Friday, September 29, 2023

Biblical stewardship in the workplace m


The Skill of Stewardship

So what is stewardship anyway and why does it matter? A steward is a servant set with the charge to manage, invest, and care for the property of someone else, usually a powerful master. A steward doesn’t come up with the raw materials for himself; he simply receives the raw materials he’s given and begins to work with them and invest them in order to maximize the potential of what he’s given. This is done not ultimately for himself but for the benefit of the property and asset owner.

This is what Jesus teaches us in Matthew 25:14-30. Here we see a master who is going to leave for a long journey. Before he leaves he entrusts his property in varying amounts to three servants (stewards). After the delegation takes place, the master takes his journey and the servants begin to work. Two of them diligently invest and trade what was given them while the other takes the easy road and buries it for safe keeping until the return of the master.

When the master returns we see him blessing the servants who stewarded well what was given to them, while we see him cursing the servant who was lazy, took the easy route, and made excuses for not diligently working to achieve the success of his master. We also see in the text that those stewards who strove for the success of their master also received success for themselves, but the servant who only strove for himself and his own skin lost all success.

The amazing reality is, all good stewards are greatly rewarded. The biblical character of Joseph is a great example of this truth. No matter what situation Joseph found himself in or what position he was given, he served well, made his master successful and in return was greatly rewarded. He was a master steward and God used him to impact the known world at the time.

“God rewards those who faithfully steward what He has entrusted to them.” – Tim Challies

So, what has God entrusted us with? What has He given us to steward? The answer is: everything we have. This includes both the tangible and intangible aspects of ourselves and our possessions. It includes our physical body, our mind and intellect, our willpower and volition, our heart and emotions, and our spiritual being, our soul and spirit. In other words, your whole self, all that you are and have.

How to Become a Good Steward

The truth is, all Jesus-followers are already stewards. We simply have to accept the truth and embrace our calling. Our purpose, our vision, our mission, our calling is all wrapped up in being good stewards of what God has given us. As the New City Catechism says, “Our only hope in life and death is that we are not our own but belong God.” This is why stewardship is such a great paradigm for understanding our lives as Christians because it harks of being given something rather than creating, designing or taking something for ourselves.

The question is not whether you are a steward but whether you are a good steward or a bad one. Becoming a good steward happens in two steps: 1) accept the truth that you are not your own but belong to God, and 2) take biblical responsibility to properly use the energy, time, gifts, abilities, and possessions the Master has given you to steward.

Let’s explore these two steps in more detail.

  1. The first step to becoming a good steward is to accept the truth that “we are not our own but belong to God.”

We must relinquish control. Too often we try to control everything. We try to be the masters of our own destiny by creating our own vision for life rather than discovering and owning the vision Jesus has for us. We try to design our own lives and create our own realities. We try to be the hero of our own story.

But the truth is, Jesus is the hero of our story.He has a vision and destiny for our lives. He is the big “D” designer of our existence and we are called to live in His design, ensuring that any little “d” designing we do is under His authority and held with open hands for His influence and control.

Jesus said, “If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.”¹

But Jesus doesn’t just command us to die. He follows up His commandment of self-denial and cross-bearing with the statement that “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me will save it.”²

Although the call of self-denial and cross-bearing is tough and ultimately impossible for us to do without the Spirit’s indwelling power, the reward found in Jesus and in the eternal life He gives us is incomparable. Jesus says true life is on the other side of death. Not only in the ultimate eternal sense, but also in the immediate current sense.

Jesus doesn’t call us to death for the sake of death but for the sake of life. Even in His own death it was for the “joy that was set before Him.”³ It was not some morbid mission to simply die for the sake of dying.

Jesus is telling us that if we will deny ourselves, die to pursuing life and success in the way we see it and the world around us sees it, then we will be able to experience rebirth, true life, life as it’s supposed to be lived, life as stewards. Stewards pursuing a version of life and success the way Jesus sees it.

Jesus offers us this first step to becoming good stewards and the the biblical alternative to being the hero of our own story. It’s counterintuitive to our natural way of thinking, but it is a vital truth for us to embrace as we pursue a biblical and practical life of living like Jesus. The question is, will we accept it?’’

  1. The second step to becoming a good steward is to “take biblical responsibility to properly use the energy, time, gifts, abilities, and possessions the Master has given you to steward.”

Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified” (1 Corinthians 9:25-27).

Good stewardship is like an art form. It’s skillful and it’s beautiful. The Art of Stewardship is the strategy, tactics and methods of living life as a steward. It’s life absolutely surrendered to an Almighty Creator God while simultaneously taking responsibility for those things He’s called you to take responsibility for. This is living life in the framework and design of a magnificent, majestic and brilliant Creator. It is in this way that we operate as little “d” designers, as little “c” creators, as little “m” masters without usurping God’s place of big “D”, big “C” and big “M” in our lives. This is the skill and art of stewardship.

This is the remarkable reality about the way God has designed and crafted this whole thing to work. In His impressive creation, we become imitators of Him in how we plan, design and master ourselves and our lives as we seek to be good stewards. Herein lies the beauty of godly stewardship: taking a steward position allows us to live in the design, vision and destiny Jesus has for us while taking the responsibility He calls us to take over the things He has given us to invest in, care for and cultivate, planning and designing our days and lives as little “designers” and little “creators” under His ultimate authority and will. This is the secret to the art of stewardship, which really isn’t a secret at all because it’s exactly what Jesus and the rest of Scripture teaches us.

He calls us to deny ourselves (aka, put our agenda for our lives to death, exchange our advancement for His advancement, and surrender our authority over our lives and accept His authority). But He doesn’t just leave it there. He calls us to join in the work with Him as He proves and prunes us, refines and sharpens.God doesn’t call us to “let go and let God.” He doesn’t tell us to be spiritual couch potatoes. He calls us to action. He calls us to build our faith stronger with specific qualities (2 Peter 1) and to be imitators of Him. (Ephesians 5:1)

“Apart from grace-driven effort, people do not gravitate toward godliness, prayer, obedience to Scripture, faith, and delight in the Lord. We cherish the indiscipline of lost self-control and call it relaxation.” – D.A. Carson

Apart from grace-engineered, grace-promoted and grace-powered responsibility and effort in stewardship, the believer is left disillusioned that God didn’t do what He said He’d do. But the truth is God will rarely do what He has called us to do. Sure, there are always exceptions, we call those miracles. However, in the normative created order of things, God has called us and given us the indwelling Spirit of Christ and the ability to respond to Him in a grace-empowered way to obey and achieve what He has given us to do. This is the heart of all stewardship.

A quick recap:

Stewardship is built on two big ideas.

  1. We are not our own but belong to God – everything we are and have is a gift from God to be used wisely and intentionally.
  2. We are called to take biblical responsibility to properly use the energy, time, gifts, abilities, and possessions the Master has given us to steward.

A Call to Action

Our first stewardship responsibility begins with godly Self-Stewardship. Once we accept our position as the Master’s stewards, fully seeing ourselves as belonging to God, set apart for His mission and purposes in the world, then we can begin to properly steward all the responsibilities he gives us. This begins with what I call “self-stewardship,”, the biblical alternative to the world’s improper view of self-love. If you’re ready to take this incredible journey as a steward, join me in part 2 of this series where I write about exercising this important aspect of life.

God has given you a tremendous amount of capital to steward well for His Kingdom. Let’s commit to godly Stewardship for the glory of God and the good of others.

In the Bible, stewardship is the inherent standard to which God calls leaders—whether we're leading a country, business, church committee, community organization, pack of Cub Scouts, our family, or ourselves. Paul's exhortation to Timothy on the topic of leadership selection for the early church is applicable to leaders in all these areas.

Contrary to popular understanding, the opposite of a leader is not a follower. It is a passive spectator—someone who waits for others to take responsibility. Rather than stepping forward, a nonleader steps back. Leaders don't wait for someone to tell them what to do. Leaders take the initiative and responsibility to be a faithful steward in God's Kingdom in both public and private life.

In Greco-Roman culture a household [oikos] was not just a family group or dwelling but the basic economic unit of the community, and it included everyone who lived in or worked at the house or estate. An oikos included immediate and extended family members, slaves, hired servants, skilled workers of various sorts, teachers, and tutors. The influence of an oikos extended into the community to those who did business with the household. And if a church happened to meet in a house, the influence of the oikos extended to the members of the house church and each of their oikoi too.

The Greek word for stewardship, oikonomia, is a compound of two words: oikos, household, and nomos, which means law or rule. In ancient culture, the words used together meant the administration or management of a household. (We get our English word economy from this compound word.) The translators of the King James Bible used the English word steward to translate oikonomos. The New International Version uses more modern terms, such as manager, management, administering, those entrusted with, and those being given a trust. But none of these English words capture the rich picture of leadership, authority, and accountability that the original Greek words portray.

An oikonomos, or steward, was indeed the “ruler of the house,” but he was not the ultimate ruler. In fact, in New Testament times the steward was almost always a slave to the head of the house. Although he was a slave, he was second in command, entrusted to manage the family and affairs. He was in authority as well as under authority. But—and this is the point of this Greek lesson—the authority granted to him was never to be used for his own self-interest. He was to use it to advance the interests of the master to whom he was accountable.

Looking at leadership through the lens of stewardship—authority over people and accountability before God—is the key to understanding what it means to lead from a biblical perspective.

The essence of stewardship implies a two-party proposition. One person owns the resources and the other person is entrusted with the resources. By definition, a steward is accountable to his master for how resources are invested. So how does this apply to us today? Since God owns all things, he is the Master; he distributes gifts and resources at his discretion. We are stewards, accountable to him for all that we do with all that we are given.

Thoughts for reflection and discussion:

  1. Get the Master's instructions. If we are responsible to God as our Master, then learning his desires is one of the steward's chief responsibilities. Making decisions that honor him, as good stewarship demands, means knowing his likes, dislikes, vision, and values.
  2. Do you know what God expects of you in each area of your life?

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might” (Eccles: 9:10). The wisest of men uses these words of counsel regarding stewardship in every aspect of life.

When asked to comment on Christian stewardship, many confine their thoughts to the Christian’s fiscal responsibility. Although money is certainly an important aspect of stewardship, to limit it to money alone is much too narrow.

Heart Locked in Cage

Image © Krieg Barrie from

In organizational theory stewardship refers to management’s responsibility to develop and utilize properly all available resources.

In the church, what are the resources with which God has blessed us? Peter clearly states that every person has gifts endowed by the Creator; and he refers to such endowed Christians as a “holy priesthood” (1 Pet: 2:5) with responsibility to God for their stewardship of all of God’s gifts: money, time, energy, talent, and others.

Read Ecclesiastes 9:10 and 1 Corinthians 10:31. What is the message to us in these verses about how we should work and how we should educate people to work?

One of the common pitfalls of life today is the tendency to compartmentalize the different aspects of living. There is one’s work life, one’s family life, one’s spiritual life, and even one’s leisure life. The tendency to separate these areas of life so there is little or no crossover between and among them is to be desired in some instances. For example, it is not good to bring home one’s work so that it interferes with family responsibilities. Neither should the pursuit of leisure curtail the time we spend with God.

However, such restriction should not apply to the role our spiritual life must play in all of our existence. The Christian’s work grows out of fellowship and work with God. Work is one way by which we can practice the presence of God. To compartmentalize our religious life, to limit God to one day, one hour, or even just one area of living, is to reject the very presence of God in these other areas.

Biblical skills in business

 This list is not exhaustive, but here are some key character qualities and basic life skills to aim at in your own life and with your children:

  • Genuine conversion to Christ (not just a “decision,” but a heart changed by God)
  • God-focused life (glorify and please God, not be a people-pleaser)
  • Trust in God (Prayer in everything)
  • Knowledge of God’s Word (a biblical thinker, discerning)

*A consistent quiet time, including Scripture memory

*A knowledge of basic biblical doctrines

  • A heart for the lost (locally & globally)

*Ability to share the gospel

*Knowledge of, prayer for, and giving to missions

*Love (for God & others)

*Joy (cheerful spirit, ability to handle trials)

*Peace (not a worrier)

*Patience (control of anger, frustration)

*Kindness (compassionate, sensitive to others, especially the hurting)

*Goodness (thinking of others’ needs, not mean toward the disadvantaged)

*Faithfulness (keeps word, follows through on assignments)

*Gentleness (not rude, overbearing)

*Self-control (disciplined, goal-oriented)

  • Humility
  • Self-denial (thinking of God & others ahead of self)
  • A good listener
  • Obedience to God and to proper authority
  • Moral purity (God’s view of sex, moral standards; avoids porn and evil media)
  • Alert to spiritual danger (guarding thought life, entertainment, etc.)
  • Truthful, honest
  • Thankfulness, gratitude
  • Forgiving (not bitter, not holding grudges)
  • Responsible (loyal, keeps word)
  • Courage (to stand alone for convictions)
  • Perseverance, endurance (doesn’t quit easily)
  • Orderliness
  • Initiative, industrious (knows how to work)
  • Decisiveness
  • Flexibility (able to adjust cheerfully to different people & situations)
  • Relationally warm (chooses friends wisely)
  • Hospitable, friendly

*Makes others feel welcome & comfortable

*Polite, has good manners

*Knows how to make introductions

*Smiles and maintains eye contact with others

*Anticipates and meets others’ needs

*Expresses gratitude

*A good sense of humor

  • Faithful steward of God’s resources:

*Generous (not greedy)

*Faithful in giving

*Good financial management

*Respect for property

*Knows how to balance checkbook, budget, save, invest, and spend wisely

  • Faithful steward of time


*Can set and achieve goals

*Balances work and leisure time

  • Faithful steward of body

*Dresses appropriately (for situation) and modestly

*Maintains proper grooming, care of clothes, etc.

*Knows and follows proper nutrition

*Maintains appropriate weight, exercise, sleep

*Knows how to cook basic meals

  • Other life skills:

*Housecleaning, laundry

*Wise shopper (sales, bargains, etc.)

*Ability to drive carefully, maintain car

*Ability to read well

*Ability to use computer, smart phone, other technology

Franklin Covey Notes- 7 habits


The Rise of Event Data Analytics

Gone are the days when event success was measured solely by attendance numbers and guest satisfaction surveys. Today, event planners have access to a wealth of data that can be harnessed to make more informed decisions. From ticket sales and social media engagement to attendee demographics and feedback, the data generated before, during, and after an event provides valuable insights that can shape the entire event lifecycle.

One of the primary drivers behind the rise of event data analytics is the increasing digitization of events. With virtual and hybrid events, there is an even greater opportunity to gather data at every touchpoint. Each click, comment, and interaction can be tracked, offering a comprehensive view of attendee behavior and preferences. This wealth of data can be harnessed to create more engaging and tailored experiences for attendees.

Understanding Your Audience

At the heart of event data analytics is the quest to understand your audience on a deeper level. Who are your attendees? What are their interests, preferences, and pain points? By analyzing data on attendee demographics, registration information, and previous interactions with your brand, you can create attendee personas that serve as a foundation for event planning.

Furthermore, event data analytics can help you identify trends and patterns in attendee behavior. Are certain sessions more popular than others? Do attendees tend to drop off at a particular point in a virtual event? Armed with this knowledge, you can fine-tune your event agenda and content to better cater to your audience's needs and interests.

Optimizing the Event Experience

Event data analytics is not limited to understanding your audience; it also extends to optimizing the event experience itself. For in-person events, data can be used to monitor crowd flow, track session attendance, and even adjust temperature and lighting conditions based on attendee comfort. In virtual events, real-time analytics can help you identify technical issues and address them promptly, ensuring a seamless online experience.

Personalization is another key area where event data analytics shines. By leveraging attendee data, you can tailor event communications, recommend relevant sessions, and even offer personalized post-event content. This not only enhances the attendee experience but also fosters a stronger connection between your audience and your brand.

team analyzing event data improve their overall marketing strategy and boost the effectiveness of future events.

Measuring ROI and Future Planning

No successful event is complete without a robust post-event analysis. Event data analytics enables you to measure the return on investment (ROI) for your event by tracking metrics such as ticket sales, leads generated, and attendee engagement. This information is invaluable for demonstrating the impact of your event to stakeholders and sponsors.

Moreover, event data can guide your future event planning efforts. By identifying what worked well and what could be improved, you can refine your event strategy for future iterations. This iterative approach based on data-driven insights ensures that each event is better than the last, fostering long-term success.

Ethical Considerations

As we harness the power of event data analytics, it is essential to address the ethical considerations surrounding data collection and privacy. Attendees' data must be handled responsibly and in compliance with relevant regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA. Transparent data policies and consent mechanisms should be in place to protect attendees' rights and build trust.

In Conclusion

In the ever-evolving landscape of event management, data is the compass that guides us towards success. Event data analyticsempowers organizers to understand their audience, optimize the event experience, measure ROI, and plan for the future. It's a journey that requires a commitment to data-driven decision-making, ethical data handling, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. As we continue to unlock the potential of event data analytics, we can look forward to creating more memorable and impactful events that leave a lasting impression on attendees and stakeholders alike.

As leaders develop the skills of effective, principle-based leadership, they:

  • Create shared vision and strategy — and communicate those ideas so powerfully that others join them on their journey.
  • Focus everyone on a common goal and ignite each person’s intelligence to achieve it together.
  • Build high-trust, inclusive teams.

RESULT: Team members change their behavior in ways that improve business results and transform your organization’s culture.

'Habits' Defined

A habit is the intersection of knowledge, skill, and desire:

  • Knowledge is the theoretical paradigm, the what to do and the why.
  • Skill is the how to do.
  • Desire is the motivation, the want to do.

Knowing you need to listen and knowing how to listen are not enough. Unless you want to listen, it won't become a habit. Creating a habit requires work in all three dimensions. By working on knowledge, skills, and desire, we can break through to new levels of personal and interpersonal effectiveness as we break from old paradigms. 

Paradigms are powerful because they create the lens through which we see the world... If you want small changes in your life, work on your attitude. But if you want big and primary changes, work on your paradigm. - Dr. Stephen R. Covey

Habit 1: Be Proactive®

Being proactive means more than taking initiative. It means we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. 

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind® 

To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. You need to know where you are going in order to better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction. 

Habit 3: Put First Things First® 

Habit 3 is the practical fulfillment of Habits 1 and 2. Habit 1 says, "You are the creator. You are in charge." Habit 2 is the first mental creation, based on imagination, the ability to envision what you can become. Habit 3 is the second creation, the physical creation. It's the exercise of independent will toward becoming principle-centered.

Habit 4: Think Win-Win®

Win/Win is not a technique; it's a total philosophy. This frame of mind and heart constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. It's not your way or my way; it's a better way, a higher way.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood®

Seek first to understand involves a deep shift in paradigm. We typically seek first to be understood. Instead, most people listen to the reply. They're either speaking or preparing to speak. 

Habit 6: Synergize®

Synergy is the highest activity in all life - the true test and manifestation of all the other habits combined. Synergy catalyzes, unifies, and unleashes the greatest powers within people. Simply defined, synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw®

Habit 7 is about taking time for self-renewal. It makes all of the other Habits possible. When you sharpen the saw, you preserve and enhance the greatest asset you have - yourself. 

Tradition(s) of Men

  The word "tradition" comes from two Latin words: "trans,"        (over), and "dare," (to give) and mea...