Wednesday, October 19, 2022



Matthew 24:9-14. This is a very succinct and critical section of verses describing what will be taking place in the end-times, and which will particularly affect Christians. Let me state them briefly: Verse 9 – There will be great tribulation, a worldwide hatred and killing of Christians. Verse 10 – There will be a great apostasy, a falling away of so-called Christians. Verse 11 – False prophets will be trying to lead people astray. Verse 12 – The world is growing increasingly wicked and unloving. Verse 13 – Many Christians will endure to the end of the age and be saved (raptured). Verse 14 – The gospel will be preached to the entire world, and then this age will end. These six things will most definitely take place before the coming of Christ and the rapture of the church, and are things you really need to know, understand and remember. Let me expand on them:

1. Matthew 24:9. There is tribulation. The word “tribulation” is from the Greek word “thlipsis”, meaning pressure, distress, or persecution. It’s a word often used in the New Testament referring to the difficulties Christians will go through in this life. The following passages tell us that all Christians go through tribulation: John 16:33, Romans 8:35, 1 Corinthians 7:28, 2 Corinthians 4:17, Acts 14:22 – “Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.” Tribulation is very common for the Christian, but in the end-times, and particularly after the revealing of the Antichrist, there will be great tribulation.

This tribulation that takes place during the time when the Antichrist is ruling is great tribulation. But why? Because of its severity, for believers are being killed for their faith; and because of its scope, for it is happening all over the world – “You will be hated by all nations.” This tribulation spoken of in verse 9 is the same tribulation spoken of in verse 21. Matthew 24:15-16, along with Revelation 12:13-17, make it clear that this tribulation starts in Jerusalem and then spreads out, affecting Christians all over the world, that which is described in verse 9. But verse 22 tells us that this great tribulation will be cut short. That is, it will not last a full 3½ years, the last half of Daniel’s 70th week. We do not know exactly how long this tribulation will be, for we don’t know when Christ will return to rapture the saints, for we don’t know the day or the hour (Matthew 24:36). From Matthew 24:15-21 and Revelation 13, we understand that this tribulation is started by the Antichrist. This tribulation then is not the wrath of God, but the wrath of Satan. It is the persecution of believers by the Antichrist, but it is not the punishment of unbelievers by Christ.

2. Matthew 24:10. This talks about this great apostasy meaning that at this time, many people will fall away from the Christian faith. Lots of people will think they are Christians when they are not, which is evident in many so-called churches today. As this persecution is taking place, as the heat is being turned up against the Christians, these so-called Christians will leave their church, turn away from the faith, turn against true Christians, and turn them in to the godless authorities. A very sad and sobering time this will be, especially if our own family members turn against us and betray us. Luke 21:12-19

3. Matthew 24:11. Many false prophets will arise, their purpose being to lead people astray away from the one true God and one true faith. This most deceptive devil will do all he can to get people to defect and depart from Christ. There is a clear connection between the false prophets of verse 11 and the apostasy of so-called Christians in verse 10, for these false and devilish prophets will be influencing people to leave the true church, to turn away from Christ and, in fact, turn to the Antichrist.

4. Matthew 24:12. Lawlessness and sin will increase. This world will get more wicked and evil the closer we get to Christ’s return, especially after the emergence of the Antichrist. This godless, unrighteous and perverted man will lead this world into sin like never before. In 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, this Antichrist is actually called the “man of lawlessness.” The peace, civility and goodness we sometimes see in our country, much of it rooted in our Judeo-Christian culture, will be seen no more, except in Christians, like you and me. Our light will shine brightly in the darkness. Matthew 5:14-16, Romans 12:9-21

5. Matthew 24:13. This is a rapture verse. Jesus Christ is describing Christians who are living during the days of this great tribulation, and they are to persevere to the end of the age. Then they will be saved, which means they will be physically raptured by Christ. Life will be very difficult for Christians during this time of great persecution, but many will endure to the end, and then suddenly be taken from the earth to be with Christ. Those physically enduring to the end will also be spiritually enduring to the end, and will be victorious over the enemy. Romans 8:35-39 and Revelation 2-3 describe these believers as overcomers.

6. Matthew 24:14. The last verse of this passage that focuses on Christians really stands out, reminding us that our primary purpose in the end-times is to preach the gospel. We are not to shrink back or be fearful. We are to be strong and courageous, proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost. This gospel is to be preached in the whole world, “and then the end will come.” What is this end? It is the “end of the age” spoken of in verse 3 and the “end” referred to in both verses 6 and 13. Matthew 28:19-20 essentially tells us the same thing – “Go make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and lo, I am with you always to the very end of the age.” Christians are to persevere and preach the gospel to the end of this age, and then Jesus Christ will return in the clouds to rapture them and take them to Himself, and then on to heaven.

Let me sum it up: Matthew 24:4-14 speaks of events taking place during the end-times. Matthew 24:4-8 speaks of events that will affect the entire world.  Matthew 24:9-14 speaks of events that will affect just the Christians. This is a chronological passage, taking us all the way from the beginning birth pains right up to the end of this age and the gathering of the elect, the resurrection and rapture of all the believers.


Matthew 24:15-27. We have just talked about the Christians, but we need to continue, for Jesus has much more to tell us. Let me make some brief statements about these verses:
1. These verses focus on Jewish people living in Israel at the time when the Antichrist is revealed.
2. These verses are for all the elect, for the “reader” in verse 15 is most likely referring to Christians, those who are saved or will get saved.
3. Matthew 24:15-27 is a parenthetical to verses 9-14, for it takes place at the same time. The perspective and focus of verses 9-14 is the Christians, and that of verses 15-27 is the Jewish people. For example, verse 9 talks about tribulation, and verse 15 talks about the Antichrist, the one who starts the tribulation. Verses 13-14 speak about the end of the age, and verse 27 speaks about the return of Christ at the end of the age.
4. These two passages, verses 9-14 and verses 15-26, are next to one another, which means God’s work with the Jews in the end-times is in conjunction with, and coincides with, His work with the church. It is important to understand that God is bringing all things together in the end-times, culminating in the coming of Christ for both Christians and Jews. This convergence of God’s working with both Christians and Jews is also seen in Mark 13:3-23, Luke 21:12-24, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, Revelation 7 and Revelation 21:12-14.
5. The activity described in these verses starts at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week (a 7-year time-frame) and stops at the 2nd coming of Christ, which begins sometime during the last half of Daniel’s 70th week, a time unknown to us.
6. The great tribulation initiated by the Antichrist just after the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, is cut short at the end of this age, just before the coming of Christ and the rapture of the church.

Matthew 24:15. This “abomination that causes desolation”, prophesied in Daniel 9:27, refers to the Antichrist’s desecration of the temple in Jerusalem at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week. Because of modern technology, people around the world will be able to “see” what is happening. Therefore, true Christians and discerning Jews will very quickly realize what is taking place over in Israel, that this is the Antichrist’s doing, and that great tribulation will soon begin, affecting both Jews and Christians. 2 Thessalonians 2:3

Matthew 24:16-20. This instruction is for Jews living over in Jerusalem, for those Jews who are Christians and for those who become Christians, who together make up the elect. The instruction is clear – when the Antichrist is revealed, then the elect need to get out of Jerusalem as fast as possible, for the enemy will be chasing after them. Revelation 12:13-16 also describes this time, speaking of a remnant of Jews making a great escape (those who will get saved at the end of Daniel’s 70th week.) The Antichrist, very angry that the Jews have gotten away, will go after the Christians. Revelation 12:17 says, “the dragon was enraged… and went off to make war with the rest of her children who keep the commands of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.” It is obvious that the “rest of her children” are Christians, for they love Jesus.

Matthew 24:21-22. The Antichrist is revealed at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, and he immediately goes after the Jewish people, but a good number of them get away. This is when a great tribulation begins, and it is directed at the elect, that is, all present and future believers. These are ones who will not take the mark of the beast, and will not worship his image (Revelation 13:11-18). This great tribulation starts in Jerusalem and, that which is initially against Jewish people, spreads out all over the world, and is then directed at Christians. This great tribulation in verses 21-22 is the same as the tribulation spoken of in Matthew 24:9. Verses 21-22 tell us where it starts and that it is stopped, and verse 9 tells us about its severity and scope.

This worldwide persecution against both Jewish people and Christians is cut short. And it’s cut short for the sake of the elect, the believers on earth who are already saved, and the protected remnant of Jews who will be saved at the end of Daniel’s 70th week. This phrase “cut short” is also translated “amputated,” meaning this great tribulation does not last the entire 3½ years, but only for part of it. The rapture of the believers takes place after this tribulation period is over, and after the signs in the heavens. Matthew 24:29-31

Matthew 24:23-26. It’s clear that Christ wants us to know what will be taking place in the end-times. He tells us, “Behold, I have told you in advance.” Just think, Christ has told us ahead of time everything we need to know about the end-times. Should we not then want to know all that He wants us to know? In these verses, Jesus also gives warnings to the Jews about false Christs and false prophets. Many of them will be saying that Christ is on earth, that He is out in the desert or in some room, and that the Jews need to come and see Him. But the idea that Jesus comes back and is on land is absolutely false, for Christ is not coming on the ground but is coming in the air, which is just what we read in verse 27.

Matthew 24:27. The question given in verse 3, “what is the sign of your coming?” is now answered. The sky will turn dark and then suddenly be lit up, like a bright, brilliant lightning flash. It will be the Shekinah glory of Christ that will be seen around the world immediately before the resurrection and rapture of the believers. The 2nd coming of Christ will not be secret like His 1st coming, but will be known and seen by everyone on the planet. Verse 30 also talks about this, saying that the “sign of the Son of Man will appear (will shine) in the sky.”


Matthew 24:28. This verse comes at the end of this passage about the great tribulation and just before the passage about the coming of Christ. All of us know that vultures are associated with death. Jesus shares this little saying reminding us that there will be corpses, that is, dead bodies on the earth. This illustrates that lots of people will be dying all over the world during the days of the birth pains and the great tribulation, which takes place before Christ’s 2nd coming. I believe it is also referring to that time after the rapture of the church, that which is called the “Day of the Lord,” when God pours out His wrath on the earth, and great multitudes of people die. (Revelation 6:8, 8-9). Millions and millions of people will die, both Christians and non-Christians in that time before and after the rapture of the church.


Matthew 24:29-31. The climax and central message of this entire chapter is found in these three verses. Immediately after this great tribulation is cut short, the skies around the earth will grow dark, for the lights in the sky will be turned off. This answers the question “What is the sign of the end of the age?” Can you imagine how eerie, how scary, how frightening this will be for the unbelievers, but not for the believers, for we know what it means? And so all over the earth, it will be completely dark, and then suddenly everything will be lit up by Christ’s Shekinah glory, the beautiful and brilliant light of Christ’s glorious coming. The tribes of the earth will mourn and wail, but these are not Christians – these are referring to the very sad Jewish people, for they had rejected Christ as the true Messiah, but it may also refer to unrepentant unbelievers because they know what’s next, the dreadful and horrific wrath of God. Both Luke 21:25-26 and Revelation 6:12-17 speak about the unbeliever’s great and unspeakable fear at this time.


Matthew 24:31. This wonderful and climactic truth is stated that, at the end of this age, all believers from all time will be being gathered together to be with Jesus Christ. There are two aspects to this gathering. First, there’s the rapture, the gathering of believers “who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17). Second, there is the resurrection, the gathering of believers who have already died and are in heaven. You see, verse 31 tells us that some of the elect are gathered “from one end of the sky to the other.” These coming from the skies must be referring to the resurrection of believers who had already died and gone on to heaven. But some are gathered from the “four winds,” which refers to the four directions on earth – north, south, east and west, and is therefore speaking of the rapture of the Christians from all parts of the earth. Revelation 7:9 tells us that it will be a “great multitude… from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues.” It is at this time that both resurrected and raptured believers are gathered and are glorified, and join together to meet Jesus Christ in the air above this earth, and then go from there straight to heaven. Mark 13:27, 1 Corinthians 15:20-23, Revelation 7:9-14


Matthew 24:32-34. These verses make it clear that God wants us to know the general timing of Christ’s return. “When you see all these things, recognize that He is near.” Christ gives us all this information in Matthew 24 so we can know what will be taking place before His coming. Isn’t this encouraging and exciting? Just think, in the end-times there is a generation of Christians who will read Christ’s words in Matthew 24, and see these things actually taking place on earth, and then know that Christ’s coming is getting closer and closer. This could be you and me. Hebrews 10:25 instructs us, “Encourage one another and all the more as you see the day drawing nearer.”

Matthew 24:36. This states that no Christian can know the day or hour of Christ’s coming, that is, no one can know the exact time of Christ’s return. Jesus Christ has given us these verses in Matthew 24:32-35 so we can know the general time of His coming and the rapture. Therefore, don’t ever believe date setters, those people who wrongly set a date for Christ’s return. And don’t believe people who preach imminence, who say there are no signs or events that need to take place before the coming of Christ, and that Christ can come today, that He can come at any moment. This idea of imminence is just not true – it is error. These verses in Matthew 24 tell us there are signs Christ wants us to see so we can know that His coming is getting near. God wants His children to know the general time of His Son’s return.


Matthew 24:37-39. We have talked about the Christians, the Jews, and now we read about the unbelievers. The analogy is given about the days of Noah, and the unbelievers living at that time did not believe a flood was coming. They were not expecting it and therefore they were not ready for it. And so too, the unbelievers living in the days before Christ’s return will be eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting and building. They will be doing normal everyday things with no thought, no clue, no idea as to the coming of Christ. They will be unbelieving and ignorant, and will be caught off guard for suddenly there will be coming of Christ and then the Day of the Lord. Hebrews 12:31 warns us, “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Luke 17:28-29, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-9


Matthew 24:40-41 tells us about the nature of the rapture. Some believers who are alive on this earth in the end times will be living with and / or close to unbelievers. But at Christ’s coming, the believers will suddenly be taken away from the unbelievers, taken from this earth, and taken to be with Christ and all the other believers who have gone to heaven before them. In my opinion, the most dramatic event, apart from Christ’s death and resurrection, and apart from a person’s salvation in Christ, is the rapture and resurrection of the believers at the coming of Christ! All Christians on earth will be quickly taken, suddenly and safely snatched from this earth to be with Jesus Christ! Then they will be fully saved, for they will be glorified, be given a brand new, immortal, powerful and spiritual body! 1 Corinthians 15:40-42


Matthew 24:35. Right in the middle of Matthew 24, the most important prophecy passage in the Bible, Jesus gives us this powerful verse, this super-strong statement regarding the absolute truth of God’s prophetic word.  Planted in the middle of all this instruction for believers about the end-times is this emphatic exclamation point from Jesus Christ, telling us that what is written in Matthew 24 about His coming and the events leading up to it is the absolute, God-given truth. Without question, it will be fulfilled!


In Matthew 24, this most important prophecy chapter, we have talked about many things that need to occur before the coming of Christ and the resurrection and rapture of the believers. Let me list them: 1 – False christs. 2 – Wars. 3 – Rumors of wars. 4 – Famines. 5 – Earthquakes. 6 – Great tribulation. 7 – Great apostasy. 8 – Betrayal of believers. 9 – False prophets. 10 – Increasing lawlessness. 11 – An unloving world. 12 – Christians persevering. 13 – The preaching of the gospel. 14 – The Antichrist desolating the Jewish temple. 15 – The Antichrist in pursuit of the Jews. 16 – The Jews fleeing and escaping. 17 – Death. 18 – Great tribulation being cut short. 19 – The sign of the end of the age. 20 – The sign of Christ’s coming. This great prophecy chapter makes it crystal clear that all these things will take place before the coming of Christ and the rapture and resurrection of the believers. Can you see how Matthew 24 is the most instructive chapter in the whole Bible on end times’ prophecy for the Christian?


Dear Christian, do not ignore this chapter. Do not take it lightly. This is most serious and most sobering and most important, especially at this time in history. We are talking about the most difficult and challenging days ever for Christians who are living on this earth. This is critically needed information from Christ to you about the end times, for this will help you to be the overcomer God wants you to be. I encourage you to read it, reread it, and read it again. Study it, think about it, and pray over it, being convinced that it will all take place. Jesus Christ is not lying. He is telling you the truth, the truth about the end-times that you need to know and believe.

As the time gets closer, you may be part of that last generation of Christians on this earth that sees every one of these verses come true just like Jesus said. If you are not part of that last generation, then it may be your children, or your grandchildren, or friends or fellow church members. It is your duty and responsibility to tell them what this chapter is all about. Then one day not long from now, Jesus Christ will come back, and will lovingly, powerfully, quickly, and gloriously take all the believers who are on this earth to be with Him, and to be with Him forever and ever and ever. “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” Revelation 22:20

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