Friday, January 13, 2023

More secrets..

 The secret society of the Freemasons has its roots which originate from before the time of King Solomon, and they have, since the establishment of the Jesuit order in 1540 come under the influence, and absolute control of the order of Loyola. It enshrouds itself in utmost secrecy, even amongst its own membership, and there is more to this mystical system than meets the eye, it is called Freemasonry, it is a religion, but the religion of this system is of an esoteric nature, and it is guarded even from its own membership. All members of the Freemason’s at the entry, and lower levels are lied to and mislead, and it is not until any member works their way to the very top levels of this system that this fact reveals itself, evidence to support this claim is given by the quotes further below. secret founding of america

secret founding of america Carl ClaudyA quote from Masonic author, Carl Claudy:

“Cut through the outer shell and find a meaning; cut through that meaning and find another; under it, if you dig deep enough, you may find a third, a fourth — who shall say how many teachings?”

Freemasonry is a worship of Lucifer, at the very top levels of Masonry. You can spot evidences of Satanism all over the world. There are numerous Masonic/Satanic symbols which originate from this secret society which is sometimes called, “The Brotherhood of the Serpent/Snake.” Many call it “Big Brother” without even realizing its sinister origins.

The apostle Paul tells us that Satan masquerades as an angel of light:

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).

One example whereby Satan shows himself to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing is the culture of secret societies which claim to have illumination, or supreme knowledge, but are in fact full of darkness and deceit. This Gnostic teaching inverts the truth, making Satan the god of righteousness, and our creator, the enemy. The following writers who are all proven Freemasons, or have connections with the Masons at the highest levels, attest to the fact that Freemasonry is Luciferian:  secret founding of america

“The Mysteries Of Magic’ by Eliphas Levi

secret founding of america Eliphas Levi“What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of Lucifer to the devil, that is, to personified evil. The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the paraclete, it is the Holy Spirit, while the physical Lucifer is the great agent of universal magnetism.” page 428.

The Book Of Black Magic’ by Arthur Edward Waite 33° (Download)

“First Conjuration Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in what-ever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither to communicate with me. I command and I conjure thee in the Name of the Mighty Living God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to appear without noise and without ….” page 244.   secret founding of america

The Secret Teaching Of All Ages’ by Manly Palmer Hall 33° (Download)

secret founding of america Manly P Hall“I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifuge, Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a human soul to do with as as it may please him, and in return Lucifuge promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfil my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed….. { Invocant signs pact with his own blood } ” page CIV.  secret founding of america

‘The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry’ by Manly Palmer Hall 33° (Download)

“When The Mason learns that the Key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the Mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy.” page 48.

‘The Secret Doctrine’ by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Download)

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky“Lucifer represents..Life..Thought..Progress..Civilization..
Liberty..Independence..Lucifer is the Logos..the Serpent, the Savior.” on pages 171, 225, 255 (Volume II)  secret founding of america
“It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God.” pages 215, 216, 220, 245, 255, 533, (VI)
“The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity…but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and terrestial Light, ‘the Holy Ghost’ and “Satan’ at one and the same time.” page 539 (Volume?)

Albert Pike 33°

Albert_Pike_WWIII“That which we must say to a crowd is – We worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees – The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay whose deeds prove his cruelty, perdify and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests, calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also god. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods: darkness being necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive. Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.” Instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World, July 14, 1889. Recorded by A.C. De La Rive in La Femme et l’Enfant dans la FrancMaconnerie Universelle on page 588  secret founding of america
“Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the son of the morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with it’s splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!” Morals and Dogma page 321  secret founding of america
The devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry. For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent this Force, which presides over the physical generation, under the mythological and horned form of the God Pan; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer or Phosphor, of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend.v  secret founding of america
The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is Yahweh (GOD) reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but a negation of God…the Kabala imagined Him to be a “most occult light.” Albert Pike, 33-degree Freemason and author of Morals and Dogma (Download)

The New Age teaching of the group of immortal Ascended Masters is known as the Great White Brotherhood who have their headquarters in Tibet.
The source of many of the occult organizations can be found in The Great White Brotherhood, including the Order of the Rosy Cross, Ordo Templi Orientis, and the origins of the Brotherhood stem directly from the Jesuit Order via the Bavarian Illuminati.  According to prominent occultists Elizabeth van Buren and Alice Bailey, the Brotherhood is led by Sanat Kumara (Sanat being a scrambling of the name “Satan”).   secret founding of america

The New Age movement’s symbols are essentially the same as those used by the Jesuit Order and Freemasonry, and we can trace their origins to Babylon and Egypt. Freemasonry uses the name “Solomon’s temple” to give legitimacy to their rituals, but the rituals are basically identical to those found in all pagan secret societies. Sol, Om, and On are the names of the sun god in Roman, Eastern, and ancient Egyptian mysticism respectively.   secret founding of america

Albert Pike tells us that ancient occultism is found in Freemasonry:
The Occult Science of the Ancient Magi was concealed under the shadows of the Ancient Mysteries: it was imperfectly revealed or rather disfigured by the Gnostics: it was guessed at under the obscurities that cover the pretended crimes of the Templars; and it is found enveloped in enigmas that seem impenetrable, in the Rites of the Highest Masonry.i

I pray that as time goes on that the people will be awoken from their slumber and will realise who the true enemy is.

All of these Masons praise Lucifer. It is the reason why we see Luciferian designs incorporated into Washington D.C. buildings and the city layout.  secret founding of america

Freemasonry is Satan’s religion. It is the root of their control system, and like it or not, this system had a significant influence in the setting up of the Constitution, and the bill of Rights for the United States of America.

Framers of the Constitution:  secret founding of america

Signers of the Articles of Association: 10 confirmed Masons, 9 possible, 34 with no affiliation.
Signers of the Declaration of Independence: 8 confirmed Masons, 24 possible, 24 with no affiliation.
Signers of the Articles of Confederation: 7 confirmed Masons, 8 possible, 33 with no affiliation.
Signers of the Constitution: 13 confirmed Masons, 7 possible, 19 with no affiliation.
General Officers of the Continental Army: 33 confirmed Masons, 15 possible, 26 with no affiliation.
George Washington’s Aides and Military Secretaries: 6 confirmed Masons, 1 possible, 22 with no affiliation.

So Who Were Masons?  secret founding of america

The list of Lodge members include George Washington, Robert Paine, John Sullivan, John Hancock, James McHenry, John Glover, Henry Knox, Jacob Broom, John Fitzgerald, Richard Montgomery, Gunning Bedford, Daniel Carroll, William Whipple, John Dickson, and Benjamin Franklin, among others.
Not unlike many Masons today, it’s very likely that a number of the founding fathers who were members of the Lodge failed to understand the spiritual significance of Freemasonry – principally that the Lodge is a universal melting pot of religions and mystical concepts. In fact, of all the accusations made against Freemasonry, this is one which the Lodge gladly promotes—religious universalism.  secret founding of america

Consider this statement from the Masonic Service Association’s publication, Universality of Freemasonry, “Masonry is not Christian; nor is it Mohammedan nor Jewish nor to be classified by the name of any other sect. The power which has held it together, the chemical which has caused its growth, the central doctrine which makes it unique, is the opportunity it affords men of every faith, happily to kneel together at the same Altar, each in worship of the God he reveres, under the universal name of the Great Architect of the Universe.”  secret founding of america

Today we would call this “inter- faithism”—a belief that all religions are valid paths of truth and that collectively we can call on a “higher power.” As previously stated, this does not necessarily mean that each of the founding fathers who were Masons recognized or understood this. Some of the founding fathers who were Masons went on to do great work in promoting the Bible and Christian values. Conversely, others may have understood and embraced Masonry’s universalism.

This Video Playlist  secret founding of america

The videos on this playlist provide a fair and balanced representation of the story of the establishment of the colonies, and of the events, and the process of incorporation, of which it truly was, an “Incorporation”.

Videos 1 through 5 were produced by Chris Pinto at Adullam Films. Chris has been responsible for a number of excellent works including my favourite Bible series  “A Lamp in the Dark”   “Tares Among the Wheat”  and his latest in the series “Bridge to Babylon”

Please check out Adullam Films Here for this series, and many other great productions.

Video 1: Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings vol 1 The New Atlantis

The new atlantasThe greatest “Whodunit” of the past 500 years! Secret Mysteries takes the mystery out of America’s history. This video unfolds the fascinating history behind the founding of America, and exposes the esoteric underbelly of its design. Why is Washington D.C. build on the 77th Meridian? Are the Revolutionary War cities really built in perfect alignment with Stonehenge? If America was founded as a Christian nation, why are many of its symbols, buildings, and monuments based on Pagan traditions? There is no doubt that much of America’s national heritage was Christian, but just as a coin has two sides, our national heritage has a second side — one based squarely on occult secret societies and their values.

To find the answer to these questions, we follow the journey of secret societies from England to the New World and learn of their ancient hope: to rebuild the lost empire of Atlantis.

In the 16th century, Sir Francis Bacon was at the helm of the secret societies in England. When Bacon penned his classic work, ‘The New Atlantis’ he believed that America and Atlantis were one and the same. He outlined his vision for the perfect society, and some suggest the program he set forth has been the driving force behind the course of modern history. While he did not originate the concept, it was Bacon who articulated an ancient plan to be carried out by all the secret orders. As Chief of the Rosicrucians and the first Grand Master of modern Freemasonry, Bacon sent his followers to the new world. A 1910 Newfoundland stamp with his image upon it reads, ‘Lord Bacon: the Guiding Spirit in [the] Colonization Scheme.’ Because of his influence, Francis Bacon is considered by some to be ‘the real and true founder of America.’ For centuries, controversy has surrounded this figure who is said to be the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I, and secret author of the Shakespeare plays; the man whom Thomas Jefferson considered one of the three most influential men in history.  secret founding of america

Is it possible that Bacon’s vision guides America today?

Where The DaVinci Code meets National Treasure: Learn the incredible secrets of the esoteric traditions, hidden within the manifold layers of signs and symbols in our nation’s infrastructure. Find out why some believe that from ancient times America has been chosen to fulfill a secret destiny.

Video 2: Secret Mysteries of Americas Beginnings vol 2 Riddles In Stone

Riddles in StoneRiddles in Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington D.C. explores the highly controversial subject of the design of America’s capital. Was the city built to reflect the majesty of America’s newfound freedom? Or the hidden agenda of secret societies? With every major cornerstone laid by Freemasons, was the city built in a Masonic pattern?

Embark upon this incredible journey as Riddles interviews experts on both sides of a heated debated. Watch as Freemason apologists defend some of the most direct and hard-hitting questions concerning the influence of Masonry in America, and its symbolism in Washington, D.C. Alongside them are leading researchers who maintain that occult architecture permeates the city, and conceals a secret agenda.  secret founding of america

Is there really a pentagram in the street layout north of the White House? Does a Masonic square and compass extend from the Capitol building to the Washington Monument? And why is the city filled with Zodiac symbols, mysterious faces and various god and goddess images? If America was founded as a Christian nation, where are the images of Jesus Christ? Or is it possible that Washington D.C. symbolizes another Christ, the Masonic Christ? Find out, in this bold and sure-to-be controversial documentary!
Check out Chris Pinto and his work at for this series on America’s settlers and much much more.

Video 3: Secret Mysteries of Americas Beginnings vol 3 Eye of the Phoenix

Eye of the PhoenixModern masonry claims that the all-seeing eye floating above the pyramid is not a Masonic symbol. But what did Freemasons President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Masonic Vice President, Henry Wallace, believe when they attached this symbol to our currency in 1935?

How were these American leaders influenced by the Russian mystic, Nicholas Roerich? Does the all-seeing eye represent the Masonic Christ? Was the eagle originally a phoenix bird? And what do all these occult symbols mean?  secret founding of america

Follow the journey of the Secret Mysteries series as we unveil their influence through the 20th century. Many believe that the real purpose of the many “Wars and Rumors of Wars” has been to establish a commonwealth of nations to rule the whole world. With the North American Union on the rise, is America the victim of deception? Or is she THE instrument of Global Government?
Check out Chris Pinto and his work at for this series on America’s settlers and much much more.

Video 4: The Hidden Faith of The Founding Fathers 2010

The hidden faith of the founding fathersThe Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers is perhaps the first and only documentary to go where no film has ever gone before, confronting the little known beliefs of America’s founders. Conservative Christian leaders often claim that the revolutionaries were godly men who were trying to build a Christian nation. But was their faith the true faith of the Bible? Or is it possible that the exact opposite is true?  secret founding of america

The real questions are: What did the founders believe about Jesus Christ? Christianity begins with faith in the Person of Christ Himself: what did the founders think of Him? What did they think of the Gospel? Were they fighting for Christianity, or against it?

Included in this movie:

1) The faith of Thomas Paine – the man who inspired the American Revolution, and the writing of the Declaration of Independence. This film shows how Paine’s influence over the Revolution was critical, while his anti-Christian writings revealed much of what the other founders truly believed.  secret founding of america

2) The faith of Thomas Jefferson — author of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson said the Book of Revelation was “the ravings of a maniac” and that the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles were full of “imposture” and “stupidity.” After his private papers were published, he was called “the reviler of Christ” by a leading clergyman.

3) The faith of Benjamin Franklin — the only man to sign all of the original founding documents. Franklin was part of a radical occult group known as “The Hellfire Club” in England that took part in satanic rituals, which may have included human sacrifice. Shortly before he died, he openly stated that he did not believe the Gospel.

4) The faith of John Adams — the second President of the United States. The evidence shows that Adams was no Christian at all, but rather exalted pagan beliefs about God, while abhorring the Gospel, calling it an “awful blasphemy.”

5) The faith of George Washington — known as “the Father of our country.” Three of Washington’s own pastors doubted his faith in Christ. Proof is shown that he went to war, not for Christianity, but for a “universal” system that would embrace all religions. When compelled by the clergy to confess his faith in Christ, Washington refused.

6) Washington & the Jesuits: Generally unknown is the role of Rome and the Jesuit Order in the American Revolution. Powerful historic evidence shows that George Washington worked with Jesuits to prevail against their common enemy, England. This information is ground-breaking and documented beyond any doubt.

7) Bartonian History: we confront David Barton’s fabled view of American history, giving examples (including his appearance on the Glenn Beck program) of how he misquotes the founders to make it appear as if they supported Christianity, when it is provable that they did not.

8) The Question of Freemasonry: Also included is an expose of David Barton’s book on the role of Freemasonry, contending on key points against his assertion that Masonry played no significant role in the founding of the country.

9) Biblical World View: Confronts the idea often suggested that the founders were “deists,” or “agnostics” – whereas, according to the Bible, they were antichrists.

Video 5: The Power Behind The New World Order-Committee of 300

Commitee 300Produced by Paul  Flynn at Megiddo films which is a Christian film and research ministry, they can be found at

Check out their website for information on the true object of worship for the Roman/Jesuit controlled secret societies..

Bill Gates is not a scientist, doctor or health professional, he is however a member of the global elite, posing as a philanthropist and computer software magnate. Bill Gates has now monopolized the global health industry through his funding of the United Nations World Health Organization, Mr Gates not only controls the World Health Organization, but also the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (G.A.V.I) and the Bill and Malinda Gates foundation. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest private foundation in the world, it has over 46 billion dollars worth of assets on its books, and Bill Gates uses this money, and these foundations to drive global health policies.


(Matthew 18:5-6) And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Bill Gates is a eugenicist who has openly stated that his personal goal is to depopulate the world through the use of vaccines and “reproductive services”, he is currently being sued by the nation of India for crimes against humanity, as Gates stands accused of illegally testing vaccines on 16000 Indian school girls. These 16000 young girls were injected with the poison Gardasil, and as a result many have died, while others were permanently sterilized. The Bill and Malinda Gates foundation also sterilized 500,000 Kenyan women, by injecting them with Tetanus vaccines containing a HCG antigen which is an anti-fertility agent. Bill Gates is a lot of things and he wears many hats, he is a businessman, philanthropist, health expert and global vaccine kingpin, Bill Gates is a technocrat and a dedicated eugenicist. You could even say that Bill Gates is an international war criminal, responsible for crimes against humanity. Bill Gates is also a religious cult member, zealously serving Satan, and building his New World Order.


(Revelation 2:9-10) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

Bill Gates is a member of the Synagogue of Satan he and his fellow cult members, serve their father Lucifer, who they worship, and revere as the Grand Architect of the Universe. This cult has rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ, they have chosen to walk the dark path of Satan and are now building the Beast system foretold in Bible prophecy. (For More information see : MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT : THE SECRET ILLUMINATI RELIGION and INSIDE THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN).


The Bible describes the Synagogue of Satan and its plan to create a global government on behalf of the Devil. This religious cult is using its control over the United Nations World Health Organization, and the Covid-19 pandemic, as a vehicle for the implementation of a one world government and digital bio-metric currency system. Bill Gates and the Synagogue of Satan are using the Covid-19 operation, to initiate the world into a global medical / religious system, where every man, women and child will be ordered to take the Mark of the Beast. Bill Gates and his occult group worship Satan, and they gain their riches and political power through it, as well as other forms of black magic and child sacrifice. Money is no object to the Synagogue of Satan, it dominates all finance through its control International Monetary Fund (I.M.F) and Bank for International Settlements (B.I.S). Bill Gates is just one member of this demonic cult, but Satan has used him and his company to create the Mark of the Beast.


(Revelation 13:16-18) And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

This draconian system of universal human control described in the Bible is real! I will prove this claim and detail how Bill Gates and the United Nations, have built the Mark of the Beast . The first step towards this financial system described in Bible prophecy started with the global implementation of vaccine passports other wise known as ID2020 .


Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently, or when we have a vaccine who has received it. Bill Gates.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in conjunction with the Rockefeller Foundation, have founded the United Nations ID2020 Alliance. This alliance is a group of governments, corporations and individuals, who have created a universal bio-metric identification system. This new system is based on MRNA vaccinations and blockchain technology, this project was announced at the ID2020 annual summit, which was held in September 2019. At this summit, a representative of the ID2020 Alliance said, ID2020, a public-private alliance aimed at supporting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal on universal identity, has announced a new identity project in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh and GAVI, a public-private alliance concerned with vaccination.

PATENT 060606

The Bible describes the Mark of the Beast as a device that is inserted into a persons right hand or forehead, which the Bible says will allow them to buy and sell under the Beast system. The number 666 is synonymous with the Mark of the Beast, and it should come as no surprise that Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC, headed by Bill Gates, filed a patent application on the 20th of June 2019 for a Cryptocurrency system using body activity data. The application was approved and Patent WO/2020/060606 was registered on 26th March 2020. A description of this technology is found in the patent, which says: "Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified". Patent WO/2020/060606.


(Revelation 13:7) And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

The United Nations has created a global crypto-currency system based on U.N blockchain technology. In order to use this global economic system, a person will be required to be take the so called Covid-19 "vaccine", and have the ID2020 Certification Mark implanted in their right hand or forehead. Due to actions taken by the banking elite of Israel and the United States, the global reserve currency (U.S dollar) will soon be worthless, and the current global economic system will eventually collapse. This manufactured economic collapse is immanent, and shortly all nations will implement the great currency reset, and mandate a global bio-metric currency, available only to those who will take the Covid-19 MRNA injection.


The reality is that not everyone will be able to get the vaccine at the same time. It’ll take months or even years to create 7 billion doses or possibly 14 billion, if it’s a multi-dose vaccine, and we should start distributing them as soon as the first batch is ready to go. Bill Gates.

In order to participate in this future global economic system, a person will be required to be injected with the Covid-19 "vaccine". No man, woman or child will be able to buy or sell unless they take the COVID-19 MRNA injection which contains a re-programmable digital nano-platform. Once injected, the MRNA platform merges with the human body, this sophisticated nano computer system can be updated or reprogrammed like a smart phone application. This injection is now being made mandatory across the globe, and soon every person that is not written in the Lamb's book of life, will be injected with the Covid-19 digital nano-platform, and programed with Patent 060606. The people injected with this device will become the property of Satan, and human currency connected to his United Nations bio-metric Blockchain economy. Soon, no one on earth will buy or sell unless they take the Covid-19 "vaccine" and be marked with the ID2020 Certification Mark.


You don’t have a choice, people act like you have a choice… In order to stop the pandemic, we need to make the vaccine available to almost every person on the planet. Bill Gates.

Only those who are injected with a MRNA digital nano platform, programed with Patent 060606, will be cleared to receive the ID2020 Certification Mark. This Certification Mark comes in the form of immunization, it will serve as a digital vaccine record, and permanent platform for digital identity and bio metric currency. Bill Gates through his company Microsoft, has developed this technology, it is known as a quantum dot tattoo, and digital nano platform. In January 2019, The Gates Foundation, Accenture, IDEO G.A.V.I and the Rockefeller Foundation, launched the ID2020 Certification Mark at the World Economic Forum, in Davos. The ID2020 Certification Mark uses a near infrared biological enzyme called Luciferase, which is a chemical inside the body, that makes the quantum dot tattoo readable through a mobile device, and computer application. This enzyme will light up the quantum dot tattoo, making the ID2020 Certification Mark readable, long after it has been injected into a person's right hand or forehead. People who receive this mark will be property of Satan, and a become part of his natural asset market, established by Bill Gates at COP26.


Bill Gates and Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett, met during the United Nations COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland. At this global government conference, the two agreed to establish cooperation between the so called nation of Israel and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. During their conversation Naphtali Bennett said “Israel is known as the startup nation, and I think that it’s time we pivot and channel our national energy, which is the energy of the people, the brainpower to fighting climate change".

Bennett suggested that Israel’s hi-tech start ups, which are funded and controlled by national intelligence services, can pivot from the "cloud space" to climate change innovation. While Gates was somewhat pleased with Bennett's cooperation, he said that he would like to see Israel become more involved in the adaptation of “seed and livestock work.”

Bill Gates told the Israeli Prime Minister “We not only need innovation in climate mitigation to reduce the emissions, we also need a lot of innovation and adaptation and that’s another area where a lot of you know and this is in the Gates Foundation we do agriculture including both seed and livestock work... My big belief is that we can solve climate change if we accelerate innovation, given the talent that you have and what we’ve seen in the digital space, how do we unleash more of that? So I’d love to take that R&D innovation push and figure out where Israel can partner with us.”

Over the last twenty years Bill Gates and the Synagogue of Satan have already genetically modifying plants and livestock on an industrial scale, and this process began on human beings with the introduction of the COVID-19 MRNA injection. The Digitization and genetic modification of all plants , livestock and human beings is an essential part of the new world order global economy, and Satan's natural asset markets.


"Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.” Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum.

World leaders and international bankers have converged at the COP26 to meet with Bill Gates and create a new global economic system through the creation of natural asset markets. The remaking of the global economic system under the guise of sustainability was the focus of the COP26 conference in Glasgow, with a specific focus on the creation of natural asset markets. In fact an " UN-convened” alliance of private banking and financial institutions announced plans at the COP26 conference to overhaul the role of global financial institutions and to “transform” the global financial system. These plans included the restructuring of regional financial institutions, and merging the I.M.F (International Monetary Fund) with the World Bank, which they say will create a new system of “global financial governance”. In other words, the powerful banking interests that compose this group are pushing to recreate the entire global financial system, under the guise of promoting sustainability.


The creation and launch of Natural Asset Companies has been two years in the making, and saw the New York Stock Exchange team up with the Intrinsic Exchange Group (IEG) to launch this new economic market place. The Intrinsic Exchange Group's three investors are, the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), the Rockefeller Foundation and Aberdare Ventures, which is a venture capital firm which focuses on digital healthcare. Notably, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Rockefeller Foundation, are linked to the ID2020 program, U.N. blockchain and the global implementation of MRNA vaccines and central bank digital currencies. The goal of natural asset markets is to extract profits from all life on earth and generate wealth through the earth's natural processes, which these companies seek to quantify and monetize. All human beings who are injected with the COVID-19 MRNA platform have unwittingly become part of the Human Natural Asset Markets, which Bill Gates and others seek to regulate and control. Through the regulation and control of the emerging Natural Asset Markets Bill Gates and the cult of Mystery Babylon seek to conquer humanity through global government and the control of food, water and other natural resources. Bill Gates is himself involved a conspiracy to engineer global famine, for the purpose of forcing humanity into this universal system of human enslavement.


(Revelation 6:5-6) And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

According to the Land Report, Microsoft founder Bill Gates is now the biggest private owner of farmland in the United States, his largest land holdings are in Louisiana, Arkansas, Arizona, and Nebraska, owning 268,984 acres of land. Bill Gates’s largest holdings include 69,071 acres in Louisiana, 47,927 acres in Arkansas, 25,750 acres in Arizona, 20,588 acres in Nebraska, and 16,097 in Washington state. Bill Gates has a monopoly on farmland in the United States of America, he also has control of the global bio security apparatus, through his funding and control of the United Nations World Health Organization. This monopoly on U.S land, and the current string of fires plaguing food distribution centers in the United States has allowed Bill Gates and the cult of Mystery Babylon to engineer the great end time famine that is foretold in (Revelation 6:5-6).


(Revelation 6:7-8) And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.

Bill Gates has a strange habit of predicting Coronavirus pandemics, in fact Bill Gates predicted a Coronavirus Pandemic at the 2015 TED conference, where he gave a "prophetic" presentation titled: The next outbreak; we are not ready. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also took part in the high level pandemic exercise titled: Event 201, this war game exercise predicted the Covid-19 Pandemic, more than six weeks before it was declared a pandemic by Bill Gates' World Health Organization, not long after this MR gates said "The idea of a bio terrorist attack is kind of the nightmare scenario… Most of the work we have to do in order to get ready for pandemic 2 has already been done."


Due to global mask mandates and the administration of the Covid-19 injections, people across the globe are now becoming very, very sick. Science has shown that antibody dependent enhancement, and bacterial pneumonia, are the natural results of Covid-19 mandates such as forced masking, and mandatory MRNA injections. These medical interventions are causing a deadly pandemic, and a global pestilence is being incubated due to the actions taken under the directive the World Health Organization. Millions of people have been targeted for extermination by Bill Gates and his fellow cult members are complicit in a conspiracy to establish a Luciferaian New World Order and a universal system human control that will be handed over to Satan according to Bible prophecy.

I would like to end today' sermon with a scripture from the book of (Revelation 6:12-17) And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

The unholy trinity of globalism: Soros, Gates & Schwab

Make no mistake about this, we have the merger of three theories as part of this Great Reset which has merged the old ideas of a one-world government with Schwab’s idea of resurrecting Communism for only the lower classes. Gates wants to reduce CO2 and the population, Soros wants a one-world government headed by the United Nations, and Klaus Schwab wants Communism 3.0. Nevertheless, their grand scheme against the people will peak out by 2022.

As I have mentioned, the former president of France stated bluntly that the design of the EU was not really economic, but rather it was this same theory that to eliminate war you have a one-world government, or in this case, one European government. This has been the pitch coming from Soros and why he was funding the anti-BREXIT camp, so he could fold Britain sovereignty into Brussels. Soros has been using his son to fund the Democrats against Trump to further his open society agenda.

On August 11th, 2020. George Soros did an interview in La Republica where he actually said we needed a revolution against Trump.

“I would describe it as a revolutionary moment when the range of possibilities is much greater than in normal times.”

Soros has been calling for using the Coronavirus as a revolutionary moment. Soros sees Trump as a populist “transitory phenomenon.

The Polish government wants to stop the distribution of Norwegian money flowing into Poland coming from Soros’ funded Batory Foundation, which manages over 800 million euros with a target of overthrowing the Polish government by 2020. Since 2014, the Batory Foundation has distributed some 130 million zlotys (around 31.7 million euros) to various associations and organizations within Poland to change the government.

Soros  has been intent upon overthrowing Trump in order to further his agenda of an open-society to have the United Nations take control of the United States covertly when it would be unconstitutional for such a transfer of power

Nevertheless, this is part of their Agenda 2030 and to end “populism” which is the foundation of democracy. Like both China and the EU, the people have no right to vote for the head of the government.

Another year means another summit at Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The ‘festivities’ and many speeches will commence on January 16th and end wrap-up on the 20th.

The basic tenet of the programme is the premise that the current crises, as serious as they are, are manifestations of larger systemic deficiencies accrued over time. They are also the result of a narrow vision of systems as sectors rather than true multidisciplinary, networked entities that are highly dynamic, particularly in the context of the meta trends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and climate change.

Therefore, thematically, the programme will have the dual focus of looking at levers to address the current challenges while at the same time setting them against the backdrop of attendant system transformation imperatives.

The WEF says of the general tone of this year’s summit

Moreover, the WEF will primarily be covering these main topics:

1. Addressing the Current Energy and Food Crises in the context of a New System for Energy, Climate and Nature

2. Addressing the Current High Inflation, Low Growth, High Debt Economy in the context of a New System for Investment, Trade and Infrastructure

3. Addressing the Current Industry Headwinds in the context of a New System for Harnessing Frontier Technologies for Private Sector Innovation and Resilience

4. Addressing the Current Social Vulnerabilities in the context of a New System for Work, Skills and Care

5. Addressing the Current Geopolitical Risks in the context of a New System for Dialogue and Cooperation in a Multipolar World

The full itinerary of topics and their times are listed on their website.

As for those in attendance this year, the Forum published a long list of names and groups that will be there on December 8th.

Some 50 heads of state and government have already confirmed their participation in the Annual Meeting and this is expected to rise to more than 60.Select public figures, who have confirmed their participation, have asked to be unlisted for the moment and will be included at a later stage. This list is confidential and is a copyright of the World Economic Forum.

The WEF added

Of the names (far too many list here), but some of the standouts include the CEOs and heads of Blackrock, Amazon, Pfizer, the Gates Foundation, mainstream media, the FBI, and plenty more. Others include World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Biden climate czar John Kerry, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde, Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo (who is a WEF Young Global Leader), and more.

Check the list below to see the people from your country who will be in attendance (in alphabetical order of nation).

[1] The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes. [2] For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful. [3] The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: he hath left off to be wise, and to do good. [4] He deviseth mischief upon his bed; he setteth himself in a way that is not good; he abhorreth not evil.

Psalms 36:1-4

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

China is notorious for already implementing this system which went fully into effect in 2020, just in time for the Covid pandemonium. The South China Morning Post provided a general overview of how it works:

China’s social credit system, by its wide definition, is a set of databases and initiatives that monitor and assess the trustworthiness of individuals, companies and government entities. Each entry is given a social credit score, with reward for those who have a high rating and punishments for those with low scores.

Business entities, including foreign businesses in China, are subject to a corporate credit system, tracking information such as tax payments, bank loan repayments and employment disputes.

The social credit system compiles a score for both individuals and companies after collecting, aggregating and analysing data from different sources.

For businesses, in addition to its own operations, companies are asked to submit information on their partners and suppliers to local and national authorities. Bad behaviour, low trustworthiness and ratings from suppliers and customers will also influence a company’s own credit score.

A good rating will lead to rewards, while a poor rating could see an individual or a company punished or sanctioned.

Individuals who are deemed untrustworthy could face a number of restrictions affecting areas including loans, travelling by air and rail as well as education.

The aim of the system is to improve transparency for the public, although it also serves as a tool for the government to impose control on almost all aspects of its citizens’ lives.

The SCMP wrote

Now, bearing all of this in mind and how the social credit score system works; take the general concept and then imagine an identical system but for when you use the internet and social media…

There have been talks of implementing a new internet system as a whole for some time, scrapping the current one for a new one instead, and since the world is gradually inching closer to a totally digitized world (i.e. Digtial IDs, CBDCs, social credit scores, vaccine passports; 6G, artificial intelligence, metaverse, brain chips), it would seem that a social credit score would all be interlinked with these enterprises.

SEE: 27 Corporations Publish ‘Policy Blueprint’ On How Governments Should Adopt Digital IDs

In early May of 2021, the World Economic Forum held a livestream with Interpol, Cloudflare, and a cybersecurity firm, discussing the very topic of “averting a cyber pandemic” – something think tanks and governments have simulated and invested plenty of money into.

Cloudflare’s COO, Michelle Zatlyn, advised the panel the need for and creation of what she described as “digital citizenship” and “digital identity,” in order to facilitate the masses to be able to use the internet and social media.

We need better digital citizenship. And actually if everyone becomes better digital citizens, the whole world gets stronger from this. And so, you can’t just relegate this to your security team: it’s a business topic, it’s a team topic, and really it is a digital citizens topic.

She said during the web conference

So what exactly is Zatlyn and the WEF referring to? What are the standards and curriculum for this new education system and citizenry?

Digital Empowerment By 2030

Meet the DQ Institute (DQI), the “Leading Digital Education, Culture, and Innovation” group, partnered with the WEF. They additionally are partnered with The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCED), The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association (IEEE SA), and the Forum, as part of the Coalition for Digital Intelligence.

This coalition formed in late-September of 2018 is:

A cross-sector cooperative network of organizations from around the world that aims to improve global digital intelligence by coordinating efforts across educational and technology communities through multi-stakeholder collaborations.

The Coalition aims to set a global framework for digital intelligence, which includes a common set of definitions, language, and understanding of comprehensive digital literacy, skills, and readiness that can be adopted by all stakeholders worldwide, including national governments, educators, technology companies, and service providers.

This Coalition works in a 6-segmented circle: The CDI Forums funneling in and out of the “common framework” established by the DQ Institute on the E2030 Learning Framework, cycling into the established Global Tech Standard provided by the IEEE SE and the new Global Education Community courtesy of OECD; which both funnel into “Industry Working Group” and “Digital Working Group;” leading to “Monitoring and Reporting;” which all leads back to the CDI Forums completing an endless cycle.

“The Coalition for Digital Intelligence brings together cross-sector organizations to enhance Digital Literacy, Skills, and Readiness.” Courtesy: DQ Institute

The Institute also works directly with a wide variety of groups such as The World Bank, TikTok, Lego, along with many other contributing companies like Microsoft, and other large technology, internet, and security-companies, and educational groups.

The Institute has been in existence for over a decade, working towards safe and equitable standards for school children using the internet, and how to act appropriately on the internet with integrity.

The DQ Institute was founded in Singapore and partly in South Korea. It is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit charity organization in the United States. The DGI describes itself as

An international think-tank that is dedicated to setting global standards for digital intelligence education, outreach, and policies. Working together with international agencies and local partners, DQI builds multi-stakeholder coalitions that advance its mission and help people worldwide. DQI’s award-winning educational programs include the #DQEveryChild initiative, which seeks to empower 1 billion children with digital intelligence education.

More specifically the DQI was created by WEF Young Global Leader and Agenda Contributor Yuhyun Park, who is also attributed with “Develop[ing] the first interactive digital citizenship education platform for children in Korea and Singapore.”

Though most of Institute’s marketing focuses on the children more than anything else, they still assert that because nations are racing towards a new age of artificial intelligence (AI), “digital intelligence is no longer an option, but a must-have for every individual connected to the Internet across families, classrooms, or the workplace.”

The road map for these new standards for digital safety and intelligence. Courtesy: DQ Institute

According to the Institute,

Our mission is to set global standards for education and policies on digital intelligence. We support the following [United Nations] UN 2030 Goals 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 ,16 and 17.

Those specified goal are as follows:

3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages in using technology.
4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality digital intelligence education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all through digital education for all ages.
8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all by providing digital literacy skills to employees.
9. Build digital resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation by enhancing cyber-security and safety skills among citizens.
10. Reduce inequality within and among countries by supporting vulnerable group of cyber-risks and digital divides.
16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels by reducing cyber-risks and threats.
17. Build digital resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation by enhancing cyber-security and safety skills among citizens .

SEE: Agenda 2030: You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy

The Institute explains that 2020 was their biggest year yet, by constructing the DQ Global standards that are adaptable for all nations and sectors to adopt and integrate, initiating the new standard for global educational standards that all children can learn from, and riveted a “global measure for child online safety that all nations can take heed of.”

It was then on September 24th, 2020 where the IEEE SE gave official approval for the new DQ (Digital Intelligence) – more on that in a moment – creating “the world’s first global standard related to digital literacy, digital skills, and digital readiness.”

Additionally, a subsidiary to the DGI is the DQ Lab Pte Ltd was established, whose goal is to:

Provide global benchmarking tools of the DQ global standards through real-time data assessment and visualization that empower individuals, organizations, and nations to be digitally safe and competent. Its management is empowered to make decisions with a primary focus on furthering our mission while at the same time maximizing profits within the context of promoting the mission.

Digital Eugenics

So what exactly is the DQ? DQ stands for “Digital Intelligence.”

[DQ is defined as] a comprehensive set of technical, cognitive, meta-cognitive, and socio-emotional competencies that are grounded in universal moral values and that enable individuals to face the challenges and harness the opportunities of digital life.

Its framework aggregated across more than 25 prior leading frameworks about digital literacy and skills. It lays out a common language, structure, and taxonomy around digital literacy, skills, and readiness that can be benchmarked, referenced, and adopted across nations and sectors worldwide. 

The DQ Institute’s self-explanation

The Institute places the DQ in the same identical category that of the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ) tests. DQ, as explained further, is essentially a composite score based on a number of standards the Institute and other partnered groups have designed – similar to the other aforementioned psychology tests that you are fairly familiar with, merged with the conventional social credit score system .

To give a very brief and broad synopsis of the origins of the IQ test – it finds its origins from the Eugenic Society created in America. Eugenics are essentially the Darwinian theory of evolution on steroids. It was basically a think-tank of highly educated people who believed they were so smart they could determine who was allowed to be a part of society, who can marry whom and have children. Through a series of tests and examinations, if the person failed or finished with a low score, the society would deem that person not fit for society, labeling them as “stupid,” “imbeciles,” and “mentally retarded.” The society then would create certificates proving that “Billy” was adequate for marriage and future procreation.


In a simplified way, they believed that intelligence is hereditary and was passed on genealogically. Therefore, if you failed their tests, they perceived this to be a case of inheriting “bad” or “unwanted” genes. At its core, it was based upon Charles Darwin’s concepts of “natural selection” and “survival of the fittest,” where, through the process of time, the weaker traits and genes would die-off as the “stronger kind” survived and passed on their genes, which continually would evolve through time. Only in the case of eugenics, the selection process was controlled and forced, and not natural.

The society went so far as to forcibly sterilize people they felt were in danger of passing on their “bad genes” to future generations. These were the origins of what was called “euthanasia.” The Society was also incredibly racist, believing that the Blacks and Hispanics were the “dumbest” of them all, where as the majority of the Whites were far more superior – views that Charles Darwin himself believed, though are never found in a single science textbook today.

All of this occurred in America from the mid to late 1800’s and into the 1900’s. Eventually this same pseudo-science was taken up in Nazi Germany, to create an adequate super solider for the day, and more astute generations to keep the Reich alive and stronger than previously.

But the WEF believes that the IQ score has been rendered obsolete and the DQ is needed instead. The Forum wrote a post titled “Forget IQ. Digital intelligence will be what matters in the future.” The WEF expressed the world’s need to accept the DQ, writing:

But unlike IQ, which is commonly viewed as a genetically determined intelligence, DQ is something that needs to be built. It is a fundamental precursor to 21st-century skill development for the future workforce because, like a language, it is most effectively absorbed at a young age.

The world needs DQ. As the Fourth Industrial Revolution progresses and our lives become increasingly connected, the health and prosperity of societies the world over will depend on it.

Park has also written a book making her case for DQ. Courtesy: DQ Institute

DQ 24 And The Better Life Initiative

Going back to this new test, the DQI has developed “24 digital competencies,” that are separated into 8 different categories, with 3 primary levels of citizenship, creativity, and competitiveness, for that category. Each primary level is then explained in much greater detail, of knowledge, skills, and attitudes/values.

They are as follows:

  • Digital Identity – the ability to build a wholesome online and offline identity.
    • Digital Citizen Identity – The ability to build and manage a healthy identity as a digital citizen with integrity.
    • Digital Co-Creator Identity – The ability to identify and develop oneself as a co-creator of the digital ecosystem.
    • Digital Changemaker Identity – The ability to identify and develop oneself as a competent changemaker in the digital economy.
  • Digital Use – the ability to use technology in a balanced, healthy, and civic way.
    • Balanced Use of Technology – The ability to manage one’s life both online and offline in a balanced way by exercising self-control to manage screen time, multitasking, and one’s engagement with digital media and devices.
    • Healthy Use of Technology – The ability to understand the benefits and harms of technology on one’s mental and physical health and to use technology use while prioritizing health and well-being.
    • Civic Use of Technology – The ability to engage in civic participation for the well-being and growth of local, national, and global communities using technology.
  • Digital Safety – the ability to understand, mitigate and manage various cyber-risks through safe, responsible, and ethical use of technology.
    • Behavioral Cyber-Risk Management – The ability to identify, mitigate, and manage cyber risks (e.g., cyberbullying, harassment, and stalking) that relate to personal online behaviors.
    • Content Cyber-Risk Management – The ability to identify, mitigate, and manage content cyber risks online (e.g., harmful user generated content, racist/hateful content, image-based abuse).
    • Commercial and Community Cyber-Risk Management – The ability to understand, mitigate, and manage commercial or community cyber-risks online, which is an organizational attempt to exploit individuals financially and/or through ideological persuasion (e.g., embedded marketing, online propaganda, and gambling).
  • Digital Security – the ability to detect, avoid, and manage different levels of cyber threats to protect data, devices, networks, and systems.
    • Personal Cyber Security Management – The ability to detect cyber threats (e.g., hacking, scams, and malware) against personal data and device, and to use suitable security strategies and protection tools.
    • Network Security Management – The ability to detect, avoid, and manage cyber-threats to cloud-based collaborative digital environments.
    • Organizational Cyber Security Management – The ability to recognize, plan, and implement organizational cyber security defenses.
  • Digital Emotional Intelligence – the ability to recognize, navigate, and express emotions in one’s digital intra and inter-personal interactions.
    • Digital Empathy – The ability to be aware of, be sensitive to, and be supportive of one’s own and other’s feelings, needs and concerns online.
    • Self-Awareness and Management – The ability to recognize and manage how one’s value system and digital competencies fits with one’s digital environment.
    • Relationship Management – The ability to skillfully manage one’s online relationships through collaboration, conflict management, and persuasion.
  • Digital Communication – the ability to communicate and collaborate with others using technology.
    • Digital Footprint Management – The ability to understand the nature of digital footprints and their real-life consequences, to manage them responsibly, and to actively build a positive digital reputation.
    • Online Communication and Collaboration – The ability to use technology effectively to communicate and collaborate collectively, including at a distance.
    • Public and Mass Communication – The ability to communicate with an online audience effectively to exchange messages, ideas, and opinions reflecting wider business or societal discourses.
  • Digital Literacy – the ability to find, read, evaluate, synthesize, create, adapt, and share information, media, and technology.
    • Media and Information Literacy – The ability to find, organize, analyze, and evaluate media and information with critical reasoning.
    • Content Creation and Computational Literacy – The ability to synthesize, create, and produce information, media, and technology in an innovative and creative manner.
    • Data and AI Literacy – The ability to generate, process, analyze, present meaningful information from data and develop, use, and apply artificial intelligence (AI) and related algorithmic tools and strategies in order to guide informed, optimized, and contextually relevant decision-making processes.
  • Digital Rights – the ability to understand and uphold human rights and legal rights when using digital technology.
    • Privacy Management – The ability to handle with discretion all personal information shared online to protect one’s and others’ privacy.
    • Intellectual Property Rights Management – The ability to understand and manage intellectual property rights (e.g., copyrights, trademarks, and patents) when using and creating content and technology.
    • Participatory Rights Management – The ability to understand and exercise one’s powers and right to online participation (e.g., their rights to personal data protection, freedom of expression, or to be forgotten).
Courtesy: DQ Institute

Each primary level is color-coded with a variety of different dots representing the different companies and organizations that are helping with that specific group, demonstrating just how deeply involved international companies are with implementing the DQ.

Courtesy: DQ Institute

From there, the standards breakdown even further yet again.

The Institute then introduces what they call “DQ Micro-Badges:”

The DQ Micro-Badge (DQ MB) system is a list of the micro-certifications of the DQ Global Standards (IEEETM 3527.1). Each of the DQ24 competencies has multiple constituent facets, represented by micro-badges. The DQ MB helps users to discover which digital skills topics within the DQ Global Standards they will need to obtain through education/training programs, and understand how these programs will enhance specific job readiness skills and overall well-being.

Courtesy: DQ Institute

These micro-badges are listed under the 8 different categorical skill sets for “Digital Citizenship.” Each micro-badge has its own description of what is required to earn that badge. Along with that comes a ranking system of “basic,” “intermediate,” and “advanced” future-readiness skills.

Here are just a few of those badges:

DQ1.5 Global Digital Citizenship – You understand that you are a global citizen in the digital world that transcends physical boundaries. You have global awareness and netiquette while being socially and emotionally aware and being open to understanding different views with cultural sensitivity online.

DQ2.2 Health Check – Tech Addiction – You do not show the symptoms of technology addiction (e.g., gaming disorder or social media disorder).

DQ5.3. Perspective Taking – You are capable of considering the different perspectives of others and exercising the Golden Rule – “do to others as you want to be treated” in online interactions.

DQ6.2 Digital Footprints Impact – You know your digital footprints can be permanent, tracked, collected, and go viral, even against your will. You understand that your digital footprints can affect your reputation in real life.

DQ6.5. Digital Footprint Impacts (Company) – You understand that your online activities using your company’s IT infrastructure can be traceable and your digital footprints can shape and affect your company’s reputation. You do not conduct personal online activities or risky behavior on company computers and networks.

DQ6.6. Mitigating Social Media Crises (Company) – You know what to share and what not to share in a professional context, while being able to identify online information that can affect your company’s reputation. When you encounter negative digital footprints for your company, you know and follow company policies to deal with them to effectively mitigate potential social media crises.

DQ7.2 Digital Information Evaluation – You are able to critically evaluate digital information (e.g., media content, news, video, etc.) by examining reliability and credibility to discern dis-/mis-information. You know how digital information is created on online platforms, how the use of digital information influences to construct knowledge and public opinion, and how digital information can be potentially misused.

DQ7.4 Health Check – Risky Content and Contact – You have not been actively involved in nor intend to be involved with risky content (e.g., violence, sexual, hatred, or unwanted content) and risky contacts (e.g., online grooming, extremists, unwanted sexual contact) online.

DQ8.3 Privacy Attitudes – You care about your own and others’ privacy online. While having critical eyes on privacy options provided by technology platforms, you are willing to take steps to protect your own and others’ personal information.

Furthermore, these various micro-badges then correlate with “Future-Readiness Skills:”

The following 12 skills are commonly identified as important future-readiness skills for individuals to obtain in order to achieve their life well-being as well as their career development based various reports and literatures developed by the international organizations (e.g. OECD, the World Economic Forum), the private sectors (e.g. AccentureMckinsey), and the civic sectors (e.g. Ashoka).

Even though we agree with these frameworks for future-readiness, it may still get clearer to individuals or trainers about HOW to build these skills.

The DQ MB System, taken together, will develop many of the building blocks underlying all of these skills. We start with the level of Digital Citizenship (DQ1-8). This table provides a guide to understanding how DQ MBs (Digital Citizenship) are related to Future-Readiness Skills.

These 12 skills are then given “Related Skills Defined by Landing Frameworks” – the standards defined by these partnering and contributing groups – and corresponding DQ MBs. They are:

  1. Analytical Thinking
  2. Critical Thinking
  3. Organizational Skills
  4. Technological Skills
  5. Problem Solving
  6. Creativity
  7. Initiative
  8. Communication
  9. Adaptability
  10. Resilience
  11. Social and Emotional skills
  12. Leadership

But it doesn’t stop there. All of this culminates to the “ultimate goal” of the DQI:

The ultimate goal of the DQ Framework is to guide digital practices towards achieving individual and societal well-being across all aspects of one’s life.

The OECD’s Better Life Initiative identified the following 11 areas of well-being: income, wealth, jobs, earnings, housing, quality of life, including health, civic engagement, social connections, education, security, life satisfaction, and the environment. These 11 areas of well-being, in turn, contribute to achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

The UN SDGs focus on 17 societal dimensions, including ending poverty and promoting prosperity, well-being, and protection of the planet.

With the goal of advancing the UN SDGs, we adopted the OECD’s 11 indicators of well-being as a guide for pinpointing areas where interventions can be made to equip individuals with digital intelligence.

Courtesy: DQ Institute

These developmental goals are then correlated with OECD’s Well-Being Indicators (Income, Health, Education, Housing, Environment, Jobs, Life Satisfaction, Civic Engagement, Environment, Safety, and Community), and aligned with the DQ Competencies: the UN goals rewritten.

Finally, the DQI have standards for parental involvement and guidance for their children:

PM1: Family Media Boundary – Parents have clear family tech rules and principles to provide children proper protection and guidance.
PM2: Parental Engagement – Parents engage in open and supportive active mediation to minimize negative effects and maximize positive effects of media use. Parents can nurture family values in children through technology, support children’s social and emotional growth, and empower them to make the right choices online.
PM3: Family Network – Parents set a healthy digital environment for children – from connectivity, support network to seeking help as needed based on knowledge on tech trends and their impact on children.

Please remember that digital parenting is not about parents having control over their teens’ technology use, rather it is about parents empowering their teens to be good digital citizens who can minimize risks and maximize potentials in the digital world.

Courtesy: DQ Institute

The DQ Score

So what in the world do all these standards translate to? Well, similar to an IQ test and social credit score, all these skills and standards are then composited into a number that represents an individual’s overall digital intelligence.

This is where the “DQ Assessment and Analytics Tool (DQ Assessment)” comes into play – an interactive software and data collection tool that can be used in homes, schools, and workplaces; mirroring the general framework of China’s social credit score system.

All the data collected from the DQ Assessment is included in the Global DQ Databank that produces the DQ Index, and in the impact measure of specific digital skills initiatives, as well as an aggregated index that measures the level of digital intelligence (DQ) competencies of nations.

The goal of the DQ Index is to monitor the global progress in building digital skills inclusively worldwide with the aim of empowering every individual and organization in each nation to be digitally ready – safe, ethical, and competent.

The DQ Index tangibly helps multi-stakeholder leaders visualize and implement how they ensure individuals’ and organizational capacity building of digital skills in their sphere of influence through its practical DQ assessment tools.

The DQ Assessment utilizes the preestablished benchmarks and standards to analyze “levels of multiple competencies of digital intelligence of individuals and organizations,” compared to the rest of the world’s performance based on the same criterium – allows individuals and organizations to pinpoint strengths and deficiencies based on the global standards, and digital skill augmentation for individuals and organizations that are customized to aid in lifelong training.

These “instruments” have been designed and curated by numerous “credible sources and existing research projects of content owner partners.”

Courtesy: DQ Institute

From this real-time data collection, out pops an overall score, just like the IQ test. This is called the DQ Score.

DQ Score is a composite number derived from the competence levels measured according to the eight core digital citizenship competencies. Similar to an IQ score, the global average is 100, with the standard deviation of 15.

DQ Score correlates significantly with the level of cyber-risks (inverse) and personal strengths (direct).

Courtesy: DQ Institute

For example, on average a DQ Score of 90 for sharing personal data translates to a 24 percent risk of a child sharing personal data. However, increasing their DQ score to 100 reduces that risk to 17 percent, and raising their score to 110 further reduces it to 12 percent.

Courtesy: DQ Institute
“DQ Score correlates directly with psychological strengths, cognitive and social development as well as safe and responsible online behaviours.” Courtesy: DQ Institute

With this implementation of this new score, the DQI and other partnered groups strive to further a “International Collaborative Project” for child safety and digital citizenship.

DQI notes that children are forced to grow up in a “strange new world,” schools have been forced to close and move almost if not completely online, and children spending all their time glued and addicted to a screen. Already having to deal and navigate the aforementioned cyber-risks, the major shift that began in 2020 with the start of the lockdowns and isolation have caused health issues in children to spike, along with these cyber-risks dramatically increasing. This all leads to, as they assert, poorer social adjustment, school performance, and health.

According to DQI, there are already a handful of international and national-level institutions with identical goals, but the DQI and it’s partners seek to improve on them all at an accelerated rate – that is exceedingly more efficient and coordinated – on a global level.

In their own words, DQI strives to foster:

A common measurement and global databank to monitor global, national, and local progress on child online safety and digital citizenship. The measurement being developed in this Project can be integrated together with other indices that measure digital economy performance, such as the G20 Measurement for Digital Economy, and digital sustainability, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

National Rankings And Frameworks

In 2020 the first global real-time measure of children’s online safety status was launched, called the The Child Online Safety Index (COSI). The data was compiled from over 145,400 youth, amassed from young children and teens from 30 countries in 2017 through 2019.

COSI analyzes its global database along with the DQ Assessment standards, and automatically updates a nation’s current score.

The framework is patterned after a pillared building, with the foundation of 24 areas of analysis, supported by 6 pillars (Cyber Risks, Disciplined Digital Use, Digital Competency, Guidance and Education, Social Infrastructure, and Connectivity), supporting three primary constructs of “Wise Use, Empowerment, and Infrastructure.”

The Child Online Safety Index (COSI) measures the level of online safety for children across the world based on six pillars: Cyber Risks, Disciplined Digital Use, Digital Competency, Guidance & Education, Social Infrastructure, and Connectivity. Each of these pillars are formed by 2-8 focused areas, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of online safety for children. A COSI score was calculated for each country ranging from 0 (the worst online safety for children) to 100 (the best online safety for children).

Courtesy: DQ Institute
Courtesy: DQ Institute

In 2022 the United States, for example, ranked 10th of 100 with a score of 67.6.

Interestingly enough, the DQI says the U.S. has a ‘low’ level of “Internet access at home & schools.”

Currently the United Kingdom is in first (81.3), Japan in a close second (80.4), and India taking the bronze (79.9).

The results have changed since the COSI’s release in 2020.

The 30 nations participating with the COSI test and their child safety rankings.

No Child Left Behind

The Institute had additionally launched the #DQEveryChild movement, targeting 8-12 year-olds, as a “Global Digital Citizenship Movement.”

#DQEveryChild is a strategic global movement to empower 8-12 year olds with comprehensive digital citizenship skills from the start of their digital lives. The movement started in collaboration with Singtel and the World Economic Forum, and has quickly expanded to include over 100 partner organizations and was active in more than 80 countries in 2019.

The eLearning kit includes an 8-day course for children to learn the 8 Digital Citizenship Skills. As the children complete the course, parents are given a scorecard with their DQ ranking and thorough breakdown of their deficiencies and achievements. Parents are then given an official handbook on how to help improve their children’s DQ.

The daily “missions” schedule. Courtesy: DQ Institute

The DQI produced a video explaining the program in more depth. As children complete the courses online and behind a screen, they will play games, read comic books, make stickers, and message others in a globally interactive chatroom mimicking social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. Just like the Scouts, children will earn badges for their achievements, along with earning digital coins and digital trading cards.

In December of 2021 the DQI and other groups partnered with eSmart Digital Licence+, a new Digital Intelligence capacity development program for teens in Australia and New Zealand, to insert the DQ philosophy onto select students.

This tripartite partnership demonstrates how like-minded international partners can work together and bring high quality digital literacy education programs to students. Powered by the DQ Global Standard, eSmart Digital Licence+ is a leading Digital Intelligence program with impact tracking based on the global benchmark.

Yuhyun Park said in a statement, reported by Yahoo

Global Internet Crackdown

While the WEF continues to promote the digital quotient – as can be seen in an article published yesterday, January 11th – nations and social media websites have begun to really crackdown on what people can and cannot say online.

The WEF, of course, is for this type of suppression, as can be evidenced by their “Press Freedom” panel calling for additional investments to be made in squashing smaller and independent outlets. And only a few months later the Forum also floated out the idea of merging artificial and human intelligence together to censor ‘misinformation’ and ‘hate speech,’ claiming that both parties on their own are not sufficient enough to mitigate what is posted online, but a symbiotic relationship between the two would be ideal to get rid of people and views they claim to be “dis-” and “misinformation.”

But the WEF are certainly not the only ones calling for and enacting internet censorship.

Authorities in Saudi Arabia are already using a Google app to track and spy on their own citizens who would dare to criticize the government, which could result in life sentences in prison. Meanwhile in Europe non-government organizations (NGOs) are urging residents to snitch on each other by reporting transgressor’s “digital violence” and hate speech via an app.

Last year The WinePress detailed a document published by New Zealand’s Kiwi Secret Service (NZSIS), urging citizens to tattle on those who they think are “terrorists” and disagree with the government; with the Director-General saying, “it could be the Covid measures that the Government took, or it could be other policies that are interpreted as infringing on rights and it’s a kind of what I describe as a hot mess of ideologies and beliefs fueled by conspiracy theories.”

More recently Australian federal police have publicly asked civilians to report on each other if they speak of “Anti-Government, Anti-Police, Or Covid Vaccine Conspiracy Theorists.” A day prior to that announcement, The WP reported on December 28th the Australian government talked about implementing a “Social Media Passport” To Crackdown On ‘Online Abuse’ And ‘Bad Behavior,’ a lukewarm social credit score and digital ID in order to actually gain access to certain certain and social media platforms.

Bearing all these moves in mind, and what the DQ Institute and WEF claims to stand for, it is not too far of a stretch for this to perhaps be implemented on a much broader scale than it currently is, and not just primarily for children.

Even if it is not the DQI, for the sake of argument, the company has certainly laid-out a solid framework for what a broader internet social credit score could operate as.

At the very least the DQ will serve as a platform to prime the youth to behave the WEF and other globalists what them to think and behave, and get them used to the idea of a social credit score.


Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad; and a gift destroyeth the heart.

Ecclesiastes 7:7

To my knowledge I don’t know if there is really anyone else talking about this, so I wanted to really shed some light on this, as I really think this is a dark horse that very few know about and understand, and what it could potentially evolve into, considering what we know about the WEF as is.

But this brainwashing is classic Nazi-fascism at its [not-so] finest.

In relation to the political decontamination of our public life, the government will embark upon a systematic campaign to restore the nation’s moral and material health. The whole educational system, theatre, film, literature, the press and broadcasting – all these will be used as a means to this end.

Adolf Hitler once said

Moreover, the DQI fits the bill for what fascism means and stands for at its core:

Fascism should rightly be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.

Benito Mussolini

The DQ Institute is precisely fascism: world governments colluding with multinational corporations dictating what children and the masses must think and do. Hitler would be crying tears of joy if he had access to this level of control and manipulation.

And as I pointed out, even though the marketing is mostly geared to children, the Young Global Leader and her Institute confesses that it can also be integrated for businesses and homes, which just screams of social credit scores to me. You must take into account that fact that DQI is following the 17 UN Sustainability Goals, so that means they will be pushing radical climate activism, no meat, more bugs; everything electric, embrace AI, digital everything; live in deep penury to elevate other nations (grand communism); the end of private ownership of everything; reduced travel; and on and on.

But let me know your thoughts on this in the comment section, and let’s try to get the word out about this wicked agenda.

And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable.

Isaiah 3:5

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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