common and serious problem in all nations.
Nazism = Fascism = Antifa, Black Lives Matters, the Democrats, the UN and anyone else who hates freedom, capitalism, Israel, the USA or the Jews.

Many people wrongfully try to claim that this symbol is the Muslim cross swords, and not the Nazi swastika. But it's totally impossible for it to be the Muslim cross-swords because Islam is represented in the 2nd symbol. It wouldn't make any sense for it to be represented twice. It has to align with the horsemen of Revelation 6. Both the black horse & the green horse cannot be both Islam. The black horse is very clearly Nazism. Therefore, this symbol of 666 must also be Nazism. How could we possibly leave out the Holocaust mass murder of millions and millions of people and WW2 (and all of the soldiers & general population of many nations that died) and the Great Depression and the related famine of that time? Very clearly these huge events of the 1930's and 40's would be represented in the end time seals! And since Communism did not come upon the world until 1917, the black horse would be next in time in the 30's & 40's, and then later, the green horseman in the 1963 Syrian Coup & the 1979 Iranian revolution which brought the most severe form of Islam to a much greater number of people and now threatens the entire world today! Therefore even the timeline shows the progression of the opening of the seals, and thus also reveals the true meaning of 666.

Look at the following website and look at the images listed as Fig. 43, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 66, 69, 70, 77. You will notice that the swastika does not always need to have sharp right angles. Some of these images are the same as what John drew as the 1st symbol of 666.
Someone asked me the question: "But if John was seeing the end time, why didn't he draw the swastika the way that we see it today?" And this is how I responded: "Did John draw the communist flag 100% exactly as we see it today? No. Did he write the name of Allah as most English speaking people recognize it today? No. All 3 images are rotated. Why did Jesus often speak in parables? He said that it was so that the people who had eyes to see and ears to hear would understand, but that others would not understand. Rev. 13 says to let him that has wisdom, let him determine/understand about the multitudes of the beast. Most of the world are not meant to understand, as they don't love the truth. Their eyes are blind because they don't want to see the truth. These 3 symbols are very clear to those that are willing to understand the truth. But to those who would reject the truth, they are more difficult to believe, therefore it is meant for these symbols to look slightly different than what most people today see them in normal everyday life."

John's drawing of 666 word for Allah rotated word for Allah

The gold symbol shown above on the right is called a "bismillah" in Islam. It is Aramaic for "in the name of Allah". The large symbol like a W with a line to the right is the word for "Allah". (The fact that this is Aramaic (Assyrian Language) means that this has a connection to the son of perdition, the Syrian president, Bashar Assad.) When you turn the image on the side and place it in a mirror (as above on the left) you see the middle character/drawing in 666! Notice the line above Allah. It is part of the word Allah, it is not an underline. Notice the same line in the gold symbol and in this bible! Not only is the line present in both, but also notice the hook in the line, the hook or arrow is pointing the same direction!

John's drawing of 666 communist flag

The 3rd character is the stigma which means "mark" or "badge of servitude". But also notice it is the perfect shape of the sickle and hammer of the communist flag! Notice even the head of the hammer is visible in both the communist flag and this copy of the codex. This symbol, just like the middle symbol needs to be rotated because it is a mirror reflection. So, don't discount it just because it's not turned just right. The shape is exactly the same!

In Revelation 13 in the Codex Vaticanus, we find that John drew Nazi, Islamic and communist symbols, the multitudes (number/groups of people) of the beast! Some people will completely discount this revelation just because you need to turn "Allah" on the side and mirror it in order to see it in the same direction as 666. However, regardless of which direction any of these characters are pointed or facing, the shape itself is exactly the same! Not only in just one character but in all 3 characters of 666! Even if you do discount the characters, there is still plenty of solid proof in the rest of this article. Also many people have been focusing on just the Islamic side of the beast. But it is very clear that there is a communist symbol in this picture! In recent news, we see Russia helping Iran, China and N.Korea, Lebanon, and Syria. What can be more clear?

The picture below helps confirm how you spell Allah in Aramaic and that you can turn it in any direction. It was taken from an Islamic site which can be confirmed by clicking on the below image.


Click here to confirm how to write Allah in Aramaic You can also confirm what the name Allah looks like in Aramaic by going to google translate and translate "Allah" from English to Arabic, a dialect of Aramaic. It shows the same as the image taken from the Islamic site. You can do this with one click by clicking here which will show الله. It will come up very small. You can copy and paste it into Microsoft Office or other Word Pad and then enlarge it to show


In other words, if you mirror the text of what we thought was 666, it will say "in the name of Allah". Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist, now Christian evangelist, said that the first time he read the Greek symbols that are translated in the bible as 666, he immediately read them as the Arabic/Aramaic word for "Bismillah", which means "in the name of Allah." I do believe that the beast is an end time confederation of Islamic and communist nations joining forces against Israel and America in the name of Allah and that the Islam religion is the mark (badge of servitude) of the beast. I asked God to confirm this to me. Then one day I looked down and seen all three characters of 666 in Aramaic on a sheet of paper I had. I had this paper even before I had been shown this revelation! The paper had nothing to do with the mark of the beast. I have received other confirmations as well.

Video Below: The 3 Symbols of 666 Mark of the Beast: The Multitudes of Evil People Who Follow The Antichrist: See the 3 symbols rotating in this video:

666 Also Represents 3 Antichrists

We have all been taught that there will be one man standing on the Temple Mount or in Jerusalem, claiming to be "God". However, The Creator has revealed to me that there will actually be 3 men/beings claiming to be God. "666" shows 3 men/beings. The first 6 represents a man/being of Nazism which is Pope Benedict who was a member of the Nazi Youth group. Source The middle 6 represents the main antichrist, Son of Perdition, the Muslim 12th Imam Mahdi, Bashar Assad. See Proof. The third 6 represents a man/being of Communism, Pope Francis. Proof.

Assad's Alawi Sect Teaches that the 12th Imam Mahdi Will Be Alawi & God Manifest in the Flesh With Two Prophets (Pope Benedict & Francis)
The following link shows an Islamic Hadith that says that the Mahdi, the end time Islamic world ruler, is from the Alawi Sect, of which Assad is the leader of. I don't recommend that you read all of the evil junk in the website. Just hold down "Ctrl" on your keyboard and press "F". This will open a small box somewhere on your screen. Then type in "Alawi". It will then highlight "Alawi" on your screen where it says " the Mahdi, who will be Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah al-‘Alawi", which means that he will be of the Alawi sect of Islam.

Quotes from the following link: "The core of Nusayrism (Assad's Alawi Sect) is the concept of God in triad, with God himself being manifested through Ali, cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad. Nusayris believe that God is Ali in the flesh, who created Muhammad from his spirit, who in turn created Salman al-Farisi, a Persian companion and evangelist. These three form a triad — Mana (Meaning), Ism (Name/Veil) and Bab (Gate). Nusayrism is also cyclical. Nusayris believe that there have been seven times that God manifested in seven different trinities. The first was of Abel, Adam and Gabriel; the last in Ali, Muhammad and Salman. In all, the meanings, or manifestations, of God seem to be subordinate figures while the name/veil appear to be superior ones: Jesus is the name but God manifestation is actually Simon Peter; Muhammad is the name but God is manifested through Ali." (Actually the person who translated this Islamic Hadith into English doesn't understand the Arab language enough to understand that they would never say "Jesus is the name". But rather "Yeshua is the name" is the correct translation of this Arabic phrase. The website is "non-religious" & based in Maryland, USA.)

"Nusayris believe each soul is a star, the sinful will be reincarnated as inferior beings through nine levels of human existence and nobility." "Because people sin, they are no longer splendid stars and must redeem themselves by knowing God through ma’rifa — inner knowledge from one’s own direct experience of reality, something not possible through books. Consequently, traditional ritual and literal reading of scripture are not essential and can even lead to perdition." "The dictator (Assad's dad) previously changed his family name from Wahsh (wild beast) to Assad (lion), and had married a Sunni woman."

The following website confirms Assad's Alawi doctrine that 'God' has appeared to mankind 8 times thus far, with yet a 9th time still to come soon. Each time, he appears on Earth as a human man, accompanied with 2 other men in the flesh! Again, they translate "Yeshua" as "Jesus" because these are English speaking people who don't know how much Muslims hate the name of "Jesus" and only say "Yesu, Yeshua" & other variations of the pagan Assyrian Y names.

Book: The Monotheists: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Conflict and ..., Volume 2. By F. E. Peters. Page 321. "The Alawi is redeemed only by recognizing the divinity in one of the seven cycles of God's historical self-manifestation. (Recognizing Assad as "God" in the flesh.) In each of these manifestations, accompanied by two lesser beings, one called "the Name" or "the Veil", and the other, "The Gate"." Unquote.

It then goes on to explain that the Mahdi is God in the flesh who is some times seen with the prophets, but that he is higher than the prophets. This is very clear proof that Assad will stand with both popes, and that the "False Prophet" of Rev.13 is actually both popes. It says that he has "two horns". If 10 horns in scripture are 10 beings, and one horn is one being, then it only makes sense that two horns are two beings. So we will see Assad & both popes all stand together as the trinity god that the traditional church has taught the people to believe in. Assad will even descend from the sky before the Great Tribulation, just like the traditional church has taught the people. The majority of the world will worship them.

Concerning the "gate" & the "veil" horns/prophets, the Roman Catholic Pope performs the "Porta Santa" (Holy Gate) ritual every Christmas Eve! In the ritual, he knocks on the wall or door 3 times. They say that the door is a veil that separates mankind & God, but that the pope enters through the veil to then eat the Eucharist, which they say (in other Catholic literature) is the very presence of God in the flesh of the cookie.

These 3 men are not truly human. They are fallen angels. Proof. Therefore, they are also the 3 of the 4 horsemen of the book of Revelation. They are demons who have been released upon the Earth for destruction and Judgment. You can see in the chart below that this is related also to the first four seals of Revelation 6. Although the seals may seem out of order in the chart below, it's important to remember that these demon spirits had already existed long before these "men" were manifested on Earth in our generation. But these 3 fallen angels, manifesting as men, will lead the Nazi, Islamic and communist people and armies in the Day of The Lord, the "Great Tribulation".

Pope BenedictAssadPope Francis
3rd Seal4th Seal2nd Seal
Black HorseGreen HorseRed Horse

Image of the Beast

Rev 13:15 "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed".

The Greek word for "image" in the book of Revelation can also be translated as "stone". In fact, the Alpha & Omega Bible (AOB) translates it as stone.

In Islamic tradition authenticated by At-Tirmidi, Al-Abani notes: “Allah will raise up the black stone on the Day of Judgment and it will have two eyes and a tongue which it talks with, and it will give witness to everyone who touched it in truth”.


It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah said concerning the stone: “By Allah, Allah will bring it forth on the Day of Resurrection, and it will have two eyes with which it will see and a tongue with which it will speak, and it will testify in favour of those who touched it in sincerity.

Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 961; Ibn Maajah, 2944 This hadeeth was classed as Hasan by Al-Tirmidhi, and as Qawiy by Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar in Fath Al-Baari, 3/462 Source: and

It is believed by Muslims that you receive forgiveness of sins by touching the Black Stone. It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah... say: “Touching them both [the Black Stone and al-Rukn al-Yamani] is an expiation for sins.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 959. This hadeeth was classed as hasan by Al-Tirmidhi and as saheeh by Al-Haakim (1/664). Al-Dhahabi agreed with him).

The black stone is in the corner of their Mecca temple. We know that Jesus is the chief cornerstone!

Tareekh Baghdad by Al-Khatib (6/328), Al-'ilal Al-Mutanahiya (2/944): "The Black Stone is Allah's right hand on Earth with which he shakes the hands of his slaves."

The stone is roughly 30 cm (12 in.) in diameter. It is the eastern cornerstone of the Kaaba, the ancient sacred stone building towards which Muslims pray, in the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. According to Islamic tradition, the stone fell from Heaven. - -

The black stone of Mecca is actually the oracular stone of Cybele/Artemis/Diana of Acts 19:35. It was said to be able to talk and teach and give prophecies. It was a moon rock meteorite, which fell from the sky/Heaven. It was in possession of the Roman Catholic Church until it was moved to Mecca sometime during the reigns of Pope Gregory or Pope Boniface, 590-615 A.D.

Rev. 9:20 "The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, so as not to worship demons, and the idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk".
(Notice that it doesn't say that the idols can not talk or bleed, as the Roman Catholic and Islamic statues and stones do.)

Did you read the above scriptures in your personal paperback/hardback bible today or just only on this website?
If only online, I encourage you to please open your bible and read these verses both on our website and in your bible. There is power in reading the real bible. Also, did you pray before beginning to read about this specific subject today? If not, I encourage you to take the time now to pray for understanding of truth.

Jesus is the true rock, the chief cornerstone which saves us. Jesus is the rock on which the true church was built, not Peter. Daniel 2 says that Jesus and His saints and His kingdom, seen as a great rock/stone, will come from Heaven and destroy the end time Assyrian/Babylonian Empire and will destroy all of the elements of that empire, the gold, the silver, the bronze, the iron, the clay (rock/dirt/moon material), the entire statue of Babylon and all of its elements/materials and parts. Yes, The Rock of Jesus and His empire and His soldiers/army will destroy the Assyrian/Roman black stone of Mecca.

Daniel 2:34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

For much more proof that the Black Stone of Mecca is the image of the beast, please click here.

Muslims teach that Jesus is not the Son of God and that Judas, not Jesus, was crucified on the cross! Learn more about Islam at and

1 John 4:2-3
:2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

Some Muslims Believe 666 to be a Holy Number!

Notice the following quote from, an Islamic site registered to a man in Turkey. Quote:"The number 666 is highly publicized all over the world and it is associated with evil and danger. However, it is not what it seems. It was a Satanic trick. The trick was to prevent the people approaching the 666. Satan knew that the 666 is the book of God and the people should be kept away from it. According to his plan, he placed a bad image to the number 666... It points at no other book but the Quran, 666, which the sincere believers should study as they are commanded by God and should follow its contents." End quote. Notice two more Muslim websites that claim 666 to be a holy number of Islam:

Also, the Koran/Quran has 6,666 verses. Source: Line #77 at AboutTheHolyQuran.pdf and reposted by another Muslim at

So again, this is yet another proof that Islam is the Mark of the Beast!

Not Regard the Desire of Women

Dan. 11:37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

This has nothing to do with homosexuality. But rather, it is saying that the Son of Perdition (the antichrist) will not respect women. It is very well known that the Islamic religion does not respect women. Islam encourages the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical abuse of females of all ages. Islamic shows more hatred toward women than any other religion on Earth. In fact, the Alawi sect of Islam, practiced by Bashar Assad, even teaches that women do not have a soul. Bashar Assad therefore fits this description in Daniel 11:37 better than any other person on Earth. See 50+ proofs that Bashar Assad is the Son of Perdition (the antichrist).


Rev. 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and [I saw] the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received [his] mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

It is very well known that beheadings are very common in Muslim Countries and is confirmed again in the video above.

Daniel 7:25 Think to Change times and laws! Fulfilled

Mecca clock tower

The Osama Bin Laden family has built the world's largest clock in the goal of changing all the time zones across the globe. They want to change GMT to Mecca Time! Daniel 7:25 antichrist "think to change times" refers to Islamic plans to change GMT time to Mecca Time. "laws" refers to Sharia Law! Learn more by clicking here.

Sharia Law: Cannot Buy or Sell

Islam is not just a religion. It is a way of life that includes every part of life including finances. In Islam, you are required to submit to Sharia Law. In Sharia Law, you cannot buy or sell without submitting to the laws of Sharia Law or Islamic financial practices. There are actual Sharia Courts across the globe including America. Sharia Law continues to gain ground and power in America and across the world. American courts and Canadian courts have upheld Sharia Law over and above the Constitution of the United States and of Canada. There are even banks that practice under sharia law. These banks continue to increase in number and power. Eventually, as more nations come under total Islamic control, all financial actions, buying and selling will be regulated under sharia law and anyone who refuses to submit to Islam will be first required to pay a fee to stay alive and out of jail. Anyone who refuses to pay the fee will be arrested and in many cases beheaded.

Notice that in Rev. 14:1 and Ezek. 4:4-6, God's People have a mark in their forehead! We know that Christians are not going to have a microchip in our forehead! Nor are we going to have eyes scans that God uses to recognize us as His People. The "mark" or "badge of servitude" is spiritualNot a microchip or tattoo. But the microchip is a NWO (New World Order) way of tracking people and controlling people. You should never get a microchip! But it is still not the mark of the beast. Many people have received a microchip without submitting to any form of worship or false gods. Many hospitals now offer a microchip to be implanted in all newborn babies. FEMA put a microchip in the dead people from Hurricane Katrina. Some hospitals implant a microchip into unconscious patients who enter the Emergency room. Many nursing homes offer RFID microchips for their elderly patients. Many people have microchips in their pets. But yet none of these people are submitting to Islam, Nazism or Communism which we have here proven to be directly related to the mark of the beast. Notice the mark of God: Exo.13:9, 16 9 And it (the moral laws of God) shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes, that the LORD's law may be in thy mouth: for with a strong hand hath the LORD brought thee out of Egypt. 16 And it shall be for a token upon thine hand, and for frontlets between thine eyes: for by strength of hand the LORD brought us forth out of Egypt

Deut. 6:8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

Deu 11:18 Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.

We see from the verses above that the Mark of God is the Spiritual Law of God, the 10 Commandments, including thou shalt not kill and thou shalt have no other gods before Me! The Mark of the Beast is the law of Satan (Isa.44:20), Sharia Law including, "Thou should kill Christians and Jews and you should serve Allah", the moon god, Satan the devil!

The Halal Mark!

The Halal Mark is part of Sharia Law and Islam. It is a mark/stamp/seal on products. Currently, the mark is on many products in Europe and the middle east, Detroit and other heavily Muslim populated areas. Their publicly stated goal is to get this mark on all legally allowed products worldwide ASAP. Learn more, Click here!.

Babylon The City

Revelation 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Revelation 18:11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more

Saudi Arabia is in the midst of building the end time city of Babylon. If allowed to be completed, it would be 33 times larger than New York City. A lot of people believe that the city of Babylon must be Rome, and I used to believe that also. But then I found out that Rome was not part of the ancient Babylonian Empire! For a city to be the end time city of Babylon, it must be located in the land of the ancient Babylonian Empire. The city of NEOM, Saudi Arabia fits the biblical description of Babylon. There are 7 main mountain peaks in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is just as much responsible for the blood of the saints, as is Rome. For more information, please click here for the article about the city of NEOM.

10 Toes of Daniel 2 and 10 Horns of Daniel 7 & Revelation 12, 13 & 17

Just like everyone else, I thought the 10 toes (10 horns) of the beast, will be 10 nations which already exist. Most people believe it's 10 nations of Europe. Others believe it's 10 Arab nations. I thought it was 10 Islamic Arab and communist nations including Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, etc.

But now, Jesus has opened my eyes. It cannot be nations that have already existed for a long time like Russia, China, Iran, Germany, England, Turkey, etc.

12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
(Notice they have no kingdom yet. They receive power for only one hour (3.5 years) with Assad. Putin, China, England, Germany, Iran, etc already have a kingdom and power for long periods of time. These are 10 beings [some human, some nephilim Daniel 2:43] who do not yet rule real nations. The word mingle in 2:43 is the Syrian word Arab. Bashar Assad has repeatedly declared a wish to have an Arab Union. These are 10 beings who Assad will appoint over the whole world which will be divided into 10 regions)
13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. (Beings and groups who eventually submit to Assad)
14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
(They will still be ruling with Assad when Jesus returns)
15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
(The alliance between Assad & the Catholic Church is not a true heartfelt sincere alliance by Assad. Pope Benedict, Pope Francis & Assad are all fallen angels with the same goal of destroying all religions & Rome. They only use the Catholic Church to gain the support of false Christians. At first, it will appear as unity/coexistence between Islam & the Catholic church. But at the end, Assad and his 10 rulers will turn against Rome & will destroy Rome. However, the Pope will still be alive at the coming of Jesus. Both Assad & the Popes will be thrown into the Lake of Fire at Jesus' Coming)
17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. (Rome)

One little horn = one being, the son of perdition. 2 horns of false prophet = 2 Popes. 10 horns = 10 beings.

Possible 7 Heads/Mountains/Kingdoms: Rev. 17:10-11

  1. Babylon Empire
  2. Persian Empire
  3. Greek Empire under Alexander The Great.
  4. Greek Empire under Antiochus Epiphanes
  5. Western Roman Empire, 27 BC – AD 476, centered in Rome, Italy. The Western Roman Empire continues today in the Roman Catholic Church, Roman numerals, Gregorian calendar, names of months and days, etc.
  6. Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine/Byzantium Empire), AD 285 – 1453, centered in Constantinople/Istanbul, Turkey. Eventually evolved into the ankle of The Ottoman Empire 1299–1923. Still exist today in different forms in Iran, Turkey, Syria.
  7. End Time Assyrian Empire under Bashar Assad.

Possible 8 Kings of Rev. 17

  1. King Nebuchadnezzar
  2. Cyrus of the Persian Empire
  3. Darius the 3rd of Persian Empire
  4. Alexander The Great, The Greek Empire
  5. Antiochus Epiphanes, Greek Syrian Empire

The above 5 kings has already fallen before the time that John wrote.

  1. Vespasian, Roman ruler in 70 A.D. This is the king that is, during John's time.
  2. Constantine 1 of the Eastern Roman Empire/Byzantine Empire which got taken over by the Ottoman Empire and Islam.
  3. Bashar Assad, who is the same fallen angel of Antiochus Epiphanes. He is one of the 7, but returns as the 8th king. The Assyrian Empire was the blood line of all these kingdoms. Most pagan religious customs originate from Assyria.

It is very important to note that the beast is a confederation of both Islamic and communist nations. Many websites only teach one face of the beast. They only teach that Islam is the beast. That is not true. The truth is that the beast is a confederation of both Islamic and communist nations. It is very important to understand that. Ezek. 38 mentions not only Islamic nations but also communist nations. The Islamic nations do not have the power or ability to invade the United States of America. They have ability to attack America and take over America from within but not invade America. But the communist nations do have the ability to invade America. Therefore these two groups are working together to destroy America.

Click here to see where Islamic Terror cells are allowed to operate in the USA

Iran prepares people for 'messiah miracles' Government broadcasts series on imminent appearance of apocalyptic Islamic 'Mahdi'!

The Shriners are linked to Islam and Communism!

The Shriners are the highest echelon of Masons/freemasonry. There are 32 levels of Masons, then you reach the Shrine, hence the name Shriners. They are a branch of Islam. Click Here for more information. For their connection to Communism, Click Here.

The Demons of Karl Marx

Karl Marx co-authored The Communism Manifesto along with Friedrich Engels. He is the most popular proponent/founder of Communism. Besides hating capitalism, Marx also hated the Jewish people and Israel and wrote against them. Marx also hated God, hated Christians, and wrote Satanic poetry.
What was the fruit of his ideas? Communist regimes throughout history have murdered over 100 million people all across the world: in Russia, China, Cambodia, Ukraine, Vietnam, and many other nations. To honor Karl Marx as many liberal democrats do, is to endorse mass murder and hatred of Israel.

You can do much more research at the following links which will show you the 7 kingdoms, the 7 kings, the 8th king, the 7 mountains, the Assyrian, why the antichrist cannot be European, why the antichrist cannot be from Rome, (the false prophet can be from Rome but the antichrist himself cannot be) kings of north and south and much more! I don't agree with everything written in all the following links but I do find some useful information in each link.
The Antichrist Revealed: A Man from Syria article from
From where the Antichrist will come article at

Another step of understanding that the antichrist cannot come from Europe or England is that much of western Europe will be conquered by the antichrist. The British Commonwealth is the Tribe of Ephraim and the USA is Manasseh. Click for proof.
Antichrist Will Arise From the Middle East at
Where the Antichrist Rises at

The Literal Name

The word "name" in Greek can mean the character or authority of a person or spirit. But it can also be literal. The halal mark applies both the literal name and the spiritual authority of Allah upon all products and services allowed and regulated by Islamic Sharia Law. The literal name that is spiritually applied by the halal mark is the name of Allah. It's important to understand that when John wrote Revelation 13, he did not actually write "666". When we see "666" in our modern times, we are looking at Hindu Arabic numbers which did not exist during the lifetime of John. Although he was seeing a vision of the end time, he would not have known that 666 was numbers because he would not have ever seen those numbers in his entire life, even as John didn't know how to speak or write English, he also didn't know how to read or write modern numbers. What he actually did, was that he drew 3 pictures of what he saw in the vision. Our oldest copy of a complete, or almost complete bible, is the Codex Vaticanus from around 250-350 A.D. which the Vatican holds hostage. But we have pictures of it online and there are a couple of copies available in other places. In that bible, 666 is shown as 3 symbols. Not numbers and not Greek letters. Those 3 symbols are as follows: The Nazi swastika, the Bismillah which means "in the name of Allah", and the communist symbol of the hammer with sickle with star. Those symbols are shown in the pictures below as proof. The anti-Zionist Nazi regimes and communist regimes are allies of the Muslim nations. Also, the Greek word for "number" in Revelation 13 when used in the New Testament always refers to a group of people, not a specific number. And the word "man" in Revelation 13 means mankind, such as groups of people, not just one man. Therefore, "number of a man, 666" does not mean "the specific number of 666 of one man", but rather "multitudes of mankind, the Nazis, the Muslims in the name of Allah and the Communists".

what John drew for 666 swastika allah rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise communist flag
After you finish reading this current article, please click here to read the article about 666 which tells you a lot more about these symbols and more proof.

Also, the real identity of the 4 horsemen of Revelation 6 are as follows:
-White horse, 1st seal = False peace, false religion, false holiness, false love, Nobel prizes, Nobel Peace Prize winners, Olympic games.
-Red horse, 2nd seal = Communism/Socialism/Democrats, communist nations, communist leaders, communist people with the fruit of revolutionary war. 3rd 666 symbol.
-Black horse, 3rd seal = Nazism, Hitler with the fruit of famine and starvation. 1st 666 symbol.
-Pale (sick) green horse, 4th seal = Islam (Name of Allah), Muslims, with the fruit of pestilence, disease, viruses, epidemics, pandemics, Ebola, COVID-19, Sars. 2nd symbol of 666.
After you finish reading this current article, please click here for proof of the identity of the 4 horsemen, first 4 seals of the book of Revelation.

What The Word Halal Really Means

Despite what you have been told, the following is the real truth about what the word "halal" really means according to the Strong's bible concordance/dictionary. Most people are going to say that this is not truly the same word. But when you consider what halal marking does and what halal sacrifice does, it becomes very evident that halal and chalal is exactly the same thing. Also, I am a bible translator and publisher. I have studied ancient languages and The Holy Spirit has also given me some measure of divine interpretation of ancient tongues. It is my professional opinion as a bible translator, as confirmed by the divine spiritual gift of tongues, that chalal and halal are exactly the same word when used in the context of marking products or services and/or ritual slaughter.

Strong's H2490 - chalal (Ancient Assyrian Aramaic word for halal in Strong's Concordance.)
To profane, defile, pollute, desecrate (Daniel 11:31), to profane oneself, defile oneself, pollute oneself
a. ritually (many halal meats are brutally & ritually sacrificed to Allah)
b. sexually (to commit fornication: Rev. 17:5)
to be polluted, be defiled
to profane, make common, defile, pollute (to take what is clean & defile it, make it unclean) (Halal doesn't mean clean foods, but rather products & services that have been made unclean/defiled/polluted by pagan sacrifice/prayer!)
to violate the honour of, dishonour
to violate (a covenant) Nehemiah 13:17 Psalm 89:39 Ezekiel 22:8
to profane the name of God Lev.18:21; 19:8
to let be profaned
to wound (fatally), bore through, pierce, bore
to pierce, to brand, engrave sign/mark of ownership/slavery. (Same meaning of "mark" G5480 in Rev.13!)
to be slain (halal meats are brutally slain.)
to wound, pierce
to be wounded
to prostitute (Lev. 19:29, also remember the mother of harlots in Rev. 17:5)

Read the entire chapter of Ezekiel 28 concerning King Tyrus who represents Satan and the antichrist. Then compare the following:

Ezek.28:12 Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God; Thou sealest (mark or hide) up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
Ezek. 28:16 By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane (H2490 chalal: halal) out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub (Satan before he fell), from the midst of the stones of fire.

Rev. 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count (determine, add up the sum, or reveal) the number (The Greek word here is always used in the New Testament as referring to a group or multitude of people, never a specific number) of the beast: for it is the number (multitude) of a man (The Greek word here actually means multiple of people, not just one man); and his number (group/multitude) are the Nazis, Muslims in the name of Allah and the Communists.
Rev. 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell (merchandise), save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number (multitude) of his name.

The halal marks are all done in the spirit (name/authority) of the antichrist. It defiles the product and opposes the name of God. The companies that receive halal certification receive a number. Each product also receives a number. Even the Muslims call it a "mark"! (Source 1Source 2)

Not Allowed to Eat Things Sacrificed to idols if We Know it!

Many people believe that Paul said that it's okay to eat meats/foods sacrificed to idols. Let's study that. First let's look at what the other apostles and Jesus Himself said. In Acts 15:28-29 James, speaking for the Council of Elders at Jerusalem said "For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well".

Luke wrote a second time of James' statement in Acts 21:25 "As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing, save only that they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from fornication".

Paul accepted the decrees of James and the Jerusalem council. Notice in Acts 16:4 "And as they went through the cities, they delivered them the decrees for to keep, that were ordained of the apostles and elders which were at Jerusalem".

What did Paul himself say in 1 Cor. 10:20-21? But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.

Jesus said in Revelation 2:14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.

And again in Rev.2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

Therefore we have several bible verses including the words of Jesus Himself that tells us very clearly that we should not eat things sacrificed to idols. People try to use Paul's words in 1 Cor. 8 and some of his words in 1 Cor. 10 to try to proclaim that we can eat such things in complete contradiction to all these other verses. The scriptures do not contradict themselves. It is our understanding that contradicts when we do not consider all verses. Paul accepted the teachings of Jesus Christ as well as the decisions of the council. His own words warned us about partaking of the devil's table. Paul's words can be confusing at times. What he is really saying in 1 Cor. 8 is that if people have purchased food at the market and they do not know where it came from and whether or not it has already previously been sacrificed, that we are not to worry about it. But that if we are told that it has been sacrificed, that we are not to eat it. We are only held accountable to what we know. If we buy something that is halal and we do not know it, it is not held accountable to us. But once we are made aware of it, we are to abstain from it. Regardless of what Paul did or did not mean, we have the more understandable & very clear words of James and of Jesus. There can be no excuse for willingly & knowingly buying or eating things that are marked Halal.

Because we are not sinning if we unknowingly eat or buy something halal, we should not go to extremes to research every ingredient of every product that we buy. We should look at the label to make sure the word halal or the halal mark does not appear anywhere on the label or on the package. But we should not call or write the company to research more in-depth. If we research every company and every product in the world, we would surely find something sinful about every manufacturer and every store and every product. We can't entirely escape from this world of corruption until Jesus comes. But to actively seek out anything possible about a product's hidden ingredients, it being too obsessive about purposely trying to make the product forbidden.
However, once we know or are notified that something about the specific product is truly certified as halal, then we are held accountable and should boycott it.

Difference Between Kosher & Halal

The Jewish Kosher symbol is on many products. It's natural to ask "is this the same?" It is not the same & here's why. The only requirement for food to be stamped as "Kosher", is that the food ingredients must not be forbidden by the old covenant laws of unclean meats of Leviticus 11. (Please click here for absolute, undeniable proof that Jesus did cleanse the previously spiritually unclean meats.) Kosher does not apply to non-food products, whereas the Halal Mark will be on every product & service in the world, not just foods. The Jews are not attempting to put the Kosher symbol on every product in the world by law as the Muslims admit that their goal is. Most Kosher foods are not ritually sacrificed at the point of death, nor are they prayed over at the point of death. Therefore they do not come under the category of Rev.2:14, 20 forbidden foods that were sacrificed to idols. So very clearly, there's a big difference between Kosher & Halal. Kosher is still an antichrist symbol (because it denies that Jesus' blood was powerful enough to cleanse the previously unclean meats), but it does nothing to actually defile the food. The food has not been prayed over in an antichrist name, nor sacrificed to idols nor to demons. Antichrist symbols are everywhere, even upon almost every automobile & every where we look because the entire world is in captivity to Babylon. If a person chooses to boycott Kosher products because of affiliation with the Jews who are still following old covenant laws (and these same people are following an antichrist religion & antichrist names), then that's a matter of personal choice & personal conviction. But Kosher products are not cursed, are not sacrificed to idols & are not the mark of the beast. In fact, once Islam conquers the world (Rev.13:7), the Kosher symbol will completely disappear & exist no longer, whereas the Halal Mark will be displayed on every product & service allowed by Islamic Sharia Law to be bought & sold. The Islamic Antichrist will not allow the Kosher symbol to continue to exist, since he is against the Jews. The halal mark profanes the name of Jesus by pledging alliance to Satan. Halal products are cursed. In this case, prayer cannot cleanse what has been sacrificed to Satan, because you compromised with the devil by knowingly & purposely purchased or ate foods that were dedicated to the devil, who is not nothing, but is real. When you knowingly & purposely purchased or ate foods sacrificed to Satan, you sinned in violation of holy scriptures & the very words of Jesus. Prayer without repentance isn't going to erase that. Please click here to read our article "Are we permitted to eat foods sacrificed to idols?"

Reasons to boycott all halal products and services:

  • Animals are brutally killed, not humanely,
  • Animals are ritualistically sacrificed to idols/Allah,
  • It is claimed that Halal certification funds terrorism, & I believe that claim,
  • Halal certified companies support Islam,
  • The halal mark/seal/stamp is the mark of the Islamic beast,
  • Halal is part of Sharia Law.

Stages of halal (boycott all 3);

  1. Company becomes halal compliant, seeks to appease Muslims. (boycott)
  2. Company/product/service becomes halal certified. (very serious boycott)
  3. Mark is displayed on product/service. (Avoid at all cost! Mark of the beast is upon product or service!)

Other outward physical manifestations of the Spiritual mark of the beast:

Allah headband Islamic forehead prayer knot Islamic green armband Islamic green wristband/bracelet

How People Take the Mark of the Beast

Currently in USA, most items are not yet marked unless you live in Detroit or another heavily Muslim populated area. But most manufacturers have already registered & agreed to put the mark on their products. Eventually the USA will be invaded by Russia & China & then Islamic Sharia Law, including the Halal Mark, will be enforced nationwide & worldwide. At that time, the antichrist world power will publicly proclaim that products & services can be purchased or sold only if it is Halal certified under Sharia Law. At that time, if you purchase or sell Halal marked products & services, you are submitting to demonic Islamic Sharia Law and thus are taking the Mark of the Beast, because you are submitting to demonic names, demonic marks, demonic rule and demonic servitude. But what about before Sharia Law is enforced in your area? Just because Sharia Law is not being enforced in your local area, doesn't mean that the product or service isn't demoniacally marked or cursed. Sharia Law is already being enforced upon that same product in another area of the world. Regardless of local laws & timing, if the product is marked, and you have already heard the truth about it, been informed about it, have been told that the mark on the product means that it is dedicated unto Satan, that a curse has been placed upon the product, & you have been told that it is a sin to eat things sacrificed to idols, and a sin to eat things sacrificed to the devil, and that the mark means that the manufacturer has submitted to demonic Sharia Law and to Islam, and you still transgress & knowingly & purposely purchase or eat the product, then you have knowingly rebelled & resisted the warnings of The Creator & sinned, & you have taken the mark of the beast because you have mentally & spiritually submitted to demonic forces. But if the product is not marked, or if you did not know that it was marked, you bought it by accident, or if you did not yet know about all of this, then you have not sinned and you have not taken the mark. The Halal mark is only one of many ways that you can take the mark of the beast. Halal is only a physical counterpart of buying & selling. But the mark is actually more spiritual. It has to do with worship. The word "worship" is in Rev.13 five times! The bible also makes it clear that if you are a true, baptized follower of Jesus who keeps his commandments including the 7th day & Holy Days, & accept that His name is Jesus, then you have the Mark of Jesus in your hands & forehead.
Everyone on Earth is marked, either by God or Satan, one or the other. The marks show who you follow & who you belong to.
Compare the blasphemous names in Rev.13:1 with the name of The Father in Rev.14:1, both on the forehead. The false names of GOD, which are Assyrian names in Rev.13:1 are Yahweh, Yeshua, Yah, YHWH, YHVH, etc. Therefore, acceptance of the false names is one of many ways to take the mark of the beast. Compare the Sabbaths & commandments of Jesus in Exo.13, Deut.11 with Rev.13 and you come to understand that the pagan holidays and Islamic Sharia Law are ways of accepting the mark of the beast. Halal is the physical buying and selling counterpart of the religious laws of the Muslim antichrist.
You are branded spiritually either by God or Satan. If you follow Babylon such as observance of ChristmasEasterHalloweenSunday worship or Y names, or if you are an unbeliever, or if you submit to Hinduism, Buddhism or Islam or the Catholic Church, then you already have the mark of the beast regardless of what you buy & sell.

The Vaccine Counterfeit of the Mark of the Beast

The COVID-19 Vaccine with related phone app tracking is a counterfeit/false mark of the beast. The devil doesn't want the world to really know what the mark of the beast is. He is the leader of deception. Right now, millions, perhaps even a billion or more people are going to think that the mark of the beast will be related to vaccine tracking. It's a trick. Don't fall for the trick! Yes reject/refuse the vaccine! But the mark of the beast is first and primarily the Babylonian religions, Sunday worship, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jehovah Witnesses, Baptist Church, etc, all sects of traditional false religion. And the physical aspect of buying and selling is connected the halal marked products and Islamic Sharia Law.

Nothing That Enters The Mouth Defiles The Man?

Matthew 15:11 "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man."
Some people try to use this bible verse to say that halal cannot be sin. But we must always look at every verse of the bible, not just one verse alone. Rev.2:14 and Rev.2:20 both tell us that Jesus did not approve of the doctrine of allowing the eating of foods sacrificed to idols. Therefore Jesus hates Halal. It is not the halal food that defiles us. It's the fact that we knowingly eat or buy something that is sacrificed to devils and we are also knowingly submitting to Islamic Sharia Law, the wicked laws of the antichrist which are completely contrary to the laws of Jesus. It is not the food that defiles us. It's our abomination of submitting to Islam via buying their products, thereby funding and condoning and approving of their wicked ways. It is submission to Satan.


Most people have been taught that once a person takes the mark of the beast, that they are eternally doomed & cannot receive forgiveness or salvation. But that is not true. The bible never says that the mark of the beast cannot be repented of. Doesn't say it! Instead, the bible says that there is only one sin that cannot be forgiven & that is blasphemy of The Holy Spirit. Please click here to learn about it. Rev.16:9,11 says that the people with the mark of the beast at that particular timing of the Wrath of God won't repent. But the very fact that it says that they did not repent, shows that they could repent. It never says that other people who had taken the mark didn't repent before or after the event of Rev.16. Once we understand that the mark of the beast is already upon every lost person in the world, that the mark of the beast is servitude to Satan & every lost person in the world serves Satan, and that we can repent of any & every sin except blasphemy of The Holy Spirit, it's easy to understand that yes people can repent of the mark of the beast. You can repent of Islam. You can repent of the Catholic Church. You can repent of false worship. You can repent of demonic worship. You can repent of buying & selling. But this doesn't mean that you should sin on purpose & then later repent, having planned it this way. Because Jesus knows your thoughts & plans and such action is not true repentance.

Don't Be Over Legalistic

I recommend boycotting all companies that mark some of their products as "Halal" and/or use halal ingredients. But this is only a suggestion in order to make these companies think twice about becoming halal compliant. But if the product does not have the mark, nor does it have the word "halal" on the product, then we are not required to abstain from the product unless we have real knowledge and are 100% sure that the specific product was definitely halal sacrificed or halal prayed over, which we would not know unless it is marked, have the word "halal" on the product or on the product description or we work in the factory or know someone who works in the factory, or saw a picture or video of it at that specific factory location.

I have always said and will continue to say that if the mark is not on the product, we can purchase it.
Anything we buy might have some halal ingredients without our knowledge. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't buy anything because something in the store might have it. We shouldn't fear the unknown.
The truth is that even if we boycott everything possible, there will still be something halal that we are eating, unless we raise all of our own food. Because not all companies are telling us that they are using halal.
And we must also realize that all food companies are already sold out to the beast via Xmas, Easter, trinity, homosexuality or something. We can't completely boycott every company owned by Babylon people who are already following the beast.
Paul clearly taught that we are not to worry about whether something is sacrificed to idols or not. That's true if it's not marked. Because then, we don't know whether it's really halal or not, could be, might not be, therefore we must believe that the blood of Jesus is sufficient to protect us, and just eat in faith.
But if marked, then we know! And it is that "mark" that the bible warns us against.
I feel very strongly that we shouldn't be over legalistic about this. The boycott is only a suggestion. We support evil companies every time we put gas in our cars or pay for the internet. If we think that we must boycott everything, we then must also boycott all computers, all internet, all gasoline, all cars and all electricity. All of these things are more evil than something not marked halal but sold by or made by a company that has some halal products.
I am very much against being over legalistic. I've repeatedly said that we can buy products from these companies if it is not yet marked. But that we should try to boycott as much as possible when there are alternatives. If the product is not marked, then it is not marked, unless we have 100% accurate & true knowledge that the specific product was defiled. Please be aware that many companies halal defile their products in specific factory locations in some nations, while not defiling the same product at other factories. We shouldn't require that everyone abstain from all products and all packages of every company involved in this practice. Because if we do require that, then we must not be hypocrites and purchase gasoline, electric, automobiles or computers. All of which are more evil than a product not marked "Halal" but manufactured by a company that does mark some of their products as halal. It would be nice if we could do such a complete boycott. But the reality is that this entire Earth is in bondage to Babylon and Jesus doesn't require us to physically leave the entire Earth.
It is the mark that is on the product that we must be concerned about. That is why it is called "The Mark of the Beast". If it doesn't have the mark, it's not the mark.

Acceptable as Long as We are Not Worshipping Allah?

Some people are claiming that as long as we are not actively worshipping the devil that we can buy and eat products that we know are marked. This goes completely contrary to scripture! The bible warns against taking the mark of the beast! Although we understand that "in the hand and forehead" is spiritually symbolic of being in our minds, works and soul, it is also clear that the Halal mark is the physical counterpart of this via buying and selling. Also, Jesus Himself forbade the eating of animals sacrificed to idols. Rev.2. Therefore, we must not compromise when the product is marked or we know for sure that the product has been sacrificed to idols. Many people use the same excuse to worship demons via the ancient Assyrian pagan holidays of ChristmasEaster, and also satanic Halloween. There is no difference. Worship of demons can be done without knowing it. But if we are knowingly purchasing Halal marked products, or knowingly eating animals sacrificed to idols, then we are worshipping demons regardless of whether or not that we admit it, or know it. The bible is very clear about this!

Already Worldwide

Most international corporations like Kraft foods, McDonald's and Pizza Hut have already registered with the Muslims and already received their halal number so that they are allowed to start displaying the mark on their products. Under Sharia Law, all products will have the mark/seal/stamp of halal or else be prohibited from sale. That means that all people will be required to purchase only halal products. The manufacturers/distributors will be required to put this mark on all their products. You will not be able to buy or sell without the halal mark/seal/stamp. Anything that is not halal will not be allowed to be bought or sold under Sharia Law. Sharia law is being enforced by Islam. Islam is the spiritual mark of the beast, while Sharia Law, including the halal seal, are physical outward manifestations of the mark of the beast. Currently, since the mark is not yet placed on all polluted (halal) products, all we can do is to not buy it if we see the mark or words proclaiming it as halal or if we know for sure that it is halal. Do not buy anything that you know for sure is halal! Muslims proclaim all vegetables as "halal". They are crazy. Just because they proclaim it as halal, does not make it halal. We only need to abstain from products that are actually halal and from companies that promote halal. If a company proclaims any of their products as halal, we must boycott all of the company's products in order to stand against the mark. If it is halal and you do not know about it, it will not be held against you. God will only hold you accountable if you knowingly compromise, support or partake in the halal certified products & services.

You do not want to support the demonic practice of halal. You do not want to partake in any way, anything associated with Islam. You do not want to buy or sell anything that has this mark. If you knowingly buy/sell halal marked products, you are compromising with the devil, submitting to Islamic Sharia Law & surrendering to the power of the beast (son of perdition, antichrist) and therefore are partaking of the spiritual mark of the beast, Islam. Also, you do not want to work for the corporations/companies/businesses that are halal certified. These businesses have compromised with Islam and you do not want to support these businesses in any way.

Top supermarkets secretly sell halal. This article is from Sept. 2010. Now, even more food distributors and supermarkets sell halal foods. -

What you need to know about the halal food industry -

Below are some different versions of the halal mark on many packages and products across the globe. There are more symbols than what is listed in this page. Eventually, all of the different versions of the halal mark will be merged into just one worldwide symbol.

halal logos

You can see another version of the Halal mark on this vacuum sealed package of corn on the cob at Wal-Mart in the canned vegetables aisle. This symbol is the 8th pointed star. It is an ancient pagan symbol of the occult. In Islam, it is known as the khatim or khatim sulayman, seal of the prophets, as in signet ring. It is related to the swastika and to the so called "Star of David" which is actually not holy, but rather is an ancient Assyrian pagan symbol of the antichrist. The symbol is used in witchcraft.

Not Just Food, But Everything!

Most people assume that only food can be halal. But the bible proclaims that all products & services will be marked, or else not allowed to be bought or sold. Indeed, Islamic Sharia Law requires the marking of all products & services allowed to be bought or sold, or used in exchange for goods. Therefore, there already is Sharia/Halal banking, halal hotels, halal taxi cabs, halal airlines, halal vacations, halal restaurants, halal stores and more. And there is also a push for halal money.

Halal last will & testaments.
Halal airlines.
Halal banks/banking/finance. Source #1Source #2Source #3.
Halal prisons.
Halal bars.
Halal coins.

Testimonies of Confirmations By Miracles

Sick stomachs after eating unknown halal:
Several people have reported to me that they accepted the truth about the halal mark of the beast but they ate some halal food without knowing that it was halal. They became sick on their stomach and then looked and discovered that they had unknowingly eaten some halal food. In this situation, it would not be punishment, but rather that food that is dedicated to the devil is not good for the health of the saints; and that Jesus reveals what is hidden or unknown.

Halal deodorant burned armpits:
A man was using Tom of Maine's halal marked deodorant. His brother told him that he should stop using it because it's halal. The brother rejected. However, it started burning his armpits! Then he stopped using it! It was not burning before he was informed of about the halal mark of the beast. But after he learned but rejected the truth, Jesus held him accountable.

Vomited halal meat:
A woman rejected the truth about the halal mark. Soon after that, she became very sick. Eventually she drank some herbs which made her vomit up a piece of meat which had not digested, which had made her very sick. It is extremely likely that the meat was halal, since most meat is halal in that Muslim nation. It is important to realize that she was not sick with the meat until after rejecting the truth. After she vomited up the meat, she has been well. She has confessed that her rejection of the truth against halal was the reason for her sickness.

Dreams of Judgment:
A man rejected the truth about the halal mark of the beast and verbally fought against our teaching in his local congregation. Then a couple of weeks later, Jesus gave him a very strong warning in a disturbing dream. But he still resisted the truth. Then Jesus gave him one more very strong warning in a dream and even threatened to kill the man. And then he repented.

Sickness and fever:
After learning about halal, a man continued to eat halal and got sick and developed a fever. He then repeated and recovered.

Please note that we are not boycotting all stores where these products are sold. Most stores don't even know anything about it. It is the product itself that we are boycotting, unless the entire business is Islamic owned or Halal.
Please also note that many large restaurant corporations have some restaurants owned by local franchise owners which are sometimes Muslim. Just because some McDonalds are halal certified doesn't mean that all of them are. The same with Sonic, KFC, and many others. We can't blame the entire corporation for what a local franchise does. Many people are declaring entire worldwide corporations as halal, when it's not always true. So that's why we are not including McDonalds, KFC or Sonic is our list of absolute boycotts. It depends upon the local owner and location.

Products Already Marked or Certified. Avoid These at All Cost!

  • Abbott brand products including Pedialyte, Similac baby formulas, diabetic drinks, Ensure protein drinks, other muscle building protein drinks, Gain Plus Advance FOF Probiotic.
  • Baskin Robbins ice cream - Over 100 Baskin Robbins flavors are certified by the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America. Boycott entire company.
  • Ben & Jerry's ice cream - Over 100 Ben & Jerry's ice creams have been certified halal. They also support & fund homosexuality and abortion. Boycott entire company.
  • Burger King's "Impossible Whopper" which is a vegetarian meatless hamburger is halal certified.
  • Cabot brand butter and cheese.
  • Corn on the cob vacuum sealed bag marked non-GMO at Wal-mart in the canned vegetables aisle. (We are not boycotting Wal-Mart.)
  • DeMatteis 82 brand Pasta from Italy at Big Lots or from any other store. (We are not boycotting Big Lots!)
  • Enfamil baby milk formula
  • Enjoy Life snacks. All their products are halal certified, but the mark is not on the product yet. Boycott all of their products since they have more certified products than any other snack company. Source. Click here to send your protest.
  • Ensure protein drinks
  • Godiva Chocolatier: Purchased by a Muslim Turkish company in 2007, removed all alcohol from their chocolates, and now displays the halal mark to reflect Sharia compliance.
  • Halal Guys Restaurants, Muslim owned & operated. All products & services Halal certified and active enforcement of Islamic Sharia Law in all Halal Guys restaurants in all locations. Boycott and protest all Halal Guys restaurants!
  • "Himalayan Chef" brand Himalayan pink salt. (Check all Himalayan salts for the mark. Many brands have it, but not all.)
  • "Kaged Muscle" brand L-Glutamine powder. Doesn't list as being halal certified on websites. But it is on the package when you receive it.
  • Koch Foods (Chicken, etc.): These are halal and sacrificed to Allah, even if not marked! Even if it is not marked, should be avoided at all cost because I have 100% true, accurate knowledge that all of their chicken is being sacrificed to Allah. Including "Cravers" food products. Also "Antioch Farms" products from Koch foods. Do an internet search for "antioch farms where to purchase". Also try "antioch farms" and the name of your local grocery store.
  • L’Oreal cosmetics- Hundreds of L'Oreal products have been certified as halal. Boycott entire company.
  • Mead Johnson & Company - Tons of products from health care retailer Mead Johnson & Company are halal certified.
  • NatureMyst Krill Oil
  • Nestlé: Many products halal certified.
  • Nescafe coffees
  • NutraStart diet products
  • Nutrilite - Dietary supplement brand Nutrilite got recognition in 2015 for its halal status by the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America.
  • Pedialyte
  • POM Wonderful - The pomegranate drink POM Wonderful is halal certified and recommended by an organization called the Muslim Consumer Group.
  • Red Rooster restaurants in Australia are now halal. Boycott them!
  • Saputo Dairy - Major cheese maker, snacks and supplier to the food industry, Saputo Dairy is certified halal.
  • Similac baby milk formula
  • "Solar Ray" vitamins/supplements/herbs. Some of their products are halal certified. If you purchase any of their products, first ensure that it does not have the mark.
  • Toblerone Swiss Chocolate
  • Tom of Maine products
  • Tyson Foods, who normally specializes in chicken products, has halal meatless shrimp in stores. Watch the vegetarian products! It's a new area of focus for halal! Most store bought chicken, of most brands, in the entire world is halal sacrificed to Allah. Be sure that your chicken and turkey is not halal marked.
  • Vegemite (Kraft brand): Vegemite is a thick, black Australian food spread made from leftover brewers' yeast extract with various vegetable and spice additives. The Kraft brand of Vegemite is certified Halal by The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils.
  • Wonderful brand nuts and other products made by the "Wonderful" brand.

Revelation 13:18 “Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding COUNT the number of the beast: for it is the number of a MAN; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.


Before looking further at 666 being the number of a man, let’s find out what the significance and origin of 666 is. We know the mark of the beast is about worship and that we are told not to worship the beast. We have also just seen that 666 is the number of a man heading this power, but why does God call the Catholic Church Babylon in the book of Revelation, and what is the origin of this mysterious number 666? See also the origin of the number of the beast.

Very few people know the answer to these questions or why Revelation speaks about this number with such negative connotations. So here is an EXTREMELY BRIEF overview of the history and origin of the number 666, and why this number is now associated with the Roman Catholic Church and its leader. You are about to find out why worship is such a significant issue in regards to this number 666 and the mark of the beast.

Note first the significance of the Babylonians using the sexagesimal (base-60) number system from which comes 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, 360 (60×6) degrees in a circle and 60 degrees in each angle of an equilateral triangle etc. 360 divided by 10 = 36 (more on this number in a moment) and 6 * 6 = 36. From this came that mysterious number 666, which is directly linked with the worship practices of ancient Babylon from around the time of Daniel. See also Daniel 3:1. Babylon worshiped gods that were associated with the sun, moon, planets and stars involved with astrology. Babylonians were the principle developers of astrology as we know it today and the pagan priests wore amulets called “Sigilla Solis” or “Sun Seal” which symbolized 36 constellations. In this system of worship, they had 36 supreme gods plus the god associated with the sun, which they believed to be the father of all the other gods and so was supreme over all. They believed that numbers had power over the gods they worshiped so they assigned numbers to their gods so that they could have power over them. They did this by counting their gods and assigning a consecutive number to each of the 36 lesser supreme gods, and then added up these numbers (from 1 to 36) and assigned the sum to the sun god. If you have not guessed by now, the sum of the numbers from 1 to 36 totals 666, which they assigned to the god associated with the sun. The calculation is below. See also Murl Vance quote.

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 = 666

However, they feared their gods as they believed they were primarily evil and thought that one of Photo of pagan 666 amuletthem might strike them down sometime, so they made amulets with a 6 x 6 matrix with 1 through 36 on them which are called numeric matrixes magic squares today. The design of the amulets was to protect them from a god striking them down using his magic power so the amulets had to be as powerful as possible. In order to increase its power, they arranged these numbers in such a way that the sum of any given row, column or diagonal was 111, and therefore the sum of all six rows or all six columns was 666. This was supposed to provide extra protection including from the sun god since this god's sum was present on the amulet. The one above has the god of the sun standing on the lion. This indicated the sun's position in the constellation of Leo during the hot days of August. The back is inscribed “Nachyel,” meaning “intelligence of the sun” and the numbers 1 to 36. Drawing of pagan 666 amuletThe second illustration is also a solar seal, but it honours the star Basilisco, which was the diminutive form of the Greek basileus (king), thus meaning the same as the Latin regulus. Regulus is the only first magnitude star in the constellation of Leo. The sun and the moon are again clearly seen on this amulet and on the reverse side is the same arrangement of numerals with the actual figure 666 given as the total. See Murl Vance quote.

These amulets were usually made of gold being like the colour of the sun or baked clay tablets and were carried in yellow silk or hung around their neck, which they believed provided protection as long as they carried it with them.


This table as illustrated has the same arrangement of numbers as the above images in a 6 x 6 matrix and is also referred to in numerology as the magic square of the Sun. There are similar magic squares for Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Moon, all of which have been known for centuries.

The creating of amulets with this number arrangement that belongs to astrology appears to have continued well past the time of Christ. Archaeologists have found amulets with Latin inscriptions, so we know that the Romans were indulging in this practice. Therefore, the number 666 came from pagan worship practices of the Babylonians and their practice of astrology. The symbolism of sun worship is still used in many areas of the Catholic Church today, not always obvious but often packaged discreetly as to not be noticed by the untrained eye.

When the Medes and Persians conquered Babylon in 539 B.C, they came with their own religious practices and gods, so had no need of the priests of the Babylonian religious system. Although the Persians were sympathetic towards the Babylonian god Marduk and did accommodate the priests of this god for a while, it appears from history that they eventually fired the priests and used their own. The Babylonian priests left Babylon (probably because they were out of work) and most of them went to Pergamum and some to Egypt where they taught their religious practices to the Egyptians. The Egyptians readily picked up these Babylonian religious concepts and further extended and developed some of the ideas we find in astrology.

The teaching of the Babylonian religious practices by the Babylonian priests and their direct descendants went on in the city of Pergamum for centuries afterwards. They taught astrology and the making of amulets with the numbers 1 to 36 on them in the special arrangements they commonly used. This continued until about the year 133 B.C. when the last king of the Attalid Empire, (Eumenes’ son, Attalus III) who had his capital at Pergamum, died without an heir and bequeathed his kingdom to Rome. Rome accepted the kingdom and set up the province of Asia, which included Ionia and the territory of Pergamum by 129 B.C. Sometime soon after this, the priests who were still teaching the Babylonian religious practices saw their opportunity and went to Rome. The Romans often adopted the religious practices of other cultures, which also helped the empire survive as long as it did. The Babylonian priests rightly calculated that the Romans would be very willing to learn and follow their teachings. Soon all of Rome filled with their religious teachings and practices. It eventually became so pervasive that people called Rome the “New Babylon.” Early Christians also used the term Babylon as a veiled code word for a particular city, so as to avoid persecution from that pagan power. That city was also Rome. See also 1 Peter 5:13.

When the Christian Church came along, the practices and beliefs of the Babylonian religion followed right into the Church. Historians have said that it seemed almost the entire city of Rome converted virtually overnight to Christianity, but what actually happened is that the Babylonian religion was simply brought into the Church and the three supreme gods of the Babylonian religion were simply renamed as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Lesser gods became saints of the Church. The pagan Babylonian religious practices came into the Church right along with it. This made it easy for the followers of the Babylonian religion to convert to Christianity, but it certainly was not a genuine conversion. God condemns pagan religious practices, but they brought these practices into the Church anyway.

History fully supports this. The pagan Babylonian priests had a chief priest who held the title Pontifex Maximus (translated to Latin meant that he was head pagan priest or literally the Greatest Pontiff). Most have heard the word “Pontiff” applied to the Pope and history explains where that term comes from. Originally, the king of the Attalid Empire held the title of Pontiff, and he passed it on to the Babylonian Priests before he died and they went to Rome. This title was given to Julius Caesar in 63 B.C. thereby making him the supreme priest of the Babylonian Religion and its gods. (This shows that the Babylonian priests arrived in Rome before the time of Julius Caesar or this event could not have happened.)

This meant that the Babylonian religion literally moved into Rome and took it over, becoming head of the Roman government. This title passed from emperor to emperor, all of whom served as chief priest of the Babylonian Religion from then on until 367 A.D, where the Roman Emperor Gratian became the first since Julius Caesar to refuse the title Pontifex Maximus. Before Gratian refused the title Pontifex Maximus, the young Emperor bestowed it upon Pope Damasus I, who became the first Pope in history to hold the title. This made him head of the Babylonian religion when he took the title of Pontifex Maximus. Damasus I was the head of the Christian Church in Rome, and took the title as head of the pagan Babylonian Religion and its collection of pagan gods. Did the Babylonian Religion move into the Christian Church? History says most definitely YES. So why does God call the Papal Church Babylon? The answer should now be clear.

Some dispute that Church leaders incorporated pagan Babylonian religious practices into the Catholic Church but even Catholic historians admit it. Cardinal Newman in his Development of Christian Doctrine, pages 372373 says that the Church incorporated many pagan religious practices into the Church. He claims that the Church sanctified them and that made it safe to bring these practices into the Church. Every year Catholic Pilgrims kiss the feet of the Roman god Jupiter thinking they are kissing the image of Peter. God condemns idolatry, the making of images for worship, and even bowing down before images as part of an act of worship. Yet many images are in Catholic Churches and the Church teaches people to bow down before them. They may be praying to someone else but the act of bowing down before the image, regardless of what or who one is actually worshipping at the time is plainly what God condemns in Exodus 20:4-6.

The reason the Bible speaks so negatively about 666 is that it symbolizes the power of the person who has this number to have power over all the other gods, which in the case of the Papacy is their claim to be God and to have authority over God and his law, which are false claims. Because the Popes claim both to be God and to have authority over God, they believe that they can change the law of God to suit their own purposes. This is extremely serious to God and He knows it will also lead many to be lost for all eternity.

So the evidence presented here links 666 with ancient sun worshipping pagan Babylon and the Papacy of the Catholic Church, which is dominated by pagan practices and solar images and is referred to as Babylon in the book of Revelation. This is just a small part of the evidence that makes this relationship apparent. Please read mystery Babylon mother of harlots for more information.


There are actually two things that came from the number 666 which as we just saw originated from pagan sun worship, The triquetra and 666and that is Sun-day worship and the Trinity doctrine. Both came from Babylon and both were brought into Christendom by the Catholic Church whom God calls Babylon. See the pagan origins of the Trinity doctrine for detailed information.

The symbol in this image is called the triquetra and we are told that is represents the Trinity. So why is this symbol found not only on some Bibles but also witches books? Where did this symbol really come from?

The question was asked in the Catholic Catechism, “What is Sunday...” The answer was that Sunday “is a day dedicated by the Apostles to the honor of the most holy Trinity.” — (RH, vol. 5, no. 24)

An interesting statement considering “Sunday worship” and the “Trinity doctrine” both came from sun and Satan worship in Babylon, and were both brought into Christendom by the Catholic Church whom God calls Babylon! They are also both about who we worship. Do we worship the one true God on His Holy day, or a pagan three in one god?

Revelation 13:17 says that you cannot buy or sell unless you have the MARK, NAME or the NUMBER of the beast which is 666. Three separate things! The number 666 comes from the worship of the sun that gave us Sunday worship and the Trinity doctrine.

And considering “Sunday worship” and the “Trinity doctrine” were both brought into Christendom by the beast (Catholic Church), then consider the following statements.

Most Christians assume that Sunday is the biblically approved day of worship. The Catholic Church protests that it transferred Christian worship from the biblical Sabbath (Saturday) to Sunday, and that to try to argue that the change was made in the Bible is both dishonest and a denial of Catholic authority. If Protestantism wants to base its teachings only on the Bible, it should worship on Saturday.” — (Rome's Challenge,, December 2003)

Our opponents sometimes claim that no belief should be held dogmatically which is not explicitly stated in scripture ... But the Protestant Churches have themselves accepted such dogmas, as the Trinity, for which there is no such precise authority in the Gospels,” — (Assumption of Mary, Life magazine, October 30, 1950, p. 51)

The Trinity doctrine claims, “The Father is God, Jesus is God, the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three gods but one god!” In other words, 1+1+1=1! This of course makes no sense at all and is not found in the Bible, so where did it really come from?

The very first three in one Trinity was the worship of the three stages of the sun!

Three became the most universal number of deity. Sun worship is one of the most primitive forms of religion, and early man sometimes distinguished between rising, midday, and setting sun. The Egyptians, for example, divided the sun god into three deities: Horus, rising sun, Ra or Re, midday sun, and Osiris, old setting sun.” — (Egyptian Deities, New International Encyclopedia. NY: Dodd, 1917. Volume 7, p. 529)

These are the three stages of the worship of the sun. “(1. New born at dawn. (2. Mature and full grown at 12 noon. (3. Old and dying at the end of the day.” — (Jordan Maxwell. BBC of America Quoted in Exposure Vol. 5, No. 6 1999)

All three of course were one divinity being the sun. So the main medium through which Satan was worshipped in Babylon was the sun which was worshiped as three gods. The rising and new born sun as it came to life, the mature and full grown sun at noon, and the dying sun as it set at the end of the day. Yet while they worshipped the sun as three gods, they were not three gods but one god!

The rising sun is god, the midday sun is god, the setting sun is god, and yet there were not three gods but one god!” In other words, 1+1+1=1! So here is the true absolute origin of the Trinity doctrine which became incorporated into this mystery religion and the worship of Satan. See first image below.

The images below reveal that what is known as the triquetra came from worship of the three phases of the sun. So how did this satanic symbol end up on some Bibles? We are told that the triquetra represents the Trinity and since the Trinity doctrine came from sun and Satan worship, I guess it does!

Satan must be delighted getting this satanic symbol right in our face on the Holy Bible that actually reveals this doctrine came from him and yet most have no idea where this symbol originated.

The bottom row from left to right is the shield of the Trinity for the Catholic and Adventist Church, a tarot card and Trinity book covers.

Note the sun disks and triangles. “The ancient Babylonians recognised the doctrine of a trinity, or three persons in one god— as appears from a composite god with three heads forming part of their mythology, and the use of the equilateral triangle, also, as an emblem of such trinity in unity.” — (Thomas Dennis Rock, The Mystical Woman and the Cities of the Nations, 1867, pp. 22-23)

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