Wednesday, January 4, 2023


#1 Serbia

Are you ready for another war in the Balkans?  Ethnic tensions have risen to the highest level in more than two decades, and the president of Serbia just convened an emergency gathering of his national security council

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić has met his national security council as tensions rise in Kosovo between the authorities there and ethnic Serbs.

On Saturday a stun grenade was thrown at EU police in north Kosovo, where Serbs form a majority, and local police exchanged fire with unknown groups.

Ethnic Serbs set up road blocks after Kosovan police were deployed in a dispute over car number plates.

Some in the region now believe that war is “inevitable”, and Kosovo is already asking NATO to step in and intervene

At a news conference in Kosovo’s capital Pristina on Sunday, Prime Minister Albin Kurti asked the Kosovo Force (KFOR), a NATO-led international peacekeeping force, to guarantee “freedom of movement,” as he accused “criminal gangs” of blocking roads.

A fragile peace has been preserved in Kosovo since it declared independence from Serbia in 2008 following the 1998-99 war in which NATO intervened to protect Kosovo’s Albanian majority. Serbia does not recognize Kosovo’s independence.

#2 The Disputed Border Between China And India

On Tuesday, we learned that there has been yet another violent clash along the hotly disputed border between China and India…

Soldiers from India and China clashed last week along their disputed border, India’s defense minister said Tuesday, in the latest violence along the contested frontier since June 2020, when troops from both countries were killed in a deadly brawl.

Rajnath Singh, who addressed lawmakers in parliament, said Friday’s encounter along the Tawang sector of eastern Arunachal Pradesh state started when Chinese troops “encroached into Indian territory” and “unilaterally tried to change the status quo” along the disputed border near Yangtze.

The Chinese just can’t seem to stop provoking India, and a full-blown conflict between the two nations could escalate out of control very rapidly.

Let us hope that does not happen, because both China and India possess nuclear weapons.

#3 Taiwan

For a long time, we have been warned that China will eventually invade Taiwan.

Unfortunately, tensions in the region just continue to escalate, and on Tuesday the Chinese sent more bombers into Taiwan’s air defense zone than ever before

China sent a record 18 nuclear-capable bombers into Taiwan’s air defence zone, Taipei said on Tuesday (Dec 13), just days after Beijing banned more Taiwanese imports in the latest sign of deteriorating ties.

Democratic Taiwan lives under the constant threat of invasion by China, which sees the self-ruled island as part of its territory to be seized one day.

#4 Iran

There will be a war between Iran and Israel.

Of course the IDF has already been regularly hitting Iranian-backed forces inside Syria on a regular basis, but we should be thankful that a full-blown war in which missiles are flying back and forth between the two nations hasn’t started yet.

Unfortunately, we are closer than ever to that point.  In fact, it is being reported that Israel is actually warning that it may bomb the airport in Beirut “if it determines that Iran is smuggling weapons on civilian planes”…

According to Israeli media reports, Israel has warned Lebanon that Israel Defense Forces could bomb Beirut’s airport if it determines that Iran is smuggling weapons on civilian planes destined for the terrorist group Hezbollah. The alleged weapons smuggling was reported by a London-based Arabic language newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, which quoted Israeli sources who said Israel issued the warning.

When a full-blown war between Iran and Israel finally starts, there will be no holding back by either side.

The death and destruction such a war will cause will shock the entire world, and the global oil trade will be thrown into a state of complete and utter chaos.

#5 Ukraine

The United States and Russia both continue to escalate the horrifying conflict in Ukraine.

Now that Russia is bombing the living daylights out of Ukraine’s power grid, the U.S. is choosing to respond by giving Patriot missiles systems to the Ukrainians

Pentagon officials are in the final stages of preparing a plan to send a Patriot air defense missile system to Ukraine to counter Russian aerial assaults, U.S. officials told CBS News.

The plan has not yet been approved by either the Pentagon or the White House, but that could come as early as this week.

This represents a major escalation, and it is also being reported that the Biden administration has given the Ukrainian government the green light to conduct drone strikes deep inside of Russia.

Needless to say, the Russians are not pleased at all about having to deal with drone strikes deep inside their own territory.  In fact, some prominent Russian voices are warning that the U.S. and Russia are getting dangerously close to the unthinkable.  The following comes from a British news source

Mad Vlad Putin’s henchmen have fired a warning shot that the Ukraine conflict could turn into a “full-scale nuclear war.”

They made the stark comments after the US gave the go-ahead for Kyiv to kick off drone strikes into Russia.

We don’t see such talk on U.S. television.

The Biden administration continues to assure all of us that the risk of nuclear war is extremely low, but the Russians see things very differently

One source in Putin’s circle said: “This is playing with fire, risking full-scale war which could easily go nuclear.”

Another added: “Who will now give Moscow the green light for strikes against Ukrainian decision-making centres?”

Most people never imagined that World War I would get as bad as it did.

And most people never imagined that World War II would result in tens of millions of deaths.

Now we have entered the early stages of a third world war, and this time the major participants are armed with nuclear weapons.

If we don’t pull back from the brink, the consequences could potentially be far beyond what most people could even imagine right now.

So let us pray for peace, because a global war in which hundreds of millions of people die is not an acceptable option.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun.

Parallels between ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Babylon

DescriptionOld BabylonNew Babylon
City NameBabylon/Babel – “Confusion of Languages” (literal translation)Babylon/Neom – “New Future” (literal translation)
StatusSeat ‘capital’ of Nimrod’s kingdomSeat ‘capital’ of Antichrist’s kingdom
ExistenceBuilt from the “ground up.” Was an entirely new city, not an existing city that was rebuilt from an old city, or previous city ruinsBuilt from the “ground up.” Will be an entirely new city, not an existing city that was rebuilt from an old city, or previous city ruins
Modern Day Country LocationModern day IraqModern day Saudi Arabia
LocationLand of ShinarLand of Midian Wilderness of Shur Wilderness of Sinai Wilderness of Sin
GeographyNortheast of Arabian DesertSouthwest of Arabian Desert
Known World LeaderNimrod – ‘To Rebel’ (literal translation) – spirit of iniquity – Satan’s first world dictatorAntichrist  – ‘False Christ’ – spirit of iniquity – Satan’s last world dictator
Empire/ Kingdom8 Cities – military strength10 Nation Confederacy – military strength
FinancePlundered wealth. Excess grain sales. Slave labor.$500 billion to come from investment sales $2 Trillion Sovereign Wealth Fund
Time to build cityForty years. Nimrod is estimated having ruled for forty years.Phase 1 – five years (2020-2025) Phase 2 – five years (2026-2030) =  10 years Phase 3 – five years (2031-2035) Phase 4 – five years (2036-2040) = 20 years Phase 5 – five years (2041-2045) Phase 6 – five years (2046-2050) = 30 years Total expected timeframe to build = 30 to 50 years (40 years avg.)
WorkforceSlaves from conquered cities (one tongue/language)Worldwide labor force out of peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues
ReligionMystery Religion Paganism Deification and worship of Nimrod Deification and worship of Semiramus Rejection of GodMystery Religion All of today’s “ism’s” – and more Deification and worship of Satan, beast/antichrist and beast’s image. Rejection of Jesus Christ
Spiritual WhoreSemiramis – Deified herself as “Queen of Heaven” – trained priests in mystery religion. Promoted the acceptance of mystery religion kingdom wide. Nimrod’s wife. Had the spirit of iniquity. Promoted worship and deification of her husband. Was a prostitute and a spiritual whore. Satan and Nimrod gave Semiramis her status as queen. Skilled at deception and lying. Obsessed with power. Outwardly physically beautiful and rich in appearance, inwardly spiritually dead and evil. Built false temples. Adored and loved by thousands in the kingdom. Plundered wealth went to build Babel and temples. Skilled at covering up her sins. Status (Dead). White throne judgement, lake of fire, second death.False Prophet – Deifies ‘Mary’ as “Queen of Heaven” – promotes the acceptance of mystery religion and politicized, false theology worldwide. Antichrist’s ‘right hand’ man. Will be given the spirit of iniquity. Will promote worship and deification of the Antichrist. Is a spiritual whore. Satan and Antichrist will give false prophet status and the power to perform deceiving miracles. Will be skilled at deception and lying. Obsessed with power and politics. Opulent and rich in appearance, inwardly spiritually dead and evil. Skilled at covering up past and present sins. Built false temple and throne. Known, adored and loved by millions around the world. $Billions in accumulated wealth plundered over the centuries, used to build, maintain and expand the temple and serve the priesthood.
Judgement of Spiritual WhoreWhite throne judgement at the resurrection of the evil dead, end of the millennial reign of Christ.  Lake of fire (second death).Day of the Lord judgement when Christ returns at this second coming. Thrown into lake of fire (second death), along with the Antichrist.
Spread of Mystery ReligionMystery religion dispersed throughout the world from old city, along with languages and nations.Mystery religion (all false religions) practiced worldwide and concentrated in new city. A melting pot of spiritual fornication. Boiling bowl of blasphemies from the bottomless black BBQ pit. Ten nation confederacy carries and enforces mystery religion around the world.
God’s Judgement on CityCity and Babel Tower construction stopped due to confusion of languages.Construction of city stopped – destroyed in one hour – split into three parts – cataclysmic earthquake from the Christ’s second coming (Great Day of the Lord).
God’s Judgement of NationsPeople dispersed into nations – borders and sovereignty designated by God.Sheep/Goat judgement of nations – remaining country borders / sovereignty realigned by Jesus Christ at beginning of his millennial reign.
Advanced TechnologyWheel, chariot, tablet writing, government, weaponry, bronze metalsmithing, warfare sciences, advanced manufacturing, biotechnology, artificial intelligence (A.I.), renewable energy, mobility – hyper-loop, e-government, genetics, internet air, human advancement, robotics, media.
EpochSymbolic with the “beginning” of modern civilization, post-flood. Many languages, peoples, nations leave Babylon/Babel.Symbolic with the “ending” of modern civilization, post-flood. Many languages, peoples, nations accepted in Babylon/NEOM.

The parallels between old Babylon and new Babylon (NEOM) are staggering. It is difficult to suggest that the new is not mirroring the old. Just as Nimrod wanted to glorify himself with the accomplishment of his city and his tower of antiquity, mankind today wants to repeat this attempt at glorifying itself in yet another spectacular, technological marvel or great city built from the ground up in the desert. Nowhere in the vison of NEOM Babylon, is Christ even remotely hinted at. It is not a city that will be built on Christian morals, principles or faith. It will be a city built on everything else at its foundation, other than with Christ. It will not be “one nation or city under God” (as was the custom to say at one time in the United States pledge of allegiance). I was at two high school commencement ceremonies recently and the Pledge of Allegiance was ominously omitted at the start of each commencement. At its peak, the people of NEOM Babylon will be glad to rid themselves of Christians, Christian influence, principles and worship. The Bible is crystal clear when it says that these people living in Babylon NEOM Future are completely vexed and ‘tormented’ by Christian testimony from God’s two supernatural prophets during the first 3 ½ years of the Tribulation. (Rev. 11:1-12).

…”And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts to one another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwell on the earth.” (Rev. 11:7-10). (Emphasis added).

The word of God, in the above verses, does not sound like a resounding endorsement and acceptance of Jesus Christ (or Christianity) by the world or the people of Babylon Future (NEOM). These people want absolutely nothing to do with Christ, God, the gospel or Christian witnessing. They are offended, vexed or tormented by Christian influence and witnessing. The concept of the gospel of Jesus Christ gets under their skin and is annoying to them. It irritates them and makes them angry and uncomfortable. It challenges what they hold dear to their hearts and for many, it challenges what they grew up with. False religions are engrained in many cultures. The two prophets are eventually killed (after 3 ½ years) by the beast, for their witnessing of Jesus Christ and the gospel of salvation. People at this time will be ‘torqued up’ and hateful for having to listen to these two Christian prophets from God for 3 ½ years! They also so despise Christ and the gospel, and the two prophets, that they refuse “suffer not” (make no effort) to bury them after the beast is allowed to kill them. To not bury someone, is the ultimate insult to them. The bible indicates that these two men’s bodies are allowed to lay and rot in the street for 3 ½ days. Why? Not only for insult, but for gloating. The whole world sees these two “powerful witnesses” of God, dead and rotting at the beast’s doing. They gloat and make merry at seeing those two dead who vexed them sorely. The evil people of Babylon NEOM Future, and the world, will buy each other gifts in celebration of the death of the Christian witnesses and their 3 ½ year testimony of Christ and the gospel. Does this sound like the acceptance of the Christian faith in NEOM Babylon, at some point future as promised by today’s marketing pitch? Of course it doesn’t.  NEOM Babylon is presently being pitched and marketed today as a welcoming city for ALL faiths. This will not be the case once the Tribulation period starts. As the future unfolds and Christian witnessing comes under greater and greater persecution, it is easy to see and understand how increasing hate towards the gospel will come to pass, not only worldwide, but in Babylon NEOM Future. Underline this in your book.

Does this sound like the Middle East region today, as a whole? Of course it does. In addition to hating the Jews and vowing to erase them from the earth, radical Islamic countries throughout the entire region (including Africa) are persecuting and killing Christian minorities like never before. The worldwide media does NOT report any organized or intended mass killings or persecutions of Buddhists, Shintoists, Gai’ists, Atheists, Satanists, Hindus, Paganists, et al. When terrorist groups have nothing better to do or are tired of making kite bombs, they target Christians and the Jews. Is this a coincidence? Why does Satan so violently hate Christians and Jews? You should know the answer to this question.

NEOM Babylon is all about mankind’s self-government, technological marvels, luxurious living in a new desert Eden. Virtually unlimited investment funds are available. All faiths and religions (idol worship, false doctrines) will be accepted until the mid-point of the Tribulation. People of the Christian faith will ultimately be persecuted (martyred/beheaded) for their witness and acceptance of Christ. So many verses in Revelation attest to the martyrdom of Christians during the Tribulation, who are known as the Tribulation Saints. Once the beast/antichrist and false prophet come on the world scene and start their deception, the policy in NEOM Babylon will be to persecute the Christian minority. The beast/antichrist will positively, absolutely NOT allow or tolerate worship of Jesus Christ in the capital of his kingdom. All other false religions and blasphemous doctrines will not only be allowed in NEOM Babylon, but encouraged (for the first 3 ½ years). All other religious doctrines will be gladly accepted in this city, since they are all part and parcel of the beast’s Mystery Religion Babylon that blaspheme God and Jesus Christ. Given the current marketing pitch from NEOM Babylon, all these various false religious doctrines of men will be accepted under the banner of ‘peaceful coexistence’ because they all coalesce together in the form of a mysterious evil soup of denying Christ, God and the gospel. There is no other way of saying this. True Christians will inherently understand this accordingly.

… “So Moses brought Israel from the Red sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water.” (Exodus 15:22). (Emphasis added). The wilderness of Shur is where construction of NEOM Babylon will commence. It is a flat, dry, sunny and waterless plain that can be easily built upon. It is a scenic area that sits between the Midian Mountains and the Red Sea. This land was promised to the Israelites in antiquity, by God. It will be trampled by the Gentiles and have their Babylon NEOM temple built upon it.

Saudi plans world record 2km tall tower, Five $5bn project twice as high as Burj Khalifa. ‘The World’s Tallest PYRAMID or TOWER OF BABEL.’ (7) “There is NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN.” Nimrod – Pharaoh – Man by Satan ‘MbS.’ All-The-Same.

 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matt. 24:9-14). SIX ‘6’ verses.

Seven (7) verses of the evil Beast / Antichrist (6) who martyrs the Christian Saints, during the coming seven (7) year Tribulation and Great Tribulation:

Matthew 24:9  Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.

Daniel 7:21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;

Revelation 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Revelation 16:6 For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.

Revelation 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

Revelation 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.

Revelation 6:9 And when he had opened the fifth (5) seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

Commentary; This verse specifically identifies the ‘Tribulation Saints.’ These are the people who became Christians during the tribulation and DID NOT worship the beast, or his image, or take his ‘mark, number or name.’ As a result of defying the Beast / Antichrist’s authority and NOT worshiping him, they are beheaded. They lose their necks, but gain eternity with Christ. Saudi Arabia is the ONLY country in the world that uses beheading for corporal punishment and is used against people for proselytizing against Islam. Islam, ‘those who worship the dragon and the beast.’

10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

Seven-fold Acknowledgement of the Tribulation Saints (Martyrs):

  1. … “And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.“ (Rev. 6:9-11). (Emphasis added).
  2. … “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death.“ (Rev. 12:11). (Emphasis added).
  3. … “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” (Rev. 13:15). (Emphasis added).
  4. … “ Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of JesusAnd I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.” (Rev. 14:12-13). (Emphasis added).
  5. … “And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, having the harps of God.“ (Rev. 15:2). (Emphasis added).
  6. … “For true and righteous are his judgements: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.“  (Rev. 19:2). (Emphasis added).
  7. … “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgement was given unto them: and I saw souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.“ (Rev. 20:4). (Emphasis added).

Commentary: The Bible makes it abundantly clear that the Tribulation Saints are those people that become Christians during the period of the Antichrist’s reign on earth, over the seven (7) year period. How do they become Saints in the eyes of Christ? They believe in and accept Christ as their Savior and for the forgiveness of their sins. They do NOT take the mark of the beast or the antichrist. They do NOT worship the beast/antichrist. They do NOT worship his image. They DO witness to the word of God and Jesus. They ARE martryed by beheading for believing in Jesus and witnessing for Him. They DO share in many of blessings and rewards that are also awarded to Christians from the Church Age (at the Rapture/Harpazo and Bema Seat Judgement). There is a very clear distinction between Christians redeemed by Christ prior to the Tribulation period, and those Christians redeemed during the Tribulation period. It is clear that they have to come to a saving grace knowledge of Jesus Christ, withstood the best efforts of Satan/Antichrist/False Prophet to thwart their salvation, and are beheaded for their belief and witnessing in Jesus Christ.

China’s political biometric ID surveillance grows in scope and tech. Some groups, looking at the biometric identification and surveillance as well as the re-education camps, and see a genocide. ‘And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them.’

Dec 19, 2022, 4:49 pm EST | Jim Nash Biometric Update

A surveillance systems company unfamiliar outside its native China is coming into view as Beijing pushes biometrics recognition into more areas of the country.

Mass DNA collections are also underway, targeting oppressed Uyghur and Tibetan minorities in China.

Researchers at the University of Toronto have published a lengthy report about compulsory biometric identifiers being increasingly used for identification and surveillance of Uyghurs in China’s remote and sparsely populated northwest region.

Super Red, also known as the Beijing Wanlihong Technology, makes iris scanning and data-protection software. It claims total assets of 13.5 billion yuan and revenue over 10 billion (US$1.43 billion), and connections to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is part of the central government and Communist Party.

Public records indicate that Super Red has been contracted by 19 Qinghai municipalities for biometrics programs. It reportedly also has built at least 20 province-level iris databases.

According to the report, 1.2 million to 1.5 million eye scans were completed in Qinghai Province between March 2019 and July 2022.

The university researchers have based their conclusions in part on 53 public documents that they say provide insight into the scale of an iris biometrics project that has received little attention.

They claim that 21 percent to 26 percent of Qinghai’s 5.9 million residents have submitted to iris scanning.

It is unlikely that many of those scans will be used to unlock a phone.

Qinghai abuts Xinjiang, an autonomous region that has been an enormous testbed for AI surveillance systems and has received global news coverage. Both are dominated by Uyghurs.

Beijing identifies Muslims as categorically dangerous to the political stability that China’s core Han ethnic group tenaciously tries to impose nationwide. In the last decade, the government has funded advancements in facial recognition software and camera and network hardware.

The result is an international market for Chinese biometric surveillance systems, but also a density of equipment in Xinjiang that is likely second to none around the world. It is used to identify and imprison Uyghurs and others who worry the state in re-education camps.

DNA roundups are occurring, too.

A large group of legislators from around the global are advocating for a halt to commercial activities among companies that are participating in the deployment, use and management of DNA biometric screening systems in “the Uyghur region, Tibet and elsewhere” in China.

And 2023 portends even more hellish lasciviousness. This, while at the same time the globalist-cabal—the demonic and human powers and principalities described in Ephesians 6: 12—make plans in the New Year’s first month to bring on Antichrist’s rule as quickly as possible.

 Karl Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) seems at the moment to be the primary force in this accelerated effort to bring about a one-world government. January 16, 2023, the WEF will meet to deal with the following agenda items to create systems of control, according to reports. This is the nucleus of their much-ballyhooed “Reset.”


A new system to deal with energy and food crisis.

A new system to deal with high inflation, low growth and high economy.

A new system based on the use of technology.

A new system to deal with social issues.

A new system to deal with dialogue and cooperation in multi polar world

The satanic powers are in a race to have everything in order when the real Reset takes place. The demonic minions among them, at least, understand that the real Reset will be the one God interjects into this world. They believe in the Rapture, because they know God cannot lie. They just don’t know when it will happen (it will be cataclysmic for the world of rebels, but not for Christians).

 You and I are in an even more profound race of destiny. The race God has chosen for us to run is all-important within His eternal knowledge. We are to run it all out and give all we can to God’s great calling in our lives–individually and collectively as His Church.

 Paul the apostle informs about his own race, which he carried out spectacularly to the very end of his life and until his beginning at home in Heaven:

 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13–14)

 Let us run this race in which we’ve been placed for this time at the very end of this Church Age. Like Paul heard, we want to hear what the Lord said will be His words for us when we finish this race to the best of our ability:

 …Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. (Matthew 25:21–22)

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Gog and Magog- “nations”

  Prophetic Context:  The Battle of Gog and Magog is described in the book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), specifically in c...